Significant proteinuria. Proteinuria glomerular, tubular, causes. Types and features of proteinuria

Allocations in the eyes may appear already in the first days of a baby's life, and parents often sin on the carelessness of medical personnel. Most often this is a misconception, since there are many other reasons for such a phenomenon, not always dependent on the doctor or nursing service.

Causes of suppuration of the eyes

There are several explanations why a child's eyes fester: dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, blennorrhea, allergies, etc. As soon as you notice the slightest signs of inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The eye is an important organ, and in case of its diseases one should not self-medicate. No matter how obvious the reason why the eyes of a newborn fester, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment, taking into account the age of the child and the degree of symptoms.


Congenital dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal ducts, occurs in 5-7% of newborns. During fetal development, in the nasolacrimal canal of the fetus (the duct connecting the eye and the nasal cavity) there is a special membrane that prevents amniotic fluid from entering the orbit. At the first cry of a newborn, the membrane bursts (or dissolves in the first weeks of life), opening the nasolacrimal duct. But sometimes this film remains in place (dacryostenosis), and a tear begins to stagnate in the lacrimal sac, accumulating microorganisms in itself. Due to the stagnation of the lacrimal fluid, an inflammatory process begins - dacryocystitis, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation (normal in newborns, tears are not visible);
  • purulent discharge first on one, and then on both eyes;
  • when pressing on the area near the inner corner of the eye, purulent-mucous discharge appears from the lacrimal openings;
  • swelling near the inner corner of the eye;
  • fever (as a result of inflammation);
  • restlessness and poor appetite.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctiva) caused by pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria) or allergens (plant pollen, dust, animal dander). Conjunctivitis is the most common reason why the eyes of a newborn fester. In origin, it happens:

If the eyes of a child who is 2 years old or older are festering, he most likely has conjunctivitis. Indeed, at this age it can be quite difficult to keep track of children who rub their eyes with unwashed hands.


Blennorrhea is a severe inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the eye, the causative agent of which can be gonococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia, Escherichia coli, etc. The pathogen affects the child in utero, during childbirth (with infections of the genital tract in the mother) and with improper care. With intrauterine infection, the child is born with signs of conjunctivitis, and if the infection occurred during childbirth, the first symptoms appear after about three days:

  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes (first in one eye);
  • swelling and thickening of the eyelids;
  • colorless discharge from the eyes, sometimes with an admixture of blood;
  • after a few days, the discharge becomes purulent, the eyelids become less dense.

This disease requires antibiotic therapy, otherwise it can lead to serious complications: damage to the cornea and conjunctiva, thorns, in severe cases - atrophy of the eyeball. Complications are more often caused by gonococcal infection (gonoblenorrhea), which is why it is so important to undergo a thorough medical examination even at the stage of pregnancy planning (or at the very beginning, if it came unplanned).

First aid and treatment

The first thing to do when a child's eyes fester is to call a doctor. If a visit to a specialist is not possible in the near future, you can always alleviate your baby's condition:

  • remove all possible allergens from the apartment, ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning, review your diet (if you are breastfeeding);
  • every two hours, rinse your eyes with a decoction of chamomile (1 teaspoon of chamomile per 200 ml of water, brew in a water bath), furacilin solution (1 tablet per 200 ml of boiled water) or tea leaves;
  • an older child can make compresses on the eyes with the same solutions.

Breast milk should not be instilled into the eyes of a child, as it is an excellent environment for the development of microbes. In addition, it is unlikely that you will improve the comfort in the eyes of the baby by dripping a sticky liquid.

If the baby's eye turns sour due to dacryocystitis, then at first the doctor will suggest conservative treatment.

  • Lacrimal sac massage. It is done in different ways, but its essence boils down to the fact that pressure is applied to the lacrimal sac area in order to break the membrane as soon as possible. The first session is carried out by a specialist, and then parents at home will have to do this 6-8 times a day.
  • Eye wash. To remove secretions containing microbes, it is necessary to wash the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of chamomile or calendula, a solution of furacilin or saline (0.9%). All solutions must be fresh, they are not subject to storage.
  • Drug therapy. To prevent complications, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory eye drops designed specifically for children. Usually it is a 0.25% solution of levomycetin or another antibiotic. Do not be afraid of such drugs - they do not affect vision, and their dosage is so small that it does not penetrate anywhere except the eye.

If conservative treatment does not help within a few weeks, then it is necessary to do a bougienage of the nasolacrimal canal, that is, its “cleaning”. To do this, under local anesthesia (eye drops), a thin probe is inserted into the canal and thus cleaned. The duct is then flushed with an anti-inflammatory drug. This procedure is absolutely painless for the baby, so you should not worry. Usually one wash and home care is enough. It is important to do this operation before the age of six months, otherwise adhesions may form further, which will significantly worsen the situation.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, the same regular eyewash with available means is usually prescribed, and if necessary, antibacterial drops and antibiotic ointment. Eye hygiene for children with conjunctivitis is no less important than drug treatment.

Prevention of conjunctivitis

To prevent suppuration of the eyes in children, it is necessary to follow the rules for caring for the eyes of a newborn.

  • Regular water facials. Twice a day, wash the baby with water or wipe with clean cotton pads - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one (a new disk is taken for each eye).
  • Cleanliness and dryness. After washing, it is better to blot the baby's face with disposable paper napkins.
  • Baby hand hygiene. Rinse your baby's hands more often, cut his nails in a timely manner.
  • Start with yourself. Carry out procedures for the child only with clean hands;
  • Favorable atmosphere. Ventilate the room, maintain optimal humidity, air temperature, carry out regular wet cleaning.
  • Parents are the best example. Older children are taught to wash their hands after walking.
  • Prevention. Get vaccinated against viral infections in a timely manner.

Summing up, we can say that most often the eye of the baby fester due to infections transmitted by airborne droplets or contact. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the cleanliness around the child, especially in the first year of his life.

From the first day of life, babies can have health problems. Very often, parents notice that the newborn's eye is festering.

What to do in such a situation and how to treat - you can find out in this article.

Causes of suppuration of the eye

Every parent is concerned about the question of why a newborn's eyes fester. The reasons may be of a different nature. Most often it is:

Reaction to medications;



Allergic reaction;


Underdevelopment of the lacrimal glands;


The most common causes are conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis. The first disease occurs due to infection of the eye. It may appear due to a cold. There are many varieties of conjunctivitis, so the method of therapy is always selected individually.

Dacryocystitis is a disease associated with obstruction of the lacrimal canal. After the birth of a child and the first cry, the protective film does not always break. The accumulation of tears leads to the multiplication of microbes. Subsequently, the eye begins to fester. Most often, with such a pathology, the lacrimal canal is cleaned.

In the maternity hospital, the child is instilled with Albucid. A reaction to this medication may be suppuration of the eye. After the washing procedures, the discharge of pus disappears.

Pus may appear due to the child's allergies in response to food or medication. Other irritants may also be affected. Excessive production of tears leads to redness and sourness of the eyes.

Principles of treatment of suppuration of the eyes

All therapeutic measures can be divided into general and specific. General indications for various types of inflammation of the eye. Specific ones include the use of various drops with antibiotics or antiphlogistics. Only a specialist is engaged in the selection of drugs and the appointment of a dosage. If a newborn's eye is festering, what to do, which method to choose, the doctor will also tell.

Common conservative methods include washing the eye. You can perform the procedure with a 0.2% solution of Furacilin or plain boiled water. Washing the eye in babies should be carried out in compliance with certain rules. These include:

1. It is very important to follow the rules of hygiene. Before carrying out manipulations, the parent must wash their hands with soap and water. Use only sterile pipettes and clean swabs.

2. After a long sleep, the leaked pus turns into crusts. First of all, it needs to be softened. Moisten the swab in the prepared product and apply for a few seconds to the affected area. After that, the crusts soften and are easily removed. It is necessary to remove the pus very carefully so as not to damage the eye. If it is too dry, then it is necessary to soak several times.

3. Only a new clean swab should be used for each eye. The temperature of medicinal solutions should be 37 degrees.

4. After removing purulent crusts, drip drops prescribed by an ophthalmologist into the eyes. To carry out the instillation procedure, it is necessary to pull the outer corner a little and drip the medicine into the formed bag. Perform the same manipulations with the second eye.

5. When instilled with a pipette, it is not allowed to come into contact with the mucous membrane. This will help spread the infection.

6. Treatment with drops is carried out approximately 4-6 times a day. When washing with Furacilin or decoctions, the procedure is carried out every two hours.

Newborns are usually prescribed antibiotics such as Ciprolet or Levomycetin. Only a doctor can choose the right concentration. Subject to all the rules of hygiene and the use of folk recipes at the very beginning of the manifestation of symptoms, the disease can be eliminated very quickly. It is important to pay increased attention to caring for the baby in order to prevent the re-progression of the disease.

A newborn's eye is festering: what to do and how to treat?

If a newborn has an eye festering, which can be caused by various factors, then the use of chamomile infusion will be effective. With it, you need to wipe the eyes and eyelids. You can also use tea brewing. The recipes are as follows:

1. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of dried chamomile into a glass and pour boiling water over everything. Cover tightly and leave to infuse for an hour. Moisten a sterile cotton swab in the resulting medicine and wipe the eye. Do this in the direction from the temple to the inner corner of the eye. The procedure should be carried out with caution in babies up to three months. The dermis of the eyelid is very delicate, so you can accidentally provoke a hemorrhage of small capillaries.

2. Brewing tea. If a newborn has an eye festering, the cause of which was conjunctivitis, then it is necessary to wipe the eyes with brewing tea. Make a strong infusion and perform manipulations in the same way as in the first case.

3. Furacilin solution. To prepare the drug, you need to dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass. Only boiled water should be used. Perform the wiping procedure up to 5 times a day.

4. Miramistin. You can also wash the eyes of newborns with Miramistin solution. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1. Washing should be done 4-5 times a day. For each procedure, use only new cotton pads. Be sure to use different cotton swabs for each eye. The drug actively fights microbes, removes pus.

Many mothers are of the opinion that instillation of breast milk into the baby's eye will contribute to a speedy recovery. They believe that milk has a bactericidal property and is absolutely sterile. Milk acts as a nutrient medium, therefore it will contribute to the reproduction of bacteria. Mom's breasts are often exposed to candidiasis and staph infections. Symptoms of such diseases may not appear at all. The result is the accession to the existing disease of a new infection. If suppuration of the eye is observed, then it is necessary to approach the problem with all seriousness.

Lacrimal duct massage

Every mother should know that with such a pathology, after each breastfeeding, it is imperative to massage the lacrimal sac. No treatment with drops and washes will work if there is a film in the lacrimal canaliculus. It must be done with extreme caution. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands so that a secondary infection does not join. You should also trim your nails so as not to scratch the dermis. To do this, lightly press on the pouch and move up and down at least eight times. If you correctly follow all the recommendations, then pus should gradually come out of the lacrimal canal. If this is not observed, then the mother violated the technique of performing the procedure. The sooner you start carrying out such manipulations, the greater the effectiveness can be expected.

No need to be afraid of pressing on the bag. Too gentle pressure will not lead to improvement. Treatment for such a disease must begin as early as possible. This is due to the fact that after six months, conservative treatment will not make any sense. It is not possible to treat dacryocystitis without massage. Washing the eye and applying drops with antibiotics only eliminate the symptoms, but not the cause of the disease. The inflammation will repeat itself over and over again. With proper therapy, the disease disappears after three weeks. If recovery is not observed, then the eye is washed in a hospital. In the event that conservative treatment has not yielded results, then a procedure for probing the tubule will be performed. The procedure is performed under anesthesia and takes only a few minutes.

Every mother should remember that, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. Otherwise, you can harm the health of your baby and aggravate the situation. To prevent most diseases, it is necessary to carry out a daily toilet of the eyes. Rinse eyes twice a day, use only clean swabs. Wipe eyes only from the outer corner to the inner. For the prevention of the disease does not require special disinfectant solutions. Just rinse your eyes with boiled water.

Quite often, the parents of a newborn child are faced with a situation where the baby suddenly begins to fester in the eye and there is always a tear in the eye. Why does the eye of a newborn fester? What could have contributed to the development of the infection? Do not be upset, because almost every mother faces festering eyes. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and start the right treatment. The most common eye diseases, accompanied by inflammation and the appearance of pus, are conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis and blennorrhea. This article will focus on dacryocystitis.

Dacryocystitis - what is it?

Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac due to obstruction (blockage) or narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct.

The main causes of this disease:

  1. The presence of a membrane (thin film) in the lacrimal canal, which should have burst at the first cry of a newborn child, but for certain reasons this did not happen. During fetal development, the membrane prevented the penetration of amniotic fluid into the orbit.
  2. An unabsorbed gelatinous plug, which was formed from intrauterine lubrication that covers the entire body of the baby. Now the eye canal is clogged with it and the tear has nowhere to go, it stagnates in the eye and serves as an excellent environment for the development of microbes.
  3. Congenital pathology or trauma during childbirth: narrow or twisted nasolacrimal canal, folds of the lacrimal sac,.
  4. Anomalies of the nasal cavity: too narrow nasal passages, deviated nasal septum.

Obstruction of the lacrimal canal is more common in one eye, this is the main distinguishing feature of dacryocystitis from conjunctivitis, in which both eyes are affected.

  • lacrimation;
  • the eye of the newborn is festering and when pressure is applied to the area of ​​​​the inner corner of the eye, the discharge intensifies;
  • souring of the eye, this is especially noticeable after sleep, when the child literally cannot open his eyes;
  • swelling in the inner corner of the eye;
  • poor appetite;
  • slight redness of the white of the eye;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

Dacryocystitis in newborns: treatment

For any problems with the eyes, including suppuration, it is urgent and mandatory to contact the district pediatrician, who will give a referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist. It is the doctor who must make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment! The eyes are a very important human organ, so self-treatment is out of the question, the consequences can be very sad, and your child's health is at stake.

If the eye of a newborn is festering and the diagnosis sounds like “dacryocystitis”, then the ophthalmologist will first prescribe a massage of the lacrimal canal. It is the right massage that helps to break the membrane and remove the gelatinous plug from the lacrimal canal. However, it must be done correctly, at the reception the doctor will definitely show the massage technique (you can also read about it in the article below). Direct treatment is carried out at home, personally by you.

In addition to the massage, antibacterial eye drops or antibiotic drops are prescribed, but on their own they will not help in the treatment of dacryocystitis, this must be remembered and not pinned on them. Most often, in the treatment of dacryocystitis, doctors prescribe:

  • drops "Floksal", the approximate price is 190 rubles;
  • drops "Levomitsetin", the approximate price is 20 rubles;
  • drops "Albucid" (sulfacyl sodium), the approximate price is 40 rubles;
  • drops "Vitabakt", the approximate price is 360 rubles;
  • drops "Tobrex", the approximate price is 180 rubles;
  • drops "Kollargol", the approximate price is 135 rubles;
  • drops "Vigamoks", the approximate price is 200 rubles;
  • drops "Signicef", the approximate price is 230 rubles;
  • drops "Fucitalmik", the approximate price is 520 rubles;
  • drops "Okomistin", the approximate price is 150 rubles;
  • washing the eye with a solution of furatsilina (dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass of boiling water);
  • .washing the eye with a solution of miramistin, previously diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Treatment with folk remedies

One has only to tell you about the problem that has arisen, as advice will begin to pour in from all sides. You will definitely be advised to instill breast milk in the eyes of a child, instill kolanchoe, chamomile decoction, strong tea or something else. Under no circumstances should you do this! Dacryocystitis is inflammation, which means there are a lot of microbes on the surface of the eye and in the lacrimal canal, which will only be happy to meet with milk, tea. It is permissible to wipe the eye with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction.

How to massage the eye with obstruction of the lacrimal canal?

The purpose of the massage is to break the membrane film and bring out the gelatinous plug. The massage technique is quite simple:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Cleanse the eye from pus with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water, saline (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of boiled water) or chamomile decoction. Your movements should be from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, and not vice versa.
  3. Put antibacterial drops in the eye that your child has been prescribed by a doctor.
  4. With your index finger or little finger, make sharp movements in the direction from the tip of the nose to the inner corner of the eye. It should be precisely sharp jerks with a certain degree of pressure, and not stroking. You need to do 10 movements 6-8 times a day.

If after 7-10 days of regular massage there is no improvement and the eyes of the newborn are still festering, do not waste time and wait for it to go away on its own. Although this happens closer to 6-7 months from birth. The child's body is growing rapidly, including the lacrimal canal, and the membrane simply breaks.

At one time, I did not wait and agreed to probing the lacrimal canal - a mini-operation that lasts 5-7 minutes. In another way, it is also called bougienage of the lacrimal canal. Alas, the massage did not help us, and after the operation, improvements immediately began and the sore left us.

How is the operation for dacryocystitis?

Probing of the lacrimal canal is done in an eye clinic, a referral to which will be given by a pediatric ophthalmologist. The child is taken away from the mother and taken to the operating room, where the manipulation takes place under local anesthesia. The baby does not hurt at all, it is much harder for a mother who is expecting her child. During bougienage, nothing is cut, but only the lacrimal canal is instantly expanded. You will be allowed to breastfeed your child in a specially designated place and will be given recommendations for further care of the child's eyes.

It is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist, otherwise recurrent dacryocystitis may occur.

In Omsk, there are 2 options for an operation: for a fee (the cost is approximately 2500-3000 rubles per eye) and free of charge. The only difference is that if you pay money, the operation is done at the time of the appeal and you are allowed to go home with recommendations. If it is not possible to perform the operation for a fee, you will be put on a waiting list, which you need to wait for about 1-2 months, or even more. As soon as the invitation for the operation arrives, you and your child will be hospitalized in a hospital for 3 days. They will take the necessary tests, perform an operation, and the child must be under the supervision of a doctor for a day.

A pediatric ophthalmologist must give a referral to the children's ophthalmological hospital, located at ul. 20 years of the Red Army, 21/4. Make an appointment with the doctor and after the examination you will be sent to the hospital at st. Lermontov, 60, where they actually do sounding.

Dacryocystitis is not contagious at all, you can walk with it on the street, but you need to constantly rinse and clean the eye from pus and do not forget about massage!

Let your baby be healthy!

There may be several. To identify them for sure, an examination by an ophthalmologist may be required. However, if a very small amount of pus is released and the baby does not show any other signs of illness, do not rush to run to the doctor. To begin with, check whether simple hygiene standards are observed.

The eyes of a newborn should be kept as sterile as possible. This means that there should be no contact with unboiled water and any other liquids, and even more so substances that can get into - flour, pollen, sand, cotton wool fluff and so on. In any case, the festering eye must be washed. To do this, you need to take a dense cotton pad or swab (so that it does not leave lint, like ordinary cotton wool) and, dipping it in an antiseptic solution, rinse the baby's eye with it in the direction from the outer edge to the nose. If there is pus in both eyes, then use one cotton pad for each eye - that is, you should not wash both eyes with the same pad to avoid transmission of infection. For the same reason, you need to use a new, unused piece of cotton each time. Rinse your baby's eyes every time pus is released. Also, for prevention, repeat this procedure in the morning and evening.

The main causes of suppuration of the eyes in newborns are irritation due to the instillation of albucid into the eyes of an infant in the maternity hospital; inflammation due to the presence of bacteria; inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryostenosis, or dacryocystitis).

Antiseptic solutions for festering eyes in a baby

To wash the eye, use the following solutions:
- decoction of chamomile;
- solution of Miramistin with boiled water in the ratio 1:1;
- a decoction of the tips of the branches of apple trees of sweet varieties;
- decoction of green tea;
- furatsilina solution.

Preparation of a solution of furacilin for washing the baby's eye

Furacilin is most available in tablet form. Therefore, just take one tablet of furacilin and dissolve it in half a glass of boiled water. Then strain so that the undissolved crystals of the tablet do not get on the baby's mucous membranes. Use only freshly prepared solution.

The furacilin tablet does not dissolve well in water, so before putting it in water, crush it into powder, then pour boiling water over it and let it cool.

After washing the eye, a 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol is useful. To do this, pull the baby's lower eyelid down and drip 1-2 drops of the solution.

If purulent discharge does not go away, take tests - smears to determine the flora and sensitivity, and contact. He must make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Purulent discharge in the area of ​​​​the visual organs can appear in a baby even in the first days of life. Often the eyes of an infant fester with improper maintenance of hygiene. Pathological factors, which include various ophthalmic diseases, can also affect suppuration. With inflammation in a baby, not only the eyes fester, they also watery, blush. dry crusts form on the eyelids and other symptoms occur.

Why the problem occurs: reasons

The manifestation of allergies

Babies often have to deal with an allergic reaction in the first days of life. A similar deviation, due to which the eye of the baby fester, is caused by a disturbed diet of a nursing mother who consumes prohibited foods. In this case, with suppuration, redness can also be observed, a tear flows strongly from the damaged eye. A two-month-old baby has a fear of bright light and constant tearfulness. If the eyes of a child of the first month of life fester against the background of an allergic reaction, it is required to take antihistamine medications, which are prescribed by the attending doctor.

Signs of glaucoma

The disease is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure, which occurs due to a large accumulation of fluid. Various factors can influence such a violation. For this reason, the eyes of a child in the first months of life or up to a year rarely fester. If such a deviation is fixed, then you should not delay the treatment, you need to urgently consult a doctor, since complete loss of vision is possible.

Foreign body entry

To remove a foreign object from the visual organ, you need to let the baby cry.

If an infant's eye is festering, it constantly waters, it turns very red and other pathological signs appear, then perhaps a foreign object is the source of the problem. In this case, the mucous membrane is injured, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction occurs. With a similar problem, the eyes may begin to fester very much or yellow discharge appears in a small amount. In any case, it is required to remove the foreign body as soon as possible, while it is important to be as careful as possible. When a mote, grain of sand or dust penetrates, it is recommended to wait a while for the foreign object to leave the visual organ along with tears.

When the wound in a month-old baby is penetrating, then you should not treat yourself. If the deep layers of the eyeball are damaged, medical intervention is required.

What is the essence of dacryocystitis?

Pus in the eyes of a newborn may appear when the lacrimal canal is blocked. The main source of the problem, due to which the corner of the visual organ turns sour, is the immaturity of the nasolacrimal canaliculus. Other reasons can also influence the pathological process in a child in the first month of life:

Pathology of the lacrimal canal can be caused by a curvature of the nasal septum.

  • trauma received during childbirth;
  • pathologies of a congenital nature, in which stenosis, agenesis and other anomalies are noted;
  • deviations of the nasal cavity;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • symptoms of dacryocystocele, in which a cystic formation forms in the region of the lacrimal duct.

If the eye of the baby is festering during the progression of dacryocystitis, then some funds are very rarely dripped, since they are not particularly effective. Eye drops with antibacterial and other effects are auxiliary measures. It is possible to cope with suppuration and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease with the help of daily massage or surgery.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva

If the eyes of the newborn began to fester, then perhaps the reason lies in conjunctivitis. This pathology is not only common among adults and young children, but is also often diagnosed in infants. Often parents notice that the area near the conjunctiva has become inflamed, if sufficient hygiene is not observed. Such pathogenic microorganisms are capable of provoking an ailment, due to which the eye fester:

The entry of bacteria into the body can become a provoking factor for the disease.
  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • chlamydia;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • adenovirus;
  • measles and influenza.

Often, infants suffer from conjunctivitis of a non-infectious nature, which is associated with the penetration of a foreign body into the mucous membrane, which causes irritation and allergic manifestations. The disease does not pose a strong threat to the health of the baby, but you should not delay treatment, since the inflammatory process can spread to healthy tissues.

Additional symptoms

If discharge from the eyes of a newborn is observed against the background of pathologies, then accompanying signs are observed. In infants with ophthalmic diseases and allergies, not only the eye corners fester, but other manifestations are also disturbing: An important part of therapy is washing the baby's eye.

It is possible to cure suppuration of the eyes in infants only after establishing the cause of the problem. For this purpose, they turn to a pediatric ophthalmologist who will conduct an examination and select the necessary therapeutic measures. The baby needs to regularly wash his eyes with the use of antibacterial medicines. It is recommended to treat festering corners with antiseptics. The infant is prescribed to drip into the eyes with the accumulation of pus such medications:

  • "Albucid";
  • "Tobrex";
  • "Vitabakt";
  • "Fucitalmic".

It is required to wipe both visual organs, even if only one eye is damaged. Such a measure is preventive to prevent the spread of pathology to healthy tissues. For the procedure, a cotton pad or a sterile gauze bandage is used. During the procedure, the following recommendations are followed:

  • Before instillation of eye drops from suppuration, it is recommended to skip the first drops to clean the tip of the bottle.
  • Manipulation is performed in the baby after a thorough washing of the hands, with which the baby's eyelids are pushed apart.
  • If it is impossible to part the eye of the child, the medicine is instilled into the gap between the eyelids, after opening the solution will still fall on the mucous membrane.
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