Idealism in philosophy is a spiritual principle. Who is an idealist

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BUT, m.

A follower of idealistic philosophy.

All those philosophers in whose eyes matter is the primary factor belong to the materialist camp; yet those who regard the spirit as such a factor are idealists. Plekhanov, On the development of a monistic view of history.

One who is completely devoted to high ideals and is guided by them in his behavior and life.

There have not yet been great idealists in Russia who completely forgot about themselves, about their personal benefit and personal interest, like the so-called "realists" of the sixties. Shelgunov, Memoirs.

In Sechenov's circle, he received a reputation as an idealist, far from everything earthly. Mechnikov, In memory of N. A. Umov.

Yes, in our society, which lives according to the laws of materialism, there are many idealists in the best sense of the word - people who sacrifice very much and dearly in the name of a lofty idea. Kataev, Happiness of our youth.

One who tends to idealize reality; dreamer, impractical person.

Khor was a positive, practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist; Kalinich, on the contrary, belonged to the number of idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people. Turgenev, Khor and Kalinich.

Working in intelligence, Nikolai had seen all sorts of things and was by no means an idealist. B. Field, Gold.

Zinaida Mironovna gently took her husband by the hand: - You and I are idealists, dear. Tonkov knows how to understand people, listen to him. Granin, Seekers.

What IDEALIST, IDEALIST this is the meaning of the word IDEALIST, origin (etymology) IDEALIST, synonyms for IDEALIST, paradigm (word forms) IDEALIST in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms IDEALIST- Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

IDEALIST- T.F. Efremova New Dictionary of the Russian Language. Explanatory- derivational


ideal and st

1. m.

1) An adherent of idealism (1 *).

2) Representative of idealism (1 *).

2. m.

1) Someone who tends to idealize reality.

2) One who is committed to high moral ideals and is guided by them in life.

IDEALIST- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language


IDEALIST, -a, m.

1. A follower of ~ic philosophy.

1) a follower of idealistic philosophy; 2) a person who is inclined to embellish reality, to consider it better than it is. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. IDEALIST 1) follower ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

idealist- a, m. idealiste, German. Idealist. 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy. ALS 1. Idealist. A philosopher who considers the idea, the concept, to be the basis of everything that exists. 1768. Euler PP 2 72. // Development 1990 30. Monists are divided into Idealists and Materialists. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Cm … Synonym dictionary

IDEALIST, idealist, husband. (book). 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy; ant. materialist (philosopher) 2. A disinterested person, selflessly serving some cause, idea. 3. A person who idealizes reality, a dreamer, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

BUT; m. [French. idéaliste] 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy. Belong to the camp of idealists. Be a consistent idealist. 2. One who tends to idealize reality; dreamer, impractical person. You just and.! 3. The one… … encyclopedic Dictionary

idealist- a; m. (French idéaliste) see also. idealist, idealistic 1) A follower of idealistic philosophy. Belong to the camp of idealists. Be a consistent idealist. 2) One who tends to idealize reality; dreamer, impractical... Dictionary of many expressions

idealist- IDEALIST1, a, m A person who is inclined to present the environment as better than it really is. The project participants were called idealists. IDEALIST2, a, m A person who is completely devoted to what l. high ideals, goals and is guided by them in his ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

I m. 1. An adherent of idealism [idealism I]. 2. Representative of idealism [Idealism I]. II m. 1. One who is inclined to idealize reality. 2. One who is committed to high moral ideals, is guided by them in life and strives for ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealists, idealists (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words


  • Idealist, E. Bagirov. He is an idealist. He believes that justice will prevail if you go forward without betraying yourself. He endured severe hardships, climbing to the top. And here is solid ground under his feet - he took ...
  • Idealist, Alexander Krutko. Dima Bazis, like many young people, is losing interest in everything. He feels clumsy and superfluous in the scheme of modern life. His own existence seems to him aimless, he does not feel ...

IDEALIST, -a, m. 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy. 2. A person who idealizes reality, a dreamer (obsolete). 3. A person who in his behavior and life is guided by idealistic (see idealism in 3 meanings) principles. II well. idealist, -i (ko 2 and 3 meanings). Idealistic, th, th; -chen, -chen. Imbued with idealism (in 2 meanings). II noun - idealism, -i, g.

IDEALIST - books

... the very moment when Shchedrin's idealist crucian took it into his head to declare his authority, a pike hail slammed over him. The pike argument turned out to be more real and undoubted than the crucian theory of human rights ......

...cha in the liberal magazine "Athenaeus" was an attack by militant idealists against materialism. Dobrolyubov exposes the liberalism of the authors, showing the commonality of their philosophical views with the preaching of religion...

... tit. Newspapers are grey, inside and out. The new newspaper "Dawn" - especially sulfur. It is published by an "idealist", and it is called "Dawn" - it could, it seems, be lighter. Gray, rainy dawns have long bothered us. …

… which he studies. It is a material and sensual aid to save poor children from the murderous, overwhelming ability, dry and dead distraction so beloved by the idealists…”…

...the rise to power is a unique testament to the transformation of an obscure young idealist from a Munich pub into an obsessed dictator. The author gives a vivid, lively and detailed description of Hitler ...

IDEALIST - words close in meaning

  • WATER, -s, wine. water, pl. waters, waters, waters and (obsolete) waters, f. 1. Transparent colorless liquid, which is...

1) a follower of idealistic philosophy; 2) a person who is inclined to embellish reality, to consider it better than it is. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. IDEALIST 1) follower ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

idealist- a, m. idealiste, German. Idealist. 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy. ALS 1. Idealist. A philosopher who considers the idea, the concept, to be the basis of everything that exists. 1768. Euler PP 2 72. // Development 1990 30. Monists are divided into Idealists and Materialists. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Cm … Synonym dictionary

IDEALIST, husband. 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy. 2. A person who idealizes reality, a dreamer (obsolete). 3. A person who, in his behavior and life, is guided by idealistic (see idealism in 3 meanings) principles. |… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

BUT; m. [French. idéaliste] 1. A follower of idealistic philosophy. Belong to the camp of idealists. Be a consistent idealist. 2. One who tends to idealize reality; dreamer, impractical person. You just and.! 3. The one… … encyclopedic Dictionary

idealist- a; m. (French idéaliste) see also. idealist, idealistic 1) A follower of idealistic philosophy. Belong to the camp of idealists. Be a consistent idealist. 2) One who tends to idealize reality; dreamer, impractical... Dictionary of many expressions

idealist- IDEALIST1, a, m A person who is inclined to present the environment as better than it really is. The project participants were called idealists. IDEALIST2, a, m A person who is completely devoted to what l. high ideals, goals and is guided by them in his ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

I m. 1. An adherent of idealism [idealism I]. 2. Representative of idealism [Idealism I]. II m. 1. One who is inclined to idealize reality. 2. One who is committed to high moral ideals, is guided by them in life and strives for ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealist, idealists, idealists, idealists (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words


  • Idealist, E. Bagirov. He is an idealist. He believes that justice will prevail if you go forward without betraying yourself. He endured severe hardships, climbing to the top. And here is solid ground under his feet - he took ...
  • Idealist, Alexander Krutko. Dima Bazis, like many young people, is losing interest in everything. He feels clumsy and superfluous in the scheme of modern life. His own existence seems to him aimless, he does not feel ...

Idealism in philosophy is a trend that claims that our spirit, subconscious and consciousness, thoughts, dreams and everything spiritual are primary. The material aspect of our world is considered something derivative. In other words, the spirit gives rise to matter, and without thought there can be no object.

General concepts

Based on this, many skeptics believe that idealism in philosophy is acceptance. They give examples where convinced idealists plunge into the world of their dreams, regardless of whether they concern a specific person or the whole world. We will now consider the two main varieties of idealism and compare them. It is also worth noting that both of these concepts, despite the fact that they are often characterized by opposing dogmas, are the exact opposite of realism.

in philosophy

The objective current in philosophical science appeared in ancient times. In those years, people did not yet share their teachings as such, so there was no such name. The father of objective idealism is considered to be Plato, who put the whole world around people into the framework of myth and divine stories. One of his statements has passed through the centuries and is still a kind of slogan of all idealists. It lies in disinterestedness, in the fact that an idealist is a person who strives for higher harmony, for higher ideals, despite minor adversities and problems. In antiquity, a similar trend was also supported by Proclus and Plotinus.

This philosophical science reaches its apogee during the Middle Ages. In these dark ages, idealism in philosophy is a church philosophy that explains any phenomenon, any thing, and even the very fact of human existence as an act of the Lord. The objective idealists of the Middle Ages believed that the world as we see it was built by God in six days. They completely denied evolution and any other gradations of man and nature that could lead to development.

The idealists separated from the church. In their teachings, they tried to convey to people the nature of one spiritual principle. As a rule, objective idealists preached the idea of ​​universal peace and understanding, the realization that we are all one, which can achieve the highest harmony in the universe. It was on the basis of such semi-utopian judgments that idealism was built in philosophy. This trend was represented by such personalities as G. W. Leibniz, F. W. Schelling.

Subjective idealism in philosophy

This trend was formed around the 17th century, in those years when there was even the slightest opportunity to become a free person, independent of the state and the church. The essence of subjectivism in idealism lies in the fact that a person builds his world through thoughts and desires. Everything that we see, feel, is only our world. The other individual builds it in his own way, respectively, sees and perceives it differently. Such "isolated" idealism in philosophy is a kind of visualization as a model of reality. Representatives are I. G. Fichte, J. Berkeley, and also D. Huma.

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