Anna semenovich bust before and after. The surgeon discovered the secret of Semenovich. Naked Anna Semenovich photo and video

Let's say right away: "Yes, Semenovich not real!” I mean chest. And also at Zavorotnyuk, Varum, Dubtsova and of course Pamela Anderson. What else do eminent stars pull up, cut or increase - read on.

Of course, the record holder for plastic surgery is a socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein. You may not know her by name, but you will immediately recognize her from the photo. She probably became more famous because of her new appearance after numerous unsuccessful operations.

We won't dwell too long on Pamela Anderson, which always enlarges, then reduces its breasts, but at least does not hide it. Most stars justify their new look with supposedly good rest, healthy eating and going to the gym. So we believed.

Alla Pugacheva

The prima donna, even at the age of 64, must remain on top, in which plastic surgeons successfully help her. Not to mention liposuction and numerous facelifts, eyelids, also resorted to breast implants and a breast lift.
By the way, another liposuction operation almost cost Pugacheva life. Moreover, this happened in a Swiss clinic. The prima donna had a suspicion of blood poisoning. At the same time, it was Russian doctors who saved the situation, so since then the singer trusts only them.

Masha Rasputina

plastic surgery Masha It's no secret to anyone, because it was almost impossible to recognize her when she came out in a new image. Moreover, she categorically forbade anywhere to use and show her old photographs taken before plastic surgery.

Her new (at that time) husband did not spare money for a new image of the singer Viktor Zakharov. So Masha enlarged breasts, corrected the shape of the nose, chin, changed the shape of the eyes, enlarged the lips and cheekbones.

Anna Semenovich

How much can you say about the real Semenovich chest or not? Just look at her photos, as they say, before and after. After all, when Anya she was an athlete and shone in figure skating, her magnificent bust was not visible. She herself always laughs off constant questions, and says that she just gained extra pounds when she left the sport. But for some reason they all went to the chest.

By the way, skater Roman Kostomarov who was a partner Semenovich in figure skating, also admitted that then she did not have such forms. They appeared, they say, only when she went into show business. Rumor has it that the original increase in the bust Ani sponsored by the producers of "Brilliant", who demanded that the singer not tell the truth about where she got such magnificent forms.

Irina Dubtsova

In the meantime, one of the few who does not hide his trip to a plastic surgeon is. The singer does not believe that she should justify herself to someone for deciding to change her body. And she considers it stupid to come up with an unconvincing lie about where she got the third size instead of the first breast size.

Dubtsova she said that she had dreamed of a beautiful bust since the age of 16, and when her breasts did not increase even after childbirth, she turned to surgeons. At the same time, the singer also underwent liposuction - the kilograms gained during pregnancy were removed. “Now everything is right in my body,” the singer said. And he plans his next trip to plastic surgeons after 40 years.


- Another artist who does not hide her trips to a plastic surgeon. True, she really only started them when she turned 40. So Lolita I've had a face lift, Botox injections and liposuction more than once.

According to the singer, plastic helps the external and internal development of a person, to feel beautiful and gain strength for new achievements. Wherein Lolita called one of the most successful patients of a plastic surgeon, who does everything in moderation, so that the result looks quite natural.

Elena Proklova

The famous actress also did not hide the fact that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Proklova admitted that stories about how one cream makes a 50-year-old 30-year-old are nonsense. And the new face of the actress after the operation could not be explained by anything other than plastic surgery.

Proklova tightened the eyelids, smoothed out wrinkles, enlarged the lips. The artist herself was pleased with the result, although she became the subject of various parodies of her new appearance.

Ludmila Gurchenko

And this is ours, the Soviet record holder for plastic surgery. Lyudmila Markovna always wanted to stay young and fit, and used different methods to do this. So, Gurchenko had numerous facelifts (at least 10 for sure, some counted up to 20), as well as a breast lift and liposuction (although, what kind of fat could this petite actress have there?). The artist also changed the shape of her nose and lips, and already at the age of 73 (!) she decided on a circular facelift.

Of course, all this affected her health. Skin on the face Gurchenko she lost her natural elasticity, her eyes hardly closed, and her lips were in an eternal smile. Some say that the frequent effect of anesthesia on numerous operations caused the sudden death of the actress.

Valery Leontiev

Plastic surgery is not alien to the representatives of the stronger sex. Among Russian artists, the record holder is. Here, too, everything can be seen even just from the photographs. Leontiev did several facelifts, lip augmentations, Botox injections, nose and eyelid surgery.

However, the result of operations at that age - and the artist is already 64 years old - became disappointing, as was the case with Gurchenko. Eyes Leontief almost do not close, which is not only ugly and inconvenient, but also threatens with loss of vision due to winding.

And briefly about the rest. Yes, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk enlarged her breasts, as well as Varum, Christina Orbakaite, and by the way, Victoria Beckham, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.

Rhinoplasty is the most popular among celebrities. Almost all foreign artists resorted to it, including madonna, and Jennifer Aniston, Tom Cruise, and among our Sergei Zverev, Renata Litvinova, Sofia Rotaru.

Did a face lift Larisa Dolina, Boris Moiseev, Mickey Rourke, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.
In general, it is probably much easier to list those who did not undergo plastic surgery, but first they need to be found

Busty beauty Anna Semenovich again became the object of general discussion. True, this time it was not her personal life that attracted all the attention, but the most prominent part of the body.

Spouse Borodina Kurban Omarov in his new account on Instagram has long been revealing the secrets of the stars. This week got Semenovich. Omarov posted her youthful photos on the network. Not only is Anna in the picture basically unrecognizable, and there is no hint of curvaceous forms ...

"Where did the breasts come from?" fans immediately asked.

Photo: @zvezdagraam, Sergey Milansky

“Well, maybe theirs are not small, but they couldn’t do without implants ... It used to be cute, beautiful and natural, but now it’s done,” the followers expressed their opinion.

But Anna, the comparison of photos, it seems, did not hurt at all! The artist reacted with irony: “Well, how pretty I am at any age.”

In plastic surgery, the star does not intend to confess. Moreover, in her numerous interviews, Anna said more than once that her breasts were always big! And so that the bust does not interfere with skating, the singer wore slimming underwear all her life. However, the ubiquitous fans of the artist look at statements of this kind with skepticism. Like, how is it necessary to tighten the chest so that it disappears completely?

Do you believe the breasts are real?

    Of course it's real! Anna was just a different physique

    I doubt that small breasts can not grow to such a size!

    Most likely, the surgeon worked here

    Don't know, didn't check

    Yes, it's just not her!

And what do the experts say?

You will be surprised or, conversely, exclaim: “I told you so!” We showed the pictures posted by Kurban Omarov to the network to a plastic surgeon. So our expert is one hundred percent sure that the singer’s bust is… real!

The beautiful breasts of Anna Semenovich are the result of the natural processes of the female body. Everything is natural, - commented Irina Vasilenko, a plastic surgeon at Dr. Vasilenko's clinic. - Firstly, in the first photo, Anna is at least 14 years old, the mammary glands are not yet formed. In subsequent years, under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, her body was able to take on such sexual forms, which can be judged by seeing her full complexion. Secondly, heredity could play an important role. If you look at the photos of Anna and her mother, then both have gorgeous breast volumes. In addition, Anna knows how to correctly emphasize all the advantages of her body with the right clothes.

Hollywood is already simply unimaginable without the many plastic surgery clinics that celebrities, politicians and other famous people regularly visit. This city has become a real personification of an ideal appearance (it's not for nothing that we used to call snow-white teeth a "Hollywood smile"?), And its residents are regular customers of plastic surgeons. The fashion for unnatural beauty reached us many years ago, so soon in a separate post we will introduce you to Russian celebrities who do not disdain plastic.

In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at foreign stars before and after plastic surgery. Some of them are simply unrecognizable, and if their old photographs had not been preserved, then now they could well pass for another person.

One of the most popular celebrity plastic surgeries they perform in clinics is rhinoplasty. Reducing the size of the nose and getting rid of annoying bumps does not have such strong consequences as, for example, breast augmentation or liposuction. Almost every celebrity has resorted to rhinoplasty to make their face shape look perfect.

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the ass: the model and reality TV star has repeatedly denied plastic surgery and the fact that she allegedly inserted implants into her buttocks. But as we can see, in 2006, her roundness was not so outstanding and did not attract so much attention. Moreover, the shape of Kim Kardashian's butt looks somehow unnatural and sometimes even terrifying. It seems that she lives a separate life.

By the way, we have previously published photos of stars before and after plastic surgery, so this post is its continuation. Looking at the pictures, the thought does not leave: it would be better for some celebrities not to start doing plastic at all, but to age naturally. At least then they would retain their human form.

An ordinary person does not suffer from the requirements of fashion, but stellar personalities have to reckon with it. We can say with confidence that everyone knows Anna Semenovich. She is a famous personality, singer and owner of large breasts.

Her magnificent forms have long been at the center of discussions and rumors. No one has yet said with certainty whether Anna did plastic surgery, but many are sure that it was Semenovich’s plastic surgery that formed such forms. Although there are those who believe that the beauty of the singer is a gift of nature.

Journalists are happy to conduct investigations, seek the truth, excite the imagination of fans. It is no secret that many stars use the services of plastic surgeons to create their image and ideal figure.


Anna Semenovich was born on 03/01/1980 in Moscow. His father is the director of a fur studio, and his mother is an economist. Anna has a younger brother Kirill, with whom they were not friendly, they constantly cursed like a cat with a dog. But now Cyril always rushes to protect her. The sister helped her brother get a prestigious job.

At the age of 2, the girl became seriously ill with rheumatoid arthritis, spent 6 months in the hospital, and this became the reason to send her daughter to sports.

Weight loss methods from Semenovich

To keep herself in shape, Anna Semenovich decided to go the classic way - to the gym.

The singer made the main conclusion that it is important to choose the right exercises, technique, and in a couple of months you can become the mistress of a slender figure.

Must have cardio workouts. And it is equally important to review your diet. Semenovich adheres to certain diets with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables.

In the morning he usually drinks tea with honey and oatmeal. The main credo is not to eat at night.

Popular menu from Anna Semenovich for the day:

  • breakfast - 100 grams of boiled shrimp, green tea without sugar;
  • second breakfast - green apple and tea;
  • lunch - 100 gr shrimp, baked apple, green tea;
  • afternoon snack - again shrimp and freshly squeezed apple juice without sugar;
  • dinner - baked apple, green tea.

The diet should last no more than 1 week or be used as a fasting day once a week. She has contraindications - allergies to seafood, digestive problems, serious sports.

What is beauty capable of?

But, it must be admitted that even if beauty is artificial, then it bears fruit. There is information that the girl starred in an advertisement for a drug to increase potency for half a million dollars and calmly reacts to condemnation against her, arguing that she is a woman and is ready to bring joy and pleasure to men. The more people argue about its forms, condemn actions, the more its popularity grows.

There was a case when Anna's fan beat people who spoke unflatteringly about her. He had to settle in a psychiatric clinic for his antics, though not for long. He soon escaped from there.

Anna Semenovich likes to set herself tasks of a different plan - figure skating, singing, acting and proudly copes with them. She proved that a woman, in addition to her beautiful appearance, can have talent. The beauty is a success with men, discouraging them with her figure and bringing her rivals to envy.

Today, she is an independent, cheerful, smart and talented woman who you want to be like. You can grow to Ani's level and it's not a shame. She set a high bar for herself, achieved it and managed to keep it, albeit with the help of high-quality plastic surgery.

Despite the fact that every year our stars are becoming more and more beautiful, their breasts and lips surprisingly increase in size, and their hips - in volume, famous girls completely deny any intervention in their appearance by plastic surgeons. Perhaps it is true that Russian actresses, singers and models with age, by the will of nature, turn into Angelina Jolie, or perhaps they just lead gullible fans by the nose. We cannot say that celebrities "cut" their face and body, therefore we give you the opportunity to decide for yourself how natural the changes in the appearance of girls are. In our review - the most discussed stars of domestic show business, who are suspected of plastic surgery.

Alena Vodonaeva, 34 years old

Another star of Doma-2, who made every effort to become a real goddess, is Alena Vodonaeva. The celebrity left the scandalous reality show in 2007, after which she became more and more beautiful every year. For a long time, Alena was accused of the fact that her chic bust of the fifth size is the merit of a plastic surgeon. However, in December last year, Vodonaeva put an end to discussions on this subject by reducing her breasts by two sizes. But regarding the face, the TV presenter stubbornly proves that she did not change anything in him.

Alena Vodonaeva before (left) / Alena Vodonaeva now (right)

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva in childhood with her mother

Olga Buzova, 31 years old

As all Buzova's fans note, after the scandalous divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, the TV presenter has changed not only internally, but also externally. And it's not about hair color. Apparently, when the football player left the family, Olya decided that she would do everything to make her ex-husband bite his elbows and began serious work on her appearance. In a matter of months, the star's nose has become even shorter, the lips are plumper, and you can already cut yourself on the cheekbones. In fairness, it should be noted that the host of "House-2" herself does not comment on such drastic changes, preferring not to lie that the changes in her face are associated with magic. True, Olga's fans advise her to stop experimenting with her own appearance. “What did she do to herself?! Lips are already on the whole face, a nightmare and horror!”, “Let him pump up his brains better - it will become much better”, “Buzova became a real humanoid after her divorce from Tarasov, it’s creepy to look at,” Olga’s haters write daily on social networks.

Olga Buzova at the time of "House-2" (left) / Olga Buzova now (right)

Olga Buzova

Oksana Samoilova, 29 years old

The wife of rapper Dzhigan Oksana Samoilova is not only an exemplary mother of three children, but also a real beauty. The life of the 29-year-old model on Instagram is watched by 5.8 million users, most of whom sincerely admire the appearance of the star. How much Oksana has changed in recent years can be judged by comparing fresh pictures of a celebrity with a photo five years ago. Samoilova herself is convinced that she conquered her husband not with a beautiful face, but with her ability to cook deliciously. “Girls, learn to cook deliciously! When we met Denis, he was not a star, we lived in an ordinary rented apartment, I cooked, and he really liked it and still likes it. That's the secret of the conquest, ”admitted Oksana.

Oksana Samoilova before (left) / Oksana Samoilova now (right)

Oksana Samoilova with her husband rapper Dzhigan at the anniversary, 15th MUZ-TV Awards

Paulina Andreeva, 28 years old

Before meeting with Fyodor Bondarchuk, Paulina Andreeva was an ordinary St. Petersburg girl who dreamed of becoming an artist. In teenage photos, the actress does not have outstanding external data, but now Paulina can boast of the face and figure of a Hollywood star. Perhaps Bondarchuk's bride really got prettier over time, or perhaps she resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon. In any case, she categorically denies any involvement of doctors in her transformation. “I never even thought about it in my life, I never wanted to change anything in myself and I never experienced complexes related to appearance. On the contrary, I always tried to work more on my inner content. Until quite recently, no one was disturbed by the shape of my ears, and I liked it much more. Therefore, it was surprising for me, if not to say that at first I was shocked by the active discussion of this topic, ”the actress admitted in an interview.

Paulina Andreeva in her youth with her younger brother (left) / Paulina Andreeva now (right)

Paulina Andreeva on the theater stage

Hanna, 27 years old

Wife Pasha, directors Black Star, is now conquering the Russian stage with might and main, performing at the most prestigious domestic music awards. Anya Ivanova, as the real name of the singer Hanna, has repeatedly admitted that since childhood she dreamed of becoming a star. But, since nature did not endow the girl with either enchanting vocal abilities or a bright appearance, Ivanova decided to follow the path of least resistance and lay down under the surgeon's knife. The before and after photos clearly show that Anna changed her nose, lips, cheekbones, increased her hair and eyebrows, and also inserted veneers. While the aspiring artist cut herself up and down, Pasha appeared on her way, who made her a singer. Naturally, Hanna herself claims that she has been such a beauty since birth.

Hanna before (left) / Hanna now (right)

Hanna and Pasha

Alena Shishkova, 24 years old

On the air of Love Radio on April 14 this year, Timati's ex-girlfriend and the mother of his child, Alena Shishkova, admitted that she had done some plastic surgery, "because it was necessary." The Tyumen model kept silent about what became the reason for the vital need to contact the surgeon, and did not report at all what exactly she changed in herself. Apparently, the long-legged blonde forgot to discuss the correct answer to the question about plastic surgery with her mother, because Nadezhda Shishkova to this day continues to stubbornly assert that her daughter has her own chest of the fourth size with a weight of 50 kg. “Alena did not make breasts. She has big breasts in her grandmother, ”said the model’s mother.

Alena Shishkova before (left) / Alena Shishkova now (right)

Alena Shishkova

Timati and Alena Shishkova with their common daughter

Anastasia Kostenko, 23 years old

The main homeowner of the past year is Anastasia Kostenko. It was this modestly and dazzlingly beautiful Rostov model that managed to beat off Dmitry Tarasov from the star of "House 2" Olga Buzova. True, Nastya was far from always such a luxurious woman. While participating in numerous beauty contests, Kostenko naturally earned money by spending it on improving her own appearance. As a result - plump lips, a smooth nose and the absence of "hamster cheeks". And Dmitry Tarasov to boot. Of course, we cannot deny the option that the model has taken make-up courses from the best masters in the world and makes herself a make-up that hides all her flaws.

Anastasia Kostenko before (left) / Anastasia Kostenko now (right)

Anastasia Kostenko and Dmitry Tarasov

Anastasia Reshetova, 21 years old

Not for long, Shishkova managed to keep Timati near her: soon after the birth of her daughter Alice, the rapper left Alena and ran away to a new lover. Also a model, also a participant in the Miss Russia contest, also telling with might and main that she has not changed a bit in herself, Anastasia Reshetova. In the case of Nastya, fans are haunted not by the nose, lips, and not even the chest of the star, but by her huge hips and sirloin. Two years ago, Reshetova was accused of excessive thinness, calling her anorexic and a skeleton. Apparently, at that time, Timati was attracted to skinny young ladies. But time goes by - fashion changes, as do men's preferences. The whole world began to bomb Kim Kardashian with her 102 centimeters, and Timati also wanted one. A few implants, a couple of trips to a plastic surgeon - and the Russian Nastenka with a flat figure became a sex bomb. True, the celebrity herself assures that the rapid changes in her appearance are the result of hellish work in the gym and proper nutrition.

Anastasia Volkonskaya-Reshetova before (left) / Anastasia Volkonskaya-Reshetova now (right)

Anastasia Volkonskaya-Reshetova

Anastasia Reshetova and Timati at the anniversary, 15th MUZ-TV Awards

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