How to use Dolphin nasal wash. "Dolphin": additional set

Dolphin is a remedy for the prevention and treatment of rhinological diseases, produced by a Novosibirsk company. It allows you to effectively rinse the nasal cavity. The more than moderate cost of Dolphin makes it a good alternative to imported saltwater rinse sprays such as Humer, Marimer, Aqua Maris and others. The procedure for washing with Dolphin is a little more complicated than that of the listed sprays. However, if you follow the instructions for use, then there will be no difficulties during use.

In contact with

Instructions for washing the nose with Dolphin

In order to rinse the nose effectively, it is necessary to ensure the free passage of air through both nasal passages. If the nose is blocked, then first you should remove the swelling of the mucosa with the help of any vasoconstrictor drops - drip 1 drop into each nostril and as nasal breathing normalizes, you can start washing the nose with Dolphin.

A bag of salts and phytoextracts attached to the device is diluted in 240 ml (for adults) or 120 ml (for children) of warm boiled water at 35 C. Deviation in water temperature by 1 C in one direction or another is allowed.

Do a wash over the sink (basin, tub, etc.).

Adult Application

Instructions for use Dolphin advises to take such a position of the body (sitting or standing), so that the head is horizontal. For this you can:

  • Standing, bend at the waist, lean forward so that your direct gaze is directed to the floor;
  • sitting, lean forward so that the eyes look straight and at the floor.

How to rinse the nose with Dolphin for an adult

  1. Inhale and hold your breath.
  2. Open your mouth.
  3. Place the device firmly against one nostril.
  4. Don't breathe.
  5. Gently and continuously squeeze the device so that water under pressure enters the nasal cavity in one nasal passage and pours out of the other. Squeeze the device all the way with each flush cycle. At the same time, approximately ¼ of the volume of the Dolphin cylinder will be consumed for each cycle.
  6. Without opening your hand, remove the device from your nose.
  7. Exhale through the nose, thus removing the remaining mucus and solution. Do not pinch your nostril while doing this!
  8. Normalize your breathing.
  9. Open your hand and let the Dolphin device take its original shape by filling it with air.
  10. Repeat steps 1-9 for the opposite nostril.
  11. Rinse alternately the right and left side of the nose as many times as you want. A 240 ml canister is enough for 4 lavage cycles in an adult.

Instruction for children

To wash the nose of small patients, a children's Dolphin is used. The smaller bottle is more convenient for the child to hold in his hands. According to the volume, the concentration of salt also decreases.

Keep in mind that you will not be able to rinse your child's nose. Since the washing process is associated with breath control and synchronous pressing of the bottle, the child must be aware of the meaning of the procedure. The function of an adult is to explain these points to a child. It is possible to demonstrate with your own example how and what to do:

  • When to hold your breath;
  • when and with what force to press the bottle;
  • what should be the result;
  • what to do if water gets into your mouth.

The child must be able to understand the sequence of actions. This imposes restrictions on the age at which Dolphin can be used. The instructions for use allow children from the age of 4 to use the device.

Washing the nose with Dolphin in children does not fundamentally differ from that described above. Guide your child:

  1. Let the child inhale and hold the breath.
  2. Remind them to keep their mouths open.
  3. Make sure that the device is firmly pressed against the nostril.
  4. The child must independently, calmly and continuously, squeeze the device so that the solution enters the nasal cavity through one nasal passage and pours out through the opposite one.
  5. Visually control the pressure on the vial.
  6. Ask the child to remove the device from the nose without opening the hand.
  7. Allow yourself to exhale through your nose.
  8. You can stop squeezing the device.
  9. Let the child blow his nose, pinching his nostril, with a slight effort and sharply.
  10. Do not allow the child to change the posture of the body.
  11. Let his breathing return to normal.
  12. Have the child repeat steps 1-11 for the opposite nostril.
  13. Make sure that the child alternates between washing the right and left nostrils.

Dolphin during pregnancy

Many women experience problems with nasal breathing: the nasal mucosa may swell during pregnancy, and its secretory function increases. is a widespread phenomenon. Dolphin Nasal Wash is an ideal remedy for nasal hygiene during this difficult time, when almost all drugs, including vasoconstrictors, are prohibited. Dolphin contains only natural ingredients that will benefit at any time.

Instructions for using Dolphin during pregnancy are similar to those described above.

Types of Dolphin for washing the nose and composition

The Dolphin nasal rinse system is available in four versions:

  • Standard (250 ml, 30 sachets of 2 g);
  • economy (250 ml, 10 sachets of 2 g);
  • dolphin for children (140 ml, 30 sachets of 1 g);
  • with allergies to herbal ingredients in the composition (250 ml, 30 sachets of 2 g).

According to the composition of the washing agent, the first three options are completed with recipe No. 1, the fourth option - with recipe No. 2.

The composition of Dolphin - a recipe for washing the nose No. 1:

  • Ocean salt crystals;
  • soda;
  • rosehip and licorice extracts.

The composition of Dolphin - a recipe for washing the nose No. 2:

  • Ocean salt crystals;
  • soda.

Additional bags with salts and phytoextracts can be purchased separately from the Dolphin device itself.

pharmachologic effect

  1. Flushing germs out of the nose

Washing the nose with saline raster Dolphin contributes to the mechanical washing out of bacteria and viruses from the nasal cavity. Thus, we help our immunity to fight pathogenic microbes. The result is an accelerated recovery from respiratory infections - influenza, etc.

  1. Antiseptic action

The trace elements contained in, as well as the extracts of the plants included in the product, have a regenerating and antiseptic effect. They stimulate the local immunity of the nasopharynx.

  1. Nose hygiene

Salt water does an excellent job of removing not only mucus, but also purulent secretions from the nose.

How to rinse your nose with Dolphin

Observe the temperature of the solution

The temperature of the finished solution for washing should not go beyond 34-36 C. It is imperative to maintain the temperature regime specified in the instructions for use of Dolphin.

If the water is colder, then washing the nose with Dolphin:

  • Will be uncomfortable;
  • can lead to hypothermia of the mucosa;
  • reduces the protective function of the mucosa.

Keep in mind that while you prepare the flush solution, pour it into the device, wait for the vasoconstrictor to work, the temperature of the solution will decrease. Given this, you can prepare the solution a little warmer than required by the Dolphin instructions for use.

If the water is significantly hotter, this will lead to:

  • To the expansion of the vessels of the mucosa;
  • to increase the secretion of the mucosa;
  • to worsening the patency of the nasal passages and to less effective rinsing;
  • it is possible to provoke nosebleeds in people prone to this.

At the correct temperature of the solution, while rinsing, you should not feel either warm or cold in your nose.

Horizontal head position

The need for a horizontal head position is associated with preventing water and microbial environment from entering the Eustachian tube (middle ear), as well as pouring the flushing solution into the lower respiratory tract and esophagus. This requirement is mandatory. In addition to a runny nose, you can get an inflammation of the middle ear if you do the Dolphin flush in the wrong position.

The horizontal position of the head must be maintained throughout the wash. Instructions for use Dolphin prohibits taking a vertical position between washing cycles.

Don't forget to open your mouth

In order for Dolphin, it is necessary to keep your mouth ajar during the procedure. This ensures the free movement of water through the nasopharynx and the withdrawal of the solution flowing into the pharynx out through the mouth. Otherwise, the solution will get further into the respiratory tract and into the stomach.

Press the bottle moderately hard

Weak pressure will not allow the solution to penetrate into the nasal cavity. Too strong - it will be unpleasant and will lead to the release of fluid from the nasal cavity not through the opposite nostril, but through the mouth. Too much pressure on the bottle, in addition, can lead to the reflux of the solution and microbes from the nasopharynx into the middle ear cavity and provoke otitis media.

How often can I rinse my nose with Dolphin

Salt solution dries the nasal mucosa. Therefore, the procedure should not be abused too often. How many times to rinse the nose with Dolphin:

  • 2-3 times a day during the acute phase of the disease;
  • 1 time per day as a preventive measure, as well as for chronic, out of periods of exacerbation.

Indications for use

With a cold

Dolphin is used as a means for nasal hygiene in case of a runny nose caused by viruses, bacteria, of an allergic nature, resulting from a violation of the reflex reaction of the nasal mucosa to irritants. text

For all those who doubt whether it is possible to wash the nose with Dolphin sinusitis, we answer: it is not only possible, but also necessary. During exacerbations - in complex therapy with antibacterial agents. Preventive washing with Dolphin in chronic sinusitis avoids exacerbations of the disease.


There are limited contraindications to the use of Dolphin:

  • Nasal congestion that does not allow rinsing;
  • neoplasms in the nose;
  • nosebleeds;
  • component intolerance.

Side effects

When following the instructions for the use of Dolphin, in particular, under two conditions: the temperature of the solution for washing and the position of the body during the procedure, side effects are excluded.

Main side effects:

  • If the temperature regime of the solution is not observed, nosebleeds;
  • if the correct position of the body is not observed or when the head is raised between washing cycles - otitis media;
  • if the bottle is pressed too hard, the solution for washing is thrown into the esophagus, larynx, and also into the Eustachian tube.

Drug analogues

Most of the nasal rinses presented in pharmacies are sprays, the effectiveness of which is inferior to washings with Dolphin. A large volume of water spilled through the nose allows you to thoroughly clean the nasal cavity from germs and accumulated secretions.

Of the devices similar to Dolphin, one can be distinguished -. It is a plastic container into which the washing solution is poured. The device, similar to Dolphin, comes with 30 or 10 bags of mineral-vegetable mixture.

Table. Dolphin and Aqua Maris: differences between nasal lavage devices

In addition, Aqua Maris, being an imported product, is slightly more expensive than Dolphin.

Terms and conditions of storage

Since the Dolphin nasal lavage apparatus is made of plastic, it should be kept away from heating devices. Do not expose the device to sunlight.

After use, the device must be disassembled, washed with any detergent and rinsed several times with water. Let the vial dry inside. To do this, do not cover it with a lid for a while.


The device for washing the nose Dolphin of domestic production provides effective and intensive washing of the nasal cavity.

The use of Dolphin is necessary for rhinitis of any origin, sinusitis, allergies, and also as a preventive measure for chronic nasal diseases without an exacerbation stage.

The specificity of washing the nose under pressure requires that you follow the instructions for use of Dolphin.

The Dolphin Performs 2 game invites you to a fascinating performance. Do you want to control the handsome dolphins?

These creatures have long been considered very intelligent animals, they lend themselves well to training and invariably delight the audience with their tricks. And the game Performs Dolphin 2 allows you to feel like a trainer, but you will control, of course, the dolphin itself, swimming in a huge pool. Spectators have already gathered in the stands, and they are eager for a great performance. Can you give them bright emotions and cheer up?

Game Performing Dolphin 2: structure and rules

First you have to choose a game mode, because the dolphin can perform both during the day and at night. You can also look into the store and purchase another dolphin if you wish, or decorate an existing one. But keep in mind that most of the purchases will be available only some time after the start of the game, when you earn the first stars in the performance. The game Dolphin Performs 2 will give such stars to your pet for correctly performed tricks. You have to control the dolphin, touch the balls, jump over the sticks, jump into the hoops and do all sorts of other interesting things. In order to perform the trick correctly, you need to carefully follow the prompts. By following the arrows-pointers, you will definitely be able to do everything correctly and effectively!

Game Perform Dolphin 2: Pleasure for Spectators

The main characteristic of the game for girls Dolphin Performs 2, which you should follow, is the mood of the audience. It is expressed as a percentage and is accompanied by the corresponding "smiley". If the dolphin performs the tricks correctly, then the percentage of the audience's mood rises, and the dolphin gets the fish. But if something doesn’t work out for a cute trickster, then the audience starts to get bored, and the percentage of their mood quickly drops. Because of this, the game Dolphin Performs 2 may end, so you should be careful! Don't let the people who came to your wonderful performance remain dissatisfied!

Composition of one sachet: sodium bicarbonate , dry rosehip extract , sea ​​salt , dry licorice extract .

On sale there is also a preparation without herbs for people with herbal ingredients. Its composition does not contain plant extracts.

Release form

The manufacturer produces special kits for children and adults. The kit includes a nasal inhaler and a mineral-herbal remedy in sachets with different dosages (1 or 2 g).

pharmachologic effect

Antimicrobial and antiviral means.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug removes microbes and viruses from the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, prevents their reproduction and the development of the disease.

The effect can be noticeable after the first application. Regular use helps eliminate runny nose and sore throat. This tool quickly removes and removes pathogenic mucus.

It consists of a mixture, which, after dissolution, forms a solution similar in composition to physiological fluids. The action of the drug is due to the properties of its components (minerals and plant extracts).

Sodium chloride, rosehip extract and iodine - antiseptics . Trace elements also stimulate the secretion of protective mucus. In addition, the drug has a regenerating effect. Licorice extract has antiallergic and protective action.

Rinsing the nose with Dolphin provides removal pathogenic inflammatory agents, and also reduces edema , restores the patency of the nasal passages, increases the outflow of pus and mucus from paranasal sinuses , hinders the development otitis media .

Indications for use

Dolphin for washing the nose and gargling helps with, runny nose , adenoiditis , pregnant, .

This tool is also used for rhinosinusitis , before and after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, in case of dryness and crusting in the nasal mucosa, and, in addition, in case of irritation of the nasal mucosa caused by dust, washing powder or detergents.


The medicine is prohibited for use:

  • children under 4 years old;
  • with a predisposition to nasal;
  • in case of deformation of the nasal septum or in the presence of other causes of mechanical obstruction of the nasal passages;
  • people with benign and ;
  • at full .

Side effects

When using the drug, side effects such as eustachitis and nose bleed .

Application instruction of Dolphin (Way and dosage)

For those who use Dolphin, the instructions for use explain in detail how to use this tool.

In irrigator bottle pour about 240 ml of boiled water that has been preheated to 35°C. Pour the contents of one sachet into the liquid. Then you need to spin endonasal lid and shake the vial until the powder is completely dissolved.

Bending over the sink, you need to attach the bottle cap to one nostril, hold your breath and press the bottle (without sudden movements). Fluid should flow out of the other nostril. After that, you need to blow your nose alternately through each nostril.

If the nose is completely stuffed up and breathing is difficult, Dolphin's instructions for use recommend pre-dropping vasoconstrictor drugs and clearing the nose.

You need to use the drug at least 1-2 times a day. Therapy is designed for up to 2 weeks.

Video on how to rinse your nose, with more detailed instructions, see below.


Data on overdose is not provided.


The drug can be combined with other drugs for intranasal applications.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Keep this product in a dry, cool and out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Means in packages should be stored no longer than two years.


For those who are looking for Dolphin analogues, the Croatian set is called the closest option. These cost almost the same. However, according to Russian doctors, Dolphin is still in most cases somewhat better than the Croatian drug. In addition, Dolphin has the following analogues:

  • Aqualor ;
  • Prevalin ;
  • Sinomarin ;
  • Grippocitron ;
  • Atomer ;
  • Naso spray ;
  • Rolinoz etc.

Dolphin for children

Dolphin for children can be used from 4 years. This natural remedy removes pathological secretions from the nasopharynx and effectively treats adenoiditis . In addition, Dolphin for children is used for acute, allergic and chronic, for prevention and, in case of preoperative preparation of the nasal cavity, frontita , dry nose syndrome, tonsillitis , ethmoiditis , .

Parents and pediatricians leave reviews about this remedy, which report that it is safe for health in its composition and often turns out to be much more effective than other solutions that include sea salt.

Dolphin during pregnancy

Dolphin should be used with caution. Women need to carefully monitor their condition. The scheme of application must clearly comply with the instructions. Dolphin during pregnancy can provoke nose bleed .

Reviews about Dolphin

Those who use Dolphin for nasal irrigation when sinusitis and other diseases, opinions are very different. As a rule, they are positive. Reviews about Dolphin report that the remedy quickly and effectively helps to cope with problems. However, some of them warn of unpleasant consequences in the form of otitis media , frontita etc. Similar negative reactions can occur if you use the product for a long time and not according to the instructions. That is why many Dolphin reviews contain information that you should carefully read the instructions and use the drug strictly according to the recommendations.

For children, this remedy should also be used with caution. Its natural composition is safe for the body, however, it is necessary to use the inhaler according to the scheme established by the manufacturer.

Dolphin price, where to buy

The price of Dolphin for washing the nose is considered quite high, however, many people buy this particular remedy, as it turns out to be very effective in the fight against runny nose . You can buy the drug for about 220 rubles. A tool specifically for children costs about 300 rubles.

The price of Dolphin in Ukraine is approximately 150-200 hryvnia for the whole set. However, there are kits for less.

It is believed that one package is enough for a full course of treatment. influenza , symptoms allergies , colds , as well as for the monthly prevention of these diseases. And when the bags run out, they can be purchased separately.

Many are also interested in how much a nasal rinse costs compared to its counterparts. There is no single answer here. Dolphin has many analogues, and each of them has its own nuances.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies of Ukraine Ukraine
  • Internet pharmacies of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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    Dolphin Set washer 240 ml + sachet 2 g 30 pcs. Dolphin

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    DOLFIN product for rinsing the nasopharynx (pack. 2g No. 30)

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    DOLFIN device for washing the nasopharynx (for adults + pack. 2g No. 30)

A viral infection of the upper respiratory tract is not complete without rhinitis with the release of a certain amount of mucus. To prevent this unpleasant syndrome, doctors prescribe appropriate drugs that have a fairly high efficiency. Among these drugs, the Dolphin remedy has also become popular. The mineral-vegetable complex has a recognizable type of packaging, which depicts a dolphin on a blue background. Instructions for use indicate the high efficiency of the pharmaceutical agent when it is necessary to wash the nose.

Description of the drug

The tool belongs to the class of anti-edematous (anti-inflammatory), antimicrobial drugs that help facilitate breathing. Dolphin is used to wash the nose in case of severe congestion with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections and other similar diseases that provoke difficulty in breathing due to viral microflora. The release of the medical device is established by the Novosibirsk pharmaceutical company "Dynamics".

Types of "Dolphin" for washing the nose and composition

With an all-natural composition, the nasal wash is suitable for all age groups. This is an important property that distinguishes "Dolphin" from many similar drugs.

The composition of the washing agent includes the following components:

  • Sodium chloride.
  • Selenium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Rosehip extract.
  • Squeeze from sea buckthorn berries.

An important component in the composition are natural crystals of sea water. Namely, they provide an accelerated process of restoring the patency of the nasal canals.

The manufacturer has developed and implemented a line of flushing agents, based on the age of the patient. For this reason, the buyer will never make a mistake with the right choice of drug.

"Dolphin": children's version of the product

In pharmacies, Dolphin for children can be purchased in boxes of 30 sachets (the mass of the contents of a sachet is 1 g). The powdered substance is designed for children from the age of four inclusive.

In addition to the standard number of sachets, a bottle (volume 140 ml) is included in the box for preparing a mineral-vegetable solution. So that the child is not hurt and comfortable, the bottle made of food-grade plastic has a device for washing the nose.

"Dolphin - Standard" for adults

This nasal wash is equipped not only with 30 bags (each weighing 2 g) of washing powder, but also with a special bottle (volume 240 ml). Through the practical device of the bottle, you can not only prepare a solution with high quality, but also conveniently carry out the procedure. The ease of the washing process is explained by the design of the bottle, which consists of the following elements:

  • Bottle capacity.
  • Plastic rod with a nozzle for taking diluted liquid.
  • Cap-cap with a dispenser for optimal delivery of liquid into the nose.

Standard (30 bags) and Economy (10 bags)

"Dolphin - economy" for adults

The Dolphin rinsing option has 10 sachets (2 grams each) in the set, as well as a special rinsing bottle. By purchasing this version of the drug, the price will be lower than for the "Dolphin-standard".

"Dolphin": additional set

In the event that the sachets of the product ran out, the manufacturer took care of its customers by releasing a set of 30 sachets (2 grams each), without a treatment bottle.

"Dolphin" for allergies

A specialized form of release is intended for those who have certain allergic reactions during the rinsing procedure. The special composition eliminates any side effects, making the procedure delicate and comfortable. As part of the release form, a treatment bottle (volume 240 ml) and 30 sachets (2 grams each package) are provided.

There is an additional packaging option without a bottle with 30 sachets (2 grams per sachet).

"Dolphin" inhaler

The manufacturer has released another convenient form of the mineral-vegetable complex in the form of an inhaler. The medicine contains the following ingredients:

  • Eucalyptus oil.
  • Menthol.
  • Camphor oil.

The release form is convenient for a quick procedure in the case of sinuses. The inhaler is made with a compact plastic case with two nozzles for introduction into the nasal canals.

pharmachologic effect

Washing the nose with "Dolphin", due to pharmaceutical properties, solves the following problems:

  • Removal of purulent mass.
  • Significant reduction in inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  • Improving the patency of the nasal channels.
  • Return of normal breathing through the nose.
  • Cupping and subsequent elimination of negative microbiological flora.
  • Prevention with a possible manifestation of otitis media.

The listed pharmacological actions provide a stable popularity of the drug.

Indications and contraindications

Using "Dolphin", the enclosed instruction provides detailed information on indications for use.

In particular, the composition of "Dolphin" is assigned when:

  • Rhinite. The medicine is effective in all its possible forms, including chronic and acute.
  • Front.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Pollinose.
  • Ethmoid.

Will be useful "Dolphin" during pregnancy, when a woman has rhinitis.

In addition, the composition of the product effectively relieves irritation of the mucous membrane after surgery in the sinuses, as well as after the influence of viral microbes of colds.

In addition to the indications, the flushing agent is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Patients of children's age, younger than 4 years.
  • Allergic reactions, due to individual intolerance to certain components by the body.
  • With nosebleeds.
  • 100% obstruction of the nasal canals, including due to mechanical damage to the septa.

To avoid negative consequences from the use of Dolphin, it is advisable to first seek advice from your doctor.

Side effects

If Dolphin is prescribed, the instructions for use suggest that you familiarize yourself with possible side effects. The following points are indicated as negative reactions:

  • Allergic manifestations in the form of itching and inflammation of the mucosa to certain components of the powder complex.
  • With too frequent use of procedures, eustachitis may occur.

"Dolphin": instructions for use

The salts included in the composition can cause some harm to the mucous membrane of the nasal canals. In this regard, you should follow the instructions that come with the mineral-vegetable complex. Before using the product, be sure to read the necessary information on how to rinse your nose at home.

How to rinse your nose with Dolphin

Since the mineral-vegetable complex initially has a powdery state, the preparation of a therapeutic solution precedes washing. To prepare a procedural liquid, it is necessary to mix a sachet of the product in 240 ml of drinking water (for children, use 140 ml). Since the complex contains crystalline fractions of salts, it is required to thoroughly mix the two ingredients by shaking the bottle with the contents sharply.

It is convenient to rinse the nose with "Dolphin" while standing at the bathtub or washbasin. For best results, wash as follows:

  • Stand in front of the bath (washbasin), slightly tilting the torso forward at an angle of 45-60 degrees.
  • Insert the tip of the cap-cap slightly into the nasal canal, and press on the bottle.
  • Blow the liquid through your nose or spit it out through your mouth.
  • Carry out a similar action with the second channel.

In order for the jets of liquid to effectively wash the sinuses in the nose, it is enough to press the bottle capacity once. The child will not experience discomfort if the procedure is carried out using the appropriate bottle.

How often can I rinse my nose with Dolphin

Washing procedures should be applied 1 to 4 times a day. The number of procedures can be adjusted based on the condition of the nasopharynx.

Drug analogues

In the event that the mineral-vegetable complex has unexpectedly ended, and the course of procedures must be continued in order not to reduce the therapeutic effect, you can use similar means. Among the medications that are equivalent in effectiveness, the following agents are:

  • Aqualor.
  • "Physiomer".
  • "Aquamaris".
  • Aquamaster.
  • "Salin".

The listed medications are partially similar in composition and action to Dolphin. However, despite the similarity of beneficial effects, they can have side effects. For this reason, you should undergo a preliminary consultation with a therapist regarding the possibility of using the medication.

Why Dolphin?

The use of the mineral-vegetable complex "Dolphin" is effective for problems of the nasopharynx. The remedy is prescribed not only for nasal congestion, but also for preventive purposes, to prevent the development of sinusitis, rhinitis.

The popularity of the drug is ensured by its specialized options for children and adults, as well as a convenient addition in the form of a bottle for the preparation and use of a procedural solution. "Dalphin" is prescribed by otolaryngologists as a relatively inexpensive way to get rid of a runny nose and concomitant nasal congestion.

In inflammatory-purulent diseases of the ENT organs, Dolphin is often prescribed for washing the nose. This mineral-vegetable complex is a good medicinal product, because its chemical properties resembles bodily fluids in the human body.

It contains plant extracts, sea salt crystals. Despite the presence of herbal ingredients, the mixture is odorless and does not cause allergic reactions.

Indications for use: what does Dolphin treat?

The main feature of the drug is that even with prolonged physiatry, the solution does not provoke irritation of the mucous membrane. It relieves swelling of tissues, has a slight anti-allergic effect and reduces the inflammatory process.

Thanks to the mineral compound, the damaged secretory epithelium of the upper respiratory tract recovers faster, and its regenerative abilities increase.
Dolphin Photo

Local washing of the nose with Dolphin has an immunostimulating effect, forcing immune cells to more actively fight the infection that has entered the body. The medicine is recommended for ENT diseases caused by pathogens.

The therapeutic liquid is prescribed for the following ailments or pathologies:

  • Rhinitis (chronic or acute);
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinosinusitis);
  • SARS, influenza, colds;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • Angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

In addition, it is prescribed for gargling and injections into the nasal cavity with irritation of the mucous membrane during the inhalation of chemicals (washing powder, detergents, dust, etc.).

After surgery in the nasopharynx, the solution is used to prevent infection of the body, rapid healing of wounds, and elimination of dry crusts.

Annotation to the antiseptic indicates that its main action is the removal of foreign particles that cause an inflammatory reaction. These include pathogenic pathogens, dust, allergens.

The use of the drug does not cause irritation, such as burning or itching, since it does not contain components that are aggressive for the body.

Dolphin for the nose: types of drug and powder composition

The flushing agent comes in several forms. The set consists of a bottle and a powder that must be diluted with water. The bottle comes with a special dispenser attached to the tube.

The drug is produced in the following forms:

Adult set. Includes 240ml bottle and powder sachets (10 or 30). It is indicated for various types of rhinosinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the active components.

Children's option. 120 ml bottle and medicine sachet (30 pieces). Designed for the treatment of ENT diseases in children. It is well tolerated because it does not cause burning in the nose.

Allergy device. 240 ml bottle and 2 g sachets. Suitable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and edema. Discharged to patients older than 4 years.

Inhaler. Contains essential oils and is used to eliminate congestion using the “cold inhalation method”. Do not prescribe in the treatment of children under 7 years of age.

Antiseptic powder consists not only of sea salt, rich in useful trace elements, but also of plant components.

Antiseptic effects are exerted by iodine and sodium chloride. Magnesium is responsible for normalizing the functionality of the secretory epithelium. Zinxylen causes immune cells to actively fight disease-causing agents.

It is worth noting

Unlike other medicines, the mineral-vegetable complex does not precipitate, because it contains a minimum amount of calcium and sulfates.

Plants that have healing properties in cleansing the secretory layer of cells are licorice and rose hips. They prevent the development of allergic reactions, improve the activity of the circulatory system, normalize the water-salt balance, strengthen local immunity and have an antimicrobial effect. Source: site

How to use Dolphin nasal wash

Instructions for use of the mineral mixture explains how to properly irrigate in order to obtain a positive treatment result.

  1. Boiled water is cooled to 35 0 C.
  2. It is necessary to use such a volume of liquid that fits the bottle (120 or 240 ml). Pour it into a bottle.
  3. Then open the bag and pour the contents into the container, closing the cap-nozzle and shaking the powder until completely dissolved.
  4. Bend over the sink, inserting the intranasal tip into one nostril.
  5. Hold your breath and gently press on the bottle, pouring the medicine.
  6. When used correctly, the product will flow freely from the open nasal passage.

After the patient removes the rinsing device, he needs to blow his nose well. Physiology is repeated alternately with each channel for thorough cleansing.

It's important to know

If the mucous surfaces are very swollen, so that the person’s breathing becomes difficult, vasoconstrictor drops should be dripped before the manipulations, which will relieve the swelling and make it possible to rinse the cavities well.

How many times a day should I wash my nose with Dolphin?

Assign for one / two daily administration to the upper respiratory tract. If you need to increase the frequency of irrigation of the nasopharynx, the doctor will individually tell you how often you can repeat the procedure.

In general, therapy for ENT diseases lasts approximately 1-2 weeks. It all depends on the complexity of the pathological condition, the characteristics of the patient's body.

For adult patients, it is recommended to use the medication, pouring in the entire volume of the jar in one injection. First, half of the jar is injected into one nostril, then the rest is squeezed out into the other nasal passage. For a more convenient procedure, it is better to lean over the sink at a right angle.

The correct way of application assumes that the tip of the container will fit snugly on the wings. Thus, the liquid will not be able to flow out through the holes left, but will clean the secretory cells under good pressure, freely pouring out through the open nasal passage.

The time of the manipulations must be selected so that they do not coincide with going outside or going to bed. In such cases, the remaining substance can flow into the Eustachian tube and provoke the development of otitis media. If after the physical process the ear is blocked, it is better to see a doctor to prevent inflammation. In the evening, irrigation is carried out half an hour before bedtime.

Dolphin for children for washing the nose for children: instructions

Many parents are interested in whether Dolphin can be taken as a safe mineral-vegetable compound in the treatment of toddler diseases. The instructions indicate at what age it is allowed to introduce a liquid mixture into the baby's nose. Washing the nasopharynx can begin no earlier than 4 years.

Dolphin for children in 120 ml bottles is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Acute or chronic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • With adenoids;
  • For the prevention of SARS, influenza.

It is very useful for children with viral infections to perform local intranasal cleansing with a healing substance, as it helps to recover faster and prevent the development of complications. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in adults.

In addition, so that after manipulations the child does not get an earache, it is better to take a special system for irrigation. Studies have shown that a machine that injects an antiseptic intranasally under strong pressure can cause otitis media. A bottle with a dispenser nozzle allows you to pour it slowly and under good pressure.

But what if an infectious pathology occurs in a child at 2 years old? In such cases, you can bury the antiseptic in the nose with a pipette. To ensure that there is no liquid left in the cavity that can flow into the Eustachian tube, the mucus is removed with an aspirator. A special pear makes it possible to suck out the remnants of the substance without discomfort.

With physiological rhinitis, an infant is prescribed, which does not contain plant or mineral components. The pediatrician should give exact instructions on the method of carrying out physical manipulations.

Dolphin with sinusitis

What is sinusitis, knows many people who have had this disease. It is provoked by infectious pathogens or allergens that cause swelling and congestion. Since the drainage from the adnexal cavities is blocked, pathogenic exudate accumulates inside the cavities and severe inflammation occurs with purulent discharge.

The plant-mineral complex is excellent for eliminating sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Irrigation is carried out in the same way as with a cold. But patients should remember a few basic rules:

Infusion temperature should not be higher or lower than 36 0 C. So the patient will not be able to burn the secretory epithelium and will not overcool it.

1 sachet diluted with 240 ml of water and used in one manipulation.

In order for the procedures to have the most positive result, the tip should fit snugly into the nostril, fully adjacent to the walls. Then the liquid under the pressure of the device will penetrate into the sinuses and wash out the pathogenic exudate.

The solution should be poured slowly otherwise, strong pressure can damage the mucous membrane or get into the Eustachian tube, causing otitis media.

If the medicine gets into the mouth, it is spit out, not swallowed.

The device continues to be pressed until until half of the drug is poured out. Then the bottle is removed and only then unclenched.

After the physiotherapy procedure, the patient It is possible to go outside after the patient feels that all the remnants of the substance have flowed out.

Dolphin during pregnancy: can it be used?

Colds in women who are preparing to become a mother can lead to complications and inferior development of the fetus.

Therefore, it is very important for pregnant women to choose active ingredients that do not have contraindications. An antiseptic is just such a tool suitable for the treatment of rhinitis.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, women can experience almost constant congestion. This is a consequence of hormonal changes.

A herbal-mineral preparation will help restore breathing and relieve swelling. But it is impossible to use it regularly, since this type of rhinitis does not refer to pathological changes, but to a physiological state.

During pregnancy, the substance is administered no longer than 2 weeks. After this period, the treatment of the respiratory tract is amenable to the opposite effect. Therefore, the decision to prescribe an antiseptic should come from the doctor, not from the patient. The specialist will select the desired dosage and duration of therapy.


This flushing system is not suitable for all patients. Before buying it, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. These include:

  • Children under the age of 4;
  • Congestion associated with the growth of neoplasms, curvature of the septum, severe edema;
  • Acute otitis media with an infectious focus (penetrating to the site of the inflammatory process, the liquid component can spread pathogens through the respiratory system or vice versa);
  • Adenoiditis of the 3rd degree;
  • Predisposition to bleeding (if the walls of blood vessels are weak, excessive pressure will provoke their rupture);
  • Individual intolerance to the components.

In other cases, it is an excellent offer for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. A convenient device for irrigating internal ciliated cells provides gentle cleaning of cavities.
It is not a contraindication in the preoperative or postoperative period in patients who are surgically eliminated pathological changes in the nasopharynx.
As a prophylactic, it is suitable after visiting an infectious diseases hospital or crowded places during influenza epidemics.

Analogues: what to replace

If a person has intolerance to a component, then it is necessary to choose another medicine that is similar in pharmacological effects.

Physiomer; Consists of isotonic sea water. Actively irrigates and moisturizes the ENT organs. It has an anti-inflammatory, regenerative effect. Improves mucus drainage, flushes out pathogens and allergens. With atrophic tissue changes, it softens dried crusts. Aqualor; Sea water without preservatives, enriched with useful microelements, increases local immunity. The drug accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, moisturizes, reduces the inflammatory process. It is prescribed in complex antibiotic therapy. It is used in the elimination of an allergic reaction, relieves swelling. Marimer; Marine trace elements with sodium chloride are prescribed for the prevention of inflammation of the respiratory tract. Recommended for infectious sinusitis, rhinitis, allergic discharge. In the postoperative period prevents the development of complications. Aquamaris; Isotonic sterile water is suitable for the elimination of acute and chronic inflammation, diseases of the accessory cavities. It is prescribed if adenoids increase in children. The composition accelerates the healing process and the functionality of the body. It helps to maintain the physiological properties of the respiratory tract in an unfavorable climate, harmful work, dusty regions.

How much does Dolphin cost: price in a pharmacy

Release form A photo Price in Moscow Price in Ukraine
Dolphin 240 ml, 10 sachets 260 rub. 90 UAH
Dolphin for children Sachets 1 g, 30 pieces. 250 rub. 88 UAH
Dolphin Sachets 2 g, 30 sachets. 282 rub. 113.14 UAH
Dolphin for children, 120 ml, 30 sachets 338 rub. 136.57 UAH
Dolphin device 240 ml, 30 sachets 390 rub. 157.58 UAH
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