Why does a woman change men like gloves. Why do some men keep changing women? Can a womanizer fall in love? The reason why a girl can change guys

As you know, Google knows everything. This is used successfully by both men and women. And of course the most intimate and intimate are looking for there. A curious selection of the most frequent requests unexpectedly suggests that the beautiful half of humanity is much more interested in sex issues. It turns out that the statistics about men are lying, that every 7 minutes they think about how and with whom to sleep

Read more: "All men are womanizers" is a myth

No need to make poor men! They, like women, want love and stability in relationships. If he had "a lot of women" - this means that he did not want anyone, could not and, most importantly, failed to build relationships, this is an absolutely childish position.

Men who often change women lose their masculine nature, waste themselves.

He came to one woman - she has her own smell, her own physiological characteristics, her own habits, her own view of things, and so on. He walked by the edge and “blurred” something, took something from her, like it or not. Then he goes to another one - history repeats itself, only the second one has a completely different smell and other features. Changed five women - and he as a person is gone. There is a strange smell, strange thoughts, everything is foreign. Because each "marks", leaves its mark. And the man also leaves, of course. Therefore, prostitutes are faceless. Therefore, gigolos resemble women in their manner of pleasing.

The man takes his woman by the hand, says: "I know how, let's go" and takes her away. He does not need others, because she perfectly complements him, they together are a whole. They have such a powerful energy that you can’t break anything, the two of them are a strong family.

Man and woman are a perfect whole. But it is impossible to be a half of many entities at once. A whole can be formed only with the person whom you trust, whom you fully accept, whose views you share. Everything else is deviation.

This is the same as putting 5, 10 or 20 other people's plates in front of you and forcing you to eat from them..

No need to tell stories about happy and contented whores. It doesn't happen. The body is very personal and the most precious of all the material that a person has. A man protects his body day and night, covers it in the first place. And if he sticks it anywhere, without thinking, then this is HIS ATTITUDE TO HIMSELF. He spits on himself (his health, his life). Then why do I or any other woman need such a man?

This person has it all written on his face. Nobody needs a fucking interceptor. Even to the wife. Because he, just like a female prostitute, walks around and offers himself to everyone. This is an inner fear: "No one needs me (no one needs me)"; “I’m afraid to admit to myself that they don’t take me. I don’t know how to build strong relationships. I can’t leave a single woman nearby. I can’t build close relationships with anyone.” This is a position of underdevelopment, a state of inferiority and internal deficit: “I didn’t cope. I didn’t realize myself and I’m looking outside for confirmation that I am a man, because I don’t find this confirmation in myself. But I don’t want to admit that I am miserable, so I invent a story for myself and I tell everyone I just love having new women all the time.

Every man and every woman wants to have a close person nearby who can be trusted. There is no one who would not want to feel a covered back, to know a sense of security.

A man is polygamous only if the woman cannot give him the necessary support for self-realization. Then he will look for the one that will feed him, so that he "rise". In its nature lies the task of internal development in order to obtain the material. And for this he needs strength. A woman gives these forces with her sincere love, care, understanding and acceptance. She says: "You will succeed, I have no doubt. You are the best with me. As you order, so be it." On the one hand, she lays responsibility on him, on the other hand, she thereby confirms her faith in him, "stands": "And you can do it, and you can do it," she sincerely thinks so. She conveys this belief to him. And then he will give her everything, the man himself, by and large, does not need anything. He goes to great lengths for her sake. So that she would say: "You're doing well with me. I can't live without you. Thank you for having me."

Everything else is manipulation and, as they say, "from the evil one."

Cheating always ends with problems in relationships and unpleasant emotions for both. Why do people cheat on each other if in the end everyone loses from it? There is no sufficient justification for treason, it has always been and will always be a mean act. But different genders have different reasons for cheating. Men are more likely to change sexual partners more often, which is why they change more often.

Here are 5 reasons why men cheat on their woman.

1. Because they are scoundrels

Of course, there are many good men, but as experience shows, there are twice as many scoundrels. Some men just use women, they tell them everything they want to hear, bombard them with promises, just to get their way. However, they are not at all going to fulfill their promises and soon change one woman for another. The worst thing is that while his ex will try to forget him in tears and with a broken heart, he will calmly walk with the new one.

2. Because they are unreliable

Some men are not exactly scoundrels, they are just extremely unreliable. It’s not that he doesn’t give a damn about a woman, he can even cherish her very much. But at the same time, he is very afraid of losing you, he is terribly afraid that you will find someone better. And because of this fear, he decides to cheat on you first, so as not to be abandoned. It's pretty stupid, but it does happen a lot.

3. Because they don't appreciate what they have.

Many people simply do not know how to appreciate the good that they have. Being young and inexperienced, men often commit adultery thoughtlessly. They do not yet understand that good relationships should be cherished, they think that they can easily find something better. Sometimes it becomes a pity for such men, because they deceive themselves. They do not realize that they can lose a loved one, and when they understand, all that remains is to reproach themselves for what they have done and be sad about what happened.

4. Because they are weak

Many men are incredibly weak. Men's lives are often simpler, easier to get into higher positions, they don't have to give birth, and they don't have to struggle as much as many women do. Therefore, many men end up strong physically, but weak mentally. They are unable to control and limit themselves in something, especially when it comes to communicating with other women. At such moments, they think not with their head at all, but with another important organ.

5. Because they don't have the guts to admit they've fallen out of love with a woman.

Unfortunately, love doesn't always last forever. Some relationships don't stand the test of time. The worst begins when one of the partners deep down understands that he has already fallen out of love with the other, but is afraid to admit it to himself. Love is a complex psychological phenomenon. It will be much better for both if the man has the courage to discuss everything and admit that this relationship is no longer worth continuing. Then it will be possible not to stoop to betrayal, but to boldly turn the page and start a new relationship.

As you know, Google knows everything. This is used successfully by both men and women. And of course the most intimate and intimate are looking for there. A curious selection of the most frequent requests unexpectedly suggests that the beautiful half of humanity is much more interested in sex issues. It turns out that the statistics about men are lying, that every 7 minutes they think about how and with whom to sleep

Read more: "All men are womanizers" is a myth

No need to make poor men! They, like women, want love and stability in relationships. If he had "a lot of women" - this means that he did not want anyone, could not and, most importantly, failed to build relationships, this is an absolutely childish position. Men who often change women lose their masculine nature, waste themselves .

He came to one woman - she has her own smell, her own physiological characteristics, her own habits, her own view of things, and so on. He walked by the edge and “blurred” something, took something from her, like it or not. Then he goes to another one - history repeats itself, only the second one has a completely different smell and other features. Changed five women - and he as a person is gone. There is a strange smell, strange thoughts, everything is foreign. Because each "marks", leaves its mark. And the man also leaves, of course. Therefore, prostitutes are faceless. Therefore, gigolos resemble women in their manner of pleasing.

The man takes his woman by the hand, says: "I know how, let's go" and takes her away. He does not need others, because she perfectly complements him, they together are a whole. They have such a powerful energy that you can’t break anything, the two of them are a strong family.

Man and woman are a perfect whole. But it is impossible to be a half of many entities at once. A whole can be formed only with the person whom you trust, whom you fully accept, whose views you share. Everything else is deviation.

This is the same as putting 5, 10 or 20 other people's plates in front of you and forcing you to eat from them.

No need to tell stories about happy and contented whores. It doesn't happen. The body is very personal and the most precious of all the material that a person has. A man protects his body day and night, covers it in the first place. And if he sticks it anywhere, without thinking, then this is HIS ATTITUDE TO HIMSELF. He spits on himself (his health, his life). Then why do I or any other woman need such a man?

This person has it all written on his face. Nobody needs a fucking interceptor. Even to the wife. Because he, just like a female prostitute, walks around and offers himself to everyone. This is an inner fear: "No one needs me (no one needs me)"; “I’m afraid to admit to myself that they don’t take me. I don’t know how to build strong relationships. I can’t leave a single woman nearby. I can’t build close relationships with anyone.” This is a position of underdevelopment, a state of inferiority and internal deficit: “I didn’t cope. I didn’t realize myself and I’m looking outside for confirmation that I am a man, because I don’t find this confirmation in myself. But I don’t want to admit that I am miserable, so I invent a story for myself and I tell everyone I just love having new women all the time.

Every man and every woman wants to have a close person nearby who can be trusted. There is no one who would not want to feel a covered back, to know a sense of security.

A man is polygamous only if a woman cannot give him the necessary support for self-realization. Then he will look for the one that will feed him, so that he "rise". In its nature lies the task of internal development in order to obtain the material. And for this he needs strength. A woman gives these forces with her sincere love, care, understanding and acceptance. She says: "You will succeed, I have no doubt. You are the best with me. As you order, so be it." On the one hand, she lays responsibility on him, on the other hand, she thereby confirms her faith in him, "stands": "And you can do it, and you can do it," she sincerely thinks so. She conveys this belief to him. And then he will give her everything, the man himself, by and large, does not need anything. He goes to great lengths for her sake. So that she would say: "You're doing well with me. I can't live without you. Thank you for having me."

Everything else is manipulation and, as they say, "from the evil one."


Why do men cheat on women and leave them?

This question has been asked to me dozens of times already. I saw the last variation in our Vkontakte group. The questions sound like this:

Why did my man cheat on me and go to another?

Why did my boyfriend leave for another girl who is not as beautiful and clearly not as smart as me?

Why do men cheat on their wives?

Why do men take lovers?

Or here is the last letter. Quoted with permission from the girl who wrote it.

What else do these men need? Why do men cheat? I do not understand them!! Everything in my apartment shines, I am always well-groomed, I take care of myself, I knit things for myself, I constantly cook delicious dishes, I take care of a man ... and every time the same thing. All men cheat on me after some time, or just leave me without any explanation!!

I asked the latter why he was leaving. In response, I heard "it's boring with you, like in a swamp." Asked to clarify what specifically does not suit? She said she was ready to change! But he did not really explain to me that he did not like it!

Help, I'm ready to change, but I don't know how. Why do men leave me?

There are not just many such questions, but a lot. They are sent to the mail to the administrator, they are asked in our Vkontakte group, they are asked in the comments to my articles.

As far as possible, I answer them in articles and books that are sold on the Solar Hands website. Of course, the main and simple answer is that men are not women. They have completely different needs. And what is important to women may not matter to them at all.

However, these are general words, and in this article I systematized the basic needs (not declared, but real) of ordinary, standard men, of which 80-90 percent. If you follow them, a man will always be interested in you and he will not be drawn to “non-left”. Moreover, he will not have a desire to have a mistress.

But we exclude such men as psychopaths, manipulators, Don Juans and similar evil spirits. It is impossible to keep such men, they will always, at every opportunity, cheat on you. Such men almost always, if they are married, have mistresses.

Let's return to the usual, average representatives of the stronger sex and consider the reasons why men cheat on their wives and what to do so that they do not cheat.

The man needs to win.

A man needs a victory, probably no less than a woman needs a family, children, stability.

Well, of course, not just a victory, but running around, fussing, hanging out with other "boys", and then - a victory. If a man himself is not able to organize his successes, then he can be content with the victories of the team (colleagues with whom he works, the team in sports for which he plays, or even his team on TV, Russia, after all).

There are men who are over 40 and they pretend that they do not want anything, that they do not need any victories and achievements. But they are deceiving themselves. I saw dozens of transformations when a man said that he had enough of everything and that he didn’t need anything else and didn’t need anything else. Then some kind of success happened, something worked out (sometimes by accident) and it was clear that he was happy with this victory, and the man was transformed. He needed to win again. Why? Yes, because it is an instinct and it can not be put anywhere!

Well, since the article is written for women, I already see the question. Well, let him win, I do not mind. And am I here? (Woman, that is)

It is clear that a woman is not opposed to a man winning. However, there are women and girls who, by their behavior, contribute to the victories of a man, and there are those who contribute to his defeats or the fact that he does not even try to achieve anything. (which, in fact, is also a defeat)

In other words, those women who let the achievements of a man take their course, and even more so resist them, do not satisfy one of the most basic needs. And if this is so, then the question may no longer arise: “Why am I smart and beautiful, and he went to an ugly and not so smart one”?

Yes, because she can be ugly, and not so smart, does at least something for the success of her man, and does not block him.

I will not write here in detail about how to contribute to success. There is a special video course on the site “How to keep a man from cheating”, in which I spoke in detail about how to make a man succeed.

It is clear that you need to be interested in the plans and actions of a man, praise real successes, put up with the fact that part of the family budget and time is spent on various incomprehensible things, etc.

But again I will repeat. Success for a man is no less important than a family for a woman. If you understand this, then you are already on the right track so that a man will never even think of leaving or cheating on you in 50 years of your life together. He will appreciate you and cherish a relationship in which he is understood and supported.

Again, I repeat once again, I am writing about normal, average men. Read about manipulators, psychopaths and other types with deviations in my new book 23 Mistakes in Relationships with Men.

A man needs protection from severe injuries.

Severe defeats are what can lead a man to a state of lying on the couch for a couple of years, and maybe even lead to the fact that he will stop striving somewhere altogether. This is not a completely obvious point for those men who are in their 20s, but those who are older will understand me.

Therefore, your obvious task is to avoid such severe defeats. (Losses, of course, from the point of view of a man, not a woman. From the point of view of a woman, this may be a worthless event)

Light failures, on the contrary, make a man stronger, more adequate. (But it is clear that not a series of defeats over 10 years).

But the bottom line is that a man, especially in his youth, rarely understands what risks, unpredictability, the need for caution are and, accordingly, cannot do the obvious things in order to avoid the most severe risks.

However, a woman has such a quality, and in addition, she has the advantage of seeing from the outside.

There is an obvious conclusion here. If your man strives to "climb" somewhere and "run" for success, then look at the possible risks. If the risk is negligible, then let him run, even if he can lose.

If the risk is significant, then make the man abandon his undertaking.

For example, if a man seeks to fight with a company of drunken and "evil" men alone, then it is better to do everything to prevent this from happening. (Except in extreme cases) Risk of fracture, disability, etc. pretty big. If a man wants to sell an apartment, borrow more money and start his own business, then, of course, it is also better to dissuade him.

Conversely, if a man wants to start a business with minimal funds or wants to learn something that can somehow advance his career, then support him. Even if it doesn't work out, nothing bad will happen.

I will not give many examples here, since you are women and feel the danger better than men. Just at the right time, either support a man or not. If you do everything right, then the man will greatly appreciate your help.

Probably, it seems to you that I am saying obvious and simple things that all women do anyway. However, I can assure you that this is not the case. Most girls either do not pay any attention to the achievements of their men (I mean systematic actions, of course, not slogans), or do not stop men who are clearly looking for trouble because of completely meager benefits.

In total, it cannot be said that a defeat in one or another area of ​​​​life will directly directly contribute to the fact that your partner will change or find a mistress. But there is a possibility that he will be able to survive a severe defeat (bankruptcy, inability to work in a previous profession, reduced physical ability, loss of reputation) with you (or you with him). Because this is a really difficult situation for both a woman and a man.

Prank, jokes.

If you have ever seen a company of 3-4 men, you will almost certainly see constant humor, jokes, banter. (sometimes harsh) With rare exceptions, humor and banter are one of the strongest needs of men.

After all, our life, even full of achievements, is generally quite routine and boring. Those who can support laughter, practical jokes, are always valuable. For men, for some reason, humor (in their interpretation) for some reason means very, very much.

For example, you can watch several episodes of the Russian series "Interns", where several quite adult uncles only do what they joke, make bets, cheat with pleasure, etc., and get great pleasure from it.

The value of humor for men (male idiotic humor of course) according to my observations is several times higher than for women.

The ability of a woman to hook a man (not too harshly), to repel his collision (this must be done all his life), to understand and sincerely laugh at his jokes or strangers, but which are funny to a man - this is the quality that is valued by men worth its weight in gold.

In other words, if a woman’s two higher educations, the ability to cook and speak intelligently, are put on one bowl, and the ability to joke, understand jokes, a general cheerful mood and an understanding of a sense of humor (male), then the sense of humor will certainly outweigh at times, don't even hesitate.

Then a question. You need to spend 10 years to get 2 higher educations and a few more years to learn how to cook (which is useful in principle, but not too much) and read a lot of smart books or a couple of months to learn to understand male humor, humor in general and learn to enjoy the good-natured banter?

And what will be the answer of most girls? Of course, you need to get higher education, read books to become smarter and do a lot of other necessary things.

Well, the more girls think so, the more such questions will be from the category: “Well, why am I smart and beautiful, and he went to a stupid and ugly one?”.

Again, I do not urge you not to study at the institute, stop learning to cook or read a lot of books. Do what you think is necessary and important. Just understand that meeting the basic needs of men is distantly related. Do not think that thanks to this you will keep a man from cheating.

And if the basic needs of a man are not satisfied, then he leaves. This is, I hope, obvious.

Again, a small comparison. If a man is good in face, figure and mind, but does not want to provide for his family, does not want to get married and does not want children, is this man good? The vast majority of women will leave this, no matter how handsome and smart he is, since he does not satisfy the basic needs of a woman.

It's the same with men. Basic needs are met - he is with you forever. They are not satisfied, then they leave completely, change, close psychologically, drink, etc., depending on the character.

How to learn to understand male humor? To do this, you just need to become dumber three times for a while. This will be the key to understanding male humor. The task is not so difficult. It just takes years to mature. It takes much less time to shed the burden of the intellect and come closer to the lower instincts.

Total, conclusion. If a man with a woman is bored and uninteresting, this is a powerful factor in the fact that he begins to think about other women.

The man needs rest.

If he is not allowed to rest, then he begins to gradually become bitchy and often the reason for this behavior is completely incomprehensible to girls.

The same can probably be said about women. However, the fact is that the understanding of rest can be quite different for women and men.

Ask yourself what is vacation for you? Women answer this question differently. It might be hanging out with friends, it might be time to read a magazine. For some, this is even an opportunity to clean the house or cook something tasty. For someone - to take a bath and read a magazine. For men, a good rest is much closer to the rest of a monkey, and not a cultured person. This is usually silence, lying on the couch and other ways of doing nothing.

That is, one of the basic needs of a man is rest. This rest is simple, including a rest from a beloved woman. (And from this she does not cease to be loved, but becomes even more loved)

It is still amazing to me how this one of the most simple and obvious needs of a man to understand is so often and grossly violated. And it is clear that a man, without loneliness and rest, begins to cling to women for all sorts of little things, because of which serious conflicts then flare up, up to the divorce of families.

Why is that?

Yes, it's actually understandable. After all, a man's need for rest and loneliness is not a trifle at all, but a basic need. And in fact, it is not so difficult to satisfy her. Read about how to do this in the book “HOW TO FALL A MAN IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR ALL LIFE? OR DON'T RUN FOR A MAN, LET HE RUN FOR YOU"

For the average man, it is enough for him to be alone for about 1 hour a day and leave him alone for 3-4 hours once a week. (at work, at home, or otherwise, it doesn't matter).

It is clear that there are different circumstances and different men, but try to take this criterion as a basis and you may be surprised at the effect.

In total, if a man does not rest from you, then you begin to naturally annoy him. Well, if a woman infuriates, then of course he will try to leave. Maybe the man will regret it later, but this is the second question. At the moment when irritation accumulates, he tries to protect his psyche. At this moment, betrayal with another woman is possible, the departure of their relationship, at least some kind of crack in the relationship, which, in the event of a subsequent conflict, can contribute to a break.

Of course, sex.

An even more obvious rule, which is not so often violated, is regular sex. Sometimes, of course, there are valid circumstances (small children, illnesses), but even under these conditions, the issue can be resolved. Sometimes there are no intimate relationships for completely far-fetched reasons like “headache” or something else. Although the reason is much deeper - resentment against the man, the woman's fatigue (again, due to the fact that the woman tried to do what the man did not need. I.e. washing, cooking, cleanliness).

But it is obvious that if you leave a man without sex for a long time, then after some time another woman (lover) is simply obliged to appear, with whom he will cheat. And then the question may arise about how to completely move to another woman.

To say in these circumstances that he is bad, betrayed, or something like that, is simply stupid. Satisfy the basic needs of men, learn to satisfy your basic needs and you will not get away from each other.

But this is one of the most obvious things. In addition, the needs of men and women in sex are completely different. What a woman needs, a man does not need and vice versa. Unfortunately, I simply cannot describe this point in this article in more detail and cannot write a separate article. The reason for this is that on sites where words with ... ks, etc. are often used. “adult site” filters are applied and then other information from the site will be almost impossible to find. (and she's the main one)

Therefore, I can only recommend my book “How to Fall in Love with a Man for Life? The most intimate male secrets and secrets! ”, Where I write in some detail about what a man needs and why. And about how to make your man satisfy you too. Indeed, often a woman begins to avoid intimate relationships due to the fact that her partner, to put it mildly, is far from being a hero-lover. So here's how to make a good lover out of a man, how to explain your needs to him and much more, read in my second book “HOW TO LOVE YOUR MAN FOR ALL LIFE? THE MOST SECRET MEN'S SECRETS AND SECRETS!

I think everything is clear and without conclusions.

A man needs to be a hero to his woman.

What can be the most difficult for a man in a relationship with a woman? What is he most afraid of? You can ask, and vice versa, what does a man want from a woman?

It is not surprising, but a man is afraid to be "Not the hero of your novel", that is, a man whom a particular girl does not admire for one reason or another.

And, of course, it's not so much about admiration in words, but about how he imagines the girl's thoughts.

If he thinks that this girl will not admire him, then he may not even approach her. Although in fact a girl may admire a man, but this is no longer important.

For example, it is important for a man that a girl admires his ability to earn money or, at least, is satisfied with his income. (There are a lot of such men for whom this is important)

And so he meets a girl, and she begins to tell him about how she bought something in a boutique, how she went abroad to an expensive resort, what a “cool” dad or uncle she has, etc. You do not need to be a visionary to predict that a man will not call such a girl back.

Indeed, in his opinion, he will not be able to provide for such a girl, she will be unhappy with his income, and even more so, she will not admire his salary. All the thoughts of a man may have nothing to do with reality.

A girl may be more than satisfied with a man's income, maybe she bought one thing in a boutique on sale and went abroad. However, it will most likely not come to the clarification of the truth. The man decides that the girl will not see him as a hero and retreats.

This example suggests that it is desirable in actions to take into account not only the truth, but also how a man perceives the situation in his inflamed imagination.

Different perceptions are, of course, a problem. However, sometimes the most obvious is not respected.

The most obvious and simple, of course, is a real interest and maybe even a little admiration for some heroic features of a man.

Let's say that again the example is about a man who needs a woman to admire his income. And so he says: “And I have a dacha, where a plot of 3 acres and there is a hut made of boards as much as 1.5 meters high, so you don’t even have to bend down much.”

A few more words from the girl could determine their relationship. If a girl ignores this heroism and says something like: “Only 3 acres and a hut made of boards?”, Then the man understands that he is not the hero of her novel. (About the same and ignoring)

If something like interested: “As many as 3 acres and a real hut? And where is he? And what grows on this agricultural farm? When it rains, the water does not even leak much! How cool, ”this may already indicate that the girl perceives the man as a potential hero.

In a word, if a man feels that he is a hero, then his attachment to the girl will be stronger, if he feels that he is not the hero of her novel, then he will either leave immediately or the attachment will be very weak.

Well, if the attachment is weak, then any minor life event can lead to a break.

A man needs to sit on the ears of his beloved.

A man, of course, needs to tell his girlfriend about himself, his exploits, his life, his hobbies, his childhood experiences, his ...., his ... .. This is one of his most basic needs.

One can even easily understand whether a good relationship between a man and a woman is average or average. If a man talks and talks until the girl finally runs out of steam, then the relationship is good.

If a man is wary, chooses words, tries not to touch on some topics, then most likely the relationship is average or even bad.

At this point, I will not talk in detail about how to make a man learn to speak frankly and about everything with his girlfriend. In short, it's like this. Be interested in what he does, try to be happy with life and your partner, look for the good sides in him, and do not dwell on the shortcomings, do not try to break the psychological distance too quickly, do not tell others what the man told you in secret, and he will definitely will tell you a lot and everything.

And then, of course, be patient, a lot of patience, so the man will talk, talk, talk. And if you know how to listen, where will he leave you?

If a man cannot tell you about himself, and he needs to do this, he will look for someone to do this. At this point, men often have mistresses. Those. first they turn on those who can listen to them, and then it can develop into something more.

A man needs an interesting woman.

A man needs an interesting woman - this is an axiom. If a woman is interesting, then a man runs after her, if not, then on the contrary, he runs away.

Interestingness is a complex concept and in a specific context, I do not include appearance here. What is it then?

Firstly, it is a man's feeling that something new is constantly emerging in a woman's life.

What is it that can constantly arouse interest in a man? It depends a lot on the man himself. For example, for a not very sociable man, these can be stories about new people, new events. Then if a woman constantly gets acquainted with someone, invites a large number of guests to visit them and goes to visit with a man, then this woman can be extremely interesting for him.

If a man is constantly learning something new, then, accordingly, he is also interested in a woman who is also learning new things. It is not at all necessary that a woman learn the same as a man. Rather, on the contrary, it should be something else that complements his interests or has nothing to do with them at all.

The benefit of courses or, if you do not live in a large city, then there are many video courses now.

And just do not say that you do not have money and time. I didn't notice any relationship between being busy, having money, and being prone to learning new things.

Here is a small test for the first part of interestingness. You meet a friend you haven't seen for a year. She asks how are you doing and what's new with you? And you have so many new things that you can’t tell in 5 minutes. You learned to dance and draw. You met 10 new friends. You bought this and that. You have traveled here and there. You are just flooding with information. (Events like "another man left me" do not count)

Or you tell your friend (assume that you have nothing to hide from her) that everything is the same with you and the same. Nothing new is happening.

If your life is such that nothing happens, then it is possible that the man is already at a low start to go somewhere. (As well as not only men, but also some of the friends)

Try to organize your life in such a way that it has a lot of interesting things, first of all for you. Then you will be many times more interesting to outsiders, especially men.

Secondly, an interesting woman has at least a satisfactory level of self-confidence.

A woman who is extremely unsure of herself "will be able" not to use any external data, to turn any very valuable information into trash that no one appreciates. No yoga training will help her, no one will be interested in her stories about how she traveled the whole world, was on Mars, met with the most famous and talented people of our time, etc.

Therefore, self-confidence, self-respect for yourself is one of the most important components of a woman. If it is not, then it is necessary to develop self-respect and confidence at least to a satisfactory level. (If you easily get to know strangers, easily insist on your own, if you easily pronounce toasts, then most likely you have a satisfactory level of confidence). You can learn how to become more confident in the articles on the Sunshine Hands website in the How to Increase Self-Esteem section.

What is the conclusion here? A man stays with an interesting woman, with an uninteresting woman who does not strive for anything, does not want anything new - no. I use it in the broadest sense of the word. Maybe a semi-literate woman who communicates with new people every day can be much more interesting for one of the men than a lady sitting at home with two higher educations, but who does not communicate with anyone and she has the same thing in life and nothing interesting happens.

In summary, men want simple things from their loved ones. These things are different from what the girls themselves think. And if you learn to pay attention to the main thing, then you will never ask the question: “Why am I smart and beautiful, but he cheated on me and went to a stupid and not so beautiful one?”

On the contrary, even if you drive him away, he will never leave you anywhere.

In other words, if a girl knows how to do it in a way that satisfies the basic needs of a man, and this is often very simple, then a man will try to stay with such a girl as long as possible, while ignoring others.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.


Helpful Hints

Cheating on someone you thought you loved and trusted is one of life's most difficult situations.

Infidelity can manifest itself in many ways, but it still hurts a lot, and we pull out our hair, trying to figure out what was wrong.

See also: 8 clear signs that a man truly loves you

This is actually a daunting question, however, the answer to it can be found quite simply. If you gather guys who have ever cheated and ask them about the reasons for their act, then you can trace some pattern.

Here are some psychological reasons why some men are forced to cheat.

Man cheating

15. You cannot stand up for yourself and allow him to show all his negative essence.

If you fail to set clear boundaries and allow your boyfriend to do things that make you feel unprotected with impunity, he may just cross the line. Setting clear boundaries means being able to say "no" when a person's actions conflict with your needs.

You need to be able to stand up for the things that matter to you, and you can do it in a kind but assertive way. People will start to respect you for it, and even more so your man.

Also Read: Quiz: Which One Word Describes Your Relationship?

14. In a relationship, you want to do everything yourself, and do not give him the opportunity to want you.

If you constantly try to suppress him, and spend a lot of time and energy on him, he will simply be suppressed, and will be ready to run away from you anywhere. Some people find it difficult to handle this level of attention and may feel they don't deserve it - but don't get too deep into it. The point is to give no more than you take. A well-balanced relationship is one that is free of frustration and resentment (silent relationship killers).

13. You put him on a pedestal and don't want to see his mistakes, essentially idealizing him.

When we idealize someone - we think a person is better than he actually is - this creates pressure on a person. Most people want to be accepted for who they are, with all the pros and cons. When your partner sees your flaws and loves you anyway, you know you're the real deal.

Weak relationships are built on illusion. When you idealize a partner, he may find it unnatural, which means he will think that you are indifferent to him.

This behavior can lead to the fact that the guy will start a relationship on the side with the one who sees his real.

12. You don't share your feelings about your relationship with him.

So, if you avoid sincere conversations with a guy, believing that this may scare him, then this may lead him to an relationship on the side, where they will share feelings and thoughts about the relationship with him.

Communicate with him, and you will build a healthy relationship in which you will appreciate each other.

Also Read: 12 Warning Signs You're Dealing with a BAD Person

11. He is an impulsive person and needs constant attention from everyone and everything.

Impulsive people often make a good first impression, they are the soul of the party, and they attract attention. Everything is fine until you get to know such a person better.

When in a relationship a person constantly wants to grimace and behave like a child, it becomes difficult to endure it. An adult knows how to control himself, understanding where to joke and make faces, and where to be serious.

Impulsive and overly active people are almost unable to sacrifice their behavior for the sake of a long-term relationship.

Why do men cheat

10. He acts like a tough guy, but on the inside he's an insecure person.

For such men, women are like a currency - the more partners they have, the richer they become. Such a currency feeds their fragile egos until the next wave of uncertainty hits them (which usually happens pretty quickly).

Men who associate intimacy with their self-esteem are more likely to cheat. This is due to the fact that they cannot show passion for a long time, since their essence manifests quite quickly, and they are not able to pretend to be cool for a long time. The partner sees this, and the man needs to switch to someone else who does not know about his weakness.

9. Relationships lack emotional intimacy and connection.

If your relationship is only connected by a bed, then in a few months you will miss emotional intimacy. It will be difficult to turn you on, and you will no longer see something new in your partner.

At such moments in normal couples, a man and a woman are trying to find a more intellectual and emotional connection, which will be the beginning of something new for everyone. But some men believe that the dying fire of passion means that something is going wrong in the relationship. Because of this, they begin to look for this passion on the side.

This behavior deprives them of a deeper and richer form of love.

8. It seems to you that he did not live up to your expectations, and you begin to constantly criticize, suppress and devalue him.

Sometimes, when we have been together for quite a long time, we, knowing our partner well, begin to gradually try to control him. This behavior is based on an illusion - in our head we have built a picture of what we want our partner to be, but when it turns out that everything is not as we imagined, the fairy tale collapses.

This can lead to constant criticism. In such cases, a man begins to look for relationships on the side in order to again find a healthy relationship in which they can be themselves, and in which they are not ignored or devalued.

See also: PSYCHOLOGICAL test: HOW you act in these situations will tell A LOT about you.

7. You act like a paranoid, constantly jealous and trying to control him, although he did not give reasons.

When a person is too jealous, and he has a desire to control, this indicates insecurity and a lack of self-esteem.

Picture the scenario: you find your boyfriend is making new friends, both in real life and online. There is a girl in the company of friends who seems to be around him too often. You feel danger, everything starts shaking inside, and emotions begin to prevail over common sense.

You begin to suspect him and ask about every like, comment and every step. This behavior can cause your nightmares to become reality. The guy sees that you do not trust him, although he did not give any serious reasons for this.

6. You are well settled in your daily routine, and he wants to add a twinkle to the relationship.

Everything is pretty simple here - the guy cheats simply because he wants a little adventure to dilute his routine. The truth is that long-term relationships with one person can get boring, especially in bed.

To maintain a good relationship in a couple you need to work hard. Of course, the easiest way to temporarily fix the routine is a short betrayal, and then the man returns to his normal life. It's like a hamburger - you want to have a snack, but you shouldn't eat it all the time.

Beloved man is cheating

5. He never really loved you - he just confused temporary insanity with love.

Such men need only temporary relationships. They do not have time for constant affection, compromise and a real love affair, and they do not want to show their vulnerability (in a relationship, sooner or later, a woman will have to show her weakness).

They just want an easy, unobtrusive, low-cost relationship that doesn't have to be rushed into. But at the same time, they want their short relationship to be wrapped and decorated like a beautiful gift, and that they feel like they are in a "real" relationship for at least a few months, and then they change partners.

4. He gets turned on when he needs to keep everything a secret, lie and do something behind your back.

Most men don't like to keep a lot of secrets and do things and lie behind your back. But, like everywhere else, there are exceptions. Some call such people sociopaths, but we will not delve into this topic. It's just worth saying that there are men who are turned on by lying and keeping secrets from the people they love.

Unfortunately, at first they may seem sweet and sincere in order to distract you from their true selves. Most often, the real nature of such people is revealed too late, when the relationship has gone quite far.

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3. He sincerely does not believe in long-term relationships and monogamy, but does not want to talk about it.

Gone are the days when intimacy before marriage and divorce were considered bad manners or even banned. Because of this, many simply do not consider themselves capable of long-term relationships - such is their nature. But the fact that a person is not able to devote decades of his life to one loved one does not mean that he does not need love and a strong emotional connection.

It is customary in society to have long-term relationships, so such people start them, but later they cannot cope with their nature and begin to change.

2. He had not very faithful people in his family or among friends.

For these guys, infidelity is their middle name, since their fathers and uncles were probably the same. This behavior is programmed into their DNA, which gives them an aura that attracts many girls.

It is worth giving them their due - these guys do not hide the fact that they can change partners, but only in adulthood. When they are too young and inexperienced, they may not understand the nature of their actions.

They can get into long-term relationships, but they will quickly run away from them as soon as they see something new and sparkling - that's how they are arranged. The main thing to understand is that it is not your fault that he is cheating, it is he, his nature.

1. He uses people and things to feed his ego and assert his social status.

Such men use women and bed as currency to amuse their ego. Beware of people who are motivated by external factors and things, such as zeros on their check or the price of their car or clothes.

There is nothing in life that can make a person 100% happy. Guys who cheat are most often naive and inexperienced and believe in eternal happiness. When they face reality, they will want to find another girl in order to become happy again, believing that if one did not work out, then they will definitely work out with the other.

Translation: Filipenko D.S.


Psychologist's opinion: "When a man gets sex from a woman, he no longer seeks to win her"

19th-20th century "Sex" equals "taboo". Contraceptive methods and sex education are near zero. Condemnation of divorce and extramarital sex.

After - the sexual revolution. Permission of abortion, legalization of prostitution, distribution of contraceptives. Sex is everywhere, everywhere and with everyone. What has the global sex riot done to us?


Men boast of the number of sexual partners, which has exceeded several dozen, and girls are not very shy about their rich sexual experience. Psychologists reflect on the causes of promiscuity, the norm in the number of sexual partners and sexual myths. Of course, a man and a woman.

Vitaly Bambur, family psychologist, relationship consultant

“A lot of partners is not normal. The fewer partners, the better. This applies to both men and women. It is important to understand that relationships are not created for sex and a person with promiscuity treats people like things. A relationship for the sake of sex is a banal use of each other, a waste of time that takes a lot of resources.

If you tried it, but didn’t like it or you want to find something better, this is a manifestation of a typical consumer culture of behavior. Unfortunately, no one teaches us to think about the consequences of our behavior, we are uneducated in this regard, real ignoramuses in building relationships.

When a man quickly gets sex from a woman, he no longer seeks to conquer her, the woman relaxes the man. And then the girls begin to grieve why their men are sitting at the computer, drinking beer with friends and not paying attention to them. Why bother with a man? He already got what he wanted.


The correct development of relationships is the manifestation of a man through actions, and not through sex. My experience is that the later the sex, the better: the more likely it is that a family will arise. You can also find out the real attitude of a man through communication without sex. When he cares, looks after, does something for the sake of his beloved and shows his best masculine qualities. The psychology of a man is primitive and simple - he does not change what works well. If he has sex and everything he wants, he will not change anything - in particular, to propose.

I want to dispel the myth that men are inherently polygamous. Do not confuse man and animal. Any individual male wants to fertilize more females - these are the laws of nature. But a man is a person. And if he treats girls solely as expendable, the question arises, what can he pass on to his daughter and how to raise her?

I am very categorical in this matter, because I see the consequences of promiscuity. If a woman does not set the rules, a man degrades.

Remember: animals cannot do otherwise, but we can."

Anna Romanova, psychologist

“The value system has changed somewhat over the past decades. Modern youth is more focused on freedom, self-discovery, experiments, self-development. And the attitude to sex has also become freer. On the other hand, many people still live by stereotypes. Our society sometimes still tends to have a somewhat archaic attitude towards sexual culture. You can still hear that a man is allowed everything (this also applies to the sexual sphere), and women, alas, are deprived of these privileges.

There are quite a lot of surveys and studies on this topic, and for representatives of different states the concept of the norm is completely different. In Russia, for example, the average number of sexual relationships is between 4 and 9. As for the ideal number of partners, the majority of respondents named the number 7.

However, all this, in my opinion, is very subjective. The question of the number of sexual partners is, first of all, a question of a person's culture, his morality, upbringing, attitude, temperament, and one hundred and one more components. It turns out that the concept of the norm is individual and each for himself determines the boundaries of what is permitted. And to talk about after how many sexual partners the definition of “a depraved woman” or “male” is possible is simply incorrect.


I would not like to give direct recommendations about abstinence, or vice versa - the constant search for the best partner. But, in my opinion, it is important to study and understand your sexuality. And to do this without the participation of a man / woman is potentially problematic. This does not mean that you need to have promiscuity, but fixing on abstinence is not a good option either. I think you should find a middle ground for yourself, a compromise, or something. The way of life that will suit you, bring pleasure and correspond to your moral values.

Among my acquaintances there are those for whom the experience of previous relationships is absolutely not important, and those who would prefer as little experience as possible from their partner. Everything is very individual.”

The inhabitants themselves speak of individuality.

Irina, 23 years old

“I am sure that a huge number of men will say: a decent girl should have 1-3 sexual partners in her entire life. But it's a label. We all know perfectly well that it is difficult to meet the right person. And getting married just because you have a sexual relationship is stupid. This is the real misfortune. After all, in addition to the physical connection, there is a life that can eventually turn out to be a living hell. And even the best sex will not help to smooth out sharp corners. I think you need to choose a person until you clearly understand: this is mine. And in everyday life, and in sex, and in heart-to-heart conversations, and in interests. Otherwise, this is a crime against oneself, which is not worthy of praise like a “decent girl”. And yes, they are all labels. Men don't get hung up on numbers. And in this they are great. They are searching. And the one who seeks will always find!

Denis, 28 years old

“In my opinion, there is no absolute norm in the number of sexual partners. From the same opera, a discussion on the topic “is it possible to have sex before marriage?”. Everyone decides for himself. And it is good if the choice is made with full awareness of actions and readiness to take responsibility for their results. Often young people do not want to take responsibility for such actions.

We are dealing with two extremes: on the one hand, traditional family values ​​that have been observed by our ancestors for many centuries and passed down as an indisputable fact; on the other hand, the influence of Western culture with its "sexual revolution" and democratic views. Now it’s not enough just “it’s impossible, but it’s possible”, we strive to satisfy our needs and want to become happier. The number of sexual partners does not affect these parameters in any way, except that it flatters the ego with a false "I can sleep with many, I'm done."

I choose my wife according to certain criteria. I have an idea of ​​what qualities my chosen one will have, who will become a wife. This is a certain degree of maturity, a willingness to take responsibility for actions, attentiveness to one's desires, the ability to declare them and an understanding of what she wants from a relationship. These qualities will be decisive, and not the path that preceded their realization. I believe that if a girl had several sexual partners, then this experience was necessary for her to understand certain aspects of life that could not be understood in any other way.


What are the reasons why the husband constantly deceives and cheats

Women, by subtle signs, feel that they are being told a lie, especially when this is done by a close person, such as a husband or boyfriend. We instantly notice the slightest change in a man's appearance, whether it's someone else's hair, a barely noticeable trace of lipstick on a shirt collar, or the smell of someone else's perfume. The average man won't even notice. The situation on the face - treason! At such moments, the stronger sex, like a cat, has everything written on its face. We ask ourselves: “Why does the husband lie in such a situation?” But often we can not find the answer, which frustrates more and more. Psychologists identify many reasons why men lie about infidelity. One of them suggests that deception was the only way to solve the problem of relationships with your soulmate, so as not to aggravate the accumulated contradictions.

Rationalizations and justifications

Most likely, you have always wanted to know how men explain their behavior? When the stronger sex is faced with the question of lying or not, they describe the reason as follows:

  • Every guy wants to have sex with other girls. And when the opportunity arises, he uses it.
  • Nature wants me to have sex with as many females as I can. Why should I be different, because it's genetic?
  • If I have enough quality sex at home, then there will be no need to look for connections on the side, and therefore, there will be no need to deceive anyone.
  • I don't do anything that most of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances wouldn't do.
  • If my wife were better, leaner, prettier, more attentive, I wouldn't even think about cheating.
  • It's all because of my work. I need the release that I get during sex on the side.
  • I don't think private lap dancing in a strip club is infidelity. It's just what most men do for fun. After all, we love with our eyes.
  • My dad watched men's magazines with naked girls and went to strip clubs, and that was normal in my family. Now the modern world, I have webcams, flirting chats and interactive sex. There is no difference.
  • This is just flirting - a game that does not affect our relationship in any way. Where is the harm?

In psychology, this defense mechanism is called "denial", which is used in 90% of cases of lying. A person is simply not ready to accept reality, feelings and experiences, therefore, by all available means, he tries to refuse them. Added to this is another protective mechanism - "rationalization". Here the man begins to come up with logical constructions to explain his behavior, which have little in common with logic. In the eyes of an impartial observer, such as a psychologist, denying and rationalizing a person looks unconvincing, but these clients will stubbornly claim that their rationale is correct.

This behavior raises the question: “Why lie? Why does a man lie to a woman? And why do men lie after being caught and facing divorce, loss of children, or stigmatization by society?”

Why the husband constantly lies is due to the reasons from the following list.

  • Uniqueness. Each of us has a feeling that we are different from other people, which means we deserve more. Often such thoughts flow into the fact that if I am special, then I can do things that others cannot afford, such as cheating.
  • Sudden impulse. The person has not yet had the opportunity and was not going to change. Then, without even thinking about what would happen, I went for it.
  • Unrealistic expectations. The husband thinks that the wife should satisfy all his sexual fantasies at any time of the day, regardless of his condition and desire. When expectations are not met, he seeks satisfaction on the side.
  • Anger or revenge. He commits an act of treason to get revenge. In such cases, infidelity must be known to the second half. The husband does not want to keep the situation a secret, it is important for him that his wife knows about the betrayal.

In most cases, none of the above reasons will be the main one. Often some of them are intertwined together or can flow into one another depending on the life situation. Now you have an idea why men cheat. What to do with it next? Cool down a bit, turn to a psychologist or talk openly and honestly with your husband. After all, you have every opportunity to look for a way out of this situation. Forewarned is forearmed!


Why men change 6 unexpected reasons and the opinion of a psychologist

In this article, I want to tell you woman why men cheat or can cheat on you.

This article is very closely related to this one: Be sure to read it too! Study. Realize. Take on board and put the advice into practice.

REASON #1. Lack of quality regular sex

The very first, most basic, because of which there may be a betrayal on the part of a man - the lack of quality regular sex. Woman, understand, realize yo-mae, the harmonious development of relations is possible subject to the presence of constant high-quality sex. No sex - 100% no.

Sex for us men is a basic need. We are men, that's how we are. We are so created. We are animals. Wild animals. It is in us. Lust, debauchery, mate, etc. It's within us. In short, I'm telling you like a man - sex is important. Sex is needed all the time. And sex should be awesome (cool), so that the roof is blown straight away, so that the man gets high, gets maximum pleasure.

You must satisfy your beast, your man - 100%. Not 50% or even 99%, 100% - this is what you must learn once and for all. You understand, if you don’t give something to your man, your beast, then what he really wants, he will find it on the side. Another woman will give it to him. Give what you didn't give. Do you need it? No, so satisfy 100%.

A man must always want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You have to turn him on. Excite. He's got to blow the roof off of you. If this does not happen, and there is no regular quality sex, there will be no relationship with this man. Dot. Therefore, either you solve this problem, or wait - parting / betrayal / quarrels, etc. etc. 100% guarantee to you.

IMPORTANT: at the very beginning of a relationship, everything is new - sex, kissing, touching, spoken words, etc. etc. but, over time, all this loses its charm and its colors, and you will get bored with each other (even in terms of sex). So, it is very important not to allow this boredom. It is important not to be idle.

It is important to urgently get rid of it (boredom, monotony, etc.). Relationships are a constant work, both from the side - men, and from the side - women. Understand? If there is no this constant work, it will not be possible to maintain harmonious full-fledged relationships.

In case the sex is not of high quality…

Woman, I have a question for you. Do you consider yourself sexy? That's straight, real sexy girl?! Look, here's your task, go to the mirror, strip completely naked and look at yourself.

What do you see there? Do you consider yourself f*cking? Sexy? Are you enjoying yourself? From your body? Just let's adequately assess the situation, honestly, because this is important for you in the first place.

In case you are shy about something, you are ashamed of your body, you think that you have some shortcomings, etc. etc. - we, men, will immediately feel it during sex.

Do you know why we feel it? Because you convey it. If you don’t like yourself, you are not completely satisfied with yourself, if you are embarrassed about something, etc. you will not be fully liberated during sex, you will not be able to completely relax and get the maximum pleasure from sex.

Because of this, the man will also not be able to enjoy. A man will see this in you, he will feel that something is wrong, in general, this atmosphere is transmitted to him. Understand? As a result, there will be no quality sex. And if there is no sex and quality sex, there is no relationship.

Lack of sex or poor quality sex is one of the first reasons for cheating. A man will go to someone who will give him cool, awesome sex. Such sex where he will demolish the tower. And cool sex will be given by the one who gets high from herself, who is liberated, revealed to the fullest. Who is feminine and sexy.

Here is what I want to convey to you:

  • If you don't love yourself, how should a man love you?
  • If you do not respect yourself, how will someone (man) respect you?
  • If you don't value yourself, how will someone (man) appreciate you?

Do you understand what I want to convey to you? If you don't like something about yourself, then how should a man like you? Fix it. Instantly. The man must want you! Constantly. Want. Fuck! You have to turn him on. The man is a beast. Animal. He needs a woman! Female.

You should not be ashamed of something there, yourself, positions, process, sex itself, etc. etc. Otherwise, don't expect anything good. 100% guarantee to you. In many ways, a woman should feel her man, what he likes, how he wants, what is best for him, etc. etc. and take the initiative.

There must be variety. Necessarily. In different places. In different poses. At different times. Clothing, stockings, underwear, etc. also plays a role. In short, there should be no monotony. Something new in a different way with new colors. Surprises, romance. On everything and everything again.

Remember, relationships are ongoing work. At both sides. There will be no work - the end.

REASON #2. You act like a MAN 🙁

Now it’s very fashionable and popular, all these strong independent women, careerists, work, I’m all on my own, I don’t need anything, I don’t need help, I decide everything myself, I control everything, well, in general, in many ways, dominant behavior, behavior man. But you're not a man, you're a woman. And as a result, it turns out that you are a hybrid, a woman-man. Do you think it's ok? Not at all.

Strong independent women = not happy. What is the use of the fact that she (or you) has achieved everything herself or will achieve it when she (you) will be unhappy in the end?

What's the point of everything when you're not happy? BUT? Woman. Answer my question. What's the point? You were born a girl. You are not a man. Understand. Your strength is in your femininity. Understand and be aware of this.

When you behave like a man, you lose yourself as a woman, your femininity. Understand? You're only making it worse. Be yourself. Be a woman. Let yourself be happy. It is most important.

We men don't like hybrids (women-men). This is terrible. A man needs a woman. Understand? A man doesn't need a man (fu, byaka), a man needs you as a woman. A woman is inspiration, strength, energy for a man. And you need to pump the femininity in yourself!

You women are a huge motivation for us. For your sake, I want to move mountains, achieve success in life, give gifts, make surprises, etc. etc. everything is largely for you. For everything to be fine with you, you must be a woman for your man. Source of energy. His inspiration. Rear. By force. Understand that. Understand. A high-ranking man will achieve everything in life (and with the help of your help, your femininity), if he has not already achieved it. Understand? The main result is that you are happy and he is happy. Why do you need to be a man if there is no happiness? Think...

When you are on man, you don't let your man feel like a man. In addition, you lose your femininity. Quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, problems in sex, etc. begin. you only make it worse. Understand? Only worse! You are a woman and your strength is in femininity. Understand and you will be happy. Embrace your femininity! Bring out the woman in you. Upgrade!

Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine, boredom ...

That is one of the main reasons. Uniformity in everything. Got used. Bored. Tired of each other. Boredom. Yearning. Nothing new and such in the new colors does not happen. It puts up a cross. Relationships are a constant work on the part of both. And men. And women. Forgetting about it is impossible. Dot. Even if the man is already yours, or vice versa, the man is your woman, you need to work. In a relationship, everything should not be boring, everything is banal and everything is predictable, otherwise failure, parting, quarrels. treason, etc. end.

(not related to you)

Woman, understand. The man is an animal. Wild beast. Beast. You can be the best for him, in everything, but he just hasn’t worked up yet and wants other women, wants a quantity, i.e. wants to get fucked enough, fuck as many females as possible. Understand? It has nothing to do with you.

I’m telling you, you can be just perfect in everything, but if a man doesn’t work up, nothing will come of it. You just chose the wrong partner for yourself, there's nothing you can do about it. That's why it's very important (for you women) to choose the right partner for you. Not to be next on the list...

For a relationship, you need to take a man. Ideally, the finished product. Wealthy, with a bubble, etc. to keep the risk to a minimum. A man without money is not a man. Dot. The main function of a man is to get money. That's all. If a man cannot get money, what kind of a man is he?

A lot more needs to be punched about a man in order to understand what it is. A man (high-ranking) has the following qualities: courage, responsibility, powerful / strong inner state, courage, leadership, and much more.

Remember: a high-ranking man needs the same high-ranking woman. You must match him. For example, if a man strives for success, develops in everything, works, etc. and you are not a woman, no matter how you develop, this is the end. One hundred percent. You understand, a man and a woman must correspond to each other. Therefore, when choosing a partner, common interests, outlook on life, level of intelligence, etc. are important, in general, each person is looking for a similar person in many ways.

You go in for sports, you have a healthy diet, and in general you are healthy = but your man doesn’t, he has beer, cigarettes, etc. (or vice versa) = no relations here are possible in principle. You can't get along when there are different values, everything is different. It is forbidden.

Well, I'll tell you this, you will feel a real worthy man (high-ranking man).

In the vast majority of cases, women choose women with eggs between their legs. Boys, guys, boys, etc. but not like a man. This is one of the most common mistakes. For a decent man is hard to find. Very difficult. Well, seriously.

High-ranking men = very few. These are in huge short supply. There are a lot of low-ranking ones, so most of them come across. If you want a high-ranking man for yourself, you yourself become a high-ranking woman. And so, each creature has a pair, and they get who they are.

In addition, I want to say that all women are still overly emotional. Especially the young ones. Oh god. For you, emotions, feelings, that's just everything. Give you emotions (feelings), feed you with promises and that's it, you are naive fucked. Beauty, feelings (emotions) are cool. I understand, but all these feelings and emotions eventually end sooner or later, a year will pass, for example, and that’s it. And you just ah * eat how you were with this ragamuffin imbicile, who no one even call him like, but fucked you for a whole year.

The man must be chosen very carefully. Not in the way that the vast majority of women choose, because the vast majority themselves are low-ranking females and receive the same males.

Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man

If you forget about your man, don't expect anything good.

That's it. A man should feel that you need him. That without it - you can’t and you can’t at all. Not a fucking day. That he is the main one among all of you. Number 1.

You can go about your business, you have friends there, hobbies, entertainment, in general, you live a full life as a person, but at the same time a man should feel that you need him. If a man feels that he is not so needed or not needed at all, I tell you - do not expect anything good.

There will be scandals, quarrels, betrayal - and there will be someone who will warm him up, who will be there, will give what you did not give, will give this affection, tenderness, attention, care, support, faith, will be there, etc. understand?

Is that what you need? Do you need change? Don't need it, so don't let that shit happen.

Nuance: here it is still important to observe the measure (edge).

There should not be your glut (excess), where you are always like a dog on its hind legs, and vice versa, there should not be a shortage (deficit) where you are not and are not. There must be a middle ground. It is important.

Reason 6. You stopped looking after yourself

You're a woman. And your strength is in your femininity. Your beauty, external, your bodily forms, etc. = are very important to us. You must be forever desirable and sexy for your man.

This item is related to item #1. (sex). If you do not excite your man = the end.

You can't stop looking after yourself. Look after. Take care of your beauty. It is forbidden. You're a woman. Do not forget about it. And do not think that if the man is yours, then you can already relax and that's it, hammer in the bolt. Not!

And none of your excuses will help you, watch yourself constantly, it's only in your interests. This relationship is a constant work on the part of both. Never, never forget about it.

A man, by the way, should do the same (on a regular basis), but the article is for women ...

Very often women lie to themselves. But I'm ok. I don't need to change anything, etc. woman, be honest with yourself. If it’s really ok, you plow, work, follow, etc. - you're smart, well done, if not - pasha, work hard, don't start it, never. And remember: there is no limit to perfection.

Reason 7. Frequent quarrels

Arguments kill relationships. It is a fact. To relieve stress, a man can easily go to his mistress. Do you need it? You don't need it, so less *bi brain, less drinking, more mutual understanding, trust, work on your relationships, cover each other's needs and generally work.

Reason 8. Long separation

Relationships are when you are near, with each other, figuratively speaking, “always”.

Long distance is not a relationship. There can be no long distance relationship. This is dog shit. Next to a high-ranking male = many women. For him, competition (struggle). If a woman is not around long enough, cheating is very, very likely. The man is a beast. Animal. Long with unmet needs will not last. And in general, betrayal at this point is also possible on the part of a woman, so no long separations from either side. Relationships are together.

Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife

Many women have - a scourge, to educate a man.

Woman, understand, you are not a mother, you are a wife! You are his woman. You don't need to educate a man. If you try to educate him, there will be quarrels, scandals, etc. And quarrels are not good because betrayal is possible. Comprendo? And in order not to educate - take a man right away, a finished product, and not sniff your mother or gouging. Take a ready, worthy man, and for this you need to think with your head and choose carefully.

Reason 10. Constant jealousy

Woman, remember: if a high-ranking male is next to you = and he is with you, rejoice.

Because he chose you! And I could choose any other. Understand? Therefore, jealousy is not needed, so you will only show your self-doubt (your low-ranking). And a high-ranking one needs an appropriate female. Do not doubt, a man will look at other women absolutely always. But he sleeps with you. He fucks you. Relationship builds with you. Lives with you. Etc.

Do not wind yourself up and do not throw tantrums and quarrels over nothing. Nothing good will come of it.

This does not mean that you can relax your rolls and that's it, he will always be with you, no! Relationships are constant work, constant. Watch yourself. Develop. Constantly. Be a woman. Feminine. Develop as a person. Close one hundred percent of the needs of a man. And so on and there will be happiness.

There are 11 more reasons: drunk, but I won’t even consider it. A high-ranking male either does not drink at all, or in very small quantities. And with low-ranking (by the way) this can be a reality.

Summing up,

  • Reason 1. Lack of quality regular sex
  • Reason 2. You act like a man (no femininity)
  • Reason 3. Monotony, routine, routine
  • Reason 4. The man did not work up (with you woman, this is not connected)
  • Reason 5. Lack of attention to a man
  • Reason 6. You have ceased to constantly monitor yourself "hammered the bolt."
  • Reason 7. Frequent quarrels
  • Reason 8. Long separation
  • Reason 9. You act like a mother, not a wife
  • Reason 10. Constant jealousy

I'm sure now you know why men cheat or can cheat. Take the information into service, and there are great chances for the prosperity of a long-lasting, harmonious and happy relationship. Good luck to you! Bye.

Best regards, administrator.

Many women disappointed in love after the man they love left them. Meanwhile, there are some men who, by the type of their character, do not know how to take care of only one woman. To understand why they constantly change women, one must study their attitude towards mother, sister and other women. Often these men grew up in families where there was no example of respect for a woman.

Boys who don't used to overcome difficulties on their own and those who do not respect women grow up as loving men. From childhood, they are accustomed to the fact that at any moment they are surrounded by female love and attention, but they were not taught to take care of their mother and other women. Such a child in adulthood will require only love and care from women, and he simply does not know how to make efforts to make her happy due to his wrong upbringing.

As soon as such men are not called women- heartthrobs, womanizers, womanizers, Casanovas, machos. But they are all the same and attract many women with their charm, appearance and eloquence. Why do girls fall in love with a womanizer, because there are a lot of serious and decent men around? The answer is simple, every girl believes that it is she who will be able to fall in love with him and change his attitude towards women. To understand: is it possible to fall in love with a womanizer and become the only woman for him, you need to determine what type of womanizer a man belongs to.

Womanizers are of two types: gatherers and hunters. Gatherers care about the number of women they have conquered, while hunters are chasing quality. Collectors are ready to have sex with any girl, as long as she agrees. It is important for him to mentally count: "Aha, this one hundredth!" Such a man wants to prove to himself and others his importance, his main goal is not to make a girl fall in love with him, but to differ from others and feel like a "hero".

womanizer-hunter the process of conquering a woman is interesting. He will not be fond of simple girls, give him an inaccessible and elegant girl. The hunter long and recklessly seduces a woman who keeps virginal purity or fidelity to her husband, but having achieved his goal, he instantly disappears. Continuing to court the woman who fell in love with him is as pointless for him as breaking through an open door.

psychologists always interested in the behavior of men who are constantly changing. So, according to the famous psychologist Alexander Sviyash, the womanizer is controlled by instincts, and the mind controls them little. This is due to the fact that in men who often change women, the animal principle is strongly expressed.

The nature womanizer very impulsive, they are always aimed at satisfying their animal instinct - to fertilize as many females as possible. They do not think about the possible consequences of their behavior. They also do not behave like men in family life. Their attitude towards their wife and children is imperious and aggressive. It is useless for such a man to lecture and demand from him a responsible attitude to life. He will walk after the wedding, simply because there are many beautiful women around who attract his attention and he wants to satisfy his animal instinct.

Fall in love like this womanizer impossible, because he does not know how to think with his head. Living with such a womanizer, a woman has to endure and accept, or seek help from a professional therapist. Psychotherapist Nikolai Naritsyn, on the other hand, believes that insecure men who are afraid of being rejected and abandoned become womanizers. Usually they are already disappointed in love, having experienced a painful experience of betrayal or betrayal by their beloved. Playing the role of the irresistible Casanova, these men are deeply unhappy and lonely at heart. To take revenge on the one and make her regret that she left him, he changes women like gloves. Making such a womanizer fall in love again is difficult, but possible. You just need to try to understand him and help him get rid of the pain.

incorrigible womanizer can be recognized at the first meeting. He is very charming and friendly with you, but is constantly concerned about the impression he makes on other women. He will never tell you about his personal life, and he will also not be interested in yours. But a womanizer cannot hide his nature, therefore, during friendly gatherings, he will generously give signs of attention not only to you, but also to other women.

Not accept such antics of men for nobility and gallant attitude towards women. In a womanizer, all movements will differ from the polite behavior of a well-mannered man, he will certainly take a lady by the hand, will incessantly look sideways and look at the slender legs of other women.

Womanizer- this is the type of man who loves himself, not women. He builds all his relationships by calculation, only in order to be profitable for him. It is almost impossible to fix a womanizer, so before you go to bed with a man, first check for his "lice", find out if his attitude towards you is serious. Don't rely on you to surprise him with great sex and he'll love you.

If you fell into the trap womanizer, then after the first night, promise to call him, but do not call him again and do not write SMS. If he himself does not call you, then you need to forget him, especially since this is not the type of man who is worth crying and getting upset about. And best of all, try not to fall in love with a womanizer, since the lesson that you will receive from this love can leave an indelible wound in your life.

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