Delicious berry - red currant: useful properties and contraindications for the human body. Benefits and harm to the human body from red currant

Redcurrant can be safely called a heroine berry - once it helped ... the Arabs! In the 8th century, these fair guys conquered Spain and were upset when they did not find their favorite rhubarb there - and without it, food is not food. And then they liked the hitherto unknown red currant - useful properties and a refreshing taste, similar to a native delicacy, southerners liked it so much that since then all currants in Latin are called “ribes” - by analogy with rhubarb.

How to choose the perfect variety?

The Arabs, to be honest, were very lucky - after all, red currant grows only on the territory of Eurasia, only a few cultivated varieties are trying to grow at home economic North Americans. The inhabitants of the southern countries are left to be content with the ubiquitous and all kinds of and.

Purposefully cultivating the berry began only a few centuries ago, but breeders managed to grow more than 20 varieties, from frankly sour to sweet honey. Traditionally, all currant varieties are combined into 3 groups:

  • Early (fruits ripen in late June - early July);
  • Medium (harvest period - mid-summer);
  • Late (collection time comes in late July - early August).

How not to miscalculate and choose the perfect bush for your dacha? So that it is not sour, and not very small, and ripens on time ... If you have just begun to think about choosing a red currant variety, then finding the best varieties is not so difficult.

To begin with, evaluate your strengths: the redcurrant bush bears excellent fruit - even in a dry summer you can get 4-9 kg from a bush. Usually, 2-3 bushes of different varieties are enough to eat to your heart's content, to make jams, and to prepare easy tinctures.

Otherwise, everything is simple: you need to choose a fruitful variety, with a strong "immunity" and resistant to cold. And if you like a fresh berry, be sure to plant a bush or two of dessert currants (these are the varieties "Vika", "Natalie", "Niva" and others).

How to care and properly store?

No matter how hard-working gardeners the Americans are, on another continent, red currants remain only an honored guest. But in our Russian gardens, a sweet and sour small berry feels very at ease - in the plots it is even more common than its fragrant black sister.

And how amazingly red currants bear fruit - the photos show luxurious long brushes with transparent fruits from pale pink to almost purple. To grow such a pretty miracle in your country house, a lot of work is not required - red currants are even more unpretentious than black ones, and it is almost impossible to ruin a sweet and sour crop.

If planting is only in the plans - choose an open sunny place for the plant, where cold winds will not pester the berry. And if you are lucky and you got a ready-made red currant on the site - planting and care will be reduced only to annual feeding and pruning of unnecessary branches, old and dried up. The main thing is not to cut off the tips of living fruit-bearing branches: in this way you can lose the lion's share of the crop.

The only whim of red currant is the shelf life. Even plucked with twigs, the berries do not lie in the refrigerator for more than 2 days. There are three options - either freeze, or put on blanks, or dry in the hot sun. And to preserve the natural taste, you can grind the currant - you get an excellent sour jelly!

health berry

This is exactly what they said about red currants in Russia - peasant women were given its juice for toxicosis, and an infusion of berries was used as some kind of modern Antigrippin - to relieve fever and relieve colds.

In some moments, transparent red currant gives way to liquid black berries - and there is no such intoxicating smell, and less, and you can’t brew fragrant gulls with leaves.

But not vitamin C alone - our berry has other advantages, which other berries have to look for. Red currant is the leader in potassium content (the same amount is found in, and), which strengthens the heart muscle and eliminates fluid retention in the body. The benefits of red currant for health and beauty are obvious: a glass of berries at night - and you will not have swollen eyes and swollen legs!

Rose-red berries are rich in iron (the color speaks for itself!), And vitamin A, which protects our eyes, improves health and is responsible for elastic clear skin. The B vitamins in currants help hair and nails stay strong and strong, and the mood - cheerful and active.

Useful properties of redcurrant juice

Red currant juice is an ancient and incredibly tasty natural medicine. What is its use:

  • reduces blood clotting and protects against the formation of blood clots;
  • great help with overwork;
  • relieves fever and inflammation;
  • has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect;
  • quenches thirst and increases a healthy appetite;
  • removes radioactive and heavy metals from the body;
  • activates the intestines and acts as a mild laxative.

The wonderful properties of blackcurrant have been valued at all times - as part of juicy berries, they bind and remove all kinds of dirty tricks from the intestines, and vitamin juice enhances peristalsis.

The benefits of red currant will be invaluable for chronic constipation. With a delicate problem, try this safe recipe: three tablespoons of red berries (fresh - with a slide, dried - without) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes under the lid. Stretch a glass of "medicine" for the whole day, taking a little before meals.

Another inspiring news for lovers of sour red currant is that it has very few contraindications. Unlike black, it practically does not cause allergies. It is necessary to limit currant desserts only with exacerbation of ulcers and acute gastritis, as well as with rare hemophilia. But there’s nothing to worry about - you can’t eat a lot of red currants, and a refreshing twig or two definitely won’t hurt.

Red currant for beauty

In another respect, this currant will give odds to black - this is calorie content.

A glass of fresh sour berries is only 65-70 kcal! In terms of its dietary properties, it flaunts on a par with such diverse products as, ... Oh, what a diet menu you can cook up!

And in Ancient Russia, a berry of pink-red shades was used as a bleach! But not simple, but for the skin: currant acids get rid of age spots and freckles very successfully - it is enough to wipe your face daily with a cotton swab dipped in redcurrant juice. Just rinse off afterwards and spread with a nourishing cream - especially if the skin is dry.

And if you don’t complain about freckles, but you don’t want to miss the benefits of a garden miracle, just add the juice of 2-3 berries to a portion of a night face or hand cream - the skin will become incredibly tender and soft.

Culinary Secrets

Red currant is the recognized queen of drinks. Fruit drinks and jelly, compotes and punches - all these goodies from refreshing sour currants are simply incredible.

This berry looks great in salads with sour apples, tomatoes and plums, goes well with meat. Ideal for pies and charlotte, and thanks to the pectin, redcurrants make excellent jams and marmalades.

And here is a simple summer recipe for you - redcurrant ice cream.

You will need: 225 g of sour currants and the same amount of sugar, 150 ml of water, 300 g of heavy cream for whipping and 4 proteins.

First you need to cook sugar syrup. While it is cooling, sort the berry, grind it into a puree and rub it through a sieve so that the grains do not spoil the ice cream.

Beat the whites well with a mixer, add the syrup and continue until the mixture is shiny and very dense. Whip the cream into a strong foam, add to, carefully stir in the berry juice. Put it in the freezer for a couple of hours - and the most natural and healthy ice cream is ready!

Almost everyone tries to grow red currants in their country house. No wonder it's very helpful. However, all the properties of red currant: its benefits and harms to the body must be carefully studied.

  • The plant is a small shrub of the Gooseberry family.
  • Berries ripen by mid-summer.
  • The currant comes from Western Europe.
  • Initially, the red berry was more popular than the "black".
  • In the old days it was grown as a medicine.
  • At the beginning of the 18th century, over 400 bushes grew near the Kremlin.

Much has been said about the benefits of red and white currants.

What is included?

Redcurrant is more acidic than its black counterpart. It contains less . In terms of the concentration of useful substances, it is no worse than the well-known among the people.

The benefits of red currant in a complex of trace elements. In addition to a large amount of ascorbic acid, there are vitamins of groups "A" and "P". The concentration of iron and potassium is also high. These substances are contained in greater quantities than in the black berry.

A smaller proportion is occupied by B vitamins and minerals. They are complemented by acids of organic origin, coumarins and other useful trace elements.

What is useful berry?

The health benefits of red currants are potassium, which prevents the cells in the body from storing excess fluid. As a result - a favorable effect. You can safely use the berry if the following measures are necessary:

  • The fight against edema;
  • Support for the heart muscle.

Potassium in combination with magnesium is able to relieve arrhythmia and spasm. In addition, the substance has a beneficial effect on the brain - it provides blood vessels with oxygen.

The benefits of red currant for the body are also in the gland. This substance has a good effect on the formation of hemoglobin.

Berries are essential for a woman's body. During menstruation, about 40 milligrams of a monthly share of iron is lost, while an adult needs an intake of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

Currant alone is not enough to cover this need. Otherwise, the product will have to eat kilograms per day. A large amount of this substance is found in the daily diet.

Coumarins, present among the beneficial microelements, are able to thin the blood. The use of red currant is:

  • Prevention of thrombophlebitis;
  • Prevention of heart attack and heart defects;
  • Fight signs of atherosclerosis.

The enormous benefits of red currant for the body, if a person has survived the operation. Therefore, the product can be included in the diet of patients.

Berry will help even those representatives whose activities are in contact with heavy metals and living in an increased radiation zone. Pectins, which remove harmful substances from the body, have a beneficial effect.

Redcurrant also has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. What is achieved thanks to iodine.

An infusion of leaves allows. Thus, all bacteria are excreted in the urine.

Where else is red currant applicable

For those who want to lose weight, this berry will achieve results. allows you to take it in use in any quantity. Many diets include red currants in their diet as a source of vitamins.

The berry is also applicable in cosmetology. Masks with it can cause a rejuvenating effect. They tighten and purify the skin, giving it a healthy glow.

The product has not only a beneficial effect, but also a negative one. Red currant can cause health benefits and harms, depending on the presence of certain signs.

What harm does

All indicators of harm are closely related to benefits. So, if the blood is with low clotting, it may not be favorable for the body at all.

The berry is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions of the body: hepatitis, stomach ulcers, hyperacidity. In these cases, the damage can be very serious.

Care should be taken when adding the product to the diet of children.

The properties of red currant, its benefits and harms depend on the diseases that are present in a person and his general condition.

Surprisingly, the fruits are not able to cause a negative effect on allergy sufferers. Unlike other berries and fruits.

With dermatitis, red currants, on the contrary, are strongly recommended by experts.

How to use red currant

Red currants are used to make jam and compotes, desserts, fruit drinks, juices. It is added to salads. It is an excellent ingredient for sauces and soups. Like other berries, it can be eaten raw. The benefits of red currant are especially noticeable in the preparation of special tinctures.

  • Currant fruit concentrate will help with constipation. Three tablespoons of berries must be poured with one glass of boiling water and left for 3-4 hours. After straining from the peel and the medicinal drink is ready.
  • The second option provides not berries, but leaves. The health benefits of red currants come not only from the fruit. In this case, it is necessary to pour several leaves with water (one glass) and steam them for about 15 minutes. Dried leaves can be brewed. With cystitis, it is recommended to use for about a week.
  • The juice from this berry has no less useful properties. It is refreshing and perfectly quenches thirst. This is a wonderful general tonic that will help well with nausea and remove salts from the body. It is a blood-restoring, choleretic and laxative drink. It can be used for urolithiasis and colic.

When deciding to take red currants into your diet, the health benefits and harms that it brings must be considered.

In order to eliminate undesirable consequences, daily portions should be correctly determined. The main thing to remember is that in large quantities the product can harm even completely healthy people.

Benefits for human health are both small berries growing on shrubs and foliage. At the same time, the shrub is very unpretentious to climate and care, therefore it is grown in many world countries.

Chemical composition and useful properties

The chemical composition is extremely diverse and rich, 100 grams of berries contain:

  • 0.2 mg each - beta-carotene and PP;
  • 0.1 mg - B6;
  • 33 µg - A;
  • 0.01 mg - thiamine;
  • 0.5 mg - E (TE);
  • 0.03 mg - B2;
  • 3 mcg - folic acid;
  • 25 mg - C;
  • 2.5 µg - H;
  • 0.6 mg - pantothenic acid;
  • 0.3 mg - PP (niacin equivalent).

As well as macronutrients:

  • 21 mg sodium;
  • 36 mg bone-strengthening calcium;
  • 275 mg of heart-healthy potassium;
  • 17 mg magnesium;
  • 33 mg phosphorus;
  • microelements in berries are represented by iron, the amount of which is 0.9 mg.

In addition to the above, currants are also rich in other substances that determine its beneficial properties:

  • proteins (0.6 g);
  • food fibers;
  • carbohydrates (7.7 g);
  • water (85 g);
  • fatty acids (0.1 g each) - saturated and unsaturated;
  • di- and monosaccharides (7.7 g);
  • ash (0.6 g);
  • fats (0.2 g).

The berries contain a sufficient amount of coumarins and furocoumarins, which have antitumor and pain-relieving properties, and also increase blood clotting. Antioxidants in the composition of the product help to stop the development of oncology and increase overall immunity.

A large amount of pectin in red berries helps to normalize the digestive tract, improve the course of digestion, cleanse the body of toxins and accumulated toxins. Pectins have an astringent effect that helps to cope with digestive disorders, and it is they who give the red currant gelling properties.

Redcurrant is an excellent assistant in the fight and prevention of respiratory and viral diseases, it helps to restore strength after surgery or a protracted illness and supports immunity. Regular use of the product is the prevention of baldness, the formation of tumors and the occurrence of a stroke. Berries help to improve the work of the vascular-cardiac systems, prevent hemorrhages and make epilepsy attacks less frequent.

Red currant: useful properties (video)

There are few contraindications to the use of red berries, but they exist. So, people should refrain from using or limit it:

  • with gastric diseases accompanied by high acidity;
  • with hepatitis and pancreatitis (a small amount of the product is allowed to be eaten only during the period of persistent remission);
  • berries suffering from hemophilia are prohibited;
  • with diabetes (it is allowed to use the product only after obtaining medical permission and in strictly limited quantities).

Benefit and harm

Red currant has a lot of properties that are beneficial for human health. a - in addition to improving the condition and functioning of blood vessels and the heart, increasing immunity and fighting oncology, it also benefits the eyes. Its action lies in the positive effect of beta-carotene on the organs of vision. The most positive effect is achieved if you eat blueberries in combination with red currants. These same berries are an excellent prevention of ophthalmic diseases and visual impairment.

Currant has a beneficial effect on digestion, it is eaten with constipation, it is useful for gastritis, if the acidity of the stomach is lowered. Berry juice helps to cope with puffiness, relieve the human body of toxins and excess salts. It is an excellent diuretic, stimulates the kidneys and has a general cleansing effect.

In addition to the above, red currant:

  1. It stabilizes the hormonal background due to the presence of iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. Saturates the body with vitamins and gives a boost of energy. At the same time, all the components of the berries are absorbed by the body easily and quickly, do not burden the pancreas and other organs.
  3. It relieves inflammation, and compresses applied to the skin relieve peeling and itching.

The use of berries can be harmful to small children under the age of 2 years, as food allergies may occur. Also, you should not eat fresh berries for people who cannot tolerate red berries, but at the same time, compotes, jams and other heat-treated dishes most often do not cause an allergic reaction in them.

Red currant promotes weight loss:

  • its calorie content is negligible - in 100 grams of berries there are only 43 calories;
  • helps to remove excess fluid;
  • promotes bowel cleansing;
  • It is rich in vitamins, which the body most often lacks during dietary nutrition.

Healing recipes

The leaves collected from redcurrant bushes have an excellent diuretic and are extremely beneficial for human health. They prepare an infusion of excellent taste, diaphoretic and diuretic properties from 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, filled with a glass of freshly boiled water. The mixture should be infused for at least an hour, after which it is filtered and consumed in a third before meals.

A similar decoction of leaves will help with hypovitaminosis:

  • a spoonful of freshly picked leaves is poured with boiled water;
  • the mixture is heated in a water bath for 12-15 minutes;
  • drink a decoction of a third of a glass daily, for 5-8 days.

For the treatment of cystitis, an infusion is prepared from 100 grams of leaves and a couple of glasses of boiling water, which is infused for 3.5-5 hours. Use folk medicine 100 ml up to 4-6 times a day.

Currant masks

A mask prepared according to this recipe, applied for half an hour, will help to rejuvenate the skin:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of fresh liquid honey;
  • 3 heaping spoons of berries;
  • the ingredients are ground and applied to the face;
  • it is recommended to wash off the mask with a cotton swab dipped in freshly brewed green leaf tea.

You can make your face whiter with a mask of half a glass of heated fat milk and the same amount of berries. Prepare and apply it like this:

  • juice is squeezed out of currants;
  • milk is heated on the stove;
  • the ingredients are mixed;
  • gauze or a rag napkin is dipped into the mixture, squeezed lightly;
  • put a napkin on the face without touching the eye area;
  • withstand up to half an hour;
  • The mask is washed off and a moisturizing and softening cream is applied to the face.

How to plant red currants (video)

With the help of currants, you can put your heels in order if they begin to peel or crack:

  • knead the berries, add cream and a couple of drops of tea tree aroma oil to them;
  • the mixture is heated to 40-46 degrees and removed from the stove;
  • feet are kept in the broth for up to half an hour, after which they rinse the legs and put on soft socks.

Redcurrant is a storehouse of useful substances that improve the condition of the body and the general well-being of a person. Regular use of the product has a beneficial effect on all organs, and remedies prepared according to folk recipes from berries and leaves will help to cope with problems without the use of drugs.

Redcurrant is a gift of nature, with which you can improve and maintain health, beauty, youth.

At the same time, an attractive and useful garden plant, fortunately, does not present any difficulty on the part of agricultural technology.

The currant is unpretentious, grows quickly and is very productive, which further increases its value in the eyes of those who know about the healing potential of this plant.

garden miracle

Redcurrant has the same degree of kinship with black, as well as cherries with cherries - these are sisters. And yet, her close relative is the gooseberry, although prickly and ruffy, but a brother.

Redcurrant has always been and is one of the real decorations of a fruitful garden.. Large lush bushes with openwork juicy green leaves and scarlet clusters of almost transparent berries filled with juice attract everyone's attention.

Incredibly tasty sauces, jams and marmalades, excellent compotes are obtained from red currants, and dumplings with red currant berries are a separate article. The fruits of the plant are an excellent wine material.

Unfortunately, not everyone loves fresh red currants. She, like cherries, although useful, but has a fairly pronounced sourness. For this reason, it is increasingly being processed or frozen.

However all the healing power is concentrated in fresh, even slightly unripe berries.

To fill the body with various substances that are in the currant, you need to make it a rule in season in moderation, but regularly, to use the fruits of red currant.

And remember not about taste buds, but about the fact that each bunch is a vitamin pill, only without chemistry.

A bit of history

Western Europe is recognized as the birthplace of red currants. True, today this is completely unimportant, since it is Russia, where the plant has been cultivated for more than 10 centuries, that supplies up to 60% of the total volume of the amazing berry to the world market.

Currants are still found in large quantities in the wild, especially in sunny places on the banks of rivers and streams (hence another colorful name "brook").

The monks were the first in Russia to grow currants and use its healing properties to combat various ailments. They passed on knowledge and ancient recipes of potions to worldly healers.

Redcurrant ripens even in Siberia. She is not at all afraid of frost, she has been growing in one place for more than 15 years and one single bush can feed the whole family, since the yield of currants is up to 10 kg per season from one plant.

The only thing that red currants cannot stand is shadows.

Chemical composition

It is no secret that red currants are not as fragrant as black currants, but this does not in any way reduce the content of useful substances in it, but only indicates the absence of special glands on the back of the leaf that produce and secrete essential oils.

For other indicators, red currant is a worthy alternative to black. It has:

  • in large quantities, all vitamins of the B group;
  • vitamin C is the same as in raspberries - 25 mg per 100 g;
  • vitamin PP;
  • biotin and beta-carotene;
  • vitamin A;
  • minerals - potassium and iron, calcium and magnesium, sodium and phosphorus;
  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates with saccharides - 7.7 g;
  • organic acids - 2.5 g;
  • fiber - 3.5 g;
  • ash components - 0.5 g;
  • water - 85 g.

Calorie content of red currant is only 43 kilocalories, so you can make excellent diet snacks from it.

Modern scientific research has become an excellent proof of the viability of ancient healers who were aware of the healing properties of this variety of currant and knew how to use it correctly for the benefit of human health.

1. Porechka helps to defeat beriberi and is one of the most valuable sources of ascorbic acid, which is especially abundant in unripe berries.

2. With ARVI, it promotes sweating and relieves hyperthermia.

3. Well improves immunity, replenishes the energy resources of the body, stimulates protective abilities.

4. Promotes the absorption of animal protein, recommended after a heavy rich meal.

5. Removes lethargy of the intestines.

6. Has a mild choleretic effect.

7. Relieves unpleasant pain in colitis and enterocolitis.

8. Clears the skin and heals areas affected by eczema and dermatitis.

10. Currant strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, increases their elasticity, reduces the manifestations of atherosclerosis.

11. Dissolves cholesterol plaques.

12. Protects the cardiovascular system, is a good preventive product against strokes and heart attacks.

13. Copes with anemia, including pregnant women.

14. Juice relieves nausea, which is also important for toxicosis.

22. Currant leaves help with gout and are used in diabetes.

23. Does not cause allergies.

An impressive list, isn't it? A simple and familiar berry has proven to be very valuable for health, and now the benefits of eating it fresh have become even more obvious.


In addition to useful properties, in some cases, currants can be harmful and provoke complications from:

  • Gastrointestinal tract in the presence of ulcers, erosions, gastritis and other injuries.
  • The circulatory system in the presence of hemophilic infection, low blood clotting.

Also, a contraindication to the use of currants is the presence of viral hepatitis and pancreatitis. Be healthy.

In almost every garden you can find these ornamental shrubs, which in July-August bear fruit with bright and fragrant clusters of berries - currants. For some reason, blackcurrant is more often preferred for its sweet taste and more pronounced aroma of its berries, but undeservedly. After all, it is not only a valuable food product, but also an ancient healing agent, easy to cultivate and collect. And in terms of the balance of useful substances, red currant differs significantly from black currant, which means that it should rightfully occupy its niche in a green first-aid kit. Consider what is unique about redcurrant: the benefits and harms of its composition should be known to everyone.

This shrub has been cultivated since the 16th century. But you can also find its wild species in Siberia and Northern Europe. The leaves of the red currant are not so fragrant compared to the black ones due to the absence of glands on their lower side that produce essential oils. In addition, its berries are smaller and more bony. However, this disadvantage is more than compensated by the composition of the berries, which have an imbalance towards other extremely useful elements.

Composition and useful properties

Despite the fact that red currants are sourer than black ones, they contain relatively less vitamin C. However, in terms of its content, it is in no way inferior to the panacea of ​​a garden first-aid kit - raspberries. In addition to ascorbic acid, red currant contains retinol (vitamin A) and flavonoids (vitamin P), iron and potassium, and in a much larger volume than black currant. B vitamins and other minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc) are presented in a smaller percentage. They are complemented by organic acids, coumarins, pectin polysaccharides, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

The high content of potassium does not allow the cells of the body to accumulate excess fluid. This is not only the prevention of edema, but also the care of the heart muscle, the cells of which are also, being overflowing with fluid, unable to fully perform their work. Potassium together with magnesium relieves arrhythmia and spasm of the heart muscle. This is true for other muscle tissues of the body, so vitamin complexes based on potassium and magnesium are often prescribed for convulsions. Potassium also contributes to the activity of the brain, supplying its cells with oxygen.

Iron is necessary for hematopoietic function, it is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Red currant berries must be present in the diet of women, since during menstruation they lose up to 40 mg of iron per month, and the need for iron in an adult is 0.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Of course, it will not be possible to cover the entire need for iron with currants alone, for this it would be required to eat up to a kilogram per day. But given that a person in the daily diet also receives a large amount of iron from meat, eggs and cereals, red currant will allow you to get the right amount of this trace element with vegetarian nutrition and diets.

You should focus on coumarins - natural organic compounds that are very rich in red currants. There are many varieties of coumarins from plant to plant, and they all have their own therapeutic effect. However, they have one thing in common: the ability to thin the blood. The anticoagulant activity of coumarins determines the value of red currant for the prevention of thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and rheumatic heart disease. It is useful to include red currants in postoperative diets to prevent blood clots. Deep studies of coumarins have also demonstrated their antispasmodic and antitumor activity, but such a physiological effect on humans is poorly expressed.

The saturation of red currant with pectins gives reason to include it in the diet of people living in areas with an increased radiation background or in contact with heavy metals in daily activities. Pectins are able to form complex compounds with ions of heavy metals and radionuclides with their subsequent removal from the body.

Currants are also very rich in iodine, which is so necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Tincture of red currant leaves cure cystitis. Possessing a diuretic effect, they contribute to the speedy leaching of bacteria from the bladder and urethra.

Since the currant fruiting season is not so long, pampering the body with fresh berries all year round will not work. Freezing is the best way to harvest red currants. You can also dry the berries along with twigs and leaves, which, along with fruits, are rich in many useful elements. Dried or frozen berries and leaves can be steamed in a thermos (3 tablespoons fresh or 1 tablespoon dried in a glass of boiling water) and taken as tea, 50–100 ml between meals. For a diuretic effect (for example, with cystitis), the infusion should be more concentrated - 20 g of dry leaves per 1 cup of boiling water, and it is taken in 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Red currant juice is also prepared, which is the more useful, the less heat treatment it underwent during preparation. However, if you plan to prepare it for the future, you will still have to resort to boiling. For these purposes, there are classic proportions: for 2 kg of currants - 1 liter of water and 300 g of sugar. The mashed berry should be boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, strain, add sugar, then bring to a boil and seal in a sterilized container. Part of the useful substances is lost, but the advantage is the possibility of long-term storage of juice, up to several years.

If, nevertheless, there is no desire to incur such losses, then you can grind red currants with sugar (2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of currants), arrange them in sterilized jars, cover the surface of the berries with a circle of paper soaked in alcohol or vodka and close with a freshly scalded nylon lid. This jam should be kept in the refrigerator.

Possible harm and contraindications

Although redcurrant is a common garden crop, its use should be limited in conditions accompanied by delayed blood clotting, including hemophilia, as well as in various groups of hepatitis, gastritis and ulcers. Based on contraindications, we can conclude that red currant is not so harmless: the benefits and harms of its use must be carefully weighed.

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