How to choose sunglasses? How to choose the right sunglasses

Today we will talk about sunglasses.

With regard to sunglasses, the above classifications are valid for frame materials (metal, plastic, combined) and frame type (one-piece, semi-rimless and rimless).

You can also divide them into types based on specific features.

According to light transmission, sunglasses are divided into 5 categories:

Category 4 - maximum, 3-8% light transmission, they provide maximum protection in conditions of snowy mountains, bright sun in glaciers, etc. You can’t drive a car in them, because when you go from light to shade, visibility in them is very much reduced;

Please note: These are light protection categories, not UV protection. Category 2-3 glasses can provide better UV protection for your eyes than category 4 glasses. Pay attention to other factors and labels.

According to the material of manufacture of lenses, sunglasses can be divided into:

Glass. High-quality glass lenses block 100% of ultraviolet rays, which is their main advantage. Of the shortcomings - a lot of weight and injury in the event of a fall or accident;
- plastic;
- acrylic;
- polycarbonate;
- polyurethane.

All lenses made of artificial materials have similar advantages: atraumatic, light, low price, and disadvantages: they are easily scratched and damaged. Maximum UV protection does not exceed 95%. Look for UVA and UVB markings on glasses with synthetic lenses. The numbers show what percentage of radiation these glasses block. The UV400 marking indicates complete UV protection.

The following lens markings are also possible:

1. Cosmetic (marking on labels - Cosmetic). Lenses of this class are more reasonably classified as aesthetic than really healthy - they pass from 51 to 100% of UV rays. It makes sense to choose such sunglasses for wearing during the season when the sun is the least active.

2. Universal (marking on labels - General). According to ophthalmologists, this category of lenses is ideal for the climate of our latitudes. Such lenses transmit less than half of the dangerous ultraviolet radiation, usually 20-50%. In addition, sunglasses of this class are well suited for wearing in the city, where a large stream of sunlight does not reach the ground due to dense urban development.

3. Special (marking on labels - High UV-protection). This class of lenses most reliably protects the sensitive retina from burns. These sunglasses are indispensable on vacation, especially in highlands, near the water, or vice versa - on the ski slopes, when the snow multiplies the amount of sunlight.

There are several ways to limit the light flux with lenses:

1. Absorption: tinting or darkening glass. The most common method allows you to get glasses of various colors and shades, as well as with different levels of light transmission. By itself, tinting does not delay ultraviolet rays in any way, so it is necessary to look at the protective characteristics of the lens material.

2. Photochromic effect (chameleon lenses) - the introduction of a substance into the lens that darkens in sunlight.
Photochromic lenses darken when exposed to ultraviolet light. In a room where there is no ultraviolet light, they gradually brighten. Photochromic lenses are made from glass, polycarbonate and other plastics.
Artificial lighting does not work on these lenses unless it contains the short ultraviolet waves emitted by the sun.
Photochromic lenses usually darken and brighten in less than a minute, but the full transition from one state to another occurs from 5 to 15 minutes. You can check the quality of a photochromic lens by going out into the sunlight and covering one area of ​​the lens with your finger. A high-quality lens will darken in about 1 minute, while the covered area will remain light.

3. Polarizing light filter - absorption by special films or glass with crystals of reflected light from flat surfaces.
Polarized lenses are made using substances that have the ability to filter out plane polarized rays to reduce glare from a horizontal, or near-horizontal, reflective surface (eg, water, snow, wet asphalt) or stray skylight. These lenses can be made from glass, but are mostly made from plastic, such as those coated with polaroid film. Polaroid film blocks 40-60% of the light, so these glasses are also sunglasses.
You can easily check the quality of polarized lenses: take two pairs of glasses, align the lenses with their centers, turn one perpendicular to the other and look at the light. If the lenses are of high quality, the lumen will be dark.

4. Reflection: a mirror coating based on the application of one thin translucent layer of some non-oxidizing metal (chromium, silver, gold, platinum) to the outer surface of the lens.
Lenses with a mirror coating can be colored, and the color of the mirror does not depend on the color of the lens. For example, there may be gray lenses with a blue mirror or brown lenses with a silver mirror. This mirror surface absorbs little heat from the sun and heats up less than lenses without a mirror.

5. Interference of light with the help of numerous ultra-thin coatings on lenses that refract rays in different ways and create the effect of multi-colored mirrors. The anti-reflective coating on the back of the lenses is based on the same principle.
Interference coatings differ from ordinary mirror coatings in a much greater color variety, since their color depends not only on the substances used, but on the number and thickness of the refractive layers. Such coatings can be of any color from mirror silver to dark purple, and some are multi-colored when viewing the same lens from different angles (an effect such as a rainbow reflection from an oil or gasoline film on water).
The disadvantage of mirror and interference coatings is that it is usually easily covered with scratches and lose not only their appearance, but also their light protection and transparency.

6. Application of glass with oxides of rare earth elements: neodymium oxide or didymium oxide (a mixture of neodymium and praseodymium). Such lenses are purple or gray in color and are capable of absorbing yellow rays sharply, which is why goggles are worn with them during glass blowing.
Such glasses also absorb ultraviolet rays well and, in principle, can be used to protect against sunlight. They also enhance (as if illuminate) red, orange, green colors and can be used by drivers, as they sharpen the visibility of signal lights.
However, didymium and neodymium glasses in their pure form have an overall light absorption of category 2 and require additional dimming measures when used as sunscreens for very high light conditions.

In the same lenses, coloring, polarization, gradation, photochromic effect and mirror coating can be used simultaneously in various combinations.
Also in modern glasses, gradation or gradient dimming is often used - this is when the lens is darker at the top and lighter at the bottom. Gradient shading is comfortable for the eyes, if the darkest part is at eye level, the lens is lighter towards the bottom.

That's all for today.
In the next, final article, we will talk about the shapes and colors of sunglasses and how to choose them, taking into account the individual characteristics of appearance.

Not all trips require sunglasses. But in many cases, moving around on a sunny day in comfortable glasses is much more comfortable than without them. At the same time, many novice tourists have heard true and not so stories about the terrible consequences for those who find themselves without glasses in the mountains. The truth is that

  • glasses, in addition to everything else, also perform the function of mechanical protection of the eyes from dust, pebbles, insects, small particles;
  • with height, the intensity of solar radiation increases, including ultraviolet, especially harmful to humans;
  • some surfaces reflect much more UV than others.

Especially well reflects ultraviolet snow, ice (up to 80%), light sand (up to 35%), water (20%). But even simple soil (earth) can reflect up to 15% of solar radiation. We draw conclusions: in high altitude conditions (above 3000m), goggles are needed even if there is no continuous snow and ice cover. In conditions of continuous snow and ice cover, goggles are needed in any case. They are also necessary in campaigns in deserts, steppes, plateaus and in water trips and expeditions.

What is ultraviolet? This is part of the emission spectrum of our Luminary with a wavelength from 180 to 380 nm. International designation UV. There are three types of ultraviolet radiation: UVA 315-380nm, UVB 280-315 and, the most dangerous for living organisms, UVC 180-280nm. What is its danger? In significant doses, ultraviolet radiation not only contributes to sunburn, but also has a destructive effect on living organisms. The consequences of excessive exposure for a person are sunburn, retinal disorders, partial loss of vision (for climbers and polar explorers this is the infamous "snow blindness").

It is possible to save your eyes only by using high-quality optics, which fully protect against ultraviolet radiation and excessive light load. Do not confuse these things with each other! Many people think that the darker the glasses, the better they protect against UV radiation. This is a gross mistake! Completely light lenses of glasses can completely protect against ultraviolet radiation, while at the same time very dark glasses of an incomprehensible manufacturer can leave you with only the illusion of protection and cause great harm. The natural reaction of a person to the bright sun is to close his eyes, which reduces exposure. If you wear dark glasses without protection, you will suffer from ultraviolet radiation much faster.

A common label indicating complete UV protection is UV400 (UV380). Unfortunately, stickers with this marking are stuck on almost all products sold in our underground passages and bazaars in exotic countries, regardless of their actual quality. Therefore, do not buy glasses of unknown brands and even well-known, but in unreliable places! For example, Nepal is full of fakes of well-known companies, the quality of which is very doubtful. If you have no other choice, go for glasses with glass lenses, as the glass itself provides almost complete UV protection.

The degree of darkness. Spectacle lenses are ranked according to how much sunlight they let through to the retina. Currently, the most famous is the division of optics into five categories - from 0 to 4. The most suitable option for hiking in conditions of high solar activity are glasses with lenses of categories 3-4. The third category skips 8-18% and is the most versatile. If you have sufficiently sensitive eyes to solar radiation, or if you intend to stay in the mountains for a long time in conditions of permanent snow and ice cover, get category 4 glasses. At the same time, keep in mind that in such glasses, which transmit only 3-8% of the light, it is comfortable only in the sun. Getting into the shade, sometimes you have to strain your eyes a lot or even take off your glasses in an attempt to see the complex terrain. Also, they are categorically not suitable for wearing before or after sunset. In glasses of category 4 it is forbidden to drive vehicles.

Many sources say that dark eyes are less sensitive to solar radiation, and the lighter a person's eyes, the worse they tolerate ultraviolet radiation. As far as I know, this theory has not yet been fully proven.

Photochromic goggles on the go

What to do if the needs for protection are constantly changing and glasses cannot follow them?

    1. Several goggles with varying degrees of eye protection. Indeed, in serious trips, in any case, it is recommended to have spare optics. So you can take two pairs of 3 and 4 categories.
    2. Buy glasses with interchangeable lenses. There are quite a few models on the market that offer the ability to change lenses in glasses. Usually, glasses come with three types of glasses - dark, medium and enlightened - yellow or orange for wearing in fog or in the evening. But finding a kit that would include category 3 and 4 lenses is quite difficult.
    3. Buy glasses with photochromic lenses.

Photochromic glasses are known in wide circles under the name "chameleons" and are able to change their transparency within certain limits. Usually this is a range of 2-3, less often 2-4 categories. Photochromic coating typically takes 10 to 30 seconds to change transparency.

Of course, when moving across complex terrain with sharp and frequent transitions between light and shadow, such a “rate of fire” will not be enough. In calmer conditions of use, glasses with photochromic glasses are an excellent versatile option. The main drawback of this technology, apart from the time required to change the characteristics, is the price, often several times higher than the cost of conventional glasses.

Polarizing glasses

They have the ability to "remove" glare from the reflections of water, snow, glass surfaces. For hiking use, they are not a necessary option, perhaps with the exception of water.

Glasses Lens Materials

Glass. Practically not used in models for outdoor activities. The main advantages are excellent optical characteristics, high strength, practically does not transmit ultraviolet light. Disadvantages - technological difficulties in the manufacture of lenses of complex shape, high weight, increased risk of injury, cost.

Polycarbonate. The most common material for sports models. Advantages - low price, manufacturability, good optical properties, low weight, strength, safety. Disadvantages - fragility, scratches quickly, optical characteristics are worse than those of glass or more expensive polymers.

High tech polymers. An example is the NXT plastic used by the well-known French company Julbo for premium segment models. This material is stronger, more durable, optically transparent than polycarbonate. Excellent for creating photochromic and/or polarizing coatings.

In order for glasses to reliably protect your eyes, it is not enough to buy a model with good lenses. The shape of the glasses is also very important - they should fit as tightly as possible to the face, since the reflected radiation is also quite dangerous. Many models for mountain and water sports are equipped with special curtains made of elastic material (genuine or artificial leather, plastic) covering the glasses from the sides. Sometimes there is also an additional (removable) nose protection.

Glasses for active use in hiking should have the most anatomical shape, if possible, ideally “sit” on the face without rubbing even with prolonged wear. Some models have the ability to precisely fit the user - elastic, reshaping temples and / or removable nose pads of different sizes.

In the mountains, it is often necessary to take off your goggles, then put them back on for a short period of time. It is not always possible to simply move them on your forehead, since you may be wearing a hat or even a helmet. Therefore, it makes sense to get a special strap for hanging glasses on the chest. For some models, such straps are already included.

Case for hiking glasses

When hiking/traveling, it is difficult to do without a glasses case, because even durable hiking glasses can be damaged when carried in a backpack and transported in different modes of transport. The cover must be sufficiently rigid and durable. Make sure that it has a special microfiber cloth for wiping glass.

Choosing and using goggles for hiking in the mountains

Glasses are among those elements of hiking equipment that are categorically NOT recommended to buy remotely. An exception may be the purchase of a model already well known to you. If you are choosing a model for the first time, you need to devote enough time to this procedure. The main criterion when choosing glasses is convenience! Do not expect that you will get used to it over time or that it will “disperse”. If this is “your” model, then wearing it, you feel complete comfort, ideally, after some time you simply stop feeling the glasses on your face. The color of the filter should be comfortable for you, the glasses should not only sit like a glove and fit snugly to your face, but also stay in place after sudden head movements.

Before use, remove all stickers from the transparent part of the glasses.

If possible, choose brightly colored glasses for hiking, this will reduce the likelihood of loss, as well as the ability to sit on top of the glasses without noticing them. It also does not hurt to add brightness to the case (most of them have a neutral color). This can be done with stickers, ideally reflective.

Good tourist glasses are not cheap pleasure and it is in your power to extend the time of their operation. Make it a habit to put your glasses in the case as soon as you take them off your head. After all, it is quite easy to damage them, and it is even easier to scratch them. Do not let the glasses (especially if their glasses are made of polycarbonate) come into contact with hard objects, if possible, take them off in the thicket. Wipe glass with a special cloth, avoid wiping with items of clothing, especially those containing buttons, zippers or other hard parts. Do not disassemble glasses unless necessary. If you purchased glasses with interchangeable lenses, ask the seller to replace them for the first time in your presence, carefully learn the operation of the glass rotation mechanism.

When using goggles on a hike, remember that solar activity does not end with cloudy weather or fog.

Ski mask as hiking goggles

In cold weather, you can limitedly use a ski mask instead of glasses. It is great for protecting the eyes and part of the face from ultraviolet radiation, wind and cold. In warm weather, such a mask will not be able to successfully replace glasses. When choosing a mask for a hike, stop your attention on models with double flexible glass and an extremely soft foam "skirt" around the perimeter. A more universal type of filter would be an "enlightened" filter of yellow, green, blue. It will moderately protect your eyes from the not very bright sun and at the same time allow you to use the mask in foggy or cloudy conditions.

I wish you make a good choice! Happy and memorable travels!

The selection of sunglasses is an important and difficult task. If you think that it is only about fashion brands, then you are greatly mistaken. Did you know that when you are going to walk around the city on a sunny day and packing your bags for a vacation at the sea, you should take different sunglasses?

Everyone knows that sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that are harmful to humans and must be protected from. Do you think that glasses save from them? Not at all. Ultraviolet rays such as UV-A and UV-B completely block ordinary transparent glass and some types of plastic. There is also a third type of UV rays "C", but the ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere successfully copes with it. By the way, since we are talking about ultraviolet, reflective surfaces greatly increase the harmful effect of UV rays. That is why it is easy to get burned in the mountains and at the sea (snow reflects light by 90%, the water surface by 70%), and it is difficult on the shore of a forest lake or river (the reflectivity of green grass is only 30%). All these radiations are not visible, but only perceptible. And the dark glasses of sunglasses are designed to save our eyes from the visible part of the harmful sunlight. It is the visible bright light that makes us squint our eyes and “make faces”, albeit not on purpose.

So, all sunglasses have a filter designed for different degrees of illumination. In total, there are 5 degrees of protection for our eyes, and on the product of a responsible manufacturer, the category of sunglasses filter is indicated by the corresponding number.

  • "0" means that the lenses of the glasses transmit 80-100% of the light. This is the lowest degree of protection, such glasses are suitable only on a cloudy day.
  • "1" - 43-80% light transmission. Ideal for days when dense clouds give way to clear skies, that is, for partly cloudy and only for the city.
  • "2" let in 18-43% of the light and are also suitable for urban life. A bright sunny day, a shopping trip - these are the ideal conditions for putting on glasses marked "2".
  • "3". Light transmittance - 8-18%. Sunglasses with filter categories "1" and "2" are suitable for everyday urban life, and only these, marked "3", can and should be chosen for a trip to the sea. Such protection will withstand both sunbathing on the beach and boat trips.
  • "4" means the highest degree of protection of the retina from damaging light. Throughput 3–8%. The choice of such filters for glasses belongs to climbers and tourists climbing mountains.

As you can see, choosing glasses is not so easy. It is hardly worth expecting the necessary amount of important information about each item of goods on street stalls, where not every unit of goods has packaging. Once you've tried trusting a real quality sunscreen company, you're unlikely to want to go back to a suspect market range. Ours could be one of the best purchases of your life. The world famous brand RB has already made the lives of millions of people brighter and their views safer.

Take advantage of the best, because you are already with us!

The degree of sunlight transmission and the level of protection from ultraviolet rays are two key indicators that determine the quality and scope of a particular model of sunglasses. So, let's look at how to choose sunglasses by type of protection.

The degree of protection of sunglasses

There are four levels of protection for sunglasses. Level "0" means that these glasses can only be worn on cloudy or overcast days, as they let in 80% to 100% of the sun's rays. "1" is suitable for weak sun, such as a summer evening. The degree of transmission of rays by lenses with this marking is 43 - 80%. Glasses marked "2" are suitable for strong sun, you can choose them if you decide to spend the summer in the city. They block most of the sunlight, passing from 18% to 43% of the rays to the eye. "3" is suitable for relaxing by the sea, where the sun is already very intense. The percentage of transmission in them is only 8-18%. The most protected points have level "4". In such lenses, your eyes will be comfortable even on, as they let in from 3% to 8% of the sun's rays.

Information about what kind of protection sunglasses should have is worth looking at the label, which also contains information about the manufacturer. Any high-quality model should have such labels. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the higher the protection, the darker the lens. So, glasses with a protection level of "4" cannot even be used when driving a car, they are so dark.

Sunglasses with UV protection

How to determine the degree of protection of women's sunglasses, in addition to information about light transmission? To do this, there is another parameter on the label - data on how many ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB spectrum) this or that model passes. In total, there are three types of points, depending on this parameter:

  1. Cosmetic- such glasses practically do not delay harmful radiation (transmission rate 80-100%), which means that they can be worn when the sun is not active.
  2. General- glasses with this marking are perfect for use in the city, as their glasses reflect up to 70% of the radiation of both harmful spectra.
  3. Finally, to relax by the sea or in the mountains, you need to pick up glasses marked High UV protection, as they reliably delay all harmful radiation, which multiplies many times when reflected from water.

How to choose polarized sunglasses for drivers? In this article, we will consider in detail the question of which polarized glasses for a driver to choose, taking into account modern achievements in the optical industry.

UV protection. The human eye has its own system for adjusting the incoming light, consisting of an outer part - the eyelids of the eye and an inner part - the pupil. In order to reduce the amount of incoming light in bright sunny weather, we squint, and our pupil is reduced to a minimum size. At the same time, the amount of ultraviolet rays also decreases tenfold.

When a person wears sunglasses, most of the incoming light is filtered by the lenses, so you no longer have to squint and the pupil diameter increases again. That is, the natural defense mechanism given to us by nature is turned off. An enlarged pupil will let in dozens of times more ultraviolet rays, which have a detrimental effect on the lens and retina of the eye. Therefore, it is better to walk without any glasses at all than with glasses without UV protection.

It should be noted that the windows of modern cars have UV protection, so you can feel safe inside the car.

The degree of darkness. Sunglasses are divided into 5 categories according to the degree of darkening:

Sunglasses for drivers are usually equipped with category 2 and 3 lenses.

Toning color. Having decided on the category, you should choose the color of the tint. This is a purely subjective matter, everyone chooses what he likes, but still we will try to give basic recommendations. Consider the most common colors of tinting:

1. Green. It has a calming and relaxing effect. It used to be used everywhere and was considered the most suitable for sunglasses. Recommended for patients with glaucoma.

2. Gray (aka black, smoky, etc.). Evenly absorbs all colors and therefore does not affect color rendering. Best option in sunglasses for driving.

3. Brown. Increases contrast, but as a result - increased eye fatigue.

4. Yellow and orange. Such tinting is used for driving under conditions of poor visibility, on a cloudy day, fog, rain and even at night.

5. Blue. Delays yellow and orange rays. This tint is used in medium and bright light. Increases contrast and does not distort colors.

6. Blue, pink, red. Such tints are not particularly common, as they have many disadvantages, and also do not provide proper light absorption. Glasses with such lenses are usually used to create an image, they are not of interest to us within the framework of this article.

Glass or plastic? Recently, high-quality plastic has been pushing glass on all fronts. This happens for many reasons: plastic is cheaper, lighter and stronger. At the same time, it, like glass, provides 100% UV protection and proper light absorption. Particularly popular as a material for the lenses of sunglasses received a hardened type of plastic - polycarbonate. It is often stronger than the frame itself and is therefore recommended for sports sunglasses, as well as driving sunglasses (such lenses can withstand an airbag and are injury-free). But both plastic and polycarbonate lose to glass in terms of scratch resistance, even despite all the modern protective coatings. And one more advantage of glass over plastic is that even on a hot sunny day it does not heat up and the eyes are in relative coolness, which has a positive effect on comfort.

Polarization. Polarized glasses for the driver (they are also polarized glasses for drivers or anti-glare glasses for drivers) cut off the sun's rays reflected from horizontal surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, car windows, water surface, etc.). The option is extremely useful, because such glasses can be used not only for driving, but also at sea or in the mountains, and they are also suitable for urban use.

The polarizing filter itself is a thin film inside or on the back of the lens. It cannot be visually identified, but there is a sure way to check glasses for polarization. To do this, you need to sit in front of a computer monitor (the screens of modern smartphones and tablets are not suitable for this) with glasses and tilt your head to your left shoulder. If at some point the screen completely darkens, then polarization is present. Polarized glasses for the driver are not recommended for use in poor lighting or at night, as they significantly reduce the illumination.

Anti-reflective coating. About UV protection and polarization is written in almost every article on the choice of sunglasses, but there is no information about anti-reflective coating, although this is a very important point. Sunglasses have an anti-reflective coating on the inside of the lenses so that rays coming from behind the back or from the side do not reflect off the lenses and into your eyes. This problem is especially relevant for owners of sunglasses with glass lenses, because glass reflects light much better than plastic. Therefore, when choosing such glasses, do not skimp and pay extra for lenses with anti-glare.

It is by the presence of an anti-reflective coating that one can identify high-quality dark glasses for driving. To determine the presence of anti-reflective, look at the inner surface of the lens and tilt the glasses at different angles. If you see a blue-violet reflection, then this means that the anti-reflective coating is present.

As you can see in this picture, lenses without anti-reflection reflect the incident light quite strongly, in use they will glare decently, while lenses with anti-reflection reflect light much less.

Curvature of glasses. Another important characteristic when choosing sunglasses for drivers, which few people pay attention to, is the basic curvature of the lenses. Usually it ranges from 6 (flat glasses), to 9 (sports, close-fitting glasses). For driving, it is best to choose exactly adjacent glasses (8-9 base curvature).

In this case, a minimum of light will fall into the openings between the glasses and your face and, accordingly, will distract you less. The lenses should be large enough to cover the eyes from the periphery. In this case, you do not have to rotate your head with glasses if you need to look in the side mirror, it will be enough just to move the pupil.

Lens shape. In 1937, Ray-Ban produced the first sunglasses designed for US Air Force pilots. This model was called "Aviator" and it had a characteristic teardrop shape, specially adapted for aircraft control.

Sunglasses on Tom Cruise's face in Top Gun.

This form was so successful that today it is the most popular among manufacturers of sunglasses. This shape (as well as its various variations) is also great for driving glasses.

Rim glasses. The thinner, the better. A frameless option would be ideal, since in this case the frame will not limit the viewing angle. The temples should also be thin so as not to obscure peripheral vision.

Great example of driving glasses.

It is also advisable to keep weight to a minimum, because on long trips, heavy glasses (especially with glass lenses) will put pressure on the bridge of the nose, which will cause you to once again be distracted by correcting them or massaging a tired nose.

Conclusions. All things considered, the ideal polarized driver sunglasses are frameless sunglasses with lightweight polycarbonate lenses and thin temples. Lens tint degree 2 or 3. The tint color can be gray, green, brown or blue, depending on the preference of the person. Lenses must be equipped with polarization technology, as well as have an anti-reflective coating on the inner surface. The frame of the glasses should be light, durable and safety. Material - lightweight plastic, steel alloy, and best of all titanium. The base curvature of the lenses is 8-9, the shape is aviator or similar, wide enough to cover the sides of the eyes.

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