Bursitis of the knee joint - symptoms and treatment at home. Causes, symptoms and treatment of knee bursitis


Knee bursitis is not considered a very common condition, but anyone who is at high risk of leg injury should be aware of it. Bursitis of the knee joint, the symptoms and treatment of which are characterized by a certain specificity, is an inflammation of the synovial bag, or the so-called bursa. What are the manifestations of this pathology and how is it treated?

Symptoms of knee bursitis

To determine the signs of the disease and be able to distinguish them from other manifestations, it is necessary to understand the reasons for which it develops. This will allow you to understand in more detail what knee bursitis is, what are the symptoms and treatment of the disease, how to properly undergo therapy in order to eliminate inflammation and restore the joint's performance.

The main causes of bursitis are associated with injuries, infections, increased physical activity, and the specifics of professional activity. The risk of developing the disease is increased by obesity, arthritis and arthrosis (they can provoke a reactive form of the disease), metabolic disorders. Injury or severe stress on the joint causes inflammation in the bursa, and it is a fluid-filled sac that reduces pressure on the joint and releases a lubricant that ensures better sliding of its moving parts.

As a result of the inflammatory process, the periarticular sac is filled with excess fluid. It compresses the surrounding tissues, causes swelling in the joint area, characterized by soreness and redness. There are more than a dozen synovial bags in the knee joint, each of which can be affected by inflammation. Depending on which of them is damaged, bursitis of the bags of the knee joint has a different localization.

If inflammation develops in front of and above the patella, the suprapatellar or prepatellar form of the disease is diagnosed, and below it, the infrapatellar form. Inflammation of the synovial bursa called "crow's foot", located on the inside of the knee, is characteristic of anserine bursitis. All of these types of bursitis have their own specific symptoms and features of development.


A distinctive feature of this form of bursitis is the presence of a round, painless swelling in the upper region of the knee. It has a soft texture and has a size of no more than 10 cm. Suprapatellary bursitis is accompanied by a decrease in knee mobility, general malaise, and often fever.


This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of painful swelling or severe swelling in the patella, that is, above the patella. When bending or unbending the knee, pain is observed, which increases with increased loads, but sometimes it may be absent. As the disease progresses, the mobility of the joint is severely impaired. Compared with other varieties of the disease, the prepatellar type often becomes chronic.


This type of bursitis affects the periarticular bag, located under the kneecap. Athletes are most susceptible to it, as they are at high risk of knee injury while running or jumping. Infrapatellar bursitis often has mild symptoms. For a while, it can manifest itself only as a slight pain in the knee that occurs when walking or standing, occasionally observed swelling or stiffness of the knee.

Treating knee bursitis at home

Choosing how to treat a disease in the early stages of development, experts tend to conservative methods. These include resting the affected joint, applying cold compresses, using anti-inflammatory ointments, and painkillers. If the bursitis is infectious, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy.

When a large amount of fluid accumulates in the synovial sac, the doctor may suggest surgical drainage to the patient. This procedure is performed by pumping out exudate from the bursa with a syringe. After its removal, the cavity of the bag is treated with an antibiotic. Surgical removal of the bursa is used only in severe cases, when the inflammation has progressed so strongly that it is no longer possible to stop it with conservative methods.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment of the disease is permissible only after consultation with a specialist. Bursitis of the knee joint, its symptoms and treatment have specific features, so the choice of methods of therapy should be carried out by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis. To eliminate pain and inflammation, it is quite acceptable to use proven folk recipes. However, it is extremely dangerous to independently diagnose a disease from a photo on the Internet and take treatment without resorting to professional help.

For the treatment of bursitis by folk methods, salt and cabbage compresses, lotions from Kalanchoe or propolis infused with alcohol, decoctions of yarrow, St. John's wort, and burdock are used. Traditional medicine pays a lot of attention to such an issue as nutrition for bursitis. It is believed that eating food rich in vitamins A, C, E and zinc helps to cure the disease faster.


Conservative treatment of knee bursitis may include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments: Voltaren, Fastum-gel, Indovazin, "". As additional preparations, ointments "Apizartron", "Mellivenon", "Capsoderm", "Traumeel", compresses with dimexide, camphor ointment, balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky can be used.

Medical treatment

With bursitis, anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration can be prescribed: preparations based on ibuprofen, phenylbutazone, diclofenac, ketoprofen. Muscle spasms are treated with muscle relaxants such as diazepam or baclofen. To relieve acute pain syndrome, injections of corticosteroids are used: diprospan, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone.

If it is necessary to use antibiotic therapy, the patient is prescribed a course of penicillin, macrolide or cephalosporin antibiotics. The selection of a specific drug is carried out taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process and the origin of the infection. At a mild or moderate stage of the development of the disease, drugs are prescribed for oral administration, and in more complex cases, intramuscular injections are made.

exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercises in the treatment of bursitis of the knee joint are prescribed only after the complete relief of the inflammatory process. Exercise therapy is of particular importance in cases where the joint has been immobile for a long time. A set of exercises individually selected by a specialist helps restore the normal functionality of the knee, prevent the appearance of pathological changes in its structure.


Thematic videos offer a lot of additional information about the features of the disease. In them, experts not only list, but also clearly show effective methods for treating bursitis that has affected the knee joint, and also tell how to quickly get rid of acute manifestations of the disease at home - swelling, pain, inflammation.

Bursitis of the knee is an inflammation of the bursa of the knee. Bursa is a slit-like cavity (bursa), which is usually located near the places of attachment of muscle tendons to the bone or under the tendons themselves, as well as near the joint, and is designed to reduce friction.

It is in these areas that neighboring tissues can be maximally displaced relative to each other. The bursa, like the articular cavity, is lined with a special synovial membrane - they often communicate with each other.

In total, there are about eight main bursae in the area of ​​the knee joint - four of them are closest to the articular cavity. These are infra-, supra- and prepatellar bags, located in the upper and lower parts of the knee, above the patella and the so-called "goose" bursa, located on the inner lower region of the knee.

One of the varieties of goose bursitis is called Baker's cysts, infrapatellar bursitis - "jumper's knee".

Knee bursitis - symptoms and photos

The clinic of bursitis is the symptoms of the inflammatory process:

  • edema,
  • redness,
  • pain,
  • an increase in local temperature,
  • external slight deformation and, as a result, limited movement.

As a result of inflammation, exudate accumulates in the cavity of the bursa - liquid. The composition of the exudate depends on the cause of the disease and the type of pathogen - purulent with a bacterial infection, serous - with aseptic inflammation (autoimmune diseases), hemorrhagic fluid with an admixture of inflammatory elements - with traumatic injury.

The localization of the inflamed bag has a pronounced effect on the symptoms. From the clinic, you can immediately determine which of the cavities is involved in the pathological process. So, suprapatellar bursitis of the knee joint can be characterized by severe pain and swelling in the upper region of the knee. Goose bumps - appears after walking up or down, especially on stairs. With prepatellar bursitis, there is a feeling of stiffness (after prolonged kneeling). Unpleasant feeling disappears after moderate walking.

Acute forms are characterized by a sharp onset and a rapid increase in symptoms, severe pain, especially when trying to perform any movement in the knee joint or at the time of palpation of the lesion. The pain radiates to the hip and ankle joints, respectively, from the same side. At the site of the lesion - swelling, redness visible to the naked eye.

Acute bursitis usually has a history of trauma (three to four hours ago). It is very important to start treatment as soon as possible to avoid infection. With the addition of bacterial microflora, there is a deterioration in the general condition, a rise in temperature.

If the treatment was not effective enough or was not brought to its logical conclusion, a chronic process develops. Chronic bursitis may be the result of long-term exposure to adverse external (professional) conditions - for example, vibration.

Chronic pathology is characterized by a change of exacerbations and remissions, a sluggish course of the process. During the period of relapse, all the symptoms typical of the acute form of bursitis appear. This condition is dangerous by the formation of cystic formations. Chronic bursitis may require surgical intervention - puncture to remove accumulated exudate, followed by washing the bag with antibacterial solutions.

In the light of the prevalence of a specific infection, tuberculous bursitis should be singled out separately. The walls of the cavity are thickened, with a scopic examination, tubercles can be found in it. Outwardly, it looks like a swelling up to ten centimeters in diameter, while the motor function is not impaired, movements are not accompanied by painful sensations. The patient notes general malaise, fever, usually in the evening.

With regards to calcareous bursitis, the pathology is characterized by a recurrent course. Usually salt deposits provoke the development of inflammation. After the attenuation of the process, an exacerbation is possible in case of trauma or infection. To cure such bursitis, it is necessary to remove the calcareous fluid from the cavity and rinse it thoroughly.


Bursitis is classified according to the following criteria:

  1. The prevalence of the process. Within the same area, several bags can be affected at once;
  2. With the flow. There are acute, chronic and recurrent. An acute or subacute process can be after an injury or infection. Chronic bursitis is provoked by a long-term sluggish inflammatory process, often non-infectious. Recurrent bursitis is characteristic of tuberculosis;
  3. By activator. Aseptic processes cause serous bursitis, bacteria - purulent. Purulent-hemorrhagic course of the disease is the result of post-traumatic hemorrhage, complicated by the addition of an infection;
  4. Separately, calcareous bursitis is isolated, accompanied by the deposition of salts in the cavity of the bursa and its walls.

The reasons

Causes of knee bursitis:

  1. Trauma - both the joint itself and the bag. Impact, fall, external compression of tissues lead to damage to the ligamentous apparatus and menisci. Inflammation in this case develops as a reactive process. With a hemorrhage into the cavity, there are opportunities for the attachment of pathogenic microflora, which can penetrate in a variety of ways (for example, through the blood - hematogenously, or skin damage). After infection, purulent-hemorrhagic bursitis develops.
  2. Sport. A healthy lifestyle can lead to the development of bursitis. Severe overloads during professional sports (more often football, weightlifting) lead to stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle tendons, respectively, forced deformation of the joint capsule and bags.
  3. Arthritis, infections.
  4. Gout. Gout leads to disruption of metabolic processes, manifested by the deposition of salts in different tissues, resulting in inflammation of the joint. Inflammation can also spread to neighboring bursae associated with the articular cavity.
  5. Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the development of inflammation due to the fact that the body perceives its own tissues and organs as foreign and tries to destroy them. Bursitis can also form as a result of an autoimmune disease.
  6. Part of the bursitis is formed for unknown reasons (more precisely, not identified during the diagnostic examination when the patient goes to the hospital).

Prepatellar bursitis knee joint occurs most often due to frequent traumatization of this area, inflammation plays the role of a protective mechanism. The greater the severity of injuries and the more often they occur, the more serious the disease - up to the formation of an abscess in advanced cases. In this area, the swollen bursa can even be palpated.

Suprapatellary bursitis knee joint - an ailment of people whose profession is associated with prolonged kneeling. In the upper region of the knee joint, you can feel a tumor with clear contours - an inflamed bursa.

Infrapatellar bursitis, which is often referred to as the "jumper's knee" (just like patellar ligament tendinitis - in fact, pathologies accompany each other), occurs when the ligamentous apparatus is damaged. Normally, the bursa is filled with synovial fluid - this is due to its main function (shock absorption). Excessive external pressure - an unsuccessful jump, excess weight - provokes hemorrhage inside the cavity of the bag and triggers the inflammatory process.

It usually manifests itself as intermittent pain with a long standing position and the appearance of a slight swelling in the knee area.

"Goose" bursitis- pathology of women in the category from 35 to 45 years, as well as people with excess weight. A high load on the joints leads to microtrauma of the tendons and ligaments. The main feature - the pain syndrome occurs when moving up the stairs.


Photo: Treatment of bursitis of the knee joint

Treatment of acute bursitis of the knee joint is usually carried out conservatively, except in cases of serious injury, when a significant amount of blood has to be removed from the cavity.

The conservative methodology consists of the following points:

  1. ensuring complete rest of the injured limb (using a splint);
  2. use of a pressure bandage;
  3. physiotherapy: laser, magnetotherapy;
  4. cold - ice, compresses;
  5. ointments (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - based on diclofenac, hormonal agents, warming creams), their application is possible only on the whole skin;
  6. taking anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, diclofenac, aceclofenac;
  7. the use of corticosteroids (only as prescribed by a doctor - orally or intraarticularly).

If there is no effect of treatment within three weeks, it is necessary to change tactics: this fact indicates a complication of the process or inadequacy of therapy.

How to treat bursitis of the knee joint if a secondary infection is suspected? Assign antibacterial agents - in the form of intravenous injections or in the cavity of the bursa.

For these purposes, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, the duration of use is up to ten days. With the defeat of several bags, steroid preparations are necessarily used.

To determine the presence of a specific infection, a culture of fluid taken from the cavity of the bag using a puncture is required. Appropriate drugs are needed: for the tuberculosis process - streptomycin, for gonorrhea - penicillins, etc.

According to the indications: detoxification therapy, anesthesia, restorative agents.

Treatment of bursitis of the knee joint in a chronic form requires the removal of exudate from the cavity of the bursa with washing it with medicinal solutions until complete recovery.

Surgery for knee bursitis

When is surgery necessary?

A cystic cavity with concomitant pain syndrome, the formation of an abscess that is not amenable to antibiotic therapy is an indication for excision of the cavity.

All purulent forms of bursitis require mandatory opening followed by drainage.

The debilitating course of calcareous bursitis with frequent exacerbations is a reason for puncture and aspiration of fluid with calcareous deposits.

Operation progress:

Usually performed under local anesthesia. Bursa tissues are excised or enter the cavity through the puncture hole - depending on the process. Most often, the top wall of the bag is removed. The cavity is treated with antibiotics, antiseptics. In some cases, they resort to plugging the bursa.

The patient is observed from two hours to several days.

Folk remedies

How is knee bursitis treated at home? The most popular folk remedies:

  • a leaf of fresh white cabbage is applied to the inflamed area, a bandage is applied on top, left overnight;
  • compresses with crushed leaves of Kalanchoe, aloe are effective; fresh lilac leaves;
  • warm baths with coniferous extract for twenty minutes - an excellent anti-inflammatory and local distracting effect;
  • Grapefruit juice is taken internally to improve blood circulation.

Folk remedies are effective only in the early stages of an acute process, preferably immediately after injury. Purulent and neglected pathology is treated only under the supervision of a doctor!


Preventive measures include:

  • elimination of all inflammatory processes in the body;
  • gradual strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus of the lower extremities;
  • refusal to jerk during sports, heavy physical exertion;
  • weight control;
  • with increased injury risk - protection of the knee joint area with special devices;
  • if possible, avoid low temperatures in the specified zone;
  • if it is necessary to be in the “kneeling” position, do warm-ups hourly.


With the right tactics, compliance with medical recommendations, full rehabilitation, the prognosis is favorable.

In order to avoid chronization of the process, it is necessary to carry out treatment until complete recovery, the signs of which are not only the elimination of the pain syndrome, but also the ability to make active movements in the area of ​​the knee joint.

In some cases, it is necessary to eliminate risk factors (occupational hazards): vibrations, mechanical influences, prolonged monotonous position.

The prognosis also depends on the stage at which treatment is started. Running forms at least increase the likelihood of complications and reduce the chance of the joint returning to its full form in terms of function.

Mild injuries do not necessarily require medical attention. However, when attaching the symptoms of an infectious process or difficulty in diagnosing, an appeal to a specialist is necessary.

Rehabilitation and prevention

Rehabilitation consists in restoring the former mobility of the joint. For these purposes, use:

  1. physiotherapy techniques;
  2. massage;
  3. physical therapy exercises.

Recovery usually occurs within a few weeks. From physiotherapeutic methods, electrotherapy and thermal procedures are actively used. Short-wave diathermy, ultrasonic treatment are effective. To reduce the severity of the pain syndrome, electrophoresis with novocaine is used.

Calcareous bursitis with the presence of multiple foci of calcification in the walls is subjected to X-ray therapy in low doses to eliminate inflammation.

In chronic bursitis of the knee joint, spa treatment, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths are indicated.

Exercise plays an important role in rehabilitation. Exercise therapy is best done under the supervision of a physician or after training by a specialist. In no case do not include squats, crossing legs in the program.

Static moderate loads are useful. Put a small towel under the joint area, try to slowly, without jerking, strain the muscles located on the front femoral surface. With your palm, feel the muscle tension at the moment of its contraction. Fix the indicated position for 5-10 seconds, then also slowly relax. Repeat up to ten times, if pain occurs, immediately stop the exercise, ensure peace.

Since knee pain can be caused by various reasons, treatment should be targeted. In particular, the knee joint with bursitis can hurt for various reasons:

The knee joint is fragile. It is easy to damage it even in the absence of injuries. For example, the most common cause of the inflammatory process is the weight of a person.

If a diagnosis of obesity is established, a person's body weight changes dramatically due to diets or other weight loss programs, and then the weight returns, then the risk of bursitis increases.

The knee joints have to withstand loads, as a result of which displacements or other violations of their functioning occur.

Other causes of knee bursitis include:

  • thinning of the knee muscles as a result of constant and excessive physical exertion;
  • open-type injuries in the area of ​​​​the knee joints (the cause of bursitis can be not only injuries to the tendons, muscles, bones or joints, but even the skin);
  • infectious diseases (bursitis is in this case a side effect of such diseases);
  • all forms of sepsis;
  • concomitant diseases of the joints.

Characteristic symptoms

The knee bursitis develops gradually. For a long time, the patient may feel slight discomfort in the knee area, which in most cases is not paid attention to.

Attacks of pain intensify in the process of complication of the disease. An aggravated form of the disease becomes a situation where a person cannot bend or straighten his leg due to severe pain in the knee.

Symptoms of knee bursitis include:

  • painful sensations in the knee area of ​​varying degrees (from discomfort to pain attacks that restrict movement);
  • redness of the skin in the knee area;
  • the formation of edema in the knee area;
  • increased temperature in the area of ​​​​edema (felt to the touch);
  • knee deformity;
  • difficulty in moving with pain in the knees;
  • stiffness in the knee joints;
  • genetic predisposition (in rare cases);
  • features of lifestyle or professional activity associated with constant stress on the knees (most often the disease develops in athletes involved in running, jumping, speed skating);
  • advanced age (over time, the joints weaken and wear out due to the natural aging of the human body).

Effective treatment of Morton's neuroma at home. Can otitis in children be cured with folk remedies? You will find the best recipes in this article.

The nature of the symptoms directly depends on the type and stage of the disease. Common signs of manifestation include:

  • Increasing pain in the patella itself and next to it (intensify when pressed);
  • The appearance of weakness in the muscles;
  • Temperature increase in the knee area;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Changes in color and the appearance of a slight edema in the soft tissue area;
  • Decreased efficiency, general malaise of the body;
  • Change in the epidermis, slight redness;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Stiffness of movement in the knee joint.

Important! If you find yourself experiencing the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor for professional advice.

Symptoms of bursitis of the knee joint are pronounced. It has certain characteristics:

  1. Inflammation and pain in the joints, which becomes especially noticeable when pressing on the area around the joint.
  2. Slight stiffness or reduced range of motion in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  3. Redness or swelling over the affected joint.
  4. The appearance of weakness in the muscles.
  5. Weakness, malaise, decreased performance.
  6. Temperature increase (in the area of ​​bursitis).
  7. An increase in body temperature, especially in the case of infectious bursitis.

With prolonged mechanical irritation of the bursa, chronic knee bursitis may develop. In acute bursitis, pathological changes will be expressed by a clear inflammation of the walls of the bursa.

Diagnosis of bursitis of the knee joint

For a reliable diagnosis, it is important to undergo a diagnosis, since in exceptional cases it is possible to confuse knee bursitis with other diseases, such as arthritis.

Diagnostic methods differ depending on the location of the synovial bag. As a rule, diagnosing superficial bursitis is not difficult.

With the help of magnetic resonance therapy and ultrasound, it is possible to determine the localization of inflammation with reliable accuracy. Contrast radiography is used to determine the exact size of the neoplasm.

For accurate diagnosis of deep bursitis resort to differential diagnosis. Puncture of the bag cavity is the most informative method.

It allows you to identify by the color and consistency of the resulting fluid, which type of bursitis the formation belongs to - purulent or serous (yellowish liquid).

To figure out how to treat knee bursitis, the doctor must not only diagnose it, but also determine the cause of its development. One of the most important moments of diagnosis is confirmation of the aseptic nature of the inflammation, for which the bag is punctured.

  1. If a clear liquid is obtained as a result, then it can be concluded that aseptic inflammation.
  2. Getting pus suggests that the cause of the development of bursitis was pathogens.
  3. Baker's cyst is also quite easy to identify due to its characteristic location - in the popliteal fossa.
  4. In the case of popliteal bursitis, instrumental methods are used - ultrasound, arthrography and radiography of the knee joint.

In general, the diagnosis of this disease is not a problem - it is enough for an experienced specialist to conduct a general examination and palpation examination.

Alternative treatment methods

Treatment of acute knee bursitis necessarily includes the following elements:

  • complete rest and minimal joint mobility;
  • ointments that relieve inflammation and relieve pain;
  • glucosamine;
  • compresses on the affected area.

Time-tested folk remedies can also be used.

Treatment with folk methods

The use of folk recipes is permissible only after a medical examination. The specialist must make an accurate diagnosis and choose a competent method of treatment. You need to discuss with your doctor the folk remedies that you are going to use.

Many patients diagnosed with "knee bursitis" begin to think about how to treat this disease. For maximum therapeutic effect, treatment should be carried out taking into account the symptoms and etiology of the disease.

Today, doctors practice conservative and radical treatment. If the inflammatory process proceeds moderately and does not require surgery, treatment can be carried out at home:

  1. Grandma's recipes Traditional healers, depending on the degree of inflammation, recommend treating bursitis using cold and warm compresses. The latter are prescribed for moderate pain, but in the acute course of the disease it is undesirable to treat bursitis with heat, since thermal procedures can increase inflammation.

To reduce pain, elements of physiotherapy are also used - massage and acupuncture.

  1. Hirudotherapy. You can treat bursitis at home using leeches. The salivary glands of these animals produce bioactive compounds (enzymes, functional proteins) that improve metabolism and blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the organ.

Preparation of medical leeches for a treatment procedure for bursitis

Bioactive compounds of the salivary glands of leeches:

  • Bradykinins are bioactive substances of organic origin that activate the phagocytic function of leukocytes, while providing a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Apirase is an enzyme that exhibits an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, it helps to reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the human body.
  • Bdellins are biopolymers of protein origin that exhibit an anticoagulant effect.
  • Destabilase is an enzyme of the hydrolase class that accelerates the breakdown of blood clots.
  • Histamine-like compounds - have an antispasmodic effect.
  • Kininase is a biological compound that exhibits an analgesic effect.
  • Orgelase - an enzyme that intensifies the resorption of edema, increases the elasticity of the endothelium of blood vessels.
  • Hirudin is an anticoagulant that prevents platelet coagulation.
  • Eglins are polypeptides that block the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Hyaluronidase is a hydrolyzing enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid, a structural component of connective tissue. Thanks to the use of this enzyme, you can get rid of keloid scars.

In order to prevent the occurrence of possible complications in the treatment of leeches at home, you need to consult with a hirudotherapist and your doctor.

Alternative medicine is effective in the early stages of the development of the disease. When bursitis is complicated by infectious diseases, there is a huge likelihood of developing sepsis, so in this case it is best to use traditional therapy.

After the doctor establishes the diagnosis, the appropriate treatment is prescribed. As a rule, to eliminate bursitis of the knee joint, they are limited to conservative and alternative methods.

The first group includes courses of exercise therapy and physiotherapy, as well as manual and drug therapy. Surgical treatment (drainage) of bursitis is carried out only in extreme cases, when the disease progresses so strongly that it becomes impossible to stop it with conservative methods.

It has been proven that bursitis of the knee joint can be treated with folk remedies.

Let's take a closer look at how to treat knee bursitis at home. Treatment of bursitis includes elimination of the symptoms of inflammation, pain and restoration of the normal functioning of the knee joint.

The simplest is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. You can buy them at the pharmacy or make your own.

Honey ointment is one of the most common. In order to prepare it, in addition to liquid honey, you will need ethyl alcohol and aloe juice.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 2:3:1. The resulting ointment is gently rubbed into the painful area at least 1 time per day.

The course of therapy is at least 2 weeks, depending on the form of the disease.

Important! People prone to allergies need to be careful with honey ointment.

Compresses are one of the most effective home remedies for treating knee bursitis. They cope well with pain and inflammation, there are different types:

  • Sugar compress. A couple of tablespoons of sugar is heated in a dry frying pan (without melting), after which it is poured into a small cloth bag and applied to the affected area before going to bed. To achieve a more visible effect, cellophane is placed on top and wrapped with a warm scarf. The procedure can be performed daily until the final recovery;
  • Ice compress. Ice cubes are applied to the kneecap and fixed with a bandage. In order to prevent hypothermia, the procedure is not recommended to be performed for longer than 30 minutes. The method well relieves inflammation and lowers the temperature in the knee area. It can be used 2-3 times a day;
  • Vegetable compress. For a compress with bursitis, beets, potatoes and white cabbage are considered the most suitable. Vegetables are applied at night, alternating daily with each other. For the first night, they make a compressor from raw potatoes, take 2-3 small pieces, cut into circles and apply to the affected area until morning. Wrap with cling film on top and wrap with a warm scarf. On the second night, a beet compress is prepared (in a similar way), and on the third night, from finely chopped cabbage leaves. Due to the beneficial properties of vegetables, this method gives positive results;
  • Compress from kolanchoe. Fresh leaves of the plant are slightly beaten off so that they release the juice and apply for 3-4 hours on the inflamed joint, fixing it with a bandage. The procedure can be performed daily for 7-10 days;
  • Vodka compress. Vodka or pure alcohol is mixed with propolis in a ratio of 1:10 (the optimal solution is 200 grams of vodka and 20 grams of propolis) and left to infuse in a dark place for 5-7 days. The resulting liquid is moistened with cotton wool, applied to a painful place and tied with an elastic bandage. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every day 1 time until the pain disappears completely;
  • Salt compress. To prepare a saline solution, take 1 tablespoon of table salt and dissolve in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water. A coarse (linen) cloth is dipped into the resulting solution and applied to the affected area. So that the heat does not disappear, you should wrap a woolen scarf on top. The compress can be applied daily at bedtime;
  • Burdock compress. Dry roots of the plant (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and boiled over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Moisten a gauze bandage with the resulting broth (pre-cooled) and apply for 2 hours to the painful area. The course of treatment is 15-25 procedures, depending on the stage of the disease.

Important! In the acute stage of inflammation of knee joint bursitis, treatment with warming compressors is contraindicated.

Decoctions are another proven way to treat bursitis. There are many different recipes, all of which can be prepared at home:

  1. Burdock root is crushed and poured with boiling water. For 4 tablespoons of plants take 400 ml of water. The decoction is infused for a day in a dark place. Consume at least 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon before eating for 7-10 days;
  2. Take 1 tablespoon of celery seeds and pour boiling water over it. Strain before use. Consume 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, regardless of the meal;
  3. Mix 200 ml of vodka and 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, leave to infuse in a dark place for 12-14 days. The resulting broth is filtered and consumed 2-3 times a day (dissolving in advance 20 drops in 100 ml of water). The course of treatment - 7 days;
  4. 20 g of propolis is mixed with 150 g of vegetable oil and consumed 1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day. The decoction is taken within 10 days.

Special baths from coniferous plants have a positive effect. The recipe for their preparation is simple: fresh needles (pine branches or cones) are crushed and poured with water, boiled for 20 minutes and left to infuse for 10-15 hours.

For 2.5 liters of water, it is enough to take 1 cup of the ingredient. The temperature in the bath should be about 40°C, it is worth taking it every day for 15 minutes until the inflammation of the joints is completely gone.

In the treatment of knee bursitis, due attention should be paid to the diet. Food should contain foods containing zinc and vitamins of groups A, C, E. These include: fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits.

  • With bursitis, it is necessary to reduce the load on the affected joint. The affected limb should be given maximum rest.
  • In case of damage to the elbow, ankle or knee joint, an elastic bandage or a ready-made orthosis (retainer) is applied to the diseased area.
  • To relieve pain, warm compresses are allowed. For this purpose, heated bags with salt or dry cotton-gauze dressings are used (the gauze layer is folded 10-15 times). They are heated in the oven and applied to the inflamed area for 15-20 minutes. The use of cold compresses is justified only for traumatic bursitis, and then only in the first hours after the bruise.

From this video you will learn how to cure knee bursitis at home.

In case of detection of bursitis of the knee joint, therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the cause of inflammation and reducing its severity. This requires an integrated approach that includes:

  1. Rest for the joint;
  2. Treatment with medicines;
  3. Physiotherapy procedures.

Specific treatments for knee bursitis depend on the nature of the disease. With an aseptic form of inflammation of the synovial bag, the treatment regimen usually includes:

  • Providing a state of rest for the knee;
  • Applying ice compresses;
  • Taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
  • Muscle relaxants (diazepam, baclofen) - to relieve spasm of muscle tissue and blood vessels;
  • Aspiration of synovial fluid. Produced with the accumulation of a significant amount of fluid in the bursa.

In the case of septic (purulent) bursitis, first of all, antibiotics are prescribed. Also shown is the removal of pus from the bursa by aspiration, drainage of the articular bag.

At the moment, there are a large number of anti-inflammatory ointments:

  • voltaren emulgel;
  • traumel;
  • diclac;
  • deep relief;
  • chondroxide;

Compresses with dimexide and 0.5% novocaine solution are applied externally, taken in proportions of 1: 3, respectively:

  • the resulting mixture is moistened with a gauze napkin and applied to a sore spot;
  • a plastic film is applied on top and insulated with a scarf or towel.

The duration of use of such a compress should not exceed 30 minutes, as you can get severe burns.


The main group of medicines for this disease are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Nise, Diclofenac, Celebrex Movalis and others.

These drugs have a number of contraindications, so they should be prescribed only by the attending specialist. Independently, you can use only external anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments and gels.

The permeability of healthy skin is low, and the amount of active ingredient in ointments and gels is small. It is not enough for the drug to enter the general circulation.

This means that the risk of allergic reactions and complications is reduced to almost zero.

You can also use simple compresses with medicines on your own - a solution of dimexide or half-alcohol. Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, and alcohol 1:2.

Anti-inflammatory drug Celebrex

For a compress, you can use the following mixture: 1 part dimexide, 1 part water, 1 ampoule of 2% novocaine, 1 ampoule of hydrocortisone. The compress is placed twice a day for 1 hour, the duration is until the inflammation subsides.

What folk remedies exist for treatment?

In the acute period of the disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are almost always recommended. They eliminate pain, suppress the inflammatory response and have slight antipyretic properties.

Means based on naproxen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, lornoxicam, etc. are prescribed inside. Preference is given to retard forms with a long duration of action (Ketonal 150 mg, Ksefokam Rapid 8 mg, Diclofenac or Rapten 100 mg).

To reduce the risk of side effects from the digestive system, drugs are prescribed in combination with proton pump inhibitors (omeprozole, rabeprozole).

The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Treatment of knee bursitis at home can be mastered by everyone. There are several main ways: warm herbal poultices, cold compresses from vegetables and propolis, local herbal baths, various decoctions and tinctures for ingestion.

Experienced patients are advised to start with propolis as the “fastest” remedy. For a compress and lotion, 10 g of propolis are taken and allowed to dissolve in 100 g of vodka for 5 days.

The fabric is impregnated with this mixture and left on the skin until the alcohol evaporates. Inside take a mixture of 30 g of propolis and 200 g of natural butter - 1 teaspoon for a full week.

A cabbage leaf will help to quickly relieve pain and swelling, which must first be kneaded well and remove the veins. You can wear such a compress continuously, changing the leaves as they dry. Many experienced patients put thin strips of potatoes and beets under the cabbage leaf.

Cabbage leaf compresses relieve inflammation

Vegetable compresses are very popular and effective. Grind potatoes and beets together or separately, apply as a regular compress.

Burdock decoction compresses are popular. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 4 tbsp.

tablespoons of the root in 2 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 20. In the broth, the tissue is moistened, applied to the joint, wrapped in a cloth, held for 2.5 hours.

Those who want to be cured in this way need to be patient: the course takes 3 weeks.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk healers offer the following treatments for bursitis:

Means for oral administration

  1. Mix 15 g of propolis with 100 g of butter. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is a week.
  2. 1 st. l. crushed willow bark pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for a week.
  3. 2 tbsp. l. herbs St. John's wort pour 2 glasses of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain. Take 30 drops 3 times a day, previously dissolved in 1/2 cup of warm water. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  4. 2 tbsp. l. crushed burdock roots pour a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos. Strain. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals for 10 days.
  5. 2 tsp brew poplar buds with a glass of boiling water. Insist. After 1.5 hours, strain the chilled infusion. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.


  1. 1 st. l. dried burdock roots pour a glass of boiling water and put for 5-10 minutes. to low fire. Cool the broth, strain. Prepare a gauze bandage for a compress (fold gauze in 8-10 layers). Moisten the fabric with a decoction of burdock, apply to the diseased area, cover with oilcloth on top and wrap it with a scarf. Remove after 2 hours.

Before consulting a doctor, as well as during treatment, you need to do the following:

  • Ensure rest and elevated position of the leg;
  • Cold compress for 20 minutes every 2 or 3 hours;
  • Mechanical compression of the knee joint with an orthosis or a simple elastic bandage.

Rest is the main condition for recovery. Inflammation will pass faster if you do not load the diseased joint. For the period of exacerbation, the doctor writes out a sick leave, and you need to lie at home, allowing the articular bag to recover faster. An elevated position in bed helps reduce swelling.

Cold for inflammation is an old remedy, only it must be applied "without fanaticism." It is best to apply ice chips in a plastic bag, wrap the bag with gauze or a thin cloth.

Cold compress has a positive effect

A pressure bandage prevents the increase in edema. But you need to bandage it with an elastic bandage that can stretch. A cotton bandage can compress the tissues too much and cut off circulation. The brace is more comfortable but needs to be removed at night.

Prevention measures

The control of the loads carried out on the knees and the full treatment of diseases caused by inflammation of the joints or infections are the main measures for the prevention of knee bursitis.

In order to avoid repeated replenishment of bursitis in the future, it is necessary to avoid sprains, injuries and hypothermia in the knee area and follow a number of preventive measures:

Prevention of the disease consists in the proper distribution of loads during work or training, the preparation of the ligamentous apparatus for making efforts, the provision of safe conditions, and the elimination of the possibility of injury.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the consequence, and not with the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. Such are the things

Prepatellar bursitis is a pathology that is characterized by inflammation of the articular bag of the knee joint and tissue damage. The bursa is a small sac that is located between the kneecap and the skin, filled with fluid. Pain in the affected area is the main symptom of bursitis.

There are several types of bursitis, which are differentiated depending on the type of joint bag involved in the process.

The fact is that in the knee, in addition to the prepatellar bag, there is also a suprapatellar bag. This bag is located at the junction of the knee cartilage. The inflammation of this bag has its own name - suprapatellar bursitis. However, despite the difference in name and localization, the symptoms of the diseases are the same.

The reasons

The most common causes of knee bursitis are:

    training with an increased risk of injury;

    the patient has concomitant infectious diseases (gonorrhea, brucellosis, tuberculosis, syphilis);

    infections at the site of abrasions or cuts on the knee;

    falling to your knees, directed blow;

    prolonged or constant physical activity, which involves the involvement of the knee joints in this process and puts a lot of pressure on the knees.

The development of inflammatory processes in the knees is typical not only for athletes. Each person can face such a problem after receiving even a minor injury:

    In 2011, the famous singer Barry Manilow underwent surgery due to complicated prepatellar bursitis.

    In 2013, famous Hollywood actor Tom Hanks also underwent surgery for knee bursitis. In addition, he even filmed the treatment process on video.

Bursitis of the knee joint is classified:

    according to the nature of the exudate:

    • fibrous bursitis - a high content of fibrous tissue;

      purulent - the presence of destroyed microorganisms, cells, decayed leukocytes;

      serous - the fluid contains plasma with blood cells;

      hemorrhagic bursitis - the fluid contains a large number of red blood cells;

    by pathogen: specific (for brucellosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculous bursitis) and non-specific. In this classification, aseptic and infectious bursitis can be subdivided;

    according to the clinical course: acute, subacute, chronic bursitis.


The main symptoms that characterize knee bursitis are gradually increasing pain and swelling in the area in front of the kneecap. Less severe cases may develop without swelling, and the patient begins to feel stiffness in the joint during prolonged physical activity. At the initial stage of the pathological process, pain can subside as blood circulation improves, that is, on the contrary, with moderate physical exertion.

Other signs:

    swelling, increased local temperature, redness, induration in the area of ​​the knee joint;

    pain when walking, especially when going up or down an incline;

    pain from touch in the area of ​​the kneecap;

    inability to straighten the leg normally at the knee.

Pain occurs just above the kneecap, after which it can spread to the inner thigh or back of the knee, as well as up and down the entire leg. The pain intensifies when trying to cross the legs, and also after getting up, if before that the patient had been sitting in one position for a long time. A person who has prepatellar bursitis cannot kneel on their own.

An indirect symptom of knee bursitis is sleep disturbance. Pain when changing body position or bending the leg can increase significantly regardless of the degree of inflammation, which leads to such a symptom. Many patients, based on experience, recommend placing a pillow between the thighs at night.

Restriction of mobility appears with the progression of the pathology, when the inflammation becomes very pronounced and simple bending of the leg leads to severe pain. Over time, dystrophy and muscle weakness of the affected limb develops.

For acute bursitis:

    swelling is formed in the area of ​​the bag, elastic, painful, rounded;

    there is pain, redness and swelling of soft tissues;

    there is a restriction in the movement of the joint;

    the temperature rises, malaise may occur;

    the pain intensifies, the redness expands, and the temperature can reach up to 40 degrees;

    development of phlegmon, purulent process is possible.

Correct and timely treatment of the acute form of bursitis can stop the progression of the disease and does not allow it to go into a subacute or chronic state.

For chronic bursitis:

    the motor abilities of the joint are not limited;

    a rounded soft swelling appears in the area of ​​​​the bag;

    there is no swelling, redness and pain;

    a relapse is possible in a chronic process (due to a decrease in immunity, trauma).

Types of bursitis

Prepatellar bursitis is the most common type of bursitis, in which the subcutaneous bursa in front of the knee becomes inflamed. The cause of such bursitis can be rheumatoid arthritis, salt deposition in pseudogout, gouty arthritis, it can also develop with injuries, bruises, falls on the knee, if the work requires long kneeling. Compared to arthritis, the movement restrictions are minor and the pain is not as severe. When the contents of the bursa are infected, body temperature may increase, pain may increase, and lymph nodes may increase.

Infrapatellar bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, which is located under the tendon, which is located under the kneecap. Most often, this type of bursitis develops after injuries or jumps. Treatment consists of rest, taking painkillers and NSAIDs, cold compresses.

Baker's cyst (goose bursitis) - with this type of pathology, the bursa becomes inflamed, which is located on the inner surface of the knee joint. Most often occurs in women who are overweight. Accompanied by pain that becomes more pronounced when climbing or descending stairs.


Most cases of knee bursitis are treated with physical therapy. A positive result of treatment directly depends on the participation of the patient. One of the main components of treatment is to provide the body with sufficient rest after any type of physical activity, if it has led to increased pain.

If physiotherapy causes a deterioration in the condition, the possibility of a tuberculous etiology of the disease should be excluded, because physiotherapy, thermal procedures, massage leads to deterioration and further progression of the disease in the presence of extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis.

Activities that irritate the bursa of the knee joint should be minimized. If the patient feels that he can perform such activities and they do not cause pain, the gradual restoration of activity means that the disease does not progress, and the patient's condition begins to improve.

Ignoring the symptoms and trying to adapt to pain is unacceptable, as this can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic form. It is important to start treatment as soon as possible, regardless of the patient's condition and the severity of the disease.

When the disease becomes chronic, the recovery process noticeably slows down, and the likelihood of a relapse in the future increases significantly.

The initial phase of treatment for knee bursitis involves the following regimen: Ice - Rest - Pressure - Lift. This mode allows you to achieve a significant improvement in the condition, provided that the activities will be started within the first 3 days after the injury.

Gentle mode means:

    maintaining the diseased limb in a position above the level of the heart (raised);

    the use of compressive elastic bandages;

    regular cooling of the area of ​​​​inflammation with ice;

    limitation of loads that can lead to deterioration.

Therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a decongestant and analgesic effect, can speed up the recovery process.

Manual therapy can also improve the course of the disease, these are:




With the correct implementation of physiotherapy exercises and procedures, most cases with mild manifestations of the disease are cured within a few weeks with the restoration of the normal functioning of the joint. In the case of more severe or chronic forms, the recovery process may take significantly longer.

In this case, there is a high probability that the patient may require additional therapy (corticosteroid injections). Early initiation of physiotherapy is necessary to achieve an optimal outcome of the disease, accelerate the healing process and reduce the likelihood of re-development of such a pathology.


Special exercises play an important role in the treatment process:

    Static contractions of the internal head of the quadriceps muscle

Tighten the quadriceps femoris muscle by bringing a towel roll under the knee joint and trying to straighten the leg. Place your palm on the inside of your thigh to feel the tension in the muscle during contraction. Next, fix your leg in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. The exercise should be repeated 10 times, straining the leg as much as possible, however, without leading to the appearance of pain.

    Flexion and extension of the leg at the knee

Without leading to the appearance of pain, it is necessary to bend and unbend the leg at the knee with a maximum range of motion. The exercise should be repeated 10-20 times, if during the execution there is no increase in the symptoms of the disease.

From the training program, crossing the legs, repetitive bending of the knee joints, squats and other similar exercises should be excluded.

Surgical treatment

In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment of knee bursitis, an operation may be required, which consists in suctioning fluid from the joint capsule and introducing corticosteroids into the bursa.

This procedure is performed using a thin needle and under local anesthesia. After draining, the doctor decides on the need for the introduction of hormonal drugs. They are necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process. After the operation, it is necessary to provide the limbs with prolonged rest (about 48 hours) and continue wearing the elastic bandage. This treatment has a much better effect compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy, since drugs in the form of tablets have a greater effect on the entire body, and may not penetrate into the joint.

There are also cases, quite rare, when any treatment methods are ineffective, and then the only treatment option is the removal of the prepatellar bag of the joint. The restoration of the normal functioning of the joint occurs after a few days, and the patient can return to a full life without restrictions from physical activity in 2-3 weeks.


With an infectious origin of bursitis of the knee joint, to prevent the development of purulent processes and complications, antibiotic therapy should be started as soon as possible. The doctor selects drugs based on the sensitivity of the pathogen. If the disease continues to progress after the start of treatment, the joint capsule is opened and cleaned using surgical methods.

Ointments for local treatment

To relieve pain, inflammation, swelling and improve the condition, in addition to kneecaps, ointments containing anti-inflammatory components can be used:

    Ointments with menthol (Ben-Gay, Bom-Benge) - have an anti-inflammatory effect with a distracting cooling effect.

    Finalgon and its analogues - contribute to the removal of edema, improve blood circulation in the treated area.

    Nise-gel, Fastum-gel - very quickly relieves swelling, has an analgesic effect. Produced drugs based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Knee padKnee Inferno Wrap

This knee brace is a novelty in the market of assistive devices for the treatment of knee bursitis. The device stimulates local blood flow with the help of radiation in a certain spectrum, the range of emitted light is close to the sun's rays. This contributes to the production of additional energy that the patient's body receives. In the future, this energy is used to enhance recovery processes.

The device has a local effect and promotes the rapid removal of toxins and dead cells, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration and increases their elasticity.


There are several tips that are aimed at preventing the development of such an unpleasant disease:

    After training, give your legs an elevated position and apply ice.

    Give your feet regular rest. Alternate the intensity and types of physical activity to avoid prolonged stress.

    Wear knee pads. For people who are at an increased risk of injury (wrestlers, basketball players, soccer players), this is especially important. Today, there are special cooled knee pads that have ice pockets.

The human body has a huge number of movable joints that connect the bones. They are covered with a synovial membrane and are located in the articular bag (bursa). Motor functions, a person’s ability to endure increased loads depend on their integrity and condition. Inflammation localized in this bag is called bursitis.

One of the most severe types of the disease is knee bursitis. In order to protect yourself from this pathology or in order to overcome it in case of occurrence, it is necessary to have an idea about the principles and causes of its development, the features of the pathological process, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Basic information about the disease

The knee joint has a complex anatomical structure, and, among other components, it has three articular bags:

  • subcutaneous;
  • subfascial;
  • dry.

Each of these burs is filled, protecting the cartilage from excessive friction (the exudate acts as a lubricant) and, accordingly, wear. In addition, they serve as a kind of shock absorbers, allowing the knee to withstand increased loads, avoiding injury.

Bursitis in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb is a disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process in one of these bags. At the same time, the flow of exudate of a serous, hemorrhagic or purulent type increases into the bursa, and salt deposits accumulate in the affected tissues.
In order to answer the questions of what is knee bursitis and how to treat it, it is important to understand that the classification of the pathology varies depending on which bursa the inflammation occurs in. The disease is usually divided into types, types and forms that differ in the specifics of the course. In addition, in medicine, this pathology is divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Reasons for development

Considering the different nature of the occurrence of the pathological process, as well as the location of the joint and the load placed on it, bursitis of the knee joint has different causes of development:

  • Systematic and prolonged, excessively high loads falling on the legs and exerting strong pressure on the knees.
  • Physical Damage such as bumps, falls, bruises and fractures.
  • Penetration of infection into the area of ​​the articular bursae due to a cut or deep scratch.
  • Infectious lesion due to the spread of infectious agents in the body with concomitant diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, etc.).
  • Inflammatory diseases, for example different types.
  • Chronic autoimmune pathologies.
  • Hormonal disruptions, in particular, the described ailment occurs due to disorders in the thyroid gland.
  • Tendon strains or injuries in the specified area.

Classification of the pathological process

As mentioned earlier, the classification of the disease is extensive and complex. In addition to the fact that the disease can be infectious or non-infectious, it is divided into types, distinguished by the nature of the course.

The severity of the disease, clinical signs, possible complications, the method of therapy, etc. depend on the specific case. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to each classification.

The nature of the flow

In medical practice, it is supposed to determine two diagnostic measures for the clinical course of the disease:

  • Acute knee bursitis- has a sudden and intense development, that is, it is characterized by a rapid progression of the inflammatory process in the bursa, accompanied by an abundant influx of exudative fluid. In addition to rapidly increasing pain, the site of the lesion increases in size (tissue edema), becomes hot, the patient has chills, and the general condition worsens. If a bacterial infection joins the inflammation at this stage, suppuration will begin.
  • Chronic- develops as a result of prolonged ignoring of the disease or with inadequate treatment. In addition, even if it is treated, the disease can still develop into a chronic form if you continue to load the damaged joint. This form is distinguished by a latent course, traces of inflammation are invisible, there is no swelling, the disease betrays itself only by frequent exacerbations, during which the symptoms correspond to an acute form. A sluggish course is dangerous for its complications and the likelihood of cyst formation.

Types of pathology

The division of the disease into types occurs depending on which bag the inflammatory process is localized.

  1. Patellar- about 7 out of 10 cases acquire this character. The patella bursa (patella) is inflamed, this type of injury is also called suprapatellar bursitis.
  2. Subcutaneous- from the name it is clear that the inflammation covers the subcutaneous synovial bag, is localized at the very surface of the knee in front. The most common cause of the pathology is mechanical damage caused by blows, bruises and falls to the knees, this ailment is also called prepatellar.
  3. Infrapatellar- inflammation flares up under the patella next to the tendon located here (popliteal). Damage that leads to the development of this type of disease, people get when jumping from a great height or severe injuries to this area.
  4. Anserine bursitis of the knee- inflammation is formed from behind or from the inside, at the point of attachment to the tibia of the thin, semitendinous and tailor muscles. Occurs when lifting heavy weights or severe forms of obesity, often found among runners, as well as diabetics, it is also called "Baker's cyst" or "crow's foot".

Classification by the nature of the exudate

The division is possible due to the collection of synovial fluid from the affected bursa for further analysis. These data are necessary for diagnosis, diagnosis, they play an important role in prescribing drugs and physiotherapy.

The disease is classified as follows:

  • Hemorrhagic bursitis- erythrocytes predominate in the chemical analysis of exudate.
  • Serous- exudate has a pronounced pattern of admixture of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
  • Purulent- analysis of the exudative fluid reveals the decay products of leukocytes, destruction at the cellular level and the dominance of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • fibrous bursitis- in the exudate, a high-molecular protein synthesized by the liver - fibrin - predominates.

Symptoms of the disease

Bursitis of the knee joint has different symptoms and treatment, it all depends on the specific case, the nature of the pathological process, the individual characteristics of the body, the causes of the development of the pathology, etc.

But even taking into account all these features, in most cases the clinical signs are very similar.

  • The main symptom is painful sensations of varying severity. In the initial stages of inflammation and with mild injuries, the pain is weak, but progresses rapidly, is soon characterized as acute, always aggravated by exertion, movement, pressure or palpation. Pain is given up the thigh or towards the foot, there are popliteal.
  • Edema- Another clear clinical sign of this disease, which also progresses gradually. Initially, the swelling is weak, but after 1-2 days the knee increases in size by one and a half to two times. Depending on the type of disease, the edema is shifted up, down, left or right.
  • Mobility restriction. With a mild course of the disease, flexion and extension of the leg is complete and only accompanied by pain. As the disease progresses, mobility is limited, and any movement causes severe pain. The consequences are such that in the later stages the patient cannot fully bend or straighten the limb.

Even if the edema is mild, the damaged area is hyperemic, the local temperature rises, the knee is hot - all this indicates an active inflammatory process.

A secondary symptom is sleep disturbance, which occurs due to painful sensations. If the patient remains in one position for a long time without movement, any movements respond with even more severe pain, for example, when turning over.

As the problem progresses, especially in cases of infection, the general body temperature rises, the patient is feverish or shivering. There is a general deterioration in the condition, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, there are obvious signs of intoxication.

All the described symptoms are most characteristic of acute types of the disease. In the chronic form, the movements are not constrained, hyperemia and swelling are weak, often imperceptible or absent, pain is not felt. All this is true until the exacerbation begins.

Features of purulent bursitis

We must not forget that in the acute course of the pathological process with the addition of pathogenic microorganisms, pus may form in the affected bursa.

In this case, the symptoms will be different:

  • Soreness, swelling and hyperemia are more pronounced, it is impossible to touch the affected area of ​​the leg, the local temperature also increases.
  • If the inflammatory process began due to a scratch or an open wound, it begins to fester, an appropriate smell appears.
  • The general body temperature rises up to 40 degrees mercury thermometer. Depending on which bursa is inflamed, the edema spreads up or down the leg, sometimes capturing the right or left segments.
  • Purulent lesion is an extremely dangerous type of disease, known for its complications (damage to muscle tissue, tendons, fat cells, up to organs and systems of the whole body), often leading to disability. Even after recovering from such a serious illness, patients experience post-traumatic syndrome, for a long time they cannot fully step on their feet, etc.

Diagnostic principles

Before wondering how and how to treat knee bursitis, it is important to correctly diagnose the pathology.

To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct a series of diagnostic measures:

  • Initial examination to determine the severity and nature of lesions, including history taking, palpation of the damaged area and manipulation of the leg.
  • Collection of synovial fluid from the cavity of the affected bursa to identify hemorrhagic, purulent, serous or fibrous type of disease. To do this, resort to serological and bacteriological analyzes in the laboratory.
  • X-ray allows you to set the scale of the lesion.
  • In some cases, an ultrasound examination is required.


The methods of dealing with the pathological process under discussion are multifaceted, but one fact remains unchanged - it is necessary to be treated only under the supervision of a traumatologist and orthopedist. The specialist prescribes diagnostic measures, is responsible for the diagnosis and further therapy.

Pathology can be cured only by an integrated approach, which includes:

  • drug therapy (infectious and non-infectious pathologies are treated differently);
  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises);

traditional medicine

As mentioned earlier, the treatment of knee bursitis is multifaceted.

Drug treatment involves the following recommendations and activities:

  • The most important requirement is absolute muscle rest for the injured limb for the entire duration of treatment. To ensure compliance with this condition, the doctor fixes the knee with a tight bandage or attaches a special knee brace, which reduces the load and fixes the leg in one position.
  • Application to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. To achieve this goal, ointments are prescribed, which must be rubbed 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Dimexide is used in combination with ointments. The agent has an analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect (it is used even in cases of infection), but its analogues based on dimethyl sulfate oxide can also be used.
  • Since the bursa of the knee joint is filled with exudate, excess fluid is aspirated under anesthesia. In case of infectious lesions, purulent contents must be pumped out.
  • Muscle relaxants are used to reduce spasms of muscles and blood vessels.
  • In especially severe cases, they resort to surgical intervention, perform a bursectomy.

With an infectious type of bacterial lesion, antibiotics are required.

Auxiliary actions

The set of measures to combat the discussed pathological process includes a number of additional measures:

Cold compresses - Applying ice helps reduce the severity of inflammation and lower the temperature of the affected area. To do this, take ice, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to your knee, hold for 15 to 30 minutes, then you need a break.

It is important to create favorable conditions for the outflow of blood, for this patient is placed in a horizontal position and the diseased limb is set so that the middle part of the leg is above the level of the heart, while the leg is in a relaxed state.


This is the most important auxiliary method, which is combined with the main treatment of the disease. Physiotherapy includes the use of the following techniques:

  • Massages are carried out according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor, systematically and last from 1 to 3 months, even if any symptoms disappear. A professional should massage the leg, independent exposure to the diseased area will aggravate the situation.
  • UHF - ultra-high frequency therapy.
  • Ultrasound with therapeutic gels.
  • Electrophoresis.


Knee bursitis, taking into account the symptoms and treatment, can be treated at home. But remember, folk methods cannot replace traditional drug therapy, they are only auxiliary.

In folk medicine, there are many methods, consider the most effective of them:

  1. Lotions with propolis extract - pour 20 grams of bee product with 200 milliliters of vodka purchased in a glass vessel. Infuse for 5-7 days, stirring daily, then moisten the bandage with a solution and apply to the knee for 30-40 minutes every 2 hours until inflammation decreases.
  2. Vishnevsky's ointment is effective in cases of suppuration associated with external damage to the skin. Method of application - generously apply the medicine on a piece of tissue and apply to the affected area for an hour. Consult your doctor first.
  3. Raw potatoes and cabbage leaves, from which compresses are made, have medicinal properties. Take 1-2 raw potatoes or cabbage leaves, grate them on a coarse grater or cut into thin slices. Cover the diseased part of the leg with the resulting mass, tie it with a cloth and wrap it in a scarf. Leave overnight for an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Another effective method to reduce inflammation is to prepare a decoction of celery, which is taken orally. Lotions are made from the same plant, rubbing it into gruel and applying it to the damaged area.

Remember, the use of each, even the most harmless traditional medicine without the knowledge of a doctor is dangerous!


As the knee joint is restored, special exercises and exercises are added to the complex of therapeutic measures. Initially, it is better to conduct them under the guidance of a rehabilitologist, but in the future, some of them can be performed at home.

The simplest actions to develop limb mobility for rehabilitation purposes are to flex and extend the leg while sitting on a chair or sofa. Repeat movements 10-20 times in one set, but only if there is no pain, take breaks before sets.

As the muscles get stronger, and the leg at the knee is developed, the number of approaches is increased, but this should be done gradually. To warm up the muscles before exercise, rub your leg with special cream bases and knead it.

Physical therapy helps a lot. Useful exercises for each case should be obtained from a physiotherapist. A striking example of such a restorative technique is the Bubnovsky complex.

Playing sports with a gradual increase in stress is the answer to the question of how to treat knee bursitis at home. But remember - all loads increase gradually and only after the approval of the doctor.

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