What will show the ultrasound of the legs. Indications and methods of ultrasound and ultrasound of the vessels of the legs. What is uzdg and ultrasound of the vessels of the legs duplex examination

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is a very popular procedure, as the number of vascular diseases is growing. If earlier they suffered mainly from the elderly, now there are quite a lot of young people among the patients of the phlebologist. In order to diagnose pathologies in time, successfully treat them and prevent serious consequences, it is sometimes necessary to examine organs using ultrasound.

The essence and principle of the methodology

Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is the most informative and safe modern method for diagnosing dysfunctions of the circulatory system. The essence of the method lies in the fact that ultrasonic waves emitted by a special sensor penetrate the skin and soft tissues of the body.

Then they pass through the walls of the vessels and are reflected in a certain way from moving blood particles (in particular, from erythrocytes). The response signal is converted by the device into an image, deciphering which, the doctor can draw important conclusions about the state of the circulatory system.

Vascular ultrasound is based on a technique developed by the Austrian scientist Christian Doppler in the first half of the 19th century. This man had nothing to do with medicine, but she uses his discoveries very actively. An ultrasound examination, the purpose of which is to study the state of the circulatory system, is commonly called Doppler.

What allows you to see this method?

The standard procedure for ultrasound of the veins of the legs allows you to get an idea only of how the vessels perform their functions. For example, with what speed the blood moves through them, whether it stagnates, what is the degree of filling of the vessels with it. Ultrasound does not provide direct information about the structural features of the veins - only indirect.

Based on the obtained data on the blood flow, the specialist draws conclusions about the state of the venous valves, whether the walls of the vessels retain the integrity, etc. More accurate information about the structure is able to provide one of the types of ultrasound - three-dimensional scanning.

However, conventional Doppler is usually sufficient to reveal (even in the early stages):

  • atherosclerosis;
  • aneurysm;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • phlebitis;
  • endarteritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Buerger's disease;
  • chronic venous insufficiency.

Many of these pathologies are life-threatening if left untreated. Timely diagnosis allows you to take adequate measures and avoid serious consequences. Ultrasound in most cases allows you to determine the presence of diseases even before the onset of symptoms, which is extremely important. With the help of a special procedure, the condition of the vessels in patients who have had acute thrombosis is also monitored. This helps to prevent recurrence of a dangerous disease.

Varieties of ultrasound examination of blood vessels

The method of ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities has three varieties. Brief description of each of them:

  • Ultrasound (two-dimensional Doppler) is the standard, oldest method. Provides a black and white image. However, it does not provide direct information about the structure of the vessels. It is the simplest and most affordable. It does not require the use of bulky equipment, so it can be used in cases with bedridden patients.
  • Duplex view is two in one: doppler and scan. Assumes the use of digital equipment. Provides a color image. Allows you to get information not only about the features of blood flow, but also about the state of the vessels themselves, their structure. It is more accurate and modern than conventional Doppler.
  • Three-dimensional scanning involves the use of such an ultra-modern method as color mapping. Allows you to get a three-dimensional image that informs not only about the main features of blood flow, but also about its intensity, which is indicated by shades.

Despite the fact that conventional Dopplerography is already considered somewhat outdated and its information content is lower compared to more modern types of ultrasound, this method is still widely used today. Although duplex scanning certainly takes the lead.

For whom is ultrasound of the vessels of the legs indicated?

The study is done on suspicion of the diseases already listed above (varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, etc.). The following symptoms may be the reason for the diagnosis:

  • spider veins on the legs;
  • swollen veins;
  • the appearance of age spots on the skin of the lower extremities;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • heaviness in the lower extremities after physical exertion;
  • ulcerative lesions;
  • numbness, "goosebumps", unpleasant tingling in the legs;
  • pain when walking or at rest;
  • cold extremities;
  • pale feet;
  • bluish fingers.

In order to prevent the development of vascular diseases, it is strongly recommended to undergo ultrasound for people suffering from diabetes or obesity, who have high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Heavy smokers should also be regularly examined, as their bad habit leads to the destruction of blood vessels. The ultrasound procedure is completely safe, so it can be done often. It will not bring harm to health, and the benefits of timely detection of pathology will be great.


Despite the high safety of the method, not all categories of patients are allowed to use it. So, contraindications for ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities are:

  • damage to the skin of the examined area (including burns);
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • some cardiac pathologies (arrhythmia, myocardial necrosis);
  • severe mental disorders;
  • bronchial asthma.

In some cases, when the benefits of the study outweigh the possible risks, the doctor decides to conduct an ultrasound scan. Children's age, pregnancy, lactation are not included in the list of contraindications. These categories of patients can do ultrasound.

Preparation for the procedure and its implementation

No special preparation before dopplerography is required. The only thing that the patient needs to do is to carry out hygiene procedures. Feet must be clean.

In the ultrasound room, you will have to take off your clothes so that the diagnostician can access the limbs. Underwear remains on the patient. It is advisable to bring a towel or diaper with you, on which you can lie down. They are not issued in all offices.

Having undressed, the patient is placed face up on the couch, special cuffs are put on the examined limbs to measure blood pressure. The doctor applies a transparent gel to the skin of the leg, which will improve the conduction of ultrasonic rays through the soft tissues. Without this tool, you will not get a clear image.

Then the process itself begins. The diagnostician drives a special sensor over the area being examined, barely touching the skin or pressing harder on it. The doctor may ask the patient to hold their breath and tense up.

Duplex scanning is carried out in different positions of the body. In horizontal (lying on the back, stomach, side) or vertical. This is necessary to obtain more accurate information. The doctor guides the process and tells you what position to take. When examining deep veins, as a rule, both black and white Dopplerography or a color version are used.

The duration of the procedure depends on the severity of the condition and the goal. Usually it is from 30 minutes to an hour. Ultrasound is a completely painless examination. The only unpleasant sensation can be caused by applying a cool gel to the skin. After the end of the procedure, the product must be wiped off with a towel brought with you or given in the office.

About deciphering results

The results of ultrasound of the lower extremities are usually ready 15-30 minutes after the study. The patient is waiting for the decryption in the corridor. The attending physician reviews the results - you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself. From the conclusion it will be possible to learn about (about):

  • the presence or absence of blood clots, their size, localization, consistency, degree of vessel overlap;
  • dependence of blood flow on respiration;
  • the thickness of the vascular walls;
  • the speed of blood movement;
  • whether the type of blood flow in each of the arteries corresponds to the norm;
  • blood pressure in the vessels, etc.

The doctor necessarily compares the results obtained with the results of other examinations. The patient's complaints, his anamnesis, conclusions made during the visual examination are also taken into account. Only after a deep analysis of all available information is an accurate diagnosis made and treatment prescribed.

Where is ultrasound done and how much does it cost?

If a doctor gives a referral for an ultrasound scan, you can go through the study for free at the clinic. Often you have to sign up in advance or stand in a live queue, since there are usually a lot of people who want to.

Those who wish to avoid this can contact a private clinic and undergo the procedure for a fee. This service is very popular. It is provided in many medical institutions.

The cost of the procedure depends on the type of ultrasound (conventional Doppler, duplex or three-dimensional scanning). Color techniques will cost more. A traditional ultrasound can cost 700-800 rubles, and a more modern one can cost up to 8 thousand. The average price in Russian clinics is approximately 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the lower extremities is a highly informative modern method that allows you to identify various diseases in the embryonic stages. It is characterized by high security and relative accessibility. It is recommended to use it not only in the presence of symptoms, but also as a preventive measure.

For a truly effective treatment of vascular disorders, their diagnosis must also be at the proper level. One of the most popular screening methods for detecting violations of all types of blood circulation in the arteries and veins is ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities. This type of diagnostics has a rather indicative result, it is absolutely safe and can be used in all cases if there are indications.

Fundamentals of ultrasound examination of vascular structures

The diagnostic principles of the ultrasound method are based on the ability of low-frequency ultrasonic waves to be reflected from moving objects. With the help of special sensors, these fluctuations are recorded and, by the difference in their sum, special computer programs build a graphical image of the blood flow and show the vessels under study. To date, there are ultrasonic devices that can convert the received signals into a color image that can be seen on the monitor screen. If necessary, pulse filling with blood can not only be seen, but also heard in the form of pulsating or smooth uniform noises, which depends on the studied arterial or venous vessel.

Alarms in the definition of indications for diagnostics

Despite its absolute harmlessness, ultrasound of the vessels of the legs, like other diagnostic methods, must be performed according to strict indications. They can be determined not only by doctors, but also by patients themselves. But it is better if everything happens under the supervision of a specialized specialist who compares clinical and instrumental data.

The following complaints can signal vascular disorders and the need to do a study:

  1. The appearance on the skin of the legs of dilated veins or asterisks from small vessels.
  2. Swelling of the legs and feet, especially unilateral.
  3. Darkening of the skin of the legs, its thickening or long-term non-healing trophic disorders and ulcers.
  4. Feeling of coldness in the legs and their rapid freezing, despite adequate ambient temperature.
  5. Numbness and crawling sensation.
  6. Pain in the legs when walking, any load and at rest. Most often they are forced to do an ultrasound.
  7. Pale feet.
  8. Reduction of the lower leg in volume with a violation of its trophic parameters (hair growth, muscle tone and strength).
  9. Weakness of the lower extremities in relation to loads.
  10. Darkening and blueness of the fingers or the whole foot.
  11. Muscle cramps in the back of the leg.

Varieties of ultrasonic angioscanning

With regard to the terminology of ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels, there are specific names that often raise a lot of questions. Any ultrasound study of vascular structures is called dopplerography. Among her methods for diagnosing circulatory disorders, there are two basic studies that fundamentally differ from each other in their diagnostic capabilities.

  1. Standard Doppler ultrasound is a graphic recording or sound recording of blood flow in the vessel being examined. In this case, a black-and-white image of the nature of the blood flow is obtained in the form of a line. The method allows to carry out dopplerometry (description of the characteristics of the obtained image) and draw conclusions about the features of the blood supply to the studied segments of the legs. It is mainly used for the diagnosis of arterial diseases of the lower extremities. The advantage of this ultrasound technique is the ease of implementation and the possibility of conducting it at the patient's bedside due to the presence of portable devices.
  2. Duplex angioscanning - obtaining a color image of blood vessels depending on the speed and direction of blood flow. This method is more accurate and provides almost complete information about its condition. Pleases with its relatively low price compared to other similar informative methods.

What does vascular ultrasound show

Thanks to Doppler ultrasound, one can get an idea only of the function of the vessels - the intensity and nature of the blood flow in them. It is impossible to obtain direct information about its structure. This has to be judged indirectly, evaluating the results obtained and determining the presumptive localization of pathological changes inside its lumen, if any, according to the results of Doppler ultrasound.

Duplex mapping evaluates not only the functional ability, but also directly shows the image of the vessel in those places where there is an obstruction to normal blood flow. With its help, it is possible to determine the presumptive cause of the narrowing of the lumen: spasm, atherosclerotic plaque, thrombus, thromboembolism (a blood clot that has broken away from the heart or aorta and migrated to the peripheral vessels of the lower extremities), external compression by the tumor.

Vascular network on the legs - an indication for ultrasound of the lower extremities

Ultrasound for diseases of the veins of the lower extremities

The method is indispensable for this pathology, since there are no analogues that could replace it. Ultrasound allows you to fully establish the signs:

  1. Varicose disease.
  2. Thrombophlebitis (formation of blood clots in superficial veins).
  3. Phlebothrombosis (thrombosis in the deep venous system).
  4. Chronic venous insufficiency.
  5. Insufficiency of the valvular apparatus of the veins of the perforating and deep systems, and to mark them before surgery, which is possible only with ultrasound of the vessels of the legs.

Ultrasound in the diagnosis of arterial pathology of the legs

In all cases of violations of the arterial circulation of the lower extremities, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan. The initial examination is performed using dopplerography. Its only competitor is arteriography, which provides even more complete information about the vascular system of the legs. But, given its invasiveness and the complexity of its implementation, Doppler ultrasound is indispensable, especially duplex research. It is impossible to overestimate its importance in diagnostics:

  1. Obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis.
  2. Diseases of the aorta.
  3. Thrombosis and thromboembolism of the arteries of the lower extremities.
  4. Chronic arterial insufficiency.
  5. Aneurysms of the peripheral arterial vessels of the legs.

Anyone can be touched. In order to avoid further complications, to obtain a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment, ultrasound of the lower extremities can be performed, which gives accurate results. Pain in the legs can be a symptom of a serious illness. From this article you will learn how ultrasound of the lower extremities is done. Photos will illustrate the process.

What could be the reasons?

Ultrasound examination of the legs is currently in demand among diagnostic methods. Its essence is quite simple: ultrasonic waves are used for examination, which help to give an objective assessment of the state of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Too energetic or, on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle, uncomfortable shoes, bad habits - all this can be the beginning of vascular diseases. And this often causes a lot of discomfort. For this reason, disease must be fought.

Ultrasound of the lower extremities should be performed if there are any vascular disorders, namely:

  • detection of stars from small vessels or dilated veins on the skin of the legs;
  • numbness and a feeling of tingling;
  • pale feet;
  • muscle spasms of the back of the leg;
  • exhaustion of the lower extremities due to stress;
  • compression of the skin on the legs, its darkening and long-term non-healing trophic ulcers;
  • narrowing of the lower leg in size, changes in muscle strength, tone, hair growth;
  • a feeling of coolness in the legs and their rapid freezing, despite the normal air temperature;
  • the appearance of pain in the legs during movement, any load and at rest, which often indicates the need for ultrasound of the lower extremities;
  • blue fingers or the entire foot;
  • swelling of the legs, especially one-sided.

Advantages of Ultrasound

Ultrasound of the lower extremities makes it possible to examine the vessels with maximum clarity, without irradiating the patient, as well as the doctor. Due to the non-invasive focus, this procedure can be performed multiple times with the same patient.

Today, in private modern clinics, ultrasound is performed not only on the external veins of the legs, but also on the deep ones. The cost of such an examination is higher, but it can be used to prevent the formation of asymptomatic vascular diseases. And for sure, many are wondering: where to do an ultrasound of the lower extremities?

Ultrasound examination of the deep veins of the legs is far from being performed everywhere, since the manufacturers of the current technology have only recently introduced devices for such an examination into medical centers. When performing ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, the price of the event will be directly determined by the qualifications of the attending medical staff, the level of depreciation and the cost of the medical equipment with which the procedure itself is carried out.

How is an ultrasound of the lower extremities done?

The process of examining the vessels of the legs is no different from a conventional ultrasound examination. A special gel is applied to the diseased limb, which is necessary for closer contact with the device. The duration of the ultrasound is no more than an hour. The event is completely painless. Only in certain cases additional injections are needed.

It is also completely unnecessary to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the blood vessels of the legs. The patient may not restrict himself in food before the examination and not stop taking daily medications.

Since the procedure takes a rather long period, the patient is allowed to eat something before the process itself, and this will not affect the results. You can wear a skirt or comfortable trousers.

The purpose of such an event

Ultrasound of the lower extremities always adheres to certain goals:

  • see the patency of the vessels, as well as the capacity of the entire venous system;
  • examine the general condition of tissues and veins;
  • check venous blood flow.

In order for the procedure for checking the vessels of the legs to give good results, the study must be performed in three positions: lying on your back, stomach and standing. You can watch how ultrasound of the lower extremities is done . The photo below shows the procedure.

What diseases can be found out after ultrasound?

The event of examining the blood vessels of the legs helps to determine many different ailments:

  1. Persistent venous insufficiency.
  2. Phlebothrombosis (formation of blood clots in the deep venous system).
  3. Varicose disease.
  4. Valvular insufficiency of subcutaneous, perforating and deep veins.
  5. Thrombophlebitis (development of blood clots in external veins).

Where can you get tested?

In order to find out exactly where the ultrasound diagnosis of the blood vessels of the lower extremities is performed, you should contact a vascular surgeon. The doctor can independently conduct it in a specialized center or a multidisciplinary clinic or advise a specialist in whom he has confidence. It is also possible to perform an ultrasound examination of the legs absolutely free of charge in the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Central State Hospital.

For a fee, you can go through an examination at the nearest phlebological center, finding out the price for the event by phone. The cost of such a diagnosis will depend on which particular blood vessels will be examined.

Now many have become aware of how and where ultrasound of the lower extremities is done. It remains only to decide on the place of its holding.

The lower limbs are an important element of the human musculoskeletal system, which can be subject to a number of diseases, pathologies, syndromes and altered conditions. Ultrasound of the vessels and veins of the legs allows you to identify individual or complex blood flow disorders in the indicated localization and help in establishing the correct diagnosis.

What are the main indications for the procedure? How should one prepare to make leg vessels? What can a diagnostician see? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Indications for ultrasound examination of the legs

Most often, the procedure for ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities is prescribed by a phlebologist.

The main indications for ultrasound diagnostics, as a rule, are:

  • Puffiness in the feet, shins and other elements of the legs.
  • Systemic regular paresthesia - from tingling to numbness;
  • Visually visible expansion of venous structures- vascular "asterisks", large telangioxtasia, and so on;
  • Change in the shade of the epithelium on the lower extremities, cyanosis of the skin in different localizations - from the foot to the calf;
  • Very long healing of wounds, cuts and ulcers on the legs;
  • Feeling of constant weakness in the legs, a change in their temperature downwards in relation to a similar parameter of other parts of the body;
  • Regular pain and cramps in the legs, manifested both during the day and at night;
  • Other pathological changes - from the disappearance of hair growth on the legs and intolerable skin itching to a decrease in the volume of the lower leg and lameness.

Methods of ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities

In modern diagnostic practice, 3 main types of ultrasound scanning are used in ultrasound diagnostics of the vessels and veins of the legs.

It should be noted that all the above methods of ultrasound diagnostics are used universally for monitoring the vascular system in soft tissues of both limbs and other parts of the body.

Preparation for the examination

Ultrasound examination of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities does not require a long and comprehensive preparation, and in severe cases it is generally performed without it.

The main rules for preparing ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the extremities, diagnosticians usually include:

  • Refusal to take medicines. If possible, 3 days before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude the use of drugs that can affect the systemic parameters of blood flow. If it is impossible to refuse (vital medicines), you need to inform the diagnostician about the regular use of such substances, indicating the active substance and the pattern of use - this information will help to correct the monitoring process;
  • Limiting the use of foods that speed up the work of the heart. We are talking about strong coffee and tea, chocolate, natural or artificial heart rhythm stimulators. The ban on their use must be adhered to during the day;
  • Exclusion of alcohol and smoking. 2 days before the ultrasound, you need to stop drinking alcohol in any form. Smoking cigarettes is prohibited 2-3 hours before the procedure;
  • Personal hygiene. Before ultrasound diagnostics, it is recommended to shave off excess vegetation from the legs and wash the legs thoroughly.

How is the research going?

The procedure for ultrasound of the vessels of the legs on average takes up to half an hour. The patient can be in a supine position, sitting or standing - he takes these positions at the request of the diagnostician, in order to obtain the most complete results and the convenience of the profile specialist.

Before the event, the lower limbs in the area of ​​future monitoring are lubricated with a special gel - it improves the contact of the equipment with the skin and minimizes background noise.

The medical specialist turns on the ultrasonic radiation generator and starts moving the sensor sequentially over the localizations of the epithelium, receiving an information picture about the state of the vessels in real time.

It is simply impossible to directly study the internal structure of veins and arteries using ultrasound diagnostics.- the technique allows you to evaluate the overall functionality of the vessels by indirect results and identify obvious pathologies, such as compression by the tumor, the presence of a blood clot, plaques, general spasm of the vascular system, and so on.

To obtain a final diagnosis, the patient is usually referred for additional studies - both laboratory and instrumental.

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What does an ultrasound of the lower extremities show?

The study protocol for ultrasound of the state of vessels, veins and arteries of the lower extremities includes a number of important parameters. The most significant among them:

In addition to the above data and using modern equipment with triplex mode, the diagnostician can examine and interpret the general parameters of hemodynamics in veins and arteries. The phlebologist can see:

  • Main blood flows. Diagnosed in the form of the largest vessels (arteries), they are the measurement standard. In the case of an altered blood flow of this type, we can only talk about the presence of a serious pathology;
  • Turbulent type blood flow. In places of the lumen of the vessels, turbulences are formed - this hemodynamics indicates the places of vasoconstriction, both pathological and physiological;
  • Collateral blood flows. Located just behind areas with complete blockage of blood circulation, which clearly indicates the presence of blood clots.

As mentioned above, the main morphological assessment of the vascular structures of the lower extremities is carried out in the classical B-mode ultrasound.

In the general norm, the venous contour is even, with an increase in diameters in the proximal direction with a clearly marked uniformity. The walls of venous structures are normally hypoechoic.

It is most convenient to assess the patency of the structures described above with angioscanning, which visualizes the movement of blood particles. Thus, thrombi and post-thrombotic elements are seen as motionless, heteroechoic dense inclusions with a glow of varying degrees of intensity.

To obtain additional data (if intravascular pathologies are suspected and blood flow rates are too low), it is recommended to use energy or color mapping.

Venous valves normally have a high level of echogenicity clearly visible elements (up to the movement of the wings and the presence of a fastening rim), of course, using modern high-precision equipment.

Using ultrasound in different modes when monitoring the condition of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities, it is possible with a high degree of probability to detect in a patient:

With insufficiently unambiguous results of an ultrasound examination of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities, or the impossibility of their correct interpretation, a phlebologist and other specialized specialists may decide to prescribe additional laboratory tests of the blood taken for analysis, as well as conduct a CT or MRI of the vessels.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is a diagnostic medical procedure that allows you to identify problems with blood circulation in the vessels of the legs at an early stage. The method is also used both for differential diagnosis and for monitoring the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Ultrasound of the legs should be done if the following symptoms are present:

  • swelling in the feet, legs;
  • regular tingling and numbness of the legs;
  • expansion of venous structures and the appearance of vascular "asterisks";
  • change in the shade of the epithelium on the lower extremities, cyanosis of the skin from the foot to the calf;
  • prolonged healing of wounds, cuts and ulcers;
  • a feeling of constant weakness in the legs, a possible change in their temperature;
  • constant pain and cramps, which manifest themselves both during the day and at night;
  • various pathological changes - cessation of hair growth on the legs, skin itching, a decrease in the volume of the lower leg and chromium;
  • injuries of the knee joints;
  • articular pathology.

An examination of the vessels of the legs is prescribed for the diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • spasm of the arteries of the legs;
  • expansion of the arteries;
  • inflammatory disease of the arteries, which leads to their narrowing;
  • pathological connections between arteries and veins.


It is impossible to prescribe ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities if there are the following absolute contraindications:

  • acute infectious processes;
  • skin diseases;
  • burns;
  • serious condition of the patient;
  • mental disorders;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • insufficiency of coronary circulation;
  • an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.

Relative contraindications are those conditions of the body in which the procedure will be uninformative, for example:

  • obesity;
  • swelling of tissues, which is provoked by lymphostasis;
  • bloating.

What does it show?

With the help of ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities and small pelvis, you can:

  • see the location of arteries, veins;
  • evaluate their permeability;
  • measure the size of the lumen of the vessels.

How often can you do it?

In order to prevent the development of vascular diseases twice a year, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound scan for people with diabetes mellitus or obesity. Also, an ultrasound examination should be done once a year for those who have elevated blood cholesterol levels. People who are at risk - once every six months.

Types of ultrasound

For the diagnosis of arteries and veins of the lower extremities and the definition of diseases, three types of research are carried out:

  • two-dimensional dopplerography;
  • duplex angioscanning;
  • triplex scanning.

These methods can be used both for screening in primary diagnosis and for in-depth research.

Ultrasound (two-dimensional dopplerography)

2D Doppler is the oldest method that produces a black and white image. This method of research shows the speed of blood flow. With the help of this indicator, it increases the accuracy of diagnosing a pathology that disrupts blood circulation and its severity.

Ultrasound of the vessels of the legs is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • frequent redness, blanching, blue of the legs;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • numbness, goosebumps;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • pain after walking less than 1000 m;
  • cold feet in warm weather, tendency to freeze;
  • vascular networks, asterisks;
  • the appearance of a bruise at the slightest blow.

This method allows you to define the following parameters:

  • the shape and location of the vessels;
  • vessel lumen diameter;
  • condition of the vascular walls;
  • condition of arterial and venous valves;
  • the speed of blood flow in the legs;
  • the presence of reflux, that is, the reverse discharge of blood;
  • the presence of blood clots;
  • size, density and structure of the thrombus;
  • the presence of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • the presence of arteriovenous malformations.

duplex scanning

Ultrasound is an ultrasound method of study that allows you to study in detail the state of the vascular system of the body, to identify diseases that affect the venous and arterial systems. The duplex of veins allows you to calculate the speed of blood flow, and based on its intensity, detect vascular disorders.

This method helps to determine the following parameters:

  • the structure of a vein or artery;
  • the width of the lumen of the cocyda;
  • condition of venous valves;
  • thickness of the wall of the cavity;
  • the presence of a blood clot;
  • the presence or absence of thrombus flotation;
  • the degree of damage to cocydov;
  • post-rhombotic states;
  • synchronism of all indicators on the right and left sides.

Ultrasound examination helps to detect the following diseases:

  • varicose veins;
  • endarteritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • post-thrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • disruption of the venous valves;
  • aneurysm;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • diabetic foot;
  • violation in the development of cocydov.

3D scanning

Triplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities is a modern expert study that involves 3 modes:

  • greyscale scanning (B-mode);
  • color (color) Doppler mapping (CDC);
  • spectral dopplerography (, ultrasound).

Ultrasound using deterministic frequencies penetrates into tissues and instantly visualizes the image of the vessel under study. The Doppler effect allows you to change the frequency of ultrasound.

With this research helps in:

  • detection of congenital and acquired pathology of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • assessment of the functional state of the valve apparatus.

This technique provides an opportunity to diagnose and prevent such types of diseases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • vasculitis;
  • angiopathy;
  • developmental anomalies and destruction of vascular sites;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • post-thrombophlebitic diseases.

Triplex scanning of blood vessels also allows for postoperative control diagnostics.

Study preparation

Before an ultrasound you need:

  • carry out hygiene procedures;
  • give up prohibited foods, alcohol, tobacco, drugs;
  • do not expose your legs to physical stress.

It is better to undergo ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities in the morning.

Refusal to take medicines

3 days before the ultrasound, you should stop taking drugs that can affect the systemic parameters of blood flow. If this is not possible, it is imperative to inform the doctor about the use of the drug. The specialist will be able to adjust the monitoring process.

Limiting the intake of food that speeds up the work of the heart

The day before the ultrasound, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • natural and artificial heart stimulants.

Exclusion of alcohol and tobacco

It is necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages 2 days before the ultrasound. It is also forbidden to smoke 2-3 hours before the procedure.

Personal hygiene

If, due to individual characteristics, there is a thick hairline on the legs, it is recommended to shave it off to make it easier for the doctor to work. On the day of the procedure, it is necessary that the feet are clean.

How is it carried out?

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is done as follows:

  1. To begin, the patient must remove clothing below the waist, except for underwear.
  2. Next, you need to lie down on the couch, and spread your legs shoulder-width apart so that the device has full access to the inside of the thigh.
  3. The ultrasound doctor applies a gel to the surface of the leg area to be examined and passes the probe over the skin.
  4. The image of the vessels is broadcast on the computer screen, on the basis of which the doctor will be able to determine the reasons that caused the narrowing of the vessel.

During the differential diagnosis, the specialist may ask the patient to rise to his feet in order to conduct a study in a standing position.

When examining the arteries, pressure is measured to compare values ​​in the shoulder and ankle.

To detect a backflow of blood, the doctor may perform two special tests:

  1. Compression test - the limb is squeezed and the blood flow in the compressed vessels is assessed.
  2. Valsalva test - a breath is taken, while the nose and mouth are clamped. During this test, it is also necessary to push a little, trying to exhale. If there is an initial stage of varicose veins, reflux may occur during this test.

It takes about 10-15 minutes to examine the vessels in total.

Channel Center for Innovative Phlebology talks about how ultrasound is performed

Pros and cons of research

Pros of the study:

  • the state of the vessels of the legs is a non-invasive method, the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure;
  • doppler is available to most patients due to the relatively low price;
  • there is no harmful effect of ionizing radiation, so the study can be repeated as many times as necessary;
  • ultrasonic waves can be reflected from soft tissues, due to which it is possible to get a complete picture of the state of the vascular system of the legs.

Cons of the study:

  • poor image of small arteries and veins on ultrasound;
  • atherosclerotic plaques can interfere with the passage of sound waves, which greatly complicates the diagnosis;
  • , MRI or CT.

Deciphering the results

To decipher the results of ultrasound, it is necessary to use a special protocol in which all the data and indicators that were obtained as a result of the examination are entered:

  • bilateral vein assessment;
  • reaction to breath tests;
  • reaction to compression by the sensor;
  • characteristics of the vascular wall (elasticity, rigidity, thickening);
  • type of blood flow and its compliance with the norms.
  • the presence of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels;
  • consistency of valves;
  • pathological venous refluxes;
  • the presence of stenosis and its volume in percent.
  • location of insolvent communicating veins;
  • the presence of plaques and their characteristics: mobility, location, uniformity of composition, complications.

To assess the flow of blood, the following indicators are used:

  1. Maximum blood flow rate for each vessel.
  2. PI is the pulsation index. Shows the maximum spread of velocities in the vessel during the cardiac cycle, i.e. one pulsation.
  3. DF is the damping factor. It characterizes the ratio between the pulsation index in the far and near parts of the limb.
  4. Blood pressure parameters. Each of the vessels has its own norms, in addition, the doctor must pay attention to the difference in pressure. Between different limbs, it should not exceed 20 units.
  5. RI is the index of peripheral vascular resistance (resistance).
  6. ABI - ankle-brachial index

The parameters of the norm and pathology can be seen in the table:

Ankle-brachial complex (ABI)0.9 and above
  • 0.7-0.9 - signs of arterial stenosis;
  • 0.4 - critical ischemia of the lower extremities;
  • 0.3 - development of trophic ulcers.
damping factor1,15-1,48 Smaller values ​​indicate stenosis of the artery
Limiting blood flow velocity in the common femoral artery70-100 cm/sLess than 70 and more than 100 is pathological.
Limiting blood flow velocity in the popliteal artery50-75 cm/sLess than 50 and more than 75 is pathological.
Limiting blood flow velocity in the anterior and posterior tibial30-55 cm/sLess than 30 and more than 55 is pathological.
The limiting velocity of blood flow in the artery of the body of the foot25-50 cm/sLess than 25 and more than 50 is pathological.
Femoral artery resistance index100 cm/s and aboveObliteration of arteries.
Pulsation index of the tibial artery180 cm/s b dsitObliteration of arteries.

Only a specialist can decipher the data, usually a phlebologist.

As with other examination methods, the information content of ultrasound directly depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the modernity of the diagnostic apparatus.

Where is ultrasound of the lower extremities performed and how much does it cost?

Ultrasound is performed in any commercial and government general clinics.

Average prices per procedure.

In cases where a doctor gives a referral for an ultrasound scan, you can undergo a study for free at any clinic, but at the same time, you often have to sign up for the procedure in advance or stand in line for a long time.

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