What tests to pass to check the kidneys - Kidneys. Urinalysis and its exact interpretation in kidney diseases

Laboratory research methods are of great importance for confirming clinical examination data on diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, identifying latent forms of diseases, determining the degree of activity of the process, and.

Analysis of urine

Urinalysis includes an assessment of its chemical composition, microscopic examination of the urinary sediment and determination of the pH of the urine.


Proteinuria is the excretion of protein in the urine. The predominant protein in most renal diseases is albumin; globulins, mucoproteins, and Bence-Jones proteins are less commonly detected. The quantitative determination of the protein is carried out with sulfasalicylic acid by the method of determining the optical density on a photoelectrocalorimeter.

A simple but less reliable method for determining the Brandberg-Roberts-Stolnikov protein is also used, based on the appearance of a ring after 2-3 minutes at the boundary of the layers of diluted urine and nitric acid. Simple quick testing is possible using commercially available test strips. The method allows to determine already 5-20 mg% of albumin. Electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis and radioimmunoassay are used to separate urinary proteins and determine their amount.

The main causes of proteinuria are as follows:

  1. increased concentration of normal (for example, hyperproteinemia in myelomonocytic leukemia) or pathological proteins (Bence-Jones proteinuria in blood plasma in multiple myeloma);
  2. increased tubular secretion of proteins (Tamm-Horswell proteinuria);
  3. decrease in tubular reabsorption of proteins filtered in a normal amount;
  4. an increase in the number of filterable proteins due to a change in the permeability of glomerular filtration.

Proteinuria is divided into intermittent (intermittent) and persistent (constant, stable). With intermittent proteinuria, patients usually do not show any impairment of kidney function, and in most of them proteinuria disappears. Persistent proteinuria is a symptom of many kidney diseases, including kidney damage in systemic diseases (SLE, hypertension, systemic vasculitis, malignant neoplasms).

To control the development of the clinical picture of the disease, the amount of proteins excreted per day is measured. Normally, less than 150 mg/day is excreted. The increase in daily proteinuria to 3.0-3.5 g/day is a sign of exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, which quickly leads to a violation of the protein composition of the blood (hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia). Instead, a quantitative ratio between the protein of a randomly taken urine sample and creatinine is used, which is normally less than 0.1. A protein/creatinine ratio greater than 1.0 is detected at c.

Proteinuria can develop in healthy people with prolonged walking and long-distance running (marching proteinuria), with a long vertical position of the body (orthostatic proteinuria) and high fever.


Glycosuria - excretion of glucose in the urine - does not normally exceed 0.3 g / day. The main cause of glycosuria is diabetic hyperglycemia in the normal passage of glucose through the renal filters. If the function of the renal tubules is impaired, glycosuria can also occur with a normal concentration of glucose in the blood.


Ketonuria - the appearance of ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid and β-hydroxybutyric acid) in the urine - is a sign of metabolic acidosis, which occurs with uncompensated diabetes mellitus, starvation, and sometimes with alcohol intoxication. Ketonuria is not specific for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Determination of urine pH

Urine pH is examined using test strips impregnated with various dyes that react with color changes to pH from 5 to 9. Acid urine is determined at pH 5.0, alkaline - more than 5.0. Changes in the pH of urine and an increase in the concentration of salts leads to their crystallization and the occurrence of urinary stones.

Microscopic examination of urinary sediment

Urinary sediments are divided into unorganized and organized. Organized sediments include formed elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, and cylinders. The unorganized sediment includes various salts.

Organized sediment is of most diagnostic value, although in some cases elements of unorganized sediment are of known importance. To obtain a urinary sediment, 12 ml of urine is centrifuged at a speed of 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The precipitate is shaken in 1 ml of the supernatant and microscopically.

Despite the fact that this study is of diagnostic value in nephropathology, it should be remembered that a number of severe kidney lesions occur with very poor microscopy of the urinary sediment. When interpreting the data obtained, it should always be borne in mind that the obtained figures for the content of certain shaped elements in the field of view are only a relative indicator of the content of these same elements in the entire amount of urine.

In healthy men in the morning urine, the formed elements of urine are either absent or rarely found in the field of view of the microscope, but not more than one erythrocyte, leukocyte or epithelial cell, and healthy women - up to 4 leukocytes.

Composition of shaped elements

blood cells

Cells of the genitourinary system

foreign cells


An increased number of red blood cells may be due to an infection, tumor, stone, or inflammation anywhere in the kidneys or urinary tract. Pronounced morphological changes in 75% of erythrocytes with loss of hemoglobin indicate renal hematuria. If the majority of erythrocytes are normal, and erythrocytes with a disturbed structure are less than 17%, then hematuria is of non-renal origin.

A large number of white blood cells indicates an infectious or inflammatory disease and is called leukocyturia. Leukocyturia is usually associated with bacteriuria. The study of thin smears of urine stained by the Romanovsky-Giemsa method makes it possible to differentiate the pathological process. Identified neutrophils - a sign of infectious inflammation, lymphocytes - immune.

Infectious inflammation is confirmed by obtaining more than 10 5 colony-forming units per 1 ml when sowing fresh, non-centrifuged urine. Urine culture allows you to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Bacteriological examination of urine sediment is also used to detect fungi and diagnose tuberculosis of the urinary system.

Urine pH is determined using special test strips. Changes in the pH of urine and an increase in the concentration of salts leads to the formation of their crystals. With acidic urine, crystals of uric acid, cystine and medicinal substances are detected, with alkaline - crystals of phosphate and calcium oxalate.

For a quantitative study of urinary sediment, counting the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in a certain volume or for a specific time is used. According to the Kakovsky-Addis method, a healthy person secretes 1 million erythrocytes per day, up to 2 million leukocytes. According to Nechiporenko, 1 ml of healthy urine contains up to 1 thousand erythrocytes and up to 2-4 thousand leukocytes.

Cylinders are cylindrical masses of mucoproteins in which cellular elements, proteins or fat droplets are retained. Distinguish simple cylinders (hyaline and waxy) and cylinders with inclusion (erythrocyte, leukocyte, with epithelial cells, granular, fatty).

  • Hyaline and waxy casts consist of a homogeneous protein without cellular elements. In the remaining cylinders, the protein base is covered with shaped elements.
  • Hyaline casts may appear in the urine of healthy individuals after exercise and are of little diagnostic value.
  • Waxy casts form in the distal nephron in advanced renal failure.
  • Cylinders with the inclusion of erythrocytes, epithelial cells, leukocytes and fat are present in the urine of patients with acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and acute damage to the tubules.
  • Granular casts are covered with decaying cells and indicate severe kidney damage. In bacterial pyelonephritis, casts containing bacteria or crystals (bacterial casts) are seen.

Assessment of the functional state of the kidneys

Determining the functional ability of the kidneys is important in nephropathology, as it helps to establish the correct diagnosis, allows you to evaluate the prognosis and effectiveness of treatment. The functional state of the kidneys is assessed by various methods. Read more in this article.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test is a laboratory research method that reflects the functional state of organs and systems of the human body. It allows you to determine the function of the liver, kidneys, an active inflammatory process, a rheumatic process, as well as a violation of water-salt metabolism and an imbalance of microelements.

You need to prepare for a biochemical blood test. You should not eat for about 6 to 12 hours before the study. From liquids, juices, milk, alcohol, sweet tea or coffee should not be consumed. You can drink water. Any foods affect blood counts, they can lead to incorrect data, which may lead to incorrect treatment. Blood sampling is usually done in a sitting or lying position. A special tourniquet is applied to the arm above the elbow. The place of blood sampling is pre-treated with an antiseptic to prevent infection. A needle is inserted into a vein and blood is drawn. The blood is poured into a test tube and sent to a biochemical laboratory.

For the diagnosis of kidney diseases, the determination of protein and protein fractions is of great importance. Hypoproteinemia (mainly hypoalbuminemia) develops with nephrotic syndrome and severe hypovolemic shock. Nephrotic syndrome is usually accompanied by hypercholesterolemia.

Inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are confirmed by a significant increase in γ2-globulins and ESR. In immunoinflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the levels of antistreptolysin, complement and γ-globulins increase in the blood serum, C-reactive protein, antinuclear factor, antibodies to the neutrophil cytoplasm (ANCA), glomerular basement membrane and cardiolipin, as well as circulating immune complexes and cryoglobulins are determined.

An important diagnostic value is the electrolyte composition of the blood. Hyperkalemia is characteristic of renal failure, and when deciding on the issue, the value of this indicator must be taken into account. At the initial stage, hyperphosphatemia is detected in combination with hypocalcemia. In modern nephrology, to more accurately determine the course and prognosis of diseases, indicators of intercellular interactions (the ratio of cytokines / chemokines) are used.

Therapy of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract is always carried out after a series of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods that allow the doctor to identify the slightest disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs, make a final diagnosis, and prescribe the necessary treatment. Important in making the final diagnosis are the results of a blood test for kidney disease, which help to identify the disease, monitor its dynamics, and the effectiveness of the therapy.

In case of kidney diseases, the most important indicators are urinalysis and blood tests, which are recommended to be taken both during the initial visit to the doctor, and during and after treatment. To get the most accurate results, to exclude their distortion, it is important to know what tests you need to pass and how to prepare for them.

This is a comprehensive blood test that allows diagnosing pathologies of the urinary organs, assessing the functioning of internal organs, and identifying abnormalities. They include a general and biochemical blood test that determines possible inflammatory processes, the level of three main indicators: creatinine, urea, uric acid. If a person has a history of kidney disease, the levels of these components will be raised or lowered, allowing the doctor to conduct a more in-depth examination.

Diseased kidneys are not able to remove these substances from the body, so their concentration will be increased. When organs are damaged, their tissues are damaged, which are responsible for cleansing the blood of toxic compounds. With pathological processes in the urinary system, nitrogenous substances will accumulate in the tissues of the kidneys:

  • urea;
  • creatinine;
  • uric acid.

A general blood test, unlike a biochemical one, is less informative, but still its results allow diagnosing inflammatory processes in the body, determining the acute or chronic phase of diseases.

The main indicators of a general blood test are:

  • leukocytes;
  • erythrocytes;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

Each of the indicators is an indicator of the pathological process in the human body.

A blood test allows you to identify specific enzymes in the plasma that have a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system. An excessive amount of enzymes is a sign of kidney diseases, which should be treated according to the doctor's prescription after the final diagnosis has been made.

Indications for appointment

The main indication for a blood test can be both primary disorders or kidney diseases, and chronic pathologies:

  1. Pyelonephritis.
  2. Glomerulonephritis.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. BP jumps.
  5. Pain of a different nature in the lumbar region or lower abdomen.
  6. Edema of the face, limbs.
  7. Genetic predisposition to kidney pathologies.
  8. Pregnancy period.
  9. Long-term use of potent drugs.
  10. Change in color and odor of urine.

Laboratory tests of urine and blood for pathologies affecting the kidneys are one of the main and affordable ways to diagnose the disease, assess the general condition of the patient, and recognize comorbidities.

How is blood drawn?

Blood sampling must be carried out on an empty stomach from the cubital vein when it comes to biochemical analysis, or from a finger when taking a general analysis. As an exception, in emergency situations or in an urgent and serious condition of the patient, sampling can be carried out at any other time of the day, but then there will be a risk of distorting the results.

The analysis uses a special serum obtained by centrifugation of whole blood. Biological material after sampling is sent to the laboratory for research on special equipment.

The results of the tests are transmitted to the attending physician, who will be able to correctly interpret blood counts, recognize the norm or deviations. With a high level of urea, an increase in creatinine, we can talk about ongoing inflammation in the tissues of the kidneys or kidney failure.

How to prepare for a blood test?

To get the most accurate results, you need to take the tests correctly. It is important to exclude the impact of adverse factors that may affect the final result:

  1. 3-5 days before the kidney tests, stop taking glucocorticosteroid and diuretic drugs. If this is not possible, then inform the doctor about their intake.
  2. Follow a diet 4 days before the study, give up fatty, spicy, fried foods, as well as alcohol.
  3. For 4-5 days, limit the intake of fried, spicy and fatty foods.
  4. Eliminate, if possible, smoking, physical and psychological stress.
  5. Take the analysis on an empty stomach.
  6. Rest for 10-15 minutes before taking.

With proper preparation and delivery of a blood test, the results will be indicative, which will allow the doctor to determine possible disorders in the urinary system, recognize the disease or monitor its dynamics. The test results will be ready in 24 hours. In emergency cases, decryption is done faster.

Decoding: norm and deviation

For kidney samples, there is a range of digital values ​​​​of "norm" and "deviation", measured in special units - micromoles per liter (µmol / l).

Norm indicators

For men:

  • urea - from 2.8 to 8.1 µmol/l;
  • creatinine - from 44 to 110 µmol/l;
  • uric acid - from 210 to 420 µmol/l.

For women:

  • urea - 2-6.5 µmol/l;
  • creatinine - 44-104;
  • uric acid - 140-350.
  • urea - 1.8-5.1 µmol/l;
  • creatinine - 27-88,
  • uric acid - 140-340.

Indicators may vary slightly in each age period in a child. In a healthy person, they often shift to a smaller or larger side, but not significantly. More often, such a shift is due to improper preparation for the procedure itself.

Deviations from the norm

An upward change in creatinine levels is a sign of KSD, polycystic disease, inflammatory processes, or the result of toxic effects on the body. Decreased levels indicate problems with the liver, dehydration, or exhaustion of the body.

An elevated level of urea indicates cirrhosis of the liver, malignant tumors and other serious diseases. The indicators are reduced if there is a risk of developing nephritis, hemolytic anemia.

Elevated uric acid is present in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, in chronic alcoholism, with an improper diet, excessive consumption of protein foods, and in the elderly. Indicators are lowered - a sign of an acute form of tuberculosis, diseases of the liver or biliary tract.

In chronic kidney pathologies, renal failure in blood plasma, all indicators will be increased. The interpretation of the blood test should be looked at by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

Deviations from the norm are not always pathological. When making a diagnosis, the doctor must exclude the patient from a physiological increase in enzymes in the blood plasma, which appears due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • meat diets;
  • excessive sports loads;
  • taking anabolics;
  • old age;
  • puberty in child development.


Diseases of the kidneys, urinary system have a different clinic, nature, intensity of symptoms, therefore, at the first suspicion, you should consult a nephrologist or urologist. Timely consultation, the results of laboratory and instrumental studies will help to recognize the disease in time, stop its progression.

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • eat properly;
  • timely treat concomitant diseases;
  • take urine and blood tests once every 6 months;
  • increase immunity;
  • take care of personal hygiene.

The main preventive measure is the appeal to the doctor at the first sign of the disease. You do not need to take analgesics on your own or be treated with folk remedies. Self-treatment will lead to the loss of precious time and irreversible processes in the kidneys and other body systems.

Probably, every third inhabitant of the planet is familiar with this feeling: pulling the lower back, weakness, chills, going to the toilet became more frequent.

And most of the sick people immediately begin to wonder what happened - the kidneys or the back hurt, this is either a disease of the genitourinary system, and so on.

The question arises of how to check the kidneys at home or clinically: what needs to be done for this and what tests to take to check the kidneys. And what to do if it is the kidneys that still hurt - which doctor to go to and how to be treated.

This and many other things related to kidney diseases and their treatment will be discussed in this article today.

The most common and pronounced symptoms of kidney disease include the following "feelings" and signs of the disease:

  • regular increase in blood pressure (both persistent and single);
  • the presence of edema - permanent or temporary (morning or evening);
  • change in the color of urine;
  • a constant desire to visit the toilet in a small way, especially at night;
  • change in the volume of urine excreted (with an unchanged diet and drink);
  • pulling, stabbing, aching pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen;
  • weakness, chills, dry mouth, shortness of breath and so on.
There are a lot of symptoms of kidney problems, and they are all obvious. However, it is important to understand that similar symptoms can occur with other diseases. In order not to confuse them, you need to use additional methods that allow you to find out exactly whether the kidneys are bothering you or some other organ.

How to check the kidneys - hurt or not - at home?

Drawing pains in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen can occur for a variety of reasons in diseases of many organs.

A pain symptom, along with general weakness, chills, fever and poor health, can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • bladder stones;
  • gynecological diseases of infectious origin;
  • the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • adhesions and inflammatory processes after an abortion or caesarean section;
  • problems with the spine;
  • mechanical damage to internal organs due to falls or bumps, and so on.

That is why the question of how to check the condition of the kidneys at home and find out what exactly hurts is so relevant.

The location of the kidneys in humans

The kidneys are a vital organ. Although it is a pair, it is still better to start treatment on time.

Advanced kidney disease can lead not only to lifelong disability, but also to death.

There are two ways to determine whether the kidneys or something else hurt: consult a doctor, or check at home.

To check the kidneys at home, do the following:

  • pay attention to the type of pain- sharp, stabbing, sudden indicates, but aching and constant - that the disease is most likely chronic;
  • closely monitor the color of urine, especially in the morning- if there are impurities of blood, mucus, sediment, flakes, then you should immediately go to a specialist;
  • pay attention to the volume of urine per day- collect the entire allocated volume in one container and measure the amount. A healthy adult will excrete at least two liters of fluid. But be careful - a lot depends on the drinking regimen and nutrition of the sick person;
  • take a look at yourself- Have there been swelling? This is especially true of the fingers, toes, face (especially the upper and lower eyelids), as well as the lumbar region. In the presence of edema, most likely, your kidneys are going through hard times.

Many patients, by the way, do not know which doctor checks the kidneys and what he does for this. In addition, many are also interested in the question of what urine test to take to check the kidneys. It is worth understanding these issues in more detail and bring maximum clarity.

Of course, at home it is very difficult to determine whether your kidneys are bothering you or some other disease. And it’s completely impossible to make an accurate and correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment - here you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

Doctor's examination

When your kidneys hurt, you should either contact your general practitioner, who will refer you to the narrower specialist you need, or visit a nephrologist.

A competent specialist in his field always knows how to check the work of the kidneys , and can prescribe an adequate treatment that alleviates, and subsequently eliminates your disease.

The doctor who tests the kidneys will do the following:

  1. will ask you to tell a little about the beginning of the disease - how did you notice the disease, how it all began, what are your feelings now, did you feel better or worse, did you have a temperature, and so on;
  2. then the doctor will conduct an examination, that is, palpation. Sometimes the procedure can be painful, but quite bearable. The specialist will assess the general condition of the body, note external changes, and try to assess the size of the kidneys;
  3. then you will be assigned the necessary examinations: MRI, tests, consultations of other doctors, a biopsy (possibly) and so on. The specialist himself will tell you about what tests you need to take to check the kidneys, and how exactly they need to be taken. Most often, blood and urine are donated - a general analysis, and then it all depends on the course of the disease;
  4. after the results of the examinations are ready, the doctor will be able to determine exactly what your treatment strategy will be, whether surgery or hospitalization is required, and will also give you an approximate prognosis of the course of the disease.
Only with the integrated approach described above can we say with certainty what exactly hurts you - the kidneys or other organs.

Required tests

Most patients think about how to check the kidneys, what tests to take, whether the procedures for collecting tests will be painful, and so on.

There are several types of tests that are done when kidney disease is suspected and to determine the progress of treatment.

A general urine test allows you to quickly (and, if necessary, instantly) determine the main problems of the body.

Shows the level of protein, salts, urea and other substances in the human body. Based on this analysis alone, the doctor can guess with an accuracy of 75% what disease has overtaken you.

Such an analysis is given in a small amount - no more than 30-50 grams of urine. It is advisable to provide the morning portion for analysis. But if you urgently need to know the result, then it is allowed to collect the material at any time of the day.

General urine analysis

On the eve of this analysis, it is better not to eat foods and substances that can color urine dark or any other color, such as beets.

It is also not recommended to take antibiotics (if you are constantly taking some drugs, you must definitely inform the doctor about them), dairy products, as well as fatty and spicy foods. Otherwise, the results of the analysis (not only this, but also all the others) may show unreliable data.

A general blood test, or the well-known "blood from a finger", allows you to notice the slightest changes in the human body, shows the level of cholesterol, white blood cells, red blood cells and other important parameters.

In general, the rules for preparing for the delivery of the analysis are the same as for the delivery of a general urine test. You can donate blood from a finger on a full stomach at any time of the day.

A biochemical blood test is a detailed and complete analysis that allows you to find out everything about the patient. It is "biochemistry" that allows you to "concretize" the diagnosis and accurately select the treatment.

Blood is given for biochemical research from a vein, always on an empty stomach. The principles of preparation for analysis are the same. It is also worth paying special attention to the use of blood-thinning drugs - aspirin, cardio magnol and others. These drugs contribute to a significant distortion of the results of the analysis.

Blood chemistry

You also need to exclude the use of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, smoked meats, dairy products, kvass at least a day before the analysis. Only if all these measures are observed, the analysis will be reliable, and the diagnosis will be correct.

In contact with


Sick or healthy? Methods for checking the condition of the kidneys at home and in the clinic

Probably, every third inhabitant of the planet is familiar with this feeling: pulling the lower back, weakness, chills, going to the toilet became more frequent.

And most of the sick people immediately begin to wonder what happened - the kidneys or the back hurt, is it cystitis or a disease of the genitourinary system, and so on.

The question arises of how to check the kidneys at home or clinically: what needs to be done for this and what tests to take to check the kidneys. And what to do if it is the kidneys that still hurt - which doctor to go to and how to be treated.

This and many other things related to kidney diseases and their treatment will be discussed in this article today.


The most common and pronounced symptoms of kidney disease include the following "feelings" and signs of the disease:

  • regular increase in blood pressure (both persistent and single);
  • the presence of edema - permanent or temporary (morning or evening);
  • change in the color of urine;
  • a constant desire to visit the toilet in a small way, especially at night;
  • change in the volume of urine excreted (with an unchanged diet and drink);
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • pulling, stabbing, aching pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen;
  • weakness, chills, dry mouth, shortness of breath and so on.

There are a lot of symptoms of kidney problems, and they are all obvious. However, it is important to understand that similar symptoms can occur with other diseases. In order not to confuse them, you need to use additional methods that allow you to find out exactly whether the kidneys are bothering you or some other organ.

How to check the kidneys - hurt or not - at home?

Drawing pains in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen can occur for a variety of reasons in diseases of many organs.

A pain symptom, along with general weakness, chills, fever and poor health, can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • stone in the ureter;
  • bladder stones;
  • gynecological diseases of infectious origin;
  • the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • adhesions and inflammatory processes after an abortion or caesarean section;
  • problems with the spine;
  • malignant and benign formations;
  • mechanical damage to internal organs due to falls or bumps, and so on.

That is why the question of how to check the condition of the kidneys at home and find out what exactly hurts is so relevant.

The location of the kidneys in humans

The kidneys are a vital organ. Although it is a pair, it is still better to start treatment on time.

Advanced kidney disease can lead not only to lifelong disability, but also to death.

There are two ways to determine whether the kidneys or something else hurt: consult a doctor, or check at home.

To check the kidneys at home, do the following:

  • pay attention to the type of pain - sharp, stabbing, sudden indicates renal colic, but aching and constant - that the disease is most likely chronic;
  • carefully monitor the color of urine, especially in the morning - if there are impurities of blood, mucus, sediment, flakes, then you should immediately go to a specialist;
  • pay attention to the volume of urine per day - collect the entire allocated volume in one container and measure the amount. A healthy adult will excrete at least two liters of fluid. But be careful - a lot depends on the drinking regimen and nutrition of the sick person;
  • examine yourself completely - are there any swelling? This is especially true of the fingers, toes, face (especially the upper and lower eyelids), as well as the lumbar region. In the presence of edema, most likely, your kidneys are going through hard times.

Many patients, by the way, do not know which doctor checks the kidneys and what he does for this. In addition, many are also interested in the question of what urine test to take to check the kidneys. It is worth understanding these issues in more detail and bring maximum clarity.

Of course, at home it is very difficult to determine whether your kidneys are bothering you or some other disease. And it’s completely impossible to make an accurate and correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment - here you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

Doctor's examination

When your kidneys hurt, you should either contact your general practitioner, who will refer you to the narrower specialist you need, or visit a nephrologist.

A competent specialist in his field always knows how to check the work of the kidneys, and can prescribe an adequate treatment that alleviates, and subsequently eliminates your disease.

The doctor who tests the kidneys will do the following:

  1. will ask you to tell a little about the beginning of the disease - how did you notice the disease, how it all began, what are your feelings now, did you feel better or worse, did you have a temperature, and so on;
  2. then the doctor will conduct an examination, that is, palpation. Sometimes the procedure can be painful, but quite bearable. The specialist will assess the general condition of the body, note external changes, and try to assess the size of the kidneys;
  3. then you will be assigned the necessary examinations: ultrasound, MRI, tests, consultations of other doctors, a biopsy (possibly) and so on. The specialist himself will tell you about what tests you need to take to check the kidneys, and how exactly they need to be taken. Most often, blood and urine are donated - a general analysis, and then it all depends on the course of the disease;
  4. after the results of the examinations are ready, the doctor will be able to determine exactly what your treatment strategy will be, whether surgery or hospitalization is required, and will also give you an approximate prognosis of the course of the disease.

Only with the integrated approach described above can we say with certainty what exactly hurts you - the kidneys or other organs.

Required tests

Most patients think about how to check the kidneys, what tests to take, whether the procedures for collecting tests will be painful, and so on.

There are several types of tests that are done when kidney disease is suspected and to determine the progress of treatment.

A general urine test allows you to quickly (and, if necessary, instantly) determine the main problems of the body.

Shows the level of protein, salts, urea and other substances in the human body. Based on this analysis alone, the doctor can guess with an accuracy of 75% what disease has overtaken you.

Such an analysis is given in a small amount - no more than a gram of urine. It is advisable to provide the morning portion for analysis. But if you urgently need to know the result, then it is allowed to collect the material at any time of the day.

General urine analysis

On the eve of this analysis, it is better not to eat foods and substances that can color urine dark or any other color, such as beets.

It is also not recommended to take antibiotics (if you are constantly taking some drugs, you must definitely inform the doctor about them), dairy products, as well as fatty and spicy foods. Otherwise, the results of the analysis (not only this, but also all the others) may show unreliable data.

A general blood test, or the well-known "blood from a finger", allows you to notice the slightest changes in the human body, shows the level of cholesterol, white blood cells, red blood cells and other important parameters.

In general, the rules for preparing for the delivery of the analysis are the same as for the delivery of a general urine test. You can donate blood from a finger on a full stomach at any time of the day.

A biochemical blood test is a detailed and complete analysis that allows you to find out everything about the patient. It is "biochemistry" that allows you to "concretize" the diagnosis and accurately select the treatment.

Blood is given for biochemical research from a vein, always on an empty stomach. The principles of preparation for analysis are the same. It is also worth paying special attention to the use of blood-thinning drugs - aspirin, cardio magnol and others. These drugs contribute to a significant distortion of the results of the analysis.

Blood chemistry

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is a daily collection of urine in order to identify the progress of the disease, the daily volume of discharge and many other indicators.

Some patients cannot test as often, so they split one serving into two. This is unacceptable, as the results of the surrender will be completely wrong.

Analysis according to Nechiporenko is a serious study that can reveal not only “common” diseases, but also the presence of the initial stages of oncology, neoplasms and other complex processes.

How to check the kidneys, tests and diagnostics - this is what should worry you the least. After all, if your doctor is a competent specialist, then he will do everything right, and very soon you will get rid of the disease and return to a full and joyful life.

Who is at risk?

Most often, kidney diseases of various etiologies and severity affect the following categories of people:

  • people who smoke, especially for a long time, or who smoke more than a pack a day;
  • elderly people;
  • people who use tap water;
  • people who consume excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, especially beer, cocktails, energy drinks;
  • people who often drink lemonade, instant fruit drinks, unnatural juices on dyes;
  • people with diabetes and overweight;
  • drug abusers and women taking oral contraceptives for more than 2 years in a row;
  • malnutrition, the predominance of spicy, fatty and smoked foods in the diet can also provoke kidney disease;
  • residents of the Far North and environmentally poor areas;
  • violation of the drinking regime (intentional decrease or increase in the norm of water per day), and so on.

As you can see, almost every modern person, to one degree or another, constantly finds himself “at risk”, risking kidney disease of any degree of complexity. Therefore, it is important not only to consult a doctor in a timely manner, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and periodically undergo medical examinations and examinations.

Useful video

Video instruction on how to check yourself for kidney pathologies:

Now you know how to check whether the kidneys hurt in any conditions - both at home and in the clinic. But let this knowledge be useful to you only in theory, but in practice you will not need it.

What tests should be done to check the kidneys?

A blood test and urinalysis helps to study the condition of all organs and the excretory system. Other tests also allow you to check the kidneys, including functional and renal tests, instrumental examination methods. All methods will display a complete picture of the state of the organs, since the results are needed to prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

Indications for research

All types of tests are carried out in order to determine the correct diagnosis. First of all, diagnostics is needed for people who abuse alcohol, tobacco and take medications uncontrollably. Patients suffering from overweight or diabetes mellitus should worry about the work of the organs. Kidney examination should be carried out by people who have symptoms characteristic of the development of pathology. Therefore, tests will help determine the cause of the disease. A diseased kidney indicates problems with the following symptoms:

  • regular jumps in blood pressure;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • an increase or decrease in the volume of urine that the body produces;
  • renal spasm that occurs in the lumbar region;
  • discoloration of urine, the appearance of blood impurities and a pungent odor;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain during urination;
  • thirst and lack of appetite;
  • headache.

The main symptom of the disease is swelling, which is localized on the face and legs. If symptoms are detected, you need to take blood and urine tests, undergo an instrumental study of the kidneys.

What tests to take for kidney disease: types

General urine analysis

Checking the chemical characteristics of urine, examining it under a microscope for pathological impurities - the OAM method. Urinalysis allows you to determine the number of good blood cells, white blood cells, as well as the color, acidity and transparency of the biological fluid. This type of examination also detects pathogenic impurities. A general urine test is done to diagnose pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, ICD and urethritis. Thanks to this method, the following indicators are checked in patients:

  • amylase;
  • glucose;
  • creatinine;
  • uric acid;
  • urea;
  • microalbumin.

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General blood analysis

Tests can detect abnormalities in liver and kidney disease. Studies are effective for identifying disorders in the musculoskeletal and endocrine systems. Blood tests are also done to diagnose kidney disease. Nitrogen compounds of metabolism are excreted by paired organs. A fairly high level indicates that the kidneys are not doing their job, and the doctor diagnoses the deficiency. In this, he is helped by blood indicators or special tests. Biochemistry for kidney diseases carefully examines the composition of the components to determine the degree of chronic, inflammatory processes and pathologies in the kidneys.

Renal and functional tests, their indicators

Creatinine level

The component is considered the end product of protein metabolism. Creatinine is a nitrogen substance that is not affected by physical or psychological stress, food. With a good lifestyle, the level of a substance in the blood is constant and varies depending on muscle mass. Deviations may indicate disturbances in metabolic processes, excessive use of medications. Low levels of the substance in the stream indicate the use of only plant foods, and are typical for people with a lack of muscle mass. An upward change in results is provoked by the following factors:

Amount of urea

The fluid level is recommended to be examined not only for diagnostic purposes, but also to study the condition of the kidneys, the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. Urea is a protein breakdown product that is generated by the liver. Jumps can be caused by various factors, including diet, bleeding, and a violation of the filtering function of the kidneys.

Uric acid

The results of the analysis indicate a weakening of the work of paired organs. Elevated levels of uric acid are fraught with crystallization of sodium urates, so the kidneys hurt. Thanks to the determination of the level, it is possible to identify nephropathy and urolithiasis. With severe pain, therapeutic procedures are aimed at reducing spasms and eliminating the cause of the increase in acid.

Functional trials

Patients take tests that show the work of the kidneys. Doctors recommend taking Reberg-Tareev samples, conducting a Zimnitsky test, and testing for antibodies to the basal layer of glomerular membranes. Analyzes are carried out in order to control the functions of paired organs, and allow the detection of an acute form of pyelonephritis, progressive glomerulonephritis and renal failure.

Samples show the functional ability of diseased kidneys, due to which therapy of the urinary system is prescribed.

Additional Research

One laboratory diagnosis is not enough. According to the results of the tests, the doctor prescribes additional instrumental studies. This is a good way to accurately identify the disease. The most common methods include ultrasound, x-rays and scintigraphy. Additional studies help to check in order to study the structure of the diseased kidney, various neoplasms and functional problems.

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The information on the site is provided for general information only. We recommend that you consult a doctor for further advice and treatment.

Kidney examination

If a person has “bags” under the eyes, and the skin has become gray and dry, then there has been a malfunction in the urinary system. Do not postpone a visit to a specialist to examine the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as assess their functional activity.

How to check the kidneys, the urologist or nephrologist will tell you. During the diagnosis, serious complications can be avoided. Treatment at an early stage of any disease allows you to quickly achieve the desired results, to avoid unwanted surgical intervention.

When to go to the doctor

It is rare to find a person who regularly undergoes a complete examination of the body. Most people delay the visit to the doctor, swallow handfuls of pills and convince themselves that the pain, cramps, tingling will soon disappear. And only with an exacerbation of symptoms are recorded for an appointment. This tactic is extremely dangerous, especially when the kidneys hurt.

Paired organs rid the blood of toxins and toxins, regulate blood pressure, take part in metabolism. Even a slight disturbance in their work will quickly affect the functioning of all vital systems.

Modern methods of diagnosing kidneys are painless, do not cause any discomfort to a person. Be sure to undergo an examination procedure for people with such a clinic of kidney damage:

  • high blood pressure;
  • frequent nighttime urination;
  • decrease in the volume of separated urine;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • burning and cutting when emptying the bladder;
  • change in color and smell of urine.

Examination of the kidneys should not be postponed if even one of the above symptoms of abnormal functioning of the urinary system appears. Experts recommend twice a year to conduct a thorough diagnosis of paired organs.

A complete medical examination is important for people with congenital or acquired kidney pathologies. If there is a hereditary predisposition to urolithiasis or glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to regularly examine the child from infancy.

If there are pulling pains in the side, you should check the functioning of the kidneys.

Diagnosis at home

It is not possible to conduct a full kidney test at home. But if you suspect a violation of their work, you should determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200blocalization of pain, try to analyze your feelings:

  • sharp, acute spasms indicate a rapidly developing inflammatory process in the structural elements of the kidneys (calyces, pelvis, parenchyma, tubules);
  • pulling, aching pains that appear when hypothermia or the use of spicy foods occur with sluggish chronic pathologies.

Also at home, you can check urine for the presence of impurities. To do this, you need to collect urine in a transparent container and carefully consider it. If you find fresh blood, dark blood clots, flakes, curdled sediment, you must make an appointment for a consultation with a urologist.

A daily urine test will help evaluate kidney function. Within 24 hours, it is necessary to collect urine in a calibrated container, and then measure the resulting volume. If it does not exceed 1.5-1.8 liters, then the kidneys have lost the ability to fully filter the blood and excrete urine. A significant volume (more than 2.5 liters) means that the urine contains little uric acid and its compounds, toxins and protein breakdown products. The kidneys cannot fully concentrate urine, which causes serious damage to the entire body.

Kidneys should be examined for changes in urine color

What analyzes are most informative

After conducting an external examination of the patient and listening to his complaints, the urologist will tell you where to start the examination and what tests are needed. As a rule, the results of laboratory and biochemical studies of urine and blood are tender for making an initial diagnosis. In urine, the content of white and red blood cells, as well as epithelial tissues, is determined. Be sure to evaluate the transparency, color and specific gravity of urine. The concentration of cylinders, proteins and glucose is a determining factor in the presence of an infectious focus in the kidneys.

In order to determine the type of pathogenic agent, laboratory assistants inoculate a biological sample into a nutrient medium. This method reveals the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs that will be used in the treatment.

  • from a finger to establish or refute the inflammatory process and the degree of its spread;
  • from a vein to determine the concentration of proteins and urea.

For reliable test results, you must not eat for 12 hours before the procedure. If you suspect an endocrine etiology of a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys, you can not drink any liquid and even brush your teeth. People with systemic diseases should have laboratory tests every 6 months.

Modern diagnostic methods

After studying and evaluating the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary to examine the kidneys to determine the extent of their damage. The methods of diagnosis are chosen by the doctor depending on the age of the patient and the suspected disease. Research methods that use radiation are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Computed tomography is used to examine the kidneys.

Such informative examination procedures as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are not prescribed for young children and people with mental pathologies. During the check of the kidneys, it is necessary to maintain complete immobility for an hour, which these categories of patients are unable to do. Typically, such studies of various levels of complexity are carried out:

  • ultrasound procedure. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the calyces, pelvis and tubules, differentiate benign and malignant neoplasms, determine the localization of the infectious focus. The study allows you to detect stones in the kidneys or bladder, suggest their chemical composition. This is the only diagnostic method that has no contraindications and does not require special training;
  • urography. The method is indispensable for establishing the degree of damage to the vessels of the kidneys, assessing the blood supply in the organs of the urinary system. Before the procedure, patients are injected with a contrast agent. After its distribution through the veins, arteries and capillaries, the smallest vessels are visualized on the computer screen. Urography is contraindicated in people who have individual sensitivity to a contrast agent;
  • x-ray study. During the procedure, the human body receives a dose of radiation that is considered safe. Pictures are not always informative, since images are obtained only in one or two projections;
  • scintigraphy. The static method allows you to determine the shape of the kidneys, their location relative to each other, to assess the degree of damage to the pelvis and calyces. During dynamic scintigraphy, patients are injected with a contrast agent. On the monitor screen, the specialist monitors the movement of blood through the pelvic vessels in real time, checks the integrity of veins, arteries and capillaries;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. The procedure is contraindicated in patients with pacemakers, dental metal implants and even tattoos. There are also some restrictions for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The modern diagnostic technique allows obtaining three-dimensional images of the kidneys, evaluating the work of a single kidney after the removal of another. After the end of the study, the patient receives a transcript of the results within minutes;
  • CT scan. This diagnostic method is carried out to study possible damage to the renal structural elements, evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, and determine the area of ​​surgical intervention. With the help of CT, it is possible to assess the condition of the kidney before making a decision to remove the second one.

When examining the kidneys, the urologist always examines the bladder using cystoscopy. To do this, a thin catheter with a built-in camera is inserted into a hollow organ, and the diagnostic results are visualized on a computer screen.

Cystoscopy refers to auxiliary methods for recognizing a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys. If blood or pus is found in the urine, then it is necessary to determine the localization of the inflammatory focus.

Ultrasound is an effective method for checking the kidneys

Many modern diagnostic methods are contraindicated or not very informative for some patients (pregnant women, people with prostheses containing metal). Using endoscopic technique, the urethra and bladder are examined. By setting the built-in camera so that the opening of the ureters is in the field of view, you can find out if the kidney is bleeding.

After carrying out all laboratory and instrumental studies, sometimes there is a need for a biopsy.

This morphological diagnostic method is used to differentiate malignant and benign neoplasms of the kidneys, liver, and lungs. Using a special endoscopic instrument, a small piece of a biological sample is plucked off for further examination in the laboratory.

For those people who care about their health, unexpected diagnoses are not terrible. They pass all examinations on time, immediately make an appointment with a doctor if their general condition worsens or if pathological signs of inflammation appear. Diagnosis of kidney disease at an early stage avoids long-term treatment in a hospital.

ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

How to check the kidneys and what tests are needed for the examination

Modern medical techniques make it possible to detect a disease at the very beginning of the process in order to prevent the pathology from developing into an irreversible form. But little depends on medicine if the patient does not want to have a kidney examination. But if you look at it, today any person is at risk of kidney pathologies and is obliged to take care of his health, especially since the study of organs does not cause pain, discomfort and is carried out quickly enough. So, kidney tests are accepted in any clinic, and a specialist will definitely go towards a conscientious patient who wants to examine the kidneys.

Who needs to check the organs without fail?

It is especially important to undergo an examination for people engaged in active physical activity.

Everyone and without exception! And it is better if the diagnosis of kidney diseases is carried out at a young age, for example, for the presence of congenital pathologies. Modern doctors know this very well, because babies in maternity hospitals undergo ultrasound during the first month of life. But still, who is in a special "risk group"? These are patients with the following factors:

Advice! It is especially important to undergo an examination for people engaged in active physical activity. Lifting weights provokes a lot of kidney diseases, so prevention of the disease will not be superfluous.

Modern methods of diagnosing kidney diseases

The list of modern diagnostic methods is extensive, let's try to tell everything about how to check the kidneys. Doctors classify all options as follows:

  • Physical diagnostics;
  • Laboratory research methods to check the kidneys;
  • Instrumental methods of examination.


    This group includes the initial examination of the patient, the collection of anamnesis, complaints and possible causes of the disease.

    This group includes the initial examination of the patient, the collection of anamnesis, complaints and possible causes of the disease. The doctor will ask in detail about the diet, lifestyle, the presence of pathologies in the family, ask other questions that need to be answered as detailed and accurate as possible. Questions do not arise out of curiosity: often renal pathologies occur against the background of adverse circumstances and are only an accompanying disease that occurs against the background of the main one, which should be identified.

    Visual inspection is the second stage, which involves palpation of the lumbar region. Sometimes palpation is enough for an experienced professional to already know the preliminary diagnosis and write out a referral for tests in order to confirm or refute their assumptions.

    Advice! Many pathologies of organs in the last stages of development have clear and vivid symptoms. The initial examination is enough for the doctor to immediately refer the subject for treatment to a highly specialized specialist


    These diagnostic methods involve examining liquids or substances under a microscope, revealing pathological changes in the composition of elements.

    These diagnostic methods involve examining liquids or substances under a microscope, revealing pathological changes in the composition of elements. As a rule, this includes a blood test for kidney disease and urine. Urine tests may be different in purpose, but the first is a general analysis. But what tests you need to pass if there is a pathology:

  • Samples of Zemnitsky;
  • Analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • Samples Amburzhe;
  • Daily urinalysis;
  • Ben-Jones protein analysis;
  • Fences for distasis and other elements.

    Important! The doctor himself will tell you what tests to take to check the kidneys. Most likely, you will need to lie down in the hospital for several days, you do not need to refuse - the detection of pathology in the primary classical urine collection requires the accuracy of identifying the causes

    Blood sampling for kidney disease is also done. It is mandatory to offer blood biochemistry, which determines the level of components and deviations from the norm, and a general analysis.


    Perhaps this is the most extensive list of options that helps to examine the kidneys literally "from all sides"

    Perhaps this is the most extensive list of options that helps to examine the kidneys literally "from all sides." Instrumental examinations are classified as follows:

  • Imaging methods, which include ultrasound examination. The method is ideal for detecting pathologies in the early stages.
  • X-ray methods:
    • survey radiography of the abdominal region;
    • infusion urography;
    • excretory urography;
    • retrograde pyelography;
    • angiographic examination of the arteries;
    • CT or computed tomography.
  • MRI or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Radioisotope methods:
    • scanning;
    • scintigraphy;
    • radiography.
  • Endoscopy:
    • cytoscopy;
    • chromocytoscopy.
  • Morphological methods or biopsy.

    A huge list does not mean at all that you need to pass all the tests to identify pathologies of kidney function. Analyzes, as a rule, are paid, starting self-treatment and self-diagnosis will be wrong and costly, so you should first get a referral from a doctor, only a specialist will be able to determine which tests will have to be taken to clarify the diagnosis.

    Advice! Absolutely all methods differ in their characteristic features and the final picture. If a doctor prescribes CT and MRI, this does not mean that he is "drawing money." CT shows a more blurred overall picture, but clarifies all the small details, and MRI will give a clear localization and dynamics of development in general terms. Sometimes, in the presence of formations, the specialist sends an x-ray of the lungs, which are very far from the kidneys, according to the patient. However, this analysis is required to clarify the presence of metastases.

    And now let's talk a little more about some instrumental studies:

  • Ultrasound is one of the most frequently prescribed studies of renal pathologies. According to its features, the procedure is one of the most convenient for the patient, fast in speed and accurate in the final clinical picture. In particular, ultrasound will show the boundaries of the kidneys, interaction with other organs, the presence of developmental anomalies, the mobility of the paired organ, the localization of the focus of infection and give a picture of the dynamics.
  • Urography is performed with the introduction of a contrast agent, on the basis of which the presence of stones, infections of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system, foci of inflammation, and so on are detected. It is especially necessary to carry out urography if there is a suspicion that the kidney is weighed down by a tumor.
  • X-ray is an instrumental study that clarifies all the information about the condition of the kidneys and bladder. An x-ray is used to determine the volume of the neoplasm, its location and interaction with the vessels, parenchyma. The technique reduces the likelihood of errors in the diagnosis of urological diseases.
  • Scintigraphy is always performed if the diagnosis of disorders of the urinary system is complicated by additional factors. The study specifies the shape, size of the organ, its position, the degree of damage, evaluates the functionality of the organs and possible violations. In addition, only scintigraphy gives a complete clinical picture of the state of the renal tissue, and this is extremely important in the presence of formations, an increase in the pelvis-calyceal system.
  • MRI is a study that is necessary to detect diseases of the organ at an early stage. MRI is also indicated for the ineffectiveness of ultrasound, CT, x-rays - for some types of pathologies, the listed options are not available or will not give a complete clinical picture of the disease. Moreover, when prescribing therapy, the doctor may also require an MRI to check how this or that treatment option will work.

    What tests need to be done?

    To identify kidney pathologies, to learn all about possible diseases of the organs, you should pass general urine and blood tests - this is mandatory and the procedure is considered a classic. In addition, the doctor, based on the history and visual examination, will make a number of more directions. But if a certain pathology is not revealed or there are no prerequisites for clarifying the diagnosis, a biochemical study of blood and urine will be the first and last analysis. If necessary, the examination will be complete and as thorough as possible.

    Important! It is imperative to follow the doctor's recommendations, especially for people of a certain profession (heavy physical labor), those who have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, some autoimmune diseases, or the family already has kidney pathologies

    An extensive list of studies is aimed at clarifying the diagnosis, narrowing the range of causes of malaise. And if a nephrologist asks to take the same analysis several times, this means that the working methods have not yet given the desired picture and the results should be checked again to eliminate all inaccuracies.

    Kidney Test Method

    The body has the most important organ that purifies the blood and removes harmful substances. These organs are the kidneys. Problems with this organ entail damage to the entire body. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to check the kidneys, choose a specialist to contact and a list of necessary tests.

    The main indicators of impaired kidney function

    If a person notices any of the following symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical specialist:

    • blood pressure is constantly rising;
    • in the process of urination, the patient catches an unpleasant odor, blood often appears in the urine itself;
    • frequent urge to empty the bladder. The highest frequency is observed at night;
    • the amount of urine noticeably changes up or down;
    • when emptying the bladder, pain is felt;
    • sharp or pulling pain sensations are regularly observed in the lower back;
    • with problems with the kidneys, edematous condition of the face and legs is noticed;
    • appetite decreases and is accompanied by unquenchable thirst;
    • shortness of breath is fixed.

    If, upon detection of these indicators, immediately undergo a medical examination, the patient will be able to prevent the development of many diseases, and their early finding will contribute to an easy cure.

    But there is another reason to take care of a consultation with doctors in advance - taking medications that affect the functioning of the kidneys.

    Risk group - who needs to monitor kidney function

    If a person often drinks alcohol, smokes or is forced to take a lot of pharmacological agents, he needs to carefully monitor the health of his filtering organ.

    The appearance of pathologies in the kidneys is often provoked by malnutrition, the appearance of excess weight or diabetes.

    Kidney check at home

    Home conditions will not allow you to accurately diagnose kidney problems, but certain ways to check for the presence of diseases in the kidneys. Initially, you need to remember whether the person had acute pain - a sign of renal colic or aching pain (prolonged illness).

    The first method involves collecting morning urine in a transparent or white container. Then it must be carefully examined - there should be nothing foreign in the urine and it will be yellow. If the color changes, you should immediately go to see your doctor. Red or brown urine is the highest level of danger.

    The second method is based on counting the volume of urine excreted each day. It is very simple to change - you should empty your bladder in one container throughout the day. At the end, you need to determine the amount.

    The normal volume of urine is two liters. With a noticeable deviation from this figure, polyuria is observed upwards, and oliguria is observed downwards.

    If a person has anuria, his kidneys do not produce urine at all. Any change in volume must involve an early visit to the doctor.

    Facial swelling is an additional symptom of impaired kidney function. A swollen face and enlarged eyelids are defined as swelling. Such a symptom quickly manifests itself in any disease, accompanied by pale skin. Sometimes it appears in other areas of the body.

    Analyzes to check

    What tests should be done to check the kidneys? Proper diagnosis involves a medical examination of the kidneys. The very first tests will be urine and blood tests.

    Urine check

    In fact, all people are required to undergo a urine test every six months. Working laboratories count erythrocytes and leukocytes and find out a lot of related characteristics. Urine is also checked for harmful impurities.

    For the diagnosis of kidney disease, there is not only a general urine test:

    • method according to Nechiporenko - used to determine the processes of inflammation;
    • Bence-Jones protein analysis - reveals malignant tumors or other formations.

    General blood analysis

    To take a blood test for kidney disease, you will need blood from a finger and a vein.

    Blood from a finger reflects the concentration of creatinine and the appearance of uric acid, and venous blood will determine the presence and level of inflammation.

    What are the requirements for this analysis? The day before delivery, you must completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and pharmacological agents.

    You also need to reduce physical activity and immediately before donating blood, you can not eat.

    What else can be analyses?

    What tests should be taken if the results obtained are not enough? In this case, the specialist directs for additional research:

    • Ultrasound - ultrasound shows structural changes in the kidneys, if any. Absolutely safe even for children.
    • X-ray - reveals a variety of renal formations. Sometimes urography is required, which is initially accompanied by the introduction of contrast.
    • Scintigraphy - in comparison with ultrasound, reveals more parameters. In particular, it determines the size and dysfunction of internal organs.

    Common kidney diseases and their symptoms

    The kidneys have an extensive list of various pathologies. A small part of the pathologies occurs constantly.

    Urolithiasis disease

    The most important symptom of the disease is renal colic. They appear due to the fact that the stone comes out of the kidneys into the ureter, thereby injuring its walls and disrupting the normal flow of urine. The pain covers the entire pelvic area, and in some cases reaches the inner thighs.

    With renal colic, the pain never disappears. In urine, particles of blood are noticeable, in rare cases - sand.

    Inflammatory processes

    Cystitis and pyelonephritis are common pathologies of the kidneys, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the kidneys or ureter.

    With such diseases, fever, reduced appetite and noticeable lethargy are recorded. The lumbar region constantly feels heavier. There are acute or aching pain syndromes.

    There is a constant urge to urinate, accompanied by pain. Examination of the kidneys in this case is required immediately, this will help maintain the health of the organs and the kidney tissue itself.

    All existing methods are used to check the kidneys, this gives an accurate result. Therefore, each person must know what tests to take to check the kidney.

    If a person has “bags” under the eyes, and the skin has become gray and dry, then there has been a malfunction in the urinary system. Do not postpone a visit to a specialist to examine the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as assess their functional activity.

    How to check the kidneys, the urologist or nephrologist will tell you. During the diagnosis, serious complications can be avoided. Treatment at an early stage of any disease allows you to quickly achieve the desired results, to avoid unwanted surgical intervention.

    When to go to the doctor

    It is rare to find a person who regularly undergoes a complete examination of the body. Most people delay the visit to the doctor, swallow handfuls of pills and convince themselves that the pain, cramps, tingling will soon disappear. And only with an exacerbation of symptoms are recorded for an appointment. This tactic is extremely dangerous, especially when the kidneys hurt.

    Paired organs rid the blood of toxins and toxins, regulate blood pressure, take part in metabolism. Even a slight disturbance in their work will quickly affect the functioning of all vital systems.

    Modern methods of diagnosing kidneys are painless, do not cause any discomfort to a person. Be sure to undergo an examination procedure for people with such a clinic of kidney damage:

    • high blood pressure;
    • frequent nighttime urination;
    • decrease in the volume of separated urine;
    • pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • burning and cutting when emptying the bladder;
    • change in color and smell of urine.

    Examination of the kidneys should not be postponed if even one of the above symptoms of abnormal functioning of the urinary system appears. Experts recommend twice a year to conduct a thorough diagnosis of paired organs.

    A complete medical examination is important for people with congenital or acquired kidney pathologies. If there is a hereditary predisposition to urolithiasis or glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to regularly examine the child from infancy.

    If there are pulling pains in the side, you should check the functioning of the kidneys.

    Diagnosis at home

    It is not possible to conduct a full kidney test at home. But if you suspect a violation of their work, you should determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200blocalization of pain, try to analyze your feelings:

    • sharp, acute spasms indicate a rapidly developing inflammatory process in the structural elements of the kidneys (calyces, pelvis, parenchyma, tubules);
    • pulling, aching pains that appear when hypothermia or the use of spicy foods occur with sluggish chronic pathologies.

    Also at home, you can check urine for the presence of impurities. To do this, you need to collect urine in a transparent container and carefully consider it. If you find fresh blood, dark blood clots, flakes, curdled sediment, you must make an appointment for a consultation with a urologist.

    A daily urine test will help evaluate kidney function. Within 24 hours, it is necessary to collect urine in a calibrated container, and then measure the resulting volume. If it does not exceed 1.5-1.8 liters, then the kidneys have lost the ability to fully filter the blood and excrete urine. A significant volume (more than 2.5 liters) means that the urine contains little uric acid and its compounds, toxins and protein breakdown products. The kidneys cannot fully concentrate urine, which causes serious damage to the entire body.

    Kidneys should be examined for changes in urine color

    What analyzes are most informative

    After conducting an external examination of the patient and listening to his complaints, the urologist will tell you where to start the examination and what tests are needed. As a rule, the results of laboratory and biochemical studies of urine and blood are tender for making an initial diagnosis. In urine, the content of white and red blood cells, as well as epithelial tissues, is determined. Be sure to evaluate the transparency, color and specific gravity of urine. The concentration of cylinders, proteins and glucose is a determining factor in the presence of an infectious focus in the kidneys.

    An informative method for studying the work of paired organs is the daily volume of urine. It is necessary to hand over to the laboratory the urine collected during the day, excluding the first emptying of the bladder. In this way, it is possible not only to establish the presence of an inflammatory focus, but also the place of its localization in one of the organs of the urinary system.

    In order to determine the type of pathogenic agent, laboratory assistants inoculate a biological sample into a nutrient medium. This method reveals the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs that will be used in the treatment.

    • from a finger to establish or refute the inflammatory process and the degree of its spread;
    • from a vein to determine the concentration of proteins and urea.

    For reliable test results, you must not eat for 12 hours before the procedure. If you suspect an endocrine etiology of a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys, you can not drink any liquid and even brush your teeth. People with systemic diseases should have laboratory tests every 6 months.

    Modern diagnostic methods

    After studying and evaluating the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary to examine the kidneys to determine the extent of their damage. The methods of diagnosis are chosen by the doctor depending on the age of the patient and the suspected disease. Research methods that use radiation are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

    Computed tomography is used to examine the kidneys.

    Such informative examination procedures as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are not prescribed for young children and people with mental pathologies. During the check of the kidneys, it is necessary to maintain complete immobility for an hour, which these categories of patients are unable to do. Typically, such studies of various levels of complexity are carried out:

    • ultrasound procedure. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the calyces, pelvis and tubules, differentiate benign and malignant neoplasms, determine the localization of the infectious focus. The study allows you to detect stones in the kidneys or bladder, suggest their chemical composition. This is the only diagnostic method that has no contraindications and does not require special training;
    • urography. The method is indispensable for establishing the degree of damage to the vessels of the kidneys, assessing the blood supply in the organs of the urinary system. Before the procedure, patients are injected with a contrast agent. After its distribution through the veins, arteries and capillaries, the smallest vessels are visualized on the computer screen. Urography is contraindicated in people who have individual sensitivity to a contrast agent;
    • x-ray study. During the procedure, the human body receives a dose of radiation that is considered safe. Pictures are not always informative, since images are obtained only in one or two projections;
    • scintigraphy. The static method allows you to determine the shape of the kidneys, their location relative to each other, to assess the degree of damage to the pelvis and calyces. During dynamic scintigraphy, patients are injected with a contrast agent. On the monitor screen, the specialist monitors the movement of blood through the pelvic vessels in real time, checks the integrity of veins, arteries and capillaries;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging. The procedure is contraindicated in patients with pacemakers, dental metal implants and even tattoos. There are also some restrictions for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The modern diagnostic technique allows obtaining three-dimensional images of the kidneys, evaluating the work of a single kidney after the removal of another. After the end of the study, the patient receives a transcript of the results within 15-20 minutes;
    • CT scan. This diagnostic method is carried out to study possible damage to the renal structural elements, evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, and determine the area of ​​surgical intervention. With the help of CT, it is possible to assess the condition of the kidney before making a decision to remove the second one.

    When examining the kidneys, the urologist always examines the bladder using cystoscopy. To do this, a thin catheter with a built-in camera is inserted into a hollow organ, and the diagnostic results are visualized on a computer screen.

    Cystoscopy refers to auxiliary methods for recognizing a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys. If blood or pus is found in the urine, then it is necessary to determine the localization of the inflammatory focus.

    Ultrasound is an effective method for checking the kidneys

    Many modern diagnostic methods are contraindicated or not very informative for some patients (pregnant women, people with prostheses containing metal). Using endoscopic technique, the urethra and bladder are examined. By setting the built-in camera so that the opening of the ureters is in the field of view, you can find out if the kidney is bleeding.

    After carrying out all laboratory and instrumental studies, sometimes there is a need for a biopsy.

    This morphological diagnostic method is used to differentiate malignant and benign neoplasms of the kidneys, liver, and lungs. Using a special endoscopic instrument, a small piece of a biological sample is plucked off for further examination in the laboratory.

    For those people who care about their health, unexpected diagnoses are not terrible. They pass all examinations on time, immediately make an appointment with a doctor if their general condition worsens or if pathological signs of inflammation appear. Diagnosis of kidney disease at an early stage avoids long-term treatment in a hospital.

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