Endometritis in a dog. Symptoms and treatment of purulent endometritis in dogs

Diseases of the reproductive system in dogs in veterinary practice are detected relatively often. As a rule, these are ordinary and not too dangerous vaginitis, but sometimes bitches with more serious problems are at the reception. These include, for example, endometritis in a dog. This pathology is quite difficult, can lead (and often does) either to infertility, or cause death. So the owners should often pay attention to the condition of the pets, since “harmless” discharge from under the tail may indicate a serious condition of the animal.

First you need to tell what kind of pathology is called "endometritis". Everything is simple. This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. In severe pathology, the inflammatory process can also capture tissues located below the epithelial layer.

Endometritis can classify according to the nature of the exudate released:

  • catarrhal type. It is relatively rare in its pure form. With this disease, a thick, mucous, viscous exudate is released from the uterine cavity. As a rule, it is completely transparent, and only sometimes the discharge is somewhat cloudy.
  • Purulent endometritis. The most frequent, common option. As it is easy to understand, it is characterized by the release of large volumes of purulent exudate.
  • Necrotic variety. One of the more difficult options. It is characterized by necrotic processes not only in the thickness of the mucous membrane, but also in the underlying tissues.
  • Purulent-hemorrhagic endometritis. Also a severe variant of the disease. With its development, pus with streaks of bloody inclusions comes out of the uterine cavity of the animal.

According to the type of course, the disease is divided into only two varieties: endometritis is acute and chronic. Below we will consider all these varieties in more detail, describing, among other things, its clinical picture.

Clinical picture

Note that the symptoms of endometritis in dogs in most cases are quite standard. A sick dog has streaks of exudate in the genital area. Drying up, the latter turns into crusts. If an animal has developed necrotic endometritis, an unbearable smell of rot emanates from it. With purulent inflammation, the genital area of ​​​​the pet is always covered with a greenish-yellow mass.

Despite copious outflow from the external genitalia, the general condition of the animal, as a rule, remains stable. The exception is advanced cases of purulent endometritis, as well as inflammation, necrotic. The latter, by the way, is always accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the condition of the animal. The dog's general body temperature rises, appetite decreases or disappears altogether, and thirst may increase. All this is due to significant intoxication of the body.

If a sufficient amount of exudate accumulates in the uterine cavity, the organ can be easily felt by palpation of the abdominal wall. The latter, by the way, greatly swells and sags. In advanced cases, you might think that the dog is pregnant again. With purulent and necrotic endometritis, the development of sepsis is likely. In such cases, the general body temperature of the animal falls, it becomes lethargic, weak. If you notice these signs in your pet, call your veterinarian immediately, as further delay could cost your dog their life!

And further. Given that endometritis is almost always accompanied by severe intoxication, an exorbitant burden falls on the liver and kidneys of the animal. If the dog is no longer young and already has problems with these organs (not to mention cases of kidney / liver failure), things can end very badly.

Symptoms of pyometra

Speaking about the manifestations of endometritis, one cannot fail to mention pyometra, which is often a consequence of this disease. Interestingly, in some cases, its first manifestations can be seen during estrus.

The initial symptom of pathology is a sharp and sudden increase in overall body temperature. However, the appearance of this sign on the 20-70th day after the end of estrus is much more characteristic (Bigliardi and Pamigiani 2004). In more than 93% of cases, the clinical picture of pyometra developed at 12 weeks from the end of estrus (Borresen 1979). Pathology develops against the background of glandular hyperplasia and cystic degeneration of the endometrium of the uterus. It is believed that the proliferative and latent changes mentioned are an effect in response to the action of estrogens and progesterone (hyperestrogenization of the body). In addition, ovarian dysfunction in bitches often contributes to degenerative changes in the uterus, which not only contributes to the development of endometritis and / or pyometra, but also significantly aggravates their course. As for the characteristics of the exudate released from the genital tract of dogs with this pathology ... then most often it is not. Only occasionally can one see a small amount of reddish-gray or brown exudate on the root of the tail of a sick animal, from which a disgusting, putrid smell emanates.

As for the direct "culprits" of endometritis, most often they are gram-negative anaerobic organisms. Symptoms of infection range from an obvious and persistent purulent uterine effusion to an asymptomatic infection. In severe cases, the uterus swells with exudate so much that it can be detected by simple palpation of the abdominal cavity.

The presence of purulent effusion in the vagina does not necessarily confirm endometritis: a similar clinical picture is typical, as we have already said, for vaginitis, as well as cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). Diagnosis is especially difficult in small animals, since it is not possible to use a vaginal speculum. Chronic endometritis can be even more difficult to identify, since the animal does not have any clinical manifestations. In such cases, cytology of scrapings of the uterine mucosa is shown, and ultrasonography or intrauterine biopsy is also necessary.

The danger of all types of endometritis is that they can "mutate" into pyometra. And this disease is much more dangerous and often leads to death.

Physiology and Pathophysiology

Modern studies have proven that endometritis is a complex pathology, the occurrence and development of which often cannot be explained only by the action of pathogenic microflora that has entered the uterus from the outside. This process involves many immunological changes as well as specific molecular mechanisms responsible for inflammation of the mucosa and even the cervix. It is known that the same changes can stimulate the development of pyometra. In addition, a number of foreign researchers insist on the existence of certain genetic mechanisms that also contribute to inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. But still, all experts agree that endometritis is inextricably (which is not at all surprising) associated with hormonal cycle disorders in animals.

In particular, inflammation of the uterus in more than 70% of cases develops in animals with a persistent (delayed) corpus luteum in the ovaries. In addition, cystic formations in the ovaries have an extremely negative effect on the state of the uterus. Why is this happening? Everything is quite simple if you know about the basic physiological characteristics of the dog's body. The fact is that hormonal pathologies always have a bad effect on the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus itself. It degrades, the natural protection of the organ cavity, which prevents the growth and development of pathogenic microflora, deteriorates. Accordingly, the likelihood of endometritis increases significantly.

The very nature of the uterus plays against the animal. This organ is characterized by the fact that during pregnancy, lymphocytes, protective blood cells, cannot penetrate into its cavity. The explanation for this "miscalculation" of nature is simple: you can not allow the dog's own immune system to destroy unborn puppies. Of course, endometritis is a disease of animals that have already given birth, but with hormonal pathologies (especially if there is a persistent corpus luteum in the ovary), the body may not “know” that there is actually no pregnancy. So the path to the uterus is also blocked for lymphocytes. And one more problem. Hormones secreted by the corpus luteum greatly reduce the rigidity of the uterine muscles. This leads to subinvolution of the uterus. Simply put, the organ turns into an analogue of an old, flabby bag. Since the uterus cannot contract, exudate practically does not leave its cavity, and all decay products are absorbed into the blood.

Endogenous variant of endometritis

Cystic endometrial hyperplasia-endometritis complex (CEH/P) is one of the most serious and most common uterine diseases in bitches. Moreover, scientists came to this conclusion relatively recently (Kida et al. 2006). This pathology is characterized by severe hyperplasia of the walls of the uterus and the penetration of inflammatory factors into all layers of the organ. Interestingly, this phenomenon was first described in the 80s of the last century. It is believed that this syndrome can occur in dogs in three forms, and they are still mistaken for different, unrelated diseases:

  • Pyometra.
  • Chronic endometritis.
  • Cystic glandular endometrial hyperplasia

The exact causes of this phenomenon have not yet been explained, but it is known that hormonal pathologies and bacterial colonization of the uterus provide an incentive for its development. But the most important role in the development of this type of endometritis, scientists believe, is the increased production of estrogens. Ovarian cysts, neoplasia and other negative factors of the internal environment lead to it (Kida et al. 2006). However, the link between elevated levels of sex hormones in the blood and endometritis has been proven relatively long ago (de Bosscare and Ducatell 2002).

Hormones and endometritis: how are they interconnected?

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that estrogen itself is often prescribed to dogs for certain diseases of the reproductive system. This is due to the fact that they contribute to the opening of the cervix and increase the rigidity of the muscular membrane of the organ. All this contributes to the speedy removal of exudate from the organ cavity.

Other hormones are used to stimulate the sexual cycle and increase the fertility of animals of breeding value. Such drugs are in great demand among professional breeders. Unfortunately, the progesterones commonly used for this purpose can also stimulate the rapid development of endometritis (Nolte et al., 1990). Because of this, veterinary endocrinologists strongly advise against administering hormonal drugs to dogs under the age of at least three years. The consequences of such reckless actions can be extremely serious. The fact is that the action of progesterone is directly opposite to estrogens: the cervix closes, its rigidity falls. If there is a pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora in the organ cavity, an exceptionally favorable environment is created for its development. Even commonplace Escherichia coli (simple strains), if it enters the uterus before hormone administration, can cause severe necrotizing endometritis (Johnston et al. 1985). In cases where E. coli is represented by more "complex" variants, even strong antibiotics do not always guarantee the cure of the animal.

But the most unpleasant thing is that it is progesterone that enhances the adhesive properties of the uterine membrane, which is why colonies of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can easily gain a foothold on it. It is assumed that at least 20% of cases of severe endometritis, difficult to treat, has a hormonal etiology. It is also known that unsuccessful intrauterine biopsy, attempts to take scrapings and ... many cases are known when endometritis developed in dogs after caesarean section due to rejection of suture material by uterine tissues (Noakes et al. 2001).

Thus, today veterinarians are confident in the hormonal origin of most forms of endometritis: bacterial contamination in the development of this pathology plays only a secondary role. As for specific microorganisms, based on a study of surgically removed uterus, a simple conclusion can be drawn: in about 70% of cases, inflammation of the endometrium is due to the action of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic forms of Escherichia coli, various forms of streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are slightly less common. Some authors believe that acute endometritis of etiology is more often provoked by the action of hemolytic strains of Escherichia coli (Arora et al. 2006).

Age predisposition

In the comparatively distant past, researchers have been able to prove that canine endometritis does not have any breed "markers", all dog varieties are equally susceptible to this disease (Niskanen and Trusfield 1998). But the age of animals is a completely different matter. There is a clear correlation here. It is believed that at least 25% of cases of endometritis (that is, a quarter!) of all cases of uterine inflammation develop after childbirth in bitches of about ten years of age (Egenvall et al. 2001). The average age of animals in which endometritis is even more common is six to ten years (Niskanen and Thrusfield 1998). Experts note that in cases where endometritis has developed in a young dog whose age is less than five years, the disease is more than 70% likely to be of a hormonal nature (which means that it must be treated with special methods).

But there is another breakdown by age. Blendinger and Bostedt (1991) reported that only 2% of affected bitches were under two years of age, another 9.3% were between two and four years of age, 28.5% were between five and seven years of age, 42% of affected dogs developed in females at 8-10 years of age. Another 15.5% are pets who fell ill at the age of 11 to 13, and another 2.3% are “veterans”, whose age “goes off scale” for 13 years.

Therapeutic methods

If you do not go into details, the treatment of endometritis in a dog is of two types: medical and surgical. The latter is used only in extreme cases, when nothing can be done, or the endometritis is not treatable (this often happens when Proteus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa enters the uterine cavity). In addition, about surgery to amputate the uterus with pyometra - a measure is quite "ordinary”, since other methods of treatment for this form of endometritis are ineffective, and the pathology itself is extremely dangerous for the health and even the life of a sick animal.

First, I would like to warn dog owners: the use of hormonal therapy is allowed only in cases where the sick pet is not older than six years and not younger than three (which we have already indirectly mentioned). At the same time, it is important that there are no significant morphofunctional changes in the uterus itself, since any pathologies during hormone therapy can lead not only to the aggravation of the course of the pathological process, but also to the development of neoplasia (that is, cancer). The goal of therapy is to decrease the serum progesterone concentration by administering estrogens.

Please note that this treatment of endometritis in dogs (the drugs used in this case can lead to unpredictable consequences) should only be carried out by a professional veterinarian. Their independent appointment and introduction is unacceptable!

Usually, home treatment involves the administration of oxytocin and prostaglandins. Also, Verstegen et al. (2008) proposed transcervical endoscopic probing, which can visually determine the state of the dog's uterus. This is very important, since in some cases it is advisable to immediately remove the uterus. Please note that surgical removal of the organ is highly recommended in all situations where endometritis is accompanied by ovarian pathologies. The main advantage of the surgical method is the rapid leveling of severe clinical signs such as anorexia, polydipsia, proteinuria and blood poisoning. In milder cases, Amoxicillin is prescribed, while intravenous infusions of compounds that relieve intoxication (Ringer's solution, 5% glucose) are performed simultaneously. But it is not suitable for dogs. Better - Ronaksan, a powerful antibiotic from the group of tetracyclines.

Note that today veterinarians do not recommend washing the uterus with antiseptic solutions: it is impossible to completely remove them from the organ cavity, and drug residues only further improve the environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. Much more effective are foaming tablets injected directly into the uterus.

What is endometritis in dogs? This is a very serious disease that can lead to the death of the animal if the necessary measures for its treatment are not taken in time.

Both the symptoms and treatment for endometritis are determined by the veterinarian based on the obvious signs of the disease.

A timely diagnosis, the appointment of therapy, as well as preventive measures will lead to a positive result.

Causes and symptoms of endometritis

Hello dear readers! Endometritis occurs, as a rule, due to an imbalance in the hormonal structure of the animal's body.

In this case, the endometritis manifests itself as a purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the dog's uterus, leading to its thickening, as well as the accumulation of secretions.

The process ends with an infection with purulent discharge. In many cases, the cause of endometritis in dogs is a malfunction of the hormonal apparatus.

The symptomatology is such that after a month and a half after estrus, the female has clear signs of a full-fledged pregnancy, and this situation happens even in previously nulliparous animals.

A small amount of excreted exudative product indicates a mild form of the disease. It should be clarified that sometimes selections are similar to continuation.

In this case, by palpation, the veterinarian determines the soreness of the uterine horns and the tuberosity of the surface of the organ.

Often the cause of the disease is the size of the puppies and postpartum erosion of the uterine mucosa. The dog becomes ill after childbirth and you need to immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

The consequences of a severe course of the disease for the female and her offspring are deplorable, because she may refuse to feed, although early diagnosis guarantees the dog a successful recovery after timely therapeutic measures are taken.

If the disease is advanced, purulent secretions enter the bloodstream and lead to a deterioration in the general health of the individual.

As a result, the load on the kidneys increases, it often happens that the size of the uterus increases, putting pressure on the internal organs.

This can lead to rupture of the uterus, and the death of the pet. The main symptoms of uterine endometritis in dogs are as follows:

  • discharge (pus, sometimes with blood);
  • lack of appetite (poor appetite), sometimes;
  • sluggish state, the animal is unwell;
  • the volume of the abdomen is greatly increased;
  • The dog drinks a lot and urinates a lot.

Complications also occur, for example, endometritis, in which a large amount of purulent masses accumulate in the uterus, which lead to intoxication of the animal's body.

Treatment Methods

The first step for the owner of a sick dog should be to contact a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. During therapy, it is imperative to give the animal a balanced diet, it is necessary to improve its content.

Sinestrol showed itself well in the treatment of this disease with antibiotics in the form of a one percent solution (0.2-1.5 ml) 2 times with an interval of 1 day, as well as penicillin (oxytocin, other drugs) 4 times a day (4 days).

Be sure to massage the uterus from the outside (through the abdominal wall) at least 2 times a day (for 7-8 days). The latent form of the disease can be treated with massage and tissue preparations prescribed by a veterinarian.

In the absence of real signs of recovery and deterioration of the condition, an operation is performed to remove the uterus and ovaries, otherwise the animal will die.


Taking care of your dogs is your responsibility. This is necessary to prevent such ailments as discussed today. It is always difficult to lose a shaggy adult friend or a puppy that you could save and enjoy communicating with him for many years.

If the female you are keeping becomes pregnant, be very careful about her situation, regularly conduct veterinary examinations to exclude the possibility of such a serious illness as endometritis. I wish health to you and your pets!

Endometritis in dogs is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. A dangerous disease that occurs in dogs after childbirth. Although situations are possible when the uterus begins to inflame on its own. It is typical for breeds predisposed to such complications. It is important to notice the symptoms of the disease in time, treatment should be started immediately.

Causes of endometritis

Hormonal imbalance causes thickening of the walls of the uterus, accumulation of mucus. It can lead to unregulated giving of hormonal drugs, poorly performed sterilization. A false pregnancy develops, in the worst case progressing to endometritis.

Family problems. For example, unqualified assistance to a woman in labor. Doubt that you can properly help the dog to give birth? Discuss with your veterinarian in advance the possibility of being present at the birth. Violation of hygienic requirements for handling tools, dirty hands, rapid stretching of puppies can provoke damage to the mucous membranes of the uterus. During childbirth, the cervix is ​​opened as wide as possible - an ideal passage for pathogens.

The reason also becomes the placenta remaining in the uterus (shells, parts of the placenta) or the death of offspring in earlier stages of pregnancy. The flesh decomposing inside the dog causes a rapid reproduction of pathogenic microbes, the endometritis turns into purulent (pyometra) at the speed of sound.

A possible cause of the development of endometritis can be too large puppies, a stretched uterus after childbirth. Compliance with the regime of keeping a dog that has just given birth will allow the body to return to normal faster and avoid unpleasant complications.

Infections of the external genitalia can lead to the ingestion of bacteria. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in a veterinary clinic in a timely manner, in time to cure such diseases.

Symptoms of endometritis

The insidiousness of the disease knows no bounds - the first signs of the disease can be diagnosed after a week! The dog abruptly stops eating, constantly wants to drink. The temperature is rising rapidly, the dog is sad.

Then fluid begins to flow from the dog's external genitalia. Initially bloody, relatively thick, then gradually turns brown, begins to smell unpleasant. The dog leaves wet footprints all over the apartment, can often defecate involuntarily. Often around the anus, the vulva is observed redness, skin irritation.

The chronic course of the disease is manifested by the expiration of a large amount of pus of a vile white, green color. It is quite difficult to determine this type of ailment. However, there are a number of signs that can help.

Warning signs of chronic endometritis

During estrus, the dog does not allow the male to approach him. The clear cycle of the process is broken. After several matings, pregnancy does not occur. After a long birth, puppies are born weakened, unviable, quickly die. Pathological autopsy reveals the presence of a poisoned circulatory system.

Any of the above signs of endometritis should contact your veterinarian immediately. Definitely there are problems with the reproductive system of the dog.

Treatment of endometritis in dogs

Dog treatment should begin as soon as possible. The uterus presses on other organs, increases in size, rupture of the organ is possible - as a result, peritonitis develops. The accumulation of a large amount of mucus directly leads to the formation of pus. The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs for the dog along with giving the hormone oxytocin. Develops a regimen for the treatment of endometritis with antibiotics.

Treatment of endometritis in a dog in a veterinary clinic

The antibiotic is selected individually based on the pathogen biology determination data. You can not treat a dog at home! Treatment with the wrong medications will lead to complications that can actually kill the dog.

Complications of endometritis

The main danger of an untreated disease in time is pyometra, otherwise purulent endometritis. It develops very quickly, the symptoms of pyometra exponentially gain strength within just a couple of days. There is only one treatment for this disease - the complete removal of the dog's reproductive organs.

Sepsis (blood poisoning) can begin due to mucus blockage of the cervix. Not being able to flow out, the liquid is absorbed into the blood, a powerful inflammatory process begins. Often there is a failure to function normally kidneys, liver. Treatment may be delayed.

Endometritis in dogs is an inflammation of the uterine cavity. As a rule, this phenomenon is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. In some cases, the disease occurs in conjunction with other serious ailments, then the life of the dog is in danger, urgent medical intervention is necessary. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the owner must monitor changes in the health of his pet, because this way you can suspect the first symptoms of the disease.

Veterinarians believe that the most common cause of endometrial inflammation in dogs is hormonal imbalances. The imbalance negatively affects the entire body as a whole, because of it the walls of the uterus thicken, an excessive amount of secretion accumulates. Often against this background, purulent endometritis is diagnosed, the secret leaves the dog's body along with serous secretions.

Hormonal disorders are possible for many reasons. In dogs, quite often such a phenomenon as false leads to them. The animal is diagnosed with all the signs of an “interesting” position: swelling of the nipples, an increase in the abdomen, weight gain, the appearance of milk. False pregnancy occurs in parous and nulliparous individuals. Hormonal disruptions are possible during the puberty of the dog, and also due to heredity.

Endometritis appears after an infection from the vagina penetrates into the uterine cavity. Various diseases of the genital organs, the genitourinary system - all this can cause inflammation of the endometrium.

Endometritis often occurs during childbirth. A dog can get sick with it if it bears very large puppies, because in this case there is a high chance of tears and erosions on the walls of the uterus.

If the puppy dies at the time of childbirth or while still in the womb, then the dog, as a rule, becomes ill. There is a decomposition of the tissues of the fetus, resulting in the multiplication of bacteria that cause inflammation. In most cases, endometritis against this background is difficult, with purulent discharge.

When a person helps a dog to give birth, you need to remember about hygiene. Sometimes there is no time to wait for the veterinarian, then the owner decides to pull the puppies out by hand. Infection will occur if such procedures are carried out without antiseptics and hygienic gloves. Bacteria can get inside the body in case of ruptures or microtraumas of the vagina, they can also occur due to the fault of the owner, who does not know the basics of obstetrics.

The first signs that endometritis develops in the uterus of a dog do not appear immediately. Symptoms usually appear after 3-5 days, in some cases the incubation period is longer, up to 7 days. Sometimes endometritis is characterized by mild symptoms, its manifestation may not be noticed at all for a long time.

The disease has 2 forms of flow:

  • Sharp.
  • Chronic.

In most cases, the acute form of endometritis appears after childbirth, during which infection with bacteria occurred. This form is characterized by pronounced symptoms that are difficult to miss:

  • The general condition and mood of the animal changes, lethargy, apathy, and unwillingness to move appear.
  • Serous masses are secreted from the genital organs, in some cases purulent impurities are possible.
  • increased.
  • The dog often (unnecessarily) sits in a position in which urination occurs.
  • In some cases, the animal suffers from seizures.
  • Due to vomiting, the dog's body loses a lot of fluid, so the animal may be tormented by previously uncharacteristic thirst.
  • Possible frequent urination, the dog begins to urinate in the apartment.
  • The owner can independently fix the violations of the dog's heartbeat by putting his ear to the chest of the animal.
  • Due to the load of the heart muscle, breathing difficulties are possible, it becomes heavy.
  • If the treatment of acute endometritis is delayed, then the dog begins to lose hair, hyperpigmentation occurs - all this is a consequence of hormonal disorders.

Chronic endometritis is possible when the dog is not cured of the acute form of the disease, it also occurs against the background of an imbalance of hormones. The main symptoms include:

  • Violation of estrus - its duration, time intervals from one to another.
  • Decrease in body weight.
  • Weak puppies that often die after giving birth.
  • It is extremely difficult to get pregnant, in the future it is impossible, infertility develops.

These symptoms can indicate not only chronic endometritis, but also many other gynecological diseases in dogs. Therefore, it is important to contact the veterinary clinic for help, where extensive diagnostics will be carried out and subsequent treatment will be prescribed.

Read also:

Diagnosis and treatment of endometritis in dogs

After contacting the clinic, the veterinarian will take an anamnesis. He will be interested in the following points:

  • Disease symptoms.
  • Leakage and pregnancy.
  • The number of births, their course and outcome.

First of all, the veterinarian will be interested in the nature of the dog's secretions, you need to talk about this in more detail - to clarify their frequency, color, consistency.

After the conversation, an examination of the animal is carried out. The veterinarian will record the dog's body temperature, examine the condition of the mucous membranes, and probe the abdominal cavity. The condition of the walls of the vagina, secretions is checked.

At this stage, the veterinarian is already able to make a preliminary diagnosis, for confirmation of which the dog is sent for further research. First of all, ultrasound is diagnosed, the condition of the uterus and its walls is checked with a sensor, the presence of neoplasms - cysts and tumors is detected.

It is obligatory to take blood and urine to assess the general condition, these tests will immediately reveal a possible inflammatory process in the body, evaluate the work of the urinary system.

If the doctor during the examination fixes an abnormal heart rhythm, the dog will be sent to the EGC, where a clear diagnosis will be revealed. In some cases, an ultrasound and chest x-ray is needed.

Based on these data, the veterinarian makes a final diagnosis and prescribes a pet treatment regimen.

First of all, drugs are prescribed aimed at restoring the water-salt balance, this is necessary if the dog was tormented by vomiting. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used.

Treatment of inflammation of the walls of the uterus takes place with the participation of antibiotics and lasts at least 10 days. If the selected drug does not affect the pet's body properly, a bacteriological culture is prescribed.

In advanced cases, surgery may be inevitable, during which the uterus, and sometimes the appendages, are removed. The operation is performed when there is a high risk of rupture due to accumulated pus, because in this case the dog will die.

After surgery, the animal stays in the clinic for some time, where health monitoring is carried out, the work of the heart is assessed. The doctor will also prescribe, their use will reduce the risk of postoperative infection.

Prevention of endometritis in dogs

Preventive measures can in many cases prevent the development of inflammation of the endometrium. Since the disease often occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, it is important to pay attention to your pet. With alarming symptoms, you need to contact the veterinary clinic, where drugs will be prescribed that normalize the level of hormones in the body.

It is important to control pregnancy in a dog, it is advisable to conduct an ultrasound diagnosis of the small pelvis in the early stages in order to exclude the possibility of a false condition. A false pregnancy must be treated, otherwise the risk of endometritis increases several times.

The issue of dog hygiene is often not taken into account by many owners, but it should be monitored - not allowed to walk near garbage cans, limit communication with other individuals that have an unhealthy appearance, and take care of their coat.

Particular attention should be paid to the birth process of the dog. It is best to call a veterinarian at home to help the pet. If the owner has to provide emergency obstetric care, you should definitely use hygienic gloves, as well as antiseptics, which are suitable for Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.

You should act very carefully to avoid rupture of the cervix or vagina. If the owner had to provide independent assistance, it is necessary to show the dog to the doctor in the near future in order to make sure that the birth process proceeded without consequences.

With careful attention to the pet, the chance of serious consequences is minimal, so the basis for disease prevention is comprehensive control of the dog.

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