What are road signs for? Educational portal

Constantly people violate (traffic rules) because of ignorance or for some other reason. This article will tell you about the rules of the road: why traffic rules are needed, why they need to be known and observed.

Traffic Laws is a set of rules governing the duties of drivers of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as the technical requirements for vehicles to ensure road safety.

Every day you are a road user, a pedestrian, a driver or even a cyclist, so you need to know the traffic rules really necessary.

is a thin book (only more than 40 pages), which contains many years of experience related to traffic. Not a single item is listed there just like that. Behind each is a large number of traffic accidents and deaths. And it’s not at all difficult to read (or rather learn) these rules in order to save your life. At school, they taught more, but almost nothing came in handy. And the rules of the road will definitely come in handy.

Somehow I came across an article, the title of which said that the implementation of traffic rules can not always save the driver. Interesting, of course. But it was the content that struck me. For example, it was said that it was not necessary to go around puddles, otherwise you could get into an accident, you should not move along the side of the road, otherwise you could hit the dog. Dear, in the rules of the road there is not a word that it is necessary to go around puddles, and there is a fine for driving along the side of the road. And people will read the headline and believe that the rules do not need to be followed. Although the content of this heading contradicts. Read the traffic rules and don't be deceived!

Why follow the rules of the road? I do not understand, why break them. Do you like to pay fines so that your hard-earned money goes to who knows? Or maybe you don't feel sorry for your car? Do you like to beat him, then pay for repairs again with your hard-earned money? Or are you tired of living? Or maybe you want to go to jail (well, you never know, anything can happen)? Of course, I understand that people are always in a hurry, so they exceed the speed limit, cross the road in the wrong place. But are you really ready to lose your life because of important matters? Unclear. Compliance with the rules of the road save your life and save money.

You need to know the rules of the road fully. If you are a pedestrian and do not intend to buy a car in the near future, you still need to know the rules regarding vehicles. If you are a driver, you need to know the rules about bicycles and motorcycles. Everything is important! Once in an accident, you must indicate that the other violated. Suppose a car and a moped collided. Collided so that the driver of the moped died. The driver of the car does not know about and knows, therefore he cannot protect himself. Jail awaits him if he does not prove that the moped driver violated traffic rules. Or maybe the moped was not driving in the extreme right lane, maybe without a helmet. And these are completely different circumstances. You are probably now thinking: "an accident will happen, then I will read the rules and point out that the other has violated." It won't work, you won't have time for it. In case of an accident, inspectors come and record the accident. If you do not immediately indicate that the moped driver was without a helmet, then you certainly will not prove anything later.

The rules of the road are taught from childhood. And this is absolutely correct, because safety while driving on the road and sidewalk depends on this knowledge. In addition to the rules for crossing streets and driving as a pedestrian or driving rules, you also need to know road signs. You may ask: what are they for? In fact, without them on the road it would be very difficult to figure out who should give way to whom or where you can park your car.

Traffic signs, depending on the shape, color and image, have completely different purposes. Triangular signs with a red border are needed to warn and inform drivers about a dangerous section of the road, the need to slow down and increase attention. Round road signs with a white or blue background, as well as a red border, are prohibitory. They are needed to draw the attention of drivers to certain prohibitions (travel, parking, etc.), so red was chosen for the edging, which is associated with danger. The installation of round road signs with a blue background is carried out in those places where it is necessary to indicate the direction of movement of cars, minimum speed, and the like. They are prescriptive and are designed to help drivers and pedestrians cross a particular stretch of road correctly.

In addition to these signs, there are also service or information signs. They have a rectangular shape and are made in the form of plates. Prescription signs may have a green, blue, yellow or white background and are required to indicate a pedestrian underpass, a residential area, an artificial roughness. White background signs are used to indicate additional information. With the help of them, you can depict an underground or ground pedestrian crossing, as well as an approaching food point, a place of rest, a telephone, a hospital, a car wash.

Thus, one can easily understand that without traffic signs it would be very difficult for both drivers and pedestrians to behave correctly on the road. Therefore, it is necessary to know at least the most basic designations in order to feel confident in any situation and know exactly how to act.

Road signs have been known since the time of Ivan the Terrible, but still raise questions from road users. But they are designed to regulate traffic and ensure safety on the road. Imagine for a moment that road signs have been cancelled. What will happen on the road then?

Without road signs, real chaos will begin. Well, how to drive through an unregulated intersection if all drivers think they are right? We have to agree among ourselves. And you can agree, for example, by blinking your headlights, they say: “Drive on.” Only for some drivers, blinking is associated with another action: "Part way, I'm flying." So they will stand and blink until someone dares to pass first. And this idea can occur to two drivers at once. And in the end - a classic accident at the crossroads.

You can, of course, regulate traffic at intersections with traffic lights. But you can’t put a traffic light at every intersection, and some are turned off at night.

Everyone complains - traffic jams, but the reasons for their occurrence lie not only in the fact that there are more and more cars every year. This means more parking spaces are needed. And some consider the roadway to be the ideal place. Convenient - parked to the side of the road, calmly go about business. No need to cut circles in search of a parking space. It would have been so if the “No Parking” sign was excluded. After all, it was invented precisely in order not to block the roadway, and is installed, as a rule, in places with increased bandwidth. Otherwise, many cities would have narrowed down to one endless traffic jam.

And how will pedestrians cross roads without a zebra? Yes, even on the "zebra" is often unsafe. But this is more likely from a general lack of culture and disrespect for each other. The pedestrian considers himself right, the driver - himself, someone did not notice, someone specifically did not miss. But if you are extremely careful and cross the road at a pedestrian crossing in compliance with safety measures, this is often the only way to get to the other side of the street. But to do this in a dense stream of cars that rush at an unlimited speed (there are no signs) is impossible.

Let someone road signs seem absurd, there are such. But in general, they regulate not only traffic, they are responsible for our lives. The task of the participants in the movement is to be extremely attentive to them and unquestioningly follow their instructions.

Attention, only TODAY!

Cheerful and healthy babies are the most valuable thing in our lives. The desire of every parent is the ability to always be able to protect the child from all the dangers that await them in life. Unfortunately, we cannot do this. But they are able to prepare the baby for a meeting with danger, giving him the necessary knowledge and the right options for solving various situations. In order for the child to calmly and confidently move outside the house, you will need to learn the rules and signs of the road.

Every parent should remember that the behavior model that the child will use in everyday life and later in adulthood is laid down from early childhood. In order for a law-abiding citizen who values ​​both his own and other people's life to grow out of a little man, he needs to be taught this.

In the modern world, transport, many roads and a fast pace of life have become one of the main dangers. Therefore, it is necessary not only to learn with the baby all the traffic signs necessary for movement, but also to show the correct behavior on the street by personal example.

Your words should never be at odds with your actions. After all, the baby trusts you unconditionally and completely copies the behavior of adults. It is difficult for him to make the right decision on the road on his own for many reasons. These include not only a lack of necessary knowledge, but also distracted attention, as well as the wrong behavior of adults. Therefore, if at home you teach traffic signs such as a pedestrian crossing with your child, you should not cross the road in an unspecified place. No matter how you hurry to an important meeting, leading the baby by the hand, walk an extra 5-10 meters, cross the road only along the zebra.

The most understandable traffic signs for children are multi-colored Using funny rhymes, memorize with your baby the meaning of each light signal and always show how the right pedestrian should behave when crossing the road.

What can be more precious than the life and health of a child? Nothing. Always remember this. A few extra minutes that you spend on the road to the pedestrian crossing, and just a few seconds waiting for the green traffic light can save his life someday.

But how can you bring up a law-abiding citizen if parents just want to break some rules on the road? When driving a car, be careful! Do not ignore and obey the speed limit. Small citizens are not always able to quickly respond to the road. Therefore, it is the driver who has to be doubly careful.

When transporting a baby in a car, do not give in to his persuasions and do not put him in the front seat without specialized devices. Be sure to fasten your seat belts. To make the journey fun and interesting, repeat the traffic signs that come across to you and explain the situation on the road. Thus, the child will quickly learn the rules, and you will constantly repeat them. This will be of great benefit to both you and your baby.

The child must have a good idea of ​​the result of his misbehavior on the road. Therefore, explain everything to him with specific examples. Each of us has seen a child run out onto the road after a ball that has rolled away or roll down a hill onto the roadway. Various circumstances and weather conditions may prevent the vehicle driver from stopping. The kid should know that even the most expensive ball in the world is not worth his life. And the snow slides overlooking the road are generally a dubious pleasure.

You can learn the rules and signs of the road with the baby during a joint game. Make several intersections at home for Cut out of colored paper and place the necessary signs in the right places. And just play with your child, showing him the possible situations on the road with their different outcomes, along the way explaining the rules of behavior.

Being the right road user is very simple. Teach this to your little one and he will be protected from many dangers. Isn't that what every parent wants?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Teremok" of a general developmental type"

Zainsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Synopsis of OD on traffic rules

in the senior group "Frog"

"Why do we need road signs?"


Gudoshnikova A.P.

Zainsk, 11/23/2015

Age: 5-6 years.

Educational area: Formation of a holistic picture of the world (SDA).

Topic: Why are road signs needed? ".

Target:To acquaint children with warning, index, prohibition road signs.

Tasks:Learn to distinguish signs; expand knowledge about the purpose of warning road signs addressed to drivers; develop road safety skills.

Preliminary work: Production of racks with road signs, games "Collect a traffic light", "Transport", "Collect a puzzle". Observation of traffic, looking at illustrations, reading books, memorizing poems.

Material and equipment: Racks with d guard signs. Three traffic lights. Audio recording. Puzzles "Road signs", Pictures "Transport".

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys! Today you still walk the streets and roads of the city hand in hand with moms and dads, grandparents. But the time will come, very soon, when you go to school and you will have to move around the city on your own, where dangers may lie in wait for you.

(Audio recording “City noise” sounds).

So what is the danger lurking on the street?(Cars) . Yes, kids, cars. What types of transport do you know?(passenger, special, cargo) . Yes, Children, there are a lot of cars, buses, people on the streets and it seems that there is a complete mess. But this is not at all what you think helps to maintain order on the street?(Rules) . Yes. Traffic Laws.


street alphabet,

Avenues, roads,

The city gives us

Lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet

Above head:

The signs are posted

Along the bridge.

ABC of the city

Always remember

Not to happen

You're in trouble.

Yaroslav Pishumov

Educator. There are many different road signs on the streets. Road signs are the best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name. Road signs tell you what the road is like, how fast you need to go along it, where pedestrians can walk.

(Shows the children the sign "Caution, children!").


You can meet this sign at the school,

So, you need to drive carefully!

Hey driver, don't rush

Here come the kids!

All the guys know for sure:

This sign protects them!

What is the name of this sign? Who is he warning? What does this sign warn drivers about?(Near school, kindergarten, the driver must be careful) . Guys, why do you think this sign is surrounded by a bright red rim? (Answers of children). Yes, this is a warning sign.

(Shows the children a sign "Pedestrian crossing" (triangular shape).

What is this sign? Whom does he warn and about what?(drivers) . What does it warn about?(Near pedestrian crossing) .

(Shows the children the sign "Pedestrian crossing" (square blue - the beginning of the pedestrian crossing and the end of the pedestrian crossing).

What is the name of this sign? Yes, that's right, also "Crosswalk". And how do they differ?(One for drivers, one for pedestrians) . That's right, a blue sign for pedestrians. This, children, is an index sign. What does he say to pedestrians?(Points to the place where you need to cross the road) .

Pedestrian only

Sign at the crossing

In the blue square

transition pointer.

(Shows the sign "Bicycle path" to the children).

This is also an index sign, but what is it called? What does this sign indicate?(Biking and walking are allowed here) .

(Shows the sign "Pedestrian path").

What is the sign about? (This is a pedestrian road) .

Children! The strictest signs are prohibition signs, they are also circled in red. (Shows the signs "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycle traffic is prohibited").

Well done guys! Today we have seen how competent pedestrians you are and soon, perhaps, you will become good drivers. And now we'll check it out!

Physical education minute "Three colors of traffic lights: stop, wait, go"

On the green - we walk

On yellow - squat

On red - stand up, raise your hands up.

Competition between two teams "Drivers", "Pedestrians".


1. What city do we live in? (Zainsk)

2. Who are road users? (drivers, pedestrians, passengers)

3. The task "Assemble a traffic light" (from top to bottom: Red, Yellow, Green)

4. Lay out the pictures "Transport" (Cargo, Passenger, Special)

5. Task "Assemble the puzzle" (Signs "Caution, children!", "Pedestrian crossing")

Announcement of winners. Friendship wins.

In conclusion, the teacher thanks the children for their active participation, the jury. Gives reflective stickers to clothing.

List of used literature

    Babina R.P. Tests: Rules of the road: Grade 1: GEF / R.P. Babin. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2015. - 48 p. (Series "Educational and methodical set")

    Veraksa N.E. Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" / ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIC-SINTEZ, 2014. – 368 p.

    Saulina T.F.GEF We introduce preschoolers to the rules of the road. For classes with children 3-7 years old. Toolkit/ T.F. Saulin. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014. - 112 p.

    Ushakova O.D. Rules of the road and safety for younger students. Tip book Druzhok / O.D. Ushakov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2015. - 48 p.

The rules of the road are taught from childhood. And this is absolutely correct, because safety while driving on the road and sidewalk depends on this knowledge. In addition to the rules for crossing streets and driving as a pedestrian or driving rules, you also need to know road signs. You may ask: what are they for? In fact, without them on the road it would be very difficult to figure out who should give way to whom or where you can park your car.

Traffic signs, depending on the shape, color and image, have completely different purposes. Triangular signs with a red border are needed to warn and inform drivers about a dangerous section of the road, the need to slow down and increase attention. Round road signs with a white or blue background, as well as a red border, are prohibitory. They are needed to draw the attention of drivers to certain prohibitions (travel, parking, etc.), so red was chosen for the edging, which is associated with danger. The installation of round road signs with a blue background is carried out in those places where it is necessary to indicate the direction of movement of cars, minimum speed, and the like. They are prescriptive and are designed to help drivers and pedestrians cross a particular stretch of road correctly.

In addition to these signs, there are also service or information signs. They have a rectangular shape and are made in the form of plates. Prescription signs may have a green, blue, yellow or white background and are required to indicate a pedestrian underpass, a residential area, an artificial roughness. White background signs are used to indicate additional information. With the help of them, you can depict an underground or ground pedestrian crossing, as well as an approaching food point, a place of rest, a telephone, a hospital, a car wash.

Thus, one can easily understand that without traffic signs it would be very difficult for both drivers and pedestrians to behave correctly on the road. Therefore, it is necessary to know at least the most basic designations in order to feel confident in any situation and know exactly how to act.

Road signs have been known since the time of Ivan the Terrible, but still raise questions from road users. But they are designed to regulate traffic and ensure safety on the road. Imagine for a moment that road signs have been cancelled. What will happen on the road then?

Without road signs, real chaos will begin. Well, how to drive through an unregulated intersection if all drivers think they are right? We have to agree among ourselves. And you can agree, for example, by blinking your headlights, they say: “Drive on.” Only for some drivers, blinking is associated with another action: "Part way, I'm flying." So they will stand and blink until someone dares to pass first. And this idea can occur to two drivers at once. And in the end - a classic accident at the crossroads.

You can, of course, regulate traffic at intersections with traffic lights. But you can’t put a traffic light at every intersection, and some are turned off at night.

Everyone complains - traffic jams, but the reasons for their occurrence lie not only in the fact that there are more and more cars every year. This means more parking spaces are needed. And some consider the roadway to be the ideal place. Convenient - parked to the side of the road, calmly go about business. No need to cut circles in search of a parking space. It would have been so if the “No Parking” sign was excluded. After all, it was invented precisely in order not to block the roadway, and is installed, as a rule, in places with increased bandwidth. Otherwise, many cities would have narrowed down to one endless traffic jam.

And how will pedestrians cross roads without a zebra? Yes, even on the "zebra" is often unsafe. But this is more likely from a general lack of culture and disrespect for each other. The pedestrian considers himself right, the driver - himself, someone did not notice, someone specifically did not miss. But if you are extremely careful and cross the road at a pedestrian crossing in compliance with safety measures, this is often the only way to get to the other side of the street. But to do this in a dense stream of cars that rush at an unlimited speed (there are no signs) is impossible.

Let someone road signs seem absurd, there are such. But in general, they regulate not only traffic, they are responsible for our lives. The task of the participants in the movement is to be extremely attentive to them and unquestioningly follow their instructions.

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