Where is the number of the vet passport. Documents for a kitten

If we are talking about a purebred puppy, the owner does not have to think about how to get a passport for the dog: the breeder transfers the baby to a new family along with a full package of documents. But suddenly the veterinary passport will become unusable, lost? Or is the dog adopted from the street? Indeed, regardless of breed, breeding value and other secondary factors, a dog must have a veterinary passport.

Traveling in public transport, transporting a dog in a private vehicle, attending mass festivities, exhibitions, sports competitions, participating in breeding - if the owner does not care how to get a passport for a dog, all this will become inaccessible to his pet. A veterinary passport does more than just certify a dog's identity. This is a document that proves that the pet is vaccinated against viral infections that are dangerous to other animals and people.

A veterinary passport for a hunting dog is required to register a pet in a hunting license. If you do not properly draw up documents for a hunting dog, the owner will be accused of poaching, penalties will be applied to him, and they may even not be allowed to register in the future.

"Paws, ears and tail, that's all my papers"! - said Sharik from Prostokvashino. But in this bureaucratic time, our pets cannot say that when they are going somewhere in the village to their grandmother in another region or on vacation with their owners abroad.

I try to write about different aspects of traveling with animals, but so far I have missed one big point - about documents for a dog, without which no long trip would take place. And today there will be such an extensive article about certificates for animals for transportation on various modes of transport, identifiers and analyzes, so that your trip with a dog abroad will be without difficulties.

A dog passport is a very important document. And it is needed not only for those who are going abroad with a dog. In essence, this document reflects the state of health of your dog and is both a veterinary passport for dogs and an identity card. Therefore, it is important for owners to issue a veterinary passport for a dog as soon as they go for the first vaccination, and it does not matter whether you bought a puppy or you already got an adult dog.

How and where to apply for a passport for a dog

from previous owners

In general, if you buy a purebred puppy from a club, from breeders, or from bona fide previous owners, then you should be given a dog passport along with the dog. Since the first vaccinations are given to puppies at 2 months, and the puppies are taken just after. The passport contains marks about all vaccinations and other planned medical interventions, which means that if the dog is more than two months old, it must have vaccinations.

But what if you have a non-pedigreed dog that you bought from an old woman near the metro station or just picked up or found on the street?

apply at a veterinary clinic

You can get a veterinary passport at any veterinary clinic. It can be a public clinic or a private one, it doesn't matter. You can buy a dog passport form at the time of your visit where you will be given information that the dog has been processed, vaccinated or sterile.

What does a veterinary passport for a dog look like?

The passport looks either as in the picture below, or it has a completely ordinary neutral cover with the inscription "Veterinary Dog Passport".

How to fill out a dog veterinary passport

In the veterinary passport of the dog, only the data about the animal and the owner are filled in by the owner himself. Like the dog's name, breed, gender, date of birth, type and coat color. You can stick a photo of the dog in your passport, but this is not required. In general, the data on the dog should be the same as if you were making a verbal portrait of your pet.

In addition to external data, the chip number, if any, the date of its installation, the tattoo number, if any, and the date of application are indicated.

The most important thing in the passport is information about the vaccinations carried out and their expiration date. As well as data on the conduct of helminthization, treatment against fleas and ticks and vaccination against rabies.

How to fill out a dog veterinary passport on your own

All antiviral vaccinations, as well as the rabies vaccine, must be done at the clinic. With the name of the vaccine (usually a sticker on the bottle) signed and stamped by the clinic doctor.

And the treatment of a dog from fleas and ticks, as well as the treatment of worms, is quite possible at home. It is only important to enter these data in the veterinary passport. You need to indicate the date of taking the drug and the name of the drug (or stick a sticker if any).

International Veterinary Passport

In fact, the veterinary dog ​​passport that is issued in our country is not a real international passport. The only international thing that it has is the duplication of names into English. A real international passport is a broad concept. For example, there is an international veterinary passport for the Schengen zone, according to which dogs can cross the borders of the eurozone without additional certificates and certificates. But we don’t give out such ones yet, and if someone buys, then according to the rules, the dog must spend most of the time in the eurozone.

Chip or tattoo

  • Different identifiers are used for different animal species:
    For birds use a ring on the foot.
    Everyone saw the tags on the ears of cattle.
    Chips, unlike other identifiers, mark all animals. The tattoo is applied to puppies, kittens and foals later, in adulthood, by adding a chip.

For transportation of an animal both within the country and for export abroad the obligatory document is the Certificate in form No. 1, the basis for which is the presence of identifiers on the body of animals.

Chip a dog (cat) or one tattoo will be enough to get this certificate - this is decided based on where you plan to go. Each country has its own requirements.
There is a common expression on the Internet that a microchip is the size of a grain of rice. Which sounds like it's so small. Now look at this syringe, which puts a microchip in the withers of your dog or cat. Or pick up a piece of rice and imagine how thick the needle will be. Well, to understand.
We put a microchip at the age of 3 months along with a rabies vaccination and a second one against distemper-interitis. The dog survived the installation of the chip well, only the veterinarian could not pierce him the first time, and then he was very afraid, so he had to wait and calm him down.

Veterinary certificate

To transport a pet within the Russian Federation and the CIS, it is necessary to issue a Veterinary Certificate No. 1. Without it, you will not be put on a plane or on a train, and according to the rules, without it, you cannot even go by car from one region to another.

It is possible to issue such a certificate only in state district veterinary clinics, however, not at the place of residence of the owner with a dog will also not be entirely correct, although it is permissible. That is, choose any convenient for you by location.

How to get a veterinary certificate No. 1

You need to come with the following list:

  • Veterinary passport
  • Russian passport of the owner
  • Dog
  • Chip (or tattoo) or other animal identifier.

The validity of the certificate is only 5 days. It used to be even less - only 3! Therefore, calculate the date of receipt of the document so that you have time to leave while the certificate is valid. If any veterinary clinic does not work (for example, on New Year's or May holidays), look for one that will work! We arrive at the clinic with all the documents. We had to sit in line because before the May holidays a lot of dogs left for exhibitions.

Based on the vaccination data recorded in your international veterinary passport, you are issued a veterinary certificate No. 1, which in fact is just a duplicate of the passport data. Well, it's necessary. The data of the dog's chip, the number and date of installation are also overwritten, and who is the owner is recorded. This is a strict accountability form and looks like a real document on a stamped seal with watermarks.

A Russian passport is needed to rewrite the data on the owner’s residence (and therefore the animal) and, on the basis of this, issue an assurance that there are no and have not been outbreaks of rabies in this region for a long time. This disease is the biggest and main trouble, and hence the demand is high. From regions where there is such an infection, it is impossible to import an animal. Therefore, for example, it is officially impossible to bring a dog to Bali, and then it is officially impossible to take it out.
The spine of the certificate remains at the veterinary clinic that issued the certificate, but the Form 1 Certificate itself is given to you.

Veterinary Certificate for the export of an animal No. 5

An international veterinary certificate No. 5 is required if you are going to transport a dog across the border of other countries. In general, to be honest, it is necessary for those animals that do not have a real international veterinary passport. Therefore, if you have a valid international passport, then you do not need such a veterinary certificate, but you can only get it as a resident of the EU, again, officially.
A sample veterinary certificate can be viewed on the Rosselkhoznadzor website for any country. Choose a country, then the “export” tab and read everything that we find useful for ourselves. For example here veterinary certificate form for EU countries.

How to get an international veterinary certificate

To obtain a veterinary certificate for the export of an animal abroad, you will need:

  • Veterinary Certificate Form 1
  • Foreign passport of the owner
  • Plane/train tickets
  • Chip or other animal identifier

An international veterinary certificate is obtained in exchange for a Veterinary Certificate No. 1. It is an exchange, since the certificate is then taken away at the veterinary control point! They verify the data in the certificates, scan the chip and issue a certificate based on all the data. Also, at the veterinary control point at the airport, for example, they issue a boarding pass for an animal.

Each country has its own import and export requirements. All information on import and export (import and export) is published on the website of Rosselzoznadzor and on this page there is information on the requirements for the export and import of animals in different countries. In particular, it is important to look at information about the vaccinations that are needed to cross the border of a particular country, as well as quarantine requirements.
For example, almost all countries require a rabies vaccination, which must be delivered no earlier than 30 days before travel and must be no more than a year old. So keep this 30 day quarantine in mind when you travel and get vaccinated. To enter some countries, you need to have not only a rabies vaccination, but also a blood test of the animal, indicating that it does not contain the virus.
Also, many countries require that the animal be dewormed (dewormed), as well as treated against fleas and ticks.

I would like to note that despite the fact that these requirements are mandatory, many veterinarians and owners understand that it is often harmful to deworm a dog and there is no point. And the fact that some countries require this to be done 5 days before the trip, to be honest, is not entirely true (and if you travel every month, for example!). Therefore, if you are prophylactic against worms in your dog, then you can simply paste the label in the veterinary passport. Veterinarians understand this and go to the meeting.
Registration of the Veterinary Certificate Form 1 costs from 300 to 900 rubles.

Where to get an international veterinary certificate

It all depends on where you are going and what mode of transport you use. I will tell you about St. Petersburg, since this is where we live and have design experience.

It is not necessary to obtain a certificate at the airport if another point of registration is closer to you. Yes, usually everyone refuses on the spot and at the railway station or seaport they send you to the airport if you are flying by plane, but in fact they can arrange it. They just don't want to.

Addresses and phone numbers of border crossing points, air, land and sea, you will find in the photo below.

You can get an international certificate directly at the border crossing points if there is a veterinary control there. International road points where there is veterinary control, addresses and telephone numbers are shown in the picture below. You can call and check the opening hours and everything you need.

Obtaining a veterinary certificate at Pulkovo Airport

My advice is to call the veterinary control service at the airport in advance and if there is time and opportunity, issue a certificate in advance. I try to do this 2 days before departure, as I try to buy tickets for early morning flights (so that the dog sleeps while watching the night's sleep). But also, when issuing a certificate right before the plane, you will never guess if there is a queue for the veterinary service, and according to the workers and our personal experience, certificates are being issued to someone all the time. If you do not want to wait and be nervous before departure, then just arrive early.
In St. Petersburg, we receive an international certificate in the new terminal of Pulkovo Airport. The airport website has very good map, where everything is clear where to go, but nevertheless you can ask the staff at the entrance. It's hard to get lost.
Pulkovo veterinary service is located in the arrivals building on the ground floor!!!(Why arrivals? Yes, they just still check bags with bacon and sausage more often than they do registration of animals, really). After the inspection at the entrance, turn right and then straight all the way to the boxes for sorting garbage and large letters Departure and then to the left and follow the arrows printed on A4 pieces of paper you will come to the right place))

Pulkovo airport veterinary control phone 8-923-418-56-29. Issuance of veterinary certificates around the clock, but you should still call and clarify. Lunch from 13-30 to 14-00. Once we arrived for a certificate at 4 in the morning and simply called the number indicated on the door, woke up the employee.

Vet control at Finland Station

Despite the fact that veterinary control is allegedly located at the Finland Station, the territory of this very station is huge and the address of Botkinskaya Street still does not say anything. If you are facing the entrance to the station, then go around it on the left until you run into a bunch of police bobbins.

Here you reach this building and to the right through the iron black door.

We had to wait a very long time in winter. But the winter period of the New Year holidays is generally the hottest time for issuing certificates for those who cross the border by car. But in the summer there were no people.

Antibody test

Currently, almost all countries require that the animal imported into their territory be vaccinated against rabies. However, some countries, in addition to the rabies vaccination itself, also require an analysis for rabies, or rather an analysis for the presence of antibodies to this virus. And everything would be fine, but if you are going to such a country spontaneously and without preparation, having bought a cheap discount ticket, you risk getting either for money or leaving the animal at home.
So, already before buying a cheap package tour to Israel, it turned out that the country is on the list of those countries where an antibody test is required.

So which countries need an antibody test

To England, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Malta, Taiwan, Japan, UAE and Israel. I would also like to note that these countries, unlike the others, require not only a label on deworming to be pasted into the veterinary passport, but also a certificate issued in English.
Such rules apply if you are bringing a dog from Russia and directly to the specified country. When transporting a dog from the territory of Ukraine and some other countries, an antibody test is also required. It all depends on whether your country is in a rabies-free zone or not.

Where to get tested for rabies antibodies

In the laboratory, but not in any. In Russia, this can be done either directly in Center for Molecular Diagnostics in Moscow. To do this, you need to bring a dog there and donate blood from which serum is made for analysis.
In other cities of the Russian Federation there are no such laboratories and one has to look for options.
In St. Petersburg, for example, you can go for an antibody test to Finland, Helsinki, Lappeenranta and other cities that can be viewed on the website Finnish food safety agency Evira.
Option number two, found on the net, that you can contact intermediaries in St. Petersburg, donate blood to them and they will transfer it to Finland for analysis or send it to Moscow, if you need an urgent analysis, you need to clarify the possibility. In St. Petersburg, such an intermediary was named. But I decided to clarify this point and wrote them a letter. I received an answer:

Today, in order to cross the state border, not only a person needs but also his pet. If you are going to travel with your pet, prepare a passport for it in advance. Moreover, if for some animals (for example, for parrots, turtles, snakes or rodents) it is very difficult to obtain a passport, then for cats and dogs documents are made very quickly. The main thing is to carefully prepare and do all the necessary procedures for the animal.

What is an international veterinary passport

Naturally, a pet passport is not an identity card, it is a document that will tell the customs service everything about the health of your pet.

Also, the data of the owner of the animal is entered into the veterinary passport for dogs and cats - his full name, date of birth, address and telephone number.

Why do you need a passport

This document will tell the staff of the border veterinary control whether the pet has been vaccinated, whether it is a carrier of any disease. This is important, as any state protects its citizens from infections common to animals and humans (such as rabies), and from diseases that your pet can transmit to local dogs and cats.

The owner also needs a passport - if the animal is lost or stolen, only a passport will help you prove that you are its owner. This is especially true for thoroughbred, expensive show or rare breeds of animals, which often become victims of scammers and robbers.

What is required for a passport

The first thing you need to do is to have the animal microchipped, as some countries emphasize that microchipping must be done before vaccinations. Although in many clinics both chipping and vaccinations can be done at the same time. Moreover, the chip must comply with the international ISO standard.

Then give your dog or cat all the necessary vaccinations. The main ones are against rabies, parvovirus and 2 Also, they are vaccinated against major infectious diseases such as Lyme disease, mumps, adenovirus infection and others. For other vaccines, check country-specific requirements. Please note that if you have done all the vaccinations, then you can transport the animal no earlier than a month, but no later than a year. It is also important to remember that there are some peculiarities in the transportation of a puppy or a kitten - for example, animals can only be imported into the European Union from the age of 4 months, since the first vaccination is given only to two-month-old puppies, and the most important one, against rabies, one month after the first vaccination. After another month, you can take out the animal. And there are countries that do not require any certificates for animals under 3 months old.

Pay special attention to the rabies vaccine - not all of them can be recognized by veterinary control, so check which ones are accepted unconditionally and look for clinics where they make them.

Deworming of the animal should be carried out every 3-4 months, which is recorded in the passport, and the last procedure should be carried out approximately 5 days before the flight. Also treat the dog or cat in advance with a flea and tick remedy (with the appropriate mark in the passport).

How to get a document

Having delivered all the vaccinations and performed all the necessary procedures, the owner, together with the animal, will have to visit the state veterinary station, where they will be issued a certificate or certificate in the form No. 1-vet on the basis of a veterinary passport. This certificate is needed to cross the border, its validity is only 5 days.

When crossing the border, this certificate is exchanged for an international veterinary passport. For different countries, it may be different, for example, it is often pink, and in some EU countries it is white.

Where to get a passport

A veterinary passport can be issued at the same veterinary clinic where you vaccinate your pet. Only when choosing a clinic, give preference to the largest. Today, the licensing of veterinary clinics has been canceled, therefore, in order not to be mistaken, it is better to contact a state clinic, where the animal will definitely be vaccinated against rabies (small private clinics have a problem with vaccines), and they will draw up the relevant documents. That is, they can be made anywhere, but when crossing the border, the passport of a small clinic, and even issued incorrectly (and this is possible if the veterinarian has no experience in preparing documents), can be challenged.

What to look out for

First of all, start preparing for obtaining a document in advance and at least a month before the trip, clarify the rules for obtaining a passport and the rules for importing animals into the territory of the country where you are going. The rules, albeit infrequently, change, and it would be a shame, having done such a difficult job, not to cross the border because of some trifle.

Pay attention to how vaccination data is entered in the veterinary passport - in special columns they indicate not only the date of vaccination and the name of the vaccine, but also attach a special sticker, which is extinguished by the seal of the veterinarian and is confirmed by the signature of the veterinarian. If this is not the case or vaccination dates are not indicated, the passport may be invalidated.

Another common mistake is that vaccination data is entered not by a doctor, but by a club or breeder, while permission for some vaccinations, especially against rabies, is issued only to state veterinary clinics, which means that such an international veterinary passport for dogs or cats will be challenged.

You may also notice that different clinics may issue different types of passports, or the one issued to you is different from what you saw on the Internet or from other breeders. The fact is that there is no single sample in our country or in the world, there are several recommended forms. But if the passport issued to you has all the necessary marks, you can be calm: you will probably cross the border without any problems.

What to do if the international veterinary passport is lost

If you have lost your pet's passport, remember that it can be restored. All state and large clinics keep their databases, so contact the place where you had your last vaccinations. This clinic will give you a duplicate of your document.

So, it is obvious that if you monitor the health of your pet and do all the necessary procedures and vaccinations in a timely manner, you will not have any problems obtaining a passport for your dog or cat.


International Veterinary the passport animal is done in any veterinary clinic. It allows your pet not only to travel around the country, but also to travel abroad by any means of transport. Therefore, to obtain such a document, you need to contact such an institution.

In addition, you should fill out an application for the exchange of a Russian passport. In it, be sure to indicate the reason for the exchange of the document.

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You have the right to file a complaint with the head of the passport office if after 2 months the document is not ready.

Useful advice

If you cannot be identified, then you will need identification documents such as a birth certificate, driver's license, passport, etc.

If you have a purebred cat, but there are no documents for it, then this could happen for several reasons. Often people take a kitten, but do not care about the documents, thinking that they still need the animal for their soul. Then they try the documents do, but it turns out to be very difficult. It happens that the documents lost. In some cases, they can be restored, but not always. There are also the documents, not related to the breed of the cat - a veterinary passport required for the transport of the animal.


Most often people want to do the documents on the cat so that she can take part in exhibitions. For this you need the following the documents: a veterinary passport (it must contain a mark no later than the last three that the animal does not have), the cat's pedigree, a certificate issued directly at the exhibition itself or at the veterinary station certificate. This is for a purebred cat. If the cat is outbred, then it can participate in the exhibition, as "", then the pedigree is not required.

The main problem is to make a pedigree. If it is lost, then it is possible only if the cat is registered with the club and has experience in participating in exhibitions, and the cat must also be microchipped. On the cat, which is not a member of the club, the pedigree cannot be restored.

If you are the owner of a puppy, then you may necessarily need certain documents. You may want to travel or take your pet abroad. Or participate with a pet at exhibitions or offer a dog for planned mating? For all this, you need to get the appropriate papers. What documents may be required for your dog and how can they be done?

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Puppy's first papers

The owner of a small pet, along with a fluffy lump of a breeder, is given important documents for the dog, which "certify the identity" of the puppy. One of the first is the so-called puppy card, in which the dog's metric fits. Before a dog gets a pedigree, he must be given such a card. The second is a veterinary passport for a dog, in which all vaccinations are entered. Why are they needed and how to get them?

Puppy card (metric)

This primary passport for a dog is valid until it reaches 15 months of age, after which it can be changed. Usually the replacement is done with a pedigree confirmed by the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation). As a rule, it is issued by a breeder, who necessarily invites a cynologist to evaluate the puppies and their compliance with breed standards.

The puppy’s metrics will certainly indicate breed flaws, defects, animal color, gender, date of birth, as well as data on parents. It contains the name of the pet and information about the stigma of the puppy. A puppy card is considered valid if it bears the seal of the RKF, as well as the signature of the breeder.

There are situations in which the metric can be lost. In this case, it can be obtained by the number of the stamp on the puppy's body.

Veterinary passport

In addition to the puppy card, your pet will also need a second document. This is a passport for a dog, in which information about all vaccinations of a puppy is entered. Separately, data on chipping the puppy is entered, if such was carried out (or the number of the stamp).

It looks like an ordinary book, which contains 10-12 pages. It is done as follows: the date is entered in one column, and information about the manipulations performed is entered in the other. There is a sample for correct filling.

It is important to note that a veterinary passport for a dog can be done at the state vet. a clinic that inscribes everything that is required for its liquidity. The form also contains information about the owner (name, address, telephone number, etc.), according to the RKF. This passport is also important as the puppy grows up, since the information entered there still remains relevant.

International Veterinary Passport

If you are planning to travel abroad with your pet, you will need to make a document that allows the animal to leave the country. This is an international veterinary passport. It is issued specifically for the export of a dog abroad and contains information about vaccinations, the reproductive activity of the animal, etc. The difference from the usual passport for a dog is that it is filled out in two languages.

How to get it? To get started, you will need a form that you can get at the clinic, in the document for the dog you need to indicate the pet's name, color, date of birth. The passport is transferred to the clinic, where it is necessary to make notes about the vaccination of a puppy or an adult dog. Please note that the requirements for vaccinations in each country may differ, so it is good to find out which ones are required in your case. Without the necessary vaccinations, you and your pet may not be allowed to cross the border.

All information about a puppy or an adult dog is indicated by a veterinarian, and the signature and seal are put by the clinic. A dog's passport, properly executed, gives the right to move. Of course, and the export of the dog to another state. This is what an international veterinary passport looks like.

Pedigree RKF

The most important document for a dog is a pedigree. It is of great importance if you have a thoroughbred pet and you plan to participate with him at exhibitions (including export abroad) and breeding work. What is a pedigree?

A pedigree usually lists previous generations of your pet. In fact, this is a documentary confirmation of the data on the origin of the puppy.

Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts.

  1. The first of them indicates the color, breed, type of wool, nickname, date of birth, gender, brand or chip.
  2. The second part of the pedigree is dedicated to the owner, the data about the owner is entered here - full name, phone number, address. In the second column, at the request of the RKF, the name of the male who participated in the breeding mating is also indicated.
  3. The third part contains the name of the mother who gave birth to your pet. If there are none, then the pedigree will not be considered complete. It also lists the titles, if any, of the puppy's ancestors (i.e. champions, show winners, etc.).

How to get a?

Usually such paper is issued by the RKF. As a rule, before that, the owner of the dog has a metric, which contains all the necessary information, including for export abroad. Today there is no need to show the dog to the experts - it is enough to buy a thoroughbred puppy with documents. The most important thing is that the breeder is honest, since any data can be verified, including passports for the animal. So that you do not find yourself the owner of an expensive, but for some reason “defective” puppy, deal exclusively with proven dog breeders who will not let you down.

So, having received a metric approved by the RKF, the owner of a thoroughbred dog has the right to exchange it for a pedigree when it reaches 15 months. Without this exchange, the animal does not have the right to participate in breeding work, as well as exhibitions. RKF necessarily checks the correctness of the metrics and all data regarding the puppy. And only in this case the owner receives a pedigree for the pet.

Zero pedigree

If for some reason your puppy is without documents, you can try to get them done at the RKF. Among them, an important place is given to the zero pedigree - a document that indicates that your dog becomes the ancestor and it is from him that the breeding of thoroughbred individuals will begin. How to get such paper?

Obtaining procedure

This will require certification of the dog by three experts according to all the rules, so that the pet is recognized as a purebred. When assessed as “very good”, the dog can be given a zero pedigree of the RKF and breeding of the breed will begin with it.

List of documents for taking a dog abroad

In order for the dog to be exported abroad, certain documents for the dog may be required.

Among them are the main ones:

  • international veterinary passport for dogs with marks of vaccination against various diseases, including rabies;
  • electronic identification (it is better to make a microchip);
  • documents for the dog, which indicate the registration of the animal;
  • a certificate of analysis, including the state of the blood;
  • doctor's note that antihelminthic therapy was received;
  • a certificate of the breeding value of the pet must also be filled out;
  • form No. 1 issued by a veterinarian;
  • pet health certificate, which must be issued in English.

Having such documents in hand, you will be able to take your dog abroad and not worry about being stopped on the way.

Video "Going abroad"

This video will talk about the international veterinary passport for four-legged friends for export abroad.

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