Mood-improving drugs for depression. A sedative for depression. List of medicines, instructions, reviews. Hide depression and survive on your own

Patients with depression require mandatory medical treatment. Only at the initial stage of the disease can you do without drugs. In other cases, the doctor individually prescribes pills for depression to the patient in order to prevent complications.

Are Depression Drugs Dangerous?

Depressant sedatives can be dangerous when used long-term and when overdosed. In this case, the body gets used to these drugs. At the same time, the patient feels constant anxiety and cannot sleep peacefully. You should not self-medicate with depression, before taking medications, you should always consult with a specialist.

What to drink for depression

There are several groups of drugs that help fight depression. The choice of medicines depends on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient. After a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes the necessary course of treatment.


The main drugs used in the treatment of depression are antidepressants. The disease often occurs against the background of problems with serotonin, the lack of this hormone causes a decrease in concentration, memory impairment, mood deterioration. Antidepressants are used to increase serotonin levels.

With mild and moderate stages of the disease, new generation drugs are used. They are mild, non-addictive, and do not harm the general health of the patient. These antidepressants are divided into sedatives and stimulants, they can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, these include: Afobazol, Persen, Novo-Passit, Zyban, etc.


Complex therapy may include drugs for depression, accompanied by anxiety, panic, aggression, insomnia, causeless tearfulness - these are tranquilizers. Treatment begins with a minimum dosage, which is gradually increased. The course of therapy should not exceed 3 weeks to avoid addiction of the body. Effective drugs include: Elenium, Seduxen, Phenazepam, Diazepam, etc.


With overexcitation, which is accompanied by hallucinations and delusional states, patients are prescribed antipsychotics. These drugs should be taken only with severe changes in the patient's behavior, because they act on all systems and organs. Clozapine, Rispolept are considered effective medicines with a mild effect.


For mild depression, over-the-counter drugs - nootropics - are prescribed. They do not reduce the activity of the patient and do not affect the functioning of the brain. Nootropics are used in a nervous state, irascibility to improve mood and increase efficiency. Thanks to them, mental abilities increase, drowsiness and lethargy disappear. These drugs can be used as a prophylaxis if a person is often under stress.

Common nootropics include: Phenotropil, Piracetam, Mildronate.

Contraindications and side effects

Sedatives for depression should not be taken for a long time and without medical supervision. There are a number of factors in which these drugs are contraindicated:

  • individual intolerance to the constituent components;
  • glaucoma;
  • stroke and heart attack;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age under 18 years old.

Antidepressants are not recommended for patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart. Tranquilizers can cause drowsiness in patients, muscle weakness, and reduced concentration. Constipation, urinary incontinence, and decreased sexual desire may occur.

Taking neuroleptics can lead to increased drowsiness, muscle stiffness, and reduced mental capacity. Taking nootropics in some cases can cause headaches, excessive sweating, overexcitation and heart palpitations.

Treating depression without medication

At the initial stage, drug treatment for depression can be replaced by other equally effective methods. Under the guidance of a specialist, the patient is invited to independently identify and analyze negative emotions, to understand the reason for their appearance. Such consultations help to get rid of anxiety and find solutions to their problems.

To cope with depression, feasible physical exercises that contribute to the production of serotonin also help. It is useful to take daily walks in the fresh air, outdoor games and swimming are recommended.

Massage has a relaxing effect, after which patients feel calm and protected, stressful situations are more easily tolerated. A relaxing massage can alternate with an active one that invigorates and tones. It is useful to combine massage procedures with aromatherapy.

Yoga and meditation are considered powerful tools in the fight against depression. Acupuncture is also practiced, in which biologically active points on the body are irritated.

With this disease, it is useful to drink infusions and decoctions using such medicinal herbs as mint, lemon balm, chamomile, dog rose, St. John's wort, hawthorn. It improves mood and nutrition, the diet should include meat dishes, various cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. To saturate the body with B vitamins, it is necessary to consume pine nuts. The daily menu should include dairy products, cheese, mushrooms, bananas.

The number of patients suffering from depression increases with the onset of autumn, there is a lack of sunlight. In this case, sessions of light therapy are prescribed, bright light increases vitality. If possible, stressful situations should be avoided, favorite activities and good rest will help in this.

All of these methods help to reduce the unpleasant symptoms that occur with depression, without drugs.

Sooner or later, a modern person is faced with the need to purchase antidepressant drugs used in the complex treatment of a depressed emotional state. Antidepressants are "called" to serve a person to cheer up, create a positive emotional background, and ultimately.

When do you need a doctor's prescription for antidepressants?

The dosage, daily regimen of medication is prescribed, of course, by the doctor. Only a qualified specialist will be able to assess the true state of your psyche, accurately calculate and prescribe the doses of drugs. Compliance with the prescription in the treatment of depression is one of the components of success in the fight against depression.

A prescription for the purchase of antidepressant drugs is required only in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of the disease;
  • treatment of the most severe forms of depression;
  • with an atypical course of the disease.

The doctor in this situation prescribes monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). These are potent antidepressant drugs, which are used in case of ineffectiveness of other types or with severe side effects.

The most effective in the treatment of severe forms of depression are moclobemide, phenelzine, isocarboxazid and tranylcypromine.

Phenelzine, isocarboxazid, and tranylcypromine are time-tested drugs that have been used since the 1950s and have many side effects. Moclobemide is a new generation drug with faster action and fewer associated adverse reactions.

Light antidepressants of a new generation. What is the feature?

A mild form of depression can be "corrected" with drugs for which pharmacies do not ask for a prescription. Antidepressants of the new generation, as a rule, do not cause such harm to the body as drugs produced in the last century. Modern "over-the-counter" antidepressants are fundamentally different from heavy drugs and older generation drugs.

Advantages of modern antidepressants:

  1. a faster effect on the body and the elimination of a depressive state;
  2. fewer side effects;
  3. the possibility of simultaneous administration with many other drugs;
  4. lack of significant addiction to the action of the drug.

According to the effect the drugs have on the mental state of a person, antidepressants of stimulating and sedative properties are distinguished.

It is very important to accurately determine the nature of the disease and the subsequent correct choice of antidepressant medication (for excitation or inhibition of the central nervous system). The time and effectiveness of treatment largely depends on this.

List of non-prescription mild antidepressants (15 products)

Over-the-counter antidepressants are divided into different groups according to the degree and type of their effect. We list the main groups and the drugs included in them. Let's start the list with a list of stimulant antidepressants.

1. Maprotilin (Maprotilin)

Name of the drug: Maprotiline (Maprotiline).

Analogues: Ludiomil, Ladiomil, Flexyx.

Indications: endogenous, involutional, psychogenic and neurotic depression, exhaustion, somatogenic, latent, menopausal depression.

Action: reduction of apathy, improvement of mood, removal of psychomotor retardation.

Side effects: headache, lethargy, drowsiness, hearing loss, hallucinations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, urticaria, edema, weight gain, sexual disorders, stomatitis.

Contraindications: epileptic disease, diseases of the kidneys, liver, pregnancy.

2 Prozac

Name of the drug: Prozac.

Analogues: Fluoxetine, Prodel, Profluzak, Fluval.

Indications: depression, bulimia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts and actions).


  • get rid of emotional overload, obsessive thoughts;
  • alleviate anorexia nervosa;
  • eliminate premenstrual disorders;
  • reduce anxiety and panic.

Side effects: at the beginning of treatment and with increasing doses - anxiety, drowsiness, headache, nausea. Rarely - convulsions. Possible skin rashes, muscle and joint pain, fever

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation.

3. Paxil

Name of the drug: Paxil.

Analogues: Reksetin, Adepress, Aktaparoksetin, Plizil, Paroxetine hydrochloride hemihydrad, Sirestill.

Indications: depression of all types in adults and in children 7-17 years old.

Action: in the first weeks of taking the symptoms of depression decrease, suicidal thoughts are eliminated. Prevents relapses of depression.

Side effects: drowsiness, insomnia, decreased appetite, tachycardia, nausea, constipation, seizures, sweating.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to paroxetine and drug components. Pregnancy, lactation.

Name of the drug: Deprim (Deprim).

Analogues: Gelarium hypericum, Doppelhertz Nervotonik.

Indications: chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, emotional exhaustion, decreased ability to work.

Action: increase in working capacity, mental and physical activity, normalization of sleep.

Side effects: dry mouth, changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, fatigue.

Contraindications: children under 6 years old. Individual intolerance. With extreme caution should be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Along with drugs of chemical origin, herbal preparations can be taken in the fight against depression. Antidepressants of plant etiology are herbal infusions that can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home.

5. Leuzea extract

Name of the drug: Leuzea extract (safflower raponticum).

Indications: as a complex therapy.

Action: general tonic effect, increased efficiency, improved mood, increased appetite .

Side effects: headache, irritability, increased blood pressure, allergic reaction, insomnia.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, epilepsy, chronic sleep disorders, acute period of infectious diseases.

6. Ginseng tincture

Name of the drug: Ginseng tincture.

Indications: hypotension, increased fatigue, overwork.

Action: increased efficiency, reduced fatigue, increased blood pressure.

Side effects: insomnia, headache, diarrhea, nausea, nosebleeds.

Contraindications: hypertension, children under 16 years of age, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

7. Lemongrass tincture

Name of the drug: Lemongrass tincture.

Indications: hypotension, neurasthenia, depression.

Action: stimulation of the central nervous system, increased blood pressure, improved visual acuity.

Side effects: overexcitation of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Contraindications: insomnia, high blood pressure, acute infectious diseases.

Let us consider in more detail the class of sedative antidepressants.

8. Azafen

Name of the drug: Azaphen.

Indications: astheno-depressive syndrome, anxiety-depressive state, alcoholic depression, endogenous depression, exogenous depressions, depressive conditions in chronic somatic diseases.

Action: elimination of anxiety-depressive state, manifestations of senile depression, smoothing out the negative state caused by long-term use of antipsychotics.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, acute infectious diseases.

9. Persen

Name of the drug: Persen (Persen).

Indications: poor sleep, irritability, increased nervous excitability.

Action: sedative and antispasmodic action.

Side effects: allergic reaction. With prolonged use - constipation.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, arterial hypotension. Children under 3 years old (tablets), children under 12 years old (capsules)

10. Mianserin

Name of the drug: Mianserin.

Indications: depressions of various origins.

Action: improved sleep, reduced nervous excitability.

Side effects: drowsiness, hypokinesia, convulsions.

Contraindications: manic syndrome, pregnancy, lactation, children's age (up to 18 years). Liver and kidney failure.

11. Amitriptyline

Name of the drug: Amitriptyline.

Indications: manic-depressive psychosis, bulimia nervosa, childhood enuresis.

Action: sedative effect, antidiuretic effect in bedwetting, analgesic effect.

Side effects: drowsiness, disorientation, excitability, hallucinations, fatigue, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, weight gain.

Contraindications: epilepsy, intestinal obstruction, angle-closure glaucoma, pregnancy, breast-feeding.

12. Mirtazapine

Name of the drug: Mirtazapine (Mirtazapine).

Indications: depressive states, early awakening from sleep, loss of interest, anxious depressions.

Action: restoration of the ability to have fun, sleep adjustment, elimination of suicidal thoughts.

Side effects: drowsiness, dizziness, unusual dreams, tachycardia, nausea, diarrhea, decreased libido, dry mouth, increased appetite.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, epilepsy, organic brain damage.

13. Novo-passit

Name of the drug: Novo-passit.

Indications: neurasthenia, "manager" syndrome, migraine, eczema of psychological etiology.

Action: sedative, removal of nervous excitability of the premenstrual and menopausal period, elimination of anxiety.

Side effects: allergic reactions, dizziness, drowsiness, slight decrease in muscle tone.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children's age (up to 12 years), alcoholism, epilepsy, diseases, brain injuries.

14. Tincture of hawthorn

Name of the drug: Hawthorn tincture.

Indications: nervousness, cardiovascular disease, menopause, high cholesterol.

Action: calming effect on the nervous system, normalization of the activity of the heart, reduction of excitability during menopause.

Side effects: allergic reactions, itching, urticaria.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance, children under 12 years of age.

15. Valerian tincture

Name of the drug: Valerian tincture.

Indications: insomnia, migraine, hysteria, irritability, spasms of smooth muscles.

Action: soothing, antispasmodic, choleretic, normalizing effect for the digestive tract.

Side effects: decreased performance, drowsiness, depression.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Contraindications for over-the-counter antidepressants

Antidepressants sold without a prescription have a beneficial effect on the elimination of neurotic conditions of various etiologies. But this does not mean at all that you can take these drugs for a very long time and without negative consequences.

Many antidepressant drugs that are freely available in pharmacies may have a number of contraindications.

These "prohibitions" apply to almost all antidepressants:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 18 years.

It must be said that each antidepressant drug, along with the contraindications listed above, may have its own, unique to this drug.

If you are in doubt whether or not to take antidepressants, watch a video that will enlighten you and destroy a number of invented myths about drugs of this kind:

Constant stressful situations, a very fast rhythm of modern life lead to the fact that many people become overly irritable, nervous, prone to various types of phobias. Depressive states, unfortunately, have ceased to be something unique and single.

Nowadays, even young children are familiar with the term "depression".

The chemical composition and clinical use of these drugs may vary. The search for new pharmacological compounds to combat depression in medical science does not stop.

The first drugs to fight depression began to be prescribed to patients in the 1950s. The drug "iproniazid" stands at the origins of antidepressants. Currently, there are about 125 antidepressant drugs in pharmacology. Be careful when choosing antidepressants!

Depression is a serious mental illness that requires mandatory treatment. It is possible to do without drug therapy only at the initial stage of the pathology. In other cases, the psychotherapist prescribes drugs that are dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription. Treatment of depression is long - from 3 months. The first improvements will appear no earlier than 2 weeks of regular use of drugs. Pills for depression are selected on an individual basis, their choice depends on the overall clinical picture of the disease.

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    Antidepressants are the mainstay of treatment for various types of depression. These drugs regulate the concentration of neurotransmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine - and restore the biochemical background in the brain. Antidepressants help improve mood and activate psychomotor. Thanks to their use, the feeling of constant fatigue, anxiety, fear, apathy and anxiety disappears. Antidepressants are divided into the following groups:

    • Tricyclic.
    • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
    • Selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
    • Serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors.

    Treatment with antidepressants is undesirable for diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver. In extreme cases, the doctor selects the safest medicines with a minimum number of side effects. In severe depression, supportive medications may be needed to enhance the work of antidepressants.

    If side effects appear after taking the tablets, this should be reported to the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to stop taking antidepressants, as this can aggravate depression. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.


    They are the cheapest and most common. These are the first antidepressants that were synthesized in the 50s of the last century. Their action is to capture serotonin and norepinephrine by neurons. They have a stimulating and sedative effect. The drugs of this group have a powerful effect and are used for depression of different stages. Tricyclic antidepressants include:

    • Amitriptyline.
    • Azaphen.
    • Coax.
    • Imipramine.
    • Doxepin.
    • Clomipramine.

    The disadvantage of these drugs is a large number of side effects. Often they cause dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention and tachycardia. In the elderly, they can cause confusion, visual hallucinations, and increased anxiety. Long-term use of tricyclic antidepressants reduces libido and can lead to cardiotoxic effects.


    They block the action of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which destroys serotonin and norepinephrine, which leads to an increase in these substances in the blood. Drugs are prescribed for the ineffectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants, atypical depression and dysthymia. The most common medicines:

    • Melipramine.
    • Pyrazidol.
    • Befol.
    • Tetrindol.
    • Metrolindol.
    • Sidnofen.
    • Moclobemide.

    Monoamine oxidase inhibitors begin to act only after a few weeks from the start of use. They can lead to pressure fluctuations, swelling of the extremities, dizziness and weight gain. These drugs are prescribed quite rarely due to the need to follow a special diet and avoid products containing tyramine.


    Antidepressants of the modern class, the action of which is based on blocking the reuptake of serotonin. This group of drugs affects exclusively this substance, which makes them less aggressive to the human body. They have few side effects. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors include:

    • Sertraline.
    • fluoxetine.
    • Paroxetine.
    • Prozac.
    • fluvoxamine.
    • Citalopram.

    These antidepressants are used for depression, accompanied by obsessive thoughts, anxiety and panic. Their use makes a person balanced and adequate. In severe forms of depression may be ineffective.

    Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

    The latest generation drugs that act on 3 types of receptors - norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to tricyclic ones, but they have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. The drugs in this group include:

    • agomelatine.
    • Melitor.
    • Velaksin.
    • Alventu.

    These antidepressants regulate human biological rhythms. With their help, in a week you can normalize sleep and daily activity. They help with severe depressive conditions and in a short time remove the feeling of anxiety, loss of strength and nervous strain.


    With depression, accompanied by anxiety, tearfulness, fear and insomnia, tranquilizers may be included in the treatment regimen. Therapy with these drugs is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, as they can be addictive and drug dependence.

    When prescribing tranquilizers, the dose increases gradually - from the minimum to the optimum to achieve a therapeutic effect. The course of treatment should be small and not exceed 2-3 weeks. The most powerful and effective tranquilizers include:

    • Chlordiazepoxide.
    • Elenium.
    • diazepam.
    • Seduxen.
    • Lorazepam.
    • Bromazepam.
    • Phenazepam.

    Taking tranquilizers affects the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration. Side effects include drowsiness, muscle weakness, tremors, constipation, urinary incontinence, and decreased libido. During treatment with these medicines, it is forbidden to take alcohol.


    They have a pronounced antipsychotic effect and depressing effect on the entire nervous system. Their use is relevant for severe arousal, hallucinations, delirium and apathy. These drugs affect all organs and systems and should be taken only with pronounced changes in human behavior. The list of the best neuroleptics includes:

    • Aminazin.
    • Tizercin.
    • Leponex.
    • Truxal.
    • Haloperidol.
    • Fluanxol.
    • Zeldox.

    Antipsychotics lead to a decrease in dopamine levels, which can cause muscle stiffness, tremors, and hypersalivation. They can also cause increased drowsiness, reduced concentration and mental deterioration. The safest antipsychotics with a mild effect are Rispolept, Clozapine, Olapzapin.


    These medications normalize cerebral circulation and improve mental abilities. Unlike other drugs used in the treatment of depression, nootropics are not addictive, do not slow down a person's activity, and do not have a negative effect on the brain.

    Their purpose is relevant in case of a decrease in the level of vital activity and mental abilities, a violation of the adaptive function of the body. These drugs help stabilize mood and can be used for nervousness, irascibility and impulsivity. Nootropics should be included in the treatment regimen for depression accompanied by mania.

    The drugs are prescribed for astheno-depressive conditions and as an adjuvant in neuroleptic therapy to eliminate lethargy and drowsiness. They can be used prophylactically by healthy people who are often under stress. The cheapest and most common nootropics are:

    • Piracetam.
    • Nicergoline.
    • Nootropil.
    • Phenotropil.
    • Mildronate.

    In most cases, nootropics are well tolerated. Sometimes they can cause headaches, agitation, sweating, dry mouth, tachycardia and euphoria. If side effects and individual intolerance occur, the use of drugs should be abandoned.

    Treatment of depression during lactation and pregnancy

    During pregnancy, taking pills for depression is especially relevant. If the expectant mother is in a depressed state, then she endangers not only herself, but also the child. A disorder of the nervous system can provoke postpartum depression, this condition requires treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

    Particular care must be taken when choosing medications in the first trimester to avoid congenital fetal anomalies. Often, doctors prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to future mothers, which are the safest for the patient's body. These include:

    • Fluxen.
    • Sertraline.
    • Paroxetine.

    A few weeks before the birth, it is necessary to stop using antidepressants so that the child does not inherit the addiction. During the entire course of treatment, the patient's condition should be monitored by a doctor. For early stage depression, doctors recommend avoiding serious prescription drugs. They can be replaced with herbal medicines, which include St. John's wort, motherwort, valerian, thyme.

    When breastfeeding (LF), antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs can also have a negative effect on the baby. The list of pills that are allowed during pregnancy includes:

    • Valerian preparations.
    • Motherwort.
    • Nott.
    • Glycine.
    • Novo-Passit.
    • Persen.

    If herbal preparations during lactation did not have the desired effect and the nursing mother has a severe form of depression, the doctor prescribes antidepressants, and the newborn is transferred to artificial nutrition. During HB, therapy most often includes the following drugs:

    • Zoloft. The safest antidepressant for mothers during lactation. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect and in a short time helps to cope with feelings of anxiety and apathy.
    • Amitriptyline. The concentration of the drug in milk is low, but the antidepressant itself has a large number of side effects and can cause individual intolerance. It belongs to the very first drugs of the group and is sold only by prescription.
    • fluvoxamine. An effective remedy, but during its administration it is necessary to stop lactation. This medication has not been studied enough.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, tranquilizers and antipsychotics are prohibited, the course of treatment with antidepressants should be at least 6 months. The choice of dosage and drug is carried out by a doctor.

    Preparations for children

    Mild depression in children is treated with psychotherapy and natural remedies. Doctors recommend drinking the following safe medicines:

    • St. John's wort.
    • Fish fat.
    • Novo-Passit.

    With depressive disorders of the middle and severe stages, the psychotherapist prescribes antidepressants. Under the age of 12, fluoxetine is the safest and most effective drug. After 12, the list of medicines increases and includes:

    • Cipralex.
    • Lexapro.
    • Escitopralam.
    • Tizercin.
    • Amitriptyline.

    Difficulties in the treatment of childhood depression are that in 50% of cases the patient's body is immune to antidepressants. You can notice this already from the second week of using the medication, when the positive effect of therapy is completely absent. In such cases, the doctor replaces the antidepressant. Also, drugs in this group have a negative effect on the liver and increase the risk of its toxic damage.

    During therapy with antidepressants, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child and discuss his condition with him. The effect of the treatment occurs after 4-7 weeks, and the course has a duration of 6 months. You should not stop taking medications on your own - before that, you need to consult with a psychotherapist who will help you correctly reduce the dosage and reduce the concentration of the antidepressant in the blood to a minimum.

    Treatment of depression should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. All psychotropic drugs are prescribed in an individual dosage; it is impossible to choose an effective scheme on your own.

From the article you will learn about drugs prescribed for the treatment of depressive conditions, indications and contraindications of drugs, side effects.

Indications for appointment

Depression pills are drugs that seriously affect the biochemistry of the brain. The purpose of their appointment is to remove the triad of symptoms of mental disorders and higher nervous activity. The main indications for the use of antidepressants are:

  • lethargy - a violation of human thinking;
  • apathy - complete lack of desire to do anything;
  • anhedonia - loss of the ability to enjoy, joy, lack of motivation.

There is no standard treatment regimen for depression. Methods of therapy are correlated with the form of mental disorder, the degree of severity. Correction of the condition with medications is prescribed only after a full examination by a psychotherapist.

In order for the treatment to be not only effective, but also safe, when taking pills for depression of different pharmacological groups, adhere to the general clinical principles:

  • the help that is provided for depression must be qualified (pills are prescribed only by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist);
  • drugs prescribed for depression should be taken on an ongoing basis in accordance with the chosen duration of the course of treatment, exceeding the dosage is strictly contraindicated;
  • if necessary, additional methods, medicines of other groups are included in the complex treatment regimen;
  • the abolition of drugs included in the treatment regimen for depression is carried out gradually;
  • drugs for depression require constant monitoring of the effectiveness of use: the main criterion is the absence of side effects;
  • the patient is obliged to monitor his own well-being, a violation of the quality of life associated with taking medications is a reason for discontinuing medications.

Compliance with these simple and clear rules is mandatory.


Today, in the treatment of depression, drugs are used that differ in their mechanism of action. In accordance with this, the following classification of tableted antidepressants is most common:

  • tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)- drugs that improve mood (amitriptyline);
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors), are prescribed with insufficient effectiveness of the first group (Pyrazidol);
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)– modern and actively used medicines (Prozac);
  • tetracyclic antidepressants, lithium preparations, anxiolytics(Lerivon, Mikalit, Afobazol).

Characteristics of drugs of different groups

Drugs for depression and stress are used to treat depressive disorders and manic states. Finding an effective combination of drugs is sometimes difficult even for a highly qualified specialist., since the biochemical processes in the human body are individual, have their own characteristics, demonstrate unpredictable resistance to ongoing therapy.

However, psychiatrists and psychotherapists always have a list of pills for depression, which forms the basis of a patient's effective treatment regimen.

Tricyclic drugs (TCAs)

Medicines for depression from the group of tricyclic drugs are difficult to tolerate, have many side effects, but are popular in medical practice due to the predominance of positive aspects from taking them.

The essence of the action is the control of the concentration of serotonin in the cell and the intercellular space. This is a normotonic effect on the nervous system, causing an increase in mood. In addition, not only depression is treated with drugs of this type. Drugs can relieve anxiety or significantly reduce it, like sedatives and tranquilizers.

Drugs are non-selective, therefore, they affect the synthesis of dopamine, which can be dangerous in the treatment of schizophrenia or endogenous psychosis, for example. The use of funds requires special care in the appointment.

The most popular drug is Amitriptyline - 29 rubles.

List of others:

MAO inhibitors

Drugs for the treatment of depression of the group of MAO inhibitors have their own characteristics. Medicines should not be taken with cheese, sour cream, sausage in any form, corned beef, tofu, soy sauce, marinades, smoked fish, caviar, sauerkraut, legumes, peanuts, avocados, figs, alcohol.

Such restrictions arise due to the presence of tyramine in the composition of the products. In addition, MAO inhibitors cannot be combined with cold, cough, runny nose, allergy, asthma, and many painkillers.

MAO inhibitors have a cumulative effect, act after a certain time. During treatment, there may be pressure drops, vertigo, pastosity, weight gain. The essence of the "work" of drugs is the suppression of the synthesis of monoamine oxidase in the nerve endings. This enzyme destroys neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and serotonin) that control a person's mood. Blocking MAO leads to an increase in the number of mediators in the bloodstream, a change in mood for the better.

Popular among drugs of the Pyrazidol group - 245 rubles.

Other tablets of the group:

SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

The most modern drugs for depression are the SSRI group. The drugs have selectivity (selectivity) of action, which qualitatively distinguishes them from other antidepressants. The point of application of drugs is the synthesis of serotonin, therefore they are also called serotonin inhibitors.

Prozac is recognized as the most popular - 539 rubles.

The list of drugs also includes:

Tetracyclic drugs

The tetracyclic form of tablets for depression is used less often than the tricyclic form due to the small difference in effectiveness at the high cost of the drugs. Medicines are able to remove anxiety, fear, normalize the emotional background. The action is cumulative, persistent and long-lasting.

The most famous medicine for depression based on mianserin called Lerivon (1,040 rubles), on the basis of pirlindol - Pyrazidol (245 rubles), mirtazapine - Mirtazapine canon (575 rubles). Tetracyclic antidepressants can be an excellent option if tricyclic antidepressants are not well tolerated.

Lithium preparations

In the treatment of depression, lithium is used in the form of salts. Classical depression cannot be corrected with a drug, but a pathological condition that is resistant to all other groups of drugs is perfectly stopped by lithium compounds. In addition, metal-based products are effective in manic-depressive psychosis.

The disadvantage of lithium preparations in the treatment of depression is the presence of many side effects. Cancellation of tablets occurs slowly, a sharp refusal can provoke a relapse of the disease. Lithium works well with other antidepressants.

The most famous are Mikalit (95 rubles), Sedalit (92 rubles).


Anxiolytics are a cure for depression, anxiety and fear. Often, such drugs are not classified as antidepressants, but as sedatives, nootropics, which are convenient to take at home. The essence of the action is the improvement of blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain, due to which cognitive functions are normalized, mental reactions are stimulated, endurance increases in terms of nervous strain, stress resistance.

Indicated for use in neurosis, asthenia, depression, apathy, schizophrenia, withdrawal after drinking alcohol or drugs. Means help with excessive suspiciousness, anxiety, stress.

An example is Afobazole (355 rubles), Tenoten (234 rubles), Tizertsin (210 rubles).

Next generation antidepressants

A distinctive feature of the new generation of drugs for depression is the minimization of side effects and good tolerance for long-term use. This group includes mainly drugs of the SSRI group, in part - MAO inhibitors and anxiolytics.

In early 2010, Dutch pharmacologists compared new and old generation antidepressants in terms of effectiveness, tolerability, and side effects. More than 25,000 patients with depression participated in the clinical study. Based on the results of the data obtained, which were posted in the public domain, a list was compiled, which included only the best modern antidepressants of the new generation, with virtually no side effects.. Here he is:


Contraindications to taking drugs are strictly individual due to the fact that antidepressants belong to different pharmaceutical groups. But there are also absolute (general) restrictions on the use of drugs:

  • individual intolerance;
  • simultaneous reception with MAO inhibitors;
  • violation in the functional potential of the kidneys and liver;
  • age up to 18;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recent heart attack;
  • unstable angina;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • convulsions, including - in the anamnesis;
  • glaucoma;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • bleeding of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • a manic state in history;
  • cachexia;
  • hyponatremia;
  • dehydration;

It is forbidden to simultaneously take antidepressants with diuretics and lipid-lowering agents.

Side effects

With the exception of the latest generation of drugs for depression, all drugs have many side effects, among which are:

  • general symptoms: weakness, fatigue, chills, anaphylaxis up to angioedema, photosensitivity, insomnia, asthenia;
  • from the nervous system: headaches, dry mucous membranes, unusual dreams, decreased potency, libido, dizziness, insomnia, irritability, paresthesia, stupor, confusion, depersonalization, increased muscle tone, tremor, ataxia, impaired coordination, epilepsy, aggression, suicidal thoughts, serotonin syndrome, delirium;
  • from the digestive system: nausea, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • from the respiratory system: yawning, bronchitis, shortness of breath, pneumonia,;
  • on the part of the heart and blood vessels: arterial hypertension or hypotonic syndrome, redness of the skin, pre-syncope and fainting, arrhythmias, tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, flicker, swelling of the ankles and fingers;
  • from the hematopoietic system: ecchymosis (hemorrhage into the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhage into the mucous membranes, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, anemia, neutropenia, pancytopenia;
  • on the part of metabolic processes: in the blood serum, weight loss or, on the contrary, weight gain, an increase in prolactin, hepatitis, hyponatremia, syndrome of insufficient secretion of antidiuretic hormone;
  • from the genitourinary system: erectile dysfunction, ejaculation, lack of orgasm, dysuria, menstrual cycle disorder, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, urinary incontinence or urinary retention;
  • on the part of the senses: mydriasis (dilated pupil), disturbances in accommodation, visual acuity, taste sensations, noise or ringing in the ears, increased intraocular pressure;
  • on the part of the skin: hyperhidrosis, rashes, alopecia;
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system: the extreme degree of myopathy is rhabdomyolysis (muscle destruction).

The most unpleasant sensations that sharply reduce the patient's quality of life can be pain in the head, migraine, a feeling of internal motor restlessness, the need to constantly move or change position - akathisia (up to suicidal thoughts and actions).

Antidepressants during pregnancy

During pregnancy, depression is a frequent occurrence: the hormonal background is rebuilt, tearfulness and moodiness increase, fatigue appears. Toxicosis joins these sensations, which dramatically changes the usual way of life of a woman. But these symptoms are temporary, it is not advisable to treat them with antidepressants.

If the depressive state has a different basis: deep psychological experiences (unwanted child, lack of loved ones nearby, material difficulties, recent stress, fear of pain in an upcoming birth), then the doctor decides on prescribing pills for depression.

The fact is that the constant negative in which the expectant mother is located will have a bad effect on the condition of the baby, there is a risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and intrauterine growth retardation. In this case, treatment with adequately selected medicines is not as detrimental to the unborn baby as a complete rejection of medicines. With the right approach to resolving the situation, drugs for the treatment of depression and pregnancy are quite compatible.

Specialists highlight a range of acceptable means, which practically do not cross the placenta and have minimal impact on the baby. In other words, they are relatively safe for the fetus. This includes the group of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and tricyclic drugs, as well as some. Antidepressants allowed during pregnancy:

  • Fevarin is an antidepressant with minimal effect on noradrenergic transmission, mildly improving mood for a long time;
  • Triftazin is a neuroleptic that blocks postsynaptic mesolimbic dopaminergic receptors in the brain, has a strong antiemetic effect, which is a plus for pregnant women with toxicosis;
  • Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant that has some analgesic effect, helps to eliminate bedwetting and reduces appetite;
  • Sertraline is an antidepressant that is one of the four best new generation antidepressants;
  • Citalopram - demonstrates minimal side effects, toxic effects, is not addictive;
  • Fluoxetine - helps to improve mood, reduces feelings of fear, tension, relieves dysphoria without sedation and influence on the functions of the most important body systems.

Doctors have to convince expectant mothers of the safety of taking such antidepressants, which is associated with a contraindication to taking drugs during pregnancy, indicated in the annotation. However, despite such a discrepancy in the instructions, in practice both in the Russian Federation and abroad, the negative effect of the listed drugs for depression on the fetus has been recorded.

Of course, it is better to go completely without drugs during pregnancy, but sometimes a situation left to chance can be even more dangerous than the use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of pregnant women.

Among prohibited When taking antidepressants during pregnancy, it should be noted:

  • paroxetine;
  • Paxil;
  • Venlafaxine;
  • duloxetine;
  • Milnacipran;
  • Cymbalta;
  • Ixel.

These drugs have been studied in detail, their negative properties are confirmed by clinical observations.


  1. Glushkov R.G., Andreeva N.I., Aleeva G.N. Depression in general medical practice. Regular issues of "RMJ" No. 12 dated 06/24/2005.
  2. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors: pharmacological properties, clinical efficacy and tolerability compared to other classes of antidepressants. Part 2, Consilium Medicum, 2007.
  3. From Stress to Inflammation and Major Depressive Disorder: A Social Signal Transduction Theory of Depression, Psychol Bull. May 2014;
  5. Novel psychopharmacological therapies for psychiatric disorders: psilocybin and MDMA, Lancet Psychiatry Volume 3, No. 5, p481-488, May 2016.
Last updated: October 26, 2019

Drugs for the treatment of depression, used in modern medicine, reflect the current understanding of the role and place of the so-called neurotransmitters - chemicals that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses between brain neurons. Since more than one neurotransmitter is involved in the “work” of the nervous system, various medications are used to restore their functions.

What drugs to take for depression?

The main group of drugs in the treatment of depressive disorders are antidepressants. Under the influence of the substances included in their composition, the mood is corrected to the inherent individual norm, the emotional background is stabilized, anxiety and anxiety are reduced, inhibition is eliminated, motor and mental activity is increased. The whole range of achieved effects is conditionally called "thymoleptic action". Today, there are several groups of antidepressants, different in composition and mechanism of action (stimulating and calming).

Antidepressants for depression- exactly those life-saving drugs that can alleviate, eliminate and prevent the disease. Before the discovery of drugs in this group, drugs with an exciting effect were actively used to treat disorders, which can cause a state of euphoria in the "melancholic". Such stimulants were opium and other opiates, caffeine, ginseng. Along with them, to reduce excitability and relieve anxiety, bromine salts, valerian, lemon balm, and motherwort were used.

The discovery of antidepressants in the 1950s was a real revolution in psychopharmacology. And for more than half a century, these drugs have been the "authoritative" effective drugs for depression. The first cure for depression was “discovered” quite by accident, when isoproniazid, a drug used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, had an unusual side effect. Patients who took isoproniazid noted unusually high spirits, a state of lightness and bliss. Soon this medication began to be used to treat depressive disorders. At about the same time, in the course of experiments with various substances, a German doctor discovered imipramine, which also improved mood and relieved the blues. Unlike isoproniazid, imipramine is still on the WHO list of official drugs and has recently been the most sought-after and best-selling antidepressant.

Separately, it is worth noting preparations for depression based on sources of serotonin. At present, preparations of this group, based on natural ingredients, containing heather, lotus, mint extract and other active sources, have gained popularity.

How do pills "save" depression?

The purpose of antidepressants is to correct disturbances in the functioning of individual mechanisms of the brain. To date, 30 chemical mediators have been identified - mediators, whose tasks include the transfer of information from one neuron to another. Three mediators, biogenic amines, are directly related to depressive disorders: norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Pills against depression regulate the required level of concentration of one or more mediators, thereby correcting the mechanisms of the brain that are disturbed as a result of the disease.

Are depression medications dangerous?

In the post-Soviet environment, there is an opinion that anti-depression pills are harmful and addictive. The answer is unequivocal: antidepressants used today in psychopharmacology are not addictive, regardless of the duration of their use. Their task is to help the body restore the mechanisms disturbed by depression. Drugs for depression are able to "reconstruct" the inner world broken by the disease and return a person to his characteristic activity and vigor.

When do depression and stress medications start to work?

The effect of antidepressants does not appear immediately. As a rule, at least two weeks pass between the time they start taking them and the appearance of a positive effect, although some patients report positive changes in mood as early as one week.

What pills help with depression?

An important point in choosing a drug is the name of the antidepressant. For example: the same drug in the domestic market can be represented by a dozen pharmaceutical companies. That is, a drug with the same active ingredient is sold under 10 different names. The cheapest are domestic drugs for depression and stress and pills produced in countries with cheap labor. Their disadvantage is that they often have a large number of side effects. Medicines produced by Western pharmaceutical companies are more expensive, but their therapeutic effect is better, and side effects are much less pronounced.

How to take drugs?

Antidepressants should be taken daily, preferably at a specific time. The number of doses and time depend on the effect of the drug. So, antidepressants with a hypnotic effect are recommended to be taken before bedtime. Tablets aimed at increasing activity are taken in the morning.

What antidepressants are used for depression?

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)- the very first developments of pharmacists. The drugs of this group increase the content of noradrenaline and serotonin in the brain due to a decrease in the uptake of neurotransmitters by neurons. The action of drugs from this group can be both sedative and stimulating. A true antidepressant effect occurs on average 3 weeks after the start of their intake, and stable results are achieved only after a few months of treatment. Since these antidepressants also block other mediators, they provoke a significant range of negative side effects. It should be borne in mind that an overdose of drugs of this group can lead to serious consequences, including death. Currently, psychiatrists are trying to reduce the appointment of these "representatives" of the past generation.

As a rule, MAOIs are prescribed for those patients who have not improved after a course of treatment with tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs are used for atypical depression, which is a condition in which some of the symptoms differ from those of typical depression. Since MAOIs do not have a calming, but a pronounced stimulating effect, they are recommended for the treatment of minor depression - dysthymia. The drugs block the action of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which is contained in the nerve endings. This substance destroys norepinephrine and serotonin, which affect mood.

a later class of drugs that has become in demand due to the minimum number of side effects, significantly less than that of the antidepressants of the previous two groups. The action of SSRIs is based on stimulating the supply of the brain with serotonin, which regulates mood. Inhibitors block the reuptake of serotonin in the synapse, thereby increasing the concentration of the mediator. The drugs are easy to use and do not lead to overdose. SSRIs are not only used to treat depressive disorders. They are designed to deal with other unpleasant problems, for example: overeating. SSRIs should not be given to patients , because they can cause manic states. The drugs are not recommended for patients with liver diseases, since it is in this organ that biochemical transformations of inhibitors occur. You also need to remember that drugs in this group can adversely affect erectile function.

There are also antidepressants that are not included in any of the three previous groups, as they differ both in their mechanism of action and in their chemical composition.

the latest achievement of psychopharmacological science. To date, the only drug of this class on the Russian market is Agomelatine (Melitor). The tool is able to influence simultaneously 3 types of receptors that are responsible in the body for the regulation of biological rhythms. The drug after 7 days of therapy normalizes sleep and daytime activity, reduces anxiety, restores efficiency.

Treatment of depression with antidepressants: selection criteria

The choice of the drug is the most important part of the treatment. It should only be done by a doctor. When prescribing an antidepressant, it is necessary to take into account: the age of the patient, individual sensitivity to psychopharmacological drugs, the severity of depression, the effects of previous treatment, the concomitant somatic condition, the medications taken.

Medications for depression: a list of antidepressants

Tricyclic antidepressants

  • Azafen
  • Amitriptyline
  • Clomipramine (anafranil),
  • Imipramine (melipramine, tofranil),
  • Trimipramine (Gerfonal)
  • doxepin,
  • Dothiepin (dosulepin).
  • Coaxil
  • Fluorocyzine

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

  • befol
  • Inkazan
  • Melipramine
  • Moclobemide
  • pyrazidol
  • Sidnofen
  • Tetrindol

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

  • fluoxetine
  • Citalopram
  • Paroxetine
  • Sertraline
  • fluvoxamine
  • Escitalopram

Other antidepressants

  • Mianserin
  • Trazodone
  • Mirtazapine
  • Bupropion
  • Tianeptine
  • Venlafaxine
  • Milnaciparin
  • duloxetine
  • Nefazodon

Melatoninergic antidepressants

  • Agomelatine (Melitor)

What drugs are used additionally?

Other groups of drugs are prescribed on an individual basis, depending on the medical indications of each individual patient. Supportive therapies include:

A group of tranquilizers. They have five components of pharmacodynamic activity: anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, hypnotic, sedative and anticonvulsant. Eliminate fear and anxiety, relieve emotional stress. They have a pronounced calming effect, normalize sleep. The action of the drugs is aimed at inhibiting the areas of the brain responsible for the emotional sphere: the limbic system, the hypothalamus, the reticular formation of the brain stem, the thalamic nuclei.

Pills for depression: a list of tranquilizers

benzodiazepine derivatives

  • Phenazepam
  • Diazepam
  • Chlordiazepoxide
  • Medazepam
  • Oxazepam
  • Midazolam
  • Lorazepam
  • Alprazolam
  • Tofisopam

Diphenylmethane derivatives

  • Hydroxyzine


  • Meprobamate
  • Emilcamat
  • Mebutamat

Other anxiolytics

  • Benzoctamine
  • Buspirone
  • Mefenoxalone
  • Hedocarnyl
  • Etifoxine
  • Mebicar

Normotymic group. Smooth out circular disorders of the affective sphere. Prevent the development of depressive and manic symptoms, i.e. mood swings. Used to prevent relapse. Abrupt discontinuation of this group of drugs can provoke a resumption of affective fluctuations. Use drugs:

  • Valproic acid
  • lithium carbonate
  • Lithium oxybate
  • Carbamazepine
  • Valpromide

group of neuroleptics. They have a multifaceted effect on the body, have powerful antipsychotic properties. Antipsychotics used for depression have a disinhibitory, activating effect. At the same time, they suppress the feeling of fear, weaken tension. Achieved various effects of drugs explained with their impact on the occurrence of excitation in different parts of the CNS. As a rule, neuroleptics are prescribed:

  • Clozapine
  • Risperidone
  • Olanzapine
  • Quetiapine
  • Amisulpride
  • Ziprasidone
  • Aripiprazole

group of nootropics. They have a powerful positive effect on brain function. Increase resistance to various harmful factors. Reduce neurological deficit and improve corticosubcortical connections. They increase the level of mental activity, improve cognitive functions, memory and attention. Nootropics are used:

  • Nootropil
  • Pantocalcin
  • Phenotropil
  • Noopept
  • Cereton
  • Glycine
  • encephabol

A group of sleeping pills. Eliminate sleep disorders, improve its quality. Use drugs for depression: a list of sleeping pills

  • Andante
  • Bromisoval
  • Donormil
  • Ivadal
  • Melaxen
  • notta
  • sunmil
  • Tripsidan
  • flunitrazepam
  • eunoctin

B group vitamins. They have a general strengthening effect on the central nervous system. They take part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Positive effect on intellectual abilities. Increase performance, endurance. Replenish "energy deficit".

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