How to treat genital infections? Symptoms of genital infections. when the disease develops. Treatment of genital herpes with antiviral drugs

If you have been diagnosed with genital herpes, do not immediately panic. It is important to trust qualified specialists and follow their instructions. And how to treat genital herpes (herpes) with the help of medications and folk remedies, we will now find out.

Which doctor treats genital herpes?

Which doctor should I contact for a herpes infection on the genitals:

  • women - to the gynecologist;
  • men - to the andrologist or urologist.

Correct treatment can be prescribed in the dermatovenerological dispensary.

You do not need to make a diagnosis yourself, at the first sign of the disease - sign up for a consultation, as the herpes simplex virus can be confused with sexually transmitted infections.

At the first sign of herpes, you should consult a specialist

How much to treat herpes on the genitals?

How long the therapy against the virus lasts depends on the stage at which the patient went to the doctor and started treatment. If genital herpes was found at the initial stage, then treatment will take from 5 days to 2 weeks. With complications and the presence of other chronic diseases, it may take up to 2 months or more.

  1. episodic. With relapses that occur less than 6 times a year, an antiviral drug will be prescribed each time.
  2. Suppressive. If the disease makes itself felt more often than 6 times a year, then the specialist will prescribe suppressive treatment (taking antiviral drugs for 6-12 months).

The duration of therapy depends on a number of factors. The doctor must determine the cause of the disease. Most often, herpes infection on the genitals is caused by the herpes simplex virus type I and II. Infection occurs sexually, but it can also be self-infection, infection from mother to fetus during pregnancy or during childbirth, through the use of other people's personal hygiene products. Often, herpes is transmitted by airborne droplets in childhood, and then for many years is in a "sleeping" state. Under such circumstances, it is likely that 2-3 weeks of treatment with repeated courses will be required.

But if the causative agent of herpes is the presence of serious diseases in the body: HIV, AIDS, syphilis, diabetes mellitus, then therapy will require a lot of time.

This is what herpes looks like on the genitals

Where should you be treated?

Treatment of the herpes virus on the genitals is usually carried out at home. A hospital is required for complications and a severe course of the disease.

Getting rid of the disease forever will not work. After the first manifestation, frequent relapses are possible. But it is quite possible to "lull" the virus.

What drugs are being treated?

The treatment regimen for both men and women includes 3 groups of drugs:

  • antiviral tablets, creams, injections;
  • immunomodulators;
  • medications and folk remedies for pain relief and removal of unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning).

For the treatment of genital herpes at the initial stage, topical agents are used. With advanced forms and large affected areas, injections and tablets are prescribed. If the infection has penetrated inside, then suppositories are prescribed for rectal and vaginal use.

Tablets must be taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.


Of the antiviral tablets, the most popular and effective are Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Gerpevir and Zovirax.

  1. . In case of primary lesion, 400 mg / day is prescribed 3 times (a similar scheme is also practiced when combined with rashes in the oral cavity). Or 5 times 200 mg / day. During pregnancy, tablets are prescribed in case of emergency.
  2. Famciclovir. With the first appearance of genital herpes 3 times 250 mg / day for 5 days. With relapses, 2 times 1000 / mg per day. Contraindicated in lactation, and during pregnancy is prescribed for vital reasons.
  3. Valaciclovir. Tablets are taken 2 times 500 mg / day for 5 days. During pregnancy, only on prescription. During breastfeeding, Valacyclovir is strictly prohibited.
  4. Gerpevir. It is recommended to take 400 mg twice a day. During pregnancy, taking pills is allowed if the threatening danger to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. During lactation, the drug is strictly prohibited.
  5. Zovirax. Take 200 mg 5 times a day for 5 days. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug must be taken in consultation with the doctor.

Antiviral tablets Acyclovir - 20 pieces per pack

The scheme and course of treatment may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease.

What ointment is used to treat herpes on the genitals?

How to treat ulcers on the penis, labia and vagina? In addition to tablets, creams and ointments with antiviral action are prescribed without fail. The names of local remedies are most often identical to drugs for oral use.

  1. Acyclovir. The ointment is applied 5 times a day to the areas affected by herpetic rash with a thin layer.
  2. Gerpevir. Lubricate rashes on the genitals twice a day.

Ointment Gerpevir 15 g

Immunomodulatory, antiseptic and antiviral suppositories

For herpes in the anus or in the vagina, it is recommended to use suppositories. How to apply them correctly?

  1. Genferon. For the treatment of urogenital herpes in women, it is necessary to administer 1 suppository 2 times a day vaginally for 10 days. For treatment in men - appoint 2 suppositories per day rectally for 10 days.
  2. Viferon. The drug is suitable for the treatment of women, men and children, during pregnancy, use is allowed from 14 weeks. Suppositories are administered rectally 2 times a day.
  3. Hexicon. Effectively practiced in gynecology for the treatment of women. Serves as a suitable drug for both treatment and prevention. Candles can be used during pregnancy. In the treatment of genital herpes, it is necessary to enter 1 suppository 2 times a day.

Rectal suppositories Viferon - 10 suppositories

Folk remedies

Beyond traditional medicine. Non-traditional methods of treatment can be used both independently and in combination with conservative methods at home.

  1. Baths with violet elixir. Benefit and pleasure - 2 in one. It helps to strengthen the immune system and suppresses the herpes virus.
  2. Fresh grass celandine. Grind the fresh plant to a mushy state. When preparing a remedy, it is recommended to work with gloves and a mask, since the celandine is poisonous. Mix 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Lubricate the affected areas with the resulting ointment 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of arnica for compresses. For cooking, you need 2 tbsp. l. flowers of the plant, pour 500 ml of boiled water, cover with a lid and let the liquid brew for 2 hours. Strain the finished infusion and use as a lotion.

The celandine will help get rid of herpes

How to treat chronic genital herpes?

The therapy is carried out in 4 stages with the help of antiviral, immunostimulating drugs and other means that help reduce the activity of the virus:

  • I - during an exacerbation;
  • II - during the period of remission;
  • III - prevention through vaccination;
  • IV - rehabilitation.

Antiherpetic therapy consists in strengthening the immune system: maintaining a healthy lifestyle, observing the rules of personal hygiene. Eliminate promiscuity, and use condoms during sexual intercourse.

Along with such sexually transmitted diseases as AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea, there is another, no less dangerous - genital herpes. It is not cured to the end, and, having picked it up once, the sick person will remain with him for life. The causative agent of genital herpes is one of the herpes viruses of the same group that causes fever of the lips. The disease itself does not lead to death, but it significantly weakens the immune system and can lead to cancer of the genital organs.

Infection occurs through sexual contact. The disease does not always manifest itself and often people do not get sick themselves, but become carriers of the virus. Symptoms appear as sores on the genitals. In women, it often affects the inside, less often the outer region, buttocks and thighs. The wounds are very painful and give the patient a lot of trouble. It is problematic for him to sit, go to the toilet and just walk.

  • Disease prevention
  • Folk remedies
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Symptoms of pathology in men
  • The scheme of treatment of the disease
  • Immunomodulatory drugs
  • Primary genital herpes

What causes genital herpes?

Herpes refers to viral diseases, a type of herpes simplex. Herpes simplex type 1 causes herpes labialis, type 2 virus affects the genitals.

What is the prevalence of genital herpes?

Almost 90% of the world's population is affected by the first type of virus. About 20% of the population is infected with genital herpes.

You can become infected with herpes after the first unprotected intercourse. The virus enters the nerve nodes near the spinal cord and lives there throughout life.

Causes of genital herpes

The most common mode of transmission is through unprotected sexual contact.

Genital herpes can be contracted in a number of ways:

A woman can pass genital herpes on to her baby in utero.

Disease prevention

Treatment of genital herpes should be carried out in the early stages, then there is hope that it will be effective. Modern medicine cannot completely cure herpes, very often a relapse of the disease occurs. Medicines in the form of tablets for genital herpes help to weaken the pathogen that affects the genital organs, but they do not completely destroy it in view of the fact that the infectious genital herpes virus is able to adapt.

Therefore, in the course of treatment, it is necessary to use several drugs, alternating them. For example, Acyclovir with Gerpferon. Such treatment can remove the symptoms of genital herpes, but there is no guarantee that over time there will not be a recurrent course of genital herpes.

The causative agent of the disease is a relative of herpes simplex HSV, and it is transmitted sexually. It often happens that the partner has no signs of genital herpes, he is just a carrier of the virus, but he does not get sick. He may also be infected with herpesvirus, but he has an initial stage, and she still does not manifest herself. Therefore, to prevent this disease, promiscuity should be avoided and one permanent partner should be avoided.

During genital herpes, there are various stages of the disease.

  • The initial stage does not particularly manifest itself, discomfort after intimacy is possible.
  • At the next stage, rashes in the form of bubbles begin.
  • Further, the bubbles burst and ulcers form.

Forms of genital herpes are divided into acute and relapses. Acute are hard and long, often with fever, headache and general malaise. Relapses are easier and faster, certain factors contribute to their occurrence: hypothermia, stress, infections, alcohol. Infection most often occurs during exacerbations of genital herpes.

With an atypical form of the disease, the symptoms may be erased, so you should always use preventive means of protecting sexual intercourse.

Most importantly, avoid casual unprotected sexual intercourse so that infection does not occur.

Often the infection is asymptomatic.

The disease is activated, as a rule, in stressful situations, immune failure.

General preventive measures:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • complete nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • timely treatment of emerging diseases.

Subject to these rules, even if the infection is in the body, the likelihood that it will manifest itself is minimal.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for the treatment of the disease. But none of them is able to completely destroy the virus. You can only smooth out the symptoms and bring relief to the patient, providing the opportunity to live a normal life. Basically, it is recommended to lubricate the sores that have arisen with various means, for example: valocordin, earwax, Kalanchoe juice, garlic and other antiviral agents.

Such treatment can be long-term, but the effect can be temporary and a relapse will occur very soon. Therefore, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor in time.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order for the doctor to understand how to successfully treat herpes on the patient's genitals, he needs to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment of the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to study the clinical picture of the disease. Based on how herpes looks on a man's penis or a woman's genitals, the doctor will determine the degree and stage of the disease:

  • If the symptoms are visible on the surface of the membranes of the genital organs, then this is only the initial stage, and it is easier to treat.
  • If ulcers affect internal organs - the urethra, vagina, cervix, then longer treatment is required.
  • If the clinical picture is blurred, and the symptoms on the genitals are doubtful, then before starting the treatment of herpes, an analysis is made for the virus.

A poorly cured disease is largely the result of a misdiagnosis. You can count on frequent relapses of the disease. And if the causes of herpes disease lie in the sexual transmission of the disease, then hypothermia is enough for a relapse.

As soon as a person has symptoms similar to herpes, you should immediately visit a specialist.

The doctor can prescribe a full range of examinations, and then conduct a comprehensive treatment.

When to perform laboratory tests for genital herpes?

Analyzes should be carried out not only when the disease manifested itself. They need to be taken periodically, as well as visiting a doctor.

The infection may be asymptomatic or atypical with few symptoms.

There are several situations in which it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests for genital herpes:

  • when planning conception;
  • during pregnancy;
  • before organ transplant;
  • with various skin changes, the cause of which is unknown.

If a virus is detected in the tests, treatment should be started immediately.

What tests to take to detect infection with genital herpes?

There are two types of laboratory tests for genital herpes. The first is the study of the contents of the vials for the presence of the virus. It is possible to conduct an analysis in the active form of the disease.

The second type includes a blood test for the presence of antibodies to herpes. This analysis can be carried out even if there are no signs of the disease.

Methods to identify the pathogen:

A laboratory study of a blood test is called ELISA. This test detects antibodies immunoglobulins G and M to the genital herpes virus.

Symptoms of pathology in men

The disease in men can be acute or latent. The latent form has no visible symptoms and is determined by the laboratory. The acute form has a number of distinctive features. They begin to appear 1-10 days after sexual contact. The virus usually infects the mucous membranes and skin of the male genital organs. At first, a man has discomfort in the genital area. There is pain and swelling of the glans penis, urination is complicated. The lymph nodes in the groin are enlarged.

The next step is the appearance of small watery bubbles. Bubbles are located on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs or on the skin in the groin and buttocks. After a few days, painful purulent ulcers form at the site of the vesicles. Over time, they dry out, but if left untreated, they reappear.

What are the symptoms of genital herpes in women?

If the disease is activated, then it is accompanied by vivid symptoms.

First, the skin in the affected area turns red, and itching appears. Then, bubbles appear on them, which contain liquid.

A week later, they break through, instead of them there are erosions and sores. Everything heals completely in one to two weeks.

Herpes can affect the following organs:

  • labia;
  • vagina;
  • skin around the anus.

A woman, in addition to local manifestations of the disease, experiences general symptoms. Increased fatigue, pain in the head, temperature changes.

Herpes on the labia majora: what it looks like

Genital herpes causes disease of the skin and mucous membranes. In women, it can affect the skin and mucous membranes of the external genital organs.

A group of vesicles with liquid inside appears on the labia majora, which then turn into erosions with ulcers. The woman has a vivid symptomatology:

  • pain;
  • burning sensation;
  • difficulty trying to urinate;
  • the temperature rises.

As soon as the above symptoms appear, a woman is advised to immediately consult a doctor.

How to recognize herpes on the penis?

This disease can be not only in women, but equally in men.

In males, herpes can affect the foreskin, the glans penis. In these places, groups of small bubbles with liquid contents appear.

In men, the most common site of infection is the penis. The virus infects the head and foreskin.

With a long course of the disease, prostatitis and urethritis may occur.

At the site of the lesion, the man experiences pain, discomfort, redness. When such symptoms appear, you must definitely visit a doctor and get competent treatment.

Should genital herpes be treated?

It is imperative to consult a doctor so that he prescribes proper treatment.

If left untreated, herpes can cause serious complications such as:

  • severe symptoms for several months;
  • urination disorders;
  • with severe immunodeficiency, infection can be generalized throughout the body with damage to many organs.

Herpes is a delicate intimate problem.

Many may be afraid to consult a doctor, but this must be done

The scheme of treatment of the disease

The treatment of herpes includes a number of activities. They consist of:

  • Application of ointments and creams to heal ulcers and vesicles.
  • Prescribing antiviral drugs designed to remove the virus from the body.
  • Strengthening the immune system through the use of special drugs and physical procedures.

With herpes, damage to internal organs, in particular the uterus and prostate, is especially dangerous. In men, this causes prostatitis, and in women, infertility, erosion, and cervical cancer can develop.

At the moment, the most common and effective antiviral drug for herpes are Acyclovir preparations. With advanced and complicated forms, when long-term treatment is required, it is recommended to alternate Acyclovir with other similar drugs, for example, Valocyclovir.

Immunomodulatory drugs

How to treat genital herpes? During pregnancy, a woman's body is weakened and especially prone to disease. At this time, she can very easily catch an infection. This is dangerous for both her and the unborn child, as it can lead to infection of the newborn. To protect her from this, drugs are prescribed that strengthen the immune system.

They are also one of the remedies that treat the genitals in genital herpes. In combination with antiviral drugs, they help the body fight the disease. These drugs include Imunofan and Imupret.

Primary genital herpes

What is genital herpes? Herpes on the genitals of a man or woman appears as a result of infection with the herpes virus. This is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). You can get infected both from a sick partner and from a carrier.

You can see in the photo how genital herpes, sexually transmitted, looks like. How and how to treat genital herpes should be prescribed by a doctor, in no case should you self-medicate. Treatment of genital herpes can take a long time, but it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery, the virus is not curable. But you can get rid of the primary herpetic symptoms if you seek help in the first days of the disease. Only a specialist knows how to cure genital herpes and its manifestations.

The first stage of the acute stage of genital herpes may be accompanied by a high temperature. Symptoms such as burning and swelling of the genitals are manifested. Lymph nodes increase in the groin area, pain in the genitals appears, which is well manifested during intercourse.

The disease is most often transmitted during an exacerbation. Neglect of protection, frequent partner changes and promiscuity increase the risk of contracting genital herpes. The virus is not curable, getting into the human body, it remains in it until the end of life. Only the symptoms can be cured, but after that, a wrong lifestyle leads to a relapse of the disease.

What other types of herpes of intimate organs are there?

The first episode of genital herpes occurs when the virus is activated.

Until that time, the virus can remain in the body asymptomatically indefinitely.

Just in this time period, suitable conditions were created for the development of the disease.

Subsequent activation of the virus and the onset of symptoms are referred to as recurrent herpes. Every second person who has had primary herpes develops a relapse. To prevent this from happening, you need to visit a doctor periodically.

The severity of the recurrent form can be:

  • mild - up to 3 times a year;
  • medium - up to 6 times a year;
  • severe - every month of exacerbation.

The occurrence of a repetition of the disease is accompanied by a decrease in immunity.

Manifestations of the disease occur due to various stressful situations, concomitant diseases.

There is an atypical form of genital herpes. With this disease, the symptoms are mild. It's hard to tell if it's herpes. With this atypical form, the clinic can only be represented by itching, sometimes redness on the genitals.

The atypical form occurs more often in women. If you experience mild symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor, undergo examinations and receive comprehensive treatment.

What organs are most often affected by genital herpes?

In women, viral lesions are often localized to the labia majora.

With the progression of the disease, the virus affects the inner thighs, perineum, anus.

In severe situations, damage to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and cervix is ​​possible. This often leads to infertility.

To avoid problems, with manifestations of infection, you should immediately contact a specialist. Self-medication is not necessary.

Important! If you take drugs without a prescription, a complicated course is guaranteed.

What are the emergency prevention measures for genital herpes?

If unprotected sex has occurred with a carrier or patient with genital herpes, the following prevention method can be used.

It is possible to use drugs - acyclovir, valciclovir. But you need to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

Remember! The effectiveness of the use of these funds, as a preventive measure, will be within 1-2 hours from the moment of intimacy.

And this method does not give a 100% guarantee that you will not get infected.

Is it possible to permanently get rid of genital herpes?

When infection has occurred, it is impossible to permanently remove the virus from the body. But you can get rid of the manifestations of the disease.

At the first occurrence of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct all the necessary research, find out the factors due to which the disease arose. Prescribe the right full treatment.

Important! A full life without manifestations of genital herpes is possible.

The main thing is to contact a specialist in time and not to neglect preventive visits to the doctor.

Most people infected with the virus do not know how to deal with; how to treat a viral infection, the doctor will tell. The cells of the virus are embedded in the DNA of human cells, which makes herpes an indestructible disease. But the prevention of a recurrent form of the disease is quite real and even necessary. Many men and women are wondering why type 2 herpes is dangerous. Therefore, it is worth considering a number of reasons explaining why disease prevention is so important:

  • A viral infection affects the peripheral nervous system (nerve plexuses of the small pelvis). Neuralgia of the pelvic nerves manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the lower abdomen, even during the inactive phase of a herpes infection. Aching pains can even be considered as a symptom of osteochondrosis. They can also become more intense when doctors mistakenly diagnose acute abdomen syndrome with subsequent surgical intervention;
  • The virus infects the internal genital organs. And, especially when it comes to the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, ignoring the mandatory therapeutic program in this case may entail the risk of giving birth to a child with many developmental disabilities.

Having an idea of ​​​​how dangerous herpes is, it is important to know how to properly treat a viral infection in the genital area. After all, type 2 herpes can lead to the development of prolonged depression, depriving a person of the opportunity to live a full life.

It is also possible to reduce pain and itching sensations during an exacerbation of a viral infection due to the action of ointments. It is important to understand which pills can be classified as the most effective drugs that have a relatively low cost and the fewest contraindications.

It is worth listing the well-known remedies for herpes in modern medicine:

  • Acyclovir is an original drug that has no analogues (a high degree of purification of the feedstock and the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect). Tablets have an antiviral effect due to the property of the active substance that is part of the drug to integrate into the DNA of the herpes virus (slows down its development). Acyclovir can be considered as the most effective remedy for herpes, if you start taking pills already at the stage of the appearance of primary signs of the disease (itching, burning, followed by the appearance of a blistering rash within 2-3 days). If you follow these recommendations, then there is a high probability that vesicles will not appear at all. Acyclovir is prescribed even for pregnant women. In the body of a woman, antibodies accumulate, the main function of which is to protect the fetus from infection. In addition, due to the use of the drug, premature birth can be prevented. Additionally, the drug is available in the form of ointment and powder for injection. I am pleased with the affordable price of the drug;
  • Penciclovir is an equally good remedy. Effective in the fight against recurrent form of genital herpes. It is produced in the form of a cream intended for external treatment of virus-affected skin areas. The drug can speed up the healing process. Farmciclovir is an analogue of Penciclovir;

Penciclovir is an effective treatment for herpes.

  • Docosanol is a novelty in the pharmaceutical market. Available in the form of a cream. Active against herpes simplex virus (HSV);
  • Valacyclovir is an antiviral pill, the action of which helps to reduce the risk of transmission of infection by contact, which is very important in the genital form of the disease. This drug treats herpes of all types known to medicine;
  • Tromantadine, available in the form of an ointment, helps prevent the spread of the virus to unprotected areas of the skin.
  • Gel Panavir helps the body fight type 2 herpes. The drug was created on a plant basis (extract of potato shoots). Doctors believe that the remedy is no less effective, but safer than Acyclovir;
  • Candles Viferon are used to treat genital herpes in women;
  • The polymodulator is the latest development of Russian scientists. This is a concentrated liquid that is charged with the energy of the physical vacuum. This tool can inhibit the development of almost any disease. The polymodulator helps to restore the body's immune forces.
  • At the first symptoms of genital herpes, it is necessary to treat the area affected by the rash with valocardin or validol. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day to achieve the maximum possible effect (ulcers heal and dry out, forming a crust within 2-3 days);
  • If a bubble rash occurs in the genital area, the affected areas can be treated with earwax. A few procedures are enough to achieve the disappearance of external signs of the disease;
  • Kalanchoe juice has proven itself in the fight against herpes infection. With this tool, it is necessary to treat the resulting sores;

Ulcers can be treated with Kalanchoe juice.

  • : pass the clove through the press, then place the resulting mass in gauze. It is necessary to rub the vesicles 2-3 times a day. But remember that a strong burning sensation is a contraindication to the use of this folk remedy;
  • A mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar can provide you with a drying effect (ingredients are used in equal proportions). The resulting solution is necessary to lubricate the sores 2-3 times a day. The remedy must be used until the complete disappearance of external symptoms;
  • Lemon balm essential oil can be considered as a good remedy for fighting herpes at the initial stage of its development. The oil is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the skin every 2 hours. But the use of this remedy is not a guarantee that herpes will not progress: bubble rashes can still appear.

When using medical antiviral drugs and following, remember the existing contraindications and expediency. Take special care when prescribing treatment.

More on this topic:

Genital herpes affects both women and men. The virus is sexually transmitted and is considered quite resistant to the environment - at a temperature of 36 degrees, it fully retains its activity for 20 hours. Medical statistics claim that every fifth inhabitant of the Earth has already become its prey (the ICD-10 code for this disease is A60), but many of those infected do not even suspect that they have such a problem - the disease is often asymptomatic. However, an infection is an infection, and if it somehow manifests itself, you need to know how to deal with it.

Causes of herpes on the genitals and pubis

There are several types of herpes virus, only two of them cause genital: HSV-1 and HSV-2 (HSV stands for "herpes simplex virus"). The first gives 20, and the second - 80 percent of infections. Rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes - on the pubis, in the inguinal region, on the genitals, sometimes on the thighs and buttocks. About herpes on the pope in the next article.

Here reasons why a person gets sick:

  • weakened immune system;
  • ignoring hygiene standards;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, randomness of contacts;
  • a person already has any sexual infections that make the body more vulnerable.

At risk are young people from 16 to 22 years old who start sexual relations. The risk of infection is also high in adults aged 30-35 who are already quite experienced in sex and do not consider it necessary to use contraceptives. If we talk about the preferences of the virus by gender, then herpes is more likely to choose the female body - it is more susceptible to hormonal changes and the associated weakening of the immune system (for example, before menstruation).

How is it transmitted and how can you get infected

Infection usually occurs through sexual contact - traditional, anal or oral. But there are other ways of transmitting the virus:

  • airborne (provided that the person who has been infected has damaged mucous membranes or has open wounds);
  • from mother to baby during childbirth;
  • self-infection (a person transfers the infection from inflamed areas of the body to his own genitals);
  • blood transfusion carried out without proper precautions;
  • household way (in which pathogens enter the body of another victim through an open wound on the skin from a wet towel, handkerchief or bathing suit of a sick person).

The degree of contagiousness of genital herpes is extremely high: if one partner is infected, and his disease is in an acute stage, then the second partner will get sick after sexual contact with a 100% “guarantee”.

Primary genital herpes can reveal itself as characteristic manifestations 3-14 days after infection. Symptoms of the disease persist in one person - 1-2 weeks, in another - more than a month (depending on the state of health and the reliability of immunity). All this time, the person is already contagious and potentially dangerous to those who come into close contact with him.

By the way, experts say this about the possibilities of safe intimate relationships: during the period of exacerbation, it is desirable to refuse sex because even a condom will not protect a partner from infection. The fact is that the herpes virus can be found not only on the genitals, but also on other areas of the skin that look quite healthy and “lull vigilance”.

Oral sex is especially dangerous with a person who has a cold on his lips. However, another situation is also possible: if one partner has a virus that affects the genitals, then the other has a risk of infecting the lips during oral sex. There is nothing surprising in this, because both the lips and the genitals are affected by the same viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2.

We talked about how to quickly treat herpes on the lip in the article.


The popular point of view that supposedly most diseases "come from the nerves" in the case of herpes takes on a concrete meaning. Not only did the insidious virus find shelter in the spinal ganglia (nerve nodes), it is also responsible for the occurrence of severe internal human suffering.

Here is a typical example. My husband has secondary (recurrent) herpes, which makes intimate relationships impossible. But, as soon as the man recovers, herpes appears in his wife - such is the unexpected reaction of a man who has long wanted closeness, but was afraid of getting infected, for whom both kiss and hugs were forbidden.

Psychosomatics also explains the reasons for the so-called “post-trip” illness: the husband spends a lot of time traveling, and when he is finally at home, his wife, who has long dreamed of meeting, has rashes on her genitals.

In order not to live in fear that this will happen again and again, and you can’t get rid of problems on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Incubation period

The incubation period in patients with genital herpes for the first time is not a constant value: sometimes it can be 1 day, a week, sometimes (and this is the maximum period) - 26 days. However most often this period is 2 - 10 days.

Symptoms and signs: how it manifests itself

Quite often, the disease is asymptomatic, it is possible to do without rashes and without blisters. If the virus is strong and active, you have to observe the following manifestations of the disease:

  • muscle pain in the hips, lower back, pelvic area;
  • feeling of general weakness, malaise;
  • headache;
  • frequent urination with unpleasant tingling sensations;
  • between the legs there is a burning sensation, itching, the skin itches;
  • lymph nodes increase in the groin;
  • on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and on the skin appear first - redness, and then - vesicles.

Men are characterized by swelling of the glans penis, pain during intercourse, for women - inflammation of the lymph nodes on the pubic part, severe itching (including in the anus).

In rare cases, patients may develop a fever.

Further symptoms are as follows: the vesicles open, and weeping ulcers appear in their place, which quickly heal with crusts. After the crusts fall off, traces of them may remain on the skin.

Symptoms, treatment and photos of herpes on the head in men are collected in the article. You will find information on the treatment of herpes on the labia.

What does genital herpes look like (photo)

Types and stages

By the nature of the onset and development of the disease There are 4 types of genital herpes:

  • in the first case (meaning primary infection), the sick person had no contact with the carrier of the virus before, antibodies were not produced in his blood, infection occurs for the first time;
  • in the second case (secondary infection), herpes is already present in the body, there are also antibodies, but infection with the genital virus occurs for the first time;
  • the third type - recurrent (typical or atypical), is associated with the activation of a genital virus already present in the body;
  • the fourth type is asymptomatic.

There is also a classification based on duration of symptoms. The disease can proceed:

  • arrhythmic - remission and exacerbation succeed each other at various time intervals, from 20 days to six months;
  • monotonously - the intervals between remission and exacerbation are almost the same, usually 3-4 months;
  • fading - the length of the remission period is getting longer, and the active symptoms are fading away.

The disease in its development goes through a number of stages. They can be distinguished by their symptoms:

  1. redness, rash, burning appear (this happens within 3-4 days);
  2. rashes, merging, are transformed into bubbles filled with liquid contents - first transparent, and then darkening (5-7 days);
  3. bubbles burst, sores are formed that can bleed, burning sensations are replaced by painful sensations (3-7 days), if the disease is neglected, then new bubbles will appear in place of unhealed wounds and the disease will stretch for a long time (up to 2-3 months) term;
  4. ulcers will be covered with crusts, which will fall off on their own, it is not recommended to tear them off, otherwise scars may form in their place (the healing process lasts 5-10 days).

What can be confused with

The complexity of diagnosis is due to the fact that the virus affects each person differently: if its opponent is weak, the symptoms are pronounced, if it is strong, the signs may be fuzzy or absent altogether.

Most questions arise when other infections join genital herpes- fungal, bacterial, viral, in this case it is difficult to identify the true culprit of troubles without laboratory tests.

What can be confused with genital herpes? A person who does not have a medical education will first of all suspect the most unpleasant thing - a venereal disease. Doctors will see similarities with diseases such as:

  • thrush;
  • colds;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • allergic reaction;
  • food poisoning;
  • syphilis.


When the disease is in the "bubble" stage, the doctor can easily make a diagnosis as a result of a visual examination of the patient. What to do if there are no characteristic external signs yet? Pass the analysis and laboratory examination of biological samples for the presence of antibodies in the body - check blood, study genetic material for DNA viruses. If the studies give a negative answer, it means that the patient's condition has not worsened due to genital herpes and research should be continued to find the true culprit of the troubles.

Methods of particularly accurate diagnostics include:

  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction method(helps to identify pieces of DNA of the virus);
  • ELISA - enzyme immunoassay(based on the fact that the body remembers how it has already fought a similar disease, therefore it will give a clear answer about whether the patient is infected or not, even in the absence of a relapse).

This video will also tell about diagnostic methods:

How long does it take

If we exclude the danger of any complications, then genital herpes disappears, even without treatment, in two weeks in men and in three in women. A competent treatment regimen, a well-chosen medicine make it possible to reduce the most unpleasant period for the patient (with vesicles and sores) to five days.

It must also be borne in mind that Treatment times are very individual., and no antiviral drugs can completely cure the disease: the herpes that enters the body will remain in it forever, and the disease will become chronic - fortunately, asymptomatic in most cases.

Which doctor treats this disease

Usually treated at home, without hospitalization. But certainly - with medical participation.
To whom to turn with such an intimate problem? Representatives of the stronger sex - to the urologist, women - to the gynecologist. Both those and others, if necessary, can be assisted by a dermatovenereologist. Consultations with an immunologist will also not interfere, since the causes of the activation of the herpes virus are always closely related to the weakening of the immune defense of the human body.

Treatment of genital herpes in men and women

The main objectives of treatment are to alleviate the patient's condition, stop the spread of infection and strengthen the body's immune response to a dangerous virus.

Folk remedies

As an independent treatment, folk remedies cannot be used, but as an addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, it is desirable. Genital herpes can help:

  • lavender and geranium oil diluted in water, - for the preparation of lotions;
  • tea tree oil- in the early stages of the disease;
  • propolis - to treat rashes to prevent the spread of infection;
  • apple cider vinegar - to wipe the rash, before the formation of sores;
  • decoction of birch buds- for lotions;
  • aloe juice - as a bactericidal agent.

Baths with an infusion of medicinal herbs are also useful, and for oral administration - puree from products of a “general restorative effect” - fresh apples, onions, honey.


Effective treatment is achieved through the use of various pharmaceutical agents - antiviral, antipruritic, immuno-strengthening. In situations where the underlying disease is accompanied by other infections and the patient's condition is severe, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir (compared to Aciclovir, it has a higher absorption rate, so the recommended dosage may be less);
  • Valacyclovir (sometimes used simultaneously with Acyclovir);
  • Zovirax (not only tablets, but also cream);
  • Cycloferon (having the properties of an antiviral drug and an immunomodulator).

Besides, the doctor, depending on the problem he is solving, can prescribe:

An ideal remedy would, of course, be a vaccination against genital herpes, but, unfortunately, it is not yet available. The Herpevac vaccine is under development and pharmacists expect it to be an effective protection for people who are sexually active. So far, it has been possible to reduce the risk of infection by up to 75 percent, and the drug has a better effect on the female body than on the male.

Diet and proper nutrition

The task of the anti-herpes diet is to give the body the strength to strengthen the immune system, fight infection. It is not recommended to drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea. You should limit yourself to flour, sweet foods (chocolate, sugar, raisins), do not eat peanuts.

Useful for genital herpes: dairy and seafood, fruits that contain vitamins, lean meat (for example, chicken). Methods of cooking dishes - steamed, in a slow cooker (in stewing and baking modes). Drinking should be plentiful.

Suppressive therapy

This branch of medicine provides methods that minimize the number of relapses in a patient. The doctor develops a special course of treatment, and quite a long one. Sometimes it involves taking antiviral pills for a year.

Suppressive therapy is used in relation to patients in whom the exacerbation of the disease is an exhausting reality that does not give long respite.

Through this therapy:

  • improves the quality of life of the patient;
  • the development of his disease is controlled;
  • reduces the risk of infecting others.

The best result is the complete destruction of the virus, but this happens extremely rarely and only with the prompt (within 24 hours after infection) use of antiviral drugs - during this time the virus does not yet have time to go into a latent state.

How to cure a disease in children

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky is sure that it is almost impossible to protect a child from the virus, it is transmitted from parents who, for example, had a cold on their lips. A child who falls ill after mom and dad will easily transfer the infection from the face to other parts of the body. According to the famous pediatrician, you can help the baby by strengthening his immunity, hardening, not wrapping, encouraging him to play sports.

If the child gets sick (and children suffer from genital herpes more severely than adults), you should definitely seek medical help. The doctor will select medications that are appropriate for both the age and condition of the young patient, and may prescribe injections. Among the drugs that are prescribed to children: Acyclovir, Groprinosin, Gerpevir, Zovirax, Arpetol, Neovir. They help get rid of itching: Claritin, Cetrin, Fenistal. At a temperature exceeding 38.5 degrees, they begin to give antipyretic drugs.

Relapse and exacerbation of the disease

Relapses occur more frequently in women than in men. Also, according to medical statistics, they depend on the socio-economic status of the person: the lower it is, the higher the likelihood of reactivation of the viral infection. As for age, here risk zone - 30-40 years. And a direct impetus to relapse can be stress, hypothermia, overwhelming mental and physical stress.

It is important to remember that in 20-30 percent of cases, complications are possible that pose a threat to the joints, nervous system, and pelvic organs.

What is dangerous: consequences and complications

The consequences of the disease (especially if the recovery occurred without medical supervision) are:

  • dry skin and mucous membranes on the genitals;
  • the development of various bacterial infections;
  • the spread of the papilloma virus;
  • persistent neurosis, depression;
  • aching pains that capture the lower abdomen, perineum;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis).

For women, the consequences of a poorly treated disease are especially dangerous, there is a threat of infertility, cancer.


The best means of prevention is this type of relationship when no promiscuous intimate relationships and unprotected contacts. If this still happens, genital hygiene is necessary (especially during the first one and a half to two hours after a possible infection), as well as vaccination to develop immunity.

By the way, you can take care of immunity in other ways - go in for sports, harden the body, eat a balanced diet.

Inflammation of the genital organs can overtake both men and women. This is a rather unpleasant disease that causes a lot of trouble and a feeling of discomfort. How to treat it, the doctor prescribes, because it can be not only an independent disease, but also a symptom of some other, more formidable disease.

Symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs in men and women

Signs of inflammation in women

The main symptoms in inflammatory processes in the female genital organs:

sharp pain;

tissue swelling in the female genital area;

pathological discharge from the vagina;

pain during intercourse as a symptom of inflammation of the genital organs;

pain during urination;

general malaise and discomfort: fever, weakness;

burning and itching in the genital area.

Symptoms of inflammation of the male genital organs

Symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs in men due to anatomical differences are different:

swelling of the foreskin;

pathological discharge;

redness, burning, itching;

decrease in sexual desire;

pain during ejaculation and urination;

general ailments: high fever, weakness, apathy.

Treatment of inflammation of the female genital organs

Inflammation in women can manifest itself both in the internal and external genital organs. External inflammations include:


Internal inflammation of the genital organs in women includes:

inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis);

inflammation of the uterus (endometritis);

inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis);

inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis);

inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, salpigo-oophoritis);

inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum (pelvioperetonitis).

First aid in the treatment of female genital inflammation

The main thing is to get a consultation with a gynecologist as soon as possible, who will help you start treatment with the help of medicines and folk remedies. It should be understood that female inflammation is quite dangerous, and in no case should its treatment be prescribed independently or according to the scheme of friends who have already gone through it. To choose a truly effective drug or folk remedy, you need to identify which microorganisms caused the inflammation, for which the doctor needs to take a smear and make an antibiogram.

But it is worth remembering that taking medication is not all you can do to help yourself. You also need to observe sexual rest for at least 2-3 weeks and carefully monitor your stool, since the accumulation of feces can cause additional pain. In addition, for the period of treatment, exclude from the diet spicy foods that irritate the intestines, and allergens - chocolate and egg whites. It is also recommended in the treatment of inflammation to observe a plentiful drinking regimen, and it is better to give preference to mineral water, sour fruit drinks, tea with lemon. Eat more dairy products as the calcium will reduce inflammation.

The scheme of treatment of inflammation of the genital organs

How to treat inflammation, the gynecologist prescribes, based on the results of the tests. The basis is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Physiotherapy therapeutic massage. Sometimes, in addition, the doctor ascribes vitamins and means to increase immunity.

With these inflammations, women require strict adherence to hygiene rules and preferably bed rest. It is strongly recommended to wash the genitals with a five percent solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile tincture, a solution of boric acid several times a day. After drying by gentle blotting, the genitals should be lightly powdered with talc or baby powder.

With severe itching, pain and swelling, it is necessary to use Valerian, Bromine, Motherwort, Diphenhydramine or Anesthesin ointment for the treatment of genital organs. If itching is associated with hormonal disorders and there is inflammation of the external genital organs, then therapy with hormonal drugs should be carried out. Locally, you need to take ointments containing estrogen hormones. At the same time, sedatives, such as valerian or bromides, should also be taken to treat inflammation.

Folk remedies for inflammation of the genital organs in women

How to treat inflammation of the genital organs with folk remedies, herbal medicine will tell you. But it is better to coordinate the intake of herbs and compresses with your doctor so as not to harm the body and cause complications. After all, inflammation of the genital organs in women can develop into a chronic form without treatment.

In acute inflammation, such a folk remedy as steam baths is very effective. Leaves of fresh white cabbage should be boiled in milk. Cabbage-milk broth should then be poured into a basin, sit down over it and thus take steam therapeutic baths. The procedure for the treatment of adnexitis should be carried out daily until complete recovery.

Raw potatoes will also help protect against inflammation of the genital organs. Raw potato juice should be drunk as a folk remedy, a tablespoon every day.

An herbal mixture of coltsfoot, centaury and tributary is also a good helper in treating genital inflammation. A tablespoon of this folk remedy should be infused in 200 grams of boiling water and taken 70-80 grams 5-6 times a day for a month.

Chamomile enema will relieve inflammation of the genital organs and relieve pain. Pour two tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile with 200 grams of boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour. Before the procedure of treatment with the folk method, we clean the intestines with an enema from boiled summer water. After, having cooled the chamomile to 36 degrees Celsius, we do an enema and lie on our side for about half an hour, without getting up until the contents are absorbed.

We mix a collection of chamomile, coltsfoot, sweet clover, calendula and centaury in equal parts. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the collection into 500 milliliters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. To take this folk remedy in the treatment of inflammation of the genital organs, you need 70 grams 5-6 times a day for several months. By the way, traditional medicine does not recommend having sex during treatment.

Douching for the treatment of inflammation should also be carried out with decoctions of herbs. To do this, take oak bark, mallow flowers, chamomile and sage leaves and mix them in a ratio of 2: 2: 5: 3. A couple of tablespoons of the collection should be poured with 1000 milliliters of boiling water and insist. After cooling to 36-37 degrees, the decoction should be injected into the vagina with a syringe at night.

Baths are effective for treating inflammation of the genital organs, they are also good to use with juniper berries and stems. A bucket (20 liters) of boiling water is calculated for 50 grams. This folk remedy should be insisted for about two hours. After heating it to a pleasant temperature, you should sit in this decoction for 15 minutes.

Treatment of inflammation of the male genital organs

Inflammation in men has a slightly different clinical picture. These include:

inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis);

inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis);

inflammation of the urethra (urethritis);

inflammation of the genital (seminal) vesicles (vesiculitis);

inflammation of the organs of the scrotum, testicles, etc.

The scheme of treatment of inflammation in men

Is it worth repeating that at the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the genital organs, a man should immediately consult a doctor? After all, the entire public, including doctors, constantly talk about it. Urologists and dermatovenereologists say that the treatment of inflammation in men takes a lot of time, in view of the anatomical features of the structure of the body.

Treatment of the genital organs in men follows the same pattern as in women - antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy, massage. In rare severe cases, surgery. Patients are treated by a urologist.

Methods for the treatment of inflammation of the male genital organs

The treatment of inflammation in men is not much different from the treatment of inflammation in women and includes:

drug treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics are sometimes used;

physiotherapy treatment of inflammation of the genital organs in men includes:

  • laser therapy,
  • ultrasound and electromagnetic therapy,
  • as well as therapeutic massage and others;

restorative treatment of inflammation of the genital organs in men.

Causes and prevention of inflammation of the genital organs

Causes of inflammation can be:

various microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, tubercle bacillus, E. coli, viruses, fungi);

promiscuous sex life;

unprotected intercourse;

weakened immunity;

chronic fatigue, overwork;

non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

transitional age.

The causes of inflammation in men are the same as in women - germs, unprotected sex, lack of personal hygiene.

Prevention of inflammation

And in conclusion, a little about the prevention of inflammation in men and women. If your health is dear to you, do not allow casual sexual intercourse, always protect yourself during intercourse, avoid hypothermia and overwork. Be healthy.

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