Is it possible to treat pregnant teeth? What are the harms of anesthesia? Why treat teeth during pregnancy


During the period of bearing a baby, the expectant mother monitors her health more warily. After all, harm to a baby developing in the womb can cause not only the disease, but also the treatment of the disease by one or another method.

Therefore, the question of whether problematic teeth are treated for pregnant women in the early and late stages worries every woman during this period. Is it possible to fill and remove teeth during pregnancy , is anesthesia dangerous, is it worth pulling out a wisdom tooth or is it better to postpone such an operation .... you will find answers to these and other pressing questions in this material.

We hasten to immediately reassure women in position: most problems with teeth are completely solvable. Treatment with modern equipment, the use of painkillers and the latest generation of filling materials virtually eliminate the possibility of harm to the developing fetus at any stage of pregnancy.

Therefore, in no case do not put off a visit to the dentist if you have a toothache or a filling has fallen out. After all, harm to your baby can be caused not only by the focus of infection in the diseased tooth, but not enough chewing food thoroughly due to increasing pain.


it is highly undesirable to refuse an anesthetic injection during tooth treatment. The fact is that from a sharp, unpleasant pain, a large dose of adrenaline is thrown into the blood. This may provoke increased uterine tone (hypertonicity) which negatively affects the physical condition of the baby in the womb. Therefore, anesthesia of a problem tooth is really necessary during pregnancy.

But it is better for a pregnant woman to refuse general anesthesia during dental treatment. Under anesthesia, some functions of the female body slow down and this can affect the vital activity of the developing fetus.

Dental implantation during pregnancy is very dangerous, since this operation requires the use of potent drugs and after the procedure, a long period of engraftment of implants begins, which is accompanied by an additional burden on the female body.

Sometimes you need to take a picture of the root and the inside of the diseased tooth. Modern x-ray machines are safe enough that you can undergo the procedure by covering your tummy with a lead shield.

Avoid teeth whitening during pregnancy! The composition of the bleach includes substances that thin the already fragile layer of enamel. In addition, they can penetrate the placenta to the baby and provoke developmental disorders.


Already in early pregnancy be sure to visit your dentist and, if necessary, treat problematic teeth. In addition, consult with a specialist about the appropriate way for you to care for the oral cavity during the period of gestation. In a pregnant woman, the composition of saliva changes, the active activity of microbes and a lack of calcium provoke the destruction of tooth enamel. If you take care of your teeth incorrectly, you are more likely to develop caries. BUT cavities will not only worsen the condition of your teeth , but it can also be passed on to the baby.

In addition to proper care of the oral cavity, a pregnant woman should consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, foods from the diet do not always contain enough of the substances you and your baby need. Therefore, ask your doctor to choose the most suitable preparations with vitamins and trace elements for you.

For example, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the skeleton begins to actively form in the fetus. which increases the need for calcium. A lack of calcium can lead to bleeding gums and destruction of tooth structure.

Gingivitis is a dangerous disease for fetal development. . If itching appears in the gum area, then be sure to go to the dentist, as this is a typical symptom of gingivitis. If this disease is not treated, then periodontitis will begin to develop. According to experts, periodontitis is very dangerous for the development of the fetus, since the infection begins to actively spread with the blood flow.

Extraction of teeth during pregnancy

The safest period for the development of the baby is the 2nd trimester. It is better to perform the procedure for removing a diseased tooth during this period, but if necessary, you can pull out a tooth in both the 1st and 3rd trimesters. Modern means for anesthesia do not overcome the placental barrier and cannot have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus.

But it is advisable to postpone the removal of the so-called "wisdom tooth" until the postpartum period, since in some women this procedure causes a noticeable deterioration in well-being and an increase in temperature. . Therefore, the "wisdom tooth" is pulled out only in case of emergency.


What causes the appearance of caries on the teeth and how dangerous is this disease for a pregnant woman. Below you will find information on how to properly care for the oral cavity and what prevention can significantly reduce the likelihood of a woman developing caries. You will also find out how effective the treatment of this disease is in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.


Local anesthesia is used before filling or removing a diseased tooth. As we noted above, the anesthesia procedure relieves a pregnant woman of stress and physical reactions that are dangerous for the fetus. Dental treatment during pregnancy should not be accompanied by pain, and such modern anesthetics as Ubistezin or Ultracain perfectly relieve a woman of discomfort. At the same time, such drugs (the main analgesic component is articaine) cannot affect the bearing or development of the baby.

Tips for a pregnant woman on caring for her teeth:

How to properly care for teeth, gums and the entire oral cavity so that treatment of problem teeth during pregnancy is not required. Watch video tips from dentists.

During pregnancy, many women experience dental problems. This problem is especially manifested with a lack of calcium. In addition, expectant mothers begin to notice problems with previously treated or undertreated teeth and experience severe discomfort.

Effect of pregnancy on teeth

Pregnancy affects all organs and systems of the body. All the forces of a woman are distributed so that she can safely endure and give birth. This does not always have a positive effect on the health of the woman herself and her appearance. Since most of the calcium is spent on the formation of the skeletal system, teeth and muscles in the baby, the woman is deficient in this element.

Pregnant women face the following problems:

  • caries;
  • enamel darkening;
  • bleeding;
  • bad breath.

A woman can exacerbate all chronic diseases of the oral cavity, pulpitis or periodontitis may occur. These diseases contribute to the development of pathogenic bacteria that poison the body of the mother and fetus.

Terms of treatment

It is necessary to engage in treatment even before the conception of a child. Various inflammatory processes may not have the best effect on the condition of the fetus, and in the treatment, painkillers, analgesics are often used, and in difficult cases, anesthesia.

Important! If you perform complex manipulations with strong drugs, you can harm the unborn child and provoke a miscarriage.

If it was not possible to treat your teeth before pregnancy, or problems with them began after the onset of this period, it is important to know when it is possible and recommended to engage in treatment, and when it is better not to do so. In this case, the general condition of the body and the presence of other diseases play an important role.

Some doctors believe that the term does not play an important role. This is explained by the presence of drugs that are completely safe for a woman in position. But it should be understood that not all dental clinics, and especially the state type, have such medicines.

Especially dangerous is the extraction of teeth, which can cause serious inflammation. The extraction procedure itself is painful and sometimes requires the use of antibacterial drugs, which is contraindicated for women in position.

Important! In the first and last 3 months of pregnancy, it is not advisable to carry out any interventions in the woman's body!

The most dangerous is dental treatment in the first trimester and it is carried out only in emergency cases, and in particular - with pulpitis or periodontitis. These diseases can cause the development of purulent inflammation.

Any manipulation up to 13.5 weeks can cause a miscarriage, and after 31.5 - premature birth. This is not observed in all women, but it still occurs in practice, so dentists recommend treating from 13.5 weeks to 17.5.

The seventeenth week of pregnancy is the last period when dentists recommend treating teeth.

What can be treated during pregnancy?

Performing complex manipulations is contraindicated, and can only be carried out in emergency cases. It is possible to treat the following pathologies:

  • caries of the 1st stage;

  • periostitis;

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;

  • stomatitis;

  • periodontal disease;

  • gingivitis.

  • Despite the wide list of diseases that can be treated, the woman herself should worry about the health of the baby and remember the most favorable terms for any manipulations, as well as warn the dentist about the presence of an allergy to certain medications.

    Completely contraindicated:

    • removal of wisdom teeth;
    • bite correction;
    • whitening and strengthening.

    The body of a pregnant woman is weakened and procedures that do not harm other women in any way are contraindicated for expectant mothers. No matter how much you want to preserve the beauty of your teeth and whiten or strengthen them, you should give it up and remember that these procedures during pregnancy can only do harm.

    Remove teeth using drugs that act locally. A woman should follow all the doctor's recommendations to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation.

    Doctors often prescribe "Amoxiclav" after tooth extraction

    It is contraindicated to remove wisdom teeth. This procedure is quite complicated and involves taking antibiotics. In addition, it is often accompanied by:

    • an increase in body temperature;
    • general weakness;
    • severe swelling of the gums and pain.


    Dental implantation during this period is completely prohibited. In order for the implants to be able to fully take root, considerable body forces are needed, which in a woman completely go to the child. In addition, dental implantation requires certain medications that are prohibited for pregnant women.


    Dentistry often requires x-rays. Modern clinics offer a radiovisiograph as an excellent replacement for X-ray, which has ten times less radiation. However, not all dentists have such equipment, and a woman is offered a standard procedure in which she is put on an apron with a lead gasket.

    In general, doctors recommend to refrain from X-ray exposure, and especially in the first trimester. If this procedure is necessary, you should contact a modern clinic, where there is new equipment with highly sensitive sensors and films that reduce the radiation load.

    Choice of anesthesia

    Treatment should not be accompanied by unpleasant pain, therefore, mandatory anesthesia is required. Pregnant women can use drugs based on articaine, which act locally and cannot cross the placenta. These funds do not harm the body of a woman and a child.

    Important! The most famous and popular drugs based on articaine are Ultracaine and Ubistezin.



    Modern medicine really makes it possible to treat teeth without pain and stress during pregnancy. However, you must inform your doctor about your situation, the presence of chronic diseases and allergies to medications, so that he can choose the safest drug with minimal side effects.

    Important! During pregnancy, anesthesia containing adrenaline is contraindicated!

    Video - Dental treatment during pregnancy

    Preventive measures

    In order for the teeth to remain healthy, a woman must follow simple rules:

    A woman's well-being is reflected in her baby, and you should not endure a sharp toothache. The main thing is to remember the terms when dental treatment is safe for the body of the child and his mother. After all, the lack of treatment is fraught with a threat and can cause serious pathologies in the development of the fetus.

    Video - At what stage of pregnancy can teeth be treated?

It's no secret that pregnant women often have problems with their teeth. It is all to blame for changes in the body of the future mother at the level of mineral metabolism, nutritional errors and a general decrease in immunity.

After all, diseases in the field of dentistry arise due to the fault of the notorious pathogenic bacteria that activate their vital activity when the immune system is weakened.

Dental health is an important factor

It is no coincidence that a gynecologist periodically sends his patients who are in position for preventive examinations to a dentist. Therefore, it is important to identify and eliminate problems with teeth and gums in time, and for the following reasons:

  • cariesis the source of the infection, which can harm the ongoing pregnancy;
  • neglected damage to the teeth leads to purulent inflammation requiring immediate antibiotic therapy, which is again dangerous for the child;
  • Bleeding gums can be a symptom of advanced periodontitis, often requiring the removal of several teeth at once;
  • toothache negatively affects the emotional state of a woman;
  • decaying teeth look unaesthetic.

How to help a pregnant woman?

There are a lot of restrictions caused by the condition of a woman.

Anesthesia - pros and cons

Fortunately, dental procedures today are not overly painful. All this thanks to modern anesthesia. But is it possible to use painkillers for pregnant women? Of course, yes, provided that they are not allergic.

An experienced doctor will easily select a safe agent for local anesthesia and determine the desired dosage. Ultracaine and ubistezin are considered the safest.

Such anesthesia will not affect the uterine blood flow and will not overcome the placental protective barrier, which means it will not have a negative effect on the fetus.

There is no need to be afraid of the injections themselves. The needles used for local anesthesia are so thin that the injection is almost painless. In addition, the drugs begin to act very quickly, which means there is no need to waste time waiting in the corridor for the “freeze” effect.

So, what dental procedures can be performed by expectant mothers?

Tooth filling

This method is used in the development of caries. If the tooth is not filled in time, then by the time of delivery, the disease may be complicated by pulpitis or periostitis (flux). In addition, the tooth can be destroyed so much that its subsequent restoration will be impossible.

If the teeth hurt, then the doctor, if necessary, will remove the nerve without using arsenic.

And in the absence of a purulent-inflammatory process, it will seal the cleaned canals of the tooth with safe materials. In this case, one visit will be enough, because today “temporary” fillings are rarely used.

Removal of a tooth

A pregnant woman can pull out a tooth only in the most extreme case. Usually, doctors delay this procedure as much as possible, because it is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

However, there are certain indications when surgical intervention cannot be avoided, because it will allow you to get rid of problems in the future.

At the same time, tooth extraction is always a strong stress, extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

Treatment of periodontal diseases

Numerous studies indicate that periodontitis, that is, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, can cause premature birth. Therefore, women in the delicate position of periodontal disease should be treated without fail. Disease control measures include:

Teeth whitening

Since this procedure uses various chemicals, it is not recommended for pregnant women. Moreover, there is a risk of side effects after teeth whitening, such as irritation and discomfort in the oral cavity.

Another thing is professional teeth cleaning by a dentist, as a result of which tartar and plaque will be removed, and the teeth themselves will look 1-2 shades lighter.

X-ray - is it possible or not?

During treatment, sometimes it becomes necessary to take an x-ray of a diseased tooth. Upon learning of this, the expectant mother begins to panic. After all, everyone knows about the dangers of x-rays.

Portable dental visiograph

However, do not worry too much, dentistry is currently equipped with modern visiographs. These are devices that, with minimal local exposure, create an X-ray image transmitted to a computer monitor. This procedure is more informative and safer.

In addition, the x-ray beam is directed exactly at the unhealthy tooth, and the patient's chest and, most importantly, the stomach is covered with a special protective apron.

It is better to forget about implants before childbirth

The procedure for installing implants for women who are expecting a baby is not carried out. This is a lengthy process that includes repeated visits to the clinic and mandatory antibiotic therapy to avoid side effects.

In addition, due to the constant hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, there is a risk that the implants will not take root. In a word, the restoration of a beautiful smile has to be postponed until better times.

Favorable periods for treatment

At what time is it better to treat teeth and until what time is it necessary to resolve all issues with the dentist, if we are not talking about acute pain?

1 trimester

In the early stages, all the systems and organs of the fetus are laid, and its limbs develop. But at such an important time, the placenta is not sufficiently developed to fully protect the baby from the effects of medications used for pain relief. And the general well-being of a woman cannot be called good.

Nausea, dizziness, weakness, mood swings - all this can be aggravated by medical interventions. Therefore, it is still not recommended to solve problems with teeth in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

2 trimester

In the second trimester, i.e. after 12 weeks of expecting a baby, a woman usually feels much better. The hormonal background and emotional state are stabilizing. By week 16, the formation of the protective functions of the placenta is completed.

The rounded tummy is not too big yet and does not create much pressure on the internal organs. Therefore, during dental procedures, the expectant mother feels quite comfortable. And, therefore, it is quite possible to plan the treatment of the oral cavity precisely for the 2nd trimester.

3rd trimester

This period of time also cannot be designated as successful for therapeutic measures. Closer to childbirth, the load on the woman's body is maximum. Edema, shortness of breath, hypertension, back pain appear. In the later stages, nervous tension reaches its peak.

Nevertheless, by the birth of a child, it is still worth healing all carious teeth, although this should be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, every kiss given to a baby will be rich in a huge number of harmful microorganisms.

Answers to the main questions about dental treatment during pregnancy:

What to do if a tooth hurts or aches?

A toothache while waiting for a baby can overshadow the life of any woman.

In addition to the fact that severe stress is harmful to the baby, inflammatory mediators that are released in the area of ​​​​the diseased tooth can penetrate the placental barrier and even cause premature birth.

Of course, if a tooth hurts or aches, it is necessary to get to the dentist as soon as possible.

If this is not possible, and the toothache needs to be soothed, then safe painkillers can be used: Paracetamol and Nurofen. The latter is not used in the 3rd trimester.

Also, rinsing can relieve pain a little:

  • soda (1 tsp per 0.5 cup of water);
  • decoctions of herbs (chamomile and sage);
  • antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).

At the doctor's appointment, do not forget to say that you are expecting a baby. This will allow the dentist to choose the safest and most effective tactic.

What to do if a wisdom tooth hurts

The location of the wisdom tooth often complicates the process of its treatment. The fact is that often the wisdom teeth are impacted, i.e. incorrectly located in the jaw: at an angle or perpendicular to other teeth.

Sometimes there is simply not enough room for them in the mouth and they grow wholly or partly into the gum tissue, leading to inflammation. The only solution in this case is the removal of the "eights".

If the tooth is located normally, then they try to save it to the last. After all, the removal of a wisdom tooth often threatens with complications in the form of swelling, pain and fever.

How to save teeth?

Even at the planning stage of motherhood, all problems in terms of dentistry should be eliminated. And during pregnancy, it is important to pay special attention to oral hygiene:

  1. For example, it is better to buy soft toothbrushes with lots of bristles. They do not injure the gums, but at the same time perfectly clean the tooth enamel.
  2. For the complete removal of food debris from the interdental spaces, it is necessary to use dental floss and special brushes.
  3. toothpaste should be chosen with complex protection or based on plant extracts. They will reduce the manifestations of bleeding gums and well protect against caries, subject to regular use.

Proper nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining a beautiful smile. Calcium-rich foods must be present in the diet: nuts, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, fish and eggs.

Do not refuse to take synthetic vitamin-mineral complexes.

Well, the most important condition in order not to be left without teeth after pregnancy and childbirth is their timely treatment. If you do not postpone a visit to the dental clinic because of an unreasonable fear of pain, not a single problem will be neglected.

In addition, the possible harm from treatment cannot be compared with the danger posed to the child by the bad teeth of his mother.

There is a misconception that dental treatment during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. But doctors say otherwise. Carrying out therapy during the bearing of a child is not only not prohibited, but also extremely necessary. Just for this, there are certain deadlines and precautions.

What threatens neglected caries?

The statement of experts that dental treatment is a necessary procedure is not groundless. The presence of carious cavities and other foci of infection at least leads to deterioration already existing dental pathologies.

But this is not the most dangerous. The infection can spread throughout the body, leading to systemic complications.

Suffer first gastrointestinal tract, since the infection from the mouth quickly enters the esophagus and stomach. This can lead to gastritis, intestinal dysfunction, and late toxicosis. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, which negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus.

Often, in the presence of dental diseases, a child is born with a small body weight.

If the focus of the disease is located near the periodontium or bone tissue, then the infection can lead to complete loss of teeth. The infection can enter the bloodstream and provoke inflammation of the organs or cause general intoxication organism.

Studies have shown that caries-causing bacteria are a common cause premature birth.

Therapy in the first trimester

The first trimester is one of the important stages of pregnancy, during which dental treatment is carried out using anesthetic drugs extremely undesirable. During this period, the laying and development of all organs of the fetus.

An incompletely formed placenta is not able to provide high-quality protection for the fetus. Any exposure to medications can lead to pathological violation of the formation his internal organs.

At this time interval, treatment is carried out only in case of acute manifestations of the disease, for example, periodontitis, pulpitis, which threaten complication in the form of a purulent infection. In the chronic course of the disease, treatment is recommended to be postponed until a more favorable period.

Therapy in the second trimester

The second trimester is the most auspicious time for treatment, as the risk of negative effects is minimized. By the beginning of this period, the woman's body gets used to the new state and becomes stronger.

The placenta, which acts as a barrier and prevents the penetration of foreign substances to the fetus, is fully formed.

At this stage allowed treat acute and chronic dental pathologies with the use of anesthetics local action, which no adrenaline or its presence is reduced to a minimum dosage.

Before therapy can conduct research using x-ray equipment(visiograph), only in this case it is necessary to use a special protective apron.

Conduct implantation in the 2nd trimester Not recommended, as these procedures require the use of a large number of medications.

Therapy in the third trimester

Just like the first trimester, the third is to not the most favorable period for dental treatment. At this time, the muscles of the uterus become as sensitive as possible and react to any impact with an increase in tone.

Anesthesia drugs have the same effect. In most cases, they contain a minimal dose of adrenaline, which increases the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk of preterm labor.

In case of urgent intervention during therapy, the woman should be in the supine position, as the fetus strongly presses on the main aorta and can cause increased pressure and loss of consciousness.

What diseases need to be eliminated?

Not always the dentist is ready to take up the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. The main indications for therapy are the following pathologies:

  • Caries. Even with a small caries lesion, the infection penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and causes its dysfunction. In addition, in the presence of cavities, the quality of chewing food deteriorates significantly, which increases the load on the stomach.

    With a deep lesion, the infection can penetrate into the bone tissue, leading to its inflammation and loss of the crown.

  • Periodontitis and/or pulpitis. Act as a complication after caries. A problem that is not stopped in a timely manner leads to the occurrence of a purulent infection, which can lead to the development of sepsis.
  • Odontogenic periostitis- characterized by inflammation of the periosteal tissue. Complete loss of a tooth is a complication.
  • Parodontosis, periodontitis. They cause pathologies of the heart, joints and general intoxication of the body.
  • Stomatitis- a dangerous pathology, which is often accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body up to a steady increase in temperature and severe intoxication. The disease can cause pathological development of internal organs or fetal death.
  • Gingivitis- inflammation of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity. It leads to a general decrease in immunity and the addition of other dental pathologies.

In addition to the listed diseases, during the period of bearing a child can conduct simple tooth extraction(except for the last molars, which most often require complex extraction).

It is also possible to install orthodontic structures ( braces) and prosthetics with minimal use of medications.

Pain medications

The choice of drug for setting anesthesia plays an important role during the period of gestation. Preference is given to products with a minimum content of adrenaline.

Usually, small dosage such a drug should not affect the uterus and penetrate the placental barrier, having a negative effect on the fetus.

Only a few drugs meet these requirements:

  • Ultracaine. It is a colorless solution, the active ingredients of which are articaine and epinephrine. As auxiliary components, the product included: sodium metabisulfate, purified water, sodium chloride.

    The drug is fast-acting - the effect of anesthesia occurs within 2 minutes after the injection and lasts up to 45 minutes. It does not have a depressing effect on the vascular system and the heart, but is prohibited in glaucoma, kidney pathology, and severe hypoxia.

    It is also worth remembering the side effects of the drug: urticaria, lowering blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance. The drug is sold in special cartridges (carpules) intended for use only with a special syringe.

    This injection system is painless. After the introduction of ultracaine, the syringe along with the carpula are destroyed. The cost of one cartridge of this tool is from 45 to 90 rubles.

  • Primakain. This is a combined anesthetic, which included epinephrine and articaine. The main difference of this drug is its short half-life, thanks to which it can be used for children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

    After the injection, primacaine begins to act after 30 seconds. The action lasts about 40 minutes. The drug is contraindicated in heart disease, anemia, renal failure, high blood pressure.

    Last trimester its use may lead to bleeding. The average cost of funds is 80 rubles.

  • Ubistezin. The main active ingredients are articaine, epinephrine. Additional components: sodium sulfite, water for injections. Like other drugs of the articaine series, it has an anesthetic effect 1 minute after administration and retains it for up to 45 minutes.

    The drug has practically no negative effect on the heart. In rare cases, there is a slight increase in pressure and a rapid heartbeat.

    Contraindications are kidney disease, hypertension, tachycardia. Ubistezin can be purchased for about 40 rubles.

  • Septanest. The main components of articaine and adrenalin. It has a minimal vasoconstrictive effect and does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart.

    The maximum analgesic effect occurs three minutes after the injection and lasts about an hour. The remedy is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, as it can provoke an attack of suffocation.

    Using in the first trimester may cause dizziness and loss of consciousness. The average market cost of one ampoule of funds is about 60 rubles.


Therapy without injection

It is not always necessary to use anesthetics during dental treatment. In some cases, you can do without anesthesia. Even if therapy is carried out in the safest period, the risk of negative effects of medications on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus always remains.

Therefore, with pathologies in the initial stage, they try not to use anesthesia. As a rule, with this treatment, pain is absent. Instead, they can only manifest discomfort.

If the patient is not able to calmly endure discomfort, it can be used local anesthesia spray or gel.

In situations where the procedure is accompanied by severe pain, it is recommended to use anesthetic drugs, since in some cases pain can have a greater negative effect than the drugs used.


Dental care during pregnancy is a necessary procedure. The method used in this case will depend on the pathology and the degree of its neglect. No dentist will resort to treatment with anesthesia, unless there are certain indications.

The use of painkillers will be justified only if the harm from the pathology exceeds the negative effect of anesthetics.

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  • Daria Gikst

    September 9, 2016 at 03:25 pm

    Quite recently, a couple of months ago, I became a mother and the question of dental treatment arose for me. I can say with confidence that pregnancy is not a sentence and not a reason not to visit a dentist. I am not a doctor, but at an elementary level understandable to an ordinary person, I can make an unambiguous conclusion that the drugs used for pain relief are not more harmful than all those factors that no pregnant woman is insured against: ecology; the quality of store products (in the manufacture of which God knows what they use). And it is better to cure the teeth before the birth of the baby than he will receive a dose of harm from his mother's diseased teeth. Moreover, medicine has stepped far ahead and converges to a minimum of painful procedures.

  • Olga

    September 11, 2016 at 2:55 am

    I treated my teeth at the dentist during pregnancy, the doctor assured me that anesthesia would not affect the child in any way, and I believed him. The main thing is not to be too nervous in the dentist's chair, this can affect the child. So I tried to calm down and distract myself, think about something good. Of course, X-rays also needed to be done, but I was afraid and postponed this procedure. But now more than a year has passed after the birth of the child and I still have not taken an x-ray, so they say correctly that after you give birth there will be no time to go to the doctors. This is one of the reasons for dental treatment during pregnancy.

  • Lisa

    November 7, 2016 at 03:06 pm

    When I was pregnant, dental treatment didn't seem very important to me. In principle, everything was fine with my teeth, but somewhere in the sixth month, one of the teeth began to crumble and, as a result, almost nothing was left of the tooth. I didn’t go to see a dentist, but somehow a conversation about this incident came up with my gynecologist, how much he scolded me that I didn’t immediately go to treat a tooth. My second trimester was almost over and I still went to the dentist, the tooth was affected by caries and it was difficult to save it, but I managed to save it with the use of anesthesia, the dentist explained everything to me and explained that the anesthesia he used would not harm the child, but here's how since my caries would have done him enough harm. Only now it dawns on me how stupid I was ..

  • Marina

    March 2, 2017 at 5:24 am

    During pregnancy, I treated all my teeth. I turned to the dentist in the first trimester, but she advised me to start all the manipulations from the fourth month. She was treated with painkillers, fortunately, this did not affect the child in any way. As a result, she breastfed another child for almost two years and her teeth remained intact. And if she hadn’t dealt with this issue during pregnancy, then probably more than one tooth would have had to be removed. So, really, you need to do everything on time. Moreover, now there are absolutely harmless painkillers for the expectant mother and baby.

Dental treatment even at the usual time causes awe in many people: after all, it is pain, stress, and so on. What can we say about pregnancy. Many women are firmly convinced that it is impossible to treat teeth during pregnancy in any case. It is believed that anesthesia, x-rays and other things have a bad effect on the health and development of the fetus. And what is the result?

As a result, a woman has a toothache during pregnancy, and she refuses to treat it, and then complains that during pregnancy the baby ruined all her teeth and pulled out calcium. But everything is much simpler: if the teeth are left untreated for so long, they will inevitably collapse.

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Not only possible, but necessary. After all, the gradual destruction of teeth is far from the worst thing that can happen if the teeth are not treated. Any problems of the oral cavity, whether it be pain, caries, bleeding gums or something else, is, first of all, a focus of inflammation, source of infection. And how the infection affects the fetus, you probably know very well.

The infection is spread throughout the body with food or blood, if the destruction has already gone far enough, and the focus of infection is located near the root of the tooth, blood vessels and bone tissue.

In addition, the presence of an infection in the oral cavity will come back to haunt a woman and her child after childbirth: the baby is always next to his mother, she kisses him, hugs him, cuddles him. And, therefore, they constantly exchange microflora, including an infection from the teeth that enters the child's body.


Most of all, dental treatment scares you with the pain that a dentist can cause. Can pregnant women treat their teeth with anesthesia and an anesthetic injection? Of course it is possible, it is even worth saying - it is necessary. After all, pain and, mainly, its expectation, fear is stress and extra nerves that the expectant mother does not need at all. Stress has a very negative effect on the baby.

Of course, no one would give a pregnant woman a general anesthetic just to save her the pain of being in the dentist's chair. The consequences of such a step are too incomparable with any dental operation.

How are pregnant teeth treated? Under local anesthesia last generation. Such drugs act pointwise, only on the place that really needs to be anesthetized. In addition, even penetrating into the blood, they still do not pass through the placental barrier between the mother and fetus.


The second thing that scares pregnant women in the process of dental treatment is x-rays. Everyone is now aware of the dangers of X-rays, however, the seriousness of the situation is greatly exaggerated. We are talking about a small, directional, almost point-like radiation, while the neck and chest of a woman are protected by a lead apron. This minimizes all risks. Therefore, an x-ray of a tooth during pregnancy cannot harm the fetus.

Dental treatment in pregnant women

Of course, dental treatment in pregnant women requires much more from the dentist than in the case of an ordinary patient. It is necessary to have some experience in this area, to know exactly which drugs can be used in a particular case, to imagine what to do if something goes wrong.

In addition, a woman in an interesting position needs to be able to simply and clearly tell what exactly needs to be done in her case, how the procedure will be carried out and what will be done to protect the child. A specialist should be able to calm a woman if she suddenly gets scared. By and large, a dentist who treats pregnant women should also be a psychologist in many ways.

With the focus on dental health education, more and more women are starting to take good care of their oral health during pregnancy and seek dental care. Demand, as they say, creates supply. Therefore, in many cities today there are already departments and special doctors for receiving pregnant patients.

Can pregnant women remove and insert teeth?

Well, if the problem was localized at the very beginning. Then it will be enough to drill the affected area of ​​the tooth, close the hole with a filling and that's it. Modern filling materials generally do not affect the health of the mother and child.

And if the tooth is already running and caries has reached the roots of the tooth? Then you have to remove the nerves, take a few pictures, and only after that fill up. Unfortunately, the removal of nerves is a really painful procedure, and even an anesthetic injection is unlikely to relieve discomfort.

If the situation is very difficult, the tooth will have to be removed. Is it possible to remove or pull out a tooth during pregnancy? Yes, you certainly may. There are no contraindications to this. However, doctors, as a rule, try to avoid this procedure to the last. Inserting an existing, albeit badly damaged, tooth is always easier than inserting a new one. However, sometimes it is impossible to avoid tooth extraction during pregnancy.

By the way, is it possible for pregnant women insert teeth? Again, there are no direct contraindications. However, doctors are likely to try to dissuade you. The fact is that the absence of a tooth, provided that the gum is healthy, does not threaten the health of the mother and child. And despite the fact that all dental procedures are as harmless as possible, it is still advisable to postpone the optional ones until better times, namely until you give birth and stop breastfeeding.

Separate article - wisdom tooth extraction during pregnancy. Removal, in itself, is a complicated procedure. What can we say about when you have to remove a tooth that is basically healthy and firmly holding on to its place, and even when it is partially covered by the gum. Such an operation can cause complications, including in the form of a rise in temperature. And during pregnancy it is extremely undesirable. Therefore, if the situation is not critical, then the operation is postponed until the postpartum period.

When is the best time to get dental treatment during pregnancy?

When can pregnant women get dental treatment? Strictly speaking, this can be done at any time. However, as you probably remember, pregnancy is conditionally divided into three periods - trimesters. In the first trimester, the organs and systems of the child are only being laid, and any intervention at this stage is risky. The same goes for the third trimester.

Thus, whenever possible, dental treatment is best done in the second trimester. However, this is not always the case, so it is important to find out if there are any contraindications against dental treatment during your term.

How to keep your teeth during pregnancy?

Of course, the answer to the question "Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth?" very important. But it is much more important to understand how to keep your teeth during pregnancy. In order not to face pain in the teeth, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene: brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after eating and use a toothpick or dental floss to remove stuck food.

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