Some facts about light perception. Light and dark adaptation. Mechanisms of light and dark adaptation How long does it take for light adaptation

If a the person is in bright light within a few hours, both in rods and cones, photosensitive substances are destroyed to retinal and opsins. In addition, a large amount of retinal in both types of receptors is converted into vitamin A. As a result, the concentration of photosensitive substances in the receptors of the retina is significantly reduced, and the sensitivity of the eyes to light is reduced. This process is called light adaptation.

Conversely, if a person stay in the dark for a long time, retinal and opsins in rods and cones are again converted into photosensitive pigments. In addition, vitamin A passes into retinal, replenishing the reserves of photosensitive pigment, the maximum concentration of which is determined by the number of opsins in rods and cones that can combine with retinal. This process is called tempo adaptation.

The figure shows the course dark adaptation in humans, which is in complete darkness after several hours of exposure to bright light. It can be seen that immediately after a person enters the darkness, the sensitivity of his retina is very low, but within 1 min it increases by a factor of 10, i.e. the retina can respond to light whose intensity is 1/10 of the previously required intensity. After 20 minutes, the sensitivity increases by a factor of 6,000, and after 40 minutes, by about 25,000 times.

Curve, called tempo adaptation curve. Pay attention to its curve. The initial part of the curve is related to cone adaptation, since all the chemical events of vision in cones occur about 4 times faster than in rods. On the other hand, changes in the sensitivity of cones in the dark never reach the same degree as in rods. Therefore, despite the rapid adaptation, the cones stop adapting after only a few minutes, and the sensitivity of the slowly adapting rods continues to increase for many minutes and even hours, reaching an extreme degree.

In addition, big rod sensitivity associated with convergence of 100 or more rods per single ganglion cell in the retina; the reactions of these rods are summed up, increasing their sensitivity, which is discussed later in this chapter.

Other mechanisms light and dark adaptation. In addition to adaptation associated with changes in the concentration of rhodopsin or color photosensitive substances, the eyes have two other mechanisms for light and dark adaptation. The first one is pupil size change. This can bring about a 30-fold adaptation within a fraction of a second by changing the amount of light reaching the retina through the pupillary aperture.

Another mechanism is a neural adaptation that occurs in a sequential chain of neurons in the retina itself and the visual pathway in the brain. This means that as the illumination increases, the signals transmitted by bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells are initially intense. However, at different stages of transmission along the neural circuit, the intensity of most signals decreases rapidly. In this case, the sensitivity changes only by a few times, and not by thousands, as in photochemical adaptation.

Neural adaptation, like the pupillary, occurs in a fraction of a second, for full adaptation through a photosensitive chemical system, many minutes and even hours are required.

Kravkoff-Purkinje dark adaptation training video

Table of contents of the topic "Physiology of the retina. Conducting visual pathways":

The sensitivity of the receptor cells of the eye is not constant, but depends on the illumination and the previous stimulus. So, after the action of intense light, the sensitivity decreases sharply, and in the dark it increases. The process of adaptation of vision is associated with the gradual "appearance" of objects when moving from a well-lit room to a dark one and, on the contrary, too bright light when returning to a lighted room. Vision adapts to light faster - within a few minutes. And dark adaptation occurs only after a few tens of minutes.. This difference is partly explained by the fact that the sensitivity of "daytime" cones changes faster (from 40 s to several minutes) than "evening" rods (completely ends only after 40-50 minutes). In this case, the rod system becomes much more sensitive than the cone system: in absolute darkness, the threshold of visual sensitivity reaches the level of 1-4 photons per second per photoreceptor. Under scotopic conditions, light stimuli are better distinguished not by the central fovea, but by its surrounding part, where the density of rods is highest. By the way, the difference in the rate of adaptation is quite understandable, since in nature, the illumination after sunset decreases rather slowly.

The mechanisms of adaptation to changing illumination begin with the receptor and optical apparatus of the eye. The latter is associated with the reaction of the pupil: constriction in the light and expansion in the dark. This mechanism is activated by the ANS. As a result, the number of receptors on which the light rays fall changes: the connection of rods at dusk worsens visual acuity and slows down the time of dark adaptation.

In the receptor cells themselves, the processes of decreasing and increasing sensitivity are due, on the one hand, to a change in the balance between the decaying and synthesized pigment (a certain role in this process belongs to the pigment cells that supply the rods with vitamin A). On the other hand, with the participation of neural mechanisms, the sizes of receptor fields are also regulated, switching from the cone system to the rod system.

The involvement of receptor cells in the process of adaptation can be easily verified by examining Fig. 6.30. If at the beginning the eye is fixed on the right half of the drawing, and then transferred to the left, then within a few seconds it will be possible to see the negative of the right drawing. Those areas of the retina, on which rays fell from dark places, become more sensitive than neighboring ones. This phenomenon is called in a consistent way.

Rice. 6.30. A drawing that allows you to determine the gradual decomposition of the visual pigment: after looking at the black cross for 20-30 seconds, look at the adjacent white field, where you can see a lighter cross.

The sequential image can also be colored. So, if you look at a colored object for a few seconds, and then look at a white wall, you can see the same object, but painted in complementary colors. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the white color contains a complex of light rays of different wavelengths. And when rays of the same wavelength act on the eye, even earlier, the sensitivity of the corresponding cones is reduced, and this color seems to be separated from white.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the eye to changing light conditions. Provided: by changing the diameter of the pupil opening, the movement of black pigment in the layers of the retina, the different reactions of rods and cones. The pupil can vary in diameter from 2 to 8 mm, while its area and, accordingly, the luminous flux change by 16 times. Pupil contraction occurs in 5 seconds, and its full expansion takes 5 minutes.

Color adaptation

Color perception may vary depending on external light conditions, but human vision adapts to the light source. This allows the light to be identified as the same. Different people have different eye sensitivity to each of the three colors.

Dark adaptation

Occurs during the transition from high to low brightness. If bright light initially hit the eye, then the rods were blinded, the rhodopsin faded, the black pigment penetrated the retina, shielding the cones from light. If suddenly the brightness of the light decreases significantly, then the pupil will first expand. Then the black pigment will begin to leave the retina, rhodopsin will be restored, and when it is enough, the rods will begin to function. Since the cones are not sensitive to low brightnesses, the eye will not see anything at first until the new vision mechanism comes into play. The sensitivity of the eye reaches its maximum value after 50-60 minutes of being in the dark.

Light adaptation

The process of adaptation of the eye during the transition from low to high brightness. At the same time, sticks are extremely irritated due to the rapid decomposition of rhodopsin, they are "blinded"; and even the cones, not yet protected by grains of black pigment, are too irritated. Only after sufficient time has elapsed is the adaptation of the eye to new conditions completed, the unpleasant sensation of blindness ceased, and the eye acquired the full development of all visual functions. Light adaptation lasts 8-10 minutes.

Light perception- the ability of the eye to perceive light and determine the various degrees of its brightness. Light perception reflects the functional state of the visual analyzer and characterizes the possibility of orientation in low light conditions; its violation is one of the early symptoms of many diseases of the eye. The threshold of light perception depends on the level of pre-illumination: it is lower in the dark and increases in the light.

Adaptation- change in the light sensitivity of the eye with fluctuations in illumination. The ability to adapt allows the eye to protect the photoreceptors from overvoltage and at the same time maintain high photosensitivity. A distinction is made between light adaptation (when the light level increases) and dark adaptation (when the light level decreases).

Light adaptation, especially with a sharp increase in the level of illumination, may be accompanied by a protective reaction of closing the eyes. The most intense light adaptation occurs during the first seconds, the threshold of light perception reaches its final values ​​by the end of the first minute.

Dark adaptation happens more slowly. Visual pigments in conditions of reduced illumination are consumed little, their gradual accumulation occurs, which increases the sensitivity of the retina to stimuli of reduced brightness. The light sensitivity of photoreceptors increases rapidly within 20-30 minutes, and reaches a maximum only by 50-60 minutes.

Hemeralopia - Weakened adaptation of the eye to the dark. Hemeralopia is manifested by a sharp decrease in twilight vision, while daytime vision is usually preserved. Allocate symptomatic, essential and congenital hemeralopia.

symptomatic hemeralopia accompanies various ophthalmic diseases: pigmented retinal abiotrophy, siderosis, high myopia with pronounced changes in the fundus.

Essential hemeralopia is caused by hypovitaminosis A. Retinol serves as a substrate for the synthesis of rhodopsin, which is disturbed in exogenous and endogenous vitamin deficiency.

congenital hemeralopia is a genetic disease. Ophthalmoscopic changes are not detected.

5) Binocular vision and the conditions for its formation.

binocular vision- this is vision with two eyes with a connection in the visual analyzer (cerebral cortex) of images received by each eye into a single image.

The conditions for the formation of binocular vision are as follows:

Visual acuity of both eyes should be at least 0.3;

Correspondence of convergence and accommodation;

Coordinated movements of both eyeballs;

Iseikonia - the same size of images formed on the retinas of both eyes (for this, the refraction of both eyes should not differ by more than 2 diopters);

The presence of fusion (fusion reflex) is the ability of the brain to merge images from the corresponding areas of both retinas.

6) Functions of central vision and features of visual perception in case of their violation.

Central shaped vision - the ability to distinguish the shape and details of the object in question due to visual acuity. Shaped vision and color perception are functions Central vision.

Partially sighted children with visual acuity of 0.005-0.01 with correction in the better seeing eye at a close distance (0.5-1.5 m) the contours of objects are distinguished. This distinction is rough, without highlighting details. But even it is important in the daily life of the child for orientation in the world of objects surrounding him.

Partially sighted children with visual acuity from 0.02 to 0.04 with a correction on the better-seeing eye, according to foreign typhlopedagogues, they have “motor vision”: when moving in space, they distinguish the shape of objects, their size and color, if it is bright, at a distance of 3-4 meters. Under specially created conditions, partially sighted people with a visual acuity of 0.02 in the better seeing eye can read flat print, look at color and monochrome illustrations. Children with visual acuity of 0.03-0.04 tend to widely use their vision for reading and writing, which can provoke visual fatigue, which adversely affects the state of their visual functions.

With visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.08 with a correction for the better seeing eye, a child at a distance of 4-5 meters distinguishes moving objects, reads large flat print, distinguishes flat contour images, color illustrations and contrast images. For these children, vision remains the leading one in sensory cognition of the surrounding world.

Visual acuity from 0.09 to 0.2 allows a visually impaired child to study educational material with the help of vision in specially organized conditions. Such children can read ordinary books, write in flat type, navigate in space, observe surrounding objects at a distance, and work under systematic visual control. Only for reading and writing, perception of pictures, diagrams and other visual information, many of them need more time and specially created conditions.

More than 70% of partially sighted and 35% of visually impaired students have a color vision disorder. Its violations are manifested in the form of color weakness or color blindness. Color blindness can be complete (achromasia), then the child sees the whole world as in a black and white movie. Colorblindness can be selective, i.e. to one of any colors. In partially sighted and visually impaired people, the sensation of red and green colors is most often disturbed. In the first case, for example, red is equated by the child with green and is defined as “some kind of green”, light red as “some kind of light gray” and even “light green”. A child with color blindness to green defines dark green as “some kind of dark red”, light green as “something like light red” or “light gray”.

In some cases, a violation of color vision is limited to color weakness - a weakening of sensitivity to any color tone. In this case, light and sufficiently saturated, bright colors are well distinguished, they are poorly distinguished - dark colors or light, but slightly saturated, dim.

Very often, in partially sighted and visually impaired, color weakness can be several colors at once: for example, red and green. It is possible to combine color blindness and color weakness in the same child. For example, a child has color blindness to red and color weakness to green, i.e. he does not distinguish red tones and at the same time his sensitivity to green is weakened. In some children, the state of color vision in one eye is different from the state of vision in the other eye.

But even among children with severe eye diseases, only a small number of them have complete color blindness, i.e. does not distinguish colors at all. At the level of very low visual acuity (0.005 and below), the child may retain the sensation of yellow and blue colors. It is necessary to teach him to use this color perception: for example, a blue spot (a flowerbed with flowers of lavender or cornflowers) is a signal that it is here that you need to turn towards the building where the gym is located; a yellow spot on the way home is a bus stop, etc.

7) Functions of peripheral vision and features of visual perception in case of their violation.

peripheral vision-perception of a part of space around a fixed point

Field of view and light perception are functions Peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is provided by the peripheral parts of the retina.

Study light perception child is of great practical importance. It reflects the functional state of the visual analyzer, characterizes the possibility of orientation in low light conditions, its violation is one of the early symptoms of many diseases. Persons with impaired light adaptation see better at dusk than in the light. A disorder of dark adaptation leading to disorientation in conditions of reduced twilight lighting is called hemeralopia or “night blindness”. There are functional hemeralopia, which develops as a result of a lack of vitamin A, and symptomatic, associated with damage to the photosensitive layer of the retina, which is one of the symptoms of diseases of the retina and optic nerve. It is necessary to create conditions that do not provoke the state of light or dark maladaptation of the child. To do this, you do not need to turn off the general light even when it works with a table lamp; very sharp differences in the illumination of the premises should not be allowed; it is necessary to have curtains, and preferably blinds, in order to protect the child from maladaptation by sunlight that hits his eyes and sun glare at his workplace. Children with photophobia should not be seated near a window.

What does a breach lead to? field of view? First of all, to a violation of the visual reflection of space: it either narrows or deforms. In severe impairment of the visual field, there cannot be a simultaneous simultaneous visual perception of the space visible in normal vision. First, the child examines it in parts, and then, as a result of a control general review, reunites what has been examined in parts into a single whole. Of course, this significantly affects the speed and accuracy of perception, especially at preschool age, until the child acquires visual dexterity, i.e. the ability to rationally use the possibilities of their impaired vision.

You should know that regardless of visual acuity when the field of view is narrowed to 5-10˚, the child belongs to the category of the blind, and when the field of vision is narrowed to 30˚ - to the category of visually impaired. Violations of the visual field differ not only in magnitude, but also in their location in space, limited by indicators of the normal visual field. The most common are the following types of visual field disorders:

Concentric narrowing of the visual field

Loss of individual areas within the field of view (scotomas);

Loss of half of the visual field vertically or horizontally.

8) Life restrictions that occur in children with violations of the basic functions of vision.

Visual impairments caused by various causes are called visual impairment. Visual impairments are conventionally divided into deep and shallow. To deep include visual impairments associated with a significant decrease in such important functions as visual acuity and field of vision (having an organic determination). To shallow include violations of oculomotor functions, color discrimination, binocular vision, visual acuity (associated with a disorder of optical mechanisms: myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism).

Violation of sp f-th Features of visual perception Life restrictions
Violation of visual acuity difficult to distinguish:- small details - quantities - objects and images similar in shape reduced:- speed of perception - completeness of perception - accuracy of perception - do not recognize or confuse objects; - find it difficult in spatial orientation (they do not perceive designations), social orientation (they do not recognize people); - activity slows down
Violation of color vision - all objects are perceived as gray (complete color blindness); - partial color blindness on red and green colors - color blindness on green color (built-in more often); - see objects painted in any one color - find it difficult to determine the color of an object, in recognizing an object - find it difficult to distinguish one of the three colors (red, green, blue), - mix green and red colors
visual field disturbance - tubular vision (extensive narrowing of the field of view); - partial loss of the field of view (appearance of shadows, spots, circles, arcs in the field of perception); - successive perception of objects - inability to look at distant objects - do not recognize or confuse objects; - find it difficult to establish links between objects: spatial, quantitative; - find it difficult in spatial orientation; - find it difficult to carry out practical actions; - with a tubular eye they work well during the day, with sufficient light, with a center slope - in the evening; - with tubular vision, they almost do not see at dusk, in cloudy weather;
Violation of light perception hemeralopia - weakening of the eye's adaptation to the dark: manifested by a sharp decrease in twilight vision, while daytime vision is usually preserved. - with a sharp change in illumination, they become almost blind
binocular vision disorder it is difficult to perceive the object as a whole - have difficulty recognizing or confusing objects; - find it difficult in spatial orientation; - find it difficult to perform practical actions; - activity slows down
Violation of oculomotor functions Nystagmus (involuntary oscillatory movements of the eyeballs), even with sufficiently high visual acuity, leads to blurred perception Strabismus (violation of the symmetrical position of the eyes) leads to impaired binocular vision - Difficulties in orientation in microspace (hold a line, find and hold a paragraph); - make smooth, without interruption, movements with a pencil; - Difficulties in reading and writing

9) Directions of pedagogical work on the development of visual perception of children with visual impairments.

Directions of work on RZV determined by the program. Today, the solution to the problem of developing visual perception in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren with visual impairments is concentrated in the activities of a defectologist teacher and is implemented in special correctional classes that meet the requirements of the "Development of Visual Perception" programs at the level of preschool and school education.

Vision Development Program. percept., developed by Nikulina G.V. For the purposeful development of this process, she identified five groups of tasks.

1st task group on the development of visual perception is aimed at expansion and correction in children with visual impairments of subject representations and methods of examining objects: enrichment of children's visual representations of the properties and qualities of objects in the world around them; teaching them to visually analyze parts of an object, the ability to see the common and different between objects of the same type; development and improvement of the objectivity of perception through the clarification of visual object representations; Teaching children the ability to recognize objects presented for perception in different versions and highlight the signs of this identification; Improving methods of visual examination.

2nd task group aimed to the formation of visual sensory standards in children with visual impairments(systems of sensory standards): color, shape, size.

3rd group involves the formation of children's skills establish causal relationships when perceiving a variety of objects of the surrounding reality, which has a positive impact on all analytic-synthetic activities. Students should: - holistically consider three compositional plans; - consider a person with a definition of posture, gestures, facial expressions, etc.; - purposefully determine the informational features that characterize natural phenomena and the scene of action; - determine the social affiliation of the characters by clothing, household items.

4th group tasks consists of two independent, but interconnected subgroups . 1st subgroup tasks for the development of visual perception is aimed at development of depth perception; development of the ability to assess the depth of space on a polysensory basis. 2nd subgroup tasks is aimed at developing in children the ability to navigate in space through mastering spatial representations; expanding the experience of social skills. The solution of this group of tasks allows you to purposefully develop the spatial perception of children.

5th group tasks is aimed at ensuring a close connection between the manual and visual actions of the child and improving hand-eye coordination. Visual impairment significantly complicates the formation of manual exploratory actions for the child.

10) Characteristics of visual disorders in young children (L.I. Filchikova).

Dystrophic diseases of the retina. All tissues of a living organism are in a state of stable equilibrium with continuously changing conditions of the external and internal environment, which is characterized as homeostasis. In violation of the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of homeostasis in tissues, dystrophy occurs, that is, deterioration in nutrition. In other words, changes in tissue metabolism lead to damage to its structure. Retinal degenerations in children appear predominantly as pigmentary and punctate white degeneration, as well as macular degeneration. This pathology is practically untreatable. Reverse development of the process is almost impossible

Partial atrophy of the optic nerves atrophy is a decrease in the size of cells, tissues and organs due to general and local nutritional disorders. Eating disorders can be caused by inflammation, inactivity, pressure, and other causes. There are primary and secondary atrophy of the optic nerve. Primary include atrophy, which was not preceded by inflammation or swelling of the optic nerve; to the secondary - the one that followed the neuritis-edema of the optic nerve.

Retinopathy of prematurity. This is a serious disease of the retina and vitreous body, which develops mainly in very premature babies. The disease is based on a violation of the normal formation of retinal vessels as a result of the action of many different factors. Chronic somatic and gynecological diseases of the mother, toxicosis of pregnancy, bleeding during childbirth contribute to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus, disrupt blood circulation in the mother-placenta-fetus system and thus induce the subsequent pathological development of retinal vessels.

congenital glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure (ocular hypertension), causing damage to the optic nerve and retina. Hypertension develops because there are obstacles to the normal outflow of intraocular fluid.

Congenital glaucoma is often combined with other defects of the eye or body of a child, but it can also be an independent disease. With an increase in intraocular pressure, the conditions for blood circulation through the vessels of the eye worsen. The blood supply to the intraocular part of the optic nerve suffers especially sharply. As a result, atrophy of the nerve fibers in the region of the optic nerve head develops. Glaucomatous atrophy is manifested by blanching of the disc and the formation of a recess - excavation, which first occupies the central and temporal sections of the disc, and then the entire disc.

congenital cataracts. cataract is a complete or partial clouding of the lens, accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity from negligible to light perception. There are congenital, acquired and traumatic cataracts.

Congenital myopia (nearsightedness). Nearsightedness (myopia)- a disease in which a person has difficulty distinguishing objects located at a long distance. At myopia the image does not fall on a specific area of ​​the retina, but is located in the plane in front of it. Therefore, it is perceived by us as fuzzy. This happens due to a discrepancy between the strength of the optical system of the eye and its length. Usually with myopia, the size of the eyeball is enlarged ( axial myopia ), although it can also occur as a result of the excessive strength of the refractive apparatus ( refractive myopia ). The greater the discrepancy, the greater the myopia

One of the most important indicators of functional development is the level of visual perception, which determines the success of mastering the basic skills of writing and reading in elementary school.

Target diagnosing the level of RZV - to determine the level of readiness of the child for schooling, to outline the ways and amount of correctional and developmental work.

They study the functions, the violation of which provokes learning difficulties.

1. The level of sensory readiness of the child for schooling. (Color, shape, size)

2. The level of development of hand-eye coordination.

3. The level of development of visual-spatial perception and visual memory.

4. The level of perception of images of complex shape.

5. The level of perception of plot images.

The child is offered a set of tasks for recognizing, distinguishing and correlating sensory standards.- Recognition, naming, correlation and differentiation of primary colors, colors of the spectrum; -Localization of the desired color from a number of close ones; - Perception and correlation of shades. - Mixing colors; - Color palette (contrasting colors. Color combinations, cold and warm tones) and signs of primary colors in achromatic arrangement; - recognition and naming of the main flat figures. - polysensory perception of geometric shapes; - Differentiation of similar figures; - Perception of sensory standards of form of various configurations and in various spatial arrangements; - Praxis with geometric shapes. - Correlation in size in various ways; -Seriation in size with a gradual decrease in differences in size;

Analysis of results: high level- independently recognizes, distinguishes, correlates sensory standards; average level- minor shortcomings, single errors in the performance of certain tasks; low level- Numerous errors and shortcomings in the performance of three or more tasks.

The level of development of visual-motor coordination affects the ability to master reading and writing, drawing, drawing, determines the quality of practical actions.

The standardized method of M.M. Bezrukikh and L.V. Morozova: materials : Test booklet, simple pencil. Instructions for all tasks of the subtest: Do not take your pencil off the paper when completing all assignments. Do not twist the text sheet. Attention! Remember to repeat the instructions before the children complete each item in this subtest. Make sure that the child takes the sheets with the appropriate tasks.

Throughout the subtest, the researcher constantly monitors that the child does not take the pencil off the paper. Children are not allowed to turn the sheet, because when the sheet is turned, the vertical lines become horizontal and vice versa; if the child stubbornly tries to turn the sheet over, then the result of this task is not taken into account. When a child performs tasks in which the directions of hand movement are given, it is necessary to ensure that he draws lines in a given direction; if the child draws lines in the opposite direction, the result of the task is not taken into account.

Exercise 1. A dot and an asterisk are drawn here (show). Draw a straight line from the dot to the star without lifting your pencil from the paper. Try to keep the line as straight as possible. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 2. Two vertical stripes are drawn here - lines (show). Find the middle of the first strip, and then the second. Draw a straight line from the middle of the first strip to the middle of the second. Don't take your pencil off the paper. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 3. Look, here is a path drawn that goes from one side to the other - a horizontal path (show). You need to draw a straight line from the beginning to the end of the path along its middle. Try not to let the line touch the edges of the track. Don't take your pencil off the paper. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 4. A dot and an asterisk are also drawn here. You need to connect them by drawing a straight line from top to bottom.

Task 5. Two stripes are drawn here - upper and lower (horizontal lines). Draw a straight line from top to bottom, without lifting the pencil from the paper, and connect the middle of the top strip with the middle of the bottom.

Task 6. A path is drawn here that goes from top to bottom (vertical path). Draw a vertical line in the middle of the track from top to bottom, without touching the edges of the track. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Tasks 7-12. You need to circle the drawn figure along a dashed line, and then draw exactly the same figure yourself. Draw as you see it; try to correctly convey the shape and size of the figure. Outline the figure and draw only in the given direction and try not to tear the pencil off the paper. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Tasks 13–16. Now you need to circle the proposed drawing along a broken line, but you need to draw a line only in the direction in which the arrow shows, that is, as soon as you finish drawing to the “crossroads”, look where the arrow points, and draw further in that direction. The line should end at an asterisk (show). Don't take your pencil off the paper. Do not forget that the sheet cannot be twirled. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Analysis of the results of a diagnostic study makes it possible to identify children with a high, medium and low level of development of visual-motor coordination. Based on the characteristics of the cognitive activity of children with amblyopia and strabismus, in order to quantify the level of development of visual-motor coordination in children with functional visual impairments, it is advisable to use adapted quantitative criteria. Thus, a high level of development of visual-motor coordination implies the correct performance of more than 9 tasks by a child, an average one - from 8 to 5 tasks, a low level - less than 4 tasks.

In order to assess the level of development of visual-spatial perception, it is advisable to use tasks aimed at identifying the level of formation of skills: - assess distances in a large space; - evaluate the relative position of objects in space; - to recognize the position of an object in space; - determine spatial relationships; - find certain figures located on a noisy background; - find all figures of a given shape.

To assess the level of formation of the ability of children with amblyopia and strabismus to assess distances in a large space, you can use tasks that require the child to answer the question: what is closer (further) from one object, from another object?

To assess the level of formation of children's ability to determine the relative position of objects in space, tasks can be used that stimulate the child to use such prepositions and adverbs as in, on, behind, in front of, at, on the left, on the right, under. As a stimulus material, you can use a plot picture, selected taking into account the visual capabilities of children with amblyopia and strabismus.

To assess the level of formation of the ability to recognize the position of an object in space, tasks can be used that orient the child to recognize figures (letters) presented in an unusual perspective (position).

To assess the level of formation of the ability to determine spatial relationships, it is advisable to use five types of tasks: - tasks for orientation relative to oneself; - tasks for orientation relative to the subject; - tasks for the analysis and copying of simple forms, consisting of lines and various angles; - tasks for the figure-background difference, you can use tasks for finding a given figure with an increase in the number of background figures; - tasks to determine the constancy of the outlines of the central geometric figure, which has different sizes, colors and different positions in space.

An analysis of the data obtained in the course of a diagnostic study of the level of development of visual-spatial perception in children with visual impairment makes it possible to identify this level of development in each individual child: - if the child found a high level of performance in all tasks, then we can talk about a high level of development of visual-spatial perception. spatial perception; - if the child found minor shortcomings, single errors in the performance of the proposed tasks or did not completely cope with one of the tasks, then we can assume that the child has an average level of development of visual-spatial perception; - if a child makes gross mistakes when performing three (or four) tasks or fails to complete two or more tasks, then we can state a low level of development of visual-spatial perception.

For rate level of development of image perception complex form, two types of tasks can be used: - a task for constructing an image (for example, a dog) from geometric shapes; - a task to compose a whole from parts of a subject image, for example, from an image of a person (the image can be cut horizontally and vertically into 8 parts).

Analysis of the data obtained in this series of experiments involves the use of the following criteria: - if the child coped with both tasks quickly and independently, or when performing one of the tasks, using the trial and error method, quickly achieved the correct result, then we can talk about a high level of development of this visual function. perception, as the perception of complex images; - if the child completes both tasks through repeated use of the trial and error method, but ultimately copes with the tasks, this level of development can be defined as average; - if the child uses the superposition method when performing both tasks, then we can talk about a low level of development of this function of visual perception.

Tasks for assessing the level of development of visual perception in children with visual impairments of a functional nature, it is aimed at identifying the level of perception of the plot picture. The visualization presented should correspond both to the age of the subjects and their visual capabilities. In order to assess the level of development of the perception of the plot picture of children with visual impairments, we can offer questions aimed at: - identifying the content of the picture; - to identify an adequate perception of the characters; - understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, etc.

A high level of perception of the plot picture implies a free and accurate definition by the child of its content, adequate perception, determination of cause-and-effect relationships.

The average level of perception of the plot picture implies the correct fulfillment of the above tasks by children, provided that the child's activity is stimulated by a typhlopedagogue and isolated cases of inaccurate (inadequate) recognition.

The low level of perception of the plot picture implies the child's inability to cope with all three tasks either independently or in a question-answer form. The plot is distorted.

16) Requirements for diagnostic materials (size, color, contouring, background, etc.), features of their presentation.

Illumination of the workplace is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the reactivity of the visual system.

The optimal distance from the eyes of visual material is 20-30 cm. The teacher should not allow visual fatigue. The duration of visual work should take into account the ergonomic features of the eye. During breaks for rest - visual fixation of distant objects, which helps to reduce the tension of accommodation, or adaptation to a white background of medium brightness.

Certain requirements are imposed on the visual material. Images in figures should have optimal spatial and temporal characteristics (brightness, contrast, color, etc.). It is important to limit the information capacity of images and plot situations in order to eliminate redundancy that makes identification difficult. The number and density of images, the degree of their dissection matter. Each image should have a clear outline, high contrast (up to 60-100%); its angular dimensions are selected individually depending on visual acuity and the state of the visual field.

Among the features of the construction of stimulus material, attention should be paid to several provisions that should be taken into account by a psychologist when choosing and adapting methods: compliance in images with proportionality of ratios in size in accordance with the ratios of real objects, correlation with the real color of objects, high color contrast, clearer selection near, medium and far plans.

Value presented objects should be determined depending on two factors - the age and visual abilities of children. Visual capabilities are determined jointly with an ophthalmologist depending on the nature of the visual pathology.

The size of the perceptual field of presented objects ranges from 0.5 to 50°, but the most commonly used angular dimensions are from 10 to 50°. The angular dimensions of the images are within 3-35°.

The distance from the eyes is determined for each child individually (20-30 cm). Pictures are presented at an angle of 5 to 45° relative to the line of sight.

background complexity. For children of preschool and primary school age, the background against which the object is presented must be unloaded from unnecessary details, otherwise difficulties arise in identifying the object and its qualities in accordance with the task.

Color spectrum. It is advisable to use yellow-red-orange and green tones, especially for preschool and primary school children.

Hue saturation- 0.8-1.0. When creating special stimulus materials for children with visual impairment, it is necessary to use (developed by L.A. Grigoryan) 7 types of visual loads for preschool children with amblyopia and strabismus, in order to correct and protect vision.

Similar information.

The visual analyzer has the ability to perceive light and evaluate the degree of its brightness. It is called light perception. This function of the organ of vision is very early and basic. As you know, other functions of the eye are somehow based on it. Animal eyes can only perceive light, it is perceived by light-sensitive cells. In the last century, scientists have established that nocturnal animals consist mainly of rods, and diurnal animals consist of cones. This allowed them to make a conclusion about the duality of our vision, that is, that it is an instrument of night or twilight vision, and - daytime.

Light sensation is possible due to the functioning of the rods. They are more sensitive to light rays than cones. In the outer parts of the rods, primary enzymatic and photophysical processes of converting light energy into physiological excitation are constantly taking place.

A feature of the human eye is the ability to perceive light of different intensity - from very bright to almost negligible. The threshold of irritation is called the minimum value of the luminous flux, which gives the perception of light. The discrimination threshold is the ultimate minimum difference in brightness between two illuminated objects. The values ​​of both thresholds are inversely proportional to the degree of light sensation.

Light and dark adaptation

The basis of the study of light perception is the determination of the magnitude of these thresholds, in particular, the threshold of irritation. It varies depending on the degree of preliminary illumination that acted on the eyeball. If a person stays in the dark for a while, and then goes out into a bright light, then blindness occurs. After some time, it passes on its own, and the person regains the ability to tolerate bright light well. We all know that if you stay in the light for a long time, and then go into a darkened room, then at first it is almost impossible to distinguish the objects that are in it. They become visible only after a while. The process of adapting the eyes to different light intensities scientists call adaptation. It is light and dark.

Light adaptation is the process of adapting the eye to conditions of higher illumination. It flows fast enough. Some patients have a disorder of light adaptation in the presence of congenital color blindness. They see better in the dark than in the light.

Dark adaptation is the adaptation of the eyeball in conditions where there is insufficient lighting. It is a change in the light sensitivity of the eye after the cessation of exposure to light rays. In 1865, G. Aubert began to study dark adaptation. He suggested using the term "adaptation".

With dark adaptation, maximum sensitivity to light occurs during and after the first 30-45 minutes. In the case when the examined eye will continue to remain in the dark, the photosensitivity will continue to increase. Moreover, the rate of increase in photosensitivity is inversely proportional to the preliminary adaptation of the eye to light. Light sensitivity during light adaptation increases by 8000-10000 times.

The study of dark adaptation is carried out during the military examination and professional selection. This is a very important method for diagnosing visual impairment.

In order to determine the light sensitivity and study the entire course of adaptation, adaptometers are used. When conducting a medical examination, they use the adaptometer N.A. Vishnevsky and S.V. Kravkov. With its help, the state of twilight vision is approximately determined during mass research. The study is carried out within 3-5 minutes.

The operation of this device is based on the Purkinje phenomenon. It lies in the fact that under conditions of twilight vision, the maximum brightness moves in the spectrum in the direction from its red part to violet-blue. The following example can be used as an illustration of this phenomenon: at dusk, a red poppy appears almost black, and blue cornflowers appear light gray.

Currently, ophthalmologists widely use adaptometers of the ADT model to study adaptation. They allow you to comprehensively study the state of twilight vision. The advantage of the device is that the results of the study can be obtained in a short time. This adaptometer allows you to study the course of increasing light sensitivity in patients during a long stay in the dark.

It is not necessary to use an adaptometer to determine the state of dark adaptation. It can be checked using the Kravkov-Purkinje table, which is prepared as follows:

  • take a piece of cardboard 20 × 20 cm in size and paste over with black paper;
  • stick 4 squares on it, made of blue, red, yellow and green paper, the size of which is 3 × 3 cm;
  • the patient is shown colored squares in a darkened room, placing them at a distance of 40-50 cm from the eyeballs.

If the patient's light sensation is not disturbed, then at the beginning of the study he does not see these squares. After 30-40 minutes, a person begins to distinguish the contours of the yellow square, and after a while - the blue one. In the case when the light sensation is lowered, he will not see a blue square at all, but instead of a yellow square he will see a bright spot.

The quality of light sensitivity and adaptation depends on many factors. So, in a person aged 20-30 years, light sensitivity is the highest, and in old age it decreases, because in old age the sensitivity of the nerve cells of the centers of vision weakens. If the barometric pressure decreases, then due to insufficient oxygen concentration in the air, the light sensitivity may decrease.

The following factors influence the course of adaptation:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • food quality;
  • stressful situations;
  • change in ambient temperature.


Decreased dark adaptation is called hemeralopia. It can be congenital or acquired. The causes of congenital hemeralopathy have not yet been elucidated. In some cases it is familial.

Acquired hemeralopia is a symptom of certain diseases of the retina and optic nerve:

  • pigmentary dystrophy;
  • inflammatory lesions of the eye;
  • retina;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • stagnant disk.

It is determined at and a high degree. In these cases, irreversible changes in the anatomical structures of the eye develop. Functional acquired hemeralopathy develops in case of a deficiency in the body of vitamins B, A and C. After taking complex vitamin preparations with a high content of vitamin A, dark photosensitivity is restored.

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