Duphaston instructions for use for irregular periods. How to take Duphaston with a delay in menstruation: doses and treatment regimen

Among all the drugs that are used in gynecological practice, Duphaston is especially worth highlighting - with a delay in menstruation, this remedy can quickly restore the normal duration and frequency of the cycle. Treatment with Duphaston can cause a new menstruation within 6-8 days, which is the starting point of a new cycle. This is achieved due to the high content of synthetic progesterone in the drug, a hormone whose balance is usually disturbed when menstruation is delayed.

Before you start taking Duphaston, it is worth determining what caused the delay, and whether it is worth taking a hormonal drug at all, which can have a systemic effect on the body. In addition, experts usually set a time frame during which the natural absence of menstruation can continue - such a period is 10-20 days, and only after it has ended should you consult a doctor who is likely to prescribe Duphaston to solve such an uncomfortable problem.

Emotional condition

The simplest and most common option is stress, which is most often caused by flights, long journeys, changes in climatic conditions, overheating or hypothermia of the body.

In this case, the use of Duphaston allows you to return the menstrual cycle to the usual framework again, avoiding discomfort and unpleasant consequences.

Pathologies and chronic diseases

A much more serious cause is ovarian dysfunction, due to which there can be a very strong disorder of menstruation - with such a disease, the cycle duration ranges from 14 to 35-45 days. Treatment of the disease requires determining the original cause that caused it. For this, diagnostic curettage of the surface of the uterus and the study of pathological conditions are carried out. And only in the absence of serious contraindications, you can start drinking Duphaston.

One of the reasons for the absence of menstruation, in which Duphaston and delayed menstruation are incompatible, is the appearance of neoplasms, including oncological ones. If such a serious disease is suspected, it is forbidden to drink hormonal drugs, as they can cause a very rapid uncontrolled development of tumors and cysts.

Also, an indication for taking such a drug may be a painful chronic condition, which in medical practice is called dysmenorrhea. With it, the delay or absence of menstruation continues for a long period, which reaches a year. It is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of the genital organs, a change in mental state and frequent pain - all these symptoms are the result of an incorrect combination of the main sex hormones in the woman's body.

Infertility can be a frequent consequence of dysmenorrhea - therefore, drinking Duphaston is usually recommended in order to induce menstruation and avoid irreversible pathological changes in the structure of the ovaries. After the delay of menstruation recedes into the background, a long and painstaking restoration of the natural hormonal background begins.


In any situation, and especially if you have a missed period for the first time, you need to do a test to determine pregnancy, which almost always interrupts the natural course of the menstrual cycle.

However, in this case, one should not be afraid to drink Duphaston as a prophylactic - the progesterone it contains helps prevent miscarriage and ensure the normal health of the child throughout the entire pregnancy. However, after diagnosing such a condition, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist who will tell you how much Duphaston should be drunk in order to restore the natural hormonal balance.


In medical practice, not only therapeutic, but also prophylactic use of Duphaston is known. However, this fact should not be taken as confirmation that the drug can be prescribed to yourself.

If you decide to start taking any hormonal remedy, which is Duphaston, you need to consult a qualified gynecologist who will indicate how many tablets to drink in which cases and determine if there are any contraindications for using this remedy.


If the main symptom is a delay in menstruation repeated over a long period, the drug should be started on the 10-12th day of the cycle. This time is the most favorable for the induction of menstruation, since progesterone accumulates in the body for 5-7 days, after which its cumulative dose is sufficient to start the process.

When planning pregnancy, you can take Duphaston after 7 days of the main course of treatment to normalize reproductive function. However, in most cases, if the test confirms the presence of pregnancy, doctors prescribe the drug as a prophylactic. In this case, it is no longer used to induce menstruation, but to prevent miscarriage and normalize hormonal balance, which affects the condition of the fetus.

In case of an acute threat of miscarriage, you must immediately drink four Duphaston tablets and then contact a specialist who will tell you how much to drink in the subsequent period.

When the reason for using Duphaston is uterine bleeding, including a dysfunctional type, it is necessary to use the drug in the same way. Such a measure will allow you to cause menstruation on time, which most often becomes a solution to the problem.

When bleeding continues after the prescribed period, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, women with uterine bleeding in case of pregnancy and those in whom the test showed a positive result for the first time are also subject to hospitalization - Duphaston may be contraindicated for them.


Quite often, Duphaston with a delay in menstruation is prescribed if such a phenomenon occurs for the first time and the test is negative. At the same time, it is necessary to induce menstruation in order to avoid further disorder of the cycle, and, as a result, worsening of hormonal imbalance.

The drug is prescribed on the 10th day of delay, and the course is completed after the start of the first menstruation. If within 7 days the cycle has not resumed, it is necessary to do a second test to exclude pregnancy.

Also, Duphaston is very often used as a secondary remedy in the treatment of various inflammatory processes - including:

  • vaginitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • other pathological changes in the reproductive organs of women.

It can significantly reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of inflammation, as well as prevent the development of cancer.

In addition, the use of Duphaston is also sometimes combined or alternated with oral contraceptives in the event that a pregnancy test gives a negative result. However, no matter what result the test shows, such a complex treatment cannot be prescribed to oneself on one's own.

A delay in menstruation can occur in any girl and woman for a variety of reasons. Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis in this case. In some cases, he can prescribe Duphaston with a delay in menstruation. But you need to understand that this is a potent drug that can be prescribed only after receiving the results of the necessary tests.

Duphaston has a certain effect on the female body, due to which menstruation resumes. But it is important not only to induce menstruation, but also to understand and eliminate the causes of the delay. It is for this that it is necessary to pass tests and undergo a thorough examination. The doctor must understand why the delay occurred and eliminate its cause in order to avoid relapses later. Usually this drug is taken from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle in the case of amenorrhea, that is, a delay in menstruation, 10 milligrams in the morning and evening. But, again, we repeat, only the doctor will prescribe the dosage for you after he has all the laboratory data in his hands.

Duphaston with amenorrhea

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Surely, any girl at least once in her life faced with such a phenomenon as a delay in menstruation. For many, it is associated with pregnancy. Indeed, regular bleeding during this period stops. But besides pregnancy, there are many other reasons.

It is believed that delays in menstruation up to 2-3 weeks are not dangerous. Usually they occur as a result of stress, acclimatization, diets and other factors leading to minor disruptions in the female body. In this case, don't worry. It is enough just to normalize nutrition, daily routine, in some cases it will not be superfluous to take vitamin complexes.

In the event that the delay is longer, it is necessary to contact a specialist. This should be done as early as possible, since a prolonged absence of menstruation is a symptom of some serious diseases, including infertility. You should be wary of a gynecologist if he prescribes Dufaston only after a visual examination with a delay in menstruation.

Duphaston with a delay in menstruation: this drug normalizes the cycle and other reproductive functions of a woman

The effect of Duphaston on the body

This drug has proven to be excellent. It is often prescribed by specialists, but usually it comes in combination with other drugs. The fact is that Duphaston, with a delay in menstruation, has only a superficial effect on the body. It causes bleeding, but does not balance or cure the disease that caused the delay. This drug is usually taken in combination with other hormone replacement drugs based on estrogen.

In order for Duphaston to be effective and safe when menstruation is delayed, it is necessary that the level of progesterone in the woman's body be at a high level, which the doctor can determine by prescribing the appropriate course of treatment. It is for this reason that you should not buy Duphaston at the pharmacy on your own, without a doctor's prescription, with a delay in menstruation. In this way, you can start a disease that is easiest to cure in the early stages. As a rule, this drug helps to normalize the menstrual cycle as soon as possible and, therefore, to establish ovulation.

Many girls with a delay first do a pregnancy test. But there are those who lose sight of this possibility, immediately acquiring Duphaston on the advice of their friends or because the doctor used to prescribe it. But is this drug dangerous during pregnancy? Duphaston is not dangerous either for the expectant mother or for the baby. Moreover, it is able to prevent the possibility of miscarriage. But all this works only if the doses are observed and the woman has no contraindications. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, because it is easier to prevent a potential threat than to neutralize it.

Indications for the use of Duphaston

Dufaston with a delay in menstruation is designed to normalize the balance of the female body in certain diseases. These include: infertility, endometriosis and impaired secretion of progesterone. This drug also helps with various menstrual irregularities and prevents miscarriages. Therefore, Duphaston is often prescribed during pregnancy.

Duphaston with a delay in menstruation : only a doctor can prescribe treatment and dosage based on your tests

Contraindications and side effects of Duphaston

Before you start taking Duphaston, you should consult with your doctor and familiarize yourself with all the contraindications and side effects of the drug.

  1. Duphaston is contraindicated in all women who suffer from diseases of the gallbladder and liver, cardiovascular system, as well as ovarian and breast cancer.
  2. Dufastan may also have some side effects, which can be conditionally divided into three groups: common, hormonal, and potentially dangerous.
  3. Common side effects of the drug occur quite often in most women. These include: dizziness, headaches, migraines, bloating and nausea.
  4. Since taking Dufastan leads to some hormonal changes in the body, it may also be accompanied by side effects in the form of weight gain, vaginal bleeding between periods, fluid retention in the body and acne on the skin. In some cases, there may be increased sensitivity of the breast and a change in the nature of sexual desire.
  5. A potentially dangerous side effect is liver dysfunction or anemia. An allergic reaction of the body to the effects of the drug can also be detected. Most often, it manifests itself in the form of a rash and itching.

Dufaston with a delay in menstruation is a very effective tool that helps induce menstruation in a short time. However, with a repeated delay, a thorough examination should be carried out to identify possible diseases. But this drug has its own side effects and contraindications, so the possibility of its use in a given situation, as well as the dosage, should be determined only by a qualified doctor.

They are directly interconnected, since the drug contains a hormonal component that affects menstruation. How regularly menstruation comes, makes it possible to judge women's health and the state of the reproductive system.

The systematic onset of menstrual bleeding and the production of female sex hormones in sufficient quantities make it easy to conceive a child and subsequently endure it. But even with the most minimal deviations from the norm, serious problems in this area can begin.

Menstruation after Duphaston very often begins after one average cycle, namely after 28 days. The absence of menstrual bleeding during the week is considered normal and does not require adjustment, and anything above this figure is a direct reason to go to the gynecologist.

The duration of the menstrual cycle can be affected by a variety of environmental conditions: malnutrition, changing weather conditions, previous stress, sleep disturbance, incorrect rest regimen. When going to the doctor, you should definitely remember this, as well as inform him so that he can assess the clinical picture as correctly as possible and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to confirm the violation of the ratio of hormones in the female body, after which the doctor will correct this condition. The composition of the drug includes such an active ingredient as didrogestron - it has a structure similar to the molecular structure of natural progesterone.

Despite the many similar drugs on the pharmaceutical market, Duphaston does not belong to the category of testosterone derivatives. It follows from this that if you drink the tablet form for a certain time, then there will be no negative reactions associated with the intake of male hormones: excessive production of sebum, increased hair growth and a change in the structure of the hair follicle when it becomes coarser and tougher.

The main advantages of this medication include the almost complete absence of side effects - despite their wide list, they occur very rarely. The drug is not addictive and well tolerated by the female body, has a minimum number of contraindications.

Menstruation when taking Duphaston will begin only if the reason for their absence was an insufficient amount of one's own progesterone in the body.

Many of the fair sex are concerned about the duration with which it is necessary to use Duphaston in order to start menstruation. But it is not recommended to take it on your own - only strictly according to the doctor's prescription, since the drug belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. And only the attending gynecologist will answer the question about the duration of the course.

There are several medication regimens that are used in the absence of menstrual bleeding:

  • 1 tablet twice a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle;
  • 1 tablet twice a day from the 14th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

The duration of administration and dosage of the drug is determined only by the attending physician, since each lady has her own level of progesterone and the individual duration of menstruation, as well as the cycle.

The arrival of menstruation after a course of taking Duphaston

Another important point for a woman taking Duphaston is to understand on what day menstruation begins and how long it takes. If the lady has a regular cycle, then on the 28th day the amenorrhea should disappear and menstrual bleeding should come, that is, from the 2nd to the 4th day after stopping the medication. But since each organism is arranged differently, the number of waiting days for all women is different.

For some, menstruation begins earlier than expected, but this is a variant of the norm, namely, the body's primary response to the use of a hormonal drug. But if this situation repeats, then perhaps the doctor chose the wrong treatment regimen or dosage of the drug.

With menstruation, which were caused by taking Duphaston, the development of heavy bleeding is permissible - you should not be afraid of it, as this is a normal reaction of the body. A small amount of brown discharge is also considered normal for the initial stages of treatment.

There is a separate category of women who self-medicate, and then they are surprised: “I drink Duphaston, and my period didn’t go!”. All preparations containing a hormonal component in their composition are not intended for independent use, since such a rash intervention can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

If menstruation did not come while taking Duphaston, this gives a woman reason to think about a possible pregnancy, and accordingly, it is necessary to do a test to determine it.

Lack of menstruation after taking Duphaston

Some of the fair sex, which makes you think about the alleged pregnancy. It is necessary to confirm or refute this fact in order to determine the further tactics of treatment. The doctor determines whether to continue taking pills to induce menstruation or to stop the drug.

If Duphaston was canceled, but there is no menstruation, then this is an occasion to think about more serious changes in the female body than. Usually, the situation when, after taking Duphaston, menstruation did not come, occurs due to disorders in the work of the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland. In this case, a more thorough examination is necessary.

At the doctor’s appointment, a woman tells in detail all her symptoms and complaints, describes how many days she has no uterine bleeding and whether she took Duphaston during her period. After that, the doctor gives her a referral for an ultrasound examination of the adrenal glands and ovaries, as well as determining the amount of hormones in the body, and only then it will be possible to establish why she did not start her period.

The main hormone to be measured is progesterone. The study of its volume in the body should be carried out from 21 to 23 days of the menstrual cycle. In addition, when after taking the drug, it is worth determining, which will allow you to establish the fact of the absence or presence of ovulation.

There is an opinion that Duphaston can be used to ensure that menstruation does not come for as long as possible. If you take this drug for this purpose, it can lead to disruption of the endocrine system.

From all of the above, we can conclude: if menstruation does not occur after taking the medication, the woman is either pregnant or has more serious deviations that should be treated with other methods and drugs.

Article outline

The drug Duphaston belongs to the category of hormonal drugs. The main active ingredient is dydrogesterone (similar in composition to progesterone), which is responsible for the process of ovulation and egg development.

The medication is recommended to restore or correct the menstrual cycle. It helps to cure pathologies provoked by insufficient production of progesterone, for example, ovarian dysfunction. Duphaston is recommended for delayed menstruation, in case of their very early onset, accompanied by profuse painful discharge.

If a violation of the cycle is observed after the course of administration, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Timely determination of the cause of deviations will help to avoid complications.

The action of the drug and the effect on the cycle

With the correct dosage in the reproductive system, the endometrium of the uterus is effectively prepared (its thickening) for the attachment of a fertilized egg. This avoids the arbitrary termination of pregnancy in the early stages. One tablet contains 10 mg of medicinal (hormonal) components.

The influence of Duphaston has a positive effect on the restoration of the amount of progesterone, which means that the drug helps to normalize the patient's hormonal background. With the help of the drug, you can get rid of endometriosis, as well as completely restore the hormonal balance and the cyclical beginning of the next menstruation.

The demand for the drug is also due to the lack of anabolic activity and the impact on the metabolism of glucocorticoids and temperature. We are talking about the property of a substance not to affect the functioning of the liver, carbohydrate metabolism in the body, as well as the degree of blood clotting. Contributing to the growth of the endometrium, Duphaston provides either the preparation of the mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized egg, or for its complete rejection in the event that pregnancy does not occur.

An additional advantage of the hormonal drug is the ability to reduce the risk of hyperplasia (an increase in the number of cells) of the endometrium, as well as the development of cancer cells, provoked by an excess of estrogen produced. The latter is most often found precisely with constant delays in menstruation with failures of the cycle itself.

Indications for use

The use of the drug with strict adherence to the dosage and duration of the treatment course can be recommended by a gynecologist when diagnosing:

  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome with a sharp deterioration in the patient's well-being;
  • endometriosis (chaotic growth of cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus outside its limits, which can lead to the development of infertility);
  • luteal insufficiency, due to which the fertilized egg cannot properly attach to the endometrium, causing miscarriages in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • dysmenorrhea (with an irregular cycle of the onset of menstruation).

Often the medicine is used to induce menstruation, especially in amenorrhea. Therapy is also relevant after surgical interventions on the uterus. With a clear implementation of the instructions, you can count on the correct course of the entire pregnancy and the full development of the fetus.


The medicine has some contraindications for use. This applies not only to individual intolerance to the components, but also:

  • period of breastfeeding;
  • existing cardiovascular diseases;
  • the patient has Dubin-Johnson diseases and Rotor syndrome;
  • if skin itching was observed during pregnancy.

An individually designed medication regimen makes it possible to avoid aggravating problems and successfully plan the onset of pregnancy in the coming cycles.

How to take Duphaston

Instructions for use of the drug provides for taking one or two tablets.

  1. Use of a tablet per day for the 11th to 25th day of the cycle, if the patient's complaints are associated precisely with constant failures in the onset of menstruation. If a critical lack of progesterone is diagnosed, then the daily dosage can be doubled, with the permission of the doctor.
  2. The use of the drug two tablets per day during the period 11-25th day of the menstrual cycle, if there is a long delay (more than a week).

It is recommended to drink tablets before the onset of menstruation, but not longer than 10 days. The time interval between taking the medicine should remain the same, for example, one tablet at nine in the morning, then the second at nine in the evening. Deviations are possible, but not more than an hour. If it is possible to induce menstruation with Duphaston, then by the end of the course, the dosage should be gradually reduced.

Abrupt discontinuation of the drug can provoke the manifestation of heavy bleeding and new delays in the onset of menstruation. To fully restore the menstrual cycle, taking Duphaston to call menstruation can last no more than 5 months.

The assimilation of the components lasts about an hour and a half, and its excretion occurs along with the urine (on the third day after the last dose). Since the drug has no cumulative properties, overdose is almost impossible.

When do periods start

With proper treatment, menstruation should begin on the 4-5th day after taking the first pill. Even if they come on time, then the therapy itself continues to fully restore the menstrual cycle (about 3-5 months). The moment of stopping the medication should also be agreed in advance with the attending gynecologist.

Possible cycle changes

In the absence of menstruation after a course of taking Duphaston, you should seek help from a doctor and find out the reason for the delay. This can be triggered by climate change, emotional stress, excessive physical exertion, and also be caused by the onset of pregnancy. Taking the drug during menstruation can cause a shift in the start of the next menstrual cycle, especially if Duphaston was taken to speed up or delay the onset of the discharge.

For pregnant patients, after taking the drug in the early stages, a negative test is possible, and delays in menstruation are provoked by an erroneous diagnosis. In any of the cases, timely consultation with a doctor is important, and in the future it is necessary to comply with all his prescriptions. This is especially true for patient complaints about:

  • too heavy periods;
  • the presence of daubing instead of menstruation;
  • uncharacteristically scanty periods.

Uncontrolled intake of a hormonal agent is extremely dangerous, and doctor's prescriptions should be followed only after examination and blood test for hormones. As a rule, monthly periods come closer to the end of the first course of treatment. Any observed result of treatment is discussed with the doctor in advance.

Side effects

Of the possible side effects, manifestations of breakthrough uterine bleeding, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands are possible. If there is an allergy to the components of the drug, its administration can provoke itching with a rash, and in some cases cause the development of Quincke's edema. A side effect in the form of dizziness is also extremely rare.

How often to take pills

The use of the drug occurs exclusively orally and daily.

Depending on the daily dosage, it is necessary to drink tablets only in the mornings or evenings, observing the same interval between doses. If, according to the instructions, it is necessary to drink two tablets during the day, then one is taken in the morning, the second in the evening. The time interval between such methods should also remain stable - 12 hours.

The dosage of the drug depends on the stage of pathology, age, weight of the patient. Attention is also paid to gynecological problems, the presence of which also affects the cyclical beginning and end of menstruation, as well as their profusion. The first intake of tablets should fall on the 10th-11th day of the next cycle and continue until the 25th-26th day.

Duphaston's analogs

In medical practice, there are a number of drugs with a similar composition and principle of influencing the functioning of the reproductive system of the female body. Their important difference lies in the property to provoke constant drowsiness, lethargy, and also significantly reduce the ability to concentrate. Of the popular pharmacy analogues of Duphaston, there are such representatives.

The possibility of replacing the drug with an analogue should be discussed in advance with the attending physician. The course of administration and daily dosage are negotiated. Peculiarity

Dufaston is to influence the body from the inside. The functioning of the entire reproductive system of the female body is being established. At the same time, the restoration of the menstrual cycle is already a consequence of the complex treatment of pathologies.

The drug itself was developed on the basis of dydrogesterone, in which testosterone is not involved, which means that excessive production and concentration of male hormones is excluded. Of the important advantages of Duphaston, it is also important to highlight:

  • extremely rare manifestation of adverse reactions;
  • increased effectiveness of the treatment itself;
  • no negative impact on the liver and the degree of blood coagulation;
  • the possibility of establishing the process of ovulation and creating the most positive conditions for the development of pregnancy in the event of fertilization of the egg.

When confirming the onset of pregnancy, taking Duphaston contributes to the correct and reliable attachment of the embryo to the endometrium.


The cost of Dufston is in the range of 550-800 rubles, which makes an effective drug more affordable among other analogues.

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