Children's crafts competition magic palms. The program of additional education "Magic palms" (preparatory group). Additional educational program

"Multicolored palms"

Children's drawings on any topic, with any plot are accepted for the competition. The imagination and creativity of children is not limited by anything.

The competition is held without restrictions on the age of participants.

System number: 21001516

Deadline for sending the diploma in electronic form: no later than 2 working days after receiving the work during the academic year and no later than 10 days during the summer period.

Cost of participation:80 rub. All payment methods

No commissions

1. Specify the required amount, based on the cost of participation and the number of participants.

2. Choose a convenient payment method and make a payment.
3. If the payment is rejected by the bank, try again.
4. If the payment was successful, then click Return to the store.
5. Save the check received from Robokassa and attach it (scan/screenshot/photo/file) to the letter with the work for the contest or for publication.

Specify the amount taking into account the number of participants.

Entries in any format are accepted for the competition. The size of each individual file should not exceed 8 MB. One letter should not be more than 20Mb.

Send your work to the following email address:
(!!!) Be careful - each contest has its own postal address. There will be confusion when sending to a different address, and the work may not be reviewed in a timely manner. But (!!!) This address serves only to collect works of a specific competition and no more, this address is not intended for correspondence. To discuss current issues with the organizers, use the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. .

Please indicate in your letter: Full name of the participant, age, educational institution, city, full name of the teacher-leader and e-mail for feedback. Attach a scan of the receipt to the letter or indicate the payment details in the letter.
(!!!) The name of the file with the work for the competition must begin with the last name and first name of the participant.

Competition of children's creativity "Funny hands".

About the prizes of the "Funny Palms" contest

Prizes provided by the publisher "MYTH. Childhood", they will be played depending on the age of the children.

Prize for children under 5 years old - coloring books "Colorful nature" and "Colorful Farm" from the authors of "Zhinevot" - Francesco Pito and Bernadette Gervais. These books have interactive elements that children love so much: flaps, windows, stencils, cut pages. Recommended for children from 3 to 8 years old. The winner will receive a set of two books.

Prize for children from 5 years old - Lydia Crook's book "Super Paper" about games, tricks and crafts that can be made from paper. It will help to entertain the child in an interesting and useful way, develop fine motor skills and imagination, and teach you how to craft. After all, it is very easy to organize entertainment and useful activities for children, having such material as paper available to everyone at hand!

Sending prizes to any point at the expense of the sponsor.

Prizes from the site "MORE creative ideas for children"

Consolation prize (1 in each age category): 100 rubles to purchase a small consolation prize of your choice.

Additional prize for all participants: an e-book with ideas for children's creativity.

Cash prize for posted announcements will be raffled among those who publish the most messages with the announcement of this contest and a link to the sponsor on various own resources (pages or groups in social networks, blogs, diaries) and send a list of links to these messages to my e-mail with the subject "Links" . Spam is prohibited. The amount of this prize is 300 rubles.

Competition theme

Drawing with palms belongs to non-traditional drawing techniques and is accessible even to kids.

Visual and creative activities have a very positive effect on children, develop fine motor skills, mental activity, aesthetic perception, and creative imagination.

Dream with your child, what can the imprint of his hand turn into? It can be supplemented with missing details (finish them or glue elements of paper, cardboard, as well as everything that fantasy tells: threads, sequins, sparkles, etc.)

Handprints (or handprints circled on paper) can be cut out and made into an appliqué or other craft.

Make a handprint of the child's hand with paint on a piece of paper or simply circle the outline of the palm. Help your child transform this image into a fun animal, plant, or craft out of a few cut-out paper palms. This is an interesting and useful activity, as well as an opportunity to win a wonderful prize!

Rules of the contest "Funny hands"

  1. Acceptance of competitive works: 10/18/2014 - 12/01/2014
  2. To confirm authorship, place a small strip of paper next to the work with the inscription "site" (handwritten or printed) and take a picture of the work close-up. Photos on which the work is poorly visible or photos with inscriptions (any) in the photo editor are not accepted.
  3. Post the following message on any social network with active links:

    We participate in the children's art competition "Funny Hands": https://website/ with prizes - novelties of the publishing house "MIF. Childhood": and more!
    Join now!

  4. Send me an e-mail with the subject "Funny hands" (address on the "Contacts" page). The letter must contain:
    - job title ,
    - name (optional - surname), city (or region, region) of residence and age of the child;
    - photo of the finished work close-up. There should be only one work in the photo.
    - description: a few words about the materials used and the stages of work (a description is needed only if the craft is complex or additional materials are used for it, except for paints and paper. For drawings and simple paper applications, a description is not needed).
    - Link to a post posted on social media.
  5. Number of entries from one participant unlimited .
  6. By submitting a photo to the contest, you agree to its further use indicating your authorship (posting on the website, in the social network group, etc.)

Blog owners:

Contest entries CAN be published on your blog or participate in the contest with previously published entries, if you add information about participation in the contest with active links to the organizer and sponsor in the article with these works.

Link placement

The link should be exactly to the message, and not to the entire profile or to the main page of the social network. If the link is not found or cannot be verified due to the fact that the profile is closed, this condition will be considered not fulfilled.

Raffle prizes

Winners will be randomly selected (using a random number generator).

Cash winnings will be transferred to your mobile phone account or Yandex.Money wallet.

Funny Hands contest banner

Banner code:

Prize draw results

The competition received 214 wonderfully positive and very inspiring works from prints and contours of children (to see the work of the participants, follow this link). 214 great ideas that you just want to repeat. And each is a child's work and fantasy, it is the warmth of small hands, which seem to say hello to everyone who looks at them!

Together with the participants, we have collected a great collection of ideas. The works are very different, for every taste: from simple drawings that can be made together with the kids, to rather complex collective crafts. Many thanks to all participants for their work and imagination!

The prizes were drawn using the random number service: It seems to me that this is more honest than when adults (the jury) choose whose children's work is better - children are different, everyone's age and skills are also different. And it's like a regular lottery, and each participant has a chance.

List of works:

  • colorful nature coloring pagesand "Colorful Farm" are played among participants up to 5 years (121 works).
    For work No. 65 "Crab", the prize is received by Sergei Bamburov.
  • Misha Kovalev receives a cash consolation prize among participants under 5 years old for work No. 20 "Dove".
  • super paper book» is played among participants from 5 years old (93 works).
    For work No. 39 "Rybka" the prize is received by Zolotareva Nastya.
  • a cash consolation prize among participants from 5 years old for work No. 16 "Fish" receives Andrey Kudermaev.

Results of the prize draw for placed announcements

Zoya Belousova receives a cash prize for placed announcements.

I'm waiting for the winners' postal addresses, wallet numbers in the Yandex.Money system or mobile phone numbers to send books and money.

I beg you not to be upset by those who did not get prizes. You did a great job - you helped to create a wonderful collection of ideas, thanks to which other children themselves, with the help of parents or teachers, can create the same wonderful drawings and crafts for themselves, as a gift, for kindergarten or school.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https: // site

All the best! If the article was useful to you, please help the development of the site, share a link to it in social networks.

Placing site materials (images and text) on other resources without the written permission of the author is prohibited and punishable by law.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution compensatory type kindergarten No. 16 "Golden Key"


Head of MBDOU d / s No. 16

"Golden Key" _________________ Plesovskikh E.N.

Order No. ____ from " ___ » __ __ 20__

Additional educational program

(variable part)

"Magic Hands"

speech therapy group №7

for 2015-2016 academic year

Developers: tutors Ankudinova V.P.

Ponomareva N.V.

Uray, 2015

Explanatory note

In recent years, the percentage of children with speech disorders has increased significantly. At present, a number of researchers have proven that the development of fine motor skills of the fingers has a positive effect on the development of children's speech. And employees of the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation found that the development of fine finger movements has a positive effect on the functioning of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex. That is, we can say that the development of a child's speech directly depends on the degree of formation of fine motor skills. Therefore, the training of the fingers is the most important factor stimulating the speech development of the child, contributing to the improvement of articulatory movements, preparing the hand for writing, a powerful tool that increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child's thinking.

All deep conscious or unconscious processes are reflected in the position of our hands, gestures, small finger movements. Thus, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, in children with various speech disorders, is, in my opinion, an urgent problem today.

The level of development of manual skill is closely related to speech and contributes to its development, therefore, various forms of correctional and developmental work with children are needed, which would combine speech and motor activity of fine motor skills of the hands. The results of the diagnostic examination showed that with a low level of fine motor skills - 7.7% (1 child), with an average level - 84.6% (11 people), with a high level - 7.7% (1 child). The organization of a lesson on the development of fine motor skills will allow developing individual creative activity, unite children into interest groups, teach them to cooperate and interact with peers and a teacher; enrich with new knowledge, skills, improve attention, perseverance, memory, thinking, creative imagination and other mental processes and qualities necessary for life and learning. Therefore, we have developed a program for additional education based on practical aids Boricheva G.A., Sazonova A.V. "Patterns for the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers", Bachina O.V., Korobova N.F. “Finger gymnastics with objects. Determination of the leading hand and the development of writing skills in children 6-8 years old.

Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders through the development of fine motor skills of the hands.




activation and improvement of the vocabulary on various lexical topics

vocabulary is age appropriate

teaching children various methods of working with paper, plasticine and other materials

Folding, multiple folding, gluing paper;

Developed finger strength, accuracy and coordination of movements, the ability to control them;


education of attentiveness, patience, diligence

Grouping children into groups;

Ability to cooperate, interact with each other and the teacher;

education of moral and ethical feelings

fostering a friendly attitude towards each other;

fostering a positive sense of self;

developing the ability to work in a team;

formation of cooperation skills.


development of accuracy of finger movements, improvement of fine motor skills, development of the eye;

Developed muscle memory;

Well-coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand, the whole arm;

Correct coordination of movements of the hand, the whole body;

Finger strength develops

stimulating the development of memory, the ability to follow oral instructions;

The child understands and follows the instructions;

development of spatial imagination;

Learns spatial concepts (top, bottom, left, right, etc.), as well as the concept of number;

development of children's communication skills;

Ability to work collaboratively, in a team;

preparation of the hand for writing

More developed mechanisms for programming complexly coordinated motor actions;

Increased endurance to static loads;

Formed elementary graphic skills;

Ability to handle graphic material and the development of various visual techniques;

The program is designed for classes with children of senior preschool age during one year of study. The age of six to seven years is the most suitable period for the development of the hand. At this age, organizing various activities, systematically applying training exercises, one can achieve good results in the development of hand motor skills (coordination, accuracy, flexibility).

The form of classes is group. Children study once a week in the afternoon for 30 minutes. The lessons are mainly practical.

The effectiveness of the development of this program by children is carried out through the use of various methods of verification:

Current control of skills and abilities in the process of monitoring individual work;


Diagnostics of fine motor skills of fingers, speech development, cognitive processes, communication skills.

The main criteria for evaluating the work of children are:

Appearance of the product (accuracy of execution, completeness);

The correctness of the implementation of the basic methods of work;

Evaluation of the results of the diagnostics, where:

3 point - accurate performance of all tasks;

2 points - completion of no more than 5 tasks from the proposed ones;

1 point - performance of one or two tasks from among the proposed ones, poor coordination, awkwardness of movements.

Forms of summing up the results of the program implementation: the practical result at each stage is the creation of the child's own works, at first simple, then more complex. Each created work clearly shows the capabilities of each child. The results of the children involved in the circle can be judged by the exhibitions of works and in the reports on the results of the diagnostics at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the year.

Areas of work:

Development of speech;

Finger gymnastics;

Creative activity: modeling, paper work, drawing;

Development of thinking, attention.

Lesson structure:

Organizing time

Conversation on the topic of the lesson

Finger gymnastics with speech accompaniment

Preparation for creative work (preparation of the workplace, safety rules when working with scissors, glue, etc.)

Creative activity (sculpting, paper work, drawing)

Exercises for the development of attention, thinking (mazes, paper constructors)


Techniques and methods of organizing the educational process:

1. Verbal methods:



2. Exercise;

3. Visual methods:



4. Method of stimulating activity:


5. Method for monitoring the effectiveness of classes:

teacher control;

Student self-control.

List of children:

Perspective lesson plan


Lesson 1

1. Kinesthetic praxis, kinetic praxis

2. Jumping drawings "My city"

1. Diagnostic examination

2. Learn to display impressions of your hometown in a drawing, evaluate your drawings and drawings of your comrades.

3. Develop figurative representations, creative activity

Lesson 2

1. Introduce the rules of conduct in the classroom.

2. Finger gymnastics "Castle".

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes “figure.

5. Visual dictation from counting sticks.

6. Physical education "How do you live?"

7. Work in the album.

1. Introduce children to the rules of conduct in the classroom

2. Introduce with a notebook in a cage

3. Learn to navigate in a cage using dots

4. Develop visual memory, constructive skills

5. Develop general and fine motor skills

Lesson 3

1. Finger gymnastics "Cabbage"

2. Work in a notebook.

3. Exercise for the eyes "Zigzags"

4. Visual dictation

5. Physical education "Vegetables"

6. Work in the album

7. Lexical exercises

Drawing "Coat of arms of the family"

1. Continue introducing the checkered notebook

2. Learn to navigate in a cage

3. Develop visual memory

4. Develop coordination of words and movements, work on the pace and rhythm of speech

Develop figurative representations, creative activity

Lesson 4

1. Finger gymnastics "Friendship"

2. Exercise "Fence"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes "Lightning"

5. Visual dictation

6. Physical education "Charging"

7. Album work

Application "Flag and rowing of Urai"

1. Learn to draw short vertical lines point by point and independently

2. To form the skill of the rhythm of the motor function of the hand

3. Development of visual perception and visual memory

Develop the ability to independently implement a creative task.

Fix a variety of cutting techniques in a straight line, in a circle, neat sticking techniques

Cultivate independence, creativity

Lesson 5

1. Development of general motor skills, exercise "Bear".

2. Finger gymnastics "Bear clubfoot"

3. Work in a notebook

Drawing on the theme "Prongs"

1. Learn to draw short horizontal lines point by point and independently

2. Develop general and fine motor skills

3. Develop visual perception

Learn to expressively convey the image of an elk in a drawing

Strengthen the ability to work with watercolors.

Lesson 6

1. Finger gymnastics "It's raining for a walk"

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise to prevent visual fatigue

4. Visual dictation using counting sticks

5. Physical education for relaxation

6. Album work

Drawing after an excursion to the Administration of Uray

1. Learn to draw long vertical lines point by point and independently

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hand, visual memory

3. Carry out the correction of dysmetria,

Spatial Perception Disorders

To develop the observation of children, the ability to reflect what they see in the picture

Cultivate independence, creativity, love for the native city

Lesson 7

1. Finger gymnastics "Swallow"

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise for the eyes "Arrows"

4. The game "Paper sheets

5. Auditory dictation

6. Physical education "Wind"

7. Album work

Drawing "Inhabitants of the taiga"

1. Consolidate the skill of drawing horizontal lines point by point and independently, alternate drawing horizontal and vertical lines

2. Learn to perform figures according to the model, draw lines in a given direction

3. Develop auditory memory

Develop the ability to draw with different means of expression

Cultivate independence, creativity, love for nature

Lesson 8

1. Finger gymnastics "Rain"

2. Work in a notebook

3. Gymnastics for the eyes ophthalmic simulator "Far-close"

4. Auditory dictation

5. Physical education "Rain"

6. Album work

Drawing based on the fairy tale "Why does the hare have long ears"

1. Learn to draw slanted lines point by point and independently

2. Continue correction of dysmetria

3. Learn to navigate in the plane of the sheet

Learn to expressively convey images of animals in the drawing

Cultivate independence, creativity, love for nature

Lesson 9

1. The game "birds are thirsty"

2. Finger gymnastics "Birds"

3. Work in a notebook "

4. Exercise for the eyes "Corners"

5. Visual dictation "

6. Physical education "Cranes"

7. Album work

Modeling "Patterns in the folk traditions of the Khanty and Mansi"

Movement coordination

3. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy in work

To cultivate respect for the culture of the indigenous peoples of the north.

Develop the skills of kneading and uniform spreading of plasticine on cardboard; basic modeling techniques; sense of composition.
To teach the technique of incomplete lubrication and the creation of a three-dimensional composition

Lesson 10

1. The game "Plasticine flagella"

2. Finger gymnastics "On a visit to the big finger"

3. Work in a notebook

5. Visual dictation

6. Physical education: breathing exercises with relaxation

7. Album work

Exhibition of products based on Khanty-Mansiysk motifs

1. Fix the ability to draw short slanted lines

2. Correction of ataxia

3. Shaping the pressure of the pencil

4. Develop memory and attention

To cultivate respect for the culture of the indigenous peoples of the north, love for the native land

Lesson 11

1. Finger gymnastics "House"

2. The implementation of the figure "Corners"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes "Shooting"

5. Visual dictation

6. Physical education "Building a house"

7. Album work

Conversation about folk arts and crafts

1. Learn to draw corners by points and by pattern

2. Consolidate the skill of drawing horizontal and vertical lines

3.Develop visual perception and visual memory

To form an idea of ​​folk arts and crafts

Introduce folk arts

Lesson 12

1. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sits on a trolley"

2. Work in a notebook

3. Ophthalmic simulator "Zhmurki"

4. Auditory dictation

5. Physical education "Squirrel exercise"

6. Album work

Excursion to the center of traditional crafts "Ankli"

1. Consolidate the skill of drawing short vertical and horizontal lines

2. To form the skill of the rhythm of the hand

3. Learn to navigate on the plane of the sheet

4. Develop visual memory

Cultivate love for the native land

Lesson 13

1. Finger gymnastics "I have toys"

2. Execution of the figure "Machine"

3. Work in a notebook

5. Visual dictation

6. Physical education "Driver"

7. Album work

Drawing "Fishing"

1. Fix the skill of drawing horizontal and vertical lines

2. Develop constructive skills 3. Develop speech and movement coordination, creative imagination

Learn to think about the content of your drawing, remember the necessary ways of depicting, analyze and evaluate drawings.

Develop fine arts.

Lesson 14

1. Figurine from sticks "Mug"

2. Finger gymnastics "My family"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise to prevent visual fatigue

5. Visual dictation

6. Physical education with a pantonym

7. The game "Guess how many of us are in the family?"

8. Album work

Application based on "Tales of Grandmother Anna"

1. Learn to draw a square in two cells and navigate in it

2. Form space-time representations

3. Develop constructive skills and tactile sensations

Learn to think about the content of your drawing, remember the necessary ways of depicting, analyze and evaluate your drawings and drawings of your comrades.

To cultivate the desire to bring the idea to the end.

Develop fine art

Lesson 15

1. Figure from sticks "Rectangle"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes

5. Visual dictation

6. Dynamic pause "Rushing train"

7. Album work

Excursion to the museum

1. Learn to draw a rectangle

2. Fix the concept of a geometric figure rectangle

3. Develop visual perception and visual memory, creative imagination, speech and movement coordination

To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe animals of our region

Continue to acquaint with folk arts and crafts

Cultivate love for the native land

Lesson 16

1. The game "Who eats what"

2. Finger gymnastics

3. Work in a notebook

4. Ophthalmic simulator "Zhmurki"

5. Visual dictation

6. Dynamic pause

7. Album work

Mini project

1. Fix the ability to draw horizontal and vertical lines and combine them into a pattern

2. Learn to hatch in a given direction

3. Develop attention and memory, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination

Cultivate independence, creativity, curiosity, bring the work started to the end

Lesson 17

1. Game "Nimble fingers"

2. Finger gymnastics "Gifts"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes

5. Auditory dictation

6. Dynamic pause "Happy New Year"

7. Album work

1. Learn to draw a border, consisting of vertical (two cells) and horizontal (one cell) lines

2. to form the ability to build activities according to verbal instructions

3. Develop imagination, speech expressiveness, interest in joint games

Lesson 18

2. "Finger gymnastics" Rings "

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes

5. Visual dictation

6. Relaxation exercise

7. Album work

1. Learn to draw circles point by point and independently

2. Consolidate the skill of drawing oblique lines

Lesson 19

1. Laying out along the contour

2. Work in a notebook

3. Ophthalmic simulator "Passels"

4. Visual dictation

5. Dynamic pause "Tumbler Dance"

6. Album work

2. Learn to carefully consider and compare the image

3. Develop speech and movement coordination

Lesson 20

1. Self-massage of the cyst and fingers or finger gymnastics "Ball", "Herringbone"

2. Work in a notebook.

3. Ophthalmic simulator "Catch a bunny"

4. Visual dictation

5. Outdoor game

6. Album work

1. Fix the ability to draw circles

2. Develop visual attention and memory, creative imagination, physiological breathing, expressiveness of speech

3. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work

Lesson 21

1. Finger gymnastics "Chain"

2. Stick figurines

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise for the eyes

5. Visual dictation

6. Relaxation exercise

7. Album work

1. Fix the ability to draw a square and a circle with and without shading

2. Develop constructive skills

3. Correct the violation of spatial perception

Lesson 22

1. "Little Constructor", "Nimble Fingers"

2. Finger gymnastics "Let's count for the first time ..."

3. Work in a notebook. Graphic dictation

4. Exercise for the eyes "Zigzags"

5. Visual dictation

6. Physical education

7. Album work

1. Fix the ability to draw a square, a circle and combine shapes into a pattern

2. Draw objects from straight and slanted lines

3. Carry out correction of violations of spatial perception

4. Continue to work on the pace and rhythm of speech

Lesson 23

2. Work in a notebook

4. Auditory dictation

5. Dynamic pause

6. Album work

1. Fix the skill of drawing circles

2. Coordinate the speech and movement of children

3. Develop spatial orientation, imagination

Session 24

1. Self-massage of hands and fingers

2. Game "Nimble hands"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise "Drawing with the eyes of geometric shapes"

5. Auditory dictation "Flower-semitsvetik"

6. Physical education "Flowers"

7. Album work

1. Learn to draw ovals in a horizontal position with and without shading

2. to correct ataxia, dysmetria

3. consolidate the concepts of geometric shapes

Lesson 25

1. The game "We harvest"

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise for the eyes "Ovals"

4. Auditory dictation "Circle the beads"

5. Dynamic pause

6. Album work

1. Learn to draw ovals point by point and independently

2. Correct ataxia

3. Develop auditory memory

Lesson 26

1. The game "Little Constructor"

2. Self-massage of hands

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise to prevent visual fatigue

5. Physical education "We are athletes"

6. Album work

7. Finger gymnastics "Magic fingers"

1. Consolidate the ability to draw a circle and an oval, combine shapes when depicting objects

2. Learn to perform movements in accordance with a given pattern, develop spatial relationships

3. Develop auditory attention

Lesson 27

1. Self-massage of hands

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise for the eyes

4. Auditory dictation "Balloons"

5. Relaxation exercise

6. Album work

1. To form the ability to draw circles and ovals

2. Learn to hatch objects in different directions

3. Learn to carefully consider, compare and reproduce images

Lesson 28

1. Self-massage of fingers

2. "Stick figures"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Ophthalmotraining "Zhmurki"

5. Visual dictation

6. Relaxation exercise

7. Album work

1. Learn to draw a triangle point by point and independently

2. Develop constructive skills

3. Fix the ability to hatch in a given direction

4. Cultivate accuracy in work

Lesson 29

1. Finger gymnastics

2. Work in a notebook

3. Ophthalmotraining "Far-close"

4. Visual dictation with counting sticks

5. Dynamic pause "Carousel"

6. Album work

1. Fix the skill of drawing straight and inclined lines

2. Develop constructive skills

3. Coordinate speech and movement

Lesson 30

1. Finger gymnastics

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise to prevent visual fatigue

4. Visual dictation

5. Physical education with pantomime "Where we were, we will not say ..."

6. Album work

1. Fix the skill of drawing straight and inclined lines

2. Develop visual perception and memory

3. Develop the ability to imitate actions, transform

4. To cultivate organization, the ability to negotiate

Lesson 31

1. Finger gymnastics

2. Work in a notebook. Graphic dictation

3. Exercise for the eyes "Corners"

4. Visual dictation using counting sticks

5. Dynamic pause

6. Album work

1. Fix the ability to draw straight and inclined lines

2. Learn to reproduce objects symmetrically

3. Develop constructive skills, speech and movement coordination

Lesson 32

1. Finger gymnastics

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise for the eyes

4. Game "Draw"

5. Physical education

6. Album work

1. Learn to draw arcs by points and independently

2. Learn to carefully consider and compare images

3. Develop the rhythm of the motor function of the hand

4. Cultivate accuracy

Lesson 33

1. "Favorite game"

2. Work in a notebook

3. Exercise for the eyes "Waves"

4. Graphic dictation

5. Relaxation exercise

6. Album work

1. Fix the ability to draw rounded continuous lines

2. Correction of violations of spatial perception

Lesson 34

1. The game "Food for birds"

2. Finger gymnastics "Owl"

3. Work in a notebook

4. Ophthalmotraining "Filin"

5. Auditory dictation "Flight of an owl"

6. Dynamic pause "Owl"

7. Work in a notebook

1. Consolidate the skill of drawing lines in different directions, perform actions according to the model

2. Form the pressure of the hand

3. Cultivate auditory attention, improve the ability to act on a signal, combine actions with a word

Lesson 35

1. The game "Grandmother's helpers"

2. Self-massage of hands and fingers

3. Work in a notebook

4. Exercise to prevent visual fatigue

5. Work in a notebook. Graphic dictation

6. Logarithmics

7. Work in a notebook

1. Strengthen the ability to draw ovals and include them in various patterns

2. Form temporary representations, learn to graphically reproduce directions

3. Develop fine and general motor skills

Diagnostic tools

The technique was used according to the program of T.N. Doronova "From childhood to adolescence".

Purpose: to check the stability of the children's movements, muscle tension.

1. Kinesthetic praxis;

Three heroes

5 fingers

2. Kinetic praxis:

Straight line

Circle or oval


broken line

cutting with scissors

Tearing a sheet of paper

According to the picture + according to the explanation

Recognizing the quality of an item

Recognition of the shape of an object

Subject recognition

Squeezing the hands of an adult with two hands

Squeezing the hands of an adult with one hand

Tensile sheet tear

Threading a needle

Palm - rib - fist

Goat - hare

Show the exercise according to the sample

Pencil grip

Salt the soup

ball rolling

Symbols in the scheme:

- (1) - one point - coped with the task:

- (0) - zero points - did not cope with the task:

In column No. 27, the total number of points and the level (c - high, s - medium, n - low) are set, which shows the degree of development of the child's fine motor skills at the time of the examination.

Characteristics of the level of development of fine motor skills

High level - this group includes children who scored 26-25 points during the survey. These children have well developed fine motor skills.

Average level - this group includes children who scored 24-19 points. Fine motor skills in these children are not well developed. These children should be interested in playing constructor, small mosaics. Particular attention should be paid to work on the pinch of the leading hand. To achieve a positive result in subsequent work, close contact between teachers and parents is necessary.

Low level - this group includes children who scored 18-12 points. These babies have poor fine motor skills. With such children, the teacher and parents have a lot of work to do, which must be built on the basis of the results of the survey (on samples). Particular attention should be paid to kinetic tests, since they are based on the principle of switching from arm muscle tension to relaxation and vice versa.

In children with a low level, speech disorders are also possible, and they can be prevented if this work is carried out to improve fine motor skills and articulation work.

Family work

1. Individual work with parents on working with the Su-Jok massager.

2. Consultation "Finger games".

3. Making a finger theater.

4. The work of educators with a subgroup of parents whose children have similar (identical) problems in speech development and fine motor skills.

5. Acquisition of special materials for the development of fine motor skills (Su-Jok, the "Paper Clips" manual, expander).


    Ananiev B.G., Rybalko E.F. Features of the perception of space in children. M: Enlightenment 1964.

    Anischenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers.

    Antropova M.V., Koltsova M.M. Morphofunctional maturation
    the main physiological systems of the body of preschool children. M .: Pedagogy 1983.

    Bachina O.V., Korobova N.F. Finger gymnastics with objects. Determination of the leading hand and the development of writing skills in children 6-8 years old. A practical guide for teachers and parents. - 2nd edition., Rev., and additional: M .:
    "ARKTI", 2007.

    Boricheva G.A., Sazonova A.V. Patterns for the development of fine motor skills
    preschoolers. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press 2007.

    Volina V.V. Rhyming games. SPb.: Didaktika, 1997

    Loginova E.A. Letter violation. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2004

    Lykov V.M. Dysgraphia. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 1998

    Maksimova E.V. Ontogeny of the cerebral cortex. M: Science, 1990

    Nazarova A.G. Igotrening. St. Petersburg: Detstvo_Press, 1999

The scheme of examination of fine motor skills of the hand at the beginning of the year

Name of the child

kinesthetic praxis

Kinetic praxis


Paper handling

Tactile sensations

Strength of tone

Movement coordination

Pinch examination

Three heroes

5 fingers

Straight line

Circle or oval


broken line

Cutting out


According to the picture + according to the explanation

Quality recognition

Shape recognition

Subject recognition

Gripping an adult's hand with 2 hand

Gripping an adult's hand with 1 hand

Tear of a stretched sheet of paper

Thread a needle


hare goat

Show the exercise according to the sample

Pencil grip

Salt the soup

ball rolling

Attachment 1

High level - 1 (7.7%), medium level - 11 (84.6%), low level - 1 (7.7%).

What can our skillful hands do? Planing and gluing, sewing and writing, hammering nails and cutting various materials. Evidence of this is the skillful work created by human labor. It is worth making a little effort and our hands will turn a piece of paper into a beautiful fluttering butterfly, a piece of fabric into an elegant dress, a piece of plasticine into a bear or an elephant calf. I would especially like to focus on those who love to draw. Possessing talent, sometimes even kids manage to create amazing paintings, very original ones. Among non-traditional drawing and cutting techniques, new ones are constantly appearing. One of them we propose to master right now. Portal announces the All-Russian competition of drawings and crafts " Funny palms ". Imagine with the children what can happen if you trace a palm or several fingers on a piece of paper, and then draw, glue, and attach the missing elements. And if you combine several palms into one work, you get a whole composition. Send your drawings and crafts, win, surprise, get diplomas.

Regulations on the All-Russian creative competition of drawings and crafts "Merry hands"

All-Russian remote competition of drawings and crafts on the theme "Cheerful hands", held for children. However, if teachers or senior students express a desire to provide work, the organizing committee will add the corresponding nominations. From the participants are accepted drawings and crafts on the specified topic in the appropriate age categories.

The purpose of the competition:

  • Draw attention to non-traditional drawing techniques, creating crafts.

Competition objectives:

  • To promote the development of creativity, imagination, creative thinking.
  • Development of observation and attention.
  • Learn to look for new ways to reveal the topic.
  • Contribute to the strengthening of relations between children, parents and teachers in the creation of collective creative works.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian creative competition of drawings and crafts "Merry hands" on the portal

The procedure for holding the "Merry Palms" contest is determined by these Regulations.

Categories of participants of the All-Russian remote competition of crafts and drawings "Funny palms"

To participate in the All-Russian creative competition "Merry Palms", preschoolers and students of primary and secondary schools studying in any Russian educational institutions, art schools, fine art centers, studios, who draw at home on their own are invited. Children wishing to show themselves when creating thematic creative works can become participants in the remote competition.

Entries in the following age categories are provided for the "Merry Palms" competition:

  • preschoolers;
  • primary school students (grades 1-4);
  • secondary school students (grades 5-9).

The works of participants will be evaluated separately by age categories and nominations.

Nominations of the works of the competition "Merry Palms"

You can send works that are copyrighted to the competition. The work must necessarily reveal the stated topic and meet the requirements for design. Works are presented in the following categories:

  • picture;
  • craft.

Subject of work

Participants of the competition can submit drawings, crafts that are created using the shape of a hand, palm. The subject of creative work is almost limitless: we draw everything that fantasy tells us, we make everything where a hand is seen

Competitive works by nominations


We draw our little pen, and then we turn it into unusual objects. Submit your best drawings to the All-Russian creative competition "Merry Palms" and receive diplomas of the winners.

Received works in the nomination Drawing in total: 22

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the nomination "Drawing" works made in any technique (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media) are provided. The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4.

The participant provides a scanned or photographed drawing of good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format, up to 5 MB.

Competitive drawings must be made carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the subject will not be accepted.

In the category "Handmade" photographs of the work performed by the participants are accepted. Photos must be of good quality so that the jury members can evaluate the work, and the participants can view them. The craft is proposed to be performed in any technique (applique, embroidery, modeling, knitting, papier-mâché, designing, trimming, etc.) using various materials (paper, beads, fabric, ribbons, fluff, leaves, plasticine, wire, glass , clay, etc.).

Evaluation of competitive works

Evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When evaluating work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • completeness of the disclosure of the topic;
  • content (volume of work, availability of applications);
  • reliability of the information provided;
  • design quality;
  • literacy;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of wide use of the material in the future.

Dates of the All-Russian New Year's Contest "Merry Palms"

The competition is held from 01/01/2018 to 02/28/2018.

Summing up the results of the competition 01.03. 2018 to 03/10/2018.

Awarding of the participants of the competition with 03/11/2018 to 03/15/2018.

Summing up the results of the contest "Merry Palms"

In each nomination and age category, the winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the All-Russian competition "Merry Palms" are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not among the winners. All others are considered participants of the distance competition.

Registration fee for participation in the contest "Merry Palms"

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the site and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the "Merry Hands" contest. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, the registration fee of 300 rubles (registered letter) is paid.

In any department Sberbank or another bank on receipt ( download receipt) payment through a bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to the wallet 41001171308826

webmoney to the wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is placed below

If you have paid the registration fee, you accept the condition contract-offers.

If you decide to participate in the Funny Hands drawing and craft competition, you need to:

  1. Complete a drawing or craft that will reveal the topic.
  2. Correctly fill out application form contestant.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send in one letter to [email protected] :

  1. finished work (with all appendices, if necessary);
  2. completed questionnaire(only in .doc format Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through the online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with the indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs the participants about the receipt of the competitive work. If you haven't received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to check if the work has been received.

The works received for the contest by the administrators are not edited, reviewed and are not returned back to the participants.

Substitution of works will not be made during the competition, proofread them before sending and carefully check the work of embedded videos, music, flash videos.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with the contestants. Only in case of emergency, we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Correctly indicate the return address and timely pick up letters with diplomas at your post office. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the conditions and procedure for the competition.

If the package of documents is incomplete, the work does not participate in the competition and is not published on the site.

Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

All participants of the competition will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the "Merry Palms" competition and the placement of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the contest participants on the day the work is published on the site, and the diplomas of the winners only after summing up the results. Diplomas are on the portal on the pages of the nominations, where the lists of the participants of the competition are published (on the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition, who paid the registration fee of 300 rubles, will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses indicated in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from the participants of the competition will be spent on the organization of the competition and the further development of the portal

Contact details of the organizing committee

E-mail address: [email protected]

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