Causes of muscular dystonia in an infant and methods of treatment. Symptoms and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children Depending on how the VVD proceeds

In the process of active growth and development, the child's body may not be able to cope with the tasks assigned to it. This is expressed by a deterioration in general well-being and a whole range of symptoms that characterize disturbances in the functioning of the body. An entry with a diagnosis of "vegetative vascular dystonia" may appear in the child's medical record.

Vegetative vascular dystonia: what is it in children

Destabilization of the regulatory work of the autonomic nervous system leads to a systemic failure and disruption of the functional activity of all organs. Vegetative vascular dystonia is accompanied by a whole range of non-specific symptoms and numerous complaints from patients. Treatment of VSD in children and adolescents is aimed at stabilizing the patient's condition, taking into account the individual characteristics of the manifestation of the disease.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons for the development of vegetative vascular dystonia in a child. The incidence rate is directly affected by the age of the child. The highest percentage is observed among schoolchildren who enter the phase of active development, hormonal maturation and increased psycho-emotional stress. But to face vegetative vascular dystonia in children, and even parents of newborns can find out.

From birth to 1 year:

  • hypoxia;
  • infections affecting intrauterine development;
  • heredity;
  • congenital diseases;
  • birth trauma;
  • pregnancy with complications (toxicosis, preeclampsia, infection);

From 1 year to 5 years:

  • transferred infections;
  • chronic diseases;
  • anemia;
  • allergies;
  • head injury.

From 5 to 7 years:

  • psychological and emotional stress;
  • unfavorable home environment;
  • imbalance in nutrition;
  • hormonal changes;
  • hypodynamia;
  • stress.

Negative factors that can provoke the manifestation of VVD:

  • psycho-emotional: stress, overwork, negative home environment, lack of trusting relationships within the family, school workload;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of proper sleep;
  • passive lifestyle.

Symptoms of vegetative dystonia in children

The manifestation of VVD is complex and occurs according to the same symptoms as other diseases, complicating the correct diagnosis.

Difficulties are caused by the diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia in children of the first year of life. The newborn does not know how to speak, the symptoms do not have a pronounced form. He can tell about all his problems only by crying. Parents need to carefully monitor the baby's appetite, stool regularity, frequency of regurgitation, and sleep. Vegetovascular dystonia in infants is accompanied by symptoms indicating problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - appetite worsens, stool becomes irregular (constipation, diarrhea), weight gain slows down, allergies, skin rashes are possible. Sleep disturbing and short, often interrupted by crying.

Vegetovascular dystonia in a child from a year old is expressed in the form of low adaptive abilities of the body. He is prone to infections and frequent colds, is characterized by irritability, tearfulness, fearfulness and anxiety, and does not make good contact with other children. There is a strong attachment to the mother. Weight gain slows down, body weight decreases, appetite worsens.

Vegetative vascular dystonia in a child aged 7 years and older is accompanied by paroxysmal symptoms. The child's sleep becomes disturbing, accompanied by insomnia, nightmares, anxiety attacks and unrest. There are sharp swings in mood, a tendency to tantrums. Complaints of headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness, memory impairment are not excluded. Body temperature periodically rises to subfebrile, thermoregulation is disturbed: the child sweats heavily or feels chilly.

With vegetative vascular dystonia in a child older than 9 years, the symptoms appear due to increased hormonal activity, which does not go unnoticed either for the physical or for the psycho-emotional state.

The manifestation of vegetative vascular dystonia in children and adolescents has its own characteristics. This age is characterized by the dominance of a certain syndrome:

  • cardiac - bradycardia, arrhythmia, tachycardia, increase / decrease in pressure, feeling of lack of air, headaches, darkening in the eyes when changing position, pain in the heart area;
  • respiratory syndrome - shortness of breath, accompanied by shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, noisy and deep breathing;
  • syndrome of impaired thermoregulation - chilliness, sweating, fever to subfebrile;
  • neurotic - apathy, which manifests itself paroxysmal, mood deterioration, depression, anxiety, the appearance of phobias and tantrums;
  • - problems with urination, stomach pain, intestinal colic, numbness of the extremities, pallor or flushing of the skin.

Classification of pathology

The classification of the IRR takes into account the prevailing criteria for determining the form of the course of this disorder.

The establishment of etiological causes is necessary when determining the type of VVD. With this in mind, distinguish:

  • psychogenic type;
  • infectious-toxic type;
  • dishormonal type;
  • hereditary type;
  • mixed type.

According to the totality of the available signs and the nature of the distribution, the VVD can proceed in a generalized, systemic or local form.

VVD is also classified according to the syndromological approach. There are: cardiac, respiratory, neurotic, thermoregulation disorder syndrome, vegetative-vascular crisis, etc.

VSD proceeds of varying severity. According to this criterion, a light, moderate and severe form is distinguished; according to the type of flow: latent, permanent and paroxysmal.

Disease types

Types of VVD depending on the nature of the violations. The sympathetic type of VVD affects the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. You can identify it by its characteristic features:

  • nervous excitability, irascibility, aggressiveness, impulsiveness;
  • neuroses;
  • change in body temperature;
  • sensation of heat;
  • reduced concentration of attention;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • good appetite, but there is no weight gain, and in some cases there is a decrease.

The vagotonic type is formed due to a malfunction of the parasympathetic system. Children become lethargic, experience a constant feeling of weakness, rapid fatigue. The general change in the state is accompanied by bouts of fear, depression, anxiety, panic attacks.

Signs of VVD by vagotonic type:

  • low blood pressure;
  • paroxysmal pain in the region of the heart;
  • breathing rare and labored;
  • swelling around the eyes;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased salivation;
  • headaches, dizziness, bouts of nausea;
  • pallor, protruding vascular network on the surface of the skin.

Mixed VSD can be characterized as a violation of the stability of blood vessels, which manifests itself in the form. It tends to sharply increase or decrease to the minimum.

VVD diagnostics

If you have symptoms of VVD, you should contact your local pediatrician. He will make an examination, collect complaints, based on the aggregate data, he will make a conclusion and give a referral to narrow specialists, whose task is to exclude other pathologies.

A comprehensive examination by doctors is coming:

  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

Diagnostic research methods are used:

  • taking an electrocardiogram;
  • electroencephalography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • echoencephalography;
  • rheovasography;
  • daily monitoring of the heart.

After diagnosing vegetovascular dystonia in children, treatment will be complex and comprehensive, including drug and non-drug methods.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia in children consists of non-drug therapy and medication. Depending on the symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in a child, treatment is prescribed.

Therapeutic measures that exclude the use of drugs:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage course;
  • hardening;
  • physiotherapy exercises under the supervision of a doctor;
  • taking herbal medicines with a calming sedative effect.

A visit to a psychologist is recommended to stabilize the mental state of adults and children, normalize intra-family relations. A psychologist will help to cope with fears, phobias, self-doubt, which often accompanies vegetovascular in childhood. One of the leading experts in this field is psychologist and hypnotherapist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin. You can find his methods and exercises at YouTube channel, you can also find more information about it in

Vegetovascular dystonia is a decrease in vascular activity in the human circulatory system. In medicine, such a condition is considered the boundary between the health of the body and the developing pathology, although many doctors generally deny the existence of this disease. For example, in Europe and the United States, doctors have not even heard of such a diagnosis. There is a well-founded opinion that doctors simply attribute the child's symptoms to VVD if they cannot establish their real cause. The disease often occurs in adolescents, but sometimes it can occur at an earlier age.

VVD changes the work of internal organs, but it can be restored if normal regulation occurs in the nervous system.

Causes of the disease in children

Often, vegetative-vascular dystonia in children occurs at the time of an increase in the activity of the endocrine system, that is, at the age of 10 years and older. It is for this reason that adolescents get sick most often.

At this age, the active work of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands begins, as a result of which hormones are released in large quantities that affect the emotional state of the child and the functioning of internal organs. This state of the child is called transitional age, that is, the child becomes naughty, and his mood often changes. But VVD does not always occur in adolescents at the time of puberty.

There are a number of main factors that can cause vegetative vascular dystonia in children:

  • Heredity. If such a pathology was in the parents, then it can be inherited by the child.
  • Overload of mental and physical nature. With strong overloads and an increase in the work of the endocrine system, the body needs a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, if they are few, the pathology begins to develop.
  • Lack of oxygen in the body - hypoxia. Rare walks in the fresh air, active or passive smoking, pathologies of the upper respiratory tract and impaired posture lead to hypoxia.
  • Severe illnesses. They greatly weaken the work of all organs.
  • Stress.
  • Pathologies that develop in the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Assimilation of food is disturbed and an insufficient amount of useful substances enters the body, as a result, the work of the body is disrupted.

VSD in infants can occur for other reasons:

  • severe pregnancy;
  • head injuries that were received at the time of childbirth;
  • viral infections;
  • disturbed feeding;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Vegetovascular dystonia in adolescents and children can occur for various reasons, the main thing is to notice the symptoms in time and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

VVD symptoms

The manifestation of VVD is divided into complaints of the child himself and the signs that the disease shows. Most often, symptoms occur when the child needs to go to kindergarten or school, as he needs to get comfortable in another team.

Symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in children may include:

  • tingling in the chest;
  • lack of air in the room;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • frequent occurrence of heartburn;
  • headache;
  • frequent feeling of tiredness.
  • Among the visible symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in children are:
  • frequent tearfulness;
  • fever for no reason;
  • increased heart rate;
  • deep breaths that are taken quickly and often;
  • nausea and vomiting, sometimes diarrhea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fast falling asleep during the day in an unnatural position;
  • onset of symptoms in bad weather.

Adolescents often have a headache, a feeling of heat and frequent sweating, dizziness and darkening of the eyes, in some cases, behavior can change dramatically.

A change in the color of the skin can be considered a symptom. In a child with this diagnosis, the skin becomes too white, blue or red. Sometimes the skin can become thinner, which is why dark vessels show through it. With a strong nervous strain, severe sweating can begin, and rashes of various kinds are possible.

All these symptoms are very similar to other various diseases, which is why the diagnosis of the disease causes certain difficulties. Moreover, many doctors argue that the diagnosis of VVD is established when they simply cannot determine the real cause of the child's symptoms.

It is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that appear and consult a doctor, since it is much easier to treat a pathology at the beginning of development than a neglected one.

Varieties of VSD

Dystonia in children is divided into several main types. According to changes in the system of the heart and blood vessels, they distinguish:

  1. Hypertensive dystonia, it is accompanied by tachycardia, headache and increased pressure.
  2. Hypotonic dystonia, accompanied by dizziness, fainting and low blood pressure.
  3. Cardiac dystonia, accompanied by complaints of rhythm disturbance in the heart and stabbing pains in the chest.
  4. Mixed dystonia, that is, all signs can often change.

Symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in a child, with any type of disease, can proceed in different ways:

  • Latent symptoms - are manifested with the help of provoking factors, for example, with excitement;
  • Crisis symptoms - appear suddenly with good health;
  • Constant symptoms - occur every day and last for a long time.
  • Despite the symptoms, an examination of the body is required to make an accurate diagnosis of VVD and its treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

If symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia appear in a teenager or infant, it must be shown to a pediatrician. After a complete examination of the patient, the doctor will send for a consultation to narrow specialists - a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and ophthalmologist. The pediatrician sends to these specialists, based on the causes of the pathology and the symptoms accompanying it.

  1. To determine the autonomic tone and reactivity, the doctor listens to the patient's complaints and examines the results of the ECG and Holter monitoring.
  2. To evaluate the work of the central nervous system with autonomic dystonia in children, it is necessary to undergo an EEG, REG, echocardiography and rheovasography.
  3. During the examination, the doctor excludes other diseases that have similar symptoms, such as rheumatism, asthma, mental disorders and others.

VVD treatment

It is necessary to start treatment therapy from the first manifestations. Sometimes the disease can go away on its own with age, in other words, the child can outgrow it.

Treatment of VVD in children can be not only medication, that is, with the help of drugs, but also non-drug. Treatment is prescribed by narrow specialists, a neurologist or cardiologist, after passing a full examination. If the pathology develops in a mild form, then the pediatrician can carry out therapeutic measures.

At the time of treatment of VVD in adolescents, non-drug therapy is the basis. If the regimen is observed, then the effect of drug therapy is significantly increased. To do this, you must comply:

  • sleep for at least 9 hours;
  • walks in the open air;
  • breaks between lessons;
  • playing sports;
  • proper nutrition.

Additionally, you can carry out herbal medicine, that is, take decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs such as ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, licorice, chamomile or lemon balm, physiotherapy, massages and acupuncture.

In some cases, special preparations may be prescribed, which contain extracts of motherwort and hawthorn. Medicines not only soothe, but also have a slight effect on the system of the heart and blood vessels.

With such a disease, it is necessary to change the diet and follow a diet, this is necessary to restore the working function of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism.

The nutrition of the child should be complex and contain useful substances. The diet should contain cereals, vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts and vegetable oils. It is not recommended to eat salt, sweet, fatty and smoked foods, carbonated drinks.

For the treatment of VVD in adolescents, medications are used only in severe form. The goal of this treatment is to restore the functioning of the central nervous system. For this, nootropics are used. They restore metabolic processes in the cells of the nervous system and microcirculation in the brain.

To relieve the syndrome, vitamin complexes are used, B vitamins and minerals are of particular importance. If a teenager experiences pain during vegetative vascular dystonia, then painkillers or antispasmodics are prescribed.

If a teenager or a newborn has a pronounced psychosomatic reaction, then only a psychoneurologist can be treated.

Drug treatment should not continue for a long time, otherwise the child may develop dependence on drugs.

What is dangerous VVD in children

When the child began to show symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia, they should not be attributed to age or nervous strain. They can signal the development of some kind of pathology. It is for this reason that a complete examination is required, and not to start self-treatment. In this case, it is not recommended to use any drugs from the home medicine cabinet, since they are not
can always be used in children.

All medicines have contraindications, especially if they are intended to restore the work of the heart and blood vessels in children. Only a doctor should prescribe drugs after making an accurate diagnosis.

If the VSD is accompanied by an increase or decrease in pressure, then over time, hypertensive heart disease, ischemia and other cardiac abnormalities may begin to develop.

Disease prevention

For the prevention of VVD, it is necessary to carry out strengthening measures, that is, play sports and be outdoors more often. Work with a psychologist, follow the right diet and regulate the daily routine.

Prevention is necessary to prevent the progression of paroxysms, various disorders in the system of the heart and blood vessels, and psychosomatic abnormalities.

As a result, VVD in children is a combination of various symptoms on the part of the organs and systems of the body in response to a violation of their work. Pathology must be treated, otherwise it can progress greatly and carry serious complications in the work of the entire child's body.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is widespread among both adults and children. In childhood, about 25% of cases of the disease are recorded. However, the real data can be much higher, since the list of symptoms is quite extensive, and all of them are not specific, so the correct diagnosis is sometimes difficult to leave even to a specialist.

The vegetative system regulates a huge number of processes occurring in the body. It is responsible for unconscious reactions, controls the heartbeat, thermoregulation, and respiratory function.

It transmits signals to other organs, signals when to speed up the heartbeat, take deeper breaths, etc. For example, when the body lacks oxygen, a person begins to yawn, and in moments of excitement, sweating increases and the color of the skin changes - the vegetative function is responsible for all this.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

If her work is disturbed, then the reactions become incorrect, such changes can most seriously affect the child's body.

The reasons

Despite the prevalence of the problem, it was not possible to accurately identify the reasons why the disease develops. However, there are a number of factors that can provoke or aggravate the situation.

These include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • stressful conditions.

It is these factors that can be considered as the most likely when it comes to vegetative-vascular dystonia in newborns. Even a minor injury (especially for head injuries) during childbirth can lead to violations.

The consequences may not always be noticeable. You can guess about the development of disorders by indirect signs: dysbacteriosis, belching, weak immunity.

The increased danger is represented by cases when there is a threat of miscarriage, the expectant mother smokes or the woman has diabetes.

Often, babies develop VVD when pregnancy was accompanied by any pathology, which as a result led to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus


Doctors distinguish several types of IRR, which are differentiated depending on changes in blood pressure or disorders of the cardiovascular system:

There is also a classification based on which department of the autonomic system is most active:

  • sympathicotonic type;
  • parasympathicotonic type;
  • mixed type.

Depending on how the VSD proceeds:

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in newborns

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in newborns can be manifested by the following signs, which should alert the mother:

  • regurgitation;
  • swollen tummy;
  • stool problems (constipation or diarrhea);
  • poor appetite and, as a result, low weight gain;
  • skin manifestations (erytherma, exudative diathesis, diaper rash);
  • allergies;
  • restless sleep;
  • crying and whims for no apparent reason.

In young children, VVD also manifests itself as changes in muscle tone, a violation of the setting of the hand (denoted by the term “fin-shaped hand”), as well as improper setting of the feet. It can be accompanied by both atony and increased muscle tone.

Toddlers (2-3 years old) have similar symptoms. However, their adaptive abilities, immunity, and the body's ability to resist the effects of infections are reduced to an even greater extent.

Another sign is insufficient chewing. Such children may experience difficulties with emotional reactions: they are very receptive, restless, shy, uncommunicative.

It must be understood that the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is always lengthy and requires an individual approach to each patient.

Often during this period, paroxysms appear. The child may experience respiratory seizures, night phobias. In the daytime, the baby may notice rapid fatigue, blanching of the skin, frequent headaches, fainting and pre-syncope.

There are also a number of syndromes (a set of symptoms) characteristic of the disease:

Cardiac syndrome
  • accompanied by motor and sensory disorders of cardiac activity;
  • not uncommon are pain in the sternum, which are paroxysmal in nature;
  • can be fixed , irregular .
respiratory syndrome
  • its symptoms are lack of air, the occurrence of shortness of breath, including at rest;
  • outwardly, this may be manifested by the fact that the child takes deep and noisy breaths, which lead to alkalosis and hyperventilation of the lungs.
neurotic syndrome
  • develops several weeks or months after the onset of the disease, over time the symptoms become more pronounced;
  • the signs related to this syndrome include: restless sleep, bad mood, anxiety, fears, frequent mood changes, defiant behavior.
Impaired thermoregulation
  • at first, the temperature can rise to a subfebrile level periodically;
  • this can be observed within 2 weeks after the infection;
  • however, in the future, the period lengthens, and then the elevated temperature becomes the “norm” and is fixed constantly;
  • but it is not tied to any diseases, and all clinical tests do not reveal abnormalities.
Vegetative-vascular crises
  • In children, crises are rare.
  • With a sympathoadrenal crisis, heart and headaches, numbness of the limbs, the development of phobias, tachycardia and increased heart rate, pallor of the skin, fever and pressure are observed. During an attack, a person is seized with chills, there is an urge to urinate, the subsequent period is accompanied by asthenia.
  • During a parasympathetic crisis, the patient feels short of breath, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness. The heart rate (bradycardia) slows down, the heart stops, blood pressure decreases, hyperhidrosis develops, and fear seizes the person. For the subsequent period, asthenia is also characteristic.
  • The mixed type combines features of both the first and second types. They can appear sequentially or simultaneously.


Diagnosis involves the exclusion of other possible variants of diseases that are characterized by similar symptoms. If no organic disorders or diseases of an infectious nature are detected, a diagnosis of VVD is made.

As a rule, this requires going around a huge number of offices and visiting various specialists: a pediatrician, a cardiologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist.

Much attention is paid to the study of the cardiovascular system.

The following methods can be used to obtain information:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • Holter monitoring;
  • EchoEG;
  • samples to assess autonomic reactivity.


Normalization of the regime of the day, nutrition, loads
  • to improve well-being in a child with vegetative-vascular dystonia, the regime, active pastime, proper nutrition are extremely important;
  • the daily regimen should include not only moderate physical and mental stress, but also a good sleep;
  • long walks in the fresh air are a necessity - their minimum is 2-3 hours;
  • The most important component of therapy is maintaining a healthy psychological climate in the family.
Medical therapy
  • as for the drug component of the treatment, nootropic drugs that restore normal microcirculation can be prescribed by a specialist;
  • it is also necessary to take medications, the action of which will be aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.
vitamin therapy In addition to medications, the intake of minerals, B vitamins and amino acids can help to cope with this task.
Psychotherapy If psychosomatic reactions are expressed to a large extent, a psychologist's consultation will be required.
  • It involves taking decoctions and infusions of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, licorice, lemongrass.
  • Of the drugs, “Kratal for Children” can be prescribed, which includes an extract from motherwort and hawthorn, as well as taurine. This drug is characterized not only by a sedative effect, but also by cardiotonic.

Medical treatment should be treated very carefully.

After all, in fact - there is no disease called VVD. This term is often used when it is impossible to determine the cause of certain symptoms, which are numerous in vegetative-vascular dystonia. Some drugs can develop dependence in a child, which means complicating the situation.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a medical term that is subject to much controversy.

Some doctors argue that this is a disease associated with a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Others believe that this is not a pathology, but a borderline state between the norm and deviation.

The diagnosis of VSD in a child made by a doctor - what is it, what are the symptoms and signs of pathology, is treatment required?

Causes of the development of VVD in childhood and adolescents

Most physicians believe that VSD- a special condition in which there is a violation in the regulatory function of the autonomic nervous system in relation to the adequate functioning of the organs.

As a result, there is a disorder of vascular tone - their vital activity decreases.

As a result, the process of blood circulation, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to vital organ systems is disrupted. The general work of the whole organism slows down.

Reasons why it may develop VSD in children:

  • hereditary and genetic factors determine the development, severity, severity of VVD;
  • stress, a combination of psycho-emotional factors - strong physical and mental stress, problems in the family, melancholic personality type, a tendency to experiences, depression;
  • in the form of a large flow of information;
  • hormonal surge- this factor is typical for children aged 12-13 who have entered puberty;
  • hypodynamia- lack of physical activity, exposure to fresh air;
  • injury, the impact of toxic substances on the body;
  • severe pregnancy, childbirth- according to statistics, 70% of children with VVD were born as a result of premature, protracted or rapid birth;
  • unfavorable ecological situation causes disruption of the nervous system.

Most of the reasons that provoke the start of the development of dystonia in children and adolescents are external, independent of the internal state of the body. Although heredity plays an important role.

Symptoms and signs of vegetovascular disorders

Dystonia in children is possible the following types:

  • hypokinetic- blood pressure below normal, frequent fainting, general lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • hyperkinetic- it is characterized by an increase in pressure, frequent pulse, a violation of the normal rhythm of the heartbeat, pain in the occipital and temporal regions;
  • cardiac- Complaints about the work of the heart dominate: aching pains, tingling, heaviness in the left side of the chest, tachycardia;
  • mixed- the listed signs can be combined, periodically change in severity and intensity.

In children and adolescents, the autonomic nervous system is not yet fully formed. Symptoms are blurred due to frequent mood swings, behavioral patterns.

There is a list of symptoms, the appearance of which should alert and suggest the development of VVD syndrome in children:

  • behavioral changes- a sharp unreasonable change of mood, loss of interest in favorite activities, anxiety for no reason, apathy;
  • skin changes- their color changes, blue or blush may appear. There may be problems in the form of severe dryness and peeling, or acne and increased oiliness. The vascular pattern changes;
  • slowing down the process of puberty;
  • sleep problems- daytime sleepiness, insomnia;
  • violations of thermoregulation processes- unreasonable sudden decrease or increase in body temperature;
  • violation of respiratory processes- breathing becomes shallow, defective, shortness of breath appears, breathing changes from rapid to slow;
  • indigestion- appetite decreases, the process of saliva separation slows down, nausea, sensation of a coma in the throat are possible.

The listed symptoms should be a guideline for seeking medical help.

The sooner the exact cause of such changes in the child's well-being is established, the more likely it is to completely get rid of VVD in the future.

The occurrence of crises is characteristic of VVD, in which there is a sudden weakness, the skin turns pale, sweat appears, a feeling of anxiety and fear appears. This condition often frightens the child, he begins to fear a recurrence of the crisis.

The program "Health Secrets" about the causes and signs of VVD in children and adults:

Correct diagnosis - who to contact, how to examine

The earliest signs of dystonia often occur in a child at preschool age (4-5 years). Parents notice frequent mood swings, lack of appetite, complaints of headaches and.

In adolescence fainting, weakness may appear. With such complaints, you should contact your pediatrician.

The doctor conducts an initial examination of the child with a measurement of weight, height, examination of the oral cavity, measurement of body temperature, listening to breathing; talks about disturbing symptoms, their severity.

As the situation with complaints becomes clearer, the most pronounced the doctor writes out a referral for consultations with narrow specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Standard and differential diagnosis

Diagnosis in children and adolescents is often difficult. However there are standard procedures and examinations, allowing you to determine whether there are changes in the vegetative processes, how deep they are. Procedures allow you to determine the general condition of the body, the activity of the leading systems.

An accurate diagnosis - vegetovascular dystonia - is made only on the basis of objective data from all examinations that confirm that there are no somatic diseases that cause unpleasant symptoms.

In standard diagnostics, how adequately the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract function. Also, the degree of activity of the brain and the processes occurring in it - excitation and inhibition are revealed.

Differential diagnosis is equally important, because dystonia is similar in symptoms to other, more dangerous conditions that can develop from childhood or be congenital:

List of surveys

The key to success is a competent, carefully planned examination. Algorithm for examining a child with VVD syndrome: clinical trials first.- and expanded blood, determine the indication of C-reactive protein.

According to their testimony, one can judge the degree of weakening of the body, the presence of inflammatory processes.

  • ECG - electrocardiography;
  • Holter monitoring;
  • pharmacological and orthostatic tests;
  • EEG - electroencephalogram;
  • rheovasography;
  • computed tomography;
  • study by the method of nuclear magnetic resonance.

With expressed complaints about the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to conduct FGDS- gastroscopy, in which the entire tract will be examined - from the esophagus to the initial section of the small intestine.

All information received is carefully studied and discussed by medical personnel; so the diagnosis is confirmed or refuted.

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Tactics for successful treatment

Complex treatment of dystonia. In its absence, the condition can progress, worsen, leading to the development of persistent neurosis, chronic diseases, including those associated with changes in the structure of the cerebral cortex.

Therapy of vegetovascular dystonia includes non-drug and drug treatment. They do without drugs with a mild course, without crises, fainting, panic attacks.

Therapy without drugs includes:

Therapy with drugs includes the use of:

  • nootropic drugs- they normalize brain activity, improve the quality of metabolic processes. This is Noopept;
  • herbal stimulants- increase the activity of processes occurring in the nervous system - tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus;
  • neuroleptics- they reduce the acute reaction to environmental stimuli, the overall level of anxiety (Sonapax);
  • drugs for the correction of metabolism- have a beneficial effect on the general condition, improve the quality of life; the safest of this group are Elkar, Magne B6;
  • dietary supplements- restore general tone. Children and adolescents are more often prescribed Vetoron, Kudesan, Multi-tabs.

Comprehensive treatment helps to significantly improve the child's condition, completely eliminate the appearance of vegetative crises in 3-5 months.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that vegetovascular dystonia- not a pathology. This is the natural state of a fragile nervous system.

According to Evgeny Olegovich, incompletely formed vessels in the child's body periodically come into a state of tension - tone.

The reasons- Wrong lifestyle, poor nutrition, excessive physical load, stress. Because of this, there are headaches, tearfulness, apathy, problems with appetite.

Komarovsky argues that it is necessary to treat such a condition not with medicines, but formation of a healthy lifestyle:

  • hardening from an early age;
  • being outdoors;
  • motor activity according to age;
  • restriction in watching TV, refusal of a computer.
  • harden the child from an early age- walking barefoot, sleeping with an open transom, dousing with water - all this strengthens the immune system, heart and blood vessels;
  • accustoming to a clear daily routine- sleep and rest, eating should be carried out in a strictly allotted time;
  • preventing the development of hypodynamia- to captivate the child with sports that are interesting to him, help him find a hobby in order to avoid endless sitting at the computer;
  • teaching personal hygiene- it is important to set the daily brushing of teeth, washing hands before eating, taking a shower.

One of the main preventive measures- creating an emotionally comfortable environment.

Parents should pay attention to children, provide assistance in resolving conflicts and support. Prevention of stress, mental stress allows children and adolescents to strengthen the nervous system.

A specialist will tell about the prevention of dystonia in children in this video:

Dystonia is not considered serious leading to serious complications or death. However, it can worsen the general condition of the child, preventing him from developing normally and communicating with peers.

With an adequate approach, this problem can be easily eliminated., the main thing is to trust the doctors at the first manifestations.

Probably, it is the infancy of a child that can be considered the most difficult and most responsible for a young mother. It is great if the baby grows and develops according to normal indicators, without encountering any ailments.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Quite often, with an unsuccessful pregnancy or problems during delivery, a nursing baby may experience certain diseases. One of these unpleasant diseases of infants can be considered a pathology, which doctors call dystonia in infants.

What is such a disease? How does the state of muscular dystonia manifest itself in such small patients? Why does this syndrome occur and how dangerous is it? And what should be the correct treatment for infants with such defects? Let's try to figure it out.

What is muscular dystonia?

It turns out that the concept of dystonia can include several radically different ailments that develop in both children and adults. The condition of muscular dystonia is usually called such a syndrome, which is accompanied by constant, and sometimes spasmodic muscle contraction.

At the same time, the syndrome under consideration can be characterized by the involvement in the spastic process of both the antagonist muscles and the muscles that counteract them. It should be noted that with the disease under consideration, muscle spasms are usually completely unpredictable, often changing the habitual position of the body of the newborn.

Although in some cases muscle contractions are chronic, constantly causing significant inconvenience to the patient, sometimes even pain.

At the same time, the syndrome of muscular dystonia should not be confused with the symptom complex that occurs with vegetative-vascular dystonia. After all, muscular dystonia, unlike a vegetovascular disorder, can be extremely dangerous for an infant if the spasm affects the muscles of the respiratory tract, for example.

In addition, muscular dystonia that develops in an infant can cause delays in the physical development of the baby, which is also extremely unpleasant.

How does pathology manifest itself?

The described syndrome is considered a common pathology of newborns. Sometimes doctors call such a pathology perinatal encephalopathy or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The problem usually occurs against the background of ischemic damage to various parts of the baby's brain during pregnancy or childbirth.

The syndrome of muscular dystonia is characterized by:

Since the infant is not yet able to talk about his problems, it is not possible to recognize the disease without a qualified neurologist.

Usually babies with such a pathology are very restless, tearful, gain weight poorly, sleep poorly at night. Pathology can manifest itself with symptoms of moderate intensity, and can lead to the most severe emergency conditions, laryngospasm or bronchospasm.

The reasons

There are a huge number of reasons leading to the development of such an ailment. But, the most common causative factors for the occurrence of dystonia in infants are the pathologies of pregnancy or childbirth. The problem can be caused by: frequent and prolonged toxicoses, preeclampsia, a frequently repeated threat of miscarriage, a state of a lot or oligohydramnios, placental abruption, intoxication of a pregnant woman, etc.

Also, the cause of primary hypoxia in a baby and the occurrence of dystonia can be a variety of disorders during labor.

Pathology can lead to: bleeding, excessively long, rapid delivery, a prolonged anhydrous period, and other obstetric problems.

Unfortunately, such violations of pregnancy and childbirth occur quite often. That is why, young mothers often face diagnostic findings for their children, in which the term dystonia is used.


I must say, they reveal the pathology in question quite quickly, literally in the first few days after childbirth. As a rule, during the first five days of a baby's life, a neuropathologist must examine all newborns.

During a visual examination, the neuropathologist checks the child's reflexes, assesses the condition of the fontanelle, the bones of the skull, the position and development of the limbs, and muscle tone.

If the problem is pronounced, it is detected immediately. But, sometimes it also happens that dystonia in a baby up to a year remains unnoticed for a long time. Since its manifestations are extremely insignificant.

In any case, to confirm the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe hardware or laboratory research options for a small patient. These can be: neurosonography, electroencephalogram, video monitoring, electroneuromyography, computed tomography and others.

Treatment Options

Treatment of movement disorders associated with neonatal dystonia always depends on the severity of the problem. Provided that movement disorders are mild, treatment may include the use of safe but effective physical therapy techniques and exercise therapy.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the pathology can manifest itself quite clearly, and then a small patient can be prescribed a powerful complex treatment, including pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy.

Initially, drug treatment of dystonia uses herbal preparations (horsetail or bearberry extracts) to improve brain activity and maintain the nervous system.

With more serious manifestations of the pathology, the baby may be prescribed: drugs to reduce intracranial pressure (diakarb), drugs to improve neuromuscular transmission of impulses (dibazol), drugs to reduce muscle tone (Mydocalm).

Sometimes small patients may also be prescribed drugs to improve cerebral blood flow - pantogam, nootropil, actovegin or cortexin.

How does VVD manifest in infants?

The state of vegetovascular dystonia in newborns is recorded by physicians much less frequently. This is primarily due to the fact that a child under the age of one year is simply not able to make complaints that may be associated with a vegetative-vascular disorder.

Nevertheless, such a diagnostic conclusion can still be made if the main indicators of the baby's health (including neurological status) are normal, but there are certain vegetative symptoms.

Such children can: often spit up, be whiny for no reason, sleep poorly.

The reasons

It should be noted that the objective reasons for the development of VVD in infants are not known to modern medicine.

Presumably, the development of such symptoms, not associated with any organic disorders, can be facilitated by: pregnancy pathologies, violations of normal labor, hereditary predisposition.

In addition, presumably, the home environment can provoke certain vegetative disorders in a newborn - conflicts between parents, an uncomfortable sleeping place for a child, dry air in the room, and the lack of a sufficient amount of the baby's stay in the air.


We have already noticed that VVD is diagnosed in newborns quite rarely. As a rule, any autonomic disorders are associated with another more serious pathology in babies.

But, nevertheless, if the unpleasant symptoms of a vegetative disorder are present, and all indicators of the child's health remain normal, doctors are forced to fix the diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia.

To confirm such a diagnosis, the baby can be performed: neurosonography, computed tomography of the brain, electroencephalogram, electroneuromyography.


Since the unpleasant symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are not associated with any organic lesions of the cardiovascular, nervous or other systems of the body, treatment of this condition at the neonatal stage is not required.

Usually, the treatment of such babies comes down to physiotherapy exercises, the use of physiotherapy techniques - massage, paraffin therapy, ozocerite and others.

In extremely rare cases, such babies may be prescribed sedative drugs, general tonic drugs, drugs to improve cerebral blood flow.

Patient Mark, 2 months old. The baby's mother turned to a neurologist with complaints that the child constantly spits up food, sleeps poorly, constantly cries, twitches his hands. After a visual examination, followed by neurosonography, no organic pathology was found, and a diagnosis of VVD was made.

How dangerous are the conditions considered in the prognostic plan?

It must be said that the two considered states can be radically different in prognostic terms. The condition of dystonia, which manifests itself with serious motor disorders, muscle spasms, can often be incredibly dangerous for a small child.

The greatest danger, in this case, is the progress of the disease, the development of complications in the form of laryngospasm, paresis or paralysis.

In addition, the progress of dystonia in infants is dangerous due to developmental delays, since such children may later begin to hold their heads, sit down, stand up, walk, etc. This pathology usually does not affect the mental development of a baby.

The state of vegetovascular dystonia is considered relatively harmless, since it rarely progresses or is complicated by another, more serious pathology. Nevertheless, even such vegetative disorders are categorically unacceptable to be ignored.

Summing up, it should be noted that it is almost impossible to independently recognize neurological pathology in an infant. Not a single mother in the world will be able to make a correct diagnosis without involving a doctor and understand whether her baby needs an urgent elimination of a neurological problem.

That is why, pediatric neuropathologists do not get tired of repeating - if you find any symptoms that bother you, it is important not to drag out the problem, to contact the doctors.

After all, only a qualified doctor will be able to timely notice the dangerous signs of the disease, prescribe an appropriate examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment option for the disease. Trust doctors and let your children be healthy!

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