What cereal to feed a German shepherd. How to feed a German Shepherd: healthy and prohibited foods. Cooking oatmeal

Some 30 years ago, meat and cereals for dogs were the basis of the diet. But with the massive increase and active advertising of commercial feeds, the concept of natural nutrition or simply "natural" appeared. Unfortunately, many understand it not quite correctly, or even completely distort it in their favor. There are a lot of questions and disputes on this topic, including: is it possible to feed a dog with porridge?

Natural nutrition is not food from the master's table! The term is understood as feeding as close as possible to the natural diet of a certain species, in our case, a dog. For example: is meat a natural product? Of course yes! For a dog, not for a cow. Hay is also a natural product, but only for a cow, not for dogs.

Feeding carnivores bread, sweets, "natural" fried potatoes, pasta, and other things is not related to natural nutrition, just like feeding dogs only cereals or seafood.

The dog is a predator, but!

A dog should only eat meat like a wolf - another misconception. Consider in general terms the diet of wolves, the closest relatives of our four-legged friends.

In addition to food of animal origin, wolves also eat fruits, berries, roots, amphibians, large insects, eggs (if you're lucky to crush the masonry) and herbivore excrement. Grays eat small prey whole, in large prey they first eat part of the skin, naturally with wool, intestines and stomach along with the contents, then they feast on offal, and leave some part of the fillet for dessert.

Your pet will not eat roots or elk excrement, but the diet should include carbohydrates and fiber, which means it should contain cereals. Answering the question whether it is possible to feed a dog with porridge, we say “it is possible”.

What kind of cereal can dogs have?

Healthy animal nutrition implies a strict selection of products. The rule also applies to cereals, not all of them are equally useful. We will figure out which cereals are given to dogs, and which ones are better to refuse.


Buckwheat is one of the healthiest cereals. It contains trace elements, vitamins and proteins of plant origin. Buckwheat porridge has a positive effect on metabolism. In addition, it is rich in lecithin, and therefore recommended for liver diseases. The rich composition of cereals is both an advantage and a disadvantage, in some dogs it causes an allergic reaction.


Rice, especially not polished, is a natural sorbent rich in fiber, macro and microelements, and vitamins. Rice porridge stimulates digestion and is well absorbed by the body.


Oatmeal is no less useful, contains vitamins, macro and microelements, has an enveloping property and stimulates peristalsis. Oatmeal in the form of cereals or flakes is not recommended to be given in its pure form, so as not to provoke indigestion, only in combination with the aforementioned cereals. Porridge contains a lot of carbohydrates and in dogs that lead a sedentary lifestyle, can provoke obesity.

Oatmeal is contraindicated in animals suffering from urolithiasis.

If your pet has health problems, be sure to consult your veterinarian about what kind of porridge is best to feed your dog.


Semolina contains a lot of carbohydrates, and microelements and vitamins are not included in the composition, so cereals are not given regularly. Veterinarians can introduce semolina into the diet, with diseases of the stomach. Milk semolina is allowed in the diet of puppies to make up for the high energy requirement.

Corn grits

Corn groats are a very popular product in the production of ready-made dog food, and many dog ​​breeders began to introduce corn porridge into the diet of their pets.

In terms of the amount of nutrients, the product is far from being a leader, and it is also characterized by low digestibility, but in a small amount it will be a useful addition, since it inhibits fermentation processes in the intestines and stimulates hematopoiesis due to the high content of nickel, iron and copper.

Barley grits

Barley groats are not inherently harmful, but are considered an inferior product for dogs. It is hard to digest and does not replenish the necessary energy reserve.


Millet in the body of dogs is hard to digest. In large breeds, large volumes of wheat porridge can provoke intestinal volvulus.

Barley porridge

Barley porridge is practically not digested and is a serious allergen. The nutritional value of cereals is low, and the fiber content is very high, so it is indicated for obesity or constipation, if it does not cause allergies.

Pea porridge

Pea porridge, like other legumes, is categorically contraindicated in dogs because of the likelihood of provoking bloating. Flatulence is much more difficult for dogs than humans due to the anatomy.

You now know what kind of porridge to cook for a dog, it remains to find out how much porridge a pet needs and how to cook it.

How much porridge should be given to a dog?

Now that we have decided on cereals, let's calculate how much cereal to give the dog for one feeding? The main dish - porridge with meat products and vegetables, is given to pets at the rate of: 60-70 grams of feed per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. This rate is divided into 2 or 3 doses.

The product ratio is as follows:

  • 50% sinewy meat and offal;
  • 30% porridge;
  • 20% vegetables and fruits.

Thus, per kilogram of dog weight, you need 30-35 grams of meat, porridge - 20-25 grams, and vegetables and herbs - 5-10 grams per day.

A dog that weighs 15 kg, with two meals a day, should eat 150-190 grams of porridge per feeding, or 300-375 grams per day.

How to cook porridge for a dog?

First of all, dog breeders should understand that their pets do not need an extreme variety of diet. Dogs do not need to constantly taste new dishes, and on the contrary, the gastrointestinal tract of a predator adapts to one type of food and is tuned specifically for its digestion.

Sudden changes in diet will at best cause indigestion. It is necessary to decide what kind of porridge to cook for the dog and stop at the chosen option.

Now let's move on to the preparation. To properly cook porridge for a dog, you need to follow a few simple rules. Porridge can be single-component or cooked from several cereals. Cook porridge in water without salt and spices. Any cereal should be well boiled and crumbly, not gluey. Only oatmeal is recommended not to cook, but to steam. 5 minutes before readiness, finely chopped or grated vegetables, raw meat are added to the porridge. Offal is also added at the end, but pre-boiled. Offal is prepared separately from cereals, the broth is not used.

  • The ratio of cereals and water is 1 to 3;
  • Any spices are contraindicated, even if it seems that with them the pet eats its portion faster;
  • Porridge should not be salted, especially for animals prone to or suffering from urolithiasis.
  • When the porridge is cooked, it is left to infuse under the lid for at least half an hour.
  • A little vegetable oil or fish oil is added to the finished porridge.

Porridge in the dog's diet are important. Cereals are a storehouse of mineral salts, vegetable proteins and vitamins, especially group B. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and fiber will ensure the normal functioning of the intestines.

Why is it better to cook porridge with water?

Why porridge cannot be boiled in broth is a topic that is being discussed very vigorously today, and people, as happens in such cases, often defend extremes. Meanwhile, it is really undesirable to give the broth to dogs, especially the one we are used to: more daring, but fatter ...

As a result of long cooking, unsplit fats, toxins and other substances unnecessary for the dog remain in the broth. All this goes from the stomach to the liver, where it causes cell damage. In addition, any dilution of gastric juice upsets the balance and does not have the best effect on digestion. Constant feeding with rich broths can provoke the development of erosive gastritis.

Low-fat, double- or triple-boiled broths can sometimes be given to dogs. But it is not advisable to cook cereals on them. The dog gets used to porridge with the smell of meat and then refuses boiled with water, and the owners certainly follow its requirements and continue to buy soup sets.

What is the best porridge to feed a dog? Fresh from quality products with meat, vegetables and herbs. If you are a caring owner and decide to assign natural food to your dog, follow simple rules so that your pet lives a long, and most importantly, healthy life.

Despite the fact that today there are a lot of different dog foods, many pet owners prefer to feed their pets with homemade food, arguing that it does not contain preservatives, dyes and stabilizers. But, if the owner decides to cook food on his own, then he must know how to properly make up the dog's diet.

Porridges cooked with meat or offal and vegetables are the basis of a dog's diet. But not all cereals have the same nutritional value and are good for animals. The usefulness of cereals also depends on the method of preparation, so you need to know how to properly cook porridge.

Buckwheat grain

Natural buckwheat is considered the most useful for dogs. Unroasted cereals contain iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamins B, E, PP, D, which are not destroyed even after heat treatment. Buckwheat contains flavonoids, which, forming compounds with vitamin C, are natural antioxidants and have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Buckwheat porridge is essential in the diet of diabetic dogs as it lowers blood sugar levels. A large amount of magnesium contributes to the strengthening of bones, muscle building, good heart function. Loose buckwheat porridge is quickly digested, stimulates intestinal motility and has significant nutritional value (334 kcal per 100 g of porridge).

How to cook buckwheat porridge?

Buckwheat must be poured with cold water for 20 minutes and drained along with garbage and husks. The prepared groats are placed in a saucepan and poured with water or meat, vegetable broth so that the liquid is 2 times more than the groats. Bring the porridge to readiness by evaporating the liquid, and, closing the lid, let it brew. Butter can be added to a warm dish if the porridge is cooked in water or vegetable broth. If meat broth was used, then it is unnecessary to add additional fats.

Rice groats

Rice is a good absorbent, stimulates digestion and contains many useful micro and macro elements and vitamins. Rice has a great energy value and must be included in the dog's diet. Unpolished rice is considered the most useful, since the shell contains the maximum amount of fiber and nutrients.

Rice porridge is boiled until crumbly, and then insisted. If porridge is used as a natural absorbent, then it is boiled until sticky and fresh is used to treat diarrhea, remove toxins, and vomit.

How to cook rice porridge?

Rice should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, especially if polished rice is cooked. Then prepared rice is poured into boiling water and boiled for 30-35 minutes. Then the porridge is covered and insisted. Broth, vegetables, meat are introduced into the finished dish. Rice porridge can be slightly salted and add a spoonful of vegetable oil to avoid sticking.

Wheat groats

Wheat groats are a complete and nutritious product, but are less digestible than other cereals. Therefore, wheat porridge is used as a natural "broom" for the dog's intestines. It is better to give wheat porridge to adult dogs, puppies should be fed with other cereals.

How to cook wheat porridge?

Wheat groats are poured into boiling water or broth and boiled for a long time so that the grains are well boiled. Vegetable oil and prepared meat, boiled vegetables and herbs are added to the finished porridge. Feeding wheat porridge to dogs is often not recommended. This is just an extra dish.

Oat groats

Oatmeal or Hercules flakes contain a large amount of magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium and vitamins A, B, E. Cereal porridge is not intended for constant feeding. It is contraindicated in animals with urolithiasis.

How to cook oatmeal porridge?

To preserve all the mineral substances, it is better not to boil the flakes, but to steam them. Flakes are poured with hot water or broth, wrapped and infused. They give freshly prepared porridge, you should not store oatmeal. In the dog's diet, oatmeal is introduced no more than 1 time per week.

What should not be given to a dog?

Millet, semolina, corn and barley porridge are the cheapest. For this reason, they are used for dog food. But doctors do not recommend using them, because:

  • millet can cause volvulus and has no nutritional value;
  • semolina- pure carbohydrates and is not used for feeding adult dogs. Semolina can be used on the recommendation of a veterinarian for feeding weakened animals with gastrointestinal pathology and newborn puppies. But prolonged use of semolina can lead to obesity and the formation of a loose constitution;
  • corn- used in cheap feed, but poorly absorbed by animals. In exceptional cases, it can be given in the form of boiled cobs, if the dog likes such a “delicacy”. But doctors advise occasionally giving corn porridge to dogs that have inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces the fermentation and putrefaction of food in the intestines;
  • pearl barley- is not digested and "clogs" the intestines of the dog, in addition, it often causes an allergic reaction. It can only be used as a "brush" in the diet of large and active dogs with a healthy digestive system.

Porridge should be flavored with lean meats or well-cooked offal. Be sure to supplement your diet with vegetables. They are boiled separately. Porridge is cooked on the broth, and vegetables are added to the finished dish. Flax seed can be added to the porridge, but no more than 1/3 teaspoon per day for large dogs.

Watch a video on how to cook porridge, food for a Husky dog:

How to choose porridge according to your needs?

Porridge should make up at least 40% of the total amount of food used for dog food. Cereals should be alternated, arranged. Do not feed the animal for a long time, even the most useful porridge. For puppies, it is better to limit yourself to rice and buckwheat porridge until they reach 8-10 months, and then supplement the diet with wheat and oatmeal.

Rice and buckwheat are suitable for feeding representatives of dwarf breeds, whose weight does not exceed 5 kg. Porridge is necessary as a source of micro and macro elements, vitamins, but before feeding it to a pet, you need to properly prepare a hearty and healthy meal.

To raise a healthy puppy, the dog owner must take responsibility. At first, the new owner may be afraid to harm the pet, but after a couple of weeks or months, the experience of feeding the dog appears, and the fear disappears. A grown puppy evokes positive emotions, but in order to raise a powerful, healthy and strong friend, it is necessary to provide him with good nutrition.

Puppy and teenager - a dog under 1 year old. During this period, the pet is actively growing, so it needs a lot of vitamins and calcium. To know how to feed, it is important to be sure that you know the age of the animal: feed carefully. And introduce new foods into the diet little by little.

The diet of the German Shepherd should be dominated by proteins of animal origin.

Physically, the shepherd develops until the age of three years. At the same time, growth at the withers does not change, but the skeleton expands, muscle mass gains, and the color of the coat changes slightly. After 1 year, the pet does not need an abundance of fats, carbohydrates, but proteins and vitamins are important.


  • Feeding a shepherd dog under the age of 3 years must be rational.
  • At 3-6 years old, the diet may become more monotonous. At this time, the dog already has favorite foods, and some new food is not so important.
  • A pregnant female needs a varied diet. Be sure to give her vitamins during pregnancy and during the recovery period.
  • It is important for older pets to carry out disease prevention, paying special attention to the state of the musculoskeletal system. To stimulate the process of regeneration and renewal of bones and cartilage, you need to give your pet drugs with chondroprotectors.

IMPORTANT: Add protein, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins to your senior dog's menu.

Intensity of loads and temperament

A dog cannot be fed only with meat, the shepherd's menu should be varied.

The diet directly depends on the lifestyle of the dog.

It is also necessary to take into account the temperament of the pet:

  • energetic and "live" choleric shepherd dogs need energy to move, so the amount of carbohydrates in their diet should be slightly above average;
  • positive and sociable sanguine dogs need less fat and protein;
  • melancholic people need proteins and carbohydrates that are quickly digested.

Physical activity is a separate issue. In winter, dogs living in an apartment tend to walk less, so it is important to reduce the calorie content of products. If the dog is stressed, then you need to strengthen the diet. If a dog guards a house or object in winter, then the amount of food is increased for him.

What to feed a German Shepherd puppy

If you overfeed a puppy, then he will have unnecessary fat. Therefore, it is necessary that the servings contain a minimum of fat, and the food should be within the normal range for its weight.

The German Shepherd needs to be given a limited amount of calcium as overdose leads to mutations or complications. Check with your veterinarian for calcium levels for your dog.

IMPORTANT: Feed the dog at the same time. Deviation from the schedule is up to half an hour. The German Shepherd has a small stomach, so large portions are harmful to health and can cause death.

Food must be warm. Hot and cold food is prohibited. Also, the pet should always have access to a bowl of clean water. It is better when there is a stand that raises food to chest level (this is necessary for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system).

The puppy's diet should include meat, scalded or frozen.

What you can’t feed a puppy is:

  • potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets (any confectionery) and chocolate;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • salted and pickled foods and spices.

IMPORTANT: Dry food can be fed from three weeks of age. In the same period, introduce new products for the pet: porridge with milk, dry minced meat, vegetable soup, cottage cheese, kefir.

German Shepherd Diet

To properly feed a shepherd dog, you need to remember that food is energy for the body.

Therefore, it must be borne in mind that in the pet's diet should be:

  • proteins (up to 70%), most of them of animal origin (but without fat, bones, skin), organ meats, dairy products, eggs;
  • carbohydrates (up to 40%) are useful. digested for a long time and provide energy for a long period, which is extremely important in the cold season;
  • vitamins, fiber, fruits, vegetables;
  • fats (up to 20-40%).

What to feed an adult German shepherd: allowed natural products

It is best to feed your dog natural foods. They are better absorbed by the body. The German Shepherd needs to be fed raw and cooked foods. But they often have allergies. Therefore, it is important to introduce new foods gradually.

Good to eat:

From time to time, the shepherd dog is given raw moss for brushing his teeth.
  • lean (boiled) pork;
  • beef;
  • a bird;
  • boiled meat by-products;
  • lean fish without bones;
  • milk can be drunk if diarrhea does not occur;
  • choose fat cottage cheese;
  • eggs can be given quail or chicken (1-2 times a week, preferably boiled);
  • cereals, cereals;
  • vegetables (any that the pet eats, raw or boiled);
  • fresh potatoes;
  • cabbage - boiled;
  • raw corn;
  • any local fruits (exotic taboo), but you need to eat less plums, peaches, apricots;
  • pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, sometimes almonds;
  • from time to time give rowan, currant;
  • add vegetable oils and salt to meat and porridge (the latter in small doses).

What Not to Feed a German Shepherd

For the German Shepherd, taboo foods are:

  • harm the teeth (the exception is the moss, they are needed during the period when the teeth are changing, as a toy);
  • chocolate and sweets (everything with sweeteners);
  • flour (baking, yeast, pasta);
  • sausages, semi-finished meat products;
  • corn porridge, millet, semolina;
  • legumes (they are not harmful and not useful, the exception is peanuts - it is useful in moderation);
  • raisins, grapes;
  • pistachios, walnuts, acorns;
  • spices.

In the diet of a German shepherd should not be chicken bones, sausages, spices.

Kidneys and liver can be eaten, but rarely.

How many times to feed a german shepherd

Up to a year, a dog is considered a puppy. For 1 year, the dog will increase.

It is important to know how much to feed a pet per day:

  • 30-60 days - 1 glass of food (6 doses);
  • 60-90 days - 1.5 cups of food (5 meals);
  • 90-120 days - 5 glasses of food (4 doses);
  • 0.5-1 year - 8 glasses of food (3 meals);
  • 1 year - the dog is conditionally adult, can eat twice a day.

Which is better: natural or industrial feed

It is better to feed the dog with natural food, dry food. Ready-made food can be stored for a long time, it is convenient to take it with you on the road. A pet will need a minimum of food for one meal.

There are several types of food. They differ in the way of feeding, composition and price:

What kind of dry food to feed your pet is up to you. But it is better to refuse economy feed immediately and not even try it. You can stop your attention on feeds from the Premium + and higher categories (Royal Canin, Nutra Gold, 1st Choice). But veterinarians believe that nothing can be better than natural food.

We offer you to see how the feeding of small German Shepherd puppies in the kennel goes.

The place for a puppy, and even an adult dog, should be organized in a convenient corner: not on the aisle, not at the battery and not at the door (entrance, balcony. A mattress, a rug, and a pillowcase on top can serve as a bedding. Keep the bedding clean. For convenience, it is recommended to have several removable pillowcases per bedding, periodically change them and wash them.

If you decide to keep the dog outside, then you need to build a spacious aviary with a wooden floor covering, with a roof and a convenient and comfortable booth inside, which reliably protects the dog from drafts and rain. Now there are many companies that provide services for the construction of enclosures for dogs.

2. hygiene.

2. 1. hair care. Comb the coat several times a week with a special brush - a slicker of medium hardness and a brush - a rake. In spring and summer, you can wipe the dog's coat with burdock (gives shine. It is recommended to wash the dog in case of severe pollution (the best option is 3 times a year - spring, summer, autumn (do not wash in winter) with cosmetics, and with street pollution - with plain water. From cosmetics Shampoos of the company "8 in 1" can be recommended. After bathing, protect from drafts. After washing, dry the dog's coat thoroughly.

2. 2. ear care. Clean your ears at least once a month with a damp cotton swab or use special ear cleaners. In normal condition, the inner side of the ear is smooth, with a small amount of light gray, odorless. Thus, if you notice weeping or dark discharge, an unpleasant odor, redness, the dog shakes its head, often combs the ear with its paw - this indicates inflammation of the ear. In this case, the consultation of a veterinarian is required.

2. 3. dental care. Brush your teeth about 1 time in 3 months (use tooth powder or toothpaste without a strong taste and smell, or special toothpaste for dogs. You can also use special bones with fluoride for brushing your teeth, and special artificial bones are also very good for these purposes ( "Buff Bones", tendons), in addition, it is also a good massage for the jaws.

2. 4. eye care. Normally, your dog's eyes should be clear, clear, and free of discharge. Alarming symptoms are: redness of the eyes, inflammation around the eyes, mucous or watery discharge, frequent blinking, increased tearing. In this case, the consultation of a veterinarian is required. First aid: drip eye drops "Iris" 1-2 drops in each eye; rinse with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion.

2. 5. nail care. Healthy nails are dark, shiny, do not crumble or exfoliate. Claws are cut as they grow, in cases where the claws do not grind off on their own. It is recommended to use a nail cutter - guillotine.

3. Nutrition See "Approximate Puppy Feeding Diet".

For food and water, it is better to have two enameled bowls (and even better nickel-plated. One with water is always standing. Food is put only at the time of eating. A prerequisite is that the puppy must be fed immediately from a stand of such a height that the puppy’s neck is parallel to the floor so that the cervical vertebrae, the spine itself and the joints of the front legs are not bent. The height of the stand should increase as the puppy grows. The bowl of water should also be on the stand. Food should be at room temperature (not hot and not cold.

Feeding a puppy should be frequent: 6 times a day - up to 2 months, 5 times - from 2 to 4 months, 4 times - from 4 to 6 months, 3 times - from 6 to 9 months, 2 times from 9 months. In terms of volume and calorie content, nutrition depends on the constitution of the dog, its physical condition, the duration and intensity of daily walks, the time of year, etc.

Prepare separate food for the dog!

You need to decide for yourself how you want to feed the dog - natural products or ready-made (dry) food. It is perfectly acceptable to make the transition from fresh food to prepared food and vice versa. The main thing is not to mix them with each other.

A. feeding with natural feed.

A dog is a carnivore, so protein products should serve as the basis for food: meat, mainly raw, dairy products, eggs. You can't grow a good puppy on cereals and soups.

The meat is given to the puppy raw, finely chopped. Minced meat is worse, because it does not linger in the stomach and passes into the intestines half-digested. In the intestines, the enzymes of digestive juices act on carbohydrates and fats, while proteins remain unused.

Raw meat is the most complete product, the main building material of the bones and muscles. It gives the puppy growth, strength, health. It is necessary that the puppy receives it daily. It is also useful to give offal (rumen, heart, lungs, liver, penises, etc.) Offal must be boiled or scalded with boiling water, because they may contain germs of worms.

Table 1. Meat daily allowance.

Puppy age - amount of meat (in grams).

Up to 1 month - 50 gr.

1 month - 100 gr.

2 months - 200 gr.

3 months - 300 gr.

4 months - 400 gr.

Recommendations. From meat: beef, veal, horse meat or trimmings. It is best to give flank from meat. Fatty meat often causes indigestion in dogs. Offal meats are good in use: liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, brains, tongue, spleen, scar, diaphragm, trachea, meat from the head (cheeks), udders, tails, lips, noses, ears, etc.

The liver is the richest source of vitamins. It also has high dietary qualities. The liver is rich in iron, copper and zinc, as well as vitamins a, b 2, b 12 and nicotinic acid. The digestibility of the liver is very high.

The heart is a good source of complete proteins, contains B vitamins.

Kidneys are rich in vitamins A and B.

Tripe is considered a protein-rich food product. The content is incomparable mineral substances and fat-soluble vitamins. It is very good to feed with a weakened immune system. Give raw.

Penises are also rich in protein. Give raw.

The spleen, like the lungs, is an offal rich in connective tissues.

The udder contains an increased amount of fat, but due to the residual content of milk, calcium is much higher in it than in other offal.

Beef ears and noses can be given as a treat (contains protein, very useful. It is very convenient to add finely chopped vegetables to meat feeding.

Don't give pork!

Poultry offal. They have a high energy value and are well eaten by dogs. But due to the insufficient usefulness of the protein contained in them, they cannot serve as the only source of animal feed. Bird by-products include entrails, skin, paws, heads, necks, etc. It must be borne in mind that dogs should not be given tubular chicken bones. This type of product is better to feed already grown puppies.

Dairy. In the first place is cottage cheese, as the main source of well-absorbed calcium. It is good to give calcined cottage cheese, which you can cook yourself. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride to half a liter of boiling milk. Throw curdled cottage cheese on a sieve. When the whey drains, cool a little and give to the puppy. The remaining whey can be left to drink or added to porridge. Milk is less nutritious, voluminous, often weak. Kefir, curdled milk is better than milk, because they have a good effect on digestion (especially with bifidobacteria. Every day a puppy should receive about 300 grams of cottage cheese.

Eggs. A very nutritious product. Raw yolks are best given mixed with dairy products or porridge. Crude protein is undesirable, in addition, it is simply not absorbed. Eggs can be boiled "soft-boiled" or fed in the form of an omelet. With systematic meat feeding, one or two eggs per week are enough.

Fish. It is a very good product, rich not only in protein, but also in vitamins, microelements and minerals. It is given without bones and viscera, attention, only boiled. Fish proteins are not so complete, so you should not give fish more than 2 times a week. Fish should not be oily. Raw freshwater fish is often a source of infection with tapeworms. When feeding fish, it must be borne in mind that some of its species contain specific substances that destroy certain vitamins and microelements, thereby affecting the development and normal life of puppies. Therefore, our advice is to introduce fish into the diet of older dogs.

It is very useful to give Calamari. They have meat of high nutritional value. It is rich in vitamins 6, PP, 12 and 2. Helps to improve the quality of wool. Give 2 times a month.

Bones. Sugar raw bones and cartilage are good as toys, but have no nutritional value. Often clog the intestines. Boiled bones are often the cause of constipation and colitis. Do not give bird tubular bones: very dangerous!

Cereals and bread. These products cannot be the main food of the dog, but in small quantities their use is quite acceptable and even necessary. The nutritional value of cereals is unequal. It is better to use the following types of cereals: buckwheat (done), rice, millet, boiling them in the form of porridge. Moreover, rice and buckwheat do not contain allergens and are well digested by the body, unlike other cereals. When cooking cereals, it is useful to add carrots, cabbage, pumpkin and other vegetables. For one feeding, approximately 250 grams of cereal is needed.

Bread - fed in small quantities in the form of crackers, preferably from rye or gray bread.

Vegetables. Carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, turnips, zucchini, beets and other vegetables are useful to give finely chopped or grated in the form of salads, adding vegetable oil in small quantities. Boiled pumpkin with porridge as a vitamin food is good. It is best to give stewed vegetables (in a small amount of water. In this form, they are digested better.

Raw fruits and berries are good, raw and finely chopped greens (lettuce, dandelion leaves, steamed nettles) are an excellent vitamin supplement in the main feed.

When organizing feeding a puppy, keep in mind that it is necessary to accustom a puppy to vegetables and fruits from an early age.

Sweets. They spoil the appetite and disrupt digestion.

Vitamins and mineral supplements.

For the normal life of a dog, not only nutrients are needed, but also minerals and vitamins, which are not always contained in the feed in sufficient quantities. Therefore, they must be introduced additionally in the form of feed additives. It is better to use special vitamin and mineral supplements, in which all vitamins and minerals are contained in the ratio necessary for normal life.

For the correct development of the puppy, it is imperative to give mineral supplements, which should consist of calcium-containing substances: calcium, phosphorus, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine. Calcium and phosphorus are mainly responsible for the stability and strength of the skeleton. Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine are involved in the formation of ligaments, cartilage, bones, and intra-articular fluid. Of the mineral dressings, it is recommended to pay attention to the following preparations: Excel Glucosamine from the company "8 in 1" (USA), Calcidee (USA), irishkal (Holland), stride, kanvit chondro. You can use preparations in tablets of calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate in a ratio of 1: 1, given that for each month of a puppy's life, 2 more tablets are consumed, i.e. a month-old puppy receives 2 tablets of calcium gluconate and 2 tablets of calcium glycerophosphate per day, accordingly, at 2 months he will have to get 4 to 4, and so on until he reaches six months of age. In our opinion, it is still better to use ready-made preparations listed above. It should be remembered that calcium is absorbed by the body much better with fermented milk products. To strengthen the ligaments, it is also very good to give quail eggs - 3 pieces a day.

C. Feeding with industrial feed.

We adhere to the position of raising puppies on natural food, but we have nothing against ready-made food. Dry food has a number of indisputable advantages - its composition is balanced taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of the dog, it takes only a few minutes a day to feed. The food does not deteriorate during storage, it can be taken with you on the road.
You need to know that all dry food is divided into three categories - super - premium class, premium class and economy class. The difference between them is not only in price, but also in composition - and, accordingly, in quality.
Economy class feeds are made from raw materials of low quality - mainly from by-products with the addition of low-grade cereals and soybeans. When fed with economy class dry food, a deficiency of various vitamins and amino acids occurs in the animal's body, which can lead to metabolic disorders, digestive disorders, allergies and other health problems. The nutritional value and digestibility of such feeds is low, so their consumption is higher than premium and super-premium class feeds. Energy value - about 250-300 kcal / 100 g. Economy class feeds include the following: Baron (Finland), Chappi (Russia), meal (Russia), Purina Dog Chow (USA) and others.
In the manufacture of premium feed, products of higher quality are used. The main source of protein is meat products. Due to better digestibility, they provide less undigested waste than economy class feed. Energy value - approximately 300-350 kcal / 100 g. These include such feeds as Bewi - Dog (Germany), Chicopee (Canada), Dr. Alder "s (Germany), Frolik (Russia), Happy Dog (Germany), Pedigree (Russia), Pro Pac (USA. Super feed - pre.

What Not to Feed a German Shepherd

Restrictions are associated with the structure of the canine digestive tract. If the owner does not look after, the shepherd dog can eat not only a product that is useless, but also dangerous to her health. Prohibited:

  • The bones are prickly and tubular.
  • Meat semi-finished products, sausages and sausages.
  • Legumes other than peanuts.
  • Millet, semolina and corn grits.
  • Pasta, bread and pastries.
  • Confectionery including chocolate.
  • Grapes, walnuts, acorns, raisins and pistachios.

Spices should never be added to dog food, including canned foods.

what to feed an adult shepherd. Adult German Shepherd Diet

The active growth phase of a shepherd dog lasts up to a year. During this period, the puppy is heavily fed, making sure that there is enough calcium and vitamins. Up to 3 years, the pet physically matures: the skeleton gets stronger, muscle mass grows, the shade of the coat changes. Emphasis in feeding is shifting - less carbohydrates and fats are required, more proteins and vitamins. A full-fledged adult canine life is concluded in the interval from 3 to 6 years. The menu is well thought out and devoid of surprises. If the shepherd bears / feeds offspring, she is entitled to vitamin supplements and a higher calorie diet (at least a year after birth). After 6 years, dog retirement occurs, and 12-year-old specimens are considered centenarians. When thinking about what to feed an adult German Shepherd, you need to pay attention not only to basic products, but also to drugs that regenerate cartilage and bone tissues. The daily table for an elderly dog ​​should include: The latter will save the pet from age-related diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system.

Natural feeding. How to feed a natural shepherd dog

Experienced dog breeders prefer to feed their pets with natural products (both raw and thermally processed).

There is one pitfall in the "natural" - it is believed that German shepherds are prone to food allergies. If your dog is allergic, remove the offending food or switch to commercial food. Allowed foods included in the diet of an adult German Shepherd:

  • Beef, chicken, boiled pork (lean), goose (lean), turkey (boneless, skinless and fatless).
  • Offal, including boiled beef udder. In a small volume - the liver and kidneys.
  • Chicken and quail eggs - not daily (raw and in the form of an omelet).
  • Sea fish of low-fat varieties (boiled, without bones).
  • Cottage cheese and any dairy products (without dyes).
  • Buckwheat and rice, less often - "Hercules". For weight gain - wheat and barley groats, for weight loss - pearl barley.
  • Potatoes and corn - only in raw form, cabbage - stewed and boiled, other vegetables - at the pet's choice.

Occasionally, you can pamper the shepherd with citrus fruits (if there is no allergy). Exotic fruits are undesirable, and plums, apricots and peaches should be removed from the list of domestic ones: they can cause intestinal upset. You can give currant or mountain ash berries (a little), a little bit - almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, pine nuts. Without vegetable oil (in small doses), natural vitamins are poorly absorbed, so it is often added to vegetables and fruits. Also, with natural feeding, bone meal, yeast, tricalcium phosphate (feed), salt (in microdoses!) are used.

Video - how to feed a German shepherd

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