Pressotherapy with infrared heating. Infrared pressotherapy. Indications for pressotherapy

"2 in 1! Pressotherapy with infrared sauna»

Pressotherapy with infrared sauna - a unique method of figure modeling .

The program "Slender figure" - 1150r 1600r

infrared therapy.

IR - therapy is a modern means for removing fat deposits in problem areas and treating cellulite and is an excellent alternative to surgical methods for removing fat deposits without undesirable consequences in the form of stitches and the risk of surgical infections.

The method is based on heating the body with special infrared sources. Infrared heat has a positive effect on the entire body. Infrared rays are not only harmless, but also useful, they penetrate into fatty tissues to a depth of 4 centimeters and cause an improvement in blood circulation and an acceleration of natural metabolic processes in the body.

Under the influence of heat, the blood and lymphatic vessels expand, which further improves the blood supply to the liver, which guarantees a further improved supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body. At the same time, metabolism is strongly activated, toxins are dissolved and excreted from the body through the lymphatic system. Intensive removal of toxins from the tissue of subcutaneous adipose tissue not only improves the picture of the skin condition, but also helps to reduce and eliminate cellulite, toxins are intensively removed, causing sweating.

Pressotherapy is a powerful lymphatic drainage.

The pressotherapy apparatus will help to easily get rid of excess weight and make this procedure as pleasant and comfortable as possible for you. Pressotherapy is an excellent tool in the fight against cellulite, the main causes of cellulite are eliminated, and this is the stagnation of intercellular fluid in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The pressotherapy procedure is also recommended for varicose veins or in cases where there is a tendency to this disease. Sometimes pressotherapy procedures help to protect yourself from surgery.

Pressotherapy stimulates lymph flow, blood circulation (venous outflow), eliminates edema and cellulite, removes excess fluid from tissues, increases skin elasticity, and tones the walls of blood vessels. The duration of a pressotherapy session is 20-30 minutes and depends on the indications. A course of 10-12 procedures every other day.

Already after the first procedure you will feel cheerfulness, good mood, pleasant warmth in the body and lightness in the legs. In the future, sessions will help get rid of edema, smoothing of the orange peel will become noticeable, the skin color will get a uniform shade, small vessels will become less noticeable.

1 pressotherapy session is equivalent to 1 full workout in the gym.

The result of the procedure is:

Immediate volume reduction- fast removal of fats in problem areas- reduction and complete elimination of cellulite- restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin- recovery of stretched skin after pregnancy or after significant weight loss- improved well-being, sleep, excellent relaxation- ensuring blood flow activity- activation of the metabolic function and removal of toxins- improvement of digestive function, natural decrease in appetite- removal of the state of general nervousness- treatment of pain in radiculitis, arthrosis, muscle overtraining

Pressotherapy is a compression or lymphatic drainage massage. Manipulation is performed using a special apparatus and has a cosmetic effect. This is a painless procedure, which results in the removal of excess fluid from the body. Despite the fact that the procedure is carried out mostly for the aesthetic effect, it has its own contraindications.

The main contraindications are the following facts:

  • the child's age of the patient;
  • hypertension and hypertensive crisis;
  • bleeding of any nature;
  • feverish conditions;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • vascular edema;
  • aneurysm;
  • pregnancy for more than twelve weeks;
  • tumor process;
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • angiopathy in various diseases;
  • electronic implants in the human body.

Before starting the procedure, you must make sure that the patient does not have the above contraindications. Since pressotherapy is performed on open areas of the body, it must be remembered that minimal violations of the integrity of the skin (redness, abrasions, eczema, ulcers) can cause pain and will not allow the procedure to be carried out in the right amount.

When diagnosing a volumetric formation in a patient (in women, uterine fibroids are more common), a consultation with an oncologist is indicated. Previously, it was believed that pressotherapy is contraindicated for people with malignant tumors.

At the moment, it is believed that any volumetric process may be a contraindication to the procedure. This is due to the fact that during the manipulation there is a systemic fusion on the work of blood vessels, blood circulation and the supply of nutrients improve. The tumor, together with healthy body structures, will receive “nutrition”, which can provoke its growth.

Leg pressure therapy: contraindications

Most often, this procedure is used on the leg area. During operation, the device creates tension in the legs, which improves metabolic processes and reduces the intercellular fluid in the subcutaneous layer.

The main contraindications for manipulation are:

  • fractures or dislocations in places where the device should be fixed;
  • varicose veins;
  • swelling of the legs associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints in the active phase;
  • diabetic changes in the foot;
  • established thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • prosthetic leg joints.

Pressotherapy: contraindications for varicose veins

If a patient has varicose veins, it is necessary to consult with a surgeon. Pressotherapy is not allowed for third degree varicose veins. The vascular wall of the dilated vein is already deformed, and under the influence of the device, the condition may worsen. The presence of blood clots during the procedure may contribute to their migration and the development of secondary complications.

Pressotherapy with infrared heating contraindications

The peculiarity of this manipulation is that infrared heating is added to the usual lymphatic drainage massage. The contraindication is:

  • the presence of burns and other skin irritations;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to infrared radiation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation of the joints in the active phase;
  • tumor diseases, especially localized in the area of ​​​​influence of infrared heat;
  • pregnancy.

Pressotherapy: indications

  • cellulite;
  • excess body weight in combination with focal fat deposits;
  • muscle tension;
  • abdominal adhesions and constipation;
  • gout and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome and stress of various nature;
  • as the prevention of the above diseases.

Pressotherapy is an innovative procedure in the field of cosmetology and medicine. It is one of the methods of physiotherapy. The procedure of hardware pressure therapy consists of a mechanical effect on the venous and lymphatic system of a person. There is also manual pressure therapy. Reviews of doctors assure that the procedure can be carried out by a massage therapist manually. But due to the duration and regularity of the session, the hardware technique has gained the most popularity.

What is pressotherapy?

Pressotherapy is one of the types of lymphatic drainage. Its essence lies in the massage of the whole body with electrical impulses. During the procedure, a special suit is put on with sectional compartments for the arms, legs, waist, and hips. The computer program alternates the supply of air pulses. The action of pressotherapy is similar to a "squeezing" massage. Only it is produced not by hands, but with the help of the apparatus. Alternating compression and vacuum, pulse frequency - from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

During the procedure, the person assumes a horizontal position. The device creates a sensation of muscle contractions by means of air supply in the section. The computer doses the load on the body, changing the density and permeability of tissues.

Pressotherapy helps to restore the outflow of lymph. Reviews of doctors say that the procedure will help to correct the figure, reduce excess weight, eliminate puffiness, and normalize venous outflow.

What is pressure therapy for?

Pressotherapy is otherwise called impulse barotherapy. It helps in the fight against hypertension. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle can restore muscle elasticity with the help of pressotherapy. Pulse massage allows you to optimize venous outflow, stimulates the movement of lymph through the vessels.

After liposuction, pulsed barotherapy is often prescribed. It not only helps to reduce swelling, but also narrows the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic.

Difficulty in blood supply, stagnation of lymph leads to the fact that toxins and toxins accumulate in the body. After the procedure, the outflow of blood and lymph is restored, slagging is reduced, the manifestations of cellulite disappear.

Procedure technique

During the procedure, the patient is put on a special suit. Depending on the problem areas, its segments can be fixed, for example, only on the legs, waist, buttocks. In general, the costume consists of gloves, jacket, boots, belt. The patient assumes a horizontal position.

During the procedure, the suit is filled with air. The computer program doses the air supply individually. Wave-like, circulating effects on the legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks help to activate the blood supply.

Air pressure raises the blood, lymph up. Liquids begin to circulate more intensively. With a decrease in pressure, the vessels expand, the metabolic process in the tissues and cells of the body intensifies. excreted with sweat, urine.

Professional cosmetologists confirm that after a course of pressotherapy, the skin condition improves, lymph flow and blood flow normalize. Excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling and cellulite are reduced.

Infrared heat treatment

Infrared pressotherapy allows you to combine two methods: mechanical compression and thermal heating. This type of procedure is considered by cosmetologists to be the most effective.

Infrared heating increases perspiration. Therefore, before the procedure and during the day, you should drink more water (2 liters). With sweat, decay products are removed from the body, subcutaneous cellulite deposits are reduced. Infrared heat relieves tension in the muscles, makes the skin supple.

Indications for pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • muscle tension (after sports or hard work);
  • local fat deposits;
  • flabbiness of the skin;
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling after injury.

Pressotherapy is used as a prophylactic against thrombosis, varicose veins. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor from 10 to 15 procedures. They are not made every day, but with an interval of 2-3 days. If necessary, a second course is prescribed no earlier than after 5 months. The procedure lasts a minimum of 20 minutes, a maximum of 45 minutes.

Pressotherapy is best done for those people who are contraindicated in other effects on muscle tissue (ultrasound, manual massage, electrophoresis, electrical stimulation). The sparing effect of impulse barotherapy leads to a general improvement in well-being, lightness, vigor.


Already after one session, pressotherapy has a positive effect on the body. Reviews of doctors warn that you should not self-medicate. The use of a home device is possible only after consulting a therapist.

Contraindications for the procedure are:

  • purulent skin lesions;
  • fractures;
  • open wounds;
  • hemophilia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • edema of renal or cardiac origin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • recent thrombosis;
  • mental illness (epilepsy);
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • vascular damage in diabetes mellitus.

Effect after pressure therapy

The effect of pressotherapy is that the air, when fed into the suit, affects the subcutaneous fat, muscles, venous. Taking into account the problem areas, a local effect on a certain part of the body is possible.

In general, pressotherapy has an anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, anti-edematous effect on the body. Blood circulation and intercellular fluid are activated. Sweating increases significantly, which allows you to remove toxins from the body.

The pressure therapy device allows you to stimulate the work of the lymph nodes, activates the microcirculation in the vessels. The procedure helps to increase immunity, stress resistance. The veins on the legs disappear.

Allows you to normalize weight and adjust the figure pressotherapy. Reviews of doctors indicate that the procedure is completely painless. It helps to feel a surge of strength, is useful for the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases.

Reviews of doctors about pressotherapy

The opinions of doctors agree that the impact on the body with the help of pressotherapy helps to improve the general condition of a person.

  1. Exchange processes are restored.
  2. Edema is reduced.
  3. There is a normalization of weight.
  4. The protective properties of the body are activated.
  5. Reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  6. Restored in the body.

Therapists and cosmetologists say that the essence of the procedure is a massage. It eliminates stagnant venous and lymphatic phenomena. This physiotherapy procedure has a preventive effect on the body.

After 45 years, women begin to change hormonal levels, which leads to slight swelling. Lack of daily sports exercises, a sedentary lifestyle lead to stagnation. The procedure is designed to improve the condition of the skin, microcirculation of blood and lymph. As a means for weight loss, it is ineffective.

Doctors report that a home pressotherapy machine is a good cosmetic product. But it should not be made a panacea for all diseases. Before undertaking pressotherapy at home, be sure to consult a doctor.

The procedure in beauty salons is expensive. But she is able to replace several sessions of manual massage. Be sure to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day during the course of pressotherapy.

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure every day. It is necessary to give rest to the body. Only after 2-3 days should the course be continued.

MARK 400 is a 6-chamber professional device used for lymphatic drainage. It has 6 operating modes.

For convenience, it is equipped with an emergency shutdown button. The stylish and convenient touch display allows you to easily set the desired mode, time and pressure. You can also control the operation of each of the six cameras.

Indications for use

  • Postoperative or post-traumatic swelling;
  • Chronic venous insufficiency;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • As a prevention of thrombosis;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (gout, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis);
  • Cellulite (including postpartum);
  • Obesity;
  • Local deposits of adipose tissue;
  • Weak skin tone, low elasticity and firmness;
  • muscle tension;
  • Muscular atrophy:
  • Swelling of the legs;
  • Stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia;
  • Lymphedema;
  • Other diseases associated with impaired blood and lymph circulation.

MARK 400 is ideal for use in beauty salons or medical centers.

Specifications Mark 400:

  • 6 operating modes (Massage, Massage with 2 chambers, Lymphatic drainage, Reverse "wave from bottom to top" mode, which is connected to the first 3 operating modes)
  • Screen: touch
  • It is possible to turn off individual cameras
  • Pressure: 10 to 200 mmHg
  • Time: 5 to 95 min.
  • Single plug connection

Operating modes

Mode A (Wave by 1 chamber) - The selected chambers inflate and deflate gradually one chamber from bottom to top

Mode B (Compression mode) - After pressure is built up sequentially from bottom to top, all chambers are deflated simultaneously

Mode C (Wave of 2 chambers) - Accelerated mode, the chambers inflate and deflate in two.

Mode A + Reverse wave - Turns on after 2 waves in normal mode A from bottom to top

Mode B + Reverse wave - Turns on after 2 waves in normal mode B from bottom to top

Mode C + Reverse wave - Turns on after 2 waves in normal mode C from bottom to top


  • apparatus (compressor),
  • overalls,
  • expanders for overalls,
  • Infrarot option,
  • air ducts,
  • passport in Russian.

Air ducts are connected using a single plug.

Additional option with the function of infrared heating to the overalls

The overalls with infrared heating work from a network. Attaches with Velcro to Doctor life pressotherapy overalls. Suitable for professional Doctor Life pressotherapy devices – MARK400 and Lympha-Tron.

Infrarot thermotherapy - far infrared radiation system

- Warm-up temperature: 30, 40, 50, 60 degrees Celsius.
- Carbon cloth (not electronic coil type)
- Useful and safe from electronic wave

The course of the so-called thermotherapy - a combination of pressotherapy and infrared heating, gives a positive result in solving the following problems:

  • Significantly reduced body volume and swelling
  • Corrects cellulite
  • Improves blood circulation and lymph flow
  • Muscle pain goes away
  • The body is cleansed of toxins.

Additional Information:

  • Attached is a passport in Russian.
  • Warranty - 24 months.
  • There is a certificate of conformity of the State Standard of Russia, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Health and Social Development.

Instructions for use

Why pressotherapy and infrared heating are the most progressive methods of weight loss?

Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Doctor Life is a well-known brand with a worldwide reputation, founded in 1985. Doctor Life pressure therapy devices have established themselves as reliable, proven and at the same time modern equipment.

There is a set of documents required for the use of this equipment in a medical center, including the Registration Certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Doctor Life meets the requirements for medical equipment by the Health authorities. Professionals choose Doctor Life for medical, cosmetic and home care applications.

Our company Clubsante is the official representative of Doctor Life in Russia.

How to check the authenticity of the goods and the availability of the necessary documents?

To do this, you need to go to the website of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and fill in the search field - "physiotherapy apparatus for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage"

What will you see as a result of the search?

  • Registration number of the medical device - FSS 2012/12969
  • Date of state registration of a medical device - 25.09.2012
  • Validity of the registration certificate - Indefinitely
  • The name of the organization of the applicant of the medical device is KLABSANTE (our company) the official and sole distributor of Doctor Life devices in Russia

Pressotherapy is a kind of hardware lymphatic drainage massage using compressed air. The basis of the therapeutic effect is the acceleration of lymph and blood flow. This is explained by the fact that air compression mimics muscle contractions and increases blood flow by 50%. As a result, there is a decrease in swelling, an improvement in the tone of blood vessels and metabolic processes in tissues.

It should be noted that despite the pronounced positive effect that pressotherapy gives, there are contraindications for this procedure.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage - technique and effect on the body

The idea of ​​creating an apparatus for carrying out this physiotherapy procedure belongs to the Dutch scientist Van Der Molen. He found that successive stimulation of the muscles by their rhythmic compression restores the flow of lymph in the body and increases blood circulation.

Approximate price for a pressotherapy session

In beauty salons and clinics, the cost of one 30-minute procedure costs an average of 1000 rubles. A subscription for 10 sessions will cost about 7,500 rubles. The price includes a consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will check your general health and draw up an individual program.

This method is great for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat irregularly, undergo rehabilitation after an injury or surgery. According to research, one pressotherapy treatment can replace two sessions in a fitness club or several sessions of a classic, manual massage.

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