Dironet is a combined antihelminthic medicine for dogs. Tablets Dironet for dogs from worms Dironet for dogs spot on instructions for use

Dironet for dogs is a drug for deworming. As the main active ingredients, it contains: pyrantel pamoate, praziquantel and ivermectin.

Dironet is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic. It actively affects round and tapeworms in all phases of their development, and also has a detrimental effect on microfilariae and thus prevents dirofilariasis in dogs.

Instructions for use Dironet for dogs: dosage and contraindications
It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of cestodosis and nematodosis of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis. With cestodoses and nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is given once in the morning feeding at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of dog weight.

Instructions for use Dironet for dogs

Before deworming, the use of laxatives and a special diet is not required. In order to prevent the drug should be given quarterly. In order to prevent dirofilariasis, the drug is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: before the start of summer mosquitoes once (March-April), then monthly until October.

When using Dironet according to the instructions, complications and side effects are not observed. With increased individual sensitivity of the dog and the appearance of allergic reactions, the use of tablets is stopped.

The cost of the drug is about 30-35 rubles for one tablet or 120 rubles for a blister with six tablets.

Reviews on dironet for dogs.

Dironet spot-on contains ivermectin and praziquantel as active ingredients, as well as auxiliary components. In appearance, it is a clear solution of light yellow color with a slight specific odor. The drug is packaged in 1 ml polymer dropper pipettes, which are packed in 3 pieces in cardboard boxes.

Prevention of damage to cats by sarcoptoid mites. Prevention and treatment of cestodosis, nematodosis and entomosis in cats.

Dironet spot-on is applied only to dry, undamaged skin of the animal in the doses indicated in the table:

Cat weight, kg
Number of pipettes per animal, pcs.
2 − 5
over 5

Before use, the tip of the pipette is broken off (or cut off), and then, spreading the animal's hair, the drug is applied at several points inaccessible for licking (at the base of the skull, between the shoulder blades, along the back). In case of damage to the animal by insects (fleas, lice and withers), the treatment is carried out once. For prophylactic purposes, the procedure should be carried out no more than once a month; to prevent re-infestation, it is recommended to treat the place of keeping and bedding of the animal with an insecticide-acaricide spray in accordance with the instructions for use. For the prevention of sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis Bars spot-on is applied 2-4 times with an interval of 10-14 days. In case of otodectosis (ear scabies), the treatment is carried out once, if necessary, again after 5-10 days in combination with hygienic cleaning of the auricle and external auditory canal from dried crusts of exudate and scabs. In advanced cases of otodectosis complicated by otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. With nematodes and cestodoses for therapeutic purposes, the drug is applied once. The maximum therapeutic effect is observed 4-5 days after application. For preventive purposes, deworming is carried out once a quarter.

In rare cases, with increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug and an overdose, muscle tremors, vomiting, profuse salivation and lacrimation, skin itching, irritation and redness of the skin can be observed. If these signs or other manifestations of intolerance appear, the drug should be washed off immediately with soap and water or shampoo.

When carrying out manipulations with the drug, rubber gloves should be used, especially if there are abrasions and other skin lesions on the hands. During processing, it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat. Pets should not be petted, bathed or allowed near small children for 24 hours after application. If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it must be immediately washed off with a stream of water or removed with a swab and then washed with water. Avoid getting the drug in the mouth, if it is accidentally swallowed, you should immediately consult a doctor. At the end of the treatment, hands should be washed thoroughly with warm water and soap.

With caution (list B). In a dry, protected from direct sunlight and out of the reach of children and animals, away from food and feed at a temperature of 0 to 30 ºС. Shelf life - 2 years.

Prevention of dirofilariasis, as well as treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodosis in dogs and cats.

Do not use the drug in conjunction with piperazine derivatives, as well as pregnant and lactating animals, puppies and kittens under three weeks of age. Collie, Sheltie, Bobtail dogs should use the drug under medical supervision.

Side effects.
When using the drug according to the instructions, side effects and complications are not observed.

Doses and method and uses.
With nematodes and cestodosis of the gastrointestinal tract: once, individually in the morning feeding, at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight or 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of animal weight. When deworming animals weighing less than 0.5 kg, immediately before use, 0.3 ml of boiled water is added to the measured dose of the suspension, shaken thoroughly and given to the animal inside. A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives are not required. For prophylactic purposes, dogs and cats are dewormed quarterly at the above dose.
To stop microfilariaemia in infested animals, the drug is prescribed in a therapeutic dose, once a month. In order to prevent dirofilariasis in dogs, Dironet is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: once before the start of the mosquito flight (March-April), then monthly during the entire period from April to October, and the last time in the season - 1 month after end of mosquito flight (October-November).

With precaution (list B) in the original packaging, protected from light and moisture, out of the reach of children and animals, separately from food and feed, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Release form.
"Dironet" suspension - a polymer bottle of 10 ml with a dosing syringe; "Dironet" tablets - blisters of 6 tablets. Outer packing: carton.

She picked up a cat on the street and a few days later she suspected something was wrong - with a crazy appetite, outwardly she looked thinner every day. Assuming that worms could be the cause of the sunken sides, she went to the veterinary pharmacy and returned from it with Dironet. I gave it to the cat in the morning with her favorite boiled chicken - she ate it with a bang! After a few days, the sides became rounded and the cat herself cheered up. By the way, I noticed the worms in the pot the next day in the form of some kind of slurry. The second time the cat drank the suspension on its own, not without reason it is written on the package that the drug is salmon-flavored).

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Excuse me, dironet junior suspension for kittens, I don’t understand in a 1 ml syringe, where is the number 1?, otherwise there are letters ml.

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Our Fiji is now almost three years old - he is a cheerful and active dog. Now it is hard to imagine that when we found him, we thought that he was unlikely to survive, and even if he did, he would hardly be active. The fact is that when we picked him up, he had a serious infestation with worms - the worms literally came out of him. His stomach was like a ball, he wanted to eat all the time, but almost immediately after eating, he began to cough and all the food, along with helminths, came back. Then we bought a drug called Dironet. Fiji weighed about 3 kg, and we poured 3 ml into his mouth, on the first day after taking the puppy behaved as usual, but by the evening he started vomiting and diarrhea, the veterinarian said that this is possible with a strong invasion, and we just need to wait it out. We did not give anything extra, because we understood that the worms should come out and no antiemetic drugs would help here. The next day he felt better, but the stool remained loose. So it was for several more days, every day the stomach became smaller, and the urge to vomit practically stopped. Despite the fact that Dironet is given once every three months, after two weeks I decided to give this drug again - the huge number of helminths that came out of the puppy impressed me greatly. Repeated reception did not cause any side effects and everything went fine. Since then, I regularly give antihelminthic drugs and I understand that then Dironet saved the health and even the life of Fiji.

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Vasily, who prefers domestic life, faces many dangers - fights with competing cats, the danger of a kite or hawk attack, all sorts of diseases associated with the consumption of game that is eaten completely.

Considering that Vasily spends some time at home, which poses a threat to us - infection with worms, for example, is possible - we decided to engage in prevention quarterly. Of the recommended preparations, Dironet was chosen in the form of a suspension.

The liquid form of the drug is extremely convenient - a plastic bottle, a convenient dispenser. The developers gave the drug the flavor of salmon, which attracts Vasily, who has a fish in his diet.

"Hour X" comes on the first day of the quarter - the medicine is given in the morning. Note, the pre-prevention diet is not supposed to be annotated, which is also convenient. Usually Vasya receives a portion of the suspension mixed with a fish breakfast.

For four years of using Dironet, the drug has demonstrated high efficiency, no side effects. Our red cat matured, acquired solidity.

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I am a shepherd owner. About the preparation "Dironet", I learned from the seller of the store for animals. But, initially, I came for a very expensive drug, as the doctors scared me. The seller advised this drug because she wanted to help. A big plus in dironet, as she emphasized, is its efficiency and pricing policy. After all, a cheap drug can be better than an expensive one. We live in a private house, and my dog ​​lives in yard conditions. He likes to eat all sorts of garbage on the street, even carrying plastic bottles. Of course, dogs that live outside have worms. Dironet for dogs, I have been using it constantly for many years, the dog is not addicted, my dog ​​takes it with great pleasure, as it comes with the taste of fresh meat. Even after dironet, the dog does not have an intestinal disorder. And for me, this drug is convenient for its dosage, one tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. Even if there are no signs of worms, I give it for prevention because I have a small child.

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Complex anthelmintic drug for dogs


The widest spectrum of anthelmintic action.
High efficiency.
Convenient dosage for animals with different body weights.
Aromatic flavor additive as part of the preparation: the taste of fresh meat for dogs and salmon for cats.

Prevention of dirofilariasis, as well as treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodosis in dogs and cats.

Do not use the drug in conjunction with piperazine derivatives, as well as pregnant and lactating animals, puppies and kittens under three weeks of age. Collie, Sheltie, Bobtail dogs should use the drug under medical supervision.

With nematodes and cestodosis of the gastrointestinal tract: once, individually in the morning feeding, at a dose of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight or 1 ml of suspension per 1 kg of animal weight. When deworming animals weighing less than 0.5 kg, immediately before use, 0.3 ml of boiled water is added to the measured dose of the suspension, shaken thoroughly and given to the animal inside. A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives are not required. For prophylactic purposes, dogs and cats are dewormed quarterly at the above dose, and also before each vaccination.
To stop microfilariaemia in infested animals, the drug is prescribed in a therapeutic dose, once a month. In order to prevent dirofilariasis in dogs, Dironet is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: once before the start of the mosquito flight (March-April), then monthly during the entire period from April to October, and the last time in the season - 1 month after end of mosquito flight (October-November).

When using the drug according to the instructions, side effects and complications are not observed.

"Dironet tablets" and "Dironet suspension" are stored in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a place protected from light and moisture, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C, out of the reach of children and animals.

"Dironet" tablets - blisters of 6 tablets. Outer packing: carton.


Dironet is a drug for the destruction of cestodes, nematodes, microfilariae. It is manufactured by the Russian pharmaceutical company Agrovetzashchita and is suitable for puppies, dogs of large and small breeds. Dironet Junior is designed for puppies from three months. It has a pleasant taste for babies and a reduced dosage of active ingredients. The suspension is poured into polymer bottles with a capacity of 10 ml. It comes with a measuring syringe and instructions for use.

Release form of the drug

Dironet comes in three forms. Pale gray tablets have a dividing line on one side and a shield logo with a cross on the other. They are packaged in blisters of 6 pieces each.

Dironet suspension for puppies and adult dogs is a yellow viscous liquid. Like the medicine marked Junior, it is bottled in plastic bottles and has a syringe dispenser.

Active ingredients

Dironet tablets and suspension for dogs consist of three active ingredients:

  • pyrantel pamoate;
  • ivermectin;
  • praziquantel.

When the drug is prescribed

For prevention, the medicine is given every three months, regardless of the season. In addition, deworming is required 10 days before vaccination, mating. Before exhibitions, tournaments, travels, it is also useful to perform an anthelmintic procedure.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the medicine depends on the weight of the dog. So, for every 10 kg of body weight, one tablet is taken. It tastes like meat, so animals can easily swallow it on their own. Another way is to crush the drug into a powder and add it to water or food. For prevention, one dose is enough, for treatment, repeated administration is necessary after 7 days.

For small decorative dogs, it is more convenient to measure the dose of the drug in the form of a suspension. For 1 kg of weight, 1 ml of the drug is taken. Insert the measuring syringe from the side into the dog's mouth and press the plunger. If the pet dodges and does not want to be treated, pour the syrup into the food and make sure that it is eaten completely. Dirolet for puppies, lighter than 500 grams, diluted in cold boiled water.

Drops are released in pipettes with different volumes. Weigh your dog before using them. If her weight:

  • up to 2 kg - 0.2 ml;
  • from 2 to 5 kg - 0.5 ml;
  • from 5 to 7 kg - 1 ml;
  • from 7 to 10 kg - 2 ml;
  • from 10 to 20 kg - 4 ml;
  • from 20 to 30 kg - 6 ml.

If the dog weighs more than 30 kg, several pipettes must be used for treatment. The liquid is dripped between the shoulder blades or at the junction of the skull and spine. To do this, part the hair and apply liquid to dry skin. After the procedure, you can not bathe the dog, as water reduces the effectiveness of the medicine. For prevention, the drug is used once, for treatment - 2 times with an interval of one week.

To whom the medicine is contraindicated

The advantage of Dironet is high efficiency with low toxicity of the agent. But this drug also has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • puppies up to three months;
  • pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • exhausted dogs.

With exact observance of the dosage, side effects do not appear. In case of an overdose of the drug, the dog may experience tremor, increased salivation, digestive disorders, and depression. To restore health, it is necessary to bathe the dog with shampoo or give an antihistamine tablet.

Security measures

Dironet refers to low-risk drugs. When working with it, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Do not stroke the dog for two days after applying the drug to the withers.
  2. Do not smoke, eat or drink while breaking the tablet.
  3. Wash your hands with soap after finishing treatment.
  4. Dispose of scraps of blisters, empty bottles.
  5. Keep the medicine away from feed, food.
  6. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, rinse them with water.

If you feel unwell, consult a doctor, taking with you an instruction with a list of the composition of the medicine.

Other anthelmintic drugs

Dehinel Plus refers to anthelmintic drugs of complex action. It consists of three active ingredients: pyrantel embonate, febantel, praziquantel. Excipients give the tablets a meaty taste and soft texture.

The French company Novartis has released a drug for the treatment of helminthiasis Milbemax. Tablets are developed in three modifications: for large dogs, small dogs, puppies and kittens. The main substances of the drug are praziquantel and milbemycin oxime.

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