Phimosis in boys treatment without surgery. lead to this pathological condition. The consequences of phimosis in a child

Phimosis in boys is a common problem: it affects 95% of newborns and can appear later in life. If it is neglected, emptying the bladder will become a very difficult task for the future man; possible complications. Despite the worrisome manifestations of phimosis in boys, home treatment can be as effective as therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Phimosis is the difficult removal of the glans penis from the foreskin. The problem is very common in babies. By the year, as a rule, the foreskin is retracted more easily, and by the age of three, only 10% of boys suffer from such an ailment. What are the causes of the disease? To begin with, it should be noted that phimosis is of two types:

  • physiological (congenital);
  • pathological (acquired).

Both one and the other species are treatable - for the most part, conservatively. However, in case of complications, it is possible or necessary to solve the problem surgically.

Causes of pathology

Determining the causes of the problem, it is important to know what kind of form we are talking about - physiological or pathological. In the first case, unfortunately, medicine does not exactly know the factors that cause physiological phimosis in boys. As for the pathological variety, its appearance is influenced by:

  • inflammation of the glans penis (balanoplastitis), which leads to the formation of scars on the epithelium;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • hereditary lack of a tissue component that is responsible for the elasticity of the epithelium.

phimosis symptoms

The main manifestation of phimosis is difficult or completely impossible exposure of the glans penis. In addition, you may experience:

  • a weak stream during urination (in especially severe forms, the liquid is released drop by drop);
  • painful urination;
  • discharge of pus when pressing on the head of the penis;
  • an increase in inguinal lymph nodes and fever.

If phimosis passes in severe form and provokes a complication - paraphimosis, then the head of the penis swells and turns blue. In this case, surgical intervention is necessary.

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Phimosis treatment methods for different age groups

Treatment methods for difficult opening of the head of the penis depend on the age of the patient. In the first year of life, no action is needed, since phimosis is physiological in nature. According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is better not to touch the foreskin of the penis once again - it is enough just to carry out regular hygiene procedures.

Up to 3 years, the appearance of phimosis should also not cause much concern, but only if it is not accompanied by regular secretions of smegma, cramps and enuresis.

From 3 to 13 years, phimosis usually disappears. However, if this does not happen, then you need to consult a doctor. After the age of 11, there is only a 2% chance that the problem will go away on its own. Adolescents over 13 years of age in case of ineffectiveness of drug treatment are prescribed surgery.

Thus, the treatment of phimosis, if there are no concomitant symptoms, begins only after 11-13 years.

Surgery is the radical treatment for phimosis. It is prescribed only if the child has practically no opportunity to empty the bladder naturally, and also if changes in the cicatricial nature due to inflammation are noticeable on the penis. There are several types of operations that eliminate this problem:

  • with the help of a probe and a gauze tupfer, adhesions are separated under local anesthesia, with three cuts in the foreskin;
  • circumcision (circumcision), if cicatricial changes have severely affected the epithelium;
  • incision according to Schloffer: the foreskin is cut in a zigzag, and then sewn together in the sharp corners of the incision - the opening for the exit of the head increases.

The surgical method of treating phimosis gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of the result. But it requires careful adherence to all the recommendations of the postoperative period: you will have to use manganese baths, antibacterial gels or creams. In some cases, plastic surgery is necessary to give aesthetics to the penis after surgery.

Conservative medical treatment

Treatment of phimosis in boys without surgery can be of 2 types:

  • medication;
  • non-drug.

glucocorticosteroid drugs are used as medicines, usually in the form of ointments. Most often this is betamethasone or clobetasol. These medicines:

  • help to increase the elasticity of the tissue of the foreskin;
  • heal microcracks;
  • prevent inflammatory processes.

Non-drug treatment of phimosis

Non-drug therapy of phimosis in boys is more often used. Without surgery, treatment is based on regular massage. Dr. Komarovsky advises to carry out the procedure daily, preferably after a bath or shower, when the skin is more elastic. The set of exercises includes:

  1. Pulling on the head of the penis of the foreskin until the first pain. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Insertion of two fingers into the preputial sac.
  3. Expansion of the flesh to the first manifestations of the pain syndrome. Repeat 5-6 times.

Such a complex treats phimosis in boys, according to Komarovsky, in 2-3 months. Just do the exercises at least 2 times a day. It is also recommended to supplement the massage once a day with a bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, known for its antiseptic effect. Potassium permanganate should be diluted with warm water to a faint pink color. Too concentrated solution can cause mucosal burns.

If you are faced with a diagnosis of phimosis in boys, home treatment can be supported by folk remedies. They will significantly speed up the process of "release" of the head of the penis, help to avoid complications of the disease. Herbs have long been used to treat ailments, and phimosis is no exception. In order to cope with the manifestations of the inelasticity of the epithelium of the foreskin, 2 times a day the child needs to take a bath of a decoction of herbs - chamomile or string. She prepares like this:

  1. In hot water (about 500 ml), pour 2 tbsp. l. herbs.
  2. Let's boil.
  3. Close the lid and let it brew for about 1 hour.
  4. Drain the decoction into the jar. The temperature should be 34-36 degrees.
  5. We lower the member and hold for about 20-25 minutes.

After the bath, the massage mentioned above will be very effective. Preventive measures based on folk recipes that can be taken at home will help to avoid the unpleasant consequences of phimosis in the future.

Physiological phimosis in boys is a common problem for many male children. The child has a narrowed foreskin on the genitals, which is why can't open head.

In most cases, pathology does not cause concern and passes with time. However, there is a risk of developing other disorders, so you should know how to behave in certain cases.

Possible Complications

In case of violation of hygiene or for other reasons, there is a risk of developing complications against the background of physiological phimosis:

  1. paraphimosis- excessive narrowing of the foreskin, which leads to squeezing of blood vessels and impaired blood circulation in the organ. Possible tissue necrosis and amputation of the penis without medical assistance.
  2. - inflammatory processes on the glans penis under the foreskin. It develops when personal hygiene is not observed or an organ injury. In this case, the head swells, pain and itching appear, as well as problems with urination.
  3. Fusion of the foreskin with the head- appears in the absence of any treatment. The tissues grow together, and the head can no longer open. The child needs an operation.

When observing these diseases, you should immediately seek medical help.


Physiological phimosis develops from birth, so there are no specific measures to prevent the disease.

It is only possible to reduce the likelihood of complications in the future. For this you need to follow the following rules:

  • regularly wash the genitals of the child;
  • use only children's hygiene products (soap, shampoo, creams and ointments);
  • timely process any, even minor, injuries of the head and foreskin;
  • periodically visit a urologist or pediatrician for a routine preventive examination.

Physiological phimosis not dangerous for health, if you know how to deal with this pathology.

Over time, the problem should go away on its own, but this does not mean that it should be left to chance. A child with phimosis needs special care, especially personal hygiene.

A massage and, of course, a visit to a doctor will not be superfluous, who will be able to give an objective assessment of the boy's condition and, if necessary, select a treatment.

Until what age is phimosis normal? Komarovsky about phimosis in boys in this video:

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Phimosis in young boys is noticed by many parents, but not all adults know that it is important to constantly monitor the condition of the genitals. The head of the penis is closed by the foreskin, attempts to open it cause pain. Sometimes duplication of the skin is so dense that serious urological problems appear, inflammatory processes develop.

Parents of a newborn boy should know what to do if the baby does not expose the glans penis. Panic and confusion are bad helpers after identifying a delicate problem. According to statistics, physiological phimosis in children occurs in more than 90% of boys under 1 year old. The article describes the causes, types, methods of treatment of phimosis in boys of different ages.

general information

Disputes about the benefits and harms of the foreskin have been going on for a long time. The scientific community holds two opposing points of view:

  • Proponents of circumcision believe that the duplication of skin covering the head of the penis is an area where bacteria accumulate. Uncircumcised men are more likely to suffer from inflammatory diseases. Excess tissue must be disposed of as an unnecessary rudiment;
  • Opponents of circumcision are convinced that inflammation of the genital tissues is not associated with the presence of skin folds near the glans penis, but with insufficient hygiene of intimate places. Doctors believe that circumcision is inappropriate for two reasons. First - the foreskin protects the delicate mucous membrane of the head of the penis. The second - the sensitivity of an important area is preserved.

According to statistics, in 95-96% of newborn boys, the head of the penis opens poorly in the first months of life. Hypertrophic phimosis often develops when there is too much tissue. Many parents call this phenomenon "proboscis on the penis." The name is quite funny, but there is no reason to laugh: the phenomenon requires a serious attitude on the part of parents. Often "proboscis phimosis" occurs with a high degree of obesity.


Why does the foreskin of most babies tightly fit the head of the penis, does not open well? Parents often think that their child's problem is their fault. Most often, phimosis in newborns and young children is a physiological phenomenon. Sometimes congenital phimosis is caused by genetic disorders. Often, doctors cannot identify the exact cause of pathological changes.

The acquired form develops as a result of the transferred inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system:

  • balanitis;
  • fasting.

Diseases often develop with insufficient / improper hygiene of the baby's genitals. Urine residues, skin secretions, skin particles accumulate without timely removal, creating an excellent environment for the development of the inflammatory process. Bacteria thrive in the folds of the skin.

Parents should remember that the toilet of the genital organs in boys is carried out daily in compliance with the rules that the pediatrician will tell about. It is important to gently but thoroughly rinse the penis, but it is forbidden to pull back the foreskin sharply. To prevent inflammatory processes will help bathing the baby in water with the addition of a decoction of chamomile or string.

Other reasons:

  • uncomfortable clothes, strongly squeezing, rubbing the genitals;
  • insufficient amount of connective tissue in the body;
  • penis injuries due to inept actions of parents while bathing a newborn boy.

Degree of illness

In most cases, the phenomenon is considered physiological (normal), after a certain period it disappears without a trace. If the foreskin has not become more elastic over time, they speak of pathological phimosis. After 4 years, surgery is performed to prevent problems with urination and erection in the future.

In the first degree of phimosis, the foreskin can only be opened when the penis is at rest. With the most severe, fourth degree of pathology, the head is completely hidden under the duplication of the skin, urine constantly accumulates under the folds, inflammation of the tissues develops.

Signs and symptoms

Parents should contact a urologist if they find the following signs of phimosis:

  • problems with urination. During the process, the kids push hard, cry. Urine does not come out in an active stream, accumulates in the skin "pouch", gradually flows out drop by drop;
  • the foreskin becomes inflamed, it itches a lot, with strong squeezing, swelling of the tissues turns blue;
  • the head of the penis in an infant does not open at all during the toilet of the genitals;
  • older boys complain of pain during erection.


It is easy to identify the problem with a visual inspection. Analyzes, additional studies in most cases are not needed.

A pediatric urologist will examine the baby, determine the degree of phimosis. With a physiological form, treatment is not carried out. If after four years the elasticity of the foreskin has not returned to normal, an operation is performed to completely or partially remove the foreskin.

Important! When identifying problems with urination, complaints of pain in the genital area, be sure to show the boy to the doctor. Little children cannot describe negative sensations, but they will definitely show the problem area with their finger in response to the question: “Where does it hurt?”

Basic Treatments

How to treat phimosis? The approach to therapy depends on the form of phimosis. With a physiological phenomenon, doctors monitor the condition of the genital organs of a small patient, prescribe a local treatment to increase skin elasticity and prevent inflammatory processes. The doctor will explain to parents how to treat phimosis in boys at home.

Even at 3 years old, only 20% of boys have the glans penis exposed without problems. If there is no progress by four years, surgical treatment is performed.

The main types of treatment:

  • without the use of medicines. Parents twice a week, by a millimeter, pull the foreskin from the baby in compliance with certain rules. The procedure requires permission from a pediatric urologist;
  • drug therapy. An ointment with glucocorticosteroids will help to increase the elasticity of the duplication of the skin. The use of a hormonal drug prevents inflammation, heals microcracks. Betameson, Clobetasol is suitable for young children;
  • surgical intervention. Classical circumcision, separation of adhesions, operation according to the Schloffer method. With balanoposthitis, circumcision (traditional circumcision) is prohibited.

Only a pediatric urologist will choose the right method of treatment, taking into account the form and stage of phimosis in boys. The doctor will definitely take into account the age of a small patient, the presence / absence of an inflammatory process in the tissues. Parents must strictly follow the doctor's instructions, regularly bring the boy to an appointment to monitor the condition of the tissues of the penis.

Treatment of phimosis at home

In the absence of inflammatory processes, sufficient elasticity of the skin fold around the head of the penis, the doctor recommends that parents do not take medication. Adults are required to be careful, to strictly comply with the requirements of the urologist, and to comply with the frequency of procedures. Without the permission of a doctor, non-drug treatment is prohibited!

At home, parents perform a gradual opening of the head of the baby's penis. In one procedure, the skin fold should move no more than 2 mm.

Sharp jerks, simultaneous opening are not only extremely painful, but also dangerous to health. In addition to psychological trauma, there are negative consequences in the form of a rupture of the foreskin, the formation of a scar. Another dangerous complication is pinching the head of the penis with the foreskin (paraphimosis).


  • during a visit to a pediatric urologist, listen carefully to the recommendations, clarify the details if you have any questions;
  • twice a week, carry out the procedure for the gradual opening of the foreskin;
  • First, prepare a bath with warm water. Adding a solution of potassium permanganate (necessarily, slightly pink), a decoction of chamomile, calendula or string will help prevent inflammation of the delicate tissue;
  • the boy must take a bath for a quarter of an hour. Gently blot the genital area, apply Solcoseryl or Bepanten ointment to the dry foreskin, gently move the skin fold by 1–2 mm, no more. The drug softens the skin, prevents tissue rupture and inflammation;
  • act carefully, do not violate the frequency of procedures. Move the skin fold on the penis only to the specified distance. Monitor the condition of the glans penis in the baby. In case of inflammation, swelling, stop the procedures, pay a visit to the urologist to find out the causes of negative reactions.

Possible Complications

Dangerous forms of phimosis in children of different ages often develop when parents do not pay attention to the problem. Some adults simply do not know what the consequences are of wrong actions or vice versa, inaction.

Sometimes parents try to cure the pathology with homeopathy, folk remedies. Most often, such measures do not bring results, they postpone the visit to the doctor for an indefinite time. Often, parents bring the boy to an appointment when the inflammatory process has gone too far.

Dangerous complications:

  • cicatricial phimosis. The foreskin is narrowed to critical levels. The cicatricial ring does not allow the head of the penis to be removed from under the folds of the skin, serious problems with urination appear, balanoposthitis often develops, pain during erection. Normal sex life in adult men until the problem is eliminated is almost impossible;
  • paraphimosis. Complication of advanced cicatricial form of phimosis. Often, the pathology appears due to the fault of the parents, after a sharp retraction of the foreskin, the development of the inflammatory process. With paraphimosis, the tight flesh infringes on the protruding head of the penis so much that the tissues swell. Without immediate treatment, the squeezed area turns blue, then blackens. Insufficient supply of tissues with blood worsens the condition of the penis.

Inflammation of the tissues of the penis, infringement of the glans penis may adversely affect the quality of intimate life in the future. Men suffer from psychological and physiological problems. Negative manifestations could have been prevented if the parents had shown the boy to the doctor in time for non-drug treatment or surgery.

Preventive measures

There are no specific methods for preventing genetic phimosis. Parents should regularly and properly toilet the genitals of a newborn boy. When identifying the negative symptoms described above, it is important to contact a pediatrician and a pediatric urologist without delay. Early treatment of the inflammatory process will save you from dangerous complications.

If you suspect the boy has phimosis, see an experienced doctor. A pediatric urologist will tell you which form is developing: physiological or pathological. Further treatment is prescribed by a doctor. At any stage, the problem has a solution. The task of parents is to abandon self-treatment, the use of unverified folk methods.

Phimosis is a pathology that is characterized by narrowing of the foreskin. This is a fairly common disease in newborns. Almost every boy is born with him. If diagnosed phimosis in boys home treatment Perhaps we will consider in more detail how it is carried out. After all, this condition does not always require surgical intervention.

When is it better to treat phimosis in a child at home

If observed phimosis in boys, treatment at home should not be carried out immediately. It usually disappears on its own over time. There is no need to be afraid of narrowing of the foreskin; for babies, this is the normal state of the penis. In this way, the skin protects the penis from the ingress of pathogens.

It is necessary to be observed by a urologist after the child is 3 years old, if the condition has not returned to normal. No other action is required at this age. Period when needed treat phimosis at home5–6 years. Until this moment, you should not try to open the head yourself.

After 6 years, the genitourinary system begins to actively form, so by active actions, parents can only harm the baby.

But it should be noted that if, before the age of six, a child has problems with urination, pain and other discomfort in the genital area, this indicates that treatment should be started immediately.

Types of pathology

If phimosis does not bother the boy before adolescence, then radical actions aimed at its treatment are not required. But there are signs that indicate the transformation of the narrowing of the foreskin into a pathological form. Consider what types of phimosis are divided into.


This form of the disease is observed immediately after the birth of a boy. The foreskin in this way protects the genital organ from infections and other pathogenic microorganisms. Over time, the flesh expands, the head of the penis opens on its own.

Treatment of phimosis in children at home is required after 5-6 years. Until this age, it is necessary to strictly observe the hygiene of the penis. You need to rinse it daily under running water. It is recommended to use soap only once a week.

Features of the disease by age:

  1. From birth to 3 years. In children under 1 year of age, the foreskin completely covers the head of the penis. There is nothing to worry about in this case. From 1 to 3 years in most cases, the head opens. During this period, the child is susceptible to infection, so it is necessary to provide adequate hygiene care for the genitals.
  2. From 3 to 13 years old. The critical age for boys is 12 years old. If phimosis has not disappeared by the age of 13, surgical intervention is required. By itself, the pathology will not go away.

The appearance of physiological phimosis is not dangerous for a boy under 13 years old. The help of parents in this case is to observe the hygiene of the boy.


Under the influence of adverse factors, phimosis can be transformed into a pathological form. It is divided into the following types:

  1. Cicatricial phimosis. Its essence lies in the thinning of the foreskin, resulting in the formation of scar tissue. Most often, the causes of the cicatricial form of the pathology are injury to the penis when trying to open the head or an inflammatory process. The flesh is covered with cracks, as a result of which the skin is torn. If observed cicatricial phimosis in a boy, treatment without surgery carried out only in the absence of certain complications.
  2. . This disease is characterized by an excessive amount of foreskin. The skin covering the head of the penis gradually grows. Usually such a disease is observed in overweight children, since adipose tissue accumulates at the end of the penis. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals. All actions should be aimed at preventing inflammatory processes.

Irritant factors that contribute to the transformation of physiological phimosis into a pathological form are:

  • improper development of connective tissue due to hereditary predisposition;
  • injury to the foreskin as a result of unsuccessful attempts to open the head;
  • inflammatory processes under the flesh.

Important to remember! The main measure for the prevention of complications of phimosis is the observance of the boy's personal hygiene!

Symptoms of the disease

Phimosis in boys begins to be pathological when the following signs occur:

  • it is not possible to release the head of the penis due to too narrow a hole;
  • the appearance of problems with the excretion of urine, the child experiences severe pain, a burning sensation at the time of urination;
  • inflammatory processes under the foreskin;
  • discharge with pus;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary therapy. Treatment of phimosis without surgery in children it is advisable up to 12 years, but provided there are no complications.

Ways to treat pathology in boys at home

After establishing an accurate diagnosis in a child and passing the necessary tests, the required treatment is prescribed. There are several methods of non-surgical therapy, the use of which depends on the age of the boy and the nature of the pathology. Consider each method treatment of phimosis in children at home in more detail.

Non-drug therapy

It is suitable for children up to 3 years old. Its essence lies in massage procedures, which are such manipulations:

  • put the child in a warm bath for 30-40 minutes;
  • after this time in the water, with gentle movements, try to open the head;
  • you can also pull the foreskin forward, this will help to gradually expand the hole.

This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a week. A positive result can be seen after 3-6 months. This is one of the simple but time-consuming ways, how to cure phimosis in a child without surgery.

Treatment of phimosis in children with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers a range of methods treatment of phimosis without surgery in children at home. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Chamomile. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile. Pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse under a closed lid for about 1 hour. At the end of this time, strain the infusion. Make local baths based on the resulting liquid. But you need to make sure that the broth is not hot. The optimum temperature is room temperature.
  2. Series. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a therapeutic local bath, take 1 tbsp. l. dried string, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it boil on a slow fire for about 5 minutes. After the liquid has completely cooled, pour the broth into a container, after filtering.
  3. Calendula. The leaves and flowers of this plant have a bactericidal effect, help prevent infection of the glans penis. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need 2 tbsp. l. dried calendula and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion, use as a solution for a local bath.

Such funds give firmness and elasticity to the skin on the penis, due to which they stretch.

Important to remember! During the baths, it is necessary to massage the penis, slowly and gently pulling the foreskin!

Medical therapy

Treatment of phimosis in adolescents at home can be carried out with the help of medications. To improve the condition, it is required to use medicines in the form of ointments or creams for external use. Preparations of the glucocorticosteroid group help to give elasticity and firmness to the foreskin, prevent the formation of cracks and inflammatory processes.

The essence of drug treatment is to apply an ointment or cream under the foreskin with massage movements. In addition to the above advantages, the treatment of phimosis in children with drugs has the following features:

  • heals wounds formed as a result of unsuccessful attempts to open the head;
  • prevents the entry and active development of pathogens;
  • relieves puffiness.

The most common and effective ointments of the glucocorticosteroid group are: Hydrocortisone ointment, Clotrimazole, Budesonide, Diprosalik, Triderm, as well as their analogues.

You can also use a solution of potassium permanganate, called potassium permanganate in backgammon. To do this, you need to dissolve a couple of crystals in 0.5 liters of water. It should turn pink. In this solution, you should keep the penis for 10-15 minutes, performing massage manipulations on the foreskin.

These ways can cure phimosis in children without surgery. Hygiene is an important point. Smegma should not accumulate under the skin on the head.

Possible consequences of phimosis in boys

Ignoring pathology, inaction of parents in this case can lead to serious consequences. Boys and adolescents may experience such complications as a result of the development of pathological phimosis:

  1. The skin on the head is covered with small scars. This complication will bring discomfort to the boy during the onset of sexual activity. He will experience pain and other discomfort during erection and sexual contact, as the foreskin will be covered with microcracks. These cracks heal over time, leaving new scars. Pathology progresses every day.
  2. Balanoposthitis. This disease is an inflammatory process on the glans penis and under the foreskin, which is caused by the development of pathogenic microorganisms. They fall into a favorable environment for themselves - an excessive accumulation of smegma, where they begin to multiply. A purulent discharge appears from the opening of the flesh. Gradually, scarring of the skin tissues begins to occur. If the boy is not given the required treatment, the inflammatory process will spread to the organs of the genitourinary system. The danger of balanoposthitis lies in the fact that it can be chronic.
  3. Paraphimosis. This is one of the main complications of physiological or pathological phimosis. The essence of this disease lies in the fact that at the time of sexual contact or self-satisfaction, the opening of the foreskin is shifted to the head, squeezing it. She can no longer return to her place. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention. If paraphimosis is ignored, the gradual death of the tissues of the head will begin, which will lead to blood poisoning.
  4. Chronic infections. They will disturb with periodic exacerbations, which greatly complicates the treatment process.
  5. The formation of malignant tumors on the head. An excessive amount of smegma under the foreskin contributes to the accumulation of carcinogenic substances, which in turn cause the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
  6. Psychological problems. They begin to appear during adolescence. The young man notices that his sexual organ has significant differences. This develops an inferiority complex in him. These guys have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. Getting rid of the psychological barrier in this case is quite difficult.

A full life of a young person provides for sexual relations. The narrowed foreskin not only causes aesthetic discomfort, but also interferes with normal sexual contact. Therefore, parents of boys from an early age should direct their efforts to eliminate both pathological and physiological phimosis.

Prevention of phimosis in children

Radical actions to eliminate physiological phimosis should not be taken until the boy reaches 3 years of age. But every parent can prevent the occurrence of complications. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Rinse the boy's genitals daily under running water from birth. Better if it is boiled water.
  2. Change diapers promptly. An overfilled diaper creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogens. Therefore, its change is very important for the health of the baby. Also, after removing the diaper, it is necessary to take air baths. In the summer, it is better to refrain from such hygiene products. The skin under the diaper sweats, which also creates good conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Massage of the penis. During bath procedures, after steaming the skin, slowly and gently pull the foreskin off. This will help stretch the skin, thereby making the hole larger.
  4. Do not use soap too often when washing the genitals. It is enough to use it while washing the child once a week. Regular washing of the penis under running water will remove the accumulated smegma.
  5. Choosing the right underwear for your baby It's about wearing panties. They should be made only from natural materials. It is also necessary to make sure that the panties do not put pressure on the genitals, do not rub.

In addition to these rules, you should not forget that at the first signs of inflammation, you need to contact a urologist for help. The main signs of the inflammatory process are:

  • swelling in the upper part of the penis;
  • change in the color of the skin of the organ;
  • pain during urination;
  • the formation of purulent secretions.

This condition in a boy requires immediate treatment, which should be prescribed only by a doctor.


We have considered how to treat phimosis in boys at home. But qualified pediatricians strongly recommend not to panic if the baby's head has not opened before the year. Each child has an individual physiological structure, the healing process is also resolved on an individual basis.

It should be noted that after three years, boys are regularly required to be shown to a urologist, not to neglect the advice and recommendations of this specialist. Alternative medicine can be used periodically, and closer to adolescence, medications can also be used. The boy will be able to apply them on his own. Hormonal agents for topical use will help restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin on the penis, so that you can easily expose the head.

If non-surgical methods to eliminate the problem is not possible, then surgical intervention is required. Its essence is to eliminate adhesions between the foreskin and the head of the penis. In especially severe cases, when phimosis can cause chronic balanoposthitis or paraphimosis, circumcision is necessary. In other words, partial or complete removal of the foreskin. In childhood, the rehabilitation period after surgery does not take much time, the healing process is quick and painless, if you follow the rules of hygiene.

In newborns, the head of the penis is covered with a mucocutaneous capsule that does not move. This is a protective mechanism that protects the baby's genitals from the effects of urine and feces. If it is impossible to expose the head of the penis, then doctors talk about phimosis. Pathological conditions are divided into several types: physiological, pathological. If phimosis is caused by a disease, and there is no medical help, complications develop that require surgical intervention.


The narrowing of the opening of the foreskin is called phimosis. The head of the penis in a child either does not open, or the opening is difficult or causes pain. In almost 90% of newborns, the head of the penis does not open completely; this is due to the low mobility of the foreskin. In six months, the physiological process is detected only in 80% of cases. The disease does not require medical correction and disappears in 7 years. If the foreskin has lost its elasticity due to mechanical damage or pathology, then we are talking about an acquired form of the disease.

Varieties of phimosis:

  1. 1. Physiological- this is normal, since the head of the penis should be exposed without outside interference up to 6 years. During puberty, the head is completely released. The doctor diagnoses physiological phimosis in utero.
  2. 2. Pathological arising due to individual characteristics of the organism, mechanical injury.
  3. 3. cicatricial- congenital pathology caused by the large size of the foreskin. The head is not released. Microcracks and wounds appear on the mucocutaneous membrane. Then the scars appear.
  4. 4. Hypertrophic childhood phimosis arising from the excess weight of the boy. The prepuce increases due to fatty tissue, which is localized near the pubis. Pathogenic microorganisms develop in the foreskin, which causes inflammation. The child's general condition worsens, psychological problems appear.


Causes that cause phimosis:

  1. 1. Mechanical damage to the penis.
  2. 2. Balanoposthitis.
  3. 3. Congenital anomalies of a genetic nature.
  4. 4. Congenital diseases characterized by impaired growth of the penis.
  5. 5. Reduced regeneration tissue repair after mechanical intervention.

A complication of the pathology is paraphimosis. The patient experiences unbearable pain due to pinching of the glans penis. It increases in size, becomes a blue tint. If there is no medical help, then the risk of complications increases several times.

Clinical manifestations

Physiological phimosis does not cause inconvenience to the boy and disappears during puberty. Symptoms of a pathological condition requiring treatment:

  1. 1. Difficulty in stretching the foreskin.
  2. 2. Difficulties in urination.
  3. 3. Pain during a state of excitement in adolescents.
  4. 4. Itching and burning in the genital area.

If an inflammatory process has joined the phimosis, then the above is supplemented:

  1. 1. Pain localized in the upper part of the penis and the area of ​​the foreskin.
  2. 2. Purulent discharge.
  3. 3. High body temperature.
  4. 4. Inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged.

Depending on the course of the disease, doctors distinguish 4 types of phimosis:

  1. 1. The head is exposed freely at rest, but with effort during excitation.
  2. 2. In a calm state, the head is exposed with effort, during an erection it is impossible to move the foreskin.
  3. 3. In a calm state, it is not exposed or is released with little effort. During an erection, the foreskin does not open; difficulty and pain when urinating.
  4. 4. The head of the penis is not even partially exposed. The act of urination is difficult. Urine is excreted in a thin stream or droplets.

Parents should not speed up the process of opening the glans penis, as this increased impact on the mucocutaneous fold leads to rupture with subsequent scarring.


According to Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, the physiological variety of phimosis, without problems with urination, is the norm for boys. The specialist believes that the opening of a too narrow foreskin should proceed gradually, without the intervention of outside help. It is only necessary to seek medical help if inflammation and health problems occur.

According to WHO statistics, physiological phimosis resolves without medical intervention:

  1. 1. In 4% of newborns.
  2. 2. In 50% of children who have reached the age of one.
  3. 3. At 3 years old, 90% of boys.
  4. 4. From 5 to 7 years in 93% of children.
  5. 5. At the age of 13, 98%.
  6. 6. From 15 to 18 years in 99%.

If complications develop and the patient experiences pain and discomfort, then therapy is carried out. Treatment methods:

  1. 1. Non-drug.
  2. 2. Medications using glucocorticosteroid drugs: Clobetasol, Betamethasone. They increase skin elasticity, promote tissue regeneration, relieve inflammatory reactions.
  3. 3. Surgical intervention is prescribed in the absence of positive results of conservative therapy.

Herbs and plants do not give positive results in the fight against phimosis. But you can resort to alternative medicine as an integrated approach when inflammatory reactions appear.

Stretching of the foreskin

Before applying any medical manipulations, you need to contact a urologist for recommendations. Stretching is carried out, observing the following rules:

  1. 1. Therapy is carried out gradually.
  2. 2. Do not open more than half a millimeter per day.
  3. 3. Manipulations are required after taking a warm bath; during this period, the muscles are relaxed.
  4. 4. Movements should be smooth, of low intensity; otherwise, the child may be injured.
  5. 5. After stretching, the skin-vascular fold must be lubricated with therapeutic ointments. They have a regenerative effect.
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