How to identify teething in infants, signs and symptoms. Approximate order and timing of eruption of permanent teeth in children

Teething is an important event in the life of a child and his parents. There are times when this process is painless. However, as a rule, teething is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant moments for the child and his parents: fever, diarrhea, worsening sleep, whims, crying, etc. It is about the features of teething in children and what parents need to do during this period that will be discussed in today's article.

The timing of teething in a child can be influenced by many factors, the main of which is genetics. Internal and external factors have a significant impact on this process, in particular, climate conditions, nutrition, drinking water quality, etc. As a result, the process of teething in terms of time in different regions varies greatly. The hotter the climatic conditions, the earlier the first teeth appear in the baby. But this is also not a rule.

Most often, the first milk teeth begin to erupt when the child is six to eight months old. In a year, as a rule, a child has four upper and lower incisors. By about two years old, the first milk molars and fangs appear in the baby. About six months later, the second milk molars erupt. By the age of three, the child’s milk row is usually completely formed, in total, by this moment the baby should have twenty milk teeth (4 incisors, 2 canines and 4 molars on each jaw (the fourth and fifth “chewing” teeth from the center)). By the time a child reaches the age of ten or twelve, there are twenty-eight teeth.

If your baby has not yet erupted a single milk tooth by nine months, you should not immediately worry. Delayed eruption of temporary teeth for up to six months is considered normal by dentists. In addition, in boys, the process of teething milk teeth begins later than in girls. In this situation, it is necessary to carefully examine the baby's gums. Perhaps they swelled and turned red, or, conversely, became thin and pale, and a tooth can be felt under them or it can be seen with the naked eye. To speed up the eruption process, it is recommended to purchase special ring stimulators in the form of a toy. It will also benefit from a light massage of the gums in the form of light pressure. This will facilitate and speed up the process, only before that it is necessary to observe complete sterility of the hands. Cold can also help the child by reducing pain and swelling. To do this, you can give a cold spoon to suck, or hold a pacifier in the refrigerator. You can use special cooling teethers, they are kept for some time (not long) in the refrigerator, and then they are given to the child to gnaw.

Delayed teething in a child may be due to general growth retardation due to a number of diseases existing in a child, especially rickets. In this case, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician who will recommend vitamins and calcium supplements to normalize mineral metabolism.

Quite a rare occurrence in children is adentia or the absence of rudiments of teeth. Therefore, if not a single milk tooth has yet erupted in a one-year-old child, it should be shown to the dentist, who, in case of emergency, will check the presence of tooth rudiments by means of X-rays. Of course, X-ray exposure is not safe for the child's body, so this procedure should be carried out only with the recommendation and appointment of a dentist. Currently, to reduce the harmful effects of X-rays, special equipment has been developed - a radiovisiograph. As a rule, it is available in any modern dental clinic.

Symptoms of teething in a child.
The main signs that the first milk tooth in a child begins to erupt are inflammation and redness of the gums, burning cheeks, and not rarely the presence of a swollen white ball from which the tooth should appear. However, this moment may be somewhat delayed, since the tooth, before passing through the mucous membrane of the gums, must overcome the bone tissue surrounding it. It’s not worth rushing or interfering in this process, because you can accidentally damage milk teeth or infect the jawbone. Everything will happen by itself. Many mothers give babies bagels, dryers, a crust of bread, etc. to relieve itching. In this case, you should be especially careful, because the crumbs can get into the respiratory tract and get stuck there.

During our life, we have one change of twenty teeth, the remaining twelve erupt immediately with permanent (indigenous), therefore they do not change.

Teething in children occurs approximately in this order (Fig. 1):

The first (medial) lower incisors - 6-9 months.
The second (lateral) lower incisors - 9-12 months.
The first (medial) upper incisors - 7-10 months.
The second (lateral) upper incisors - 9-12 months.
The first upper molars - 12-18 months.
The first lower molars - 13-19 months.
Upper canines - 16-20 months.
Lower fangs - 17-22 months.
The second lower molars - 20-33 months.
The second upper molars - 24-36 months.

These data are approximate. According to statistics, the first milk tooth in babies erupts on average only by eight and a half months, respectively, the appearance of the remaining teeth begins to shift in time. Although this also has its advantages. According to most dentists, the later the teething occurs, the later the process of changing them will begin. But if, nevertheless, by the year the child does not have a single milk tooth, you should consult with a specialist.

Most often, the first tooth erupts in tandem with the second. It also happens that the baby immediately cuts four teeth, which, accordingly, also affects the timing of eruption. The order in which teeth appear is often very different. Unfortunately, there is no way to influence this process. In this case, there is no anomaly, nature once again "throws" its surprises.

Around the age of five or six, a child begins to change milk teeth. Normally, an adult has 28-32 permanent teeth: each jaw has 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 4-6 molars. The development of the third molar or "wisdom tooth" against the background of congenital adentia of the third molars may not occur at all, which is also the norm. Quite often it also happens that the "wisdom tooth" has a tab in the thickness of the jaw, but is not cut as a result of an incorrect position or insufficient space in the jaw.

Before the change of milk teeth, there is a process of the appearance of gaps or cracks (three) between the teeth. This phenomenon is considered normal. Moreover, these gaps are simply necessary, since new, permanent teeth are significantly larger in size than milk ones. If for some reason these gaps are not formed, then permanent teeth do not have enough space in the child's jaw, resulting in their curvature. Simultaneously with the appearance of gaps between milk teeth, the roots of milk teeth dissolve, as a result of which they begin to stagger and then fall out.

The process of teething milk teeth in a child can be accompanied by various ailments: increased excitability when the child becomes capricious and restless, poor sleep, screaming and crying, as well as lack of appetite. At the same time, the baby strives to put everything in his mouth that comes to his hand due to irritation and itching of the gums. In addition, during this period, the child greatly increases salivation, which can contribute to the appearance of irritation of the skin. Also, often on the cheek from the side of the erupting tooth, a rash or slight reddening of the skin occurs, and the temperature rises to 37.8 degrees.

Meanwhile, the above phenomena can be not only symptoms of teething, but also a developing infection. Therefore, if a child has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, cough, ear pain, loss of appetite and fever to high levels, it is necessary to call a doctor. The appearance of symptoms of a cold and diarrhea is due to a sharp change in diet and diet, the constant presence of foreign objects in the mouth, a violation of the microflora, and a weakening of local immunity in the nasopharynx.

During the process of the appearance of milk teeth, the baby may experience an unpleasant sour (metallic smell from the mouth), which is due to the partial decomposition of the mucous membrane (lysis). Saliva enzymes, which are abundant during this period, play a huge role. The viscosity, color and odor of saliva may change. In addition, weak antibacterial substances are present in saliva, which can also change the normal properties of saliva. Also, during teething, a certain amount of blood enters the oral cavity, which, when decomposed, can give an unpleasant odor.

What remedies relieve pain?
As noted earlier, the cold eases the child's condition during teething. If this does not help, it is recommended to use special dental gels or ointments (containing lidocaine, menthol and flavorings) that should be applied directly to the gums. The most common are Kalgel, Mundizal, Holisal, Dentinox, Kamistad, Solcoseryl (dental paste, not external ointment!). These drugs do not affect the process of the appearance of teeth at all. All of them are clinically tested and do not cause side effects. The only thing is that they can not be used if children have allergies. For such kids, a special drug Doctor Baby has been developed. The disadvantage of conventional drugs is that they have an exclusively anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Therefore, today doctors recommend Dentokind, a drug specially developed for babies, which, in addition to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system and stabilizes sleep. Medicines should be used only on the advice of a doctor.

These gels are used when pain occurs. However, you should not get carried away, do not use more than three or four times and more than three days.

To relieve pain and itching during teething in a child, you can use traditional medicine. For example, tooth tea, it will help the baby calm down, and also reduce pain, eliminate insomnia. In addition, this tea can be used by the mother herself to calm the nervous system. To prepare it, you should mix in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile, lemon balm, catnip (catnip), lavender flowers. Take a tablespoon of the resulting herbal mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen to thirty minutes. If the baby is too restless, and the mother's nerves are at the limit, two tablespoons of the mixture can be taken in a glass of boiling water. Since herbs are absolutely harmless, they can be given to a child without restrictions for a long time.

Very effectively relieves pain and reduces irritability of valerian tincture, which is recommended to be rubbed into the child's gums. Despite the not particularly pleasant smell, valerian tincture has a rather pleasant taste. Sometimes in small quantities it can be given to young children (5-10 drops).

The infusion of sage smells good and perfectly relieves pain, and also helps to strengthen the tissues of the gums and future teeth.

Possible features of teeth in children at the stage of teething.

  • A blackish edging on the neck of the tooth indicates the use of iron preparations in dissolved form or an inflammatory process of a chronic nature (bacteria of the leptotrichia group).
  • Yellowish-brown staining of the teeth indicates the use of antibiotics by the mother in the second half of the gestation of the baby, or by the child during the formation of teeth.
  • Yellowish-greenish staining occurs in the presence of severe disorders of bilirubin metabolism and the state of destruction of red blood cells.
  • Reddish staining of tooth enamel is observed with a congenital disorder in the metabolism of the porphyrin pigment (porphyria).
  • Malocclusion is observed against the background of uneven growth of the jaws due to prolonged sucking of the nipples.
  • Violations of the position of the teeth are manifested due to constitutional reasons (small jaw size), due to injuries, with congenital disorders of connective tissue metabolism, with tumors of the alveolar process of the jaw.
The correct and timely growth of teeth in a child indicates the normal development of the baby's body, because this process is directly related to the general state of his health.

Consider rare cases observed during teething, which can indirectly indicate the presence of pathology (only a thorough examination can prove or disprove this fact):

  • Incorrect tooth formation (size, shape, color, etc.) and its causes are identified by specialists.
  • Eruption of the tooth outside the arch of the dentition indicates an incorrect position of the axis of the tooth (horizontal or oblique).
  • A delay in the appearance of the first milk teeth by more than two months from the norm may indicate rickets, the presence of an infectious disease, impaired bowel function, and a change in metabolism.
  • The appearance of milk teeth earlier than the norm for one to two months may be the result of endocrine disorders in the body.
  • The appearance of teeth before birth. Such cases are observed very rarely. Usually such teeth are removed for the baby, as they prevent him from sucking his mother's breast.
  • Violation of the order of eruption or the absence of any tooth also indicates the presence of any anomalies or is a consequence of the diseases that the mother suffered during the period of bearing the child.
Tips for parents when teething in children.
  • During teething, it is necessary to constantly blot the baby's saliva with a soft towel to prevent skin irritation.
  • You can not rub alcohol-containing solutions into the baby's gums, as well as use aspirin and other medicines.
  • When the first teeth appear, it is necessary to start caring for them. A baby up to one and a half years old can use a special brush made of soft plastic to brush their teeth, which is put on the mother's finger. The procedure is carried out once a day. For an older child, you can purchase a special baby brush. Usually children like this procedure, and they are happy to imitate their parents. And yet, the main cleaning should be done by mom. At two years old, the child can be shown how to rinse his mouth with water (preferably after each meal) and use children's toothpaste with the recommended fluoride content for this age.
  • In order to prevent the development of caries, parents should strictly monitor the child's diet, especially the amount of sweets and sugary drinks, which should be at least in the diet. Be sure to include 10-20 g of hard cheese, seaweed, raisins, dried apricots, green and black tea in the child's diet every day, the latter has a lot of fluoride.
  • The child's first visit to the dentist should take place at two years, but if there are any problems, earlier. Remember, healthy baby teeth contribute to the proper formation and health of permanent teeth.
  • Do not lick the nipple or try the baby's food with a baby spoon, as you can introduce bacteria in the adult's saliva into the baby's mouth.
  • It is necessary to teach the child to brush his teeth after each meal, or at least twice a day, always at night.

Parents always look forward and with some fear when their baby teeth begin to erupt.

They study a lot of information on this issue and begin to worry if this process in their child begins early or vice versa, with a delay.

Their fears are justified by the fact that indirectly the appearance of teeth in accordance with the norm is a confirmation of the correct development of the baby.

The laying of all milk teeth begins long before the birth of a child. At about the 6th week of pregnancy, their rudiments are formed. But not one specialist can say for sure at what age they will begin to erupt.

Despite the existing deadlines and the order in which they appear, this The process is individual and depends both on the characteristics of the child's body and on many external factors.(gender, mother's nutrition during pregnancy, heredity, ecology, etc.).

Minor deviations from generally accepted terms are considered the norm in dentistry and pediatrics.


The severity of the signs accompanying eruption is always individual and inconsistent: in one child it manifests itself in full, while in another it goes unnoticed.

You can determine the beginning of this process by the following symptoms:

  • loose and swollen gums;
  • their slight inflammation;
  • increased salivation;
  • temperature;
  • biting the baby's chest;
  • manifestation of a rash (urticaria) on the chin, neck, cheeks;
  • thumb sucking or a constant desire to chew on an object.

These symptoms in most cases are accompanied by a runny nose, wet cough, indigestion (diarrhea or constipation, regurgitation, loss of appetite or lack of it, vomiting).

The process also concerns changes in the psycho-emotional state of the child. It is considered normal if sleep is disturbed during this period, he is constantly naughty or crying, asking for his hands, ignoring his favorite toys.


Pediatricians, observing the development of the child and evaluating it, focus on the time of teething. It is generally accepted that normally the 1st incisor should grow from 6 months. up to 8 months

Before 1 year of age, at least 8 teeth must be present in the mouth, and all 20 must be present by 3 years. We will tell you more about this in the following video:

All units relative to each other should be located symmetrically in the mouth. Cutting takes place at the following times:

It is impossible to adjust this process for all children under these terms. If their growth began at 1-3 months. later or earlier than the generally accepted term - this is considered normal, and is not a cause for concern. Such a deviation is due to the individuality of the organism.

Parents should be concerned if the active growth of teeth began at the age of 1 to 3 months. Doctors associate this “early” process with hormonal or metabolic disorders. Such children should be shown to the doctor more often, since it is on the “early units” that caries develops faster.


This concept is also relative, like timing. But in dentistry, there are 2 rules that regulate the order:

Despite the convention of the order, doctors and parents are guided by the following sequence:

  • incisors in the center;
  • incisors on the sides;
  • 1st molars;
  • fangs;
  • 2nd molars.

Physiologically normal is a change in this sequence in some babies. An alarming signal of this process is a violation of the pairing of their eruption.

Causes of deviation from the norm

The prevailing opinion that teeth should grow at a specific time and in a clear order is not true today. There is no strict date and strict order of their appearance. These criteria (like height, weight, first steps and words) are relative and individual for each baby.

Deadlines fall into 3 categories:


The most extreme form of the appearance of teeth is the birth of a baby with them. It is also considered abnormal if the first unit began to grow before 3 months. A similar deviation is observed when:

  • endocrine disorders: hyperthyroidism, Albright's syndrome, hypergonadism;
  • a growing neoplasm (usually with eosinophilic granuloma).


The appearance of teeth after 1 year. The delay in this process may be due to:

  • severe infectious disease;
  • dyspeptic disorder of the gastrointestinal system;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • progressive rickets;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • pituitary insufficiency;
  • severe toxicosis in my mother.


Pathology in which tooth growth is not observed due to damage or absence of its rudiment in the jaw bone (often observed in canines, a little less often in lateral and central incisors).

You can confirm the pathology with an x-ray examination. If the germ is present, then very dense bone tissue may interfere with the appearance of the tooth. This condition can be caused by:

  • weakening of the whole organism against the background of an infectious disease;
  • violation of the regime of artificial feeding;
  • general serious pathologies;
  • abnormal finding of rudiments;
  • thin walls of the bag surrounding the crown of the cutting unit;
  • heredity.

Important: it is considered normal if the period of appearance of teeth differs from the generally accepted ones by 2-4 months. A longer deviation always indicates a violation of the overall development and health of the child.

Possible Complications

Specialists do not encounter any serious complications during the growth of milk teeth. But against the background of this process, there may be:

  • Hematoma- a small bluish tubercle on the gum (in other words, a bruise). Its appearance is associated with damage to the mucosa in the place where the tooth begins to appear. There is nothing to worry about in a hematoma and no special actions should be taken. It usually resolves on its own after a while. But if there are several of them, you can apply a cold compress.
  • Ear pain- a pain symptom with a strong manifestation can be given to the ears. You can understand that they hurt by the behavior of the child: he pulls, scratches and constantly pulls his ears.
  • Inflammation of the gums- the edge of the tooth injures the gum, leading to its inflammation. The first sign of the onset of the inflammatory process is reddened swollen gums.
  • Sequestration- a small piece of the bone shell is separated and misses the growing unit. But at the same time, he does not have time to completely dissolve and is clearly visible on the gum long before the appearance of a tooth. You should not worry about its appearance - it separates itself after a while.

Against the background of tooth growth, bacterial or viral infections often occur, leading to rhinitis, otitis media, sinusitis, adenoiditis.

How to help a child

When a baby's teeth begin to grow, he requires increased attention from his parents.

Very useful during this period are special devices (“teethers”) that the baby can bite and gnaw. They are made of plastic or rubber, and are completely safe for his health.

Cold has a calming effect. You can buy special rings with liquid inside. If they are cooled in the refrigerator and then given to the child, they will help reduce the appearance of unpleasant symptoms - pain and swelling.

Babies over 8 months old. you can offer fruits, vegetables, juice from the refrigerator. Even after chewing a cold tissue napkin, sucking on a cold spoon, a pacifier, the baby will feel much better.

Massage will be helpful. With a clean finger dipped in cold water, you should gently press on the place where the tooth should grow. You can try another option: moisten a piece of gauze in a decoction of chamomile or hydrogen peroxide, and gently, without pressing, wipe the gum.

Do not give items and products that injure the gums. Such an action can lead to the penetration of pathogenic microflora through damaged tissues and cause the development of an infectious disease.

Medicines will help during this period. But their use should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when other methods were ineffective.

Usually assigned:

  • "Dantinorm baby"- a homeopathic remedy that relieves pain for a long time and reduces the severity of indigestion.
  • "Dentokind"- a homeopathic remedy that relieves all symptoms, including nasal congestion, fever and diarrhea.
  • "Kamistad gel"- has a regenerating, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Indicated only for children from 3 months.
  • "Dentinox"(solution or gel) - used to treat gums. Relieves inflammation, reduces pain and swelling.
  • "Holisal gel" - anesthetizes, fights microbes, reduces inflammation. Perhaps a short-term manifestation of an adverse reaction - burning.
  • "Kalgel" - helps reduce pain. Indicated for children older than 5 months.

Each of them can be used no more than 4 times / day and no longer than 3 days in a row.

All products have passed the necessary clinical trials and are safe for children. But they, while alleviating the main symptoms, can not always cope with pain. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to give the child painkillers suitable for age:

  • "Paracetamol for children";
  • "Panadol" (suspension or suppositories);
  • "Nurofen".

Important: any drug can be used only after it has been prescribed by a doctor.

Myths and Popular Questions

False claims about this physiological process have caused more than one generation of parents to panic. The most common myths are:

  • The scheme and order of the appearance of teeth are mandatory for all babies.. In fact, these concepts are relative, and depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and a number of external factors. Their deviation for 2-3 months is allowed. to one side or the other.
  • Thumb sucking will lead to deformity of the dentition. A similar problem occurs, but only if this habit is present at constant units.
  • High fever, runny nose, loss of appetite, cough are typical teething symptoms. All these signs can also indicate the beginning of the development of any disease in the body. Their manifestation is the reason for going to the doctor and examining the baby.
  • Dairy units do not need to be looked after, as they will fall out anyway. A dangerous statement, since their condition affects the permanents. The development of "early" caries will lead to the rapid loss of temporary units and the incorrect growth of permanent ones. Proper care, timely treatment of milk teeth increase the chances of having healthy beautiful molars in the future.

Any questions and doubts related to this process can be discussed and resolved with a pediatrician or dentist.

The change of teeth in a baby is a serious period in his life, because the further health of the oral cavity and the correct bite depend on it. Parents often have no idea about this, so many questions arise.

About when molars erupt in children, how to understand that a child is undergoing changes in the oral cavity, how to care for new teeth in order to avoid diseases, read in this article.

Symptoms of the appearance of molars

The change of incisors, canines and molars occurs as follows: new teeth destroy the root of the dairy and push them out of the gums.

You can find out about the approach of eruption of molars in children by the following symptoms:

  • increase in the spaces between the teeth;
  • the tooth is loose;
  • loss of teeth;
  • redness and swelling of the gums.

Teething can cause a lot of inconvenience to the baby:

  • body temperature rises;
  • gums swell, become sensitive;
  • runny nose appears;
  • pain in the gums.

At the time of the appearance of molars, the baby becomes more irritable, more whiny. Itching and inflammation of the gums prevent him from sleeping and eating normally. Sometimes there are disruptions in the digestive system, such as loose stools or constipation.

During the change of teeth, children's immunity weakens, which can lead to infectious diseases. To prevent this from happening, contact your pediatrician.

The duration of teething for each child is different. Therefore, it is not known how long such discomfort will continue. But don't worry. Perhaps, unpleasant changes in the body will not occur.

If the baby is still uncomfortable, then you can bring down the temperature with antipyretics, apply a cool compress to the gums and give the little one a drug that will muffle the pain. The temperature during the eruption of permanent teeth rises to 37-38 degrees, in children this condition can last several days before the appearance of a molar tooth and after. If it is higher and accompanied by a cough and runny nose, this is a sign of the development of a cold. Seek advice from your pediatrician.

Scheme and sequence

After the milk ones fall out, the indigenous ones take their place. Cutting takes place according to the scheme:

  • The age of the child, when the first teeth begin to erupt - six, approaches 6 years. They are behind the second milk molars.
  • The central incisors are replacing the milk incisors in the center.
  • Lateral teeth replace their milk predecessors.
  • Quadruples or first premolars take the place of molars.
  • Dropped milk fangs are replaced by indigenous ones.
  • Fives replace the second molars.
  • The second molars appear later, immediately root.
  • From the age of 16, the appearance of wisdom teeth begins in children. They cut very painfully.

You are familiar with the order of eruption of molars in children. In the photo, see how the permanent teeth begin to grow.

Start and end of the process

Molar incisors begin to develop in an infant in the womb at 8-9 months of pregnancy. The first permanent teeth appear when the baby is 6 months old. In a year and a half, the molars of the central teeth begin to erupt.

A year later, lateral ones appear. If the baby is already 5 years old, get ready for the fact that milk teeth will soon begin to fall out, and molars will grow in their place. Most of them are formed before 10 years.

Already at a fairly mature age, a wisdom tooth usually erupts. Often, for its final appearance, the help of a surgeon is used.

When the change happens

The table shows the timing of eruption of permanent teeth in children.

Do not worry if the sequence is broken or the child's teeth erupt sooner or later, as the data presented are averaged, and many conditions affect the growth of the baby's teeth. Only a doctor can judge the development of a child, so there is no need to panic, it is better to consult a doctor.

In the next video, the orthodontist will tell in detail about the stages of changing milk teeth to permanent ones, and will give useful recommendations to parents:

What determines the growth rate

Most often, incisors, canines, molars change at 6-8 years. But there are several factors that delay or accelerate their appearance:

  • heredity;
  • Food;
  • water quality;
  • standard of living;
  • past illnesses.

Possible problems and solutions

Problems can arise with the appearance of permanent molars. In order to address them in a timely manner, parents should be aware of the possible difficulties.

  1. Root incisors do not appear. Situations when, after the loss of the milk root, it does not erupt for a long time are not uncommon. The reason for this can only be established by a dentist. Specialists perform an x-ray showing at what stage of growth the tooth is. After that, the doctor determines the reason for the deviation from the schedule.

    It can be a hereditary predisposition to long eruption or adentia - a disease in which all or several are missing. In the first case, you just need to wait, and the tooth will grow after a while. In the second case, only prosthetics will save.

  2. The appearance of incisors earlier than normal. This may indicate that the work of the endocrine system is disrupted.
  3. Pain sensations. A freshly cut tooth is not protected from the negative effects of microbes, so caries and pulpitis are actively developing. You can read about pulpitis of milk teeth. These diseases are very painful, so you should not run them. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing a tooth.
  4. Unhealthy tooth. Wrong size, shape or color indicate disorders in the body. If you notice that your baby's new tooth is different from the rest, contact your doctor for advice.
  5. Cutting a tooth in the wrong place. Very often, a permanent tooth erupts even before the milk tooth falls out. As a result, the root grows outside the dentition, which leads to malocclusion. In no case do not remove the old tooth yourself, consult an orthodontist.
  6. Dropping out. The loss of a molar tooth can be a symptom of some diseases, so it is necessary to visit a doctor. To replace it, prosthetics are used.
  7. Injuries. A baby tooth that has erupted recently is more vulnerable. Injuries sustained while playing sports or games can cause a piece of it to break off or crack in it. Consult a dentist who will restore the tooth with the help of modern materials.

The appearance of the first tooth in the crumbs is eagerly awaited by all parents.

But this process is often associated with various troubles, because often the eruption of milk teeth can cause a rise in temperature and a deterioration in the general condition.

Let's take a closer look at how to help the baby in such a situation and when to expect teething at all.

In what order do milk teeth hatch?

The rudiments of teeth are formed in the womb. A newborn has 20 follicles located in the lower and upper jaw, it is from them that milk teeth develop.

The cutters are the first guests in a small state

They are located in the lower and upper jaws, 2 central and 2 lateral in each. Teething begins with the central lower incisors at the age of 5-6 months. The top leaves 1-2 months later.

The child also has 4 lateral incisors, they are located near the central ones. The upper ones erupt when the child reaches 9-11 months of age, the lower lateral incisors appear a little later, from 11 to 13 months.

In the photo, the eruption of the upper teeth in babies

Indigenous people follow them

Another name for these milk teeth is molars. They are divided into first and second.

The first molars are located near the canines in both jaws, there are 4 of them. They appear in a child no earlier than at 12-16 months.

The second milk molars come out the latest, this process is observed after two years. They are located behind the first (small) molars.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth in children

When will the fangs come out?

Their turn comes when the baby is 16-20 months old. They are located in front of the first molars. During this period, it is necessary to try to prevent the development of colds, since fangs often cause a deterioration in the health of the baby.

This order of eruption of milk teeth in children is considered a classic. It is also possible that they appear a few months earlier or later than the above dates.

This is also the norm. In medicine, even cases are known when newborns already had milk teeth.

Teething Formula

It is very simple to determine the number of milk teeth in a child; you need to subtract four from his age, taken in months. The result obtained will indicate their number. For example, if the child is 11 months old, then according to the formula, he should have 11-4 = 7 teeth. This formula is valid up to 2 years.

The order and timing of eruption of permanent teeth

The beginning of the eruption of the first permanent teeth should be expected before the first milk teeth fall out. In order for the child to form the correct bite, they erupt in pairs and in a certain order:

Possible problems

The above terms of teething are the norm. But under the influence of certain factors, problems associated with this process may arise.


You can talk about it in the absence of one or more teeth and their rudiments. The diagnosis is established not earlier than 10 months of age. The cause may be heredity, problems with the endocrine system, concomitant diseases of other organs.

Signs of adentia are:

  • malocclusion;
  • violation of diction;
  • missing one or more teeth;
  • large gaps between teeth;
  • sunken cheeks.

If there are rudiments of teeth, then the doctor prescribes a treatment that will stimulate eruption. Sometimes the gums are cut or special braces are installed. In their absence, implants are used.


With this pathology, there is a tooth germ in the gum, but it does not erupt for two reasons:

  • too dense gums;
  • the tooth at the exit rests against the previously erupted tooth.

It is manifested by soreness, edema, hyperemia, fever. Treated by cutting the gums or removing the impacted tooth.

Early teething

The appearance of the first teeth before 4 months of age is considered early. This often happens with disorders in the endocrine system, it can also indicate the presence of tumors.

Late teething

We can talk about this problem if teeth are missing at the age of 10 months. This leads to a lack of calcium, genetic predisposition, violation of enzymatic metabolism, pathology of the digestive system, rickets and other factors.

If by the age of 1 the child has no teeth, show the baby to the dentist.

Breaking the order

Occurs when the teeth appear in the wrong order. It can lead to ingrown teeth into the gums and the formation of a malocclusion.

Enamel hypoplasia

It develops with the inferiority of the enamel. Externally manifested by the presence of grooves, pits, roughness on the surface of the teeth. The child complains of pain when taking cold or hot food.

Treatment consists in the exclusion of harmful factors, the placement of fillings or prostheses.

How can you tell if your baby has teeth?

A small child cannot tell the reason for his anxiety. But during the appearance of teeth, the following changes in its condition can be noticed:

  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • swelling and redness of the gums;
  • weakness, crying, anxiety;
  • refusal of food;
  • the child gnaws everything that comes to hand;
  • a slight increase in temperature is possible.

The photo shows how the gums look when teething in babies:

What and how to alleviate the condition of the child?

It is impossible to completely avoid the symptoms of teething, but you can alleviate the condition of the baby:

  • use chilled teethers, they will relieve swelling and reduce pain;
  • you can also massage the gums finger, after washing your hands well;
  • use to reduce pain anesthetic gels;
  • provide sufficient consumption of foods rich in calcium;
  • in time wipe your saliva to avoid irritation to baby's delicate skin.

Milk teeth care

It is necessary to begin to carry out oral hygiene with the introduction of complementary foods and the appearance of the first tooth. Up to a year, this can be done with a napkin dipped in boiled water or with a soft toothbrush.

Closer to the year, brush your baby's teeth before going to bed without paste with a special toothbrush. It needs to be replaced at least once every 3 months.

You can start using children's toothpaste without fluoride from the age of 2.

Instill in your child a sense of the need for regular visits to the dentist for preventive check-ups every six months. The first visit should take place after the appearance of the first tooth, at about 6 months of age.

Teach your baby to brush his teeth 2 times a day, it is especially important to do this before bedtime. To prevent the development of caries, and milk teeth are especially susceptible to it, you should not abuse sweets and foods with a high sugar content.

When children are 5-6 years old, their milk teeth begin to be replaced by molars., and the order of eruption of permanent teeth and the symptoms that occur during this period are the same in almost all babies. However, there are still some differences, so you can and should prepare for such a difficult period.

How are permanent teeth different from milk teeth?

After a change in bite, the rules for caring for the oral cavity also change, since permanent and temporary teeth are very different from each other:

  • Indigenous are denser, they have a high degree of mineralization.
  • Milk teeth are much whiter than permanent teeth. The enamel of molars, canines or molars naturally has a light yellow tint.
  • The pulp (a bundle of nerve endings) in permanent teeth is more developed, because of this, the walls of hard tissue are much thinner.
  • In a young child, the dentition has a less developed root system; after a change in bite, it becomes more durable.
  • Even outwardly milk teeth are smaller. The jaw is not yet fully developed in babies, so the standard row on it simply would not fit.
  • More permanent teeth. In adolescence, sixes begin to form, which young children do not have.

At what age do molars begin to climb in children

Usually the first molars appear in children at the age of 5-6 years., but sometimes the milk lower incisors fall out in four-year-old babies or even in children younger. In pediatric dentistry, the exact timing of the change of the dentition is usually not indicated, since each child is individual. In some, the milk incisors begin to fall out immediately after the complete formation of a temporary bite, while others, even in grades 2–3, still do not have a single permanent tooth.

The last temporary molars are replaced at the age of 12–13 years. The period when the teeth of the six erupt in children does not begin at all until after 14 years. These premolars no longer have milk antecedents.

There is another group of teeth that comes out later than the rest. They are popularly known as wisdom teeth, dentists prefer to call them eights. They grow up at the age of 18 and later. There are cases when third molars begin to appear only after 30 years. Such a phenomenon cannot be called a pathology, as well as cases when the eights do not cut through at all.

The order and timing of eruption of molars: table and diagram

First, the child's teeth change in the same way that they are cut in newborns. Only at the age of 14–15 will additional molars grow, which were not present with a temporary bite.

The table below shows the timing of eruption of permanent teeth in children. You should not rely exactly on the indicated age, the period of mixed dentition can pass much faster or drag out.

The age when teeth begin to grow in children may be different, but the order of eruption of permanent teeth is almost always the same as in the table. Only in rare cases does everything happen in a different sequence.

Scheme of eruption of permanent teeth in children:

Symptoms of teething

If you have the following signs, you should prepare for a change of bite:

Temperature during eruption of molars in children

Often the appearance of molars in children is accompanied by a temperature, but it should not rise above 38 °Cand stay longer than four days. If the fever lasts longer than a few days, is accompanied by a runny nose (copious and opaque), dry and frequent cough, you need to show the baby to the pediatrician. Such symptoms indicate an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, which often develops during teething due to the increasing vulnerability of the body.

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms when teething molars

Toothache is an extremely unpleasant symptom even for an adult, not to mention kids. Teething is accompanied not only by discomfort, but also by general malaise, so it is better to know in advance at what age the molars in children climb and prepare for this period.

How to relieve symptoms:

What problems can arise during the period of changing teeth

There can be many problems when molars climb in children. The most common complications include:

  • Absence of permanent teeth.
  • The growth of a permanent tooth before the loss of a temporary one.
  • Pain in the molar.
  • Loss of a root tooth.

For each case, dentists have a solution, you just need to detect the problem in time and seek help. The last two phenomena occur due to low mineralization of hard tissue, and such anomalies appear regardless of how old the molars climb.

A new dentition is always very vulnerable in the first few weeks after formation. If little attention is paid to caring for the oral cavity, caries will quickly form on permanent incisors, canines and premolars. Physical impact on hard tissues during this period also leads to a lot of consequences.

Why does a molar tooth not grow for a long time after a baby tooth falls out?

As soon as a child's milk incisor, canine or molar fell out, it is usually already possible to feel the root on the gum. Even if this is not the case, then within a week it should appear. If there is no seal, then the baby tooth fell out too early. Many children loosen their teeth, sometimes the parents themselves take part in pulling them out.

In the worst case, a similar symptom may indicate adentia. Such a pathology is extremely rare, it is caused by a serious violation of mineralization even in prenatal age. Sometimes the disease appears already during life due to infectious diseases. The problem is easily solved by prosthetics.

Another reason for the violation can serve as a physiological delay in tissue growth. The eruption of all permanent teeth with such a pathology ends much later than usual. If the dentist finds a similar defect, he will advise to make a removable denture. If you do not take advice, permanent incisors and canines will grow crooked.

What is the danger of the growth of molars before the loss of milk

Usually, the growth of a molar tooth leads to loosening of the milk tooth, but there are exceptions. It is possible to understand that the bite is changing incorrectly if there are all the signs of eruption that were mentioned earlier, not accompanied by loosening of the milk incisors or canines.

Such a problem with the growth of a permanent tooth can lead to a number of problems:

How to take care of the oral cavity during the period of change of bite

It is necessary to teach the child to care for the oral cavity from an early age. By the period of change of bite, he should already be able to use a brush and paste. During the germination of molars, other recommendations must be observed:

  • It is better to use pastes with an increased amount of calcium and fluoride.
  • Make sure your child regularly uses antiseptic mouth rinses.
  • It is worth limiting the amount of sugar consumed by the child, as it leads to the development of caries. When the molars in children are just being cut and have not yet had time to get stronger, the disease can form in just a few weeks.
  • Include more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products in your diet. All of them have a positive effect on oral health.
  • Don't limit your child to hard food, it massages the gums and improves the growth of hard tissue.
  • Consult with your pediatrician and together with him select a complex with a high content of vitamin D, which improves the absorption of calcium.
  • Try to show your baby to the dentist for the first time no later than 3-4 years. When the first molars begin to erupt, the child should no longer be afraid of the dental office, since he will have to go to the specialist very often.

You should not let the health of your child's milk teeth take their course, and even more so, you should not ignore it when a permanent bite begins to form.

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