Why dream of a child crying in a dream. Why dream of a crying child. What is the dream of a little boy in his arms

Often dreams bring images from everyday life that are associated with various sorrows, unpleasant moments of life, tragedies or just troubles. This category also includes dreams in which a person hears crying. At the same time, such a dream can safely be a good sign, because much of the real world in a dream has a mirror image.

What if a child is crying in a dream?

The above rule does not fully apply to dreams where a person hears a child crying. Such a dream usually has many meanings, both very good and sad. The child itself, as a symbol, contains the positive beginning of youth, friendship, pure reason and conscience, but at the same time, it is a sign of naivety, inexperience, too infantile vision of the world. Crying often accompanies dreams associated with disappointments and troubles, however, tears of joy can also be found in a dream, which become a good sign in reality.

It is important to understand exactly what the dream is, where the crying of children is heard. So, if in a dream a child's cry is heard from the child or infant of the dreamer himself, this sign will be unkind. The invisible cry of a child makes the background of the dream obscure. And happy crying or crying, turning into laughter, becomes a good sign.

To understand why a child is crying in a dream, you need to be able to highlight the central part of the dream. To begin with, it is important to determine whether the child is an infant or belongs to an older age. A crying baby in a dream promises good luck, but an older crying child promises loss and disappointment. The gender of the child requires special attention, a crying girl symbolizes losses in family or domestic affairs, a boy promises failure in business or the fight against enemies. Finally - if the child of the hero of the dream is dreaming, then this dream promises danger and loss to the child himself.

What portends?

The most terrible sign in me is the crying of a child when the crying person is dead, while a person can hear crying and know that the crying person is dead, but not see the dead child itself. Such a dream is very disturbing - it promises death or mortal danger for the dreamer's young friends or relatives, it should certainly be remembered and be sure to take measures to protect loved ones. If the source of crying in a dream is not obvious, the danger will come unexpectedly. If the child is visible, it is worth looking in the immediate environment or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba known problem.

It is important to distinguish between the direction of crying in a dream - crying from pain is one thing, it is associated with diseases, and sometimes, conversely, healing from them. Another thing is the crying of a child offended by someone - it promises trouble. The most unpleasant thing is the crying of sadness, resentment, disappointment, it carries the most negative meaning.

The crying of a child can be very different - this sign is able to hide both a positive and a negative message. In any case, it is important to be able to correctly decipher the dream and take action, either boldly go towards the goal, or try to additionally protect yourself from the vicissitudes of fate.

In reality, the cry of a person causes a storm of emotions in us: from embarrassment, excitement to pity and compassion. Tears sometimes prevent us from understanding a difficult situation. Dreamed crying causes us the same emotions and sensations. In a dream, we may meet crying children, women, men, we ourselves can cry. But as a rule, tears and crying mean only liberation from the problems and difficulties that have long tormented you, just such a dream promises you joy and luck. But different dream books give completely different interpretations of this dream, it all depends on the plot and details of your dream, try to remember them and then it will be easier for you to understand what to expect in the future.

Women's dream book

  • Why dream that I’m crying in a dream - bad news and family sorrows await you.
  • Why dream of a child crying - a streak of bad luck will end in your life and all things will get better.
  • Why does a woman dream of crying - a young woman or girl, such a dream portends swearing and scandals with a loved one, for reconciliation you will have to pacify your pride.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

  • Why dream of a baby crying - to reconciliation with the person with whom you were separated by a long-standing quarrel. (cm. )
  • Miller's dream book "crying" - your own crying in a dream symbolizes troubles and sorrows in reality.
  • Why dream that I am crying a lot - for a person engaged in business or trade, such a dream promises small losses.

Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Dream Interpretation “Crying” - sobbing or crying in a dream suggests that great joy awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation “I cry in a dream” - if in a dream you cry through your own fault, then in reality you will be able to atone for all your sins and receive forgiveness.
  • Why dream of children's crying - such a dream means that you will get rid of lawsuits like shackles.
  • Dream Interpretation “strong crying without tears” - crying without tears suggests that in reality you have unfinished business that you need to do in the near future, otherwise they will cause you a lot of trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation “mother’s cry” - if your mother cries in a dream, then you will be convinced of the veracity of the saying: do not do good, you will not get evil.

Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation “crying of the deceased” - something so out of the ordinary will happen in your life that you will reconsider everything that happens and completely change your lifestyle.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream of crying in a dream - crying yourself or hearing someone cry in a dream suggests that peace and balance will reign in your life, the problems and difficulties that tormented you will recede.
  • Dream Interpretation "crying of a child" - to receive some news that will stun you.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

  • I dreamed of crying - crying in a dream is a symbol of fertilization and insemination.
  • Dream Interpretation “female crying” - if a woman cries in a dream, this means that she wants an intimate relationship and may become pregnant in the near future.
  • Why dream of a husband crying - the intimate relationship of a woman with her partner completely satisfies her.
  • Dream Interpretation “crying in a dream” - if a man dreams of a woman crying, this indicates his desire to have children with her.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Dream Interpretation "hear crying" - such a dream acts as a warning, you need to be more careful and prudent, difficulties and troubles await you.
  • I dreamed of a child crying - if in reality you have no problems with children, then such a dream speaks of impending worries and difficulties that it will be difficult for you to cope with.
  • Dream Interpretation “why dream of your own crying” - such a dream means that you are overexerting yourself, there is moral exhaustion, you need to relax or spend time in a pleasant company, otherwise your fatigue will cause serious mistakes that will lead to tears in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation "baby crying with laughter" - jellied laughter from which someone crying means that in reality you will find peace and happiness.

General dream book


Sometimes dreams in which you or someone close to you cry cause us anxiety and anxiety. But as a rule, such a plot suggests that serious changes await your life, which you do not need to be afraid of. And the changes will change your whole life and turn it upside down. So imagine that by crying in your sleep you say goodbye to your past and get ready for a new life full of secret, but such pleasant events. Believe your dreams, but remember that your fate is in your hands, and let the tears be only an unpleasant dream. Sweet and good dreams to you.

If in a dream you seem to have had a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If the boy was born to someone else, such a dream portends the appearance of your selfish interest in relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reason to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts a dual position for you, when you will seem better to others than you really are, but this will just not work for you.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that imaginary friends are preparing for you. To beat a boy in a dream or to punish is a waking warning to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Other people's tears always cause ambiguous emotions, and often cause confusion, interfere with a sober understanding of the situation. Approximately the same feelings are caused by crying in a dream, but what such a plot dreams about is almost always a harbinger of joy, happiness and luck. However, different dream books interpret this dream somewhat differently depending on the details.

Dreams with your own experiences, when you really feel a lump in your throat from pent-up sobs, usually have a positive interpretation. But to see another person crying, or to hear sobs and groans - is always interpreted ambiguously.

Crying in a dream: interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book, the crying of the dreamer himself in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream usually precedes fateful incidents that will change life for the better. For an unmarried woman, seeing a crying person is a harbinger of a quarrel with her lover, up to a break in relations.

What does crying in a dream mean according to the 21st century dream book? If, after sobbing, you wipe the tears from your face with a handkerchief, then in a difficult situation you will be comforted by a person from whom you never expected this. If you laugh when you see a sad person, then you will soon meet your love, and the relationship will most likely end in a wedding.

Taflisi's dream book gives very interesting interpretations about what crying in a dream means. If you, as it were, mourn your sins, praying for forgiveness from higher powers, then it will definitely be granted to you, you will feel relieved, your conscience will stop tormenting you.

Your own and others' tears

About what dreams of own crying, dream books agree in one opinion - such a dream does not bode well. Only the nuances of interpretations can depend on the cause of the disorder. If you sob, but no tears come out, then you will finally achieve your goal.

If you saw tears on your face in the mirror, but crying in a dream was barely audible, then in reality this predicts you a reward for all the good deeds that you have done earlier.

Why dream of a woman crying? For a girl in love, this is a harbinger of a dilemma: on one side of the scale there will be harmony in relationships, and on the other, personal unshakable principles, only if they are violated, will love be preserved.

Extreme expressions of negative emotions

Hearing crying and sobs in a dream is a multifaceted symbol, depending both on the personality of the dreamer and on the characteristics of the sobs heard. If the dreamer is a young successful man, then the dream book predicts a set-up for him from people whom he considered friends.

People whose position leaves much to be desired may not worry about why crying sobs in a dream. In the near future, an unexpected situation will occur that will help turn life in the right direction, you will receive a hint from fate on how to live on.

Why dream of hysterical crying? If such a dream came to you after parting with your lover, then such an unpleasant phenomenon actually brings with it a new, more harmonious relationship with another person.

Tears of babies

If a woman who has recently given birth heard the cry of a baby in a dream, then this is a subconscious reflection of the psycho-emotional stress associated with postpartum depression.

In other cases, the crying of infants in a dream is a rather unfavorable symbol. The dream interpretation claims that a bachelor who has heard crying babies may not hope for an unfavorable outcome of the business started earlier.

For a girl who dreams of children, hearing a baby cry in a dream is a sign that she will soon become pregnant. However, the dream book says that pregnancy will be undesirable for the sexual partner, and she may have to raise the baby alone.

Why dream of crying a newborn? If you were present at the birth, and took the crying baby into your arms, then big changes for the better are coming.

Why dream if a child cries?

The tears of a baby, according to the interpretation of the dream book, have a completely different interpretation than the sobs of a more adult person. For a baby, expressing emotions in this way is quite physiological, but for an older one, it can be some kind of blackmail. Therefore, hearing a baby cry in a dream is not a very good omen.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, hearing a child cry in a dream is a bad sign for those who are actively engaged in their business. You have to become a victim of merciless manipulators who will lead the work of a lifetime to destruction or complete collapse.

If you dreamed of a child crying on the eve of an important event related to family relationships, then do not doubt that any situation that has occurred will end far from in your favor - you will experience disappointment.

Grief of relatives

If in a dream you feel the cry of your son, but do not see him himself, then the dream book predicts excellent events for you that will lead to an improvement in well-being, and to a departure from everyday life and fuss.

Why dream of crying mom? If the mother has long been dead, then the dream book predicts the destruction of family ties. Also, such a plot can symbolize the unrighteous deeds of the dreamer, which upset the mother even in heaven.

On the other hand, the crying of a mother who is still alive can be interpreted as remorse, a subconscious understanding of the incorrectness and incorrectness of one's own deeds and judgments.

Different people relate to baby crying in different ways: it touches someone (especially if it is the sounds of a newborn), it annoys someone, and it can alert someone. Why dream of a baby crying, especially if this is not your own child? How does the dream book interpret this manifestation of someone else's childhood pain or resentment?

  • Why dream that a child is crying? The most popular decryption will be - this is to failure. Moreover, failure can befall you in any field - family, work, love.
  • There is another interpretation of such a dream - esoteric. It says: this child is you yourself, and you burst into tears because of your weakness, indecision. These spiritual qualities prevent you from achieving success, and at the moment you can only state your own mistakes and missed opportunities.
  • A crying baby who had a dream on the eve of an important family event is disappointing.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself in childbirth, they gave you a baby in your arms and he cried - such a dream is a good change in your life.

What was this child?

  • Breastfeeding baby. Unlike other "childish" dreams, this one promises you joy and happiness. Perhaps you will make peace with a person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.
  • If this booty also crap one's pants, the dream says: at work, you will be thrown into small but troublesome duties (cases). Well, if you took the little one in your arms, and he got you dirty, the dream becomes good, portending a stable income.
  • Preschooler. If you see a child crying in a dream, and even a three-year-old, this means that you have difficulties in business. Perhaps you put all (all) of yourself into work, but you get nothing in return.
  • Girl. A pleasant surprise awaits you. It is possible that it will be associated with an unplanned replenishment of your wallet.
  • Boy. The business to which you have given so much time and effort will not bring profit. And vice versa: in your life you almost missed something. Think about what it could be: communication with children, an abandoned hobby that could generate income?
  • Teenager. The dream portends mental anguish and suffering (most likely love).
  • Your own child. If in a dream a woman calms her crying child, this is to family troubles. Have you managed to calm the baby? This means that you will also avoid problems associated with disagreement among relatives.
  • If you only heard the cry of your child, but did not see him - this dream is for peace of mind and success in business (or improving your financial situation in another way).

And who is the dreamer?

  • Young woman. If you are not married, and in your dream the baby was crying, prepare your nervous system: the dream promises you parting with your loved one (maybe even the groom) and the subsequent melancholy, more like depression.
  • If a girl dreams of a baby, the crying of a baby in a dream says: you will soon see two stripes on the test. One “but”: your boyfriend may not like this news.
  • A woman who has recently given birth. Have you heard the cry of a baby, although in fact your child was snoring peacefully in the crib? This dream warns that you are experiencing postpartum depression.
  • The male. The most common interpretation is that you are too confident in yourself. Urgently remove the "crown" from your own head, otherwise fate will remove it itself. Perhaps your arrogance will bring you problems at work.
  • For you to see a crying child, on whose face real “peas” flow, and he smears them with his fingers on his cheeks and clothes - to money problems. Moreover, the troubles will be associated with a fairly substantial amount. Therefore, it is better not to take debts, loans and do not act as a guarantor in a bank.
  • For a bachelor, a crying baby dreams of a bad end to a business that he recently began to do.

What did you do in your dream?

  • They rocked the “roar” on their hands. Was it a very young child of either gender? A close person (beloved or good friend) will soon “reward” you with betrayal or deceit.
  • Just soothing a crying baby? Through this dream, fate warns you: soon your life will resemble a rollercoaster, but all problems will be on your shoulder.
  • Have you tried to calm the baby? Your subconscious says: you now have such inner strength that any undertaking will be on your shoulder. Keep it up, everything will work out!
  • Have you comforted a child who was literally crying? This dream - to the problems associated with children unfamiliar to you.
  • Did you observe the baby's tantrum: rolling on the floor, loud exclamations, a sea of ​​​​tears? If you blurt out too much, you can "get stuck" in an unpleasant story. Think carefully about what you are frank with others, and in no case make yourself a "shirt-guy" with a stiff boss or mother-in-law.

Opinion of author's dream books

In the end, we suggest that you compare the folk interpretations described above with the observations of famous psychologists, which they embodied in their books. Perhaps it is these people who can shed light on the true meaning of your dream?

Miller's dream book

  1. If you saw a crying baby (or adult), this is a good reconciliation after long quarrels.
  2. If a girl or a young woman dreams of a small “roar”, the dream warns: you can make peace with your loved one only by sacrificing your principles, or by making another sacrifice.
  3. If you work in trade, a dream means: small problems will begin in business.
  4. You yourself were this tearful child: a quarrel is brewing among your relatives, or someone will bring you bad news.

Freud's dream book

  1. A doctor who specializes in the unknown claims that tears and crying are a sign of fertilization or ejaculation. That is, this dream book claims, a child is crying - this is a symbol of orgasm.
  2. Have you seen the baby burst into tears because he was punished? Sigmund Freud believes that such dreams are seen by people who are inclined to satisfy their sexual needs themselves.
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