Photoshop where you can make the background white. How to make the background white in Photoshop? Backgrounds for Photoshop

Many users of a digital camera or camera have often thought about how to remove the background in a photo. A white background can be easily done in Photoshop, but it takes some skill to work with it.

Now we will tell you how to make a white background on a photo in different ways.

Without using Photoshop

We will use the PhotoFiltre program - it is great for those who do not want to explore the unlimited possibilities of Photoshop due to lack of time. Go to the official website of the program, download and install it.

Launch PhotoFiltre with two mouse clicks and upload a photo on which you want to make a white background (menu item "File", and in it "Open" and select an image on your hard drive).

If the program is minimized, you can open it by clicking on the maximize window symbol (number one in the figure below).

You will see the image opened in the program. Now click on the button that is responsible for the fill (in our example, it is marked with the number two).

This is where the fun begins, as many opportunities open up before you.

Below in the image, the editing tools are marked with numbers, which we will now describe in more detail.

To change the image viewing scale, press the button, which is marked with the number one. By clicking on it, you can select the image display scale.

To remove the frame around the perimeters of the photo, press the button marked with the number two.

At the very bottom of the program is a list of photos that you work with. This is very convenient if you are processing several graphic files at once (number three).

You can see the width and height of the processed photo in the box marked with the number four.

Now let's move on to the tool that we need now. It is called "Fill" and is marked with the number five in our screenshot. Clicking on this tool will open a window with settings for important parameters. Let's consider this function using an illustrative example.

At the top of the program, click on the “Service” tab and in the small menu that opens, click on the “Customize” inscription, and then form a black triangle using the left mouse button.

After these steps, a menu will appear in which you need to click on the inscription "History", in which you set the number twenty (recommended), but you can experiment. This value determines your ability to undo completed operations, since the program does not provide a "Cancel" button. That is, when you set this parameter, you can go back twenty actions back.

Now use the tools that are in the right menu of the program that opens.

Click on the fill and set the color to white in the window that opens. To do this, click on the symbolic image of a white square (in the figure below it is marked with the number two), and then choose a color from the proposed options.

Set the tolerance and transparency settings.

To achieve the desired effect, select the tolerance parameters of twenty, thirty or seventy units, and set the transparency to one hundred percent.

Now move the mouse over the image, select the desired fragment and press the left mouse button. In this case, the selected part will turn white, but that's not all.

Similarly, repeat the above steps by selecting another place in the photo, and the area will also get a white background.

If the photo adjustment went a little wrong (for example, an extra part of the image was colored), then click on the "Cancel" button and halve the tolerance parameter. After that, the person's hat will not be affected and you will be able to correctly make a white background in the photo (as in our example).

How to make a white background on a photo in Photoshop

Making the background white in Photoshop is not difficult at all, now let's look at the photo processing process in more detail.

You just need to open a photo with a background and do three simple operations.

In our example, we took a black and white picture, but in this way you can process a color one.

To get a perfectly even layer, you must first create an empty image with a white background.

On the right side of the program, in the lower right corner, you will see a layer that displays your image. To do this, click on the line of the layer with your photo with the right mouse button and select the "Create a duplicate layer" item, after which click "Yes" in the menu that appears.

As a result, you will have two layers on the right, between which you need to create a layer with a white fill. To achieve this, click in Photoshop on the menu button "Create a new layer", and place it between the layers by dragging with the mouse.

Choose a white color and simply move it with the mouse so that it is located between our previously created fields.

Now click on the topmost layer in the program and select the contours of the girl using the "Rectangular Lasso" tool (it is located in the left menu of the program). If it doesn’t work right away, try again, and if there are extra elements in the photo, clean them up using the Eraser tool. Also, for a more accurate selection, you can enlarge the image using a magnifying glass.

Another nuance - if you increase the value of the "Smoothing" parameter by one point, then the contours will be cut more softly.

After clicking the "OK" button, the selected area must be inverted by pressing the CTRL + SHIFT + I key combination on the keyboard. Then click on the DEL (“Delete”) button in the same place.

That's all! As you can see, nothing complicated!

How to make a white background on a photo in Photoshop - the second option

This is the easiest and fastest way. Run the program and open a photo in it by simply dragging the mouse from the explorer into the program window.

Now select the Eraser tool from the menu on the left (but not the background, otherwise you will get a transparent background, and we need white) and slowly gently erase the background in the photo. Do not worry if you erase something superfluous - this action can always be canceled by clicking on the "Edit" menu item at the top and selecting the "Step back" line.

Video lessons

I welcome you to my blog! Let's figure it out today how to create a clean white background in photos. We will do this with the help of an excellent photo editor Fhotofiltre. It has a lot of chic features, including Fill. It is this simple button that makes it easy to change the background of an image.

As I said in previous lessons, first you need to properly download this wonderful photo editor (abbreviated as FR) in Russian (if you don't know how to do it, see). And, starting with this lesson, you will see how to use it to beautifully process images, pictures, etc.

And if you need to superimpose one photo on another, see. It happens that you want to put one image on a beautiful background. For example, so that some product appears on a different background. Or, for example, “put on” a headdress on someone. How this is done is shown in the 13th lesson.

How to open a photo editor and start working with it

So, in order to be able to make white or other backgrounds, you should open the program.

1. Open the editor by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button (shortly - LMB).

2. You see, the FR has opened. Let's upload a photo. Left mouse click once on "File", in the upper left corner. And, right there - "Open".

3. Here I will dwell a little more to make it easier for beginners to understand. We need to find a photo/image. I have a photo saved on my computer desktop. Therefore, look, in the very top line "Folder" the name of this place is indicated "Desktop" (1). Yours may be something else. To understand what exactly, look in the left column, you see, I have a slightly highlighted field with a picture of the desktop (2).

When you find the desired image, click LMB on it once ( 3 ), the name should appear in the bottom line ( 4 ). It can be any word, such as "Uploaded" or a set of numbers: screen-shot-16-at, it doesn't matter. All the same, the name will be changed when saving. Click "Open" (5).

4. As you can see, photo opened. If your editor is minimized at this moment, press in the middle box in the upper right corner(1) to expand it in full format (it's easier to work with). And, next, we make a click on the specified button (2) with "Fill".

5. Here we see a lot of useful information.

  • Firstly, if you are not satisfied with the scale of the picture, you can enlarge it for viewing by pressing the triangle (1). A list will pop up, scaling (as a percentage) is selected in it.

Do not confuse scaling with image size. When scaling, the dimensions do not change.

  • Second, the photograph itself. If desired, the frame around it can be easily removed by pressing the button 2 .
  • Thirdly, a very convenient function - a gallery of photos / pictures that you currently have to work with appears at the bottom (3).
  • Fourth, you can immediately see the size of the image (4).
  • And, the most needed element in this lesson is the fill function (5 ) — indicated by white arrows. Pay attention to the window below, it opens when you click on the Fill, it shows very important parameters. Let's look at an example.

How to make a white background on an image

Let's do one important setup right away.. In the top panel, click "Service". A small box will open, at the very end, click "Settings". Then, with the left mouse, open the black triangle. A list will pop up, select "History". Mark the number, I recommend - at least 20.

What does it mean? When processing photos, it is possible to return the operation if something is done wrong (as in a regular Word document, when we click on the Back arrow). So what is the number you indicate here, so many steps and you can return. If it is not clear now, just remember where it is done so that you can go back and set it up again later.

Now you can move on to what the lesson is about. - make a white background. At the same time I will show how you can easily fill pictures with a colored background.

Everything is very simple. Now we need some buttons located on the right side.

one . I click "Fill".
2 . Set color to white, first by clicking on the top sheet (indicated by the arrow), then on the white square in the range of colors suggested below.
3 . I specify the parameters: a) "tolerance" and b) "transparency".

Note: for tolerance, most often I use parameters: 20, 30, 70 ; in the transparency point, I almost always leave a 100% scale. But, if you need a less bright background, I lower it to 80-60. Texture will be discussed in detail later..

4 . I move the mouse over the photo, select a place and click LMB. The background becomes white, but - partially.
5 . Again repeat the action by hovering the mouse in a different place(shown by arrow). Great, I continue.
6. Everything would be great, but the top of the cap is slightly filled with white.7. I press the cancel icon(curved red arrow in the top menu). As well as I decrease the tolerance value from 30 to 15.

eight . Everything is fine, the hat is not hurt. That's why, click a second time. Ignore the remaining stripes for now, below I will process the image with a brush and clean the picture of them.

How to use a brush when processing a background

It remains to erase some blots on a white background, remaining on top. This is done easily.

  • Click on the "Brush" button(No. 1), it is under the fill. Another window will pop up ( No. 2), in which you can choose the shape of the brush - thinner, thicker, etc. I almost always use the one that I noted in the screenshot below. Click on it to select.

  • It remains to carefully walk with a brush, like an eraser, erasing all the roughness. Press the left mouse, move it over the background without releasing it - and erase the unnecessary. Periodically release the mouse and press again. This is necessary in order to, if necessary (if something is spoiled, erased superfluous), make a return with a red arrow.

Note: The brush not only allows you to erase the background, but also wonderfully erases unnecessary details in images.

I. To quickly erase an unwanted background with white, you need to choose the largest brush size.

To do this, click on photo zoom function. By default, it is usually 100% - let's set it to 200%.

The photo we are working with will immediately increase dramatically - No. 1 (I remind you, its size remains the same). Click on "Brushes" (№2), choose the largest size for it (№3). Now it's much easier to paint the background of an image white. brush size increased. If you try to work with a brush at 100% scale for comparison, this difference is noticeable.

After we've finished painting, click again on 100%. The image will return to its original view size. See if there are any unpainted areas left. If everything is in order, you can save the photo. If something needs to be improved, we return to the view scale of 200%, if necessary, move the slider up and down, left and right to see all parts of the image . In some places it is better to use a smaller brush. For example, processing the background next to the face (eyes-nose-chin).

II. But, it happens that the brush remains small, despite the actions in the previous step. To fix this, you just need to reduce the photo. Look, with the size of my photo 303 x 280 px, the brush is quite large and easy to work with:

With the initial dimensions of 3700 x 3419 px, it is practically invisible, some kind of white dot:

Therefore, when we see such a picture, we reduce the image. How to do this, see the next lesson number 4 "". In short, we do it like this: "Picture" - "Image Size" - in the window that opens, set new parameters.

With the advent of digital cameras, photographers are increasingly turning into digital artists who have powerful tools for post-processing a picture - a variety of RAW converters and editors, among which Photoshop is especially worth highlighting, which has a large arsenal of tools for solving a variety of tasks.

This article will look at ways to replace black and white backgrounds in photographs taken in a studio.

White background

We got this photo of a girl with long flowing hair. As a rule, it is hair, down, wool, feathers that pose the greatest problem when replacing the background. Open the photo you will be working with and the background photo in Photoshop, and create two layers - the bottom one with the girl, the top one with the background and turn off the visibility of the background for now by clicking on the eye in the layers panel.

Selecting an object

You should end up like the illustration above as we work on the photo of the girl. In order to transfer it to another background, the girl needs to be "cut out" from the current white background. There are several ways to select a girl:

Highlighting with color:

Let's go - Select(Highlight) - color range(Color range)

In the dialog box that appears, select the eyedropper (circled in red in the illustration) and click it on the white color, adjust the selection level with the slider and press ok. You can also make a selection using a magic wand or a quick selection tool - the tools are called up by pressing the W key (I think that selection using color is done better, but any method is fine) as a result, you should get this picture:

It's okay if not all parts of the hair stand out, as in the picture, we will fix this later. Now let's smooth out the roughness of the image. Let's go Select(Highlight) - Modify Modification - (Feathering), set the value depending on the size of your image, the larger the image, the greater the value.

Let's move on to the next step - creating an image mask.

Image mask

A mask in Photoshop is a special method that allows you to hide some area of ​​the image. There are two types of masks Quick Mask(Quick mask, mainly used for selection) and layer mask(The layer mask we'll be working with). Click on the layer with the background image, turn it on (the selected outline of the girl should remain) and go layer(Layers) - layer mask(layer mask) - Reveal Selection(Show selection) or click on the square with a circle inside on the layers palette, as in the illustration below

As a result, you should get something like this:

Don't worry about the white border on the hair, we will remove it later. By creating a mask, we masked the white area of ​​the background, leaving only the girl. The good thing about the mask is that you can turn it off or change it at any time. In order to work with the mask, you need to click on the icon with its image, see the illustration below.

To work with the mask, a brush is used (called with the key B English layout) white and black (press the D key to set the default color to black and white on the palette), if you paint with white on the layer mask, then the image that is on the top layer appears, and if black - on the bottom . To see what our layer mask looks like, hold down alt on the keyboard and click on the layer mask icon, you will have a black and white image with the outline of a girl (to return to its original position, click again on the layer mask with the Alt key pressed).

Blend Modes

Before continuing with the layer mask, you need to change the blend mode of the background layer to Multiply(Multiplication).

The effect of this mode is as if two images were printed on top of each other. This is the result if we don't create a layer mask.

Now switch to the layer mask, take a soft white brush (to set the softness parameter, double-click on the image of the brush icon at the top) of small diameter and start tracing the white border, trying not to climb on the hair itself.

This will require your patience and perseverance. The larger your image, the more time it will take to carefully remove all traces of the white background. So, gradually, step by step, I removed the white border on the girl's hair.

This method allows you to achieve very good results without leaving any "fawn".

Final result:

The whole procedure took me about 15 minutes. The good thing about the created mask is that it can be applied to any other background with minimal changes.

And at any time you can correct the layer mask if, when transferring the girl to a new background, a white border remains on the hair.

But, agree that it is better to immediately get a white background when shooting than to spend time clipping an object? Moreover, in the case of "shaggy" objects, this is very, very difficult. How to avoid unnecessary problems during processing, and get a white background already at the shooting stage? It's very simple, everything is based on one single postulate:

The background should be overexposed by 1.5 - 2 stops.

Then it will become pure white, as it will simply go beyond the range of brightness that the sensor is able to fix. Now the second question: how to implement it technically? There are several ways.

Method 1. Additional background lighting.

In order for the background to become white, it must be additionally illuminated, moreover, stronger than the object being photographed. Here is one of the lighting schemes that I use when shooting objects against a white background:

In this case, two softboxes are illuminating the background in order to get the most uniform white field. At home, you can use, for example, a table lamp to illuminate the background. The lighting scheme of the object itself can be any, here you need to proceed from the shooting task. An example of a shot taken with background lighting:

Method 2. Using the background on the light.

In this case, the light source is behind the background, the background material in this case works for transmission, and not for reflection, as in the previous example. This scheme allows you to get by with light sources of lower power, since the loss in reflection is always higher than in transmission. In order for the light sources to work effectively, the background material should not be too dense. It can be, for example, white fabric or milky white plastic, plexiglass. The lighting scheme is shown below. This technique is often used when shooting on a stage to illuminate the plastic background from below.

An example of a shot with a similar lighting scheme

Method 3. Using a softbox as a background.

This method can be considered a variant of the previous one. A flash with a softbox is used as a background. At the same time, almost minimal power is required, since the light is directed directly into the camera. The disadvantage of this method is that when shooting large objects or people, softboxes of the appropriate size are required. For small items, it is quite possible to use at home.

I hope that now it will not be a problem for you to get a pure white background in the photo already in the process of shooting, without the use of graphic editors.

When working with images, you have to separate flies from cutlets, i.e. background from the picture.

There are plenty of places to download great cliparts, most of which come with a white background. Of course, you need to get rid of it. I remembered four ways to do this. They will be discussed in this article.

Method 1

Remove the white background from the image using the tool.

This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to perform this kind of operation. With the eraser selected in the toolbar, click on the white background. As a result, all white pixels will be removed and you will see a checkerboard background, which indicates the presence of transparency instead of a background.

But it may happen that in addition to the white background, pixels close to white may be removed from the image itself.

As you can see, in the image above, part of the sword and some elements on the knight's armor have been removed. There are two reasons for this unpleasant effect. Let's turn to the tool options panel.

1. Adjacent pixels. see if this setting is checked. Its absence indicates that all pixels of a similar color will be removed (which is why the above parts of the image have disappeared). Check the box and Photoshop will remove only those pixels that are in contact with each other.

2.Tolerance. Often the background consists of a whole set of shades, for example, the same white color. The higher the tolerance value, the more of these shades the program will remove. Most often, this refers to the border around the image (a small border of pixels left over from the background). Increase the tolerance and the border will get smaller and smaller.

There is another useful command to remove the border: Layer - Edge Processing - Remove Border.

Method 2 Select background with .

The most important thing is to remember to unlock the background layer. I have already written about this more than once, but I will repeat it again. If there is a small lock on the layers palette, near the layer thumbnail, then it is locked. Double click on this layer Forms it into a new, which can be edited.

Now, with the Magic Wand selected, click on the background. It will stand out with "Marching Ants". It remains only to press the Backspace key. The chess background will reappear.

As with the magic eraser, pay attention to the tolerance and adjacent pixels settings. They work in a similar way.

Method 3

Briefly, it looks like this:

1. We have an image. We want to remove all the white so that only the transparent background remains.

2. Create a duplicate of the blue channel. Press Ctrl+L. The Levels window appears. We begin to move the sliders so that everything gray becomes as close to black as possible. In other words, we need to achieve such a result that what we want to remove becomes white, and the rest is black.

3. Now click on the thumbnail of the duplicate channel we created while holding down the Ctrl key. A selection has appeared. Most likely, the selection will have to be inverted - press Shift + Ctrl + I. Now you can either press Backspace to remove the excess, or create a duplicate layer by pressing Ctrl + J to transfer the selection to a new layer. In my example, I added a texture, here's how it turned out:

Method 4

If in the previous methods, after deletion, a transparent part remained, now we will learn how to change to a different background. This method is associated with the feature blend modes Burn and Multiply.

So, in the figure below, we have the same knight on the left, and the texture on the right.

On the layers palette, place the texture at the top and set the overlay to Darken or Multiply. The knight was visible. But there is a catch. Some elements of the image that were also white became texture colors.

We'll fix it now. Add a layer mask to the top layer (with the texture). Taking the Brush tool, we begin to erase the texture from visible places. Carefully, slowly, as a result it turned out like this:

Easy, good quality, beautiful. Great way.

So far, these are the only ways I remember. Know more - write about them in the comments.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

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