Seizures in children symptoms. Convulsive syndrome in children

Seizures in children are not uncommon. This is due to the hereditary characteristics of nerve cells, the immaturity of the brain and the central nervous system. Not the last role was played by the increased number of successfully nursed children who in the past centuries simply did not live up to seizures, children from emergency CS due to placental abruption, premature babies weighing less than 1.5 kg. Thus, today, approximately every 50th child suffers from the syndrome, and more than half of all cases occur in the first three years of life.

Seizures: symptom description and types

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions. Of course, experts know what to do in this case. But when this happens to a child, parents and adults who are nearby can be confused. This spectacle is not for the faint of heart, so you need to know how you can help the baby. First aid will be discussed later. Now consider the types of seizures in children.

Tonic is a prolonged muscle tension or spasm. The child can throw back his head, strain and stretch the lower limbs, turn his palms outward, spread his arms. In some cases, difficulty in breathing with cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, reddening of the face is characteristic. Clonic - fast, usually there are 1-3 twitches per second.

By localization and prevalence, clonic seizures can be focal, myoclonic, tonic-clonic, or fragmentary. Focal are characterized by twitching of the arms and legs, parts of the face. Myoclonic are contractions of a specific muscle or group of muscles.

Fragmentary convulsions are characterized by nodding of the head, flexion of the limbs, eye symptoms, loss of consciousness or cessation (significant difficulty) of breathing. Tonic-clonic are characterized by alternating contractions and increased muscle tone.

epileptic convulsions

Doctors divide all convulsions in children into epileptic and non-epileptic ones, and the latter can “grow” into the former over time. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis of epilepsy by carefully examining the child's medical record. At the same time, attention is paid not only to the possible causes of the convulsive syndrome and risk factors, but also to whether there is a hereditary predisposition to seizures. If there is no unfavorable heredity, the child's central nervous system is normal, there are no characteristic changes on the electroencephalogram, then doctors refrain from an accurate diagnosis of epilepsy, considering seizures to be non-epileptic.

Non-epileptic seizures

Such convulsions in children occur relatively often. Seizures can be caused by many factors. As a rule, convulsive syndrome is observed in infants, but older babies can also suffer from it, for example, with high fever and infectious diseases. Consider first the causes of seizures in a child in the first month of life:

  • birth trauma (brain hemorrhage, tissue damage);
  • low blood sugar (hypoglycemic cramps);
  • oxygen starvation, which leads to cerebral edema;
  • low levels of zinc in the blood of a newborn (convulsions of the fifth day);
  • toxic effects of bilirubin on the central nervous system (hemolytic disease);
  • violation of calcium metabolism (spasmophilia, or tetanic convulsions);
  • violation of the metabolism of vitamin B6, or pyridoxine;
  • congenital heart defects and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • (occur rarely, about 10% of all cases);
  • use by the mother during pregnancy of alcohol, drugs, certain medications (withdrawal spasms).

The risk group includes premature babies born as a result of an emergency caesarean section.

First of all, convulsions may occur, the cause of which was a birth injury or asphyxia. The syndrome develops in the first eight hours of a baby's life. When blood sugar levels are low (hypoglycemic seizures), the symptom is accompanied by sweating, restless behavior, hyperactivity, and breathing problems. Such convulsions appear in the first two days.

Convulsions of the fifth day occur between the third and seventh days of an infant's life. What do seizures look like in a child? These are short-term twitches, shudders, head nods, twisting and bringing fingers together, a "spasm" of looking up, which can be repeated up to forty times a day. If the symptom is accompanied by jaundice, then we can talk about convulsions against the background of hemolytic disease.

Convulsions with asphyxia of newborns

The most common cause of convulsive seizures in infants is suffocation, or asphyxiation. The symptom is manifested as a result of circulatory disorders, due to a lack of oxygen in tissues and organs, an excess of carbon dioxide. In most cases, this phenomenon leads to petechial hemorrhages in the brain and edema. A newborn needs immediate medical attention, as a long stay in this state can cause brain atrophy and irreversible pathological changes.

Convulsions in children with oxygen starvation occur if childbirth proceeds with complications, for example, if placental abruption occurs, the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, the water leaves too early, the birth process is overly prolonged. Alarming symptoms in this case will stop almost immediately, as soon as the child is taken out of the state of oxygen starvation. The swelling of the brain in this case disappears, and the condition of the newborn gradually normalizes.

Convulsions due to birth trauma

Why does the child have seizures? With a birth injury, this happens due to hemorrhages in the brain. Usually they are local in nature, accompanied by spasms of the muscles of the face. Often in this case, there are cramps in the legs of the child. There may also be general weakness in the muscles, shaking of the whole body is possible. Usually, this causes cyanosis of the skin (especially the face), breathing becomes difficult, and vomiting may occur.

If the internal bleeding that has opened is not stopped in time, then convulsions may not be noticed immediately, but only on the fourth or fifth day after birth. This will be the result of an expanding hematoma. As a rule, such convulsions in a child pass without fever. They may appear later, for example, after two to three months. This happens due to the adhesive process, the formation of cysts, scarring. Seizure-provoking factor can be a preventive vaccination, injury or disease.

During infectious diseases

Quite often, convulsions are observed in a child at a temperature. Moreover, not only children with birth trauma or respiratory failure suffer, but also completely healthy and full-term babies. This is due to the toxicity of the virus and the general weakening of the body against the backdrop of fever, the condition negatively affects the central nervous system.

Often, convulsions in a child at a high temperature appear against the background of the acute phase of SARS or influenza, with active rashes of measles, chicken pox and rubella. The tension of the whole body, which is accompanied by swelling of the brain, an increase in intracranial pressure, can occur against the background of encephalitis and other neuroinfections. As a rule, convulsions in a child with a high temperature disappear with the normalization of the state of health.

Other causes of seizures

Often, seizures in young children may appear in response to a preventive vaccination. This is especially a problem for infants who have suffered asphyxia, emergency caesarean section, birth trauma, diathesis (exudative). For children who have a high degree of convulsive readiness, preventive vaccinations are contraindicated.

An equally urgent problem that can cause a child or during wakefulness are various metabolic disorders. At the same time, there is a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium in the body, and convulsions are manifested by a distortion of facial expression.

Thus, the most common causes of convulsions in children in infancy are birth trauma, asphyxia during childbirth, too long a birth process, early discharge of water, and so on. If the convulsive syndrome appeared on the background of viral or other diseases, but after the cure, the basis of the disease did not disappear, then it is imperative to show the child to the pediatrician in order to exclude the development of epilepsy.

Signs of seizures at a temperature

During convulsions, the child does not respond to the words of the parents, actions, loses contact with the outside world, stops screaming and crying. There may be blue skin, difficulty or holding your breath.

An infant can throw back its head, then the constant tension of the whole body is gradually replaced by short-term twitches, they gradually fade. Limbs may twitch, eyes roll back, convulsions with sudden relaxation of muscles, involuntary defecation and urination are possible.

Such convulsions rarely last more than fifteen minutes. In some cases, the symptom may occur in series of one to two minutes, but goes away on its own. If a child has convulsions at a temperature, what should I do? The actions of parents should be consistent and calm. What exactly to do? Read below.

First aid for a child with convulsions

What help should parents provide to a child with convulsions? First of all, you need to call an ambulance. The child is laid on a flat surface on its side so that the head and chest are in line. You can not move the cervical spine. It is important to lay the baby so that he does not fall. There should be no objects around that can hurt you. It is necessary to free the chest and neck of the baby from tight clothing, to ensure free breathing.

The room should be ventilated, the optimum temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius. It is not necessary to forcibly restrain the child from involuntary movements, it is impossible to open his jaws, insert a finger, spoon or any other object into his mouth.

If convulsions in a child began for the first time, you should not refuse hospitalization. At a minimum, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor as soon as possible after an attack, it is worth contacting not only a pediatrician, but also a neurologist. The specialist will offer a number of studies, including biochemical and clinical blood tests, EEG, to determine the causes of the convulsive syndrome.

Treatment of seizures at a temperature

If convulsions at a temperature in a child rarely occur, last no more than 15 minutes, then no special treatment is needed. It is enough to cool the baby's body by any available means (selecting with a weak acetic solution, a cold towel on the forehead and in the armpits, inguinal folds, bends under the elbows and knees).

After the attack stops, you need to give an antipyretic. With frequent and prolonged convulsions, intravenous anticonvulsant drugs will be required, but the need for this will be determined by the doctor. Phenobarbital, Diazepam, or Lorazepam may also be prescribed.

A child with seizures should not be left alone. During an attack, you can not give any medicines, water, food to avoid suffocation.

Relief of a seizure

What to do with seizures in a child? Ambulance doctors can administer intravenously a glucose solution (25%) at a dosage of 4 ml per kilogram of weight, vitamin B 6, or pyridoxine (50 g), Phenobarbital intravenously (from 10 to 30 mg per kilogram of weight), magnesium solution (50%), 0.2 ml per kilogram, calcium gluconate solution (2 ml per kilogram of weight).

Epileptic seizures in children

In childhood, epilepsy is quite common, but its diagnosis is difficult. The children's body is characterized by an increased threshold for convulsive activity, but most often seizures develop that are not actually associated with epilepsy. In connection with these difficulties, doctors are in no hurry to diagnose babies with epilepsy.

The most common causes of this disease in preschool children are:

  1. Heredity. Scientists are increasingly expressing the opinion that it is not the disease itself that can be obtained from parents, but only a predisposition to it. Each person has a certain convulsive status inherent exclusively to him. The implementation of predisposition depends on many factors.
  2. Developmental disorders of the brain. Violations of the development of the central nervous system can be caused by infections, genetics, exposure of the expectant mother to harmful substances during pregnancy (alcohol, drugs, certain medications), her diseases.
  3. Various infectious diseases. The earlier the child had an infection with seizures, the more likely it is to develop epilepsy in the future. As a rule, encephalitis and meningitis become the causes. But with a predisposition to epilepsy, any disease can “start” the disease.
  4. Head injury. Characteristically, convulsive seizures in epilepsy do not appear immediately after the injury, but only after some time. This is a distant consequence of the action of a traumatic factor on the brain.

The onset of the disease can be missed. Seizures at first can be rare and short-lived, the condition is accompanied by sleepwalking, the occurrence of unreasonable fears, depressed mood, bouts of pain in various organs, and behavioral disorders. If these symptoms appear again and again, then you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of epileptic convulsive seizures is always selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. There are no general treatment regimens. For each child, not only the optimal regimen and dosage should be compiled, but also the best combination of drugs. There is no quick cure for epilepsy. Therapy is always very long, drugs should be canceled slowly, the transfer to another drug should be carried out gradually.

Possible consequences of seizures

In most cases, there is no trace of seizures that occur in infancy when the baby grows up. In children under one year old, the brain recovers quite quickly, and its development has not yet been completed. But the more serious the convulsions (more often and longer the seizures), the stronger the oxygen starvation, that is, quite serious consequences can be expected. In this case, be sure to show the baby to the doctor.

If it comes to epilepsy, then complex treatment is necessary, a serious approach to the disease, constant monitoring by an epileptologist. Without containment of the disease as it progresses, each new seizure can reduce the intellectual abilities of the child, which can lead to serious consequences. Treatment, as already mentioned above, should be comprehensive and individually selected.

Parents whose baby suffers from a serious illness should be prepared for convulsive manifestations. The severity of seizures in a child and the frequency of occurrence is different. Sometimes they are barely noticeable and occur in the form of a small, slight twitching of facial muscles. And sometimes convulsions are accompanied by tilting the head and maximum extension of the limbs.

Why does a child have seizures and how do they manifest themselves

As an independent disease, convulsions in a small child are not considered. They are either a manifestation of some disease state or a symptom of some disease. In children, they are very common - 8-10 times more often than in adults.

Why does a child have seizures, and what to do in these cases? The most common cause of seizures in a child is an increase in body temperature (more than 39 ᵒС). You can observe convulsions in diseases such as epilepsy, spasmophilia, asphyxia of newborns. There are convulsions with various infectious diseases (in particular, with neuroinfections), with focal organic lesions of the brain, as well as in the treatment of children by some. Also, the cause of seizures can be teething, fear and. Such manifestations are popularly called "relatives". As a result of the activity of worms, the child may also have convulsions.

The pathogenesis of seizures is complex. These manifestations occur if the cortical section of the motor analyzer is irritated, if the striopallidary system is affected, if the innervation of the cranial nerves is disturbed, if the roots and nerves are irritated, etc.

Most often in pediatric practice, there are convulsions that occur with a significant increase in body temperature in a baby. How are convulsions manifested in children against a background of fever? The baby's face turns pale, the lips become bluish (cyanotic), facial features are distorted. A symptom of convulsions in a child may be twitching of facial muscles, the limbs become tense and tremble, sometimes you can see the maximum extension of the limbs, there is a tilting of the head.

Below are photos of seizures in a child that occur with varying degrees of severity:

The duration of seizures varies from a few seconds to several minutes. In severe cases, convulsive seizures follow one after another; there is vomiting. But as soon as the body temperature is normalized, the convulsions disappear.

Complications may be associated with those diseases that caused seizures in a child.

Watch a video of seizures in children - this condition causes a lot of suffering to the baby:

What to do with convulsions in children: first aid

As soon as the parents see the cramps in the baby, they should call the doctor - urgently. While the pediatrician is on the road, adults take simple but very effective measures. And for this, parents should know what to do with convulsions in a child, and how to alleviate his condition.

First, the baby needs to be laid down. Shirt collar - relax. When providing first aid for convulsions in children, you need to relax the child's trouser belt (or belt), while holding the arms and legs, otherwise bruises cannot be ruled out.

It is good if someone from the household in the meantime prepares something from antipyretics; effective antipyretic - cefecon candles, however, after the candle is placed, you still have to wait quite a long time for the result. While the remedy has not begun to act, you can reduce the body temperature by rubbing the chest, back, hips of the child with a cool, damp towel. For rubbing the body, you can use a napkin moistened with vodka. When assisting with convulsions in a child, you need to apply cold to the head, this also contributes to the rapid normalization of body temperature.

A child may vomit during convulsions, so the baby should never lie on his back, otherwise aspiration (inhalation) of vomit cannot be ruled out, which is a very dangerous complication. A child who has seizures should lie either on their side or face down. If the child is lying face down, he should put a pillow under his chest, and hold his head. An older child can be left lying on his back, but his head must be turned to the side - in this position, aspiration of vomit does not threaten him.

So that the child does not bite his tongue during a convulsive seizure, you need to place a handkerchief twisted with a tourniquet between the child’s teeth, or the edge of a sheet, towel, shirt or robe sleeve, etc. twisted in the same way. You can not wrap the child during convulsions. It is recommended to remove excess clothing from him - especially those that may restrict breathing.

The cause of the child's seizures must be determined with certainty. It is necessary to examine the baby in a hospital. If there is a need in the hospital, they will also treat seizures in children and further rehabilitation.

If convulsions in a child were associated with an increase in body temperature, then after the treatment of the underlying disease, they will not recur. But for the future, the mother should know what to do when seizures appear. And, of course, it is not necessary to allow a significant increase in body temperature.

How to treat seizures in children folk remedies

If a child has had convulsions in the past and convulsions in the future are not ruled out, the mother should familiarize herself with the following recommendations from traditional healers and have at least some of the suggested remedies in her home medicine cabinet.

How are convulsions in children treated using folk remedies?

  • Toddlers who have bouts of general shuddering should be given fish oil daily: depending on age, from a few drops to 1 teaspoon;
  • it is also recommended that the child take a mixture of dill juice with cow's milk and honey; preparation of the remedy: it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the aerial part of the dill, mix it with cow's milk and liquid honey, taken in equal amounts; a child of the first year of life should take this mixture half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day;
  • a child who often has convulsions is recommended to take a warm decoction of viburnum bark for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes; preparation of a decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of dried, powdered bark into 200 ml of water and cook at a low boil for about 15 minutes, then leave the remedy for about half an hour, strain through 1-2 layers of gauze; for a child of the first year of life, take 1 tablespoon of decoction 2-3 times a day;
  • regularly take a warm infusion of fragrant rue herb; preparation of infusion: 1 teaspoon of dried herb, crushed into a fine powder, pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse in a sealed container at room temperature for at least 15 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze out the remaining raw materials; for a child of the first year of life, take 1 tablespoon of the drug 2-3 times a day; alternate with other means;
  • for oral administration with general convulsions in children of the first year of life, it is recommended to use a warm infusion prepared from the following mixture of medicinal plant materials: herbs of five-lobed motherwort - 1 part, spike-shaped lavender flowers - 1 part, common fennel fruit - 1 part, common cumin fruit - 1 part, rhizomes with roots of valerian officinalis - 1 part; preparation of the infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of the dried, thoroughly ground mixture into 300 ml of boiling water and insist, tightly wrapping the dish with a towel, for about 40 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze; take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day; alternate with other means;
  • to prevent seizures in children, you need to take an infusion of wormwood herb; preparation of infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for 15-20 minutes, strain; take a quarter cup 3 times a day; the dose may be reduced depending on the age of the child;
  • take an infusion of herb oregano and common yarrow herb; preparation of the infusion: mix dry oregano herb and dry yarrow herb in a 1:1 ratio, pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and insist, wrapped for about half an hour, strain; take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
  • before going to bed, take a warm general bath with the addition of a decoction of the rhizome with the roots of valerian officinalis to the water; preparing a decoction: 80-100 g of dried raw materials, crushed into powder, pour 1-2 liters of water and cook at a low boil for up to 15 minutes, then insist in a sealed container at room temperature for about 40 minutes, strain through 1-2 layers gauze, pour into bath water; take the procedure at a water temperature of 36-37.5 ° C; the duration of the procedure should be 4-5 minutes; the course of treatment consists of 8-10 baths;
  • every evening take warm general baths with the addition of a decoction of herb motherwort five-lobed to the water; preparing a decoction: grind the dried raw materials well, pour 80-100 g of the powder into 1-2 liters of water and cook at a low boil for about 15 minutes, then insist the product in a sealed container for about half an hour, strain through 1-2 layers of gauze, squeeze the remaining raw materials through the same gauze, pour the decoction into the bath water and mix; take the procedure at a water temperature of 36-37.5 ° C; duration of the procedure - 4-5 minutes; It is enough to take 8-10 baths for a course of treatment.

The development of muscle spasm after sports, twitching of the legs - these and other involuntary movements occur with abnormal electrical activity of the brain and the flow of impulses to the muscles. Convulsions in a child during sleep are a typical example of this process. In most cases, such attacks pass without a trace, however, some spasms are a sign of metabolic disorders and require prevention and treatment.

Readiness for convulsive reactions under certain conditions can manifest itself in each person when abnormal discharges occur in the brain regions. For this reason, uncontrolled tension and muscle twitching occur. Seizures are mostly single and harmless unless they are epileptic seizures.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of night cramps in children:

  • hypoxia, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis);
  • flickering light, for example, when the TV is on;
  • various brain damage, trauma;
  • congenital malformations of the brain;
  • deficiency of mineral elements (K, Mg, Ca);
  • malignant brain tumors;
  • intoxication;
  • lack of sleep.

A child during a convulsive attack may feel a headache, rotates his eyes. Muscles are very tense or twitch.

Febrile convulsions, which occur mainly between the ages of six months and five years, occur in a baby on the background of a fever (high temperature above 38–39 ° C). The duration of the attack is on average 1-2 minutes. About 30% of children suffering from this form of seizures have a hereditary predisposition to them.

Cramps and muscle twitches

What happens to children during an attackCauseHelp
Twitching of the muscles of the head or face, such as frequent blinkingTeakFrequent and mostly temporary. The child usually does not feel discomfort. There is no reason to worry about his health.
Hand cramps on both sides, mainly in older children, possibly after games, classes. Feeling of tingling in the handsChange in the level of mineral elements in the bloodCalm down, ask to breathe more slowly. Offer to inhale and exhale air into a small plastic bag until you feel better. Treat deficiency conditions
Convulsions in a child during sleep or during wakefulness occur in individual muscles or muscle groups during physical exertion (sports, games). The child has leg cramps shortly after falling asleep. There are twitches of individual muscles or muscle groups. Painful condition disappears within a few minutesFatigueStop stressing the muscles, stretch and massage them. Medical assistance is not required. These are harmless cramps, but frequent repetition indicates metabolic disorders.
Spasm of the jaw and face, difficulty opening the mouth and swallowing. Fatigue, headache, chillsAfter vaccinationCall an ambulance
Light muscle twitching occurs on both sides of the body, pallor of the skin is observedStuffiness in the room, strong emotions in young childrenIf the child does not come to his senses for a long time, call an ambulance. If he quickly recovers, then the help of the medical team is not required. It is necessary to visit a pediatrician, discuss a plan for an examination for anemia
The child does not respond to the voice, within 10-20 seconds he has bilateral twitching of the arms, legs and head. Perhaps blue skin, foam at the mouth, involuntary urination. After a few minutes, the spasm stops.Increased body temperature in children from 6 months to 5 years, toxicosisCall an ambulance, before the doctor arrives, provide first aid: lay on its side, protect from sharp objects. When the spasm stops, the baby will sleep in the side position.
No visible triggerEpilepsyPass a medical examination

Leg cramps - a symptom of a serious illness?

Approximately 7% of children occasionally develop calf cramps. About 30% of the adult population experiences intermittent nocturnal cramps in the calves. Among the elderly, every second suffers from this disease. In most cases, the causes of leg cramps in a child, as in adults, are due to magnesium deficiency.
Diseases that are characterized by convulsive twitches in the calves at night:

  1. myositis - inflammation of the skeletal muscles;
  2. hepatic and renal dysfunction;
  3. restless legs syndrome;
  4. hypothyroidism.

During an attack, children suddenly experience a sharp pain, severe muscle tension. If parents are nearby, they can relieve leg cramps in a child by stretching, kneading the calf muscles. It is not uncommon for babies to have several seizures in one night. The convulsive event will recur on subsequent nights if nothing is done.

Prevention of night leg cramps in children

Muscles often lack inorganic elements - magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. That is why it cramps the legs in a child or an adult. Often, for various reasons, violations of the water and mineral balance occur in the body, which affects the functioning of the brain and the circulatory system. Enough water should be given to the child to maintain the level of water and electrolyte metabolism.

Prevention of cramps of the calf muscles will serve as gymnastic exercises. Special movements will help improve muscle function and circulation.

They will tell you what to do with nighttime leg cramps, herbalists, herbalists, representatives of alternative medicine. Children are offered to drink teas from medicinal plants containing some form of coumarins. They improve lymphatic outflow, improve blood supply to the muscles. Coumarins are found in anise seeds and chamomile flowers.

Smoothies and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins will help the baby cope with nightly calf cramps. Dilute drinks with herbal extracts with carrot or apple juice. There is a lot of potassium in spinach, parsley, dandelion leaves, cabbage. Magnesium is rich in seaweed, sunflower seeds, almonds, dried bananas, figs, apricots. There is a lot of calcium in cottage cheese and other dairy products. The source of sodium is common salt and sea salt. There is also a lot of potassium in almond milk, dates, sesame seeds.

Parents should choose comfortable shoes for the baby. Inappropriate sneakers, boots, shoes and sandals squeeze the feet and strain the calf muscles. This is one of the causes of leg cramps at night in a child. During games, sports, children need to rest more often, do stretching exercises.

Night leg cramps - a sign of growth?

Rarely occurring involuntary muscle contractions during sleep should not bother the parents of babies. Why spasms recur periodically, only a doctor can say after a thorough examination. A possible cause of twitching during sleep in children 2–5 years old is overexcitation (outdoor games in the evening, watching cartoons, exciting environment).

But leg cramps at night can provoke active growth processes in the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to save the child from pain, reduce the severity of spasm. Then the baby is not afraid, calms down faster and continues to sleep.

What to do to prevent seizures in children in a dream:

  • In the evening, massage the legs and feet in order to relieve fatigue and muscle tension.
  • Conduct a contrast douche of the legs - pour the shins and feet alternately with warm and cool water.
  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment in the children's room. Ventilate the room, give the baby pajamas in the cold season.
  • Socks will help babies, because one of the causes of leg cramps is their hypothermia.
  • Before going to bed, children are given warm milk, read a book.

Help with leg cramps

In agreement with the pediatrician, children are given asparks to increase the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, reduce symptoms associated with a lack of these mineral elements. The remedy is prescribed for circulatory disorders, for cardiovascular diseases, muscle cramps. Asparkam is produced in the form of tablets and solutions for injection. The drug contains two salts - magnesium and potassium asparaginates.

Thoughts will be filled with memories of terrible pictures of convulsions in patients with epilepsy. But the stress will pass, everything will fall into place. As soon as the baby becomes easier, it will be possible to calmly understand the reasons for what happened.

The mechanism of occurrence and causes

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur under the influence of too much excitation of the neurons of the motor part of the brain. They mostly appear in children under the age of 3 years. With age, their frequency decreases. Seizure activity remains only in 2-3% of children diagnosed with epilepsy or organic damage to the central nervous system.

A favorable condition for the occurrence of spasms is the unformed central nervous system of babies. Unpreparedness for full functioning after birth is common to all babies. However, hypoxia during fetal development, intoxication and infectious diseases of the expectant mother lead to the fact that the unformed structure of the brain and its functions in the newborn will be more noticeable. Asphyxia, CNS damage, hemorrhages that occurred during childbirth also have a negative impact on the infant's readiness for independent living. Most of the problems are corrected in the first year of life under the influence of drug therapy, physiotherapy.

The main causes of involuntary muscle spasms are:

  1. Traumatic brain injury.
  2. Intoxication of various types.
  3. Vaccination.
  4. Epilepsy. The disease is mainly hereditary. It is believed to be passed down through generations to children of the same sex.
  5. Inflammatory infectious diseases of the brain, for example, meningitis, encephalitis.
  6. Neoplasms.
  7. Congenital and acquired pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  8. Heat. The threshold of response to hyperthermia in different children is different and depends, among other things, on the formation of the central nervous system.
  9. Imbalance of vitamins and minerals.


Seizures in children are classified according to several criteria:

  • distribution area;
  • the nature of the stress;
  • flow features;
  • causes of occurrence.

Classification by area of ​​distribution

Depending on the area of ​​distribution, they speak of partial and generalized convulsions. Partial (local) arise when the electrical activity of a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex increases. They manifest as twitching of individual muscles of the foot, arms, tongue, including during sleep.

Generalized convulsions take over the whole body. A characteristic feature is the tension of the body in a string. At the same time, the head is thrown back, the legs are unbent, the arms are bent to the chest, the teeth are clenched, the pupils do not react to light, the skin turns pale, turns blue. In most cases, loss of consciousness occurs. This is characteristic of epileptic seizures, hysteria, tetanus, acute intoxication or infection, circulatory disorders of the brain.

Before an attack, hallucinations may occur, and an inarticulate scream immediately precedes convulsions. With epilepsy, there are several seizures in a row. One attack lasts up to 20 seconds.

Classification by the nature of stress

Depending on the nature of the manifestation, they speak of clonic, tonic and atonic convulsions. Clonic spasm is pulsating in nature, the muscles contract and then relax. The chaotic movement of the limbs is characteristic. The baby may wake up and cry. Tonic convulsions are characterized by strong, prolonged muscle tension. The limbs seem to freeze for an indefinite time. Appear slowly. The kid doesn't make a sound. There are also tonic-clonic convulsions.

Atonic seizures can be attributed to the same group. They are characterized by the absence of tension. There is a rapid relaxation of all muscles. Involuntary defecation or urination is possible. Often the cause of atonic spasms is Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which manifests itself in children aged 1 to 8 years.

Classification by flow features

Depending on the characteristics of the development of seizures, they speak of myoclonic, flexor, infantile spasms and absences.

And instantly capture one or more muscles. They don't cause pain. From the side, they resemble tics or twitches. The main causes are metabolic disorders, brain pathologies. The attack lasts for 10-15 seconds.

Infantile convulsions during sleep in a child aged 6-12 months. Occur during sleep or after waking up due to sudden movements and when feeding. Manifested by a cry, like a grimace, rolling the eyes, increasing the size of the pupils. It is believed that convulsions in children of this type are evidence of mental retardation. They can also be the initial symptom of paralysis, microcephaly, or strabismus.

Flexor convulsions are typical for children under 4 years of age. There is an unrelated flexion or extension of the body, neck, limbs, repeated several times. Duration - from a few seconds to half an hour. For a short time, loss of consciousness is possible. The causes of occurrence are unknown.

In children aged 4 to 14 years, an absence develops, characterized by a stoppage of gaze, a lack of response to external stimuli, and immobilization. In some cases, there are involuntary chewing movements, smacking. At the heart of this are stress, fatigue, traumatic brain injuries, brain infections. According to the EEG, electrical activity increases in the occipital region.

Classification by cause

Most often, febrile, epileptic and respiratory-affective convulsions are isolated in children.

With the greatest frequency of manifestation at the age of 6 to 18 months. Having happened once, convulsions at a temperature appear in 30% of children. Pathology covers both single muscles and separate groups. Perhaps facial tension, tilting of the chin. The skin turns blue, the baby sweats a lot. At some point, loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest may be noted. Then comes relaxation.

Without fever, seizures occur in a child due to epilepsy. In this case, the attack is generalized.

Respiratory-affective arise due to an excess of emotions in children from six months to 3 years. characteristic of premature babies.


The main signs of seizure activity are:

  • involuntary movements;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • limb tension;
  • tightly clenched teeth;
  • foaming;
  • involuntary urination;
  • eye rolling.


Even after a single attack, it is important to diagnose and understand the question of why convulsions arose. This will avoid relapse, prescribe treatment and just calm down. Seizures can occur not only at temperature, epilepsy. In infants, they may be the first signs of cerebral palsy or mental retardation.

After recovery, the pediatrician gives a referral for tests and a visit to a neuropathologist or endocrinologist. Analyzes include a general picture of urine, blood and biochemistry. In most cases, you will need to do an electrocardiogram and consult a cardiologist.

The pediatrician and neurologist will collect the seizure history by asking questions about the following:

  • heredity;
  • what could be the cause of the attack;
  • features of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • features of the first year of life;
  • attack duration;
  • symptoms;
  • the nature of the seizures;
  • how many times the spasms recurred;
  • Was there a loss of consciousness?

In some cases, the neurologist will send for the so-called lumbar puncture - a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. An electroencephalogram is mandatory. If neoplasms or vascular disorders are suspected, the doctor gives directions for an MRI or computed tomography. You may need to check the fundus and consult an ophthalmologist.

Convulsions at a temperature also require diagnosis, despite the fact that the cause of their occurrence seems clear. Only 5% of young children with hyperthermia have convulsive attacks, so it is better to make sure that the child does not have any organic pathologies.

When the first signs of convulsions occur in children, regardless of their cause, emergency care is required. Often parents have no idea what to do with seizures in a child.

With convulsive activity of any etiology, all dangerous objects that can lead to injury to the patient are removed. If the attack occurs indoors, open a window for ventilation. The temperature in the room should not exceed 21 °C. Adults, whether they are parents, educators or teachers, should always be near the patient until the moment of the complete end of the attack and the return of consciousness.

In all cases, when joining the convulsions of stopping or holding the breath, it must be remembered that during an attack it is impossible to make artificial respiration. The muscles of the respiratory tract are tense and do not allow air to pass through. You have to wait until the end of the attack. Waking up, disturbing the patient is not recommended.

As a first aid for convulsions in children, they are laid on a hard surface, the whole body or only the head is turned on its side, outer clothing is removed or loosened. In no case do not give a drink. As soon as the convulsions go away, saliva and vomit are removed from the mouth.

If a seizure begins in a child diagnosed with epilepsy, one must be prepared for the fact that spasms will cover the entire body. They will be joined by loss of consciousness, and, possibly, a second attack will occur. After the baby is laid down, a towel roll is placed under the neck, a corner of the towel is pushed between the molars. In no case should a metal object be placed in the mouth, it can damage the teeth, the remains of which will fall into the larynx. Any drugs are administered intramuscularly and only by a doctor.

If convulsions occur in children at a high temperature, they are undressed, wiped with alcohol, covered with a towel dipped in water. During an attack, it is unacceptable to give drugs orally. The muscles are compressed, the baby will not swallow it anyway, but it will be able to choke on it at the end of the attack. If it is necessary to urgently take measures to reduce the temperature, put rectal suppositories with paracetamol.


Treatment tactics depend on the nature and causes of the disease.

In case of convulsions at a temperature or convulsions of an affective-respiratory nature, children are usually not hospitalized, treatment continues at home. After the attack caused by the high temperature has ended, the children are re-cooled by wiping the body with a solution of vinegar, vodka, or applying a damp towel to the forehead. If after the end of the convulsions the temperature does not subside, the baby is given an antipyretic - Paracetamol or Efferalgan. With the repetition of seizures or their duration for more than 15 minutes, the doctor prescribes anticonvulsants - Diazepam or Phenobarbital. You cannot start giving them on your own.

With epilepsy, tetanus or intoxication, treatment in a hospital is indicated. Introduced drugs aimed at eliminating seizures, vitamins.

Urgent hospitalization is also required for newborns. In the intensive care unit, the baby will be constantly monitored.

Even if the convulsive episode recurs only once, children are registered and observed for 12 months.


The occurrence of convulsive syndrome in newborns, especially premature ones, can lead to death. It is noted that with unidentified causes of repeated attacks, such children develop encephalopathy or ischemic stroke. Often death is possible with meningococcal infection.

Metabolic seizures and febrile seizures are usually treatable. The latter pass without leaving a trace, especially in infants. But if attacks occur in older children, appear repeatedly, then there is a risk of oxygen starvation, mental retardation and gross damage to all areas of the personality.

It is important to remember that the onset of an attack is accompanied by impaired coordination of movements and loss of consciousness. When falling on asphalt, hard surfaces, sharp objects, you can get injured, including craniocerebral. First aid should include safety measures for the victim.

Children prone to epilepsy should not be left alone at night. During a night's rest, when no one is watching the child, it is possible to fall out of bed, pinching and biting off the tongue.


If seizure activity is hereditary or associated with organic brain damage, preventive measures will only help reduce the frequency and, possibly, intensity of seizures. It is impossible to exclude relapses.

You need to think about the prevention of any possible diseases of the baby when he is still in the stomach of the expectant mother. Her lifestyle, well-being, health, nutrition affect whether the organs of the fetus will form correctly and whether they will work correctly.

To the born baby should be increased attention. It is unacceptable to use alcohol, drugs during lactation. The procedures and treatment prescribed by a pediatrician, a neurologist, must be performed very accurately, without amateur performance. The central nervous system is very sensitive. Ignoring the symptoms of diseases, non-compliance with the dosage of drugs, self-administration of treatment will lead to a deterioration in the condition and the emergence of new pathologies.

As soon as possible, physical activity should be started with the baby. Every day, do a set of exercises appropriate for your age. Massage once every six months.

Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the development of the baby and strengthening his health.

It is important to include foods containing potassium and magnesium in the menu:

  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge from cereals;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • seaweed;
  • bananas.

Useful for older children are foot baths with sea salt, light massage, contrast showers.

You need to choose comfortable orthopedic shoes.

In most cases, seizures in children disappear after 4-5 years. However, when convulsions occur, especially involving the whole body, it is important to find out their causes. Only this will allow you to prescribe the right treatment. To prevent the occurrence of seizures, it is important to engage in prevention.

These are sudden involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles, which are sometimes accompanied by impaired consciousness. They are always unexpected and short-term, but can be repeated after a certain period of time and take on a painful character. In children, seizures can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the age group, but qualified medical assistance is necessary in each case.

The reasons

Considering the age categories, it can be noted that in infants up to 6 months, the reasons lie in:

  • anomalies in the development of the brain;
  • intracranial birth trauma and hypoxia;
  • sepsis or congenital neuroinfections.

From 6 to 18 months, the most common causes are already different:

From 18 months and older, more serious diseases appear that cause involuntary muscle contractions:

  • infectious diseases: encephalitis, meningitis, etc.
  • poisoning.

Less common causes include:

  • congenital heart defects;
  • brain abscess;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • rubella;
  • congenital cytomegaly.

After the first episode of seizures, a detailed examination is necessary to exclude the presence of epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system.


According to the nature of muscle contractions, convulsions are distinguished:

  1. tonic, manifested in prolonged muscle contraction with freezing of the limbs in the positions of extension or flexion. The body is elongated like a string, the head is thrown back or lowered to the chest.
  2. clonic pass with dynamic contraction of the extensor and flexor muscles. They are also characterized by involuntary rapid movements of the body and limbs.
  3. Tonic-clonic characterized by a biphasic attack and alternating tonic and clonic symptoms.

Respiratory-affective convulsions

This type of seizure can develop with strong emotions and overexcitation, which indicates a kind of hysterical reaction to psychological shock. They most often occur in children aged 6 to 36 months.

Spasms in sleep

Seizures are characterized by muscle tension and stretching of the limbs. They can pass without a trace, but often it is precisely such contractions that cause a delay in mental and physical development and impaired coordination and speech. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the baby during his sleep, in order to then describe in detail to the doctor what is happening with the child.

Febrile convulsions

In the case when the baby caught a cold and an attack began against the background of a high temperature, we can talk about febrile seizures. This is the most common type of seizure in children aged 6 months to 6 years. Children are more prone to seizures due to the immaturity of the nervous system, a higher concentration of water in the brain tissues than in adults, increased vascular permeability, and acute sensitivity to oxygen starvation. The younger the age, the more pronounced are the features of the brain that contribute to the occurrence of febrile seizures.

The risk group among children includes those whose mothers during pregnancy suffered acute infectious diseases, severe toxicosis, took medications without medical supervision, smoked or drank alcohol, even in small quantities. This type of seizures are most susceptible to weakened children who have not been properly cared for. The main factor in the appearance is hereditary predisposition.

With febrile convulsions, the child does not respond to external stimuli, holds his breath and turns blue. The seizure can last up to 15 minutes, but a series of attacks of involuntary muscle contractions are not excluded.

There is no evidence that febrile seizures have sequelae. The probability of developing epilepsy in the future in such children is exactly the same as in the rest.

An episode of febrile seizures will not affect intelligence or school performance and does not require any long-term treatment. However, it is necessary to show the child to a neurologist.

Related video: expert comments on febrile seizures in children


At the first manifestation of a seizure, many parents are horrified by a rather frightening picture: the child stretches his arms and legs, freezes in an unnatural position, his head is thrown back, and his eyes roll back. The teeth are tightly clenched, foam may appear in the corner of the blue lips. Some attacks are accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness. The general tension is supplemented by twitching of the limbs or their fading at maximum extension.

The child completely loses control over stool and urination. The duration of seizures is usually no more than a minute, but it takes another 10-15 minutes for the baby to return to full consciousness. Nocturnal seizures can manifest as slight twitching, which is due to fatigue and overexertion.


The examination involves the search for the cause of the seizures that occurred. After identifying the disease, the nature of the seizures is clarified, for which data from the life history and medical history are used. Additional examinations may be ordered:

First aid

As soon as it was noticed that an attack begins, it is urgent to call emergency help. While waiting for the doctor, remove tight clothing from the child and lay him on a hard and even surface on his side. The window in the room must be opened so that there is an influx of fresh air. When the body is “lying on your back”, you need to turn at least your head on your side. Do not try to insert something between the child's teeth, so as not to injure them.

In the case when the attack is related to respiratory-affective, a calm atmosphere is created near it. You can sprinkle it with water or lightly slap on the cheeks, and then give a sedative drug. This can be the usual tincture of valerian at the rate of 1 drop of medicine for 1 year of the baby's life.

  • carry a child without special need;
  • leave him alone;
  • try to get drunk;
  • restrain the child;
  • forcefully unclench the jaws.


Medical methods are based on an individual approach, taking into account the frequency and nature of seizures. The dynamics of manifestations already during the period of therapy, as well as confinement to the time of day, is taken into account. The causes of seizures are also important, because with convulsions from temperature, fever is stopped, and contractions against the background of hysteria and crying require normalization of breathing.

Hospitalization is indicated for respiratory disorders, prolonged impairment of consciousness and the inability to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease.

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