Breast implants: round and anatomical (teardrop). Which implant to choose: round or anatomical Teardrop-shaped implants

Women who decide to improve the shape of their breasts or increase their size are wondering: how do round implants differ from anatomical ones and which ones to choose? Indeed, the shape of the implants plays an important role and allows you to achieve a natural look of the breast. So which implants are better: round or anatomical? Does form matter? And how to achieve the desired result?

What is the difference?

As is easy to understand from the definition, round implants are round in shape. Anatomical ones follow the contours of the breasts of a young woman, their teardrop shape begins with a flat slope from above, which gradually increases in volume. Due to this, anatomical implants are successfully used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for breast reconstruction.

A plastic surgeon will help you choose round or anatomical implants, based on the width and shape of the chest, as well as the patient's build. Round implants will allow you to get more volume and lift your breasts higher. Thanks to them, the neckline will look just perfect. However, many women do not like the large breast volume in the upper part - for them it does not look natural and attractive enough - so they choose anatomical implants. In favor of round implants, it should be said that they can make the outline of the breast unnatural in only two cases:

  • when placed too high;
  • if the patient does not have enough volume of her own breast tissue.

So the shape doesn't matter. With the wrong selection, even anatomical implants can look unnatural. That is why the selection must take into account the individual outlines of the patient's body, her complexion.

What to choose?

  • young patients with well-developed mammary glands;
  • women who have sufficient volume and small breast mastoptosis;
  • patients who want a more balanced breast shape.

POLYTECH® Implants

Modern plastic surgeons note a number of advantages of German-made POLYTECH® implants. They have a modular structure, thanks to which the base with a width of 70 mm to 158 mm is available to patients in different projections and in each of the types of implants:

  • Même® - dome-shaped with a round base, following the contours of the breasts of a young woman;
  • Replicon® - anatomical with a round base, following the contours of the breast of an adult woman;
  • Opticon® - anatomical with a shortened base, suitable for obese women with curvy shapes;
  • Optimam® is an anatomical with an oblong base suitable for slender and athletic women.

Anatomical implants are drop-shaped endoprostheses. At first they were used for the reconstruction of the mammary glands after a mastectomy. Due to the shape as close as possible to the natural breast, they have gained popularity in aesthetic surgery.


The shape of the female mammary gland resembles a drop. The flat slope of the upper zone smoothly passes into the volume protruding lower zone. The point of maximum projection of the endoprosthesis is fixed in the lower part of the implant, below the middle of its height. Most of them also have an unequal width and height of the base. With the same width of the base, the implants differ in height, projection size. Therefore, anatomically shaped implants have a large number of options and combinations in height, projection, and width. Manufacturers offer a wide range of endoprosthesis models of the same style. This is where their name "anatomical" comes from. The doctor has the opportunity to select the most suitable form of the prosthesis for any type of breast.

Main characteristics of anatomical implants:

  • lack of symmetry;
  • full, projection lower pole, tapered upper pole;
  • the difference in horizontal and vertical diameters makes it possible to choose between narrow and long, wide and short models.

Various diameter and projection options make anatomical implants versatile. They are prescribed for women with non-standard characteristics of the chest, a minimum volume of the mammary glands. The breast with anatomical implants acquires volume, a beautiful, anatomically ideal shape. Teardrop elongation forms a smooth transition between the upper and lower poles.

There is another characteristic of implants. Profile is the ratio of the projection of the implant to the width of its base, expressed as a percentage. A high-profile endoprosthesis is characterized by a less wide base and a large projection. Endoprostheses are divided into high-profile (more than 38%), medium-profile (from 32 to 38%), low-profile (up to 32%). The mid-profile implant creates the most beautiful shape of the mammary glands. The concept of a profile type is somewhat different for different manufacturers, since different materials are used.

The most common implant manufacturers: Mentor, Allergan/McGhan, Nagor, Polytech. Mentor is the most frequent supplier of endoprostheses in Russia. Anatomical prostheses of this company have three types of height and projection, which contributes to the optimal choice. They are characterized by the most accurate parameters of bends corresponding to the natural shape of the mammary glands.


Breast augmentation with anatomical implants is recommended in such cases:

  • if you want to have a natural looking bust;
  • after breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • with a small chest;
  • with hypersthenic and asthenic physique;
  • for the correction of strongly sagging mammary glands;
  • if you want to do a breast lift and augmentation at the same time.

Mammoplasty with anatomical implants is performed in accordance with the type of physique, which directly affects the shape of the mammary glands. Hypersthenic physique implies the predominance of the width of the mammary glands over their height, asthenic - has the opposite characteristics. Round implants, with their equivalent width and height, will not fit. Among drop-shaped endoprostheses, you can choose both high and wide models.

The structure of the anatomical endoprosthesis is represented by a silicone shell, the volume of which is filled with a special filler:

  1. Salt filler is a saline solution that is safe for surrounding tissues. Allows you to make the incision minimal, as it can be inserted directly during the procedure through a special hole. Some of them can be adjusted after the procedure. But they are vulnerable to mechanical damage. Too soft to the touch, make gurgling sounds when moving. Validity is limited (about 18 years).
  2. The gel filler is as natural as possible on palpation. It is resistant to damage, almost does not seep into the fabric. Sterile, resistant to ptosis. The disadvantage is the need for a large incision, as well as the passage of the procedure of magnetic resonance control. Service life - for life.

There are several types of gel filler:

  • hydrogel - soft, able to flow out in case of injury, has the property of biodegradation;
  • highly cohesive - has the highest density, does not flow, feels solid to the touch;
  • "Softtouch" - natural elasticity, does not follow.

The volume of the filler serves to determine the size of the implant and is measured in milliliters. One size equals 150 ml. The volume of the natural breast is also added to this figure. The implant volume of 300 ml corresponds to the 2nd breast size. After adding the volume of the natural breast of the patient, the 4th size is obtained.

The surface of endoprostheses is produced in two types:

  1. The smooth surface is stable, soft, and cheaper. Able to move, can provoke fibrous-capsular contracture.
  2. The textured surface has micropores, it is better fixed in the pockets of the mammary glands, and creates a reliable fixation of the endoprosthesis. Does not provoke fibro-capsular contracture. Characterized by a denser structure, high cost, shorter service life.

The highest price has an anatomical implant, which has a textured surface with a filler "Softtouch". A highly cohesive gel that retains the shape of the endoprosthesis is also popular.

The difference between an anatomical implant and a round one

Anatomical and round implants - which is better? The choice is determined by the anatomical characteristics of the structure of the chest and chest (the volume and proportions of the chest, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits base, the distance to the submammary fold of the ribs). The structure of the skin, the presence of tissue volume around the mammary glands, and the degree of ptosis are also taken into account.

An important role is played by the qualification of a specialist, his experience. To make the right choice, you should analyze all the parameters of round and anatomic endoprostheses. To choose the ideal implant, you need to decide what effect should be achieved. Anatomical implants should be preferred for the most natural result. If you need a large volume and elevation, then you will need round endoprostheses.

The disadvantage of a round implant is the unnaturalness of the breast when large implants are inserted. The slope at the top of the chest looks crowded. Round implants give a good result only with a sufficient amount of glandular tissue. With its deficiency, it is advisable to install the anatomical type of implants.

A significant advantage of the anatomical endoprosthesis is the low probability of capsular contracture formation. This complication occurs when the body does not accept the foreign body and tough, painful scar tissue grows around it. Round implants are more likely to cause complications. Another important factor is cost. The price of an anatomical implant is higher than a round one.

The disadvantage of the anatomical endoprosthesis is its fixed shape. If there is a slight displacement, then the shape of the breast is deformed. To correct this defect, a second operation is required. Round implants remain invisible when shifted or turned over. The rigidity of the shape of the anatomical prosthesis creates a slightly unnatural appearance if the woman is lying down. Round prostheses in the horizontal position of the body take the form of a natural breast, flattening slightly. Anatomical endoprostheses are the most acceptable option for breast asymmetry, as well as its small volume.

Anatomical and round types of implants are characterized by an approximately equal number of advantages and disadvantages. There is no unequivocal opinion on the best type of implant among surgeons. To make the right decision, you can consult several surgeons.

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Discussions and disputes on the choice of the form of implants in various forums are ongoing. But p Proper selection of the implant is one of the components of success both in the final perception of the new breast shape by the patient, and in minimizing possible complications and negative surgical consequences of the operation.

"Round or anatomical?" – this is exactly the choice faced by thousands of women who decide on mammoplasty, breast augmentation surgery with implants. There is an opinion that the use of anatomical implants allows the bust to look natural, both to the touch and in shape; round prostheses do not give such a result. Offhand, this statement seems true, but in reality, everything is not quite so. Let's try to figure it out.

Implants vary in:

surface texture

When choosing an implant, the surgeon takes into account many factors, such as surgical goals and techniques, anatomical features and, of course, the personal preferences of the patients. According to the surface texture, implants are smooth and textured, we will consider this issue in more detail in a separate topic.

The natural shape of the breast is certainly not round. It is really teardrop-shaped - starting with a flat slope on the upper part, the chest gradually increases in volume and protrudes forward (rises) in its lower part.

Therefore, an anatomical implant that mimics the effect of gravity on the chest looks more natural at first glance and is ideal for creating a breast shape. By the way, its original purpose is the reconstruction of an amputated (for example, in patients with breast cancer) or injured breast.

Despite the seeming logic of placing anatomical implants, most surgeons and patients prefer round implants.

Round implants, when compared with anatomical:

give more volume
raise chest higher
create a beautiful neckline (Victoria's Secret bra effect).

But not all women like a large volume in the upper chest, they consider this shape not quite natural, and prefer anatomical implants as more natural.

An anatomical implant looks more natural than a round one, right?

Yes and no.

A round implant, indeed, can sometimes give the shape of the breast unnaturalness and artificiality. For example, if placed too high on the chest, or in patients with insufficient volume of their own breast tissue, but who insisted on a large volume implant.

That is, it is in no way because of its shape. An implant of any shape can look fake. It depends only on how the implant corresponds to the individual shape of the patient's body. And in some cases, the round implant looks more "anatomical" than the anatomical one.

But all the arguments above refer to implants that are "lying on the table." And how will they behave when they are implanted in a living woman, made of flesh and bones?

Implanted in the breast round implant in general, "behaves" more naturally than teardrop. In an upright position, when a woman is standing or sitting, under the force of gravity, he independently acquires a natural, anatomical shape.

And of course, the round implant absolutely wins in a horizontal position. The natural breasts of a woman, when she lies down, naturally "blur". Anatomical same implant, the shape of which is rigidly predetermined in advance, will remain sticking up in its lower part - contrary to all the laws of gravity, giving itself away with its head; the round implant in the prone position looks quite natural. A round implant looks more natural even with active body movements - running, jumping, intense dancing, etc.

Before performing a direct breast augmentation surgery, the doctor must take into account a whole list of factors, which begins with the patient's wishes about the size and shape of the bust and ends with the doctor's aesthetic vision of the need for one or another approach. It is important to listen to the opinion of your operating doctor, because he knows how to make the right choice.

The surgeon is always an ally of the patient, and it is successful work in tandem with him that gives a consistently good result and satisfaction from the work done. Based on many years of experience, the doctor provides informed decisions about the brand of the implant, its size, access for surgery and many other components of mammoplasty.

Basic concepts

A. Width (base) of the implant.

B. Height (base) of the implant.

C. Projection of the implant.

Round implants

Round implants are characterized by the fact that the width of the base of the implant is equal to its height. In this case, the point of maximum projection is located above the center of the implant base. Thus, round implants with the same base width can differ from each other only in projection size.

For a round implant, the width and height of the base are equal. The point of maximum projection is located at the middle of the height of the base.

Round implants with the same base width can only differ in projection.

Being in the tissues of the patient (provided that the patient is in an upright position), the round implant to one degree or another acquires a certain “teardrop shape”. This degree depends, first of all, on the density or compliance of the shell and filler of the implant, the properties of the patient's tissues. If the round implant is placed under the pectoral muscle, then due to the pressure of the muscle on the upper pole of the implant, this “teardrop” will be somewhat higher than with the supramuscular location.

Round implant in horizontal and vertical positions.

Teardrop Implants

Teardrop implants are also referred to as "anatomical" implants because, according to many, this shape is the most consistent with the natural shape of the mammary glands. They are characterized mainly by the fact that the point of maximum projection of the implant is located below the middle of its height, that is, located in the lower half of the implant. In addition, in the vast majority of drop-shaped implants, the width and height of the base are not the same.

Thus, drop-shaped implants with the same base width can differ from each other not only in projection size, but also in different heights. This greatly increases the number of different combinations of width, height and projection, allowing manufacturers to create a wide and versatile range of implants of the same style.

In a drop-shaped implant, the width and height of the base are almost never equal. The point of maximum projection is below the mid-height of the base.

Teardrop-shaped implants with the same base width can differ from each other in both base height and projection.

This diversity gives the surgeon the opportunity to choose the necessary shape of the implant for almost any variant of the anatomy of the mammary gland.


One of the most important characteristics of the implant shape is the profile. The profile is the percentage of the projection of the implant to the width of its base. The larger the projection and the smaller the width of the base, the more high-profile the implant is. In other words, the profile value tells how "convex" (high profile) or "flat" (low profile) the implant is.

Each implant manufacturer has their own ideas about what a high or low profile is, just like clothing manufacturers do not agree on what XXL is. This difference in views is due to the fact that different manufacturers use different types of fillers and shells in their products, which differ in the degree of density and other characteristics.

Because of this, the ability of implants from different manufacturers to maintain a profile while in the patient's tissues (the properties of which, by the way, are also purely individual) differs and, apparently, when marking their rulers, they tend to give the alleged "final" value.

In general, you can focus on the following numbers (the article discussed McGhan implants):

  • profile up to 32% - low profile implant.
  • profile from 32 to 38% - medium profile implant.
  • profile over 38% - high-profile implant.

Choice of implant shape

Round implants provide less fullness of the lower pole and greater fullness of the upper pole of the mammary gland in comparison with teardrop-shaped ceteris paribus. This manifests itself the stronger, the denser the shell and filler of the implant. In addition, the probability of visualizing the upper contour of a round implant in a patient with a thin layer of integumentary tissues is higher than when using a drop-shaped implant. Also, a round implant is more likely to form folds or “corrugations”. This manifests itself less, the denser the shell and filler of the implant.

Teardrop Implants provide greater fullness of the lower pole and less fullness of the upper pole of the mammary gland in comparison with round ones, all other things being equal. This is manifested the stronger, the higher the profile and the lower the height of the implant, the denser its shell and filler. This property of drop-shaped implants provides a certain “lifting” effect on the mammary gland, thereby enabling them to more successfully correct somewhat sagging breasts.

Drop-shaped implants, to a greater extent than round ones, retain their shape when changing body position. This property is manifested the stronger, the denser the shell and filler of the implant. The cost of drop-shaped implants, as a rule, is higher than round implants of the same manufacturer, all other things being equal.

"Lifting" effect of the drop-shaped implant

For patients with different types of physique and different types of chest, certain types of shape of the mammary glands are characteristic. The rounded shape of the mammary gland, in which the width approximately equals the height, is most often found in normosthenics, although there are exceptions to this rule. In patients with a hypersthenic physique, the width of the mammary gland often predominates over its height, and in asthenic girls, height often predominates. In such cases, if the patient wants to maximize breast enlargement, it is advisable to use drop-shaped implants, among which there are both "wide" and "high" models, while the width and height of round implants are equal.

LEFT Mammary gland with a predominance of width (hypersthenic physique) - a "wide" implant is required.

ON RIGHT Mammary gland with a predominance of height (asthenic physique) - a "high" implant is required.

When choosing an implant profile, it must be taken into account that the higher the profile, the stronger the visual effect of the increase, but the "naturalness" of the result is somewhat affected. The most beautiful shape of the mammary gland can be obtained using medium-profile implants.

However, there are situations where the use of a high profile is unavoidable. For example, significant excess skin with sagging mammary gland, which must be adequately "filled" in order to achieve a lifting effect. In this case, with the maximum width of the implant base, the projection of a medium- and even more so low-profile implant may not be enough to achieve the desired effect. The use of high-profile implants also has to be resorted to in patients with a narrow chest who want to enlarge their breasts to the maximum extent possible.

Thus, the ideal form of implants does not exist. Teardrop implants can be said to be somewhat more versatile in general, and most suitable for correcting sagging mammary glands. There is no alternative to round implants if it is necessary to fill the upper pole of the mammary glands strongly. In addition, round implants are preferred for axillary (through the armpit) access.

At the same time, all the features, advantages and disadvantages of round and drop-shaped implants listed above should not be overlooked. In any case, the choice should be made taking into account the wishes for the resulting breast shape, taking into account the characteristics of the original mammary glands, the chest, the properties of the patient's tissues and, of course, based on the aesthetic preferences of the surgeon and the patient.

The article by Kirill Gennadievich helped me better understand the issue of choosing the shape of the implant and determine what kind of breast shape I want to get in the end.

Round implants are endoprostheses of the correct form in the form of a rounded cone. The purpose of their development is to create even, round outlines of the female breast, to increase volume.

Round endoprostheses were the first to appear, and for a long time were the only implants for breast augmentation. Not so long ago, endoprostheses created in the form of a drop, the so-called anatomical implants, appeared. Endoprostheses of both types have similar features:

  • a silicone shell covered with a protective layer on top to prevent the filler from getting into the surrounding tissue;
  • have two types of surface: smooth, textured;
  • the internal contents are represented by a gel or saline solution.

To understand how round implants differ from anatomical ones, you need to consider their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:



maximize the volume

do not add much volume

look harmonious in any position of the body

Natural shape when sitting or standing, except lying down

ball shape

drop shape

breast lift effect

natural breast imitation

easy to implant

harder to implant

lower cost

more expensive

when they are turned over, the chest retains its shape

can shift, leading to breast deformity

produce a push-up effect without wearing a bra

restriction on wearing push-up bras

indicated for ptosis of breast tissue, asymmetry, breast enlargement by several sizes

shown with an initially flat shape of the mammary glands

Augmentation with round implants makes the chest rounded, soft, with proportional contours. It is possible to choose an endoprosthesis of the optimal form according to the physiological characteristics of each woman.

A particular advantage of round implants is their high plasticity. This quality of endoprostheses allows the breast to be positioned naturally in any position of the body. If a woman occupies a vertical position, then the breasts with round implants take on a teardrop shape. The lying position makes the chest flatter, which is natural for natural mammary glands. This type of implant is great for women who are actively involved in sports and dancing. They look very mobile and natural with intense movements. Round implants are easier to install. The result largely depends on the presence of a certain amount of glandular tissue. Their main disadvantage is the unnatural effect of overcrowding of the upper slope of the chest during the introduction of a large implant. But this factor is a consequence of incorrect installation due to the mistake of the surgeon. Breast asymmetry limits the use of round implants.

Types of round implants

Each woman has individual anatomical characteristics. To obtain maximum naturalness, several types of round implants have been developed. The main criteria for the selection of endoprostheses:

  • size (110-800 ml);
  • type of filler: biodegradable, saline saline, silicone gel;
  • low, medium, high and extra high profile - the ratio of the diameter and height of the endoprosthesis;
  • shell material and texture: silicone (smooth), polyurethane (textured);
  • the degree of density of the gel content: silicone or cohesive (non-fluid) gel with different softness parameters.

Gel-filled implants are considered the best. Bioimplants and prostheses filled with saline over time begin to lose volume, the ability to support the breast. The gel filler is superior to saline in terms of organoleptic properties, for example, to the touch. Saline implants have a chance of wrinkling, leading to a change in the shape of the mammary glands. The textured surface due to micropores allows the surrounding tissues to better grow into the shell of the prosthesis. This minimizes the likelihood of its rotation.

How to choose the size? There is no exact recommendation for choosing implants. Only an experienced specialist is able to assess the anatomical features of the patient's figure and chest, the size of the chest and determine the most suitable implant. The main parameters taken into account by a specialist:

  • the volume of the mammary glands;
  • the presence of asymmetry;
  • degree of ptosis;
  • the volume of tissues around the mammary glands;
  • qualitative characteristics of the skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • parameters of the chest, shoulder width, waist, hips.

The choice of the optimal implant is based on its type, width, height, and projection. Round implants are characterized by equal width and height, while the highest projection point is slightly higher than the center point. To correct the asymmetry of the breast, low-profile round endoprostheses are installed. With severe ptosis, deficiency of one's own tissue, endoprostheses of medium and high profile are used.

The duration of the implants is unlimited. Manufacturers also assure their complete safety. Replacement of endoprostheses for the entire period of use is not required, with the exception of some cases:

  • their break;
  • a sharp change in body weight;
  • past pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complications after mammoplasty: implant displacement, fibrous capsular contracture, calcification, breast deformity.

In these cases, free replacement of endoprostheses is provided.

The main advantage of round prostheses is a uniform increase, giving a beautiful rounded shape to the mammary glands. But the choice of the optimal endoprosthesis will depend on the recommendation of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the client herself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of the clinic, to study the reviews of operated women on the Internet.

Properly selected breast implants adorn a woman and give harmony to her entire body. The natural appearance of the mammary glands after endoprosthetics is the decisive argument in choosing the shape of implants. The discussion and debate about the best shape for breast implants will never stop. Meanwhile, in addition to an attractive appearance, a properly selected implant can minimize the risks of various postoperative complications. Therefore, when choosing endoprostheses, it is worth listening to the opinion of the surgeon.

Perfectly shaped implants will give the breast a natural and harmonious look.

Many women are sure that the anatomical shape of the implants makes the breasts feel more natural in shape, and round endoprostheses allegedly do not give such an effect. But is it really so? We will analyze the features of each type of implants, based on various criteria.

The form is chosen not only by the patient, based on her personal preferences, but also by the surgeon, who takes into account many different factors. Among them: the desired result, the features of the physical structure of the patient, and the surgical technique of the operation. Each form of implants has its advantages and disadvantages, the analysis of which can also help a woman make the right choice.

Benefits of Anatomical Implants

Of course, the shape of a woman's natural breasts is not round. The natural bust has a smooth slope, starting from its upper part and gradually increasing in volume towards the bottom. That is why anatomical implants look more natural and in most cases are ideal for many women.

Initially, anatomically shaped implants were used to recreate a missing breast, for example, due to cancer or injury. Therefore, theoretically, anatomists are a more logical option for breast augmentation. However, despite this, many surgeons and a significant number of patients prefer round endoprostheses.

For some women, round implants look more natural than anatomical ones.

Benefits of round implants

  • Large volume;
  • High chest rise;
  • More attractive décolleté.

If we are to enlarge the breast, then so that its volume is palpable and noticeable to everyone - this is how many patients argue. But not all the fair sex consider this form attractive. Excessive volume in the upper chest, according to some women, does not look natural.

Misconceptions about round implants

The round shape of implants, indeed, sometimes does not look very natural and not natural. However, the matter is not in the form at all. There are cases when endoprostheses are installed too high, or a patient with a small initial volume of the mammary glands insists on a large size. Implants of any shape can look bad, it all depends on the competent work of the surgeon. An experienced specialist always suggests the shape and size, based on the individual anatomical features of the patient. For some women, breast augmentation with round implants looks even more natural than teardrop implants.

Round implants are more mobile and natural when moving, so this shape is well suited for women who lead an active lifestyle.

Despite the fact that round breast prostheses look different in different patients, when moving they behave more naturally than anatomists. For example, when a woman is in an upright position, the implants under the gravitational force acquire an anatomical natural shape. If we consider the behavior of round implants during the horizontal position of the patient, then according to this indicator they are absolute leaders. The natural female breast, as you know, "spreads" in the supine position. When arthroplasty with teardrop-shaped implants in a horizontal position, they will stick up unnaturally in the lower part of the chest, unlike round specimens. If a woman leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports, dances, then round implants are preferable for her, since they “do not give themselves away” when moving.

Characteristics of round endoprostheses

Round implants have equal width and height. The highest projection point of a round product is slightly above the center. Therefore, round implants can differ only in projections.

Characteristics of drop-shaped endoprostheses

The highest projection point for drop-shaped implants is in their lower zone. In addition, the height of the base and the width they differ. Thus, anatomical implants can differ not only in projections, but also in height. This advantageous quality increases the number of possible product combinations and enables manufacturers to expand the range of anatomical implants.

Anatomical medium-profile implants are in great demand among Russian women

Different profiles for every occasion

All patients have different types of figures and chests, each of which has its own shape of the mammary glands. Unlike round models, teardrop models come in a variety of widths and heights, which gives patients more options to choose from.

The higher the profile of the drop-shaped endoprosthesis, the more significant the increasing effect. Anatomists of an average profile are in the greatest demand among Russians. But there are times when only a high profile is acceptable. If a woman has a large amount of excess skin with ptosis of the mammary glands, then the breast needs more filling and lifting. In this case, low and medium profile anatomical implants may not give the desired effect. Also, a high profile is well suited for those patients who have a small chest volume.

Breast augmentation in twins

As part of the Omorphia project, an interesting competition was once held. Plastic surgeon Staisupov Valery Yuryevich operated on the winner for free and installed anatomically shaped implants for her. He later enlarged her twin sister's breasts, but only with round endoprostheses. The professional mind of the surgeon was looking forward to the opportunity to compare the results of augmentation mammoplasty in completely identical sisters. However, he could not find out the best result, both girls had beautifully shaped breasts.

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