Pimples on the hands itch with water. Pimples on fingers. Watery pimples on the hands: treatment and prevention measures

Despite the fact that nowadays more attention is paid to hygiene, skin rashes remain a common problem. And the body is no exception. They suddenly appear and just as quickly disappear. Pimples with a clear liquid appear on the upper and lower extremities, in the chest, on the back. What caused this, the specialist will tell.

The reasons

Watery pimples for various reasons occur on human skin. For some diseases, this is a characteristic symptom. The most common reasons:

Any rash is a sure sign that something is wrong with the body.

What factor provoked watery acne on the body, the specialist will determine. Small watery rashes sometimes occur after a skin burn.

Rashes containing a clear liquid also provoke staphylococcus aureus. It lives in the skin. The vital activity of pathogens provokes small bubbles. They burst, and a wound appears in this place. The liquid does not cease to stand out, they are also called weeping. In the absence of treatment, the affected area grows.


Various components can be an allergen. These are flowering, dust, animal hair, cosmetics. Watery pimples on which part of the body appeared, most likely the allergen acts on this part of the skin more. Home care products, washing powders can also be a provoking factor. Rashes all over the body are characteristic of a food allergen.

The most common causes are prickly heat and allergic dermatitis.

If they appear after contact with cold water or snow, the allergen is cold. This condition should be under the control of specialists. Pimples with water inside constantly itch, this indicates an aggravation of the situation. How water pimples look on the hands, the photo shows.

Colds and skin diseases

Watery acne is often localized on the face, more often the nose and lips are affected. Similar manifestations are characteristic of herpes, which is transmitted during household and sexual contacts. This is a common virus that is activated when immunity is lowered. A decrease in the protective properties of the body can provoke a cold. Therefore, watery acne on the face, as a sign of herpes, is often called a cold. Therapy in this case provides for an integrated approach.

Another type of herpes also causes blistering rashes, these are manifestations of herpes zoster. It is accompanied by severe pain and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Bubbles may appear on the lips, while they are very itchy

Papules are characteristic of water pox. On this basis, the disease is easy to diagnose. With chickenpox, rashes are first localized in the abdomen, on the lower extremities and hands. Then spread throughout the body. Therapy consists in the use of antipyretics. And acne with liquid inside is treated with brilliant green. If water rashes on the body are the result of an infection with a scabies mite, they are very itchy. You need to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Nervous system disorder

Strong stressful situations or experiences can cause acne all over the body. It is not recommended to carry out therapy without a doctor. First you need to establish the cause, and then carry out treatment.


With increased secretion of fat by the skin, a person can get dyshidrosis. What is this disease? There is a blockage of the sebaceous glands, metabolic processes in the skin are disturbed. Watery pimples appear on the chin, as well as other fragments of the body.

If a person suffers from oily skin, he may develop dyshidrosis.

Transparent rashes in children

Some diseases are considered childhood. These are measles, chickenpox, pompholyx and rubella. If a person did not get sick in childhood, he can get sick during his life. Children are easier to tolerate the disease than adults. The temperature rises first. Then watery pimples in a child pass to the whole body. They can even be located on the oral mucosa.

Anyone around the child can get sick. If you find watery pimples in a child, make an appointment with the pediatrician. Lack of treatment can lead to complications with serious consequences.

Having found rashes, especially watery acne in a child, you need to contact a specialist. In order not to aggravate the condition before a visit to the doctor, follow some recommendations:

The main thing in prevention is the cleansing of the body. To eliminate acne with a clear liquid, you need an integrated approach. First of all, you should eat a balanced diet. The diet should contain vitamins and minerals, more vegetables and fruits of fruit trees. To normalize metabolism, do not forget about physical activity.

Medical therapy

Water pimples on the face and other fragments of the body can only be cured by a dermatologist. Self-medication can eliminate the symptoms, but not the provoking factor. In the absence of symptoms such as burning and itching, the rash is not dangerous.

With allergies, first eliminate the effect of the allergen, and then prescribe antihistamines to relieve symptoms. These include Tavegil, Suprastin. Local treatment at an advanced stage involves the use of ointments or hormonal preparations. Inflamed bumps on the face should be treated carefully to avoid scarring.

The main recommendation is to increase immunity and take vitamins. This will prevent the occurrence of diseases. If small pimples provoked a fungus, antimycotic drugs are used. Most drugs are toxic, so only a dermatologist should prescribe them.

Sulfur ointment and antihistamine medicines help get rid of scabies. To reduce stress tension, sedatives and sedatives are prescribed.


Acne with white liquid is most often abscesses. Not thickened pus flows out of the pimple when pressed. Not so common are large abscesses that contain a clear liquid.

Pus is formed due to the attachment of inflammation. Therefore, the lower part of the rash is red. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply in sebum. They cause inflammation. If the purulent mass is yellow or green, then a secondary infection has joined. With such acne with a yellow liquid, antiseptics are prescribed.

Watery pimples on the hands should never be ignored, as they are often signs of a serious illness. As a rule, such formations cause some discomfort and rather unpleasant sensations.

Causes of watery acne on the hands

Insidious small bubbles on the hands sometimes tend to periodically appear and disappear, thereby misleading a person. After all, if the rash disappears on its own, then most people think that they are not a serious problem and do not require treatment.

In fact, pimples on the hands are an external manifestation of the internal problems of the body. And sometimes eliminating them only by means of external influence may be an insufficient measure.


Scabies is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • flaky skin with weeping wounds (the places between the fingers are especially prone to rashes);
  • the presence of itching, aggravated at night or after taking water procedures;
  • the presence of scabies - thin gray stripes leading to the bubbles.

If you notice small blisters on your fingers, you are worried about itching, or you find any of the signs listed above, contact your doctor immediately.

Other infectious diseases

Small blisters on the hands can be one of the symptoms of infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, or chickenpox. They can appear not only on the limbs, but also on other parts of the body. As a rule, these infectious diseases are accompanied by a strong increase in human body temperature. Also, the cause of the appearance of unpleasant bubbles on the hands can be.


Fungal infections can also be accompanied by itchy bumps on the hands. This happens in cases where a person neglects the rules of personal hygiene, and the infection penetrates into open wounds on the palms of the hands.

If you suspect that you have one of the above diseases, consult a doctor immediately!


White bubbles on the fingers may appear for other reasons:

  1. As an allergic reaction to certain foods, extreme cold, bright sunlight, and other irritants. In this case, you can fight them with the help of antihistamines.
  2. With blockage of the sweat glands, watery acne can also periodically appear on the hands. This disease is called prickly heat. Blisters in this case do not cause any discomfort. And over time, they themselves burst and disappear.
  3. Watery pimples on the hands may be the result of a lack of natural skin protection. This is more likely to happen with very dry skin, or is the result of irritation from rubbing against clothing.
  4. The cause of the appearance of rashes can also be problems of internal organs, hormonal disruptions or stressful situations.

Carefully! Chemistry!

Recently, household chemicals often become the cause of the appearance of various kinds of acne on the hands. Soaps, washing powders, various detergents and cleaning products can cause unpleasant rashes on the hands. Such acne usually goes away on its own as soon as a person removes the source of irritation from his home. But, sometimes this may not be enough, and you will have to undergo treatment with antihistamines.

Watery pimples on the hands: treatment and prevention measures

If you find one watery pimple on your hand, then this, of course, is not a reason to run to the hospital. Especially if it doesn't bother you.

But, if you notice that the blister is getting larger every day, new ones appear next to it or in other places, and even more so if the pimples on your hands itch, then in this case you need to visit a doctor.

A dermatologist can determine the cause of the rash on the hands visually, or prescribe additional studies to make an accurate diagnosis.

How to minimize inconvenience

Even in the case when you have already consulted a dermatologist and started taking treatment, watery pimples on your hands can cause quite a lot of discomfort. Therefore, in order to get rid of this problem as soon as possible, you can take some measures yourself:

  1. Try to avoid stressful situations.
  2. Get enough sleep at night.
  3. Avoid foods that can trigger a rash. Do not eat smoked meats, fried, fatty, spicy and sweet.
  4. If the rash is caused by prickly heat, shower regularly, at least 2 times a day. Lubricate pimples with tincture of oak bark, use these.
  5. Treat acne with aloe juice or calendula tincture. These plants perfectly disinfect and relieve inflammation from the skin. Calendula tincture can be bought ready-made at a pharmacy. And aloe juice can be prepared at home on your own. To do this, you need to take an aloe leaf (it is better if it is a leaf of a mature plant). Wrap the cut leaf in foil and keep in the refrigerator for a day. Squeeze the juice out of it the next day. Dilute the juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

If the pimples on the hands itch - in no case should they be combed! With such actions, you can provoke an infection into the wounds, and get an even bigger problem. Also, you can not peel off the crusts from bursting acne. Over time, they will come down on their own.

Prevention measures

For those who periodically observe the appearance of watery pimples on their hands, it would be useful to use the following tips:

  1. Carefully analyze your diet. Perhaps you are too fond of fried, fatty, spicy or sweet foods. Ideally, you should adhere to the canons of proper nutrition and drink enough fluids daily. Sometimes, to get rid of acne, it is enough just to start following a certain diet.
  2. In the period when there are no acne on the hands, try to practice the peeling procedure. To do this, you can use sea salt, and in its absence, ordinary table salt. Peeling is easy. Just steam your hands, apply salt on them and massage your skin. Rinse off the remaining salt with plain water. Peeling can also be done using special store tools. If this procedure is done regularly, then, perhaps, watery rashes on your hands will stop appearing, or they will begin to occur much less frequently.
  3. Avoid skin exposure to direct UV rays. Quite often, it is the sun that causes rashes on the skin. In this case, sunbathing is contraindicated for you.

The problem associated with the appearance of watery acne on the hands can affect everyone, regardless of age and gender. But it will be possible to cope with it much faster and easier if you recognize the cause of their occurrence in time and be able to treat it correctly. If you have other types of acne on your hands, then you can read about effective measures to combat them in.

How to recognize the nature of watery rashes on the hands, and what preventive measures to take, can be found in the video.

The skin on the hands is the most exposed to external influences. Brushes come into contact with aggressive components, are less protected from frost and sun. The reaction can be small watery pimples that appear on the palms, fingers and outside of the hands.

The blisters can be very small, often spaced, like bumpy skin, or larger and appear 3 to 4 cm apart. Since the hands are always in sight, such rashes cause psychological discomfort in a person. In most cases, water pimples are very itchy. Let's see what it could be.

Watery vesicles on the hands: causes

A blistering rash can be caused not only by external factors, but also by malfunctions in the internal organs. Consider the nature of the appearance of pimples that itch:

Allergy, irritation

The following can cause discomfort:

  • detergents;
  • caring cosmetics;
  • aggressive components of building materials;
  • strong wind and frost;
  • medical preparations;
  • allergenic food.

Appeared watery pimples on the hands itch, burst, new ones appear in their place.

Burns, reaction to ultraviolet light

Burns appear not only from contact with fire, hot surfaces, the sun, but also with plants. Immediately appear redness, swelling, then - large or small blisters. The strongest reaction is seen on fair skin.

Watery acne on the hands can appear after visiting the beach or when staying at the window on the sunny side for a long time, because the glass does not block ultraviolet light. For example, office work, bus ride.

herpes virus

It affects the weakened body and remains in it forever. Symptoms appear on different parts of the body depending on the strain. On the back of the palms and fingers, herpes is less common than on the face, but no one is safe from such a phenomenon. The disease develops in stages.

  • Itching is felt, swelling appears.
  • Visible rash on the hands in the form of vesicles with a grayish liquid.
  • The blisters burst, the filling spreads, infecting other areas. It is very important at this stage to prevent infection of neighboring tissues.
  • The wounds dry up and become covered with scabs. After a few days, the crusts go away on their own. You cannot speed up the process.

Chickenpox, urticaria, measles

Chicken pox and measles are infectious diseases and are transmitted by airborne droplets, through household contact. Additional symptoms, in addition to the appearance of watery blisters on the fingers, palms and other parts of the body, are: fever, general malaise.

The fever and rash last about seven days. In some cases, there may be serious complications. After chickenpox and measles, the body develops immunity to these diseases.

Urticaria often appears with weak immunity. It can occur spontaneously and also pass quickly, or become chronic and last for several months.

bullous impetigo

This is a type of streptococcal skin lesion. Penetrates through damaged epidermis (abrasions, cuts). As a result, small bubbles with a cloudy liquid appear. Feeling weak, fever, headache. Bullous impetigo does not become chronic, it does not have heredity. Small watery pimples appear on the arms, but do not affect the elbow joints.

Koksaki A 16

A viral infection that causes small blisters on the arms and legs and sores in the mouth. Bubbles are often localized between the fingers, pass in 10 days. Mouth ulcers heal within a week. The disease is spread through the home.

The virus lives in the digestive tract, accompanied by fever, chills.


This infectious disease is transmitted through personal contact with a sick person, using his personal hygiene items.

The female scabies mite lays eggs under the skin, larvae hatch after 2-4 days. The process of their vital activity causes severe itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night.

Prickly heat

Small bubbles on the fingers and palms are the body's reaction to intense sweating and slow evaporation. Depends on the number of sweat glands per square centimeter, the speed of metabolic processes, skin sensitivity. Such a manifestation may be a consequence of a disease of internal organs, a constant presence in rubber gloves.

There are three forms of prickly heat:

  1. Crystalline. The bubbles are filled with pearly liquid. They are not accompanied by itching and disappear on their own.
  2. Red. Bubbles of red color on the fingers itch. This form of prickly heat requires medical treatment.
  3. Deep. A severe form that can cause complications. In most cases, the doctor recommends admission to a hospital.

Problems with internal organs

Often with rashes on the skin, the body reacts to malfunctions in the digestive, genitourinary, cardiovascular, endocrine systems. In this case, acne can appear all over the body, including the hands. In diabetes mellitus, the bubbles are localized between the fingers, on the bends of the elbows. A high probability of a rash with cirrhosis of the liver.

Other reasons

Psychological overstrain, stress, sleep disturbance, overwork directly affect the condition of the skin. As a result, a rash appears, the bubbles on the skin itch (water bubbles on the hands are visible in the photo). Mostly concentrated between the fingers.

Rashes may indicate infection with diseases that are not common in our territory. This usually happens after a trip to another continent or to a country with a hot climate.

How to treat itchy watery pimples on hands? Medical therapy

A simple rash might quickly disappear when the irritant is removed, but water blisters, when the cover is damaged, leave a wound that is open to germs and infections. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate not only visual changes, but also the cause of the rash.

  • For allergies, to improve the condition of the skin of the hands and speed up the healing of wounds, the doctor prescribes Bepanten, Menthol ointment for skin treatment twice a day. Additionally - taking antihistamines Suprastin (3-4 tablets per day), Claritin (1 tablet per day), Cetrin (1 tablet per day), Tavegil (2 tablets per day). The duration of the course will be determined only by the doctor. You may need a strict diet without spicy and salty foods, sweets, citrus fruits.

  • In case of a burn, it is impossible to treat the affected area (appearing blisters) with fatty creams. The resulting film prevents heat transfer. Suitable antiseptic and antibacterial ointments, sprays from burns Olazol, Panthenol. Hands should be washed gently, the remaining water should be blotted with a napkin or towel, then apply a medicinal preparation.

  • To cure herpes, Acyclovir, Famvir, Valtrex are prescribed for internal use and external treatment with Herpeblok, Zinerit, Zovirax ointments. At the stage of drying, fir oil will help speed up cell renewal and relieve itching.

  • With urticaria, drugs are prescribed: Advantan, Belogent, Hydrocortisone, Lokoid. The course of treatment is no more than 7 days. If during this time the condition does not improve, the doctor prescribes other drugs.
  • With chickenpox, each pimple must be treated with brilliant green. If necessary, take antipyretic drugs.
  • When diagnosing measles, anti-inflammatory drugs, drops in the nose and eyes, expectorants are prescribed. Measles can cause serious complications in the respiratory tract. In severe cases of the disease, inpatient treatment is necessary.
  • With bullous impetigo, anti-inflammatory therapy is used. The affected areas are treated with ointments and gels, which the doctor selects individually.
  • When coxsackie A16 is prescribed to take Maalox, Relzer, Almagel-neo.
  • How to treat pimples with liquid in a mild form of prickly heat? They can be lubricated with cosmetic oil, cream. Provide air access to the skin, do not wear gloves. In the form of prickly heat, when the blisters on the hands itch, you need to treat them with boric alcohol, zinc ointment, take Suprastin, Cetrin, Loratadin.

For any disease, you should take Vitamins C, A, E, immunomodulatory drugs.

Folk methods

In addition to the main treatment, you can use products made according to folk recipes.

With a burn

  • A fresh cabbage leaf will become an “ambulance” of a pre-medical consultation. You can make cuts on it so that the juice appears. The sheet must be applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage.
  • Baths and lotions with a decoction of chamomile, succession. The liquid must not be hot.
  • Apply gruel from ground oatmeal, steamed with boiling water and cooled to a comfortable temperature.

With prickly heat

  • Lotions from a decoction of oak bark, succession, mint, chamomile will help with the appearance of bubbles. Herbs can be steamed separately or combined in any proportion.
  • Lubricate the affected area with tea tree oil.

With scabies

  • Make compresses with baking soda, apply ice to relieve itching.
  • For better healing of combed areas, apply aloe leaves, pre-cut, or treat wounds with juice half diluted with water.
  • Make poultices from comfrey leaves. Dip them in hot water, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to the affected area.

  • Boil arnica flowers. Apply a napkin soaked in infusion to the blisters.
  • Make lotions from green tea. It relieves itching and speeds up healing.
  • Lubricate the affected area with yellow celandine liquid.

With coxsackie A16

  • Gargle with soda solution, decoction of chamomile, sage.
  • Treat sores on the palms with aloe juice.

Preventive measures

So that watery acne does not appear on the fingers, you need to observe hygiene and strengthen the immune system, because the probability of damage is higher in a weakened body.

  • Wash your hands often, inspect them for cuts, burrs, splinters, to prevent infection from entering the broken epidermis.
  • Take vitamins, especially in the off-season. Lemons, cauliflower and white cabbage help to saturate the body with vitamin C.
  • Eat vegetables, fruits, drink juices for additional intake of nutrients and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Get yourself a healthy sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, you need to walk in the evenings with an energetic step, drink a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey at night.
  • To strengthen the immune system, take tincture of ginseng, echinacea, Anaferon.

When a rash appears on the fingers (on the palms, elbows and other areas), it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The doctor will help to find out what it is that caused this symptom. The rapid disappearance of acne does not always indicate a complete recovery. In some cases, the disease can go into a latent form.

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With aggressive chemicals, exposed to various microbes, suffer from heat, dryness and humidity. All this contributes to the occurrence of various rashes on the hands, which cause a feeling of discomfort.

Discomfort not only in everyday life, but also in moral terms, is caused by water pimples on the hands. A photo that displays a picture of the disease is shown below.

Reasons for the appearance

The causes of rashes on the hands are quite diverse, each case requires an individual approach.

Infectious diseases

A rash on the hands can occur due to infectious diseases. This is possible with rubella, measles, chicken pox. With such diseases, water pimples on the hands itch and fester, they can spread over the entire surface of the body, the patient's temperature rises, and the state of health worsens.

In addition, various rashes on the hands and body can be caused by fungal infections. Basically, water bubbles are localized on the palms, feet, and can itch. Microbes can enter the body even through small cracks in the skin. The easiest way to get the disease is in public saunas and pools. To get rid of the problem, you must consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow the rules of personal hygiene.


Most often, water pimples on the hands are an allergic response of the body to food, dust, pollen of some plants, frost and sun, and animal hair. Among all allergic reactions, contact dermatitis is the leader. At the beginning of the disease, separate small water pimples appear on the hands. Merging with each other, they begin to burst, itch and peel off. It is possible to attach a secondary infection, resulting in the development of inflammatory processes on the hands.

The allergen that causes this disease contains detergents or cosmetics, household chemicals, and medicines with which the skin of the hands is in contact. Because of these substances, dyshidrotic eczema, or dyshidrosis, can develop. The disease has periods of exacerbation in autumn or spring. The situation can be aggravated by vitamin deficiency, a change in the light regime of the day, and stress.

Disrupted sweat glands

The cause of rashes on the hands may also be in violation of the sebaceous glands. With their excessive activity, small water pimples appear on the hands. Insufficient production of secretion leads to the fact that the skin becomes dry.

Overdried skin, constant friction of clothing causes irritation, and in the future, an inflammatory process may follow.


The hereditary nature of the disease is also possible. With follicular keratosis, which can be inherited, pimples appear on the arms above the elbows. These rashes are very dry and itchy.

Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

If hygiene rules are not followed, there is also a risk of encountering such an unpleasant phenomenon. On unkempt hands, even a slight crack can lead to the development of an inflammatory process.

Diseases of the internal organs

Another reason is diseases of the internal organs. Here you can not do without qualified medical care. It is necessary to consult a doctor for testing and determining the cause of the problem. Such rashes occur with systemic liver damage, hepatitis, malfunctions of the digestive tract, impaired metabolism, or hormonal disruptions. After poisoning with toxic substances, water pimples on the hands may also appear.

Treatment of rashes

To choose the right treatment, first of all you need to visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests. Self-medication with hormonal, antifungal or antibacterial drugs can have extremely negative consequences.

If the vesicles on the hands are accompanied by itching, doctors prescribe special talkers, trays with string or chamomile, cream and ointment with corticosteroids. With rashes of an infectious nature, the underlying disease is primarily treated, as well as if the rashes are caused by problems with internal organs.

Dyshidrosis requires a special approach. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what provoked this disease. During the examination, it is necessary to exclude malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine or nervous systems, the gastrointestinal tract or other organs. In addition, it is necessary to exclude possible allergens from the patient's environment, such as, for example, detergents or cleaning products, cosmetics.

Treatment of dyshidrotic eczema should be complex, using both external agents and anti-inflammatory drugs. In order to dry water acne, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, fucorcin. In addition, special ointments are used, and physiotherapy is prescribed for greater efficiency.

If water pimples on the hands are an allergic reaction to something, contact with the allergen should be avoided. Opened blisters must be treated with disinfectants. Herbal baths will help relieve itching. In addition, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines, both internal and local.

Aloe vera juice can be used to relieve itching. Previously, the leaf of the plant must be kept in the refrigerator for a day. Then the juice is squeezed out of the leaf and the palms are rubbed once a day. Calendula infusion is also well suited for these purposes.

If the rashes are associated with stress or beriberi, it is necessary to take sedatives, vitamin therapy. You need to try to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat rationally and avoid stress.


For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to provide timely and competent care to the skin of the hands, not to use household chemicals without personal protective equipment. Try to avoid contact with possible allergens. When choosing gloves for washing dishes, pay attention to the fact that there is no powder inside them, which dries out the skin. Regularly use nourishing and moisturizing hand skin care products. Do not forget about personal hygiene after being in a public place.

In addition, it is very important and proper nutrition, which should be balanced and complete. Not only the condition of the skin, but also the whole organism as a whole depends on this. By cleansing your body, you can get rid of acne on your hands and body. From the menu you need to exclude harmful foods, try to eat healthy food, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is not recommended to abuse fried, flour, smoked. In addition, you need to get rid of bad habits.

Sunburn is an excellent preventive measure. It is interesting that tanning in a solarium is as effective as on the seashore, rivers. But remember to take precautions.

Any rash on the skin should not be ignored, as such a reaction may indicate the presence of serious health problems.

Watery pimples on the body can appear for various reasons. These formations are similar to ordinary pimples with transparent contents inside. In the middle of such a pimple, there may be a black rod, and some watery formations can appear very quickly and disappear just as quickly, it all depends on the disease that caused them. Some types of rashes on the body require a serious approach to eliminate.

Those pimples that quickly appear and disappear are often located on the hands and fingers. They may be associated with an allergic manifestation in response to a local irritant, as soon as the contact stops, the pimple immediately disappears. Clear-filled papules are most often shades of pink, red, or blue-red.

Watery formations of red color, often on the back, occur with hives, along with this, a headache and an increase in body temperature may appear. Other common causes of watery pimples include:

  • prickly heat;
  • violation of the work of internal organs;
  • infection;
  • skin disease;
  • stress factor;
  • dyshidrosis;
  • hormonal imbalance.

On a note! Since everything in the human body is interconnected, one disease can cause the appearance of another.

For example, an allergic reaction that causes a rash on the skin may appear due to a decrease in immunity, which, in turn, was affected by a stressful state. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek help from a specialist to identify the root cause of skin rashes and properly treat the disease.

The influence of hormonal disruptions in the body on rashes

Skin diseases include:

  • chicken pox;
  • scabies;
  • measles;
  • herpes virus and some others.

Usually, the appearance of pimples is the first symptom of such phenomena.

On a note! With chickenpox, small pimples first appear on the skin of the head and "go down" down.

Dermatological diseases are caused by a decrease in the body's defenses, immunity is also reduced under stress, then the skin can react with similar rashes.

Hormonal imbalance often occurs in adolescence, during pregnancy, with problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes.

Prickly heat

Prickly heat can be both a hereditary condition and acquired with age. This condition occurs due to a malfunction of the organs related to the endocrine system, with obesity. Causes of sweating that are not related to diseases:

  • constant wearing of synthetic clothing;
  • acclimatization in a dry hot climate;
  • tight, unventilated shoes.

Watery pimples in this case resemble bubbles filled with water, they are very small and close to each other, they hurt and do not cause itching. They are usually located on the face, in the neck, in the folds of the arms and legs.

A disease that in the vast majority occurs in people with hyperhidrosis (increased and constant sweating of the palms and feet). It is characterized by the appearance of small itchy watery vesicles in these areas of the skin.

On a note! Dyshidrosis often occurs in the spring-autumn period, does not apply to contagious diseases, it can occur due to a strong nervous shock.

An infection that can cause formations on the skin includes, for example, mycotic skin lesions. A fungal infection of the foot can cause watery blisters to form on the foot.

On a note! The fungus can affect the skin not only due to direct infection from another person, it can be activated already in a person. The reasons are tight shoes, sweaty feet and reduced immunity.

The disease of the skin, which is accompanied by characteristic watery formations, mainly affects people over 40 years of age. There are several forms and degrees of the disease. The most common cause is a genetic predisposition.

The disease is subdivided into non-acantholytic, that is, it is less dangerous to health than the acantholytic form of pemphigus, which can lead to serious complications. Bullous pemphigus refers to the nonacantholytic form. Bubbles with fluid that appear on the skin disappear on their own without a trace.

On a note! Not treating this disease threatens with many complications, including pneumonia, phlegmon, sepsis, and even death.

Diseases of the internal organs, as the cause of rashes

In violation of the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, rashes on the skin are not uncommon. The diseases themselves can serve as a trigger for the occurrence of dyshidrosis, hormonal and other problems in the body.

Violation of the normal functioning of any organ from the digestive system leads to malfunctions in the metabolic processes of the body, metabolism is disturbed in relation to many substances: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals. In this case, the study can show both excess and deficiency. Both conditions are unnatural and harmful, leading to the development of many diseases.

With a lack of protein, there is a decrease in immunity, frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases. With an excess, intestinal dysfunction, kidney pathology, and liver disease are observed. And all these conditions can be manifested by rashes on the skin.

Violation of mineral metabolism is manifested by various skin lesions:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • allergic reactions.

A significant decrease in immunity is also characteristic. With lipid deficiency, the body's defenses also decline, inflammatory skin diseases occur, and hormonal balance is disturbed.

On a note! Often a condition in which there is a shortage in the body of one or another substance occurs with poor nutrition, controversial diets and the constant use of fast foods.

Video - Finger Allergy

Actions for the appearance of pimples

To begin with, you should not self-medicate, unless it is an allergic reaction that has already manifested itself. For allergies, you can use special creams and ointments, corticosteroids.

With an unknown appearance of pimples, you need to contact a dermatologist who, having established a diagnosis, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Perhaps he will advise you to contact other specialists: an endocrinologist, an allergist, a gastroenterologist.

Drugs that specialists can prescribe to get rid of watery blisters on the skin.

DiseaseName of medicinePeculiarities
Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Neovir, OxolinAntiviral and immunomodulating agents in tablets, solutions and ointments
Fukortsin, Potassium permanganate, Viferon, ZirtekAntiseptic immunomodulating, antipruritic agents
Resorcinol solution, Zinc ointment, Atropine sulfate, FurosemideAntiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory drugs in ointments, solutions
Valerian extract, Persen, Cipralex, Lorazepam, NovopassitCalming, anticonvulsant, sleeping pills
Exoderil, Mikatin, LamisilFungicidal, antimycotic topical agents
Sinaflan, Fenistil, Loratadine, Claritin, ZyrtecAntipruritic, antihistamines in the form of ointment and for internal use
Diet, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Gastal, Almagel, OmeprazolePower correction. Antimicrobials, antacids, hydrochloric acid neutralizers, pain relievers
Diet, Linex, Bifiform, SmectaPower correction. Means that normalize the intestinal microflora
Diet, Festal, Mezim forte, No-shpa, OmezPower correction. Lipolytic, choleretic, antacid, painkillers
Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hemodialysis, PlasmapheresisGlucocorticoid drugs. Blood cleansing procedures

Treatment of rashes with folk remedies

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the exact cause that caused them, otherwise you can aggravate the situation or perform useless therapy.

Along with the main treatment, you can use a decoction of blackberry leaves. To do this, insist 100 grams of crushed leaves in two liters of hot water. It is then used to rub the affected areas on the body several times a day. Sea buckthorn oil is also used, a small amount of which is necessary to lubricate the affected areas.

Herpes is treated with aloe juice or celandine juice applied to a bandage, a piece of cellophane is placed on top and bandaged for the night. Get rid of herpes vesicles with essential oils of bergamot (4 drops), tea tree (2 drops) and alcohol (teaspoon). The bubbles are lubricated with the prepared solution twice a day.

Video - How to treat herpes at home folk remedies

With pemphigus

This disease is treated with hormonal drugs. Folk remedies go in addition to the main therapy. Aloe leaf juice is used for compresses, as well as nettle leaf juice. To do this, squeeze the juice, impregnate a gauze bandage or bandage and apply to the affected area, such procedures can be done 3 times a day.

On a note! Aloe juice has bactericidal properties, reduces the level of toxic substances in the body, accelerates wound healing.

Draws out pus and promotes wound healing A mixture of equal proportions of garlic, onions, honey, salt and pepper, put in the oven for 15 minutes. This mixture lubricates the formations on the skin 2-3 times a day.


As a first aid for urticaria that has arisen due to the intake of any food, it is necessary to use means that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, it can be a laxative in the form of tablets, suppositories or 50 grams of vegetable oil. Oil envelops the intestines and promotes the promotion of its contents. Nettle decoction helps with hives.

For 5 liters of water, take 200 g of crushed raw materials (in fresh or dry form), boil the water and put nettles, after 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the fire and insist for half an hour. After straining, 2 liters are added to the bath while bathing in the morning and evening for 3-7 days, until the symptoms disappear.

With urticaria helps juice and infusion of celery root. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the root of the plant, grated on a fine grater, then eat the resulting slurry 4 times a day for a tablespoon, and apply the slurry to the affected areas.

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