How to get rid of gas emission. Flatulence - a constant accumulation of gases in the intestines, causes, treatment

Around the clock, from 0.1 to 0.5 liters of various gases are released in the human intestine. Basically, this is the swallowed air during meals and the waste products of microorganisms that inhabit the digestive tract. Their composition consists of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide. The specific smell of gases appears due to hydrogen sulfide substances produced by bacteria. They leave the intestine silently and imperceptibly during defecation, if their volume does not exceed the physiological norm. Sometimes their number increases significantly, causing flatulence. This phenomenon causes severe discomfort in a person, then the question arises before him: how to get rid of gas formation in the intestines?

Causes of increased gas formation

The main causes of flatulence are the following:

  • Alimentary. Arise due to the special properties of certain products that enhance the increased production of gases.
  • Digestive. Insufficient production of enzymes does not allow the food to be completely digested, decomposing, it forms a lot of gases.
  • Mechanical. The occurrence of physical obstacles during the passage of feces: polyps, neoplasms, a large number of helminths, constipation.
  • Dysbiotic. An imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the gut often occurs when taking antibacterial agents.
  • Dynamic. It manifests itself in violation of intestinal motility or anomalies of the colon. The digestion process slows down, fermentation begins, gas formation increases.
  • Circulatory. It develops with circulatory disorders associated with diseases.
  • High-rise. Influence of changes in atmospheric pressure.
  • Dysphagia. It is caused by disorders of the nervous system and manifests itself in increased swallowing of air: rushing and talking while eating.
  • Psychogenic. Severe stress and nervous shocks.

For any reason for increased gas formation in the intestines, treatment is prescribed after the diagnosis is made.

flatulence symptoms

All signs of increased gas formation are divided into two large groups. Local, these include the following symptoms:

  • Pain - a large accumulation of gases bursts the intestinal walls, which compress other organs and prevent timely emptying. This is accompanied by severe pain of a spasmodic nature, passing after defecation or discharge of gas.
  • Bloating - Excessive gas expands and increases the size of the abdomen.
  • Hiccups - an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and a negative effect on the sphincters of the esophagus causes jerky respiratory movements.
  • Belching - part of the gases enters the stomach, from where, mixing with air, it exits with a loud characteristic sound.
  • Diarrhea or constipation - ongoing disorders in the gastrointestinal tract cause an upset stool.
  • Rumbling - fermentation processes are accompanied by specific sounds.
  • Nausea, vomiting - occurs due to the release of toxins during the fermentation of food.
  • Smell - the release of gases is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • malaise;
  • insomnia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • depressive state.

How to get rid of gas formation in the intestines that causes the above symptoms? To do this, you need to consult a doctor and find out the reason that caused the discomfort.

Diseases that cause flatulence

There are a number of diseases that lead to the formation of flatulence. These include:

  • Dysbacteriosis - occurs when an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which provokes low immunity, prolonged use of antibiotics, malnutrition, intestinal infections.
  • Helminthiases - the most common infections are roundworms and pinworms, as a result, the digestion process is disturbed.
  • Colitis - inflammation of the large intestine, causing a feeling of heaviness, bloating, rumbling in the abdomen, sharp paroxysmal pain and loose stools.
  • Pancreatitis - when the pancreas is inflamed, the secretion of enzymes for digesting food is disrupted.
  • Enteritis is an inflammation of the small intestine. Causes severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions.
  • Nervous diseases - they depress appetite, the body suffers from a lack of nutrients, the smooth muscles of the intestine are in constant tone, constipation or diarrhea, belching occur.
  • Aerophagia - swallowing large amounts of air when talking, eating, exercising.

All these diseases, in addition to the listed symptoms, necessarily lead to constant gas formation in the intestines, the treatment of which depends on the underlying ailment. In addition, flatulence occurs in pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes and the restructuring of the body. The hormone progesterone, which helps to relax the ligamentous and muscular apparatus, causes increased gas formation.

Diagnosis of the disease

To identify the causes of strong gas formation in the intestines and treatment, diagnostics are carried out, which includes the following activities:

  • Collection of anamnesis. The doctor during a conversation with the patient will listen to the patient's complaints, get acquainted with his lifestyle, find out the diet and diet, chronic diseases.
  • Performs a visual inspection. To do this, he will palpate the peritoneum, examine the rectal zone and rectum.

Further testing will require:

  • analysis of feces to detect the functioning of enzymes;
  • the study of feces for dysbacteriosis and egg worms;
  • blood test for helminths;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs helps to identify foci of inflammation, tumors, cysts;
  • radiography allows you to detect areas of intestinal obstruction;
  • irrigoscopy - examination of the rectum and colon using X-ray equipment;
  • colonoscopy makes it possible to see the causes of accumulation of gases.

With the help of these methods, the causes of bloating are determined. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a consultation with a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the necessary therapy will be prescribed and the patient will receive advice and recommendations on how to get rid of excess gas formation in the intestines.


The composition of these drugs includes substances that can quickly absorb gases and toxins. With the help of sorbents, all harmful components are removed from the body. It should be noted that it is often not recommended to use such funds, because along with all unnecessary and harmful substances, useful substances are also removed: vitamins and microorganisms, which then need to be compensated. How to get rid of gas and bloating? The most popular and effective are the following:

  • Activated charcoal - black tablets. Significantly improve the condition with flatulence, collect and remove toxins from the body with feces. Not indicated for peptic ulcer and intestinal obstruction.
  • White charcoal - has a stronger effect than activated charcoal due to silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose. It is not recommended to take pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with stomach ulcers.
  • "Smecta" is a white powder from which a solution is prepared. It is used to relieve gas formation in children and adults. Its use is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction and abdominal trauma.

In relation to other means, sorbents:

  • fast action;
  • have few contraindications;
  • possible use for children;
  • cases of overdose are unknown;
  • affordable.

The main disadvantage is the short duration of action.


How to get rid of gas formation in the intestines? Carminatives are defoamers that act on gas bubbles, crushing them and removing them from the intestines during bowel movements. They quickly eliminate the symptoms of flatulence, preventing bloating, do not enter the bloodstream, are not toxic and are completely eliminated from the body. The main drugs in this group include:

  • "Espumizan" - eliminates heaviness, removes accumulated gases, removes the symptom of pain caused by stretching of the intestinal walls. How to get rid of gas formation in the intestines? It is necessary to take the drug, it is used for children of any age, starting with infants. "Espumizan" can be used for a long period. Contraindicated in allergic reactions to constituent components and in intestinal obstruction. For children, it is available in suspension, for adults - in capsules.
  • "Disflatil" - eliminates bloating, removes heaviness, copes with aerophagy.
  • “Sub Simplex - large blisters break up into small ones, are removed from the intestines without causing pain, bloating is reduced.

The drugs have a quick effect, but are contraindicated in case of complete intestinal obstruction and injuries of the intestinal wall.


How to quickly get rid of gas formation in the intestines? To do this, there are drugs that stimulate the excretion of gases by increasing the motor activity of the intestinal walls. These medicines include:

  • "Motilium" is one of the best means of this group. It gives a very quick effect, along with an improvement in intestinal motility, bubbles are crushed. In addition, it eliminates nausea, belching and heaviness in the stomach.
  • "Trimedat" - eliminates pain, normalizes stool, improves intestinal motility, accelerates the progress of food coma.

Prokinetics have a good effect in the treatment of bloating, but they have many contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Enzyme preparations

The action of these drugs improves the production of enzymes to normalize digestion. How to get rid of strong gas formation in the intestines? Taking the following remedies will help digest food completely without causing fermentation, which will not lead to flatulence:

  • "Mezim forte" - eliminates nausea, heaviness, increased gas formation. The drug has contraindications only for an allergic reaction of its components.
  • "Pancreatin" - improves digestion, helps the pancreas in the production of enzymes. It can be used for bloating in both adults and children.

These medicines do not have a quick effect, they have a cumulative effect.

Exercises for bloating

For a positive effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • perform exercises slowly and smoothly. No sudden movements;
  • keep breathing even and deep;
  • when tired, take a breather.

How to get rid of increased gas formation in the intestines? The following exercises will help solve this problem:

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. With palms, perform clockwise circular movements in the intestinal area, slightly pressing on the stomach.
  • Grasp the legs bent at the knees with your hands and pull them to the body. Fix the position for one minute.
  • Contract and relax the abdominal muscles by holding your breath for 15 seconds.
  • Get on your knees. As you exhale, touch the floor with your forehead, and stretch your arms forward. Hold the pose for up to 30 seconds.

Perform exercises daily, making several approaches. They are performed alone or in combination with other types of treatment.

Alternative methods of treatment of severe gas formation in the intestines

With flatulence, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • Anise seeds. Pour a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour. Apply cold three times a day, 50 ml.
  • Dill. Pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for six hours. Adults take one glass three times a day.
  • Caraway. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for four hours. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Dandelion. Grind the root of the plant, pour a teaspoon with a glass of boiling water, insist. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

The reception of all funds must be agreed with the doctor in advance.

Prevention and diet

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. But if a problem with flatulence has arisen, then it is necessary to start with establishing a regimen and adjusting the diet. How to get rid of increased gas formation in the intestines? The weight of the amount of food consumed per day, divided into five to six doses. This will help improve metabolism and reduce gas formation. During the period of exacerbation, limit or completely eliminate the use of the following products:

  • containing a large number of animal proteins;
  • kvass, kombucha, beer, carbonated drinks;
  • legumes;
  • seasonings, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, sauces;
  • fruits - grapes, pears;
  • vegetables - cabbage, turnips, tomatoes;
  • milk;
  • confectionery, especially fresh pastries.

Do not eat very hot or cold food. This negatively affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. To prevent increased gas formation, it is recommended to steam, bake, use the method of stewing and eat boiled foods. While eating, you should not talk, and food should be chewed thoroughly. A calm lifestyle without worries and stress, the correct daily routine - all this will help in the prevention and treatment of bloating and gas formation.

Flatulence, or bloating, usually accompanies the weak functionality of the pancreas and biliary system. At the same time, insufficient enzymes are released for the active digestion of food in the small intestine.

Poorly digested food is annoying and starts to ferment. This is where all the unpleasant sensations that disturb the patient come from. Therefore, patients are advised to take various medications or folk remedies aimed at eliminating the problem. It is also extremely important to monitor nutrition and eat foods that reduce gas formation.

Products that increase gas formation

Nutrition is the first and most common cause of flatulence. Normally, our intestines produce about 1.5 liters of gases per day. And you can't get away from this. They have to be released. But, probably, you have noticed more than once that after some products, gas formation increases significantly, for example, if you ate.

There are a number of products that may not be digested by everyone. And this undigested food enters the intestines. There is a huge number of hungry microorganisms that pounce on it and begin to use it as their own source of nutrition. The result of this is an excess concentration of gases in the intestines.

In addition to legumes, there are a number of products that, to one degree or another, can cause this process in each individual person:

  1. Food that enhances fermentation. These are beer, carbonated sweet drinks, kvass, milk.
  2. Products that initially have a lot of coarse fiber, dietary fiber, irritate the intestines, are used by microflora for increased gas formation. This, cabbage and a number of other similar products.

In order not to limit your diet and consume all products, it is recommended to use heat treatment in the process of their preparation, as well as add ginger, coriander, rosemary, bay leaf. They reduce gas formation and provide it with a quiet, inconspicuous waste.

Other causes of gas formation

A person who is accustomed to using chewing gum often has the effect of flatulence. Especially if you do it on an empty stomach. Sorbitol, which is contained in chewing gum, is very popular with our microflora. And she processes it, releasing a lot of gas. In addition, when chewing gum, a person, as a rule, is talking at this moment, as a result of which air is swallowed.

Stress can cause increased gas production. Our brain is connected with the intestines, which reacts to emotional shaking with spasms, slowing down activity. The microflora has more time and food left, and it fully uses its chance.

A sedentary lifestyle often leads to problems with increased gas formation. At risk are office workers, housewives. The fact is that when we move a little, our intestines are lazy. The blood flow to it is reduced, metabolic and digestive processes slow down, the pressure inside the abdomen decreases, that is, the tone of the intestines.

Sometimes flatulence can be a symptom of a dangerous disease:

Herbal Powders

It is very useful for patients with chronic flatulence to take a teaspoon without top of psyllium seed powder with each meal. This remedy very well removes poisons and toxins from the intestines, neutralizes gases, cleanses the blood.

It can be replaced with crushed fennel seeds, which have similar properties. In addition, powder from the seeds of wild carrots, elecampane root with honey, and angelica roots is used.

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What can you eat after hemorrhoid surgery: basic rules and recommendations, prohibited foods

Take ginger or garlic powder on the tip of a spoon 3-4 times a day after meals after two hours. Drink water in a volume of at least 100 ml.

Crushed to a powdery state of dill, sprinkle food every time. Regular use of this spice will help remove excess gases from the stomach and intestines. Or just after a meal, chew on a sprig of dill.


For people suffering from flatulence, traditional healers are advised to do enemas with water infusion:

  • chamomile
  • parsley

An enema is an excellent cleanser for increased gas formation at home. With frequent exacerbations of flatulence, you should consult a doctor on this issue.

Turpentine baths, as well as with a decoction of valerian and pine needles, are considered a very effective remedy in the treatment of increased gas formation in folk medicine.

Essential oils

For digestive problems and increased gas formation, the following aromatic oils are used:

  • basil
  • peppermint
  • fennel
  • chamomile
  • bergamot
  • lavender and others

They help improve digestion. Can be used for abdominal massage. To do this, prepare a mixture consisting of base oil (15 ml), mint (4 drops), juniper berries (2 drops), cumin (2 drops).

Peppermint, ginger are dripped onto sugar and taken in this form. Dill oil is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and drunk in a tablespoon four times a day. Black cumin is added 3 drops to tea or coffee.

For the first time, the problem of flatulence became interested in the dawn of the space age. When the first flights into space were planned, scientists began to fear that the astronauts would suffocate from their own fumes. After all, it is almost impossible to ventilate the cabin of a spacecraft.

Fortunately, the flight was successful. And experts once again emphasized that there is no escape from flatulence, as this is an inevitable result of digestion of food.

To get rid of flatulence, you must first reconsider your views on nutrition and eat only those foods that will not be harmful to health.

If increased gas formation is caused by wrong habits, it is enough to choose a suitable folk remedy to eliminate discomfort. If the problem persists, you should immediately go to the doctor. Perhaps flatulence has deeper roots and is a complex and dangerous disease.

Dec 28, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Flatulence is a common phenomenon characteristic of the modern population, which brings not only physiological inconvenience, but also psychological discomfort.

What is flatulence in adults with and without odor?

Flatulence has two forms of the disease:

  1. Increasing the volume of the abdomen as a result of accumulation and difficulty in the discharge of accumulated gases due to spasm of the large intestine. The patient experiences discomfort, pain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
  2. regular, increased discharge of gaseous products from the intestine. In this case, the disease is not accompanied by pronounced painful phenomena. Anxiety brings rumbling and transfusion of the intestines, which is clearly audible even at a distance, and the specific smell of outgoing intestinal gases associated with the presence of special aromatic compounds in them. These unpleasant phenomena force a person to limit communication with people, which significantly worsens the quality of his life.

Unpleasant bloating

Intestinal flatulence - bloating, farting, increased gas formation: symptoms and causes in women and men

The cause of flatulence in adults are violations:

  1. gas formation process
  2. Gas absorption
  3. Gas emissions

These violations can be provoked by various factors:

  • Failure of the enzyme system. The vast majority is due to improper organization of food intake.
  • Poor condition of the intestinal microflora. As a result of intestinal dysbacteriosis, there is an imbalance between the microorganisms that form intestinal gases and the bacteria that absorb them.
  • Operations on the organs of the abdominal cavity. Any surgical intervention in this area reduces the motor activity of the intestine. Food masses through the intestines begin to move slowly or stop completely, this is the result of the development of putrefactive and fermentation processes.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Flatulence symptoms accompany various pathologies: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastritis.
  • Consumption of certain foods. The preference for products that contribute to a large formation of gases in the intestines causes flatulence.
  • Frequent stressful conditions. Nervous disorders can lead to spasm of smooth muscles and slowing of intestinal motility, which can cause increased gas production.

Symptoms of gas formation

Flatulence in children: causes and symptoms

  • Imperfection of the digestive system in childhood is most often the cause of flatulence. This happens especially often in infants, when the intestinal microflora only has to develop after the birth of the baby. In this case, the digestion of food turns into a difficult process.
  • Just like in adults, one of the reasons for the accumulation of gases in children can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A lack of digestive enzymes or a violation of the digestive organs are provocateurs of flatulence.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics leads to a violation of the bacterial flora of the intestine, which is another reason for the onset of the disease.
  • Abnormal development of the intestines, contributes to the accumulation of food debris in the intestines, the result is problems with excessive gas formation.
  • Usually, bloating in children occurs due to eating foods that cause an increased accumulation of gases.

Symptoms of the disease in children, after the infant period, they appear similar to the symptoms in adults.

How to identify the primary symptoms in infants?

Flatulence in pregnant women: causes and symptoms

Problems with gases in the intestines of a woman in an interesting position

Symptoms associated with flatulence in a future mother can appear due to a sharp growth of the fetus or a malfunction of the hormonal system. These changes lead to disruption of the normal metabolic process and the natural release of waste products from the body. This phenomenon is considered normal, in this case you should not panic.
If the cause of flatulence is only pregnancy, after childbirth, the bowels will return to normal.

Flatulence in pregnant women is characteristic symptoms:

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Belching
  3. hiccup
  4. Bloating and painful abdominal cramps
  5. Stretching of the abdomen
  6. Unpleasant taste in the mouth

Flatulence in nursing mothers: causes and symptoms

  • Excluding the general problems of the appearance of flatulence in the adult population, the main factor in the large gas accumulation in a nursing woman is the wrong diet. It is necessary to strictly monitor the diet and eat food that helps reduce abdominal swelling.

Eat right while breastfeeding
  • Sometimes such symptoms in a young mother after childbirth appear due to the displacement of internal organs. An enlarged uterus by the end of pregnancy shifts the pelvic organs and intestines. Over time, the natural location will return to normal. For more effective recovery, it is advisable to perform special gymnastic exercises.

Symptoms are similar to those of the disease in question in any adult.

First aid for flatulence

  • Increased gas formation does not pose a particular danger to the life of the patient.
  • The intake of an adsorbent and an antispasmodic will help improve well-being.
  • The pain associated with flatulence disappears after defecation or the release of gas accumulations.

Preventive measures

Drugs, pills, medicines for bloating and flatulence: a list

Only a specialist, when establishing the problem of bloating, chooses medicines to get rid of the disease.

The solution to the problem is eliminated:

  • Adsorbents
  1. Activated carbon
  2. Polyphepan
  3. Polysorb
  4. Smecta
  5. Lactofiltrum
  6. Filtrum
  • Defoamers
  1. Espumizan
  2. colicid
  • Prokinetics
  1. Passagex
  2. Motilium
  • Enzyme preparations
  1. Pancreatin
  2. Creon
  3. Festal
  • Antispasmodic drugs
  1. Papaverine
  2. No-shpa
  3. Duspatolin
  4. Mezim Forte
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics
  1. Hilak forte
  2. Linex
  3. Portalak
  4. Bifidumbacterin
  5. Eubicor
  6. Lactobacillus
  7. Motijekt
  • Carminative potions
  1. Benegast
  2. Redugaz
  3. Bebinos
  4. colicid
  5. Meteospasmil
  6. Herbion

Smecta, Enterosgel, No-shpa: how to apply for the treatment of flatulence?

Pour a bag of funds into 0.5 cups of warm water. Drink before meals, at least 3 times in 24 hours
  • The drug ideally adsorbs gases and removes them from the body.

We take as needed 1-2 tablets from 2 to 3 times a day.
Apply for at least a week

Dosing of the drug depends on age.

  • Children:

Up to three years - 1 tsp. 2 times a day
From 3 to 5 years - 1 tsp. 3 times a day
5 to 14 years - 1 dessert spoon, 3 doses in 24 hours

  • Children over 14 years of age and adults - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day
  • The drug is taken with water, between meals

How to take activated charcoal for flatulence?

Reception: An hour before taking food from 3 to 4 servings per day, at the rate of 500 mg per 20 kg of weight. Drink 1/2 glass of water.

Folk recipes from herbs for the treatment of flatulence

Healing with herbal remedies

Herbal preparations are effectively used to treat chronic bloating.
Take the prepared infusions for at least a month, even if the discomfort stops immediately.

1 option

  • Mix in a clay pot: 4 tsp. mint, 3 tsp anise, 3 tsp dill seeds, 3 tsp cumin and 2 tsp. chamomile flowers.
  • Pour 2 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water
  • Cover with a lid
  • We insist 10 minutes
  • We take half a glass of infusion every 2-3 hours

Option 2

  • Mix in equal proportions: lavender, mint leaves and licorice roots
  • We brew daily in a thermos - 1 tbsp. l. collection per 1 liter of boiling water
  • Drink throughout the day, as often as possible, in small portions

3 option

  • 3 tsp coriander combine with 2 tsp. cumin and fennel
  • Pour 4 tsp. mix 2 cups spring water
  • Bring to a boil
  • Removing from the stove
  • The cooled broth is taken 2 times a day for 1.2 liters

4 option

  • We take the same amount: dill seeds, lemon balm leaves, crushed angelica root, gentian root and calamus rhizome
  • Pour 1 tsp. collection of 1 l. boiling water
  • Simmer over low heat for 2-4 minutes
  • Taking it off the fire
  • We insist 10-15 minutes
  • We filter
  • We drink a quarter cup 3 times in one day. Preferably 30 minutes before eating

The Best Home Remedies

Folk recipes from dill seeds for the treatment of flatulence

The oldest remedy

Dill seeds have been used since ancient times to get rid of flatulence in babies. They are also effective for reducing gases, relaxation, and relieving pain associated with flatulence in adults.

It is not difficult to prepare a medicinal mixture at home:

  • 1 st. l. seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water
  • We insist 1.5-2.5 hours or brew in a thermos
  • Store the strained solution in the refrigerator
  • Warm the infusion before use
  • We drink as often as possible, as thirst arises, in small portions

How to take baking soda for flatulence?

Folk way to get rid of bloating

Soda solution is the most effective way to get rid of bloating.

Since the intake of soda violates the mucous membrane of the stomach, taking the remedy for too long is not recommended.

We prepare the solution at the rate of 1/2 tbsp. for 250 ml of boiled water. Take a quarter of an hour before meals, no more than 3 times a day.

Heat on the stomach with flatulence

Effective heating for bloated belly problems

Heat is a good remedy for increased gas formation.

  • Pour warm water into a heating pad
  • We apply on the stomach, until the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

What foods cause flatulence?

forbidden food

To prevent and get rid of flatulence, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that provoke or activate the fermentation process:

  • Hard to digest types of meat products:
  1. goose
  2. pork
  3. mutton
  • All varieties of legumes:
  1. peas
  2. beans
  3. lentils
  • Most cereals, except rice and buckwheat
  • Fresh yeast and rich products:
  1. pies
  2. buns
  3. cakes
  4. cakes, etc.
  • Dairy products and milk
  • fresh bread
  • Vegetable crops containing coarse fiber:
  1. cabbage of all kinds
  2. radish
  3. tomatoes
  • Fruit and berry fruits:
  1. grape
  2. dates
  3. pears
  4. apples
  5. gooseberry
  6. raspberries
  • Greens:
  1. spinach
  2. sorrel
  3. green onion
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Tea mushroom
  • Mushrooms
  • Alcohol
  • chewing gum

Which foods do not cause and reduce gas and flatulence?

To improve intestinal motility will help:

  • Loose buckwheat (or millet) porridge
  • Dairy products
  • Bread made from wheat flour (coarse grinding) baked the day before before consumption
  • Boiled (baked) fruit desserts
  • Steamed or baked vegetables

Diet for bloating and flatulence in adults: menu

Sample one day menu:

First breakfast:

  • Rice porrige
  • Green tea


  • Muesli
  • Yogurt


  • boiled veal
  • Stewed carrots
  • Vegetable soup
  • Black tea without sugar

Afternoon snack:

  • Boiled dried fruits


  • Buckwheat groats boiled
  • Steamed chicken cutlets
  • Baked apple

2 hours before bedtime:

  • A glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt

A prerequisite for dieting during the treatment of flatulence is:

  1. drinking at least 2 liters of water
  2. fractional nutrition

Sauerkraut and Flatulence

As opposed to fresh cabbage, sauerkraut helps to eliminate signs of flatulence.

  • We take 100 ml of brine, 3 times a day.

Can there be flatulence from bananas?

  • The consumption of large amounts of exotic fruits such as bananas contributes to the process of fermentation in the stomach, which contributes to the onset of the disease.
  • Strengthening of symptoms occurs in the presence of diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcer.

How are flatulence and pancreatitis related?

Flatulence is a very common occurrence in pancreatitis.

How are flatulence and hemorrhoids related?

The disease increases the expansion of the veins of the lower rectum

Flatulence and bloating contribute to the exacerbation of hemorrhoids:

  • The most common gastrointestinal disorders are signs of diarrhea and swollen abdominal area.
  • Constipation and flatulence signal a malfunction in the digestive system.
  1. Both problems warn of poor functioning of the intestinal sphere and the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Often, an increased concentration of gases with difficult emptying is the result of improper nutrition and the use of products that do not go together with each other.
  3. Not a small role in the appearance of such problems has an excessive intake of carbonated drinks and products that cause fermentation in the body.
  4. Causes similar symptoms excessive intake of baking soda, for the relief of heartburn

How are flatulence and belching related?

Not a very pleasant feeling not only for the patient, but also for others

Rapid absorption of food, chewing gum, gas cocktails contribute to the entry of air into the digestive tract, which forms signs of flatulence and belching.

Causes of flatulence in the morning and evening

morning problems

  • Violation of proper nutrition is the most common source of bursting of the peritoneum at the beginning of the day. It is necessary to eat in the evening 3-4 hours before bedtime. A late dinner does not allow the food that enters the body to be completely broken down, this leads to a fermentation process, hence enhanced gas formations appear in the morning.
  • A natural physiological consequence of the morning exit of gas accumulations is the difficult release from them in the supine position. When standing up, this process can be activated.
  • Increased flatulence in the evening indicates the use of food that contributes to excessive formation of gases or the intake of products that do not combine with each other.
  • The consequence of evening problems associated with flatulence is the drinking of carbonated drinks, a daily snack "on the go", a negative change in the violation of the floral zone of the intestine, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Not everyone has an idea of ​​​​what diseases gas accumulates in the stomach, how. Bloating is a very common complaint when patients visit a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. This condition can occur in people of any age and gender. In some cases, flatulence is a symptom of the disease, while in others it does not pose a threat and is associated with dietary habits. What is the etiology and treatment of bloating?

1 Gas formation process

Gas formation is a natural process associated with the digestion of nutrients. Food from the stomach enters the intestines. It contains a large number of useful microflora, which is directly involved in the process of digestion of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrate lipids). Under the action of enzymes produced by bacteria, nutrients are decomposed into simpler ones. This facilitates the absorption process. In are always present. Their average volume is 0.9 liters. Normally, gases should not accumulate in the intestines for a long time. They are constantly coming out.

This defecation time also occurs outside of this process. If gases accumulate in the stomach, they can be expelled from the mouth. This happens during burping. From 0.1 to 0.5 liters of the gas mixture is removed per day. The latter consists of hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and other gases. The removal of gases from the intestines with a characteristic sound through the anus is called flatulence. Under normal circumstances, the number of fluctuations in a person does not exceed 20. If there is bloating in combination with other symptoms, this is a reason to see a doctor.

2 Causes of gas formation

Before you get rid of gas formation, you should install the main one. In most cases, bloating is due to pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (enterocolitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis). Flatulence is a symptom of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • enzymatic deficiency;
  • tumors;
  • infringement of the mesentery of the intestine;
  • inflammation of the peritoneum;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • colitis;
  • celiac disease;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic enteritis;
  • enterocolitis.

Depending on the mechanism of development of flatulence, the following forms of this pathological condition are distinguished:

  • dynamic flatulence;
  • enzymatic;
  • mechanical;
  • inflammatory;
  • non-inflammatory;
  • circulatory.
  • psychogenic.

Gases in the abdomen can accumulate on the background of malnutrition, swallowing air while eating or talking. Gas in the intestines often accumulates in people who are lactose intolerant. This condition is caused by a lack of lactase enzyme in the body. Flatulence in this case is provoked by the intake of dairy products. Increased gas formation in the intestines is possible during childbearing: the uterus squeezes the intestines and slows down the process of digestion. Less commonly, the cause of gas accumulation is the use of certain medications.

3 Flatulence with poor nutrition

The cause of increased gas formation often lies in the diet. Everyone makes mistakes in their diet to one degree or another. Gases in the intestines in adults and children accumulate under the following circumstances:

  • overeating;
  • the use of foods and dishes that increase fermentation in the intestines;
  • the use of carbohydrate food;
  • the use of products that contribute to a more intense formation of gas.

Gases in a large volume are formed when carbohydrates are consumed. The latter are rich in fruits, vegetables, bakery and confectionery products. Severe flatulence can be caused by eating foods rich in the following carbohydrates: lactose, fructose, sorbitol, raffinose. These carbohydrates are found in milk, cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, dairy products, ice cream, fresh fruits and vegetables, cakes, juices, carbonated drinks.

The fermentation process is enhanced by the use of rye bread, kombucha, beer, kvass, radish. Gases in the intestines can accumulate with the wrong combination of products. This is possible if you eat an apple or other fruit along with the main course. Fruits should be consumed 2 hours after the main meal or an hour before it.

4 Crohn's disease

Gas in the intestines can accumulate and lead to bloating in Crohn's disease.

This is a disease that occurs in a chronic form, which is characterized by inflammation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, all layers of the digestive tube are involved in the process: mucous, submucosal base and muscle layer. The disease is rare and manifests itself, as a rule, at a young age (from 20 to 40 years). Men suffer from Crohn's disease more often than women. The exact cause of the disease has not been established. Allocate infectious and autoimmune theory of the onset of the disease. The following predisposing factors for the development of this pathology have been identified:

  • stress;
  • viral diseases;
  • smoking;
  • allergic reaction to food.

Crohn's disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • flatulence;
  • violation of the stool by the type of diarrhea;
  • the presence of blood in the feces;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • weight loss.

The intestine is not completely affected. Areas of healthy tissue are replaced by inflamed ones. Ulcers and erosions form in the intestinal wall. Bloating disturbs patients after eating. The main reason is a violation of the digestion of food. The disease is prone to progression, while the symptoms increase, and the intervals between exacerbations decrease.

5 Dysbacteriosis

A common cause of flatulence is dysbacteriosis. This is not an independent disease, but a syndrome. With dysbacteriosis, the balance between beneficial bacteria and conditionally pathogenic ones is disturbed. The colonization of the intestine by bacteria occurs immediately after birth. The human gut contains trillions of microorganisms. They are regularly excreted in the faeces, but due to constant reproduction, their number changes only slightly. The most valuable representatives of normal microflora are lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, bacteroids. Conditionally pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, Proteus, enterococci) are also found in the intestine. Their number is much smaller.

Dysbacteriosis can occur in those people who often take broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs (penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones). Dysbacteriosis can occur against the background of chronic intestinal pathology (enterocolitis). Dysbacteriosis contributes to alcoholism, smoking, reduced immunity. Bloating is the most common but not constant manifestation. Additional signs include stool disorder, nausea. Against the background of swelling, an eructation often appears. At the same time, an unpleasant aftertaste is felt in the mouth.

6 Inflammation of the pancreas

Increased gas formation is one of the symptoms of pancreatitis. This disease is an inflammation of the pancreas. The latter produces pancreatic juice, which is involved in digestion. The most pronounced flatulence in chronic pancreatitis. There are the following causes of chronic pancreatitis:

  • regular alcohol intake;
  • eating fatty foods;
  • binge eating;
  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • treatment with glucocorticoids, estrogens, diuretics;
  • autoimmune disorders.

Chronic pancreatitis can result from acute inflammation if not properly treated. Pancreatitis is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen or hypochondrium, bloating, nausea, vomiting, changes in stool, loss of appetite. The disease can go unnoticed for the patient for years, while the person takes the symptoms of pancreatitis for simple gastritis.

7 Diagnostic measures

To get rid of gases in the intestines, a diagnosis is required, since flatulence is just a symptom. Diagnostics includes:

When examining a patient, it is necessary to pay attention to the soreness of the abdomen, the nature of the percussion sound, the severity of intestinal noises. The patient's complaints are of no small importance. If bloating is combined with pain and blood in the stool, then a person may have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Nausea, bloating, vomiting, the presence of undigested pieces of food in the feces are all signs of chronic pancreatitis.

8 How to get rid of flatulence

A gastroenterologist should advise a person on how to get rid of flatulence. To quickly and permanently get rid of gases in the abdomen, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. If dysbacteriosis is detected, it is required to normalize the qualitative and quantitative composition. In severe dysbacteriosis, when there are a large number of pathogenic microbes in the intestines, you first need to cleanse the intestines with antibiotics. After that, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed. Probiotics are drugs that contain live beneficial microorganisms. These include Lineks, Bifiform. Prebiotics are substances that stimulate the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms in the human intestine. This group includes Inulin, Lactulose.

To get rid of the background of dysbacteriosis, it is required to enrich the diet with dairy and sour-milk products. Bifidobacteria are rich in products such as Activia, Actimel. If necessary, replace dairy products with sour-milk products. Treatment of flatulence caused by chronic pancreatitis involves following a strict diet and avoiding alcohol. In the presence of secretory insufficiency, tablets are used, the content of enzymes (Pansinorm). The tablets must be taken with meals. You can not take medicine during an exacerbation of the disease. In case of organ necrosis, surgical intervention may be required.

9 Other treatments

Treatment of flatulence can be carried out with folk remedies. In this situation, it is necessary to take decoctions and infusions based on plants (dill, lemon balm, cumin, ginger). Treatment necessarily includes diet. You should refrain from eating legumes, cabbage, apples, black bread, soda, confectionery, radishes. Thus, bloating may indicate a pathology of the internal organs. If flatulence is not the only symptom and has been bothering you for a long time, you should consult a doctor.


Few people like to talk about their intestinal gases, it’s just so common that this is a very delicate and intimate topic, but almost everyone likes to joke about it, driving their neighbor into the red.

In case of malnutrition and digestion, protein and carbohydrate foods in the small intestine are not completely digested (there are not enough enzymes and intestinal juice), but stagnates, ferments and rots.

As a result of such phenomena, nutrients that are not digested in the small intestine are broken down, and feces are formed.

Possible causes of excessive fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines:

  • malnutrition, especially overeating,

  • insufficiency of digestive enzymes as a result of diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, including if the food is washed down with plenty of water or other liquid (the concentration of intestinal juice decreases),

  • intestinal motility disorders

  • with an imbalance of intestinal microflora, including intestinal infections,

  • ulcerative colitis, cancerous tumors of the colon, adhesive processes as a result of operations and other bowel diseases.
In the case of an intensive fermentation and putrefactive process, an excess amount of intestinal gases is produced. Also, a person may be bothered by other symptoms and digestive disorders.

Causes of increased gas formation in the intestines

There can be quite a few reasons for increased gas formation, and the process of formation of a large amount of gases can be associated with almost all stages of digestion, starting from eating. Yes, and each person is individual, not everyone has the same gas formation. Different people have different mechanisms for disrupting the formation of intestinal gases, as well as the volume of their release, even when exposed to the same factors and pathological processes.
  1. Air entering the stomach from outside:

  2. Eating foods that increase gas production(more details in the next section of the article).

  3. Fluid intake during and immediately before or after meals.

  4. Binge eating, eating after fasting, the habit of eating before bedtime.

  5. Enzyme deficiency:
    • physiological factor: early childhood or old age,

    • stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer,

    • gallbladder disease and biliary tract: biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis,

    • various types of hepatitis (viral, toxic, alcoholic), cirrhosis, acute or chronic liver failure,

    • tumors liver and pancreas,

    • diseases of the pancreas : pancreatitis,

    • congenital digestive disorders : celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, lactase deficiency, phenylketonuria, anomalies in the development of the liver, pancreas and other digestive organs.
  6. Imbalance of intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis): insufficient number of "good bacteria" (lacto- and bifidumbacteria), a large number of putrefactive bacteria. As a result, the processes of putrefaction in the intestines and gas formation are expressed.

  7. Cholelithiasis and condition after gallbladder removal surgery.

  8. Intestinal infections and helminthic invasions.

  9. Violation of intestinal motility (peristalsis):

    • unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition: inactivity, insufficient amount of fiber consumed in the form of vegetables, fruits, cereals, and so on,

    • diseases of the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, etc.),

    • violation of blood circulation and innervation of the intestine and mesentery: osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta, intestinal infarction, liver failure with increased pressure in the portal vein, and so on,

    • adhesive process after surgery in the abdominal cavity,

    • pronounced violation of posture, wearing corsets, things with a tight belt or belt.

  10. Tumors of the intestine.

  11. Ulcerative colitis, proctitis, appendicitis and other pathologies of the digestive system.
  12. As we can see, the increased formation of gases in the intestine can indicate both a violation of the process of eating, and severe pathologies, including congenital, oncological and neurological ones.

    Foods that cause gas

    Many foods, even the most common ones, can lead to severe gas formation. Moreover, the list of such products for each person is different, and the intensity of gas formation for certain foods also varies depending on individual characteristics. In addition, the amount of food eaten affects the process of gas formation, this is the main factor in the development of flatulence.

    List of foods that promote education

    Product type Product
    The intensity of gas formation, depending on various factors
    High degree of gas formation Product variant that reduces gas formation
    • raw white cabbage
    • sauerkraut,
    • Beijing cabbage and other varieties,
    • cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil,
    • stewed and boiled cabbage.
    • beans,
    • peas (any kind)
    • cocoa beans found in chocolate
    • it is undesirable to take beans along with meat dishes, while gas formation increases significantly,
    • lentils,
    • beans or peas soaked in water for 12 hours before cooking.
    Potato In any form-
    tomatoes In any form, including in sauces-
    • fresh,
    • marinated,
    • fried.
    • stewed,
    • boiled,
    • steamed,
    • baked
    • fresh,
    • marinated
    heat treated
    Greens Parsley,
    arugula and more
    freshheat treated
    Fruits and berries bananas,
    apples and pears,
    apricot and peach,
    melon and watermelon,
    citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits),
    kiwi and so on
    • fresh fruits, especially if they are eaten on an empty stomach,
    • unripe fruits and berries
    • when combined with dairy products,
    • thermally processed (baked, boiled),
    • if you eat fresh fruit after main meals or as a snack.
    Cereal crops Corn,
    whole grain cereals,
    wheat germ, etc.
    except for rice which does not contribute to gas formation at all
    • whole grains combined with meat,
    • it is not advisable to drink water or other drinks,
    • soufflé and puree from whole grain products,
    • whole grains eaten for breakfast.
    Flour products containing yeast muffin,
    bran, white and black bread,
    • freshly baked and fried products,
    • crackers washed down with milk drinks,
    • crackers,
    • yesterday's bread
    • Wholemeal black bread.
    Eggs Chicken, quail eggs
    • scrambled eggs,
    • omelette,
    • mayonnaise,
    • boiled,
    • fresh raw.
    Dairy Whole milk,
    sour cream,
    sour milk drinks,
    butter and others.
    • milk and dairy drinks for adults,
    • any kind of cheese, cheese,
    • milk and dairy products for children,
    • fermented milk products for adults, if they are consumed separately from other food, for example, before bedtime.
    Meat Mutton,
    offal (liver, heart, etc.),
    meat broths.
    • meat of young animals,
    • grilled meat,
    • smoked meats,
    • when taking any meat dishes, including broths, at bedtime

    • meat of young animals
    • cooked meat,
    • steam cutlets,
    • any meat in the morning
    Fish and seafood Fatty fish varieties
    eating this food before bedwhen taking seafood in the morning
    Sweets Sugar,
    sweets and confectionery
    any, especially those containing starch and gelatin.-

    Any carbonated drinks
    juices with pulp
    fruit drinks.
    • carbonated drinks,
    • any drinks taken before, during or immediately after a meal,
    non-carbonated drinks that are taken 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal.
    Most spices and spices If you drink spicy and salty food with water.Dill, fennel, cumin, marjoram, mint.

    **This table is calculated for people without severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the presence of allergies, diseases of the liver, pancreas and other pathologies, any product can lead to increased gas formation.

    As you can see, almost all the ingredients of our menu are on the list of products that increase gas formation. But this does not mean that it is worth giving up on them, on the contrary, they are all necessary for our body, they contain essential nutrients vitamins, minerals and many other useful things. They just need to be properly combined and subjected to proper processing.

    So, for example, all fried, pickled and smoked dishes, regardless of their usefulness, will increase the amount of gases, but boiled, steamed and baked foods will always benefit. Fresh fruits and vegetables stimulate a large amount of gas, mainly in people who are not used to such food. This phenomenon lasts no more than 3-4 days, then fresh vegetables and fruits are well tolerated and benefit without excess gases.

    Many products give gases if they are washed down with liquids (including tea, coffee and compote), so it is useful to drink water half an hour before or half an hour after eating. It is also important to reduce the amount of salt and sugar. The time of day of taking certain products also affects the process of gas formation, most of the products from the table are best consumed in the morning, and certainly not before bedtime. And physical activity improves intestinal motility and the removal of gases from the intestines, so it is very important after eating not to lie on the sofa or sit at the computer, but to do household chores or go for a walk.

    Symptoms of increased gas formation in the intestines

    Frequent passing of gases (farting)

    With normal intestinal peristalsis, gases formed in large quantities are excreted unhindered. The more gases formed, the more often their discharge occurs. At the same time, other symptoms of increased gas formation may not develop at all. And if other complaints from the intestines are still disturbing, then after the release of gases into the environment, many symptoms recede, at least temporarily.

    Unpleasant gas odor

    An unpleasant odor occurs as a result of a pronounced process of fermentation and putrefaction in the large intestine. With strong gas formation, in which air has entered through the stomach, gases may not have a pronounced odor.

    Abdominal pain and intestinal colic

    The pain is paroxysmal and may even be cutting. The pain is eliminated after the removal of gases from the intestines. This symptom is associated with stretching of the intestinal loops with excessive volumes of gases. Intestinal colic is more common in children of the first year of life.


    Bloating- this is a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, the stomach may increase in size. It is worth sharing the concept of bloating and increased gas formation. With swelling, the amount of gases formed can be normal, they just accumulate in the intestines due to a violation of their excretion. Increased gas formation may not be accompanied by bloating, or a feeling of fullness is of a short-term nature if the gases are freely excreted through the rectum.

    Rumbling in the stomach

    This symptom usually occurs with increased gas formation due to overeating or eating food after fasting (eg, breakfast at lunchtime, switching to animal food after fasting). At the same time, a large lump of food is formed, the movement of which increases intestinal motility, while the person and the people around him hear characteristic sounds.

    Stool disorders: diarrhea (diarrhea) and constipation

    Violation of the stool is associated with malnutrition, low fiber content in the menu, a sedentary lifestyle, impaired intestinal motility, intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis and many other diseases of the digestive system. Increased gas formation and diarrhea or constipation are mostly symptoms that occur in parallel and have common causes. During the stool, a large amount of gas is released, which leads to relief of the condition and elimination of other symptoms.


    Belching is a normal process of removing excess gases that have entered the stomach from the environment. Usually belching with air occurs immediately after eating. In diseases of the stomach, liver and biliary tract, pancreas, belching occurs some time after eating and often has an unpleasant odor.

    So that gases do not interfere with enjoying an interesting position, it is worth completely reconsidering your diet. It will be useful not only for the mother herself, but also for her baby. Also, if the pregnancy is going well, it is important to move a lot, walk in the fresh air, do not go to bed after eating.

    Carminative drugs, although they are not absorbed into the blood, are still prescribed in extreme cases, when the normalization of nutrition does not help. At the same time, preference is given to preparations of Simethicone and of plant origin (fennel, dill, etc.).

    Increased gas production in late pregnancy

    In late pregnancy, in addition to the action of progesterone, there is a mechanical factor - squeezing the intestines and internal organs by an enlarged uterus. As a result, food retention in the stomach and intestines, a decrease in the amount of secreted gastric juice and liver and pancreatic enzymes. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, intestinal colic can be observed, which can even mimic uterine contractions and premature birth, forcing a frightened woman to run to obstetrician-gynecologists.

    In order to reduce gas formation, as in the early stages, you will have to strictly adhere to proper nutrition. The main condition is to eat often, but in small portions, avoid foods that increase gas formation, and do not eat before bedtime. Pregnancy is not a pathology, a woman needs to move, walk more (if there are no indications for bed rest), this will contribute to a better discharge of gases from the intestines.

    flatulence after childbirth

    After childbirth, in addition to the hassle with a newborn baby, a woman can be tormented by flatulence. And this does not affect the baby at all, who receives excess gases from the mother with milk and can also suffer from intestinal colic, because some of the excess gases from the intestinal lumen are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the milk. The main reason for increased gas formation in a young mother is the movement of internal organs and intestines to their place, because during pregnancy the enlarged uterus squeezed them, in which case the gas problem will go away in 1-3 months.

    If a woman was prescribed antibiotics after childbirth, then dysbacteriosis may have developed. If the birth was carried out by caesarean section, then anesthesia was used, which inhibits peristalsis, contributing to the retention of gases in the intestines, but after anesthesia, the bowels return to normal within a few days.

    In any case, a nursing mother will have to stick to a diet so that the baby does not have a tummy ache or an allergy or diathesis does not appear.

    Why does gas production increase after ovulation?

    Indeed, one of the subjective signs of the onset of ovulation (the release of a mature egg) is increased gas formation. As with pregnancy, it's all about hormones. Immediately after ovulation, the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins, during which the level of the hormone progesterone rises. It is the action of this hormone on the smooth muscles of the intestine (their relaxation) that leads to increased gas formation and a delay in the removal of gases through the rectum. But this phenomenon is quite short-lived, disappears after a few days, when the level of progesterone decreases. If this condition worries a woman, then you just need to review the diet for these days, exclude foods that increase gas formation.

    Before use, you should consult with a specialist.
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