Features of diagnosis and treatment of candidal tonsillitis in children and adults. How to treat fungal tonsillitis Tonsillomycosis in a child treatment

The autumn-winter period is characterized by frequent diseases. With reduced immunity in the body of a small patient, pathogenic bacteria grow, provoking an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. If the baby's follicular tonsillitis is not subjected to a treatment process for a long period, then it develops into fungal tonsillitis. The disease is not life-threatening, but complications cause serious consequences in the general condition. It is recommended at the first signs of inflammation in a child to begin a therapeutic effect.

What is fungal angina

The term fungal tonsillitis in children is a disease of an infectious type of catarrhal lesions of the palatine tonsils. The inflammatory process that occurs with fungal tonsillitis stimulates the growth of foci of infection in the lymphatic formations, as well as on the back walls of the pharynx, tongue or buccal mucosa.

There are 3 types of fungal tonsillitis:

  1. Fungal tonsillitis is an inflammatory process that occurs on the tonsils near the root of the tongue;
  2. Tonsillopharyngitis - the infection grows in the pharynx and tonsils;
  3. Pharyngomycosis - there is the formation of foci of inflammation on the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

The lack of treatment of pharyngomycosis gradually flows into pharyngomycosis, transforming over time into tonsillopharyngitis. In this case, the disease is aggravated by complications.

Candidiasis angina is caused by microorganisms permanently residing in the oral cavity. They activate activity and increase in number when negative factors influence the baby. A factor for development is a decrease in general immunity.

A fungal infection is characterized by a long process of development. It is formed gradually, without revealing an acute inflammatory process. Children are more likely to suffer from fungal angina. When identifying the first minor symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor.

Reasons for the development of fungal angina

Infection with fungal tonsillitis occurs when exposed to the identified influenza, SARS or bacterial infection. Fungal sore throat requires specific treatment. If therapy is performed incorrectly, then the disease tends to develop into a complicated form - tonsillomycosis or flow into chronic candidal tonsillitis.

One of the reasons for the appearance of candidal tonsillitis is dysbacteriosis. Improper functioning of the mucous membranes provokes the development of a pathogenic process and an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria of follicular tonsillitis.

There are factors that form the basis for the development of pathogenic microflora for the formation of foci of candidal tonsillitis:

  1. Untreated colds (SARS, influenza, sinusitis, sinusitis);
  2. Lack of micronutrients and vitamins in the body of a small patient;
  3. Preliminary infection with serious diseases of an infectious or viral nature;
  4. The presence in the body of crumbs of vitamins that provoke hypovitaminosis;
  5. Hypothermia of the nasopharynx or the whole body of the baby;
  6. Acquisition of chronic type tonsillitis by a baby;
  7. Chronic fatigue in a preschooler, especially of a mental or physical nature;
  8. Dysbacteriosis of the digestive organs;
  9. Prolonged or uncontrolled administration of drugs into the patient's body.

Many children fall into the risk zone of infection with follicular tonsillitis. The categories most susceptible to infection are distinguished:

  • Patients with oncology and treated with chemo;
  • Newborn babies;
  • Children over 7 years of age and adolescents who abuse bad habits (drinking alcohol and smoking);
  • Prematurely born children (premature);
  • Crumbs with identified congenital or acquired diabetes mellitus;
  • Children with infection of the oropharynx (periodontitis, caries);
  • Toddlers who do not receive normal nutrition;
  • The development of a fungal infection in children occurs much more often than. This is due to imperfect immunity in young patients.

Symptoms of the disease

At the initial course, the symptoms of the disease do not appear, candidal tonsillitis is asymptomatic. The little patient does not feel pain in the throat or other discomfort. There is no general intoxication and fever.

With a fungal infection, symptoms are detected, and treatment is prescribed based on their manifestation:

  1. Perspiration in the larynx and pain that increases with eating, swallowing. In contrast to the viral or bacterial species, inflammation occurs less;
  2. A white or yellowish coating appears on the throat. It is present on the palatine tonsils, on the cheeks, gums, tongue, palate, back wall of the larynx. When the coating is removed with a gauze swab, bleeding from the resulting wound opens;
  3. Change in taste sensations;
  4. Sensation from the mouth of a fetid odor;
  5. Headache;
  6. General feeling of weakness;
  7. Enlarged lymph nodes;

With fungal tonsillitis in children, symptoms and treatment occur at a temperature elevated to critical levels of 40 degrees. The acute stage of development of the fungal flora takes place during the first 7-12 days after the detection of signs of the disease.


To determine the exact diagnosis, the attending physician recommends a series of examinations. Based on the derived tests, the doctor detects candidal tonsillitis. The effectiveness of treatment and the duration of the course of the disease depend on the correct diagnosis.

Candidal tonsillitis is easily confused with thrush in the mouth of a newborn baby. A fungal infection is difficult to distinguish from follicular tonsillitis. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is important due to the fact that fungal tonsillitis requires a special treatment process.

To prescribe the right treatment for young patients, the doctor recommends undergoing tests:

  • pharyngoscopy;
  • Skin tests with a fungal allergen;
  • Bacteriological seeding to identify the pathogen by taking the examined material from the patient's throat.

To clarify the diagnosis, a general blood test is taken. In case of mixed infection, it is recommended to perform the Femoflor-Screen test. The diagnosis is carried out in order to exclude other inflammations, such as scarlet fever, herpes stomatitis, syphilis or diphtheria.

Treatment of fungal angina

Treatment of fungal tonsillitis is carried out by prescribing effective medications by a pediatrician. Medications are prescribed based on the tests performed, the course of the disease and the symptoms of the disease. Traditional treatment based on medicinal herbs is used.

For effective treatment of angina, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoke the inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

Medical treatment

Tonsillitis of a fungal nature appears due to the growth of fungal bacteria. Primary treatment should take place with the introduction of antifungal drugs (Nystatin, Fluconazole). It is recommended to adjust the therapy of children, optimally choose the regimen and dosage.

To increase the immunity of a small patient, fresh fruits and vegetables, milk-based products, and protein foods are introduced. The course of treatment should include:

  1. Antiseptics for treating the throat, rinsing and irrigating the oral cavity - Miramistin, Geksoral, Tantum-Verde, Givalex, povidone iodine;
  2. Antimycotics;
  3. Comprehensive course of vitamins C and B;
  4. Immunomodulatory drugs - Imudon, Immunal;
  5. Antibacterial agents for bacterial infection;
  6. Physiotherapy;
  7. Antipyretics - Ibuprofen, Panadol.

Means of treatment of the oral cavity of local exposure are drugs: Clotrimazole, Candibene, Candide. For use, the solution is diluted and the oral cavity is wiped 5 times a day. Substances effectively affect the affected areas of the mucous membranes.

If a positive result is not detected for several days, the doctor connects systemic medications. The drugs are aimed at treating the identified type of pathogen of the fungus (Diflucan, Mycomax).

If sore throat is found in children, treatment is given based on symptoms. It is necessary to resort to therapeutic intervention in the early stages, due to the fact that therapy is easier and faster.


Angina is contagious and develops rapidly in children. It is worth speeding up the healing process by using medicinal herbs as an additional effect on the oral cavity.

Allocate recipes for the treatment of fungal tonsillitis in children:

  • Infusions from the tops of roses, succession, violets, horsetail. Dried herbs are poured with hot water and infused for 4 hours. Allow to cool, rinse up to 4 times a day;
  • Dissolve honey with water, add lemon juice. Rinse at least 3 times a day;
  • Raspberry jam or raspberry potions - 1 tsp for a glass of tea;
  • Infusion of Kalanchoe juice and propolis. Rinse with the mixture 3 times a day, 10 days;
  • Pepper and honey - effective for children over 7 years old. 3 tbsp honey and a pod of red pepper, place in parchment paper and wrap, heat and pour the resulting mixture into a prepared jar. Give a teenager 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Alternative treatment leads to the elimination of inflammation, the relief of edema, a decrease in the number of pathogenic organisms in candidal tonsillitis. Medicinal herbs have no contraindications, so they can be recommended to kids of different ages.

Treatment of angina according to Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky does not consider fungal tonsillitis a serious disease. When fungal tonsillitis is detected in children, treatment according to Komarovsky is carried out on the basis of drug exposure and folk remedies.

At the initial stages of the onset of candidal tonsillitis, Komarovsky advises immediately starting therapy.

If the fungal infection develops into a complicated form, it is necessary to use penicillin antibiotics. According to Komarovsky, if the dosage is incorrectly administered or the drug is not suitable, resistance develops in fungi. Due to this, tonsillitis of a candidal nature continues to develop, supplemented by complications.

Dr. Komarovsky gives advice that it is impossible to cure a sore throat with one rinse and the use of medicinal lozenges. More serious methods of influence should be connected.

If relief comes with a therapeutic effect, then the drugs have an effect on a cold, which caused a sore throat. You should re-diagnose.

According to Komarovsky, it is not necessary to administer antibiotics at the first sign of illness. It is necessary to give the child's immunity to join in the action and neutralize the pathogenic bacteria on their own. If traditional medicine does not work and the situation becomes more complicated, they resort to antibiotic drugs.

Fungal tonsillitis in children is treated both with medication and with the use of traditional medicine. It is necessary to detect signs of an emerging fungal disease in time. For treatment, Komarovsky recommends giving the body the crumbs to overcome the infection on its own, and after an unsuccessful attempt to administer antibiotics.

In healthy people, conditionally pathogenic microflora, including fungi, constantly lives in the oral cavity. But with a decrease in immunity, they can become more active. That is why fungal tonsillitis is more common in children.

Compared with a bacterial and viral infection, candidiasis of the tonsils proceeds in an erased form, it is not always recognized in a timely manner. The treatment regimen for fungal tonsillitis and drugs differ from the methods of therapeutic therapy against cocci and viruses.

The reasons

Common causative agents of angina are yeast-like fungi Candida or mold Aspergillius. Sometimes bacteria join them, which complicates the disease. Provoking factors for the occurrence of fungal tonsillitis:

  • Favorable conditions for the activation of infectious agents are reduced immunity, when the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils is not able to resist the fungi.
  • A recent acute respiratory viral infection weakens a person's defenses.
  • Unbalanced nutrition, weight loss diets also deplete the body.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs contributes to the reproduction of fungi.
  • Chronic diseases that wear out the internal reserve.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Metabolic disorders, especially in diabetes mellitus.

Since the main cause of the disease is a weakened immune system, it is not surprising that fungal tonsillitis occurs in young children, most often in infants.

By the way! In a child, thrush can also develop due to living conditions, for example, if he often cries in a hot room. A dry mouth lacks saliva, which kills fungi.

The risk group for the development of fungal tonsillitis includes diabetics, patients with immunodeficiency (HIV infection), patients taking a course of radiation or chemotherapy. Accumulation of food debris under the denture provokes angina, especially if oral hygiene is not observed.

Signs of candidal tonsillitis

The symptoms of fungal tonsillitis are erased, therefore, it is detected when a person notices a white coating in the mouth - a symptom of candidiasis.

The disease can proceed in an acute form, if complicated by the addition of viruses, staphylococci, streptococci. Unlike or viral sore throat, with candidiasis, the temperature is normal. No runny nose or cough.

Signs of fungal tonsillitis in adults:

  • Curdled white coating on the tongue and tonsils. The layer is easily removed with a spatula, sometimes leaving damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Discomfort and mild pain in the throat while swallowing food.
  • Bad breath.
  • Decreased function of taste buds.

By the way! Fungal infection of the tonsils in infants is known in everyday life as thrush. Since a sore throat can be asymptomatic, the mother detects the initial stage of the infection by examining the oral cavity.

But with abundant reproduction of fungi, plaque on the inner membranes of the mouth, tonsils causes discomfort and pain in babies during sucking. Therefore, babies sometimes refuse to eat.

The course of treatment of acute angina in infants lasts no more than 2 weeks. Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions.

How to treat candidal tonsillitis in adults

Before starting therapeutic measures to determine the type of fungus, a swab is taken from the throat for microscopic examination and inoculation on a nutrient medium.

In the case of a mixed infection, a Femoflor test is done. In this way, herpes stomatitis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis are excluded.

With fungal angina, treatment is carried out first with topical preparations:

  • Clotrimazole and its analogues in the form of a spray. Aerosols Candide, Candibene, Canison irrigate the oral cavity 5 times a day.
  • Lamisil aerosols and Levorin solution are used to treat fungal tonsillitis three times a day. Decamine in the form of caramel and Decatilene in the form of lollipops give 1-2 pieces every 4 hours until completely absorbed. In severe cases, they are used every 2 hours, after which the frequency of administration is reduced. Levorin solution is used to wash the oral cavity three times a day.
  • Nystatin for angina is not used for internal use, but by resorption, 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is more convenient to use the pharmacy suspension of Nystatin for gargling. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Attention! A huge advantage of Nystatin over modern antimycotics is its low toxicity.

  • Iodinol or Lugol has an effective antifungal and antibacterial effect in angina. The areas affected by the fungus are lubricated 3-4 times a day after meals.
  • In the treatment, Bioparox and Geksoral spray is used, but their antimycotic effect is less pronounced.

To increase the effectiveness of topical preparations, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with infusion of chamomile or calendula before using them.

If after the end of the course of treatment the effect does not occur, the doctor prescribes systemic medications. For the treatment of fungal tonsillitis in adults, a drug is used that has a detrimental effect on the infection detected after the study:

  • To combat Aspergillius mold fungi, Lamisil, Terbinafen, Exifin are suitable.
  • Means based on itraconazole have a wide spectrum of action against yeast-like and mold fungi. Orungal, Orunit, Rumikoz cope with angina. Tablets are used according to different therapeutic schemes.
  • Used to treat angina Fluconazole and its analogues - Diflucan, Mikomax, Diflazon. These drugs are standard in the treatment of angina for 7-14 days. By the way, Diflazon is approved for use by children.
  • Fungal tonsillitis successfully responds to drugs based on Ketoconazole - Fungistab, Mycozoral, Oronazole, Nizoral.

Important! The specific remedy and scheme of application is selected by the doctor after bacteriological seeding of the material from the tonsils.

Antifungal drugs have contraindications, so they are dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription. The course of drugs should not be interrupted after relief of symptoms. Compliance with the terms of treatment reduces the risk of recurrence of the infection.

Treatment of thrush in children

Angina of fungal origin is common in babies due to the imperfection of the immune system. Infection occurs in the first months of a baby's life when exposed to pathogenic microorganisms. This can also happen if a bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics incorrectly or for a long time.

Drugs for the treatment of angina are prescribed by a doctor. Throughout the course, gargling is used by various means:

  • Miramistin adversely affects the shell of fungi and bacteria. Washing the mouth is done 6-7 times a day.
  • A solution of Hexoral for angina is also used, as it has not only an antimicrobial, but also an antifungal effect. Rinsing is done twice a day without dilution with water.
  • The soda solution washes away fungi from the tonsils, increasing the effectiveness of local medicines.
  • Children after 5 years of age can lubricate the affected areas with a solution of Iodinol 3 times a day.
  • With angina, Bioparox spray is used, which has an antimicrobial and antimycotic effect. Depending on age, 2-4 inhalations are done 4 times a day.
  • For children, Nystatin granules are used, from which a suspension is prepared for rinsing the throat. Water is used as a solvent. OralSuspensionUSP can be purchased from a pharmacy.
  • Rinsing with Furacilin solution for angina is safe for children. The drug destroys bacteria, fungi and viruses. The remedy is prepared at home from 5 crushed tablets per half liter of boiled water. Rinsing is done every 2 hours for 5-7 days. For young children, areas affected by the fungus are treated with a syringe. Rinsing with Furacilin is combined with other drugs.

With fungal tonsillitis in children, treatment is more successful if the rules of living conditions are observed. After all, the cause of thrush in infants is often dry air and high temperature in the nursery.

Fungi and viruses multiply intensively also with excessive humidity.

Important! To speed up recovery, a child needs to create normal conditions.

They are as follows:

  • The optimum air temperature in the children's room is 20-22 ° C, with a humidity of 50-70%. Steam heating and electrical appliances dry the air. For humidification, you can put a container of water next to the appliances.
  • Regular ventilation and wet cleaning of the room allows you to clean the air from microorganisms, provides oxygen.

Frequent feeding of infants with angina promotes the growth of fungi due to the presence of glucose. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the baby to the breast less often. Adults during treatment should exclude sweet, sour, salty dishes from the menu.

Complications of candidal tonsillitis

As a result of inadequate treatment, angina can sometimes threaten the patient's life. The most severe consequences of candidal tonsillitis:

  • liver damage with functional insufficiency;
  • fungal myocarditis;
  • candidiasis of the esophagus;
  • purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • blockage of the larynx with accumulations of fungal plaque;
  • in severe cases, candidal sepsis may develop.

Fungi with angina can also spread to neighboring organs as a result of self-medication or interruption of the course prescribed by the doctor.

As for folk methods, they can only alleviate the symptoms, thereby turning the disease into a chronic form. Over time, the infection progresses, spreads to vital organs, becomes a threat to the patient's life.

An infectious disease, the main symptoms of which are redness and white plaque on the tonsils, is fungal tonsillitis, which often develops against the background of long-term antibiotic treatment. Otherwise, the pathology is also called tonsillomycosis. The main reason is fungal infection. The danger of the disease is that due to plaque on the tonsils, it is often confused with purulent tonsillitis. For this reason, it is very important to know the symptoms, types and methods of treatment of tonsillomycosis.

What is fungal angina

This is the name of an acute infectious disease that is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida albicans or Leptotryx buccalis. In recent decades, the disease began to appear frequently in both adults and children. Pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process in the pharynx. It turns red, and the tonsils are enlarged and covered with a white coating. Fungal tonsillitis is not contagious, because its cause is the reproduction of fungi that are already in the mouth. They are part of the normal microflora, and with strong immunity, they not only do no harm, but also perform useful functions.

The term "fungal tonsillitis" is a generalized formulation for several varieties of this disease. The main ones are the following:

  • pharyngomycosis;
  • fungal tonsillitis;
  • laryngomycosis.


This form of tonsillomycosis is a fungal infection of the entire pharynx - the mucous membrane of the soft palate, oral cavity, tongue and arch. The clinical manifestations of the disease are burning, dryness, perspiration and increasing pain when swallowing. Against this background, a whitish or yellowish coating appears in the throat. Pharyngomycosis is more severe than other inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. The cause of the pathology is more often yeast-like fungi Candida, and in 5% of cases - mold Geotrichum, Aspergillus, Penicillium.


Candidal tonsillitis is more suitable for the term "fungal tonsillitis", since with it the inflammatory process affects only the tonsils. Otherwise, this type of tonsillitis is called tonsillomycosis. The disease is manifested by mild pain when swallowing, a tingling sensation in the throat, dry cough. All this is accompanied by general weakness, malaise and a slight increase in body temperature.


Fungal laryngitis, or laryngomycosis, is an inflammation of the larynx only. This form of the disease is very rare, but sometimes it does occur. Patients with a weakened immune system are more likely to develop it, including after a long course of antibiotics. Against the background of laryngomycosis, manifestations of thrush on other mucous membranes are often observed. Distinctive symptoms of pathology are:

  • severe itching in the throat;
  • cough with sputum in the form of films and crusts with a pungent odor;
  • hoarseness of voice.

What is the difference between candidal tonsillitis and bacterial

The external signs of candidal and bacterial tonsillitis are very similar, but there are some differences between the diseases. In the first case, the temperature rarely exceeds 37.7 degrees. Bacterial tonsillitis is always accompanied by hyperemia. Other differences between these forms of the disease:

  1. Throat appearance. In the bacterial form, the abscesses are located only on the palatine tonsils, and the redness extends to the palatine arches and soft palate. Fungal plaque covers the entire surface of the pharynx.
  2. Size, area of ​​​​distribution and type of white plaque. With a fungal form, it has a curdled appearance, and with a bacterial one it is represented by abscesses. In the first case, the plaque is localized on the tongue, palate and tonsils, and in the second - only on the tonsils. After its removal, with fungal angina, bleeding wounds remain, and with bacterial mucosa, it simply turns red.
  3. The severity of the course of the disease. Fungal angina is less severe than bacterial, sore throats are not so severe, and phlegmon is insignificant.
  4. Presence of certain symptoms. Sore throat may be absent with tonsillomycosis. More often, only one tonsil becomes inflamed, which is not typical for the bacterial form, which is characterized by bilateral localization.

Causative agents of pharyngomycosis

A common causative agent of tonsillomycosis are yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, more often Candida albicans. They are the cause of candidiasis, including thrush. Other causative agents of pharyngomycosis are fungi of the genus Aspergillus and Saccharomyces, which are found in people with diabetes. These microorganisms are part of the natural microflora of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and mouth in healthy people. Their number is controlled by the immune system. When it is weakened, microorganisms begin to multiply, which causes tonsillomycosis.

Flow features

The disease has several different forms, differing in the nature of local manifestations. There are 4 main types of tonsillomycosis:

  • erosive-ulcerative - superficial ulcers form on the epithelium of the pharynx;
  • pseudomembranous - fungal plaque on the tonsils in a child or adult extends to the sky, the back wall of the pharynx and the oral cavity;
  • hyperplastic - characterized by the presence of white hard-to-separate plaques;
  • catarrhal - manifested by bright hyperemia of the oral mucosa.

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the development of candidal tonsillitis is a strong weakening of the body. This may be due to a cold or viral disease, antibiotic therapy, dysbacteriosis. More often, tonsillomycosis develops in newborns who are just getting acquainted with pathogenic microflora. In general, the causes of candidal tonsillitis are:

  • hidden inflammation of the internal organs;
  • malnutrition;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx or tonsils;
  • smoking;
  • long-term use of antidepressants;
  • avitaminosis;
  • SARS, influenza;
  • increased sugar content in saliva in diabetes mellitus;
  • weakening after a diet;
  • chronic candidiasis;

Characteristic symptoms

The main symptom of the disease is plaque, which can cover not only the tonsils, but the entire surface of the pharynx, tonsils and the back wall. It has a whitish tint if the causative agent is candidal fungus, and greenish if moldy. Other characteristic symptoms of tonsillomycosis:

  • violation of taste perceptions;
  • unpleasant sour smell from the mouth;
  • weakness;
  • sensation of a coma in the throat, perspiration;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • an increase in regional lymph nodes in the neck;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • throbbing pain in the head;
  • red throat.

Fungus on the tonsils in a child

Tonsillomycosis in a child is accompanied by a pronounced intoxication of the body. It manifests itself with symptoms from the following list:

  • the child is not active, weakened;
  • the baby refuses to drink and eat;
  • there is an upset of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • there is a white coating in the pharynx.

Signs of candidal tonsillitis in adults

Pathology has several characteristic symptoms by which it is easy to distinguish it from other forms of angina. The main ones are the following:

  • sore throat;
  • bad breath;
  • fever up to 37 degrees (rarely);
  • pain when swallowing;
  • slight swelling of the tonsils;
  • loose white cheesy coating on the tonsils.

Forms of the disease

The disease occurs in several forms, which differ in their characteristic symptoms and duration. There are two main types:

  • acute, which lasts no more than 1.5 months, and more often 7-20 days;
  • subacute, lasting for 3 months until complete resolution.

The acute form of pharyngomycosis is accompanied by sore throat and fever. This type of disease is more common in children. The subacute form is almost asymptomatic. This makes diagnosis difficult, especially in children under 1 year of age. Due to untimely treatment, the disease can take a chronic form, which manifests itself as exacerbations 2-3 times a year. Until etiotropic treatment is carried out, inflammatory processes will continue.


An otolaryngologist can diagnose fungal tonsillitis already during the initial visual examination. The doctor clarifies the prescription of the onset of symptoms, learns about the recent use of antibiotics and the presence of chronic ailments. An accurate diagnosis is made after several studies:

  1. A throat swab is taken for bacteriological examination. Cultures help identify the presence of a fungus in the throat.
  2. Cultural research. It consists in determining the type of fungus and the sensitivity of the pathogen to specific drugs.
  3. General blood analysis. It helps to confirm the presence of inflammation in the body. If bacterial markers do not increase, then sore throat has a fungal form.

Differential research methods

In more complex cases, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique is used. It helps to distinguish candidal tonsillitis from diseases such as:

  • purulent streptococcal tonsillitis;
  • chronic streptococcal tonsillitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • herpes stomatitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • syphilis;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.

How to treat fungal angina

Therapy against fungal angina begins with the elimination of the cause of the disease. This often requires the abolition of antibacterial drugs and the restoration of the intestinal microflora. In this case, a special diet with fermented milk products, fruits, fresh vegetables and protein foods helps. Treatment includes taking medications:

  • antimycotics that inhibit the activity of fungi;
  • immunostimulants that increase the protective function of the body;
  • antiseptics that disinfect the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • antipyretics that lower the temperature;
  • vitamins for general strengthening therapy that compensates for the lack of substances.

Elimination of the causes of candidiasis

If the cause of the disease was the intake of antibacterial drugs, then the course of treatment with them must be canceled. The same goes for hormonal drugs. To eliminate other causes of candidal sore throat, do the following:

  • limit smoking or stop smoking altogether;
  • remove sweets from the diet;
  • brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth with water after eating;
  • cure a runny nose to stop breathing through the mouth;
  • provide the child with peace so that he cries less;
  • interrupt a diet that restricts the intake of protein and vitamins;
  • ensure indoor air humidity of 50-60%;
  • take steps to boost your immune system.

Local therapy

Local treatment is used to eliminate foci of inflammation. It consists in irrigating the throat with antimycotic and antimicrobial agents. Effective drugs are based on the following substances:

  1. Clotrimazole. This group of drugs includes Candibene, Candide and Canison. These are powerful fungicidal drugs that penetrate the fungal body and inhibit its development.
  2. Terbinafine. Solutions based on this substance have fungicidal and fungistatic properties. They not only kill the fungus, but also prevent its occurrence in the future. This group of drugs includes Lamican, Termikon, Lamitel.
  3. Natamycin. The agent on this active ingredient is represented by a cream powder. The drug has a broad antifungal effect.


Just drinking Nystatin tablets with angina makes no sense. The drug will not be able to act on the pathogen, because its active substance is not absorbed into the blood. Nystatin is used differently - the tablets are chewed and held in the mouth for 2-3 minutes. This can be difficult because of the desire to swallow gruel. Doctors advise another way - to rub it into the lesions. It is more convenient to use Nystatin suspensions based on baby powder. The solution can be used to gargle. Such methods do not have advantages over topical preparations that are specifically designed for the treatment of angina.

Systemic antifungals

It is not recommended to use systemic drugs immediately after diagnosis. They are the second line of choice. Their appointment is relevant when the doctor does not know the specific pathogen, and the patient's condition is severe. In this case, preparations of the broadest possible spectrum of action are used before culture studies. Fungal angina is treated with the following modern antifungal agents:

  1. Means based on Fluconazole - Diflucan, Mikomax, Diflazon. These drugs are standard in the treatment of pharyngomycosis. The drug Fluconazole is used first. If it is ineffective, the drug is replaced by the next on the list. Intravenous administration of the drug is indicated in severe cases of tonsillomycosis.
  2. Means based on Itraconazole - Orunit, Orungal, Rumikoz, Irunin. They act on molds and fungi of the genus Candida. The maximum bioavailability of drugs is achieved when they are taken immediately after a meal.
  3. Preparations based on ketoconazole - Nizoral, Fungistab, Mycozoral, Oronazole. Used for candidiasis of the pharynx. Possess fungicidal and fungistatic action.
  4. Means with terbinafine - Terbinafine, Medofloran, Lamisil, Exifin. Like preparations based on itraconazole, they are effective against mold fungi.

Symptomatic treatment of candidal tonsillitis

If, in addition to plaque, fungal tonsillitis is accompanied by other severe symptoms, then symptomatic treatment is prescribed. It is as follows:

  • taking Paracetamol, Eferalgan, Nurofen or Nise in case of temperature rise above 38 degrees and severe sore throat;
  • gargling with infusions of chamomile, sage and calendula, soda or saline;
  • rinsing the throat with warm liquid to remove the cheesy plaque.

Folk remedies

Against the background of drug therapy, you can use effective folk recipes against the fungus. This pathogen does not tolerate an acidic environment, therefore, to suppress it, it is recommended to gargle with a solution of apple cider vinegar. This must be done before meals in order to avoid swallowing plaque and after a meal, so that the solution shows its healing properties on the surface of the mucosa. After rinsing, you can lubricate the tonsils with a solution of brilliant green, blue, Lugol or Chlorophyllipt. Other effective folk remedies for the treatment of candidal sore throat:

  • inhalations with eucalyptus or fir oil;
  • drinking lemon juice with honey diluted in water;
  • the use of fresh garlic and onions;
  • herbal medicine with drinking decoctions of calendula, chamomile, sage and celandine.


Seasonal respiratory diseases are often associated with severe complications. The infectious process can occur in any area that comes into contact with the environment, but usually the tissues of the throat become the gates of infection. Especially dangerous is fungal tonsillitis in children, the treatment of which can be difficult. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the throat often has a chronic course.

Laboratory diagnostic methods:

  • Throat swab. Using a sterile instrument, the doctor obtains a sample of mucus from the area of ​​the inflamed tonsils. In the laboratory, the sample will be subjected to microbiological examination, since the identification of the pathogen is necessary for the treatment of the disease. Usually, the results of the analysis are obtained in 1-2 days.
  • Blood test for the number and ratio of formed elements. An increase and decrease in certain types of blood cells can indicate the nature of the disease, but this test is not specific.

Diagnosis of fungal tonsillitis is mainly based on the results of microbiological studies.

Medical treatment

For the treatment of fungal angina, antimycotic drugs and antiseptic solutions are used. Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs are also used as symptomatic therapy.

Most common appointments:

  1. Antimycotic lozenges and topical rinsing solutions.
  2. Antiseptic solutions and aerosols for the local destruction of the fungus. Often used and.
  3. Immunomodulating agents.
  4. Physiotherapeutic methods.

High-quality drug treatment shortens the duration of the acute period of the disease and significantly alleviates the symptoms. Nevertheless, it is important to complete the course of antifungal therapy to the end, even with the disappearance of signs of inflammation.

Folk recipes and additional methods

Alternative methods of treating inflammation of the tonsils can help speed up recovery and relieve symptoms of the disease. Some doctors recommend combining drug treatments with alternative treatments to improve the effect of therapy.

  1. More rest. The stress that accompanies the performance of daily tasks during illness weakens the activity of the immune system and prevents the body from fighting infection on its own. During the acute phase of fungal angina, bed rest is recommended. It can be difficult for children of preschool and early school age to refuse activity even during illness, but in this case, calming herbs (, mint) can be used.
  2. Drinking warm drinks. Too hot or cold liquid irritates the throat and aggravates the course of the disease.
  3. The use of vegetable and fruit juices, applesauce, yogurt and compotes. At the same time, it is recommended to abandon too acidic fruits, especially citrus fruits.
  4. Gargling with saline solution. To prepare the solution, half a teaspoon of salt must be added to a glass (about 250 ml) of warm water. It is necessary to gargle three times a day.
  5. Using licorice, fennel, chamomile, burdock root and echinacea to make rinse solutions. Ready-made ingredients can be bought at any pharmacy.
  6. The use of honey. This product has pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and even analgesic properties. Honey can be added to milk, tea or consumed as is. You can also add ginger and cinnamon to tea with honey to enhance the therapeutic effect.
  7. Drawing up a special diet to enhance the activity of the child's immune system. To do this, you need to eat green vegetables and fruits. You can add some lemon to tea. Wild berries and nuts are also useful.
  8. Steam inhalation to improve breathing. For this method, you need to add plant extracts to water and boil the resulting liquid in a saucepan. Place a pot of liquid in front of you and cover yourself with a long towel or other cloth. It is recommended to breathe the resulting steam for 3-5 minutes.
  9. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where the child is.

Before using herbal remedies, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to a particular ingredient. The therapeutic diet should be related to the age diet.

What can not be done?

The sooner the child gets to the doctor's office after the first symptoms appear, the more effective the drug treatment will be. It is very important to identify the pathogen in time and decide which medications should be prescribed in the first place. Do not forget that laboratory diagnostics can take up to 48 hours.

Fungal tonsillitis in children is a dangerous disease, so treatment must be approached with all seriousness. Do not prescribe antibiotics thoughtlessly, as this can complicate the course of the disease. The fungus Candida albicans is destroyed only with the help of antimycotic agents, and antimicrobial therapy, on the contrary, often becomes a prerequisite for the development of such an infection.

It is impossible to predict the course of a sore throat in a child. In some cases, the disease goes away on its own after 7-10 days, in others dangerous complications arise.

The likelihood of developing complications largely depends on the degree of development of immunity and the presence of other diseases.

Common complications of angina:

  • Respiratory failure with severe swelling of the throat. At the first signs of a violation of the child's breathing, it is necessary to show the doctor.
  • Spread of infection to surrounding tissues.
  • Peritonsillar abscess - the occurrence of a purulent focus behind the tonsils. This is potentially the most dangerous complication of acute angina, which may require surgical methods of treatment.

More information about angina and its types can be found in the video:

Disease prevention methods:

  1. Careful hygiene.
  2. Timely treatment of chronic infections.
  3. Thorough neonatal diagnosis.

Unfortunately, fungal tonsillitis does not respond as well to preventive measures as bacterial or viral forms of the disease.

Thus, fungal tonsillitis in children is a dangerous infectious and inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. The most important task is to confirm the fungal nature of the disease in order to apply the correct drug treatment regimen.

The infectious disease in which the entire pharyngeal ring occurs is called fungal tonsillitis. Inflammatory disease is typical for children, persons with a suppressed immune system. Inflammation of the pharyngeal ring occurs due to infection with streptococci or staphylococci, viruses or microorganisms, and other mycoses.


Tonsillitis or tonsillitis (simplified name), is characterized by inflammation of the palatine tonsils. Visual examination allows the naked eye to see whitish or yellowish dots of various sizes throughout the tonsil. These are inflamed abscesses formed by spores of a fungus, virus or pathogenic microorganisms.
Symptoms of fungal angina:

  • headache;
  • sore throat and sore throat;
  • temperature increase up to 40 degrees;
  • chills, fever, increased sweating;
  • swollen lymph nodes, tonsils;
  • persistent sore throat;
  • yellowish white coating on tonsils.

Symptoms depend on the form and severity of the disease.

Forms of angina

The most common forms of the disease are catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, fibrinous, phlegmonous, fungal.
The form of the disease depends on the severity of the infection, the pathogen.


This type of tonsillitis is the easiest.

  • tonsils are enlarged;
  • dry tongue;
  • sore throat;
  • plaque on the tonsils from purulent exudate;
  • body temperature 37.1-38 degrees;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged regionally.

The disease disappears after 3-5 days from the moment of infection.


  • temperature increased to 39 degrees;
  • severe sore throat;
  • general weakness;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • fever, chills;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • numerous purulent points are visible on the tonsils.

The disease lasts 5-7 days.



  • with an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • severe sore throat;
  • severe muscle and joint pain;
  • drowsiness with increased weakness;
  • sleep is interrupted due to sharp pains in the throat.

Temperature and symptoms stay for 5-6 days. After the maturation of purulent bags and the release of exudate, the state of health improves. The temperature drops to 37. The duration of the disease is 5-8 days.


Angina occurs with complications in the form of fever, a general plaque on the tissues of the laryngeal ring, consisting of purulent mucus.
It is noted:

  • fever, chills;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • sometimes with signs of brain damage.


Unilateral inflammation of the tonsils with enlargement of the lymph nodes, fever up to 40 degrees.
Inflammation occurs:

  • with vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • headache;
  • sore throat.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, cheeks, tongue.
Symptoms are mild:

  • temperature up to 37.5 degrees;
  • sore throat minor when swallowing;
  • on the oral mucosa there is a plaque of a white film;
  • an infected person feels unwell, weak.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of fungal angina in adults they appear as:

  • total weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • minor sore throat;
  • plaque on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and tongue;
  • change in taste sensations.

Symptoms are extremely weak, therefore, often, the treatment of fungal tonsillitis is not started in time.

In children, especially infants, the symptoms of fungal tonsillitis can be detected at the onset of the disease.
Symptoms of fungal tonsillitis in children:

  • the child shows irritability during feeding;
  • the mouth and tongue are covered with a whitish coating.

When breastfeeding, there is a risk of infection of the mother, in this case, the infection is difficult to cure, due to the transfer of infection from the child to the mother - and vice versa.

Treatment of fungal tonsillitis in infants should be carried out by interrupting breastfeeding, at the same time conducting a course of treatment for the mother and child.

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