How to weld a pipe under the light. How to cook a ceiling seam. General safety advice. Welding technology. The root of the seam, filling the groove and the front layer. Morphemic analysis of the word boiled

- When choosing celery should pay attention to the color and structure of the green mass. Fresh celery has light green stalks with a sheen. Darker-colored stems are rougher in taste, but they contain more vitamin A. You should be especially careful with yellowish and sluggish-looking celery with dark veins. It is better to refuse such a plant, since the process of decay has already begun in it.

Celery stalks rich vitamin A (healthy vision and immunity), vitamin B (nervous system function and energy metabolism at the cellular level), potassium (brain function and correction of allergic reactions), zinc (skin cell renewal). Fresh celery juice has a tonic effect on the body.

Celery often use in various diets. With regular use in food, this plant helps to lose weight, while maintaining the vitality of the body. It is especially useful to follow a celery diet for people with thyroid diseases, those suffering from high blood pressure, allergies, colds, and in general to increase the body's immune system.

Celery - low-calorie plant. 100 grams of stems contain only 13 kilocalories.

In September-October, celery is very cheap due to the season, you can buy more of it and prepare it

Scheme of parsing the composition of boiled:


Parsing words by composition.

Conjugation of the word "boiled":

Connecting vowel: missing

Postfix : missing

Morphemes - parts of the word boiled


A detailed analysis of the word boiled by composition. Word root, prefix, suffix and word ending. Morphemic analysis of the word boiled, its scheme and parts of the word (morphemes).

  • Morpheme scheme: var/en/th
  • Word structure by morphemes: root / suffix / ending
  • Scheme (construction) of the word boiled in composition: root var + suffix en + ending й
  • List of morphemes in the word boiled:
    • var - root
    • en - suffix
    • th - ending
  • Types of morphemes and their number in the word boiled:
    • prefix: missing - 0
    • root: var - 1
    • connecting vowel: missing - 0
    • cyffix: en - 1
    • postfix: missing - 0
    • end: th - 1

Total morphemes in the word: 3.

Derivational analysis of the word boiled

  • Base word: waren;
  • Derivational affixes: prefix missing, suffix en, postfix missing;
  • Word formation: ○ suffix;
  • Way of education: derivative, as it is formed in 1 (one) way.

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Morphemic analysis of the word boiled

Morphemic parsing of a word is usually called the parsing of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic parsing of the word boiled is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and the order of parsing.

Let's do the morpheme parsing correctly, and for this we just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of a word is the first step;
  • the second - we highlight the ending: for changeable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (germs, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, service parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next, look for the base. This is the easiest part, because to determine the base, you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for boiled (they are also called single-root), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes by selecting other words that are formed in the same way.

How do you see, morphemic parsing is done simply. Now let's define the main morphemes of the word and analyze it.

* Morphemic parsing of a word (word parsing by composition) - search root , prefixes , suffix , graduation and word bases The parsing of the word by composition on the site is made according to the dictionary of morphemic parsing.

Now about the rules for welding the root.

Violating at least one of them, you can not count on a clean quality root.

Dullness 2mm(better a little - a little more than less).

There should be no wind, draft in the pipe(even a light breeze is a pore).

Standing is very afraid of water, the electrodes are dried(the pipe is also warm, dry).

Welding current should not be large(breaks the structure of the metal and pores).

Short arc(lightly touch the weld pool with the coating, very lightly).

Correct clearance(depending on thicknesswall of the pipe and the metal from which the pipe).

Cooking coil.

In order not to repeat, read the article: HOW TO WELD A CLEAN JOINT IN THE CLEARANCE. We prepared the coil, set the gap to 2.6 mm (with a padded electrode). We tack, preferably tacks 15mm long. Pipe 219. Wall thickness 8mm. This is the easiest pipe to study.

We begin to cook the root.

It's better to learn from the turn. Cook the vertical, at first it is the simplest. Sit comfortably, the electrode is perpendicular to the pipe and the electrode is directed to the axis of the pipe or slightly raised up. Pulling up is even better.

They lit the arc, the current is correct, (read: HOW TO WELD A CLEAN JOINT INTO THE CLEARANCE) a short arc, melt the dullness and you will get the beginning of a weld between the pipes. We cook slowly, carefully, THE CURRENT IS SMALL, THE METAL IS VISCOUS. You will see that the melted blunt on both sides forms a window. This window is called the technological window.

WHEN WELDING THE ROOT, THE TECHNOLOGICAL WINDOW IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR THE WELDER. According to the technological window, the welder has an idea about the penetration, the width and height of the penetration (the weld inside the pipe, it is also the penetration). In general, the technological window indicates whether there is penetration or not.

FUELING OF THE EDGES OF THE PIPE CUTTING IS CALLED A FLUSHING (the cutting of a pipe is a chamfer and blunting in our case).

The coil should be no wider than 20cm so that it is convenient to see the seam (penetration) inside the pipe. A narrow coil will heat up quickly and heat absorption will not work properly.

After boiling a little, see what happens, make adjustments and try to cook further. Do not climb on the ceiling until you learn how to cook vertical confidently, believe me, it will only get worse. Having learned to confidently cook the vertical, you will know what to demand from the ceiling and then from the exit from the ceiling to the vertical. The most difficult lower position, learn to cook it last.

When welding the root, please note that the large back bead is prone to internal porosity. The large return roller cools down longer and has time to react with the external environment. And if there is also wind or a draft in the pipe, this is almost a guarantee of the appearance of pores.

When welding the root, the current strength should be such that the metal cools (crystallizes) behind you in just one second. Penetration (the height of the St. Seam inside the pipe) is best kept in the range from zero to one millimeter.

With a little blunting, you will have nothing to rely on and not a technological window will appear, but a hole where the metal will flow uncontrollably, and there will be sagging on the ceiling.

The gap should be between 1mm and 2mm depending on the wall thickness. In extreme cases, 2.5 mm. A large gap is also almost a guarantee of internal pores.

And so, we saw the technological window, we melt the dullness evenly on both sides, the welding seam rises. The whole point is that you constantly see the technological window, which is a guarantee of penetration. But the window itself will not appear, you need to apply all your skill so that it is always the same diameter. And this is naturally your penetration, it will be even of the same height and width. Then, over time, you will naturally learn to form the height of the reverse roller, it will come by itself.

Do not make the diameter of the technological window large, up to three mm, no more. Big tech. the window is also an internal pore. Moreover, the pores are located very insidiously and they do not seem to participate in the section in the thickness of the pipe wall, but on the film they are very clearly and naturally visible: repair. I will try to depict in the picture the usual arrangement of pores in the root.

If it doesn’t work out for you, pay attention first of all to the current strength (we don’t discuss the correct assembly of the coil, everything should be perfect). If the current is small, you will not see the technical window, if the current is large, there will not be a window, but a hole where the metal will rush.

With a large current, you do not need to do various ingenious movements that extinguish the current, just throw off the current on the spring (baluster, guitar). If everything is correct, the root is cooked very easily. Cook, see what happens, make adjustments in your head and try (practice). Then, when you get a vertical, try the ceiling or gradually go down and up.

No one has been born a welder yet, but there is a truth to such a moment: one is given faster than another. Therefore, for those who do not succeed, do not be upset and do not give up, you still quite possibly will cook better than those who quickly grabbed and calmed down.

Now for the secrets.

Believe that they are not. The welder has only personal experience. That's why we share our personal experience.

Welding the pipe root with a wall of 8 - 10 mm is better to weld immediately with filling. With a wall of 12 mm and thicker, the filling will have to be welded separately. The course of the electrode resembles a triangle. From edge to edge, looked into the technical window (they looked, it means the electrode, marked the technical window), a little back and again from edge to edge and into the technical window, etc. When moving from edge to edge, do not melt the edges of the chamfer, they will serve as guides for welding the cladding.

But such a move will not work on the ceiling, it will sag. Why sag, the answer is in the article: HOW TO WELD A CLEAN JOINT INTO THE CLEARANCE. Although, who knows other people's possibilities.

With a thickness of 10 mm or more, cook in three passes. Root, filling, facing. But if you need to earn a wall of 10mm, you can unscrew it in two passes.

It is impossible to regulate the course of the electrode, it changes according to the situation, the main thing is to follow the rules, we cook it only from the bottom up and do not leave the weld pool from protection by a gas cloud. Do not make large movements with the electrode, no more than 5 mm.

After reading the tips, you should clearly understand what needs to be done and what is absolutely impossible. Everything else depends on you, slowly, calmly, carefully; speed will come by itself. When he was young, one welder with 35 years of experience said: Learn to cook well, it will turn out bad on its own.

The next step in root welding is to learn how to weld so that it is not visible where one electrode was pumped in and another began. The back bead must be free of craters (pit in the weld) and without lack of penetration. So that there are no static pores and pores at the end of the electrode.

All pictures will be a sectional side view. When you grab the pipe (cook the root), the weld looks like this.

You see that pores form at the beginning and end of the weld - this is an inevitable process. Such pores on the film, this is a repair. Do not rely on repairs, this is a very insidious procedure. During the repair, it is harder to cook due to various nuances. You will understand this when you start working, explaining for a very long time. Do not think that everything is repaired the first time, there are four repairs and then cutting the joint. Therefore, slowly, slowly, correctly the first time. Do not be lazy to pick up a grinder, this is your best assistant.

Let's weld 159 pipe, step by step in section.

They assembled the joint according to all the rules, grabbed it in a section - it turned out like this.

When welding, we pay all attention to what happens inside (to penetration). Outside, a grinder will help us out, we begin to fuse the electrode only in the seam zone. As we see, the root is not even difficult to cook. grinder.For those who are tired of picking up a grinder after each electrode.

Make sure that after the end of the electrode the metal does not swell with a bubble,
if this happens, then it is necessary to properly leave the weld pool, we are talking about the root.
We pressed the technological window with the electrode (poked into the gap), step back, to the left to the chamfer
(necessarily a short arc). Retreat to the bottom by 4-5mm, then crescent through the bottom to the right
chamfer and exit. Definitely a short arc. The point is that you let the root cool
(crystallize), without stopping protecting it from the effects of the external environment.
If the time does not appear, you are doing everything right, do not let the metal cool down, as much as possible
quickly change the electrode and go. Do not let cool so that the transition is not visible
from electrode to electrode

How to get a NAKS welder? One day is allotted for certification. If you take the exam not at the enterprise, but at the combine or at the institute, then come in the morning and start preparing. After preparation, you are given two pieces of pipes (coil) and you cook them in the light. It is also necessary to prepare the edges - chamfering up to 45 degrees, joining pipes (for this there must be a special clamp in the booth), their tack.
It is better to come to certification prepared, with your own tools and consumables. It would be nice to buy a bag in which everything can be packed compactly and transported without any problems. You need to take with you:
kilograms of 2-3 electrodes LB 52U Kobelco with a diameter of 2.6, because they are certified. On the spot, you will most likely be offered electrodes, but it is unlikely that they will be LB, they will probably give you Merov (MP-3), with which you cannot weld a seam, or UONI. Those. it is better to bring your own electrodes and ask them to put them in the oven while you train;
for centering parts so that there is no displacement;
. Grinding wheels, cutting, metal brush. The pipe must be cleaned to a metallic sheen from the inside and outside at a distance of 30 mm from the edges to be welded.
regular metal brush.
mine. The holder that will be provided to you on site may be loose and not hold the electrode.
(it is most important). It is better to purchase an inexpensive Chameleon. You can purchase it at one time to pass the exam.

Read the article on the website:

Pipe welding for NAKS certification under (ultrasound or X-ray)

Preparatory work

As blanks, take two cuts of a steel pipe with a diameter of 133 mm and a wall thickness of 4 mm, evenly cut (this can be done as efficiently as possible on a miter saw). Make sure the cut is completely straight. If it is a little curved, then during the welding process you will encounter quite serious difficulties. Next, you need to chamfer with a grinder and clean the edges. The chamfer is removed in accordance with GOST 16037-80 "Welded joints" at a certain angle. The angle on each pipe should be 25-30 degrees.

After. after the chamfer was removed, it is necessary to clean up the burrs so that they do not interfere with the correct formation of the root of the seam. This is done with a file. After you have removed the chamfer and inside the burrs, you need to dull the edges, because too sharp an angle during the welding process will quickly melt. According to GOST, blunting is done up to 2 mm.


This stage is very important, follow it very carefully. The success of the welded joint will depend entirely on the correct assembly.
According to the rules, it is necessary to dock the pipe and grab it. This must be done in such a way that there is an appropriate gap for complete penetration, there is no displacement. I would also like to note that pipes come with eccentricity (not quite round). Even in such a serious organization as NAKS, pipes can distribute oval ones, which will eventually affect the offset. According to the rules, 1 mm is allowed, but it’s still a lot and there may be no fusion at the root of the seam due to the displacement and ellipticity of the pipes.

For joining pipes, they take a flat corner or channel, on which they are laid and a gap is set, which can be approximately 2 to 3 mm. It is usually provided with an electrode diameter that is simply inserted into the joint between two pipes. If you are welding with a 2.5 mm electrode. then, accordingly, the gap will be the same.

Note. The root passage of pipes of any diameter (if it is not quite a huge size) is welded only with a 2.5 mm electrode. if you try to brew the root with a triple, then nothing good will come of it.

The next point that I would like to note. When passing the NAKS certification, you can be provided with pipes up to 10 mm thick to complicate the task. With such thicknesses, it is necessary to increase the gap to 3 mm. It is also necessary to take into account and make an error for the fact that when tacking, the pipe can be pulled together at the place of tacking by stresses in the metal. Make the gap larger by a few tenths of a millimeter so that there are no difficulties in the future.
For a more secure docking, you can also use magnets. They can be fixed on both sides.

Tack welding

For welding a pipe with a diameter of 133 mm and a wall thickness of 4, an approximate current of 50A will be required, during operation it can be adjusted. The tack is placed first on one side of the pipe, then, respectively, on the contrary. If necessary, the gap between the pipes is adjusted. The third tack is placed 90 degrees from the first, and the fourth is opposite the third.

Tack processing

After setting the tacks, it is necessary to clean them well. At their beginning and end, it is necessary to make cuts in order to eliminate possible defects (non-melting and pores).

Root welding

To effectively perform this task, it is enough to learn how to make just one oscillatory movement "back and forth" with a gradual shift from one tack to another. Welding speed - according to the situation. You can light the electrode on a tack, on a long arc, the root itself is boiled with a short arc. We cook the angle back, the electrode can be held at an angle from straight to sharp. If you cut the pipe in half, the roller on the back of it should look after the operation is completed, as shown in the picture.

It is convenient to cook by hanging the pipe on the fixture in the “semi-ceiling” position. When you approach the next tack, it is advisable to file it down so that there is good fusion at the junction of the rollers. If possible, the process should occur without detaching the electrode. If separation takes place, then you can add a little current at this moment to ensure penetration. The current is adjusted according to the situation in order to ensure sufficient penetration and avoid metal burns. When welding in a vertical position, you can always make the current at a minimum, when you go to the lower position, it must be borne in mind that it is easier for liquid metal to fall into the pipe - make sure not to overheat the steel at this moment.

Facing seam

Before proceeding to the facing pass, it is necessary to clean the root of the seam to bare metal (remove tubercles, slag, undercuts). A small groove is made.
The facing seam in the overhead position is conveniently welded by moving the electrode in a spiral.
The vertical passage is a "crescent-herringbone".
When welding without interruption, try to find the most comfortable position of the body, hands, make sure that the length of the torch wire is enough to perform all the necessary manipulations.
when you beat off the slag, it is advisable to close your eyes and face with your hand.
when welding the second roller, it is necessary to make a gash.

Node control

The edges of the seam are cleaned to a distance of about 50 mm (splashes, sagging, etc.)
The control itself begins with a visual inspection of the quality of the front seam. However, there are usually no questions to him, which cannot be said about the root pass.
If the pipe has passed a visual inspection, only in this case it is allowed for examination by non-destructive methods (ultrasound, X-ray).

Front Pass Requirements:

Roller height 0.5 – 2 mm
The width of the roller should be equal to the thickness of the pipe multiplied by 2. If the thickness of the pipe is 4 mm, then the width of the roller should be 8-10 mm.
The seam is even, straight, the arrangement of scales is dense.

Root pass:

The height of the reverse roller is 0.5-1 mm.
non-fusion and lack of penetration are not allowed.

  • Ladder - the electrode is at an angle of 90-130 ° to the ceiling. He is brought to the ceiling and an arc is lit. When molten metal is formed, the electrode is slightly withdrawn (5-10 millimeters) and returned back, blocking the dried metal by 30-50% of its length.
  • Overhead welding

    Welding takes place in several stages, the first of which is the welding of the root of the seam.

    seam root

    Use an electrode with a diameter of 3 mm and current in the minimum or medium range.

    Depending on the conditions, welding can be performed in several ways:

    1. If sampling and welding on the reverse side is possible, then when welding, attention should be paid to the formation of a bead from the underside. There should be no overhangs and undercuts.


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    The main attention in such welding should be focused on the back bead. If possible, maintain the welding speed depending on the lower bead so that there is no strong bulge. If, nevertheless, the inner roller turned out to be too protruding, then sampling to bare metal is necessary.

    Filling the cut

    attachment_13097" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Filling the section

    Welding of 2 and 3 rollers takes place with a 3 mm electrode. at the average maximum current, or 4 mm. on average. The choice depends on the width of the first roller. In order not to form a bulge, you should linger at the edges, then slightly shift the arc along the edge and go over the ladder to the other edge.

    If it is necessary to change the shape of the bead during welding, change the speed, tilt the electrode at a different angle, increase the step size.

    Advice! Do not make rollers wide, they will smudge and drip.

    Layers 4 and 5 depend on the width of the previous rollers - full width, or 2 rollers. The next layers are made in the form of surfacing without oscillatory movements. When approaching the edge, it is necessary to leave a distance with the diameter of the coated electrode between the penultimate roller and the edge.

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    Licorice is one of the herbs widely used in the treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. One of the features of its root is the ability to thin and remove sputum. The infusion can be purchased at the pharmacy ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. How to brew licorice at home? What are the recipes? You will learn about this from our article.

    How to brew licorice

    How to brew licorice root

    To get a medicinal infusion, you must follow the rules for brewing the plant.

    You will need:

    • crushed licorice rhizome (30 g);
    • hot water (300 ml).

    There are several ways here.

    Licorice root should be put in a saucepan and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Warm up the composition using a water bath for about 15 minutes. Then let the broth cool completely. After the liquid reaches room temperature, it must be filtered, completely removing particles of the swollen rhizome. Bring the resulting volume to the original (200 ml), pouring the required amount of cooled boiled water into the broth.

    You can prepare a decoction in a less time-consuming way. Place 30 grams of crushed licorice rhizome in a thermos and pour boiling water (200 ml). Infuse for about half an hour, periodically shaking the contents of the thermos. Then pass the decoction through several layers of gauze or through a sieve to remove all particles of the root. Refill in thermos. Take the remedy for the third part of the glass half an hour before each main meal.

    The advantage of this option is the constant temperature of the infusion: the drink always remains warm, and it is not necessary to warm it up before use. In addition, the closed lid of the thermos prevents the evaporation of the broth, so that it retains more useful components.

    Licorice can also be brewed in combination with other medicinal herbs. Will need:

    • licorice rhizome (30 g);
    • rose hips (30 g);
    • red rowan berries (30 g);
    • crushed celandine rhizome (10 g);
    • radiola rosea root (10 g).

    It is necessary to mix the volumes of ingredients given in the recipe. Put two tablespoons of the mixture in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours.

    Take a filtered infusion of one third of the glass three times a day. First, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in the liquid. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. In addition to getting rid of cough, there is an increase in immune defense.

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