After taking postinor, blood began to flow. Postinor: bleeding after taking

Many women face such a problem as heavy bleeding after postinor. Although such a side effect makes women worried, fortunately, it is not always a sign of health problems.

Postinor is a contraceptive that is not intended to regularly prevent unwanted pregnancy. It can prevent pregnancy if taken within seventy-two hours of unprotected intercourse. According to scientists, postinor generally prevents pregnancy in 80% of cases. If you take the drug on the first day after intercourse, the likelihood that pregnancy will not occur is 95%. On the third day, its effectiveness decreases to 58%. Although this contraceptive is very effective, it can cause a number of serious side effects.

Bleeding after postinor: when to worry

The first menstrual bleeding after taking postinor is often more profuse than usual - this is a fairly common occurrence. The average amount of discharge during menstruation in a woman is 30-35 ml, but any volume in the range from 10 to 80 ml is considered normal. In women of high stature, giving birth, and also during perimenopause, the amount of menstrual bleeding is usually more than average. One of the reasons for excessive heavy bleeding, the volume of which exceeds 80 ml, is an imbalance in the hormonal background. Postinor can cause a temporary imbalance of hormones, which leads to very heavy menstrual bleeding. In most cases, you don't need to worry about this. You just need to always have enough pads or tampons on hand and change them more often than you usually do. For maximum protection, you can use pads and tampons together. As a rule, within a month, menstrual bleeding normalizes.

However, in the following cases, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  • You bleed so heavily that you have to change your pads at least once an hour for hours on end. If this bleeding continues for twelve hours or more, call an ambulance.
  • You have to change your pads in the middle of the night.
  • For more than one day there is blood with clots.
  • Due to heavy bleeding, you had to give up some activities, such as training.
  • You have signs of anemia, such as lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath.

An important indicator is how long the bleeding lasts after postinor . Often, periods after taking this drug last one or two days longer than usual. Sometimes they can even last seven or eight days. If after the fourth or fifth day the bleeding becomes light and does not cause discomfort, most likely you are fine, and in a few more days it will completely stop. If you continue to bleed heavily for six to seven days, you should definitely seek medical help. If the bleeding lasts more than ten days, you should go to the doctor, regardless of whether it is heavy or not.

Possible pregnancy

If you start bleeding lightly a few days after taking Postinor, which lasts one or two days and then stops, take a pregnancy test. Perhaps it was implantation bleeding, which is often the very first sign of pregnancy. It begins six to twelve days after conception. , and sometimes it is mistaken for menstruation, although with normal menstruation, bleeding should not be spotting. Implantation bleeding, unlike menstrual bleeding, is so weak that the patient can get by with simple day pads.

Fertilization of the egg occurs in the fallopian tube, through which the egg moves to the uterus after ovulation. The embryo, that is, the fertilized egg, enters the uterus only a few days after conception. Then it is embedded in the wall of the uterus, and this can cause slight bleeding. During the implantation of the embryo, a woman may also feel mild cramps in the lower abdomen. Other signs of pregnancy are usually absent at this time.

If the pregnancy test shows a positive result, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Be sure to tell him that you took postinor. There is little chance that this drug will cause any malformations in the baby, so you have a good chance of having a successful pregnancy.

In some cases, women develop an ectopic pregnancy after taking postinor. It is not yet clear to what extent the use of this medication affects the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy; be that as it may, any woman who decides to take a postinor should know her signs. An ectopic pregnancy may not cause any symptoms at first. A few weeks, and sometimes a couple of months after its onset, signs such as vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, pain and / or severe cramps in the lower abdomen, pain on one side of the body, dizziness, weakness may appear. If the fallopian tube ruptures, internal bleeding begins, which can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure and fainting. If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected should seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Can postinor emergency contraception cause severe bleeding? What generally undesirable side effects can be expected from the use of postinor, and what other drugs can be used for emergency contraception?
.site) will help you get out of this article.

Sixty-five percent of the drug interacts with blood proteins. When using postinor during lactation, approximately one tenth of a percent of the drug passes into the milk.

So can postinor cause uterine bleeding?

Even in the side effects listed by the manufacturer, there is a mention of spotting, reminiscent of menstruation. The manufacturer also warns that postinor can bring down the menstrual cycle. It really is. According to the reviews of most women who used postinor, this drug really causes disruptions in menstruation. It may be just a few days, or it may be a month. In addition, there is evidence that in very rare cases, postinor can provoke really severe uterine bleeding that does not stop for several days. There are not many such cases, but they do happen.

The manufacturer categorically does not recommend using more than two postinor tablets in one menstrual cycle, since a larger amount can harm the body. And even with an overdose of Postinor, bleeding can begin. The manufacturer advises not to hesitate to visit a doctor if uterine bleeding occurs after taking Postinor, although there is no antidote for this drug.
But if there is no menstruation at the usual time, you should also consult a doctor. The fact is that there is a possibility of pregnancy against the background of the use of postinor. Therefore, this possibility must be taken into account. It is advisable to go to the doctor in the first days.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

30.12 was an unprotected pa, drank postinor, menstruation was supposed to go on 4.01, went on 8., went on for 5 days. Now the middle of the cycle, 22.01 appeared brown discharge with blood. What's this?

Hello, on the 2nd day after the KD, the partner who was not protected by PA finished in me, after 12 hours she took the first pill, then after 12 the second, 6 days have passed since she took the pill but there is no discharge, sometimes the stomach pulls, the temperature is 37. What does this mean ?

Was p. and not protected. after 17 hours she drank 2 tablets of postinor. but no nausea, no vomiting, and no bleeding either. what to do?

There was unprotected sexual intercourse in half an hour I drank the second postinor tablet on the schedule the next day my stomach started to hurt like during menstruation, but only spotting discharge began the next day, the same thing, after 3 days there was heavy red bleeding on the stomach, it no longer hurts before the onset of menstruation yet three days but bleeding now and copious don't know what to do Help

After taking postinor, the next day, menstruation began, but my stomach didn’t hurt, I bought a pregnancy test, it turned out to be negative for 12 days, bleeding has been going on at first, now it’s abundant and red, but my stomach doesn’t hurt like during menstruation, I don’t know what to do

I am 23 years old. I took postinor in June, my period started 1-2 days earlier. Everything went without side effects. On July 24, menstruation began again, and finally ended on July 28. July 31 was an unprotected p.a. To be honest, I'm not sure that he finished in me, but when asked if I should take the pills, he answered yes. On August 1 (approximately 22 hours have passed since the p.a.) I took the first pill, then the 2nd one 12 hours later. On August 9, I bled profusely, I felt sick and dizzy all day. But there is no more blood, today there is a drop of brown discharge and my head is spinning like hell, I won’t concentrate while driving, I’m terribly sick. Tell me, what is the probability that I flew? Menstruation should begin on August 20-21. Before that, she took postinor in March (in my opinion, but I'm not sure).

Please tell me, during intercourse, the condom broke, menstruation should be on the 16th, pa was after them after 6-7 days, drank postinor as expected, after four days bleeding began, but not large, less than during menstruation, it lasts for two days, Is there a high chance of pregnancy in this situation? Can I get tested if the bleeding stops?

I also have a similar situation. was pa 5 days ago, the condom broke a little bit, the guy bought me a postinor at my request. I drank the pills, according to the instructions (first one, and the second after 12 hours). after 5 days, with a slight strain, blood clots come out of the vagina. is this postinor action? help me please...

Is it possible to get pregnant with hormonal failure after taking postinor during spotting?

Hello, there was an unprotected PA, after which I took two pills at once. The menstrual cycle was supposed to start from 15.10, and already 29.10, I checked myself for tests, they are negative. Is it possible that this is a big delay or am I pregnant?

After taking the 2nd tablet of the drug, a week later, bleeding began, the body was weakened, my stomach ached, I feel terrible ...
What to do, help!?

I had to take a postinor ... I did everything according to the instructions. The first tablet 16 hours after intercourse, the second after 12. It seems that there are no side effects, but the anxiety is unbearable, I use this drug for the first time. After 4-5 days, bloody discharge began, I'm afraid that suddenly bleeding. How to recognize?

Good day.
All my life I have been saving myself with lemon, but at that time it was not at hand, and the days are dangerous. I drank (for the first time, in my 35-year-old life) postinor for 8 hours. Menstruation came on the same day (as always) and go ........ already 16 days ...... As I understand it, it all smoothly reorganized into bleeding. I understand, of course, that this is better than an abortion, but in the next. since the lemon will always be in my bag, and not the postinor))). Now I want only one thing - to stop the blood and to do without consequences for my body.

Please tell me. I accepted the postinor as everything was written. Menstruation should start according to the calendar in 10 days. And the bleeding has started now ...... what is it, tell me ??? This is bad???????

During the PA, the condom broke. After 5 hours, she drank Postinor 2 tablets. After 12 hours, everything was fine. After 5 days, bleeding began and lasted 2 days. This is fine? Advise what to do?

After taking Postinor, everything was as in the instructions, but one big "BUT" - bleeding for 12 days, not big, but still ... is it normal?

After unprotected PA, after 12 hours, she took postinor (it was the last day of menstruation) ... on day 3, brown discharge began for 3-4 days .. now menstruation has been delayed for a week already ... but the lower abdomen hurts .. reminds the symptoms before the onset monthly but they are not..what could it be??....

Tell me, is it possible to find out if there was an abortion after taking postinor? are there any signs?

What is the probability that there could be an abortion if the unprotected pa was on the first day after menstruation (cycle 28 days, the hymen is stretched)

I am 24 years old, I took postinor 2 times in my life, everything was according to the instructions., I didn’t feel any effects on the orgism. And the last time after taking postinor, bleeding began after 5 days, as if heavy periods had begun. Although I drank postinor on the 5th day of the cycle. In general I went to the doctor, he prescribed injections, suppositories and pills. He said that in no case should you wait until the bleeding itself passes.

I drank postinor after intercourse (in an hour and after 12 hours 2). 4 days passed, the discharge went for 2-3 days. Now, right now, a monthly delay of two days should go?? Is it a failure or pregnancy?

Before taking drugs such as Postinor, you need to know both its side effects and your state of health, which can react very inadequately. The main component of this remedy is an increased dose of levonorgesterol (a hormone), which is why it is allowed to use it only in extreme cases. Efficiency is guaranteed if the drug was taken within the first day after intercourse. He is not only able to save from an unplanned pregnancy, but also to provoke bleeding.

Bleeding after Postinor is a fairly common phenomenon that requires medical intervention. It has some features:

  1. The appearance of moderate bleeding - observed one week after the drug was used. At first, these are insignificant discharges with insignificant blood components, then the condition resembles menstruation, but the bleeding is more profuse. It is the shock dose of the hormone that causes this process, which upset the existing balance.
  2. Quantitative indicators of the blood released in this case depend on various factors:
  • woman's age;
  • body mass;
  • growth parameters.

In fact, someone may only have spotting, while someone has bleeding, similar to the monthly cycle. It is difficult to say for sure how long this process takes. Usually, for nulliparous women, this event takes about 3 days, and for women with children - about 5-7 days.

  1. Individual intensity of secretions after ingestion. If the bleeding began intensively, then by the 6th day it should be less. In the case when the intensity does not decrease, we can say that something went wrong, which means that you can not do without the intervention of a gynecologist.
  2. Force majeure situations. Unfortunately, it is impossible to insure against them, and all of them require a mandatory visit to a doctor. These are:
  • due to heavy bleeding, the replacement of personal hygiene products (pads) occurs almost every hour;
  • the process of blood loss lasts more than 12 hours;
  • at night, the intensity does not decrease;
  • the appearance of dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, up to loss of consciousness.
  1. Fertilization - such cases are possible, since no drug gives a 100% guaranteed result. The condition is accompanied by scanty or slight spotting, which indicates the implantation of the embryo. Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy occurs.

Indicators and information of the normal state

Now, for sure, the question arises in women: is it necessary to start bleeding after taking these pills? According to gynecologists, this phenomenon is considered the norm and should begin on the sixth or seventh day after the application of the remedy. The onset of bleeding is a confirmation from the body about the correct effect of the contraceptive. Its action is based on blocking the release of the egg. Lack of ovulation means the impossibility of conception - what many achieve. When sexual intercourse occurs after the moment of ovulation, the hormones of the drug act directly on the mucous membrane of the uterus and prevent the implantation of the egg.

In order to avoid negative consequences, taking this contraceptive should be based on certain rules:

  • the first tablet is taken immediately after intercourse (if there was ejaculation in the vagina);
  • the second requires taking after 12-16 hours after the first tablet.

If the time interval between doses is increased for some reason, then the effectiveness of the impact is reduced by 30-40%.

It is worth remembering about the numerous contraindications:

  • the presence of a tendency to allergic reactions to various substances and medicines;
  • problems with the liver or gallbladder;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • increased level of erythrocytes in the blood and a tendency to thrombosis;
  • age up to 16 years.

Hormones are always a certain health risk. It's one thing when a woman uses tablet contraceptives on the basis of a special scheme developed by a gynecologist, and another when the drug is taken suddenly and without doctor's recommendations. This is a kind of double-edged sword: one problem is solved, which, in turn, can provoke another.

How Postinor works

The action of Postinor is divided into such main stages.

  1. The egg is blocked when it leaves the ovary. These are the main consequences of taking the drug in the first phase of the cycle. There is a significant decrease in the function of estrogen, which affects the maturation of the egg. This slows down the growth of the endometrium.
  2. In the middle of the cycle, the synthesis of a hormone that affects the release of the egg from the ovary is inhibited. The consequence of the action of Postinor will be the absence of ovulation.
  3. The drug acts on the body in the second phase, reducing the synthesis of progesterone and creating negative conditions for the process of fixing the embryo on the uterine wall.
  4. The action of levonorgestrel ensures the appearance of viscosity on the mucus of the cervix, resulting in the impossibility of penetration of spermatozoa. The action of Postinor reduces the likelihood of conception. To achieve this effect, you should take the drug immediately after sexual intercourse.

Should there be bleeding after Postinor?

The drug has a very strong effect on the female body and you need to think carefully before deciding to take it. It is characterized by significant side effects after application, which include severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. The menstrual cycle as a result of taking Postinor can be disrupted, resulting in unexpected bleeding.

Thus, bleeding after taking Postinor is not a mandatory phenomenon. It's just a side effect of its use.

Taking Postinor as a means of contraception leads to the appearance of monthly discharge a week after use. This indicates that the effect of the drug ensured the absence of pregnancy. With its duration for ten days, it is necessary to consult with a doctor about the analysis of the general condition of the woman. In such cases, bleeding may occur against the background of severe pain in the abdomen, dizziness, in addition, bleeding may increase. An examination is necessary for the possible appointment of symptomatic treatment.

Abundant bleeding after taking Postinor is due to the onset of hormonal imbalance. It is caused by taking the drug. Most often, the situation normalizes by itself, you should only have a set of pads and tampons on hand. You should consult a doctor only as a last resort, if the menstrual cycle is not restored for ten days in a row and the discharge is accompanied by persistent deviations.

How long does bleeding last after Postinor?

There is no consensus on the question of what is the normal duration of bleeding after taking Postinor. It all depends on the dose taken and the individual characteristics of the female body. In most cases, bleeding after a menstrual irregularity caused by taking the remedy stops within a week. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the bleeding continues continuously for ten days. In such a situation, it is better to conduct a medical examination in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of using the drug.

Danger of bleeding after Postinor

Bleeding after taking Postinor is dangerous in adolescence, when the formation of ovarian function in a girl occurs. In such cases, infertility can form, which then will be very difficult to treat. In addition, bleeding after taking the remedy is dangerous for women who already suffer from menstrual irregularities caused by the inferior functioning of the ovaries. In such cases, it is enough to take one tablet of the drug for a persistent failure of the menstrual cycle and the subsequent infertility of a woman.

Also, severe bleeding after Postinor is dangerous due to large blood loss. The drug is prohibited for women suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

How to stop bleeding after Postinor

In most cases, no special measures are required to stop bleeding after taking Postinor. A week after the violation of the normal menstrual cycle, bleeding stops on its own. Intervention is required mainly in the presence of diseases in women, due to which the blood cannot stop. Also, this happens due to a violation of the general function of blood coagulation.

If the blood does not stop for a long time after taking Postinor, be sure to consult a doctor. The case is delicate and requires an individual approach. In some cases, the use of drugs to ensure blood clotting is sufficient. In addition, you can stop bleeding after Postinor by using medications under the supervision of a doctor. You should not take them on your own, because the consequences can be the most unpleasant. In any case, with prolonged bleeding, you should seek the help of a doctor to resolve the situation and prescribe adequate measures to stop the bleeding.

Anna asks:

Hello, please help. I'm 17 years old. I have been sexually active for 4 months. On 4.10 my period ended, on 6.10 I had sexual intercourse, the condom broke and some sperm got into the vagina. After 18 hours I drank postinor (for the first time in my life) one tablet, after 12 another one, nausea, vomiting, there were no pains. On 11.10 I started bleeding, at first they were spotting, then more plentiful, then spotting again, on 13.10 they still do not end. What does it mean? Can I be pregnant? How long should such allocations go after taking a postinor? Please help, I look forward to your reply, thanks in advance.

After taking the drug Postinor, as a rule, spotting begins on the 5-6th day and can last 3-5 days. In this case, you do not need to worry, the drug acts according to the instructions. There is no pregnancy in your case, do not worry. You can get more information about this medication from the section: Postinor

Anna asks:

hello, help me more please. My name is Anna, I am 17 years old. I have already contacted you with the same question, but I still have some questions that I did not ask, please explain to me.
After I took Postinor, I started bleeding for 5 days.
When should I expect my next period? They should come according to the idea around 1.11.
Will I be able to give birth in the future?
Have I hurt myself too much?
I drank postinor once in my life.
Is it possible to have a clitoral orgasm?
Thanks a lot in advance.

After taking Postinor, the next menstruation may begin in 3-4 weeks. Postinor does not affect your ability to become pregnant and give birth in the future. You will have a completely normal pregnancy and normal delivery. Postinor prevents unwanted pregnancy, it does not bring any harm to the body with its rare use (no more than 1 time in 2-3 months). Of course, it cannot be used for permanent contraception, since it causes hormonal failure when taken frequently. Clitoral orgasm is one of the varieties of orgasm. You can learn more about the medicine Postinor from the thematic section: Postinor

Julia asks:

Hello, please help!
At the end of the sexual intercourse, the condom broke and we noticed this after the end of the sexual intercourse, but it was already too late. On the same day, menstruation was supposed to begin. After about 10 hours, I took a Postinor tablet, after 12 hours, another one (according to the instructions). The next day, my stomach began to hurt, as before menstruation, but it was not blood that went, but discharge, as on the last day of menstruation, and now they are smearing the third day, but not much. How to explain it?

Most likely, there was a failure of the menstrual cycle and as a result, spotting appeared. In your case, the risk of pregnancy is minimal, because. based on the calculation of the day of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy could not occur. Your normal menstrual cycle will be restored within 1-2 months. You must remember that the uncontrolled use of this drug can lead to infertility.
Read more about the effect of the drug Postinor on the reproductive system of the female body by clicking on the link: Postinor.

yana asks:

Hello, please help! I am 16 years old. On 14.06 the menstruation ended, on 17.06 there was a PA, but at the end we saw that the condom broke and we could not find out at what point. 24 hours later she drank postinor and 12 hours later, as instructed, the second tablet. after a little pain in the lower abdomen. the next period should be 5.07. today (on the 5th day after taking it) it began to smear brownish and pain in the lower abdomen, as with menstruation. tell me is it ok? Is there a possibility that I am pregnant?

In this situation, pregnancy is excluded. Spotting is a consequence of taking the contraceptive Postinor and confirms the absence of pregnancy. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: Postinor

yana asks:

Sorry. one more question. and blood discharge after postinor can be different for everyone? well, for example, one simply smears for 3-4 days, while the other is abundant. can it be?

Yes, the nature of the discharge after taking Postinor may be different, and in some cases there is no bleeding. You can get more information about the contraceptive drug Postinor from the thematic section of our website: Postinor

Inna asks:

After taking Postinor, after 5 days, abundant discharge began, which lasted 4 days. Now the lower abdomen hurts like during menstruation, periodical pain. Is there a possibility of pregnancy?

As a rule, after taking Postinor, spotting begins on the 5th-6th day, which indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. You can learn more about the effect of this drug and the rules for taking it from the thematic section of our website: Postinor

natalia asks:

I'm interested in a question about postinor. After taking the drug, I have no spotting, even though it has been 5 days. This is bad? Can I be pregnant?

If you took the drug Postinor according to the instructions, then on about the 6th day there should be spotting, indicating the absence of pregnancy. According to the instructions, both tablets should be taken in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, and the second tablet should be taken no later than 12 hours after taking the first. In some cases, bleeding on the 6th day may not be. If there is no bleeding, then you can do an hCG test to make sure that you are not pregnant. This study can be carried out 7-10 days after unprotected intercourse. Read more about this drug and the rules for its use in the section of our website: Postinor

Alice asks:

Hello, I am 19 years old. After taking postinor, after a couple of days, colorless discharge began to appear, and after a week or 10 days, the pain appeared as before menstruation and blood discharge appeared, which has been going on for the 3rd day. Is this a normal side effect of the drug or is there something wrong with me?

In this situation, this is a common effect after taking Postinor, so you should not worry. Continue to use barrier methods of contraception. You can learn more about the effect of the drug Postinor from the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Postinor

Olga asks:

hello, I’m 18 years old. 19.10 was pa, the condom broke, which was noticed at the end. after 40 minutes I took 1 tablet of Postinor. after 12 hours, respectively, 2nd. in November there was no period, and now it’s 5.12, and they are not there .. can I be pregnant?

In this situation, pregnancy is practically excluded, and the shift in the menstrual cycle may be associated with the use of the hormonal contraceptive Postinor. In the event that there were no unprotected sexual intercourses after taking Postinor, you have nothing to worry about - the bleeding that began after 5 days indicates the absence of pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue that interests you, learn about the action and effectiveness, indications and contraindications for the use of emergency contraception in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor

Ira asks:

After taking postinor on the 3rd day, menstruation began, after 2 days during menstruation, PA took place and the condom broke. Is pregnancy possible?

In this case, pregnancy cannot be excluded, since Postinor cannot be effective in relation to sexual intercourse that occurred after taking it. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor

Olga asks:

hello, I'm 18 years old.19.10 was
pa, the condom broke, what was noticed in
end. after 40 minutes I took 1 tablet
postinora.after 12 hours, respectively
2nd.after 5 days (10.24) menstruation began, as
and they should be on schedule. but in November there were no periods, and now it’s 5.12, and they are not.. can I
be pregnant?

There was no pa after that (19.10)
Is it normal not to have periods?

After taking Postinor, a shift in the menstrual cycle is possible, but if after that you did not have unprotected sexual intercourse, then there is no reason for concern - pregnancy is excluded. You can get more detailed information on the issue you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant

Marina asks:

Hello. I am 29 years old. It was an unprotected act. I took postinor within 72 hours according to the instructions. A few days later I started having heavy periods that weren't on schedule. went fine. after 3 weeks there was again an unprotected act. But I didn't take any pills. and now a week later there are small bloody smears almost every day. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Perhaps this is the consequences of taking postinor and the menstrual schedule has gone astray? Or possible pregnancy? is it possible to get pregnant immediately after postinor, because time must pass for the body to recover?

These discharges may be associated with the use of the hormonal contraceptive Postinor. Pregnancy in this situation is possible, since Postinor helps prevent unwanted pregnancy, for which it is taken immediately after unprotected intercourse. From all other unprotected sexual intercourse, this contraceptive cannot protect and there is a chance of pregnancy. You can get pregnant after taking Postinor in the same cycle. You can get more detailed information on the questions you are interested in in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links: Postinor, Probability of getting pregnant

Catherine asks:

Hello. After taking postinor on the 6th day, spotting began, is this normal? and when should I expect normal menstrual days. The last time menstruation was 20.12, postinor took 30.12. Thank you for the answer.

As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, spotting begins, which indicates the absence of pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue that interests you, learn about the features of using Postinor in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. The next menstruation may come late after taking Postinor - for 1-2 weeks. During this period, you need to use barrier methods of contraception to exclude pregnancy.

Elena asks:

Hello. I am interested in this question. I took Postinor for the first time in my life, after which bleeding began on the 7th day. How long will it last?

As a rule, bleeding caused by taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor begins on the 6-7th day and can last 3-5 days. The next menstruation may come late. You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. For more information about contraceptive methods and modern contraceptives, see the relevant section of our website: Contraception and contraceptives

Katya asks:

Please help! I took Postinor about 10 days ago, on the 6th-7th day I started bleeding and my stomach hurts a little like during menstruation, but there are still 2 weeks before menstruation. Do these bleedings indicate that I am not pregnant? And why did weakness appear after 10 days and when will it end?

The bleeding that occurred on the 6-7th day after taking Postinor is a normal reaction to taking this contraceptive and means that there is no pregnancy. You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. Your complaints of weakness are unlikely to be related to taking Postinor. I recommend that you monitor your state of health and, in case of prolonged weakness, do a general blood and urine test, personally visit a general practitioner for an examination.

Julia asks:

Hello, I was 16 protected pa on the day of ovulation (the condom did not break and was bought at the pharmacy after pa provkryla was whole) but I was scared all the same on the day of ovulation I decided to drink pastenor 5 hours after pa and after 12 hours the next 5 days passed, there was no discharge and now after 2 hours, my period should be very worried, can I be pregnant?

In the event that there was no ejaculation in the vagina, there is no cause for concern and you do not need to take any contraceptives. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. Pregnancy in your case is absolutely excluded, so do not worry. After taking a hormonal contraceptive, a shift in the menstrual cycle is possible, which is associated with the peculiarities of the action of the Postinor medication. Read about it in the section: Postinor

lisa asks:

Hello, I have a question. After the pa, within 74 hours, I drank 1 table. After (12 hours later, as per the instructions of the 2nd table). The next day I had brown spotting. Could this mean. That I'm not pregnant? If they say here that spotting usually occurs through. 3-5 days, and I have on the next. day.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

After taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, spotting usually appears on the 6th day, but it can be earlier or later. Their appearance confirms that you have not become pregnant. Read more on this issue in the thematic series of articles on our website by clicking on the link: Postinor. You can learn about the various situations after which pregnancy is possible, as well as the dependence of pregnancy on the phase of the menstrual cycle, in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anya asks:

Hello! 10.01 menstruation came, on the same day there was a PA, the condom broke, we noticed it only in the end of the PA. 12.01 took Postinor. There were menses, and then there were spotting blood discharge, and then abundant. Go 3rd day. How soon will they end? What to do with them? Is it dangerous?

In this phase of the menstrual cycle, there was no need to use barrier methods of contraception, as well as to take the hormonal contraceptive Postinor - pregnancy in this case is impossible. You can get additional information on the issue that interests you in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. Your current complaints are related to taking the contraceptive Postinor, the discharge can last 5-6 days and is not at all dangerous, so you should not worry. You can learn more about this medicine in the section: Postinor

Maria asks:

Hello. During the PA, the condom broke, according to the instructions, she drank Postinor. Suddenly, after 5-6 days, discharge with blood and pain in the lower abdomen began (the emphasis was on the right ovary). The discharge coincided with the day of ovulation. Can you say that everything is fine?

Bleeding after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor should not scare you - according to the instructions, after using this drug, spotting begins on the sixth day, which indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. Pain in the lower abdomen is a common occurrence associated with taking postcoital contraceptives, so you should not worry about this.

Julia asks:

Hello! Please tell me, do the acyclic discharge that began on the 5th day after taking Postinor rule out the presence of an ectopic pregnancy?

Bleeding after taking Postinor indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. An ectopic pregnancy after taking this medication is almost impossible. Read more on this issue in the corresponding series of articles on our website by clicking on the link: Postinor

Julia asks:

Is it possible to take birth control pills on the first day of acyclic discharge after taking Postinor or wait until the first day of the menstrual cycle?

Cyclic hormonal contraceptives should be started on the first day of the menstrual cycle. It is impossible to take them with the onset of bleeding after taking Postinor. Read more on this issue in the corresponding series of articles on our website by clicking on the link: Hormonal contraceptives

Masha asks:

Hello, please tell me what it could be. It’s been a week already, an incomprehensible state: motion sickness in transport, my head hurts wildly in the temple area, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and pain in my heart. stop and from fear is already starting to feel sick. what could it be ?? please help

These symptoms may be associated with disorders of the vestibular apparatus, impaired microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, as well as impaired blood circulation through the vertebral arteries. I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist to conduct an examination and determine a further plan for examination and treatment. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Dizziness Neurologist and neuropathologist

Katya asks:

After unprotected PA. I drank postinor after 10 hours, the second after 12. It's been 9 days already. There was no bleeding after taking it! The only white discharge was, but they are gone. The chest hurt, sometimes the lower abdomen was drawn. Now my nipples started to hurt. Menstruation should go on 06/04/14. Postinor was accepted on 05/20/14. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?

In some cases, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, there is no bleeding after 6 days, however, this does not indicate the presence of pregnancy. In the event that after taking Postinor you did not have unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is excluded. You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anastasia asks:

Hello! I am 16 years old, I had an unprotected PA on May 20, I have no labeled drugs for 12 days after taking it. Prior to that, she took postinor about a month or 1.5 ago. Everything was fine, as in the instructions. And today I saw some watery, bloody spots. Postinor I drank 1 tablet almost immediately after the PA and the second one was a little late, I drank not after 12 but after 14 hours. Now my stomach hurts a little. Can I be pregnant? Should I do a test or go to a gynecologist?

Pregnancy in this situation is unlikely, given that the hormonal contraceptive Postinor was taken, however, being late in taking the second Postinor tablet is a violation of the instructions. I recommend you take a blood test for hCG to rule out pregnancy. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anastasia asks:

Hello, June 23 was an unprotected PA, an hour later I took the first Postinor tablet, the next morning (after 12 hours) the second.
Yesterday (29.06) blood discharge began as during menstruation. Please tell me

And when to expect menstruation if they were (17.06-22.06)?

As a rule, after taking emergency contraceptive drugs (Postinor, Escapel, etc.), spotting begins after 6 days, which indicates the absence of pregnancy. At the same time, the next menstruation may come late by an average of 7-10 days. I also recommend that you continue to use barrier methods of contraception, and if you have a regular sexual life, consult with your gynecologist regarding the selection of adequate contraceptive measures for continuous use.

You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Emergency contraception and in a series of articles: Contraception and contraceptives

Christina asks:

The menstruation ended on 12.07, on the same day the PA took place, the torn condom was noticed already at the end of the PA, but I managed to pull it out on time, almost everything poured out, some remained on the external genital organs, they were afraid that something could get inside - I drank postinor, practically an hour after the PA, then another 12 hours later (as in the instructions), another 12 hours later there was a small spotting. Today, that is 17.07 no symptoms are observed. What is the chance of getting pregnant?

Given the phase of the menstrual cycle, there was no need to take emergency contraception, in particular, Postinor. Pregnancy in your situation is completely excluded, so there is no reason for concern. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Probability of getting pregnant. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Sexual relations and in a series of articles: Menstrual cycle and menstruation

Catherine asks:

Hello! Tell me please, is it normal that after taking the first pill of Postinor I started bleeding, the same as menstruation? And can I start taking Qlaira hormonal pills right away (they were prescribed to me by a doctor after the removal of an ovarian cyst) or Do I have to wait until my next period to start drinking?

Regardless of the nature and intensity of bleeding after taking the first Postinor tablet, you need to take the second tablet in a timely manner after 12 hours. It will be possible to take cyclic hormonal contraceptives from the first day of the next menstruation, and not now, when the bleeding is caused by taking Postinor. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Eva asks:

Hello! I am 18 years old. On July 18, a condom broke during intercourse, and a smaller part of it remained in me. The PA was interrupted, i.e. the sperm did not enter the vagina. But as you know, the male "lube" (pre-ejaculation) contains sperm and can cause pregnancy. In addition, it was the second PA of the evening (but during the first, everything was fine). Therefore, in the next 12-14 hours I drank Postinor (as expected, according to the instructions) the 1st tablet, therefore, after another 12 hours - the second. So here it is! From 20.07 homogeneous white discharge began. On 21.07 they were more plentiful and just on that day that part of the condom came out of me (which was mentioned above). Allocations are going on to this day (24.07), but weak. Menstruation should go 2.08 - 3.08.
Are these discharges normal? Is pregnancy possible, given that it was the second PA within a few hours, and that after the first PA, some of the sperm could remain on the penis? What to expect in the near future, and should I be worried?

The probability of pregnancy in this situation is excluded, so there is no cause for concern. As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, spotting begins after 6 days. The presence of secretions may be one of the signs of an inflammatory process caused by thrush or other causes. I recommend that you personally visit the attending gynecologist, take a smear.

Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception, Smear - why is it needed. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Anna asks:

Hello, Pa was protected, but the condom flew off the partner, I took the pills for 72 hours, I’ll cut 2 pills, after 1 day I went to the gynecologist for an examination, he said that there was no pregnancy. After 5 days, there were very few (monthly), they went 2-3 days, then brown started, after them bloody, then light brown, then cloudy discharge began, the lower back hurts. Tell me, please, what is it?))) I drank Postinor, help, please. And now there are white-cloudy discharge )

According to the instructions, the hormonal contraceptive Postinor is prescribed for 1 tablet with an interval of 12 hours. The bleeding that began after 5 days is not menstruation - it is caused by taking this medication, so you should not worry. The next menstruation after taking Postinor may come late. We recommend that you use barrier methods of contraception. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Postinor

Anna asks:

What does it mean? Pregnant or not?

Pregnancy is excluded, given the timely intake of the hormonal contraceptive Postinor and menstrual-like bleeding that began 5 days later. We recommend further use of barrier methods of contraception. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

inna asks:

Hello. After menstruation, the next day there was unprotected intercourse, I drank Postinor after 14 hours, the first pill, and the second after 12. After 7 days, bloody discharge began, 4 days lasted like menstruation and then already like 6 days, smearing brown-red, there are few of them, but they are .when will they end?

In this phase of the menstrual cycle, there was no need to resort to emergency contraception. Considering that after taking Postinor you started spotting, the probability of pregnancy is completely excluded. Such discharge can continue for 7-10 days. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception.

You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Vika asks:

I had my period from 22.07, to 27.07, 28.07 I had sexual intercourse, the condom broke and some sperm got into me, the next day I took one pill, and after 12 hours the second, there was nothing like nausea and vomiting. I took a pill on 29.07, for 3 days now there has been no discharge, what does this mean? I have been sexually active for 1 month, I am 15.

It was not necessary to use emergency contraception during this phase of the menstrual cycle, but you nevertheless took hormonal contraception. The probability of pregnancy in this case is completely excluded. As a rule, after taking drugs intended for emergency contraception, spotting appears after 6 days, but in some cases they may be absent.

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception, Escapelle. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Svetlana asks:

Hello, I am 18 years old, the last menstruation was on 26.07 and lasted 5-6 days, on 2.08 there was a pa, and part of the partner’s lubricant got into me, within 24 hours I took the first pill and the next one after 12 hours, on 8.08 profuse spotting began, I feel like during menstruation, is it normal?

As a rule, after taking the hormonal contraceptive Postinor, menstrual bleeding begins after 6 days. This bleeding is not menstruation, the next menstruation may come late in the month when the Postinor contraceptive was taken. There is no cause for concern in this situation. We recommend that you continue to use barrier methods of contraception. If you have a regular sexual life, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist regarding the selection of adequate contraceptive measures.

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Natalie asks:

I am 16 years old. 10.08 The next day after the end of menstruation, there was a sexual intercourse, as a result of which the condom broke and the young man finished in me. I washed myself and an hour later I took the first pill of Postinor. After 12 hours, I took the second pill. The bleeding went on the third day. 13.08 Is this normal?
Can pregnancy be ruled out?

Bleeding after 6 days or earlier indicates that you are not pregnant, so there is no reason to worry. Pregnancy in this situation can be excluded. We recommend that you personally consult with your gynecologist regarding the selection of a reliable contraceptive method if you have a regular sex life.

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Postinor Postinor and in a series of articles: Emergency contraception. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Probability of getting pregnant

Eva asks:

I had unprotected intercourse on day 5 of my cycle and the condom broke. Somewhere on the 11th day, the discharge began to be a little bloody (it always happens in the middle of the cycle for me). Can this indicate the presence of ovulation and the absence of pregnancy? (didn't take any pills)

The probability of pregnancy in this phase of the menstrual cycle is excluded, so there is no reason to worry. The presence of discharge on the 11th day of the cycle may indicate ovulation. We recommend that you do not worry and continue to use barrier methods of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Olga asks:

Hello. I have such a situation ... on September 14, I took Postinor according to the instructions. On September 21, spotting scanty brown discharge appeared and has been going on for 11 days. When can they end and what is it all about?

As a rule, after taking an emergency contraceptive such as Escapelle, spotting begins after 5-6 days and can last an average of 5-7 days. In the event that spotting continues for a long period of time, hormonal failure is not excluded, and this may also be a side effect of this medication. We recommend that you visit your doctor in person.

Anya asks:

Hello, I am 20 years old, please tell me, I had my period on September 20 to 25, everything was as usual, after that I had sex every day until Wednesday, October 1, but on Monday I drank postinor. Today is October 4th and I have had terrible pains in the morning and menstruation started again ... all these days, including the day of admission, I drank alcohol. What happened with me?

In this situation, you should not worry - as a rule, after taking the emergency contraceptive Postinor, after 5-6 days, spotting begins, associated with the mechanism of action of this medication. Further, we recommend that you use barrier contraceptives and take into account that this group of drugs should not be abused because of the risk of hormonal failure.

Anna asks:

Hello! 29/09 was unprotected PA, postinor took according to the instructions within 24 hours. It was the 11th day of the cycle. On the 8th day, very meager brown discharges went (literally, it will anoint once or twice a day and that's it). Continue until (2nd day). My chest hurts a lot: (Please tell me, does this discharge mean that I am not pregnant? What is the risk of an ectopic pregnancy with such symptoms? Thank you!

As a rule, after taking Postinor emergency contraception, spotting begins after 6 days and indicates that pregnancy has not occurred. In some cases, the discharge may be later or absent altogether, which is also not a basis for confirming pregnancy. The risk of ectopic pregnancy when taking Postinor is practically excluded. In the event that the next menstruation is absent, we recommend that you do a pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG, which will allow you to diagnose pregnancy in a timely manner, although its probability is practically excluded.

Victoria asks:

6 days ago I had ZPA, but the condom broke, part of it got into me, but I immediately washed it, after 2.5 hours I took the first postrinor pill, and after 12 hours the second pill. I read that bleeding starts on the 3-5th day, but I don’t have them. Is it normal? My period is on the 20th.
+ I have an increased appetite
could i get pregnant?

In this situation, given that, according to the instructions, Postinor was taken in a timely manner, there is no chance of pregnancy. Bloody discharge after taking this drug can be after 6 days, but in some cases it is absent, which also does not indicate the likelihood of pregnancy. We recommend that you continue to use barrier methods of contraception.

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