Disadaptation as a social phenomenon. Child and adolescent maladaptation: concept, typology, causes

The health, well-being and success of a person is largely determined by his ability to adapt to environmental conditions and establish relationships with people. Some people manage to do it very easily, some learn throughout their lives, and for some it turns into a real problem. Psychological maladaptation not only worsens the quality of a person's life, but can also cause the development of many psychological and social problems - from the lack of a social circle to the inability to work and support oneself.

Desocialization or social maladaptation is the complete or partial inability of a person to adapt to the environmental conditions and society that exist around him.

The adaptation mechanism is one of the most important conditions for the successful existence of a person, thanks to him from childhood he learns to observe certain norms, communicate in accordance with the rules existing in a particular society and behave accordingly to situations that arise. Violation of this adaptive mechanism leads to a "failure" or lack of appearance of established ties between the individual and society, a person "does not fit" into the existing framework and cannot fully interact with others.

The reasons for social maladjustment can be different, only a part of people suffering from such a disorder have various psychopathologies, for the rest this condition occurs as a result of improper upbringing, stress or deprivation.

Disadaptation in children

Of particular importance is the maladaptation of children in modern society. More and more children in developed and developing countries suffer from a variety of behavioral and mental disorders. Most of them cannot adapt to society normally and, as they grow and mature, the number of problems only increases. Moreover, according to experts, only a little more than half of these children suffer from neurological diseases and psychopathologies, while others have a violation of social adaptation due to the conditions of their life, improper upbringing or its absence, as well as the influence of parents and the environment.

Social maladaptation of children and adolescents can have an extremely negative impact on their development - such children cannot normally establish contacts with their peers, and then with people around them, they develop personality deformations, antisocial tendencies, a neurological disease may develop or they will not be able to achieve what or success in the future.

Timely correction of such disorders in children and adolescents helps them quickly overcome the state of disadaptation and learn all the necessary skills. In adulthood and in older adolescents, this requires much more time and effort - this is due both to less plasticity of the psyche and to the number of “skills” that need to be replenished.

This has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous studies and practical activities - children at an early age who were in a state of social maladaptation easily and quickly catch up and even outstrip their peers in development when they are placed in favorable conditions. But for adults who have grown up in a state of maladaptation, it is much more difficult to assimilate the necessary information and “join” a more complex society.

Causes of maladaptation

Desocialization or mental maladaptation can occur due to psychological, physical or social causes. The most significant, by far, are considered to be social and socio-economic reasons, and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and mental characteristics can be corrected by proper upbringing and development, but not following the rules of upbringing in society can lead to problems with social adaptation even with complete physical and mental health.

Socio-psychological maladaptation occurs when:

  • Physical or biological disorders - brain injuries, diseases of the nervous system, infectious diseases that occur with high fever and intoxication.
  • Psychological disorders - features of the nervous system (weakness, excessive excitement, violation of volitional processes), accentuation of character, and so on.
  • Social violations - this factor is especially significant in childhood and adolescence. Improper upbringing, rejection of a child or teenager by a family or team can lead to maladjustment and the development of serious mental disorders. Adults can also suffer from socio-psychological maladaptation when they find themselves in an unusual and hostile environment, a situation of general rejection or trauma (for example, a mentally healthy, fully adapted adult when placed in places of detention or an asocial community).

Desocialization in childhood and adolescence can also be caused by some other factors, for example, the long-term maintenance of a child without parents or a violation of communication at school.

Hospitalism in children is a pathological syndrome that develops in children who have been in a hospital or boarding school for a long time, forcibly separated from their parents and their usual social circle. Lack of communication leads to a lag in physical and mental development, the formation of emotional disorders and social maladaptation. Such violations arise due to the lack of sufficient attention from adults, as well as the lack of positive and negative stimuli from society. A child in such conditions is left to himself and cannot fully develop.

The syndrome of hospitalism in children develops not only when placed in a hospital, but also during a long stay in a boarding school, orphanage and other places where the child is deprived of his usual social circle.

Adolescents are more likely to experience school maladaptation. Desocialization develops in the case of a student's "dissimilarity" to other peers, and the reason for "expulsion from society" can be any distinguishing feature: low or high academic performance, external data, individual traits, or something else. School maladjustment often occurs when a child’s familiar environment changes, a sharp change in his appearance or social factor, sometimes for no apparent reason. Rejection, ridicule from peers and lack of support from teachers and adults lead to a violation of the establishment of social ties and the loss of one's place in society.

In addition to the above reasons, desocialization can occur due to nervous and mental disorders in children and adults:

  • autism
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar - personality disorder
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder and so on.

Symptoms of desocialization

Social maladaptation is manifested in the impossibility of a person to fully adapt to the conditions surrounding him. Allocate full and partial social maladaptation. With partial maladjustment, a person ceases to contact or come into contact with certain areas of life: he does not go to work, does not attend events, refuses to communicate with friends. When complete - violations occur in all spheres of life, a person withdraws into himself, stops communicating even with those closest to him and gradually loses touch with the reality around him.

Signs of social maladaptation:

  • Aggression is one of the most characteristic signs. Maladapted children become aggressive because they simply do not understand how to behave and take a defensive position in advance. Adolescents and adults also use verbal and non-verbal aggression, manipulation and lies to achieve their goals as quickly as possible. In this state, they do not make attempts to establish interaction with others and do not try to understand what norms and rules exist in this society.
  • Closeness is another characteristic feature. A person stops communicating with others, he completely withdraws into himself, hides from people, and prevents attempts to establish relationships with him.
  • Social phobia - gradually develops fear of communication, a large number of people, the need to talk to someone, and so on. It becomes increasingly difficult for a person to do something that goes beyond his daily activities, he begins to be afraid to visit an unfamiliar place, go somewhere, start a conversation with a stranger, or even leave the house.
  • Deviant behavior - the lack of social contacts leads to ignoring the norms and rules existing in society. This often results in deviant or antisocial behavior.


Social maladaptation is characterized by the loss of ties with society and the outside world, and if this condition is not corrected in time, then complete destruction of the personality or its underdevelopment is possible.

Correction of social disadaptation begins with the establishment of the causes of its development and depends on the age of the patient.

For people who have a desocialization syndrome that arose in adulthood, the help of a psychotherapist or psychologist is recommended, attending trainings, making social contacts mandatory, working with their own behavior, fears, and so on.

Maladapted children need long-term joint work of parents or educators, teachers and psychologists. It is necessary to assess the degree of developmental delay, to understand what has changed in the child's psyche due to social maladaptation, and to correct these violations.

Prevention of school maladjustment, pedagogical and social neglect in children and adolescents today is the most important task of modern society.

Relatively recently, in the domestic, mostly psychological literature, the term "disadaptation" appeared, denoting a violation of the processes of human interaction with the environment. Its use is rather ambiguous, which is found, first of all, in assessing the role and place of states of maladaptation in relation to the categories of "norm" and "pathology". Hence, the interpretation of disadaptation as a process that occurs outside of pathology and is associated with weaning from some familiar living conditions and, accordingly, getting used to others, note T.G. Dichev and K.E. Tarasov.

Yu.A.Aleksandrovsky defines maladaptation as a "breakdown" in the mechanisms of mental adjustment in acute or chronic emotional stress, which activates the system of compensatory defensive reactions.

In a broad sense, social maladjustment refers to the process of loss of socially significant qualities that impede the successful adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment.

For a deeper understanding of the problem, it is important to consider the relationship between the concepts of social adaptation and social maladaptation. The concept of social adaptation reflects the phenomena of inclusion of interaction and integration with the community and self-determination in it, and the social adaptation of the individual consists in the optimal realization of the internal capabilities of a person and his personal potential in socially significant activities, in the ability, while maintaining himself as a person, to interact with the surrounding society in specific conditions of existence.

The concept of social maladaptation is considered by most authors: B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, T.G. Dichev, S. Rutter as a process of disturbing the homeostatic balance of the individual and the environment, as a violation of the adaptation of the individual due to the action of various reasons; as a violation caused by a discrepancy between the innate needs of the individual and the limiting requirement of the social environment; as the inability of the individual to adapt to his own needs and claims.

Social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment.

In the process of social adaptation, the inner world of a person also changes: new ideas appear, knowledge about the activities in which he is engaged, as a result of which self-correction and self-determination of the personality occur. Undergo changes and self-esteem of the individual, which is associated with the new activity of the subject, its goals and objectives, difficulties and requirements; level of claims, the image of "I", reflection, "I-concept", self-assessment in comparison with others. Based on these grounds, there is a change in the attitude towards self-affirmation, the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. All this determines the essence of his social adaptation to society, the success of its course.

An interesting position is A.V. Petrovsky, who determines the process of social adaptation as a type of interaction between the individual and the environment, during which the expectations of its participants are also coordinated.

At the same time, the author emphasizes that the most important component of adaptation is the coordination of self-assessments and claims of the subject with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment, which includes both the real level and potential opportunities for the development of the environment and the subject, highlighting the individuality of the individual in the process of individualization and integration in this specific social environment through the acquisition of social status and the ability of the individual to adapt to this environment.

The contradiction between the goal and the result, as V.A. Petrovsky suggests, is inevitable, but it is the source of the dynamics of the individual, his existence and development. So, if the goal is not achieved, it encourages to continue activity in a given direction. “What is born in communication turns out to be inevitably different from the intentions and motives of communicating people. If those who enter into communication take an egocentric position, then this is an obvious prerequisite for the breakdown of communication, ”note A.V. Petrovsky and V.V. Nepalinsky.

Considering the disadaptation of the personality at the socio-psychological level, R.B. Berezin and A.A. Nalgadzhyan distinguish three main varieties of personality disadaptation):

a) stable situational maladjustment, which occurs when a person does not find ways and means of adaptation in certain social situations (for example, as part of certain small groups), although he makes such attempts - this state can be correlated with the state of ineffective adaptation;

b) temporary maladjustment, which is eliminated with the help of adequate adaptive measures, social and intra-psychic actions, which corresponds to unstable adaptation.

c) general stable maladjustment, which is a state of frustration, the presence of which activates the formation of pathological defense mechanisms.

The result of social maladaptation is the state of maladaptation of the individual.

The basis of maladjusted behavior is the conflict, and under its influence, an inadequate response to the conditions and requirements of the environment is gradually formed in the form of various deviations in behavior as a reaction to systematic, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with. The beginning is the disorientation of the child: he is lost, does not know what to do in this situation, to fulfill this overwhelming demand, and he either does not react in any way, or reacts in the first way that comes across. Thus, at the initial stage, the child is, as it were, destabilized. After a while, this confusion will pass and he will calm down; if such manifestations of destabilization are repeated quite often, then this leads the child to the emergence of a persistent internal (dissatisfaction with himself, his position) and external (in relation to the environment) conflict, which leads to stable psychological discomfort and, as a result of such a state, to maladaptive behavior.

This point of view is shared by many domestic psychologists (B.N. Almazov, M.A. Ammaskin, M.S. Pevzner, I.A. Nevsky, A.S. Belkin, K.S. Lebedinskaya and others). The authors determine deviations in behavior through the prism of the psychological complex of the subject's environmental alienation, and, therefore, not being able to change the environment, the stay in which is painful for him, the awareness of his incompetence prompts the subject to switch to protective forms of behavior, create semantic and emotional barriers in relation to others, lowering the level of claims and self-esteem.

These studies underlie the theory that considers the compensatory capabilities of the body, where social maladaptation is understood as a psychological state caused by the functioning of the psyche at the limit of its regulatory and compensatory capabilities, expressed in the lack of activity of the individual, in the difficulty of realizing his basic social needs (the need for communication, recognition , self-expression), in violation of self-affirmation and free expression of one's creative abilities, in inadequate orientation in a communication situation, in a distortion of the social status of a maladjusted child.

Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, violations of morality. Adolescents experience painful growing up - the gap between adult and childhood - a certain void is created that needs to be filled with something.

Social maladaptation in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, create a family, and be good parents. They easily cross the border of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation is manifested in antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

Within the framework of foreign humanistic psychology, the understanding of maladjustment as a violation of adaptation - a homeostatic process is criticized, and a position is put forward on the optimal interaction of the individual and the environment.

The form of social maladaptation, according to their concepts, is as follows: conflict - frustration - active adaptation. According to K. Rogers, maladaptation is a state of inconsistency, internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the “I” and the direct experience of a person.

Social maladaptation is a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based on not one, but many factors. Some of these experts include:


psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect);

social and psychological factors;

personal factors;

social factors.

Individual factors acting at the level of psychobiological prerequisites that impede the social adaptation of an individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital deformities, disorders of the motor sphere, disorders and decreased functions of sensory systems, unformed higher mental functions, residual-organic lesions of the central nervous system with cerebrovascular disease, decreased volitional activity , purposefulness, productivity of cognitive processes, motor disinhibition syndrome, pathological character traits, pathological ongoing puberty, neurotic reactions and neurosis, endogenous mental illness. Particular attention is paid to the nature of aggressiveness, which is the root cause of violent crimes. The suppression of these drives, the rigid blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, gives rise to feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socially maladaptive forms of behavior.

One of the manifestations of the individual factor of social maladaptation is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders. At the heart of the formation of psychosomatic maladjustment of a person is a violation of the function of the entire adaptation system.

Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect), manifested in defects in school and family education. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to the teenager in the classroom, the inadequacy of the educational measures taken by teachers, the unfair, rude, offensive attitude of the teacher, the underestimation of grades, the refusal to provide timely assistance with justified skipping classes, and the lack of understanding of the student's state of mind. This also includes the difficult emotional climate in the family, the alcoholism of parents, the family's disposition against the school, school maladjustment of older brothers and sisters. Socio-psychological factors that reveal the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational team. One of the important social situations for an individual is the school as a whole system of relationships that are significant for a teenager. The definition of school maladaptation means the impossibility of adequate schooling according to natural abilities, as well as adequate interaction of a teenager with the environment in the conditions of an individual microsocial environment in which he exists. At the heart of the emergence of school maladaptation are various factors of a social, psychological and pedagogical nature. School maladjustment is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - the social maladaptation of minors.

Personal factors that are manifested in the active selective attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to the pedagogical influences of the family, school, community, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate their behavior.

Value-normative representations, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values ​​that perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators, include cognitive (knowledge), affective (relationships) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, the antisocial and illegal behavior of an individual can be due to defects in the system of internal regulation at any - cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral - level.

Social factors: unfavorable material and living conditions of life, determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. Social neglect compared to pedagogical is characterized, first of all, by a low level of development of professional intentions and orientations, as well as useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and the requirements of the team, unwillingness to reckon with the norms of collective life.

The provision of professional socio-psychological and pedagogical support to maladjusted adolescents requires serious scientific and methodological support, including general theoretical conceptual approaches to considering the nature and nature of maladaptation, as well as the development of specialized correctional tools that can be used in work by adolescents of different ages and various forms of maladjustment .

The term "correction" literally means "correction". Correction of social maladaptation is a system of measures aimed at correcting the shortcomings of socially significant qualities and human behavior with the help of special means, psychological impact.

Currently, there are various psychosocial technologies for the correction of maladjusted adolescents. At the same time, the main emphasis is placed on the methods of game psychotherapy, graphic techniques used in art therapy and socio-psychological training aimed at correcting the emotional and communicative sphere, as well as on the formation of conflict-free empathic communication skills. In adolescence, the problem of maladjustment, as a rule, is associated with trouble in the system of interpersonal relations, therefore the development and correction of communication skills and abilities is an important direction of the general correctional rehabilitation program.

The corrective influence is carried out taking into account the positive development trends in the “cooperative-conventional” and “responsibly-generous” types of interpersonal relationships identified in the “I-ideal” adolescents, which act as personal coping resources necessary for mastering more adaptive strategies of coping behavior when overcoming critical situations of existence.

Thus, social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment. Social disadaptation is manifested in antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

Disadaptation as a social phenomenon

“Deviant” (deviant) behavior is behavior in which deviations from social norms are consistently manifested. At the same time, deviations of the mercenary, aggressive and socially passive type are distinguished. brochure

Social deviations of a selfish orientation include offenses and misdemeanors associated with the desire to illegally obtain material, monetary and property benefits (theft, bribes, theft, fraud, etc.).

Social deviations of an aggressive orientation are manifested in actions directed against a person (insults, hooliganism, beatings, rape, murder). Social deviations of the mercenary and aggressive type can be both verbal (insult with a word) and non-verbal in nature (physical impact) and manifest themselves at the level of both pre-criminogenic and post-criminogenic. That is, in the form of acts and immoral behavior that cause moral condemnation, and in the form of criminal criminal actions.

Deviations of the socially passive type are expressed in the desire to refuse active life, evasion of their civic duties, duty, unwillingness to solve both personal and social problems. Such manifestations include evasion from work, study, vagrancy, the use of alcohol, drugs, toxic drugs, immersing in the world of artificial illusions and destroying the psyche. The extreme manifestation of a socially passive position is suicide, suicide.

Particularly widespread both in our country and abroad is such a form of socially passive deviations as the use of drugs and toxic substances, which leads to the rapid and irreversible destruction of the psyche and body, this behavior has received the name in the West - self-destructive behavior.

Deviant behavior is the result of unfavorable psychosocial development and violations of the socialization process, which is expressed in various forms of adolescent maladaptation already at a fairly early age.

Maladaptation- a state of inability to adapt to changing conditions or overcome emerging difficulties.

Author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "DISADAPTATION" G. M. Kodzhaspirov, A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov - maladjustment - a mental state that has arisen as a result of a discrepancy between the sociopsychological or psychophysiological status of the child and the requirements of a new social situation.

V.E. Kagan - maladjustment - a disorder of the objective status in the family and school, which complicates the educational process.
K. Rogers - disadaptation - a state of internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the "I" and the direct experience of a person.

N.G. Luskanova I.A. Korobeinikov - maladaptation - a certain set of signs indicating a discrepancy between the sociopsychological and psychological status of the child and the requirements of the situation of schooling, the mastery of which for a number of reasons becomes difficult, in extreme cases impossible.

A.A. Northern - the functioning of the individual is inadequate to his psychophysiological capabilities and needs and / or environmental conditions and / or requirements of the microsocial environment.
S.A. Belicheva - maladaptation is an integrative phenomenon, which has a number of types: pathogenic, psychosocial, and social (depending on the nature, nature and degree of maladaptation).
M. A. Khutornaya - a manifestation of violations of interpersonal relations and a violation of the image of the "I" of the child, from the point of view of the connection of the child with the outside world. [, pp.166-167] social ped Surtaeva

Adolescent disadaptation is manifested in difficulties in mastering social roles, curricula, norms and requirements of social institutions (families, schools, etc.) that perform the functions of socialization institutions.
Depending on the nature and nature of maladaptation, pathogenic, psychosocial and social maladaptation are distinguished, which can be presented both separately and in complex combinations.

Pathogenic disadaptation is caused by deviations and pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic maladjustment, in terms of the degree and depth of its manifestation, can be of a stable, chronic nature (psychosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, mental retardation, etc.), based on serious organic damage to the central nervous system.

There are also lighter, borderline forms of neuropsychiatric disorders and deviations, in particular the so-called psychogenic maladjustment (phobias, tics, obsessive bad habits), enuresis, etc., which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation . “In total, according to the St. Petersburg child psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov, up to 42% of preschool children suffer from certain psychosomatic problems and need the help of psychoneurologists and psychotherapists.”

Lack of timely assistance leads to deeper and more serious forms of social maladjustment and deviant behavior.

“Among the forms of pathogenic maladjustment, the problems of oligophrenia, the problems of social adaptation of mentally retarded children and adolescents are singled out separately. Oligophrenics do not have a fatal predisposition to crime. With adequate methods of training and education for their mental development, they are able to master certain social programs, receive several professions, work to the best of their ability and be useful members of society. However, the mental disability of these adolescents, of course, makes it difficult for them to socially adapt and requires special social and pedagogical conditions and correctional and developmental programs.”

Psychosocial maladjustment is associated with the age and sex and individual psychological characteristics of a child, adolescent, which determine their certain non-standard, difficult education, requiring an individual pedagogical approach, and in some cases - special correctional psychological programs. By their nature and nature, various forms of psychosocial maladaptation can also be divided into stable and temporary, unstable forms.

Social maladaptation is manifested in the violation of moral and legal norms, in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

Depending on the degree and depth of deformation of the process of socialization, two stages of social maladjustment of adolescents can be distinguished: pedagogical and social neglect. social ped Nikitin
Social maladaptation - violation of morality and law by children and adolescents, antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of internal regulation, social attitudes. short dictionary

Temporary maladaptation is a violation of the balance between the personality and the environment, which gives rise to the adaptive activity of the personality. [, p.168] social ped Surtaeva
Author's approaches to the definition of the concept of "ADAPTATION" "Adaptation" (from the Latin adaptare - to adapt) - 1. - adaptation of self-organizing systems to changing environmental conditions. 2. In the theory of T. Parsons, A. is material-energy interaction with the external environment, one of the functional conditions for the existence of a social system, along with integration, goal achievement and preservation of value patterns.

D. Geri, J. Geri Adaptation is the way in which social systems of any kind (eg family group, business firm, nation state) "manage" or respond to their environment. According to Talcott Parsons, "adaptation is one of the four functional conditions that all social systems must meet in order to survive."
V.A. Petrovsky - adaptation of the philosophical and psychological phenomenon. In the broadest sense, it is characterized by the state of the result of the individual's activity and the goal adopted by him; as a certain ability of any person to "build their vital contacts with the world"

BN Almazov - the philosophical concept of social adaptation is concretized in at least three directions: adaptive behavior, in the interests of the environment of education; adaptive state (reflecting a person's attitude to the conditions and circumstances in which he is placed by the educational situation); adaptation as a condition for effective interaction between a minor and an adult in the education system”; and adaptive, as "the student's inner readiness to accept the circumstances of education," highlights the psychological aspect.
Social adaptation is the process and result of an individual's active adaptation to the conditions of a new social environment. For the individual, social adaptation is paradoxical in nature: it unfolds as a search activity flexibly organized under new conditions. [p.163] Surtaeva

With pedagogical neglect, despite lagging behind in studies, missing lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents do not observe a sharp deformation of value-normative ideas. For them, the value of labor remains high, they are focused on choosing and obtaining a profession (as a rule, a working one), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, and socially significant referential connections are preserved.

With social neglect, along with antisocial behavior, the system of value-normative ideas, value orientations, and social attitudes is sharply deformed. A negative attitude towards work is formed, an attitude and desire for unearned income and a “beautiful” life at the expense of dubious and illegal livelihoods. Their referential connections and orientations are also characterized by deep alienation from all persons and social institutions with a positive social orientation.

Social rehabilitation and correction of socially neglected adolescents with a deformed system of value-normative representations is a particularly laborious process. Kholostova

Deeply understanding child psychology, A.S. Makarenko noted that in most cases the situation of abandoned children is more difficult and dangerous than that of orphans. Betrayal on the part of adults close to the child inflicts irreparable mental trauma on him: there is a breakdown of the child's soul, loss of faith in people, justice. A child's memory, which has preserved the unattractive aspects of home life, is fertile ground for reproducing its own failures. Such a childhood needs rehabilitation - the restoration of lost opportunities to live a normal, healthy and interesting life. But only the humanism of adults can help this: nobility, disinterestedness, mercy, compassion, conscientiousness, selflessness...

The significance of rehabilitation and pedagogical work especially increases during periods of crisis in the life of society, causing significant deterioration in the state of childhood. The peculiarity of the moment for rehabilitation pedagogy is to find effective measures to overcome the problematic situation of childhood by pedagogical means.
What image of a child in need of rehabilitation appears in our minds? Most likely it is:
disabled children;
children with special educational needs;
street children;
children with deviant behavior;
children with poor health, with chronic somatic diseases, etc.

All the variety of definitions of teenagers who need pedagogical rehabilitation for various reasons can be reduced to the name "special teenagers". One of the main signs by which adolescents can be classified as "special" is their maladjustment - a disturbed interaction of an individual with the environment, which is characterized by the impossibility of him to exercise his positive social role in specific microsocial conditions, corresponding to his capabilities and needs.
The concept of "disadaptation" is considered one of the central concepts of rehabilitation pedagogy in considering the problems that need pedagogical rehabilitation of children. It is adolescents with environmental adaptation disorders in the primary educational team that should be considered as the main object of pedagogical rehabilitation.

The scientists of the Institute of Psychotherapy (St. Petersburg) consider “school maladjustment” as the impossibility for a child to find “his place” in the space of schooling, where he can be accepted as he is, preserving and developing his identity, potentialities and opportunities. for self-realization and self-determination. Morozov

In the psychological literature, adolescence is noted as a crisis, when there is a rapid development and restructuring of the body of a teenager. It is at this age that adolescents are characterized by special sensitivity, anxiety, irritability, dissatisfaction, mental and physical malaise, which is manifested in aggressiveness, whims, lethargy, increases. How smoothly or painfully this period will pass for a minor will depend on the environment in which the child lives, on the information received from any objects of interaction. Considering all this, it must be remembered that if a child of this age did not experience positive influence from adults, teachers, parents, close relatives, did not feel psychological comfort and security in his own family, did not have positive interests and hobbies, then his behavior characterized as difficult. con

A significant part of the pupils of the center are social orphans. They have both or one parent, but their presence only increases the social maladjustment of the child for various reasons.

Thus, we can say that neglected children are brought up mainly in single-parent families, where parents have remarriages. The absence of one parent makes it difficult for children to get acquainted with various options for social experience and entails the one-sided nature of their moral development, the violation of stable adaptive abilities, and the inability to make independent decisions.

Many families are without a permanent income, because. parents in such families are unemployed and do not try to find a job. The main sources of income are unemployment benefits, child benefits, including child disability pensions, survivors' pensions, child support, as well as begging, both the child and the parents themselves.

Thus, the neglect and homelessness of a huge number of children is a consequence of the deprivation or limitation of certain conditions, material or spiritual resources necessary for the survival and full development of the child.

The percentage of children entering the centers and requiring state protection due to the antisocial behavior of their parents is quite high. In most families, one of the parents abuses alcohol, or both parents drink. In families where parents abuse alcohol, punishments are often applied to children: both verbal reproaches and the use of physical violence.
Most of the pupils, when they enter the center, do not have self-service skills, i.e., being brought up in a family, they did not receive the necessary sanitary and hygienic and household skills.

Thus, minors who are in specialized institutions have a sad experience of living in a family, which is reflected in their personality, physical and mental development.

They are characterized by inferior emotional experience, underdevelopment of emotional responsiveness. They have a weakened sense of shame, they are indifferent to the experiences of other people, show restraint. Their behavior often manifests rudeness, mood swings, sometimes turning into aggression. Or homeless children have an overestimated level of claims, overestimate their real capabilities. Such teenagers inadequately react to remarks, always consider themselves innocent victims.

Experiencing constant uncertainty, dissatisfaction with others, some of them close in on themselves, others assert themselves through a demonstration of physical strength. Children who have experience of homeless life have low self-esteem, they are insecure, depressed, withdrawn. The sphere of communication in these children is characterized by constant tension. Attention is drawn to the aggressiveness of children in relation to adults. On the one hand, they themselves have suffered a lot from the actions of adults, on the other hand, children develop a consumer attitude towards their parents.

The lack of a sense of psychological security weakens the need for adolescents to communicate. Deformation of the communication process manifests itself in different ways. Firstly, it may be a variant of isolation - the desire to get away from society, to avoid conflicts with children and elders. Here a strong motivation of personal autonomy, isolation, protection of one's "I" is manifested.

Another option may manifest itself in opposition, which is characterized by the rejection of proposals, demands coming from others, even very benevolent ones. Opposition is expressed and demonstrated in actions of a negative nature. The third option - aggression is characterized by the desire to destroy relationships, actions, bring physical or mental harm to others, which is accompanied by an emotional state of anger, hostility, hatred. .

A medical examination of children at the center shows that they all have somatic diseases, which are chronic in most of them. Some children did not see a doctor for several years, and since they did not attend preschool institutions, they were completely deprived of medical supervision.

A feature of adolescents in the center is addiction to smoking. Some pupils have experience of smoking, which leads to such a disease as acute trachitis.

Specialists noted that neglected and homeless children have big problems in intellectual, mental and moral development.

From all of the above, you can make a general portrait of a child in need of social rehabilitation. Basically, these are children aged 11-16, who are brought up in single-parent families and in families where the parent has remarried. The lifestyle of their parents in most cases is characterized as antisocial: parents abuse alcohol. As a result, such children have a distorted moral consciousness, a limited range of needs, and their interests are mostly primitive. They differ from their prosperous peers in the disharmony of the intellectual sphere, underdevelopment of arbitrary forms of behavior, increased conflict, aggressiveness, low level of self-regulation and independence, negative volitional orientation.

Therefore, today it is necessary to carry out socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents.

For the successful implementation of the adaptation of maladjusted children, "knocked out" of life, their preparation for independent life in society, I developed the program "Social and pedagogical rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents through work in the KU SRTSN", which has a review. The program I developed was adapted to this category of participants in the experiment, implemented and used in practice.
We objectively assessed the results of the experiment, deduced the percentage ratio of the practical readiness for work of adolescents before the start of the experiment and at the time of completion. The degree of effectiveness is determined by the level of social activity of maladjusted adolescents of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors and the ability to fulfill themselves in the social environment.

The end result is positive, because during the implementation of the program, labor contributed to the formation of adolescents' interest in work for the common good, the development of the need and ability to work, the education of stable volitional qualities, the formation of moral qualities of the individual, socially valuable attitudes towards all types of labor activity, the education of discipline, diligence, responsibility, social activity and initiatives. What is the basis of successful socialization of the personality of a teenager.

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Prerequisites for social maladaptation of adolescents


3rd year student of distance learning

Faculty of Psychology

A.V. Krivoshein


Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Gruzdeva M.V.

Gorbunki village, 2013


1. Problems of socialization of the individual in modern conditions

2. The concept of personality maladaptation

3. Causes of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality


Bibliographic list

deviant teenager anxiety psychological


The crisis state of the education system in the current economic and social instability of the state not only does not eliminate, but often exacerbates the problem of maladjustment of minors associated with shortcomings in family education, which contributes to even greater deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents. As a result, the process of socialization of adolescents is becoming more and more negative; minors are now experiencing more spiritual pressure from the criminal world and its values, rather than civil society institutions. The destruction of the traditional institutions of the socialization of youth and children is the only constantly present factor in societies where there is an increase in juvenile delinquency.

Apparently, the existing social contradictions between:

Reconciliation in secondary schools with smoking, absenteeism of students, which have become almost the norm of behavior in the school community, on the one hand, and the continuing reduction in educational and preventive work in state institutions and in organizations involved in organizing leisure and educating children, adolescents and youth, on the other ;

Replenishment of the contingent of juvenile delinquents and offenders at the expense of adolescents who dropped out of school, repeaters and lagging students who did not resume classes, on the one hand, and a decrease in the social ties of families with teaching staff, on the other hand, which facilitates the establishment of contact between the above-mentioned contingent of minors with sources of negative influence, associations in groups where illegal, criminal behavior is freely formed and improved;

Crisis phenomena in society, contributing to the growth of the defectiveness of the socialization of adolescents, on the one hand, and the weakening of the educational impact on minors of public formations whose competence includes the education and exercise of public control over the behavior of minors, on the other.

Thus, an increase in maladjustment, deviant behavior, and growing juvenile delinquency is a consequence of the global “social outsider” when young people and children find themselves outside the existing society, are pushed out of it. This happens as a result of violations of the very process of socialization, which has become spontaneous, uncontrollable. Russian society is losing the system of social control over the process of the formation of the younger generation, many traditional institutions of socialization, such as the family, school, children's and youth organizations, are losing their significance, and nothing has come to replace them, except for the "street and doorway institution".

A comparative analysis of the impact on the state of crime of the economic situation, the nature of the work of the media, the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, the level of social stability in different countries shows that their influence is present, but does not have a decisive, dominant value. It can be assumed that it is the defectiveness of socialization caused by the crisis of the family, the system of education and upbringing, the lack of state youth and children's policy, and other reasons that leads to an increase in juvenile delinquency.

1. Problems of socialization of the individual in modern conditions

Interest in the phenomenon of personality socialization increased significantly in the middle of the last century. The concept of socialization is extremely broad and includes the processes and results of the formation and development of the individual. Socialization is the process and result of the interaction of the individual and society, the entry, "introduction" of the individual into social structures through the development of socially necessary qualities.

Socialization, understood as the interaction of the individual with the environment, determines the adaptation of the individual to various social situations, micro- and macrogroups of people. The levels of adaptation are: conformism (the subject acts as required by the social environment, but adheres to his own system of values ​​(A. Maslow); mutual tolerance, indulgence towards each other's values ​​and forms of behavior (J. Shchepansky); accommodation, manifested in the recognition of human values social environment and the recognition by the environment of the individual characteristics of a person (Y. Shchepansky), assimilation or complete adaptation, when a person abandons his former values.In humanistic foreign pedagogy and psychology, the essence of socialization is presented as a process of self-actualization, self-realization by a person of his potentials and creative abilities, as a process overcoming the negative influences of the environment, which hinders self-development and self-affirmation (A. Maslow, K. Rogers, etc.) In Russian pedagogy and psychology, the concept of socialization is presented as “the assimilation of social experience by an individual” (I. S. Kon); environment, adaptation to it, mastery of certain fixed roles and functions” (B.D. Parygin). According to I.B. Kotova and E.N. Shiyanov, the meaning of socialization is revealed at the intersection of such processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realization. Self-realization acts as a manifestation of inner freedom and adequate self-management in social conditions. Self-development is a process associated with overcoming contradictions on the way to achieving spiritual, physical and social harmony.

Analyzing the works of A.V. Petrovsky, three macrophases of the social development of the individual at the pre-labor stage of socialization can be distinguished: childhood, where the adaptation of the individual is expressed in the possession of the norms of social life; adolescence - a period of individualization, expressed in the individual's need for maximum personalization, in the need to "be a person"; youth - integration, expressed in the acquisition of personality traits and properties that meet the needs and requirements of group and personal development. In modern Russian society, rapid processes of change are underway, which, accordingly, affect the socialization of children and adolescents. The peculiarity of the current situation, in which the formation of the spiritual image of adolescents and youth, is that this process is taking place in the conditions of weakening political and ideological pressure, expanding social independence and youth initiative. It is accompanied by a reassessment of values, a critical reflection on the experience of previous generations, new ideas about their professional future and the future of society.

In the study of the problems of socialization, the identification of the characteristics of the relations of high school students is of particular importance. It was at this age, as the studies of I.S. Kona, I.B. Kotova, T.N. Malkovskaya, R.G. Gurova, A.V. Mudrik, S.A. Smirnova, R.M. Shamionova, E.N. Shiyanov, the social environment that affects students is expanding. Older teenagers, boys and girls, develop a desire to emancipate themselves from adults, to determine their place in life. An important channel of information is communication with peers, it also becomes a means of psychological protection on the part of peers. As the time spent by children outside the family and school increases, the share of peer society increases, which in many cases outweighs the authority of parents. The society of peers as a factor of socialization is heterogeneous and has now changed a lot: earlier it was children's groups and organizations (pioneers, Komsomol) led and directed by adults, but today it is a variety of informal communities, mostly of different ages and socially mixed. Thirdly, these are defects in family life, the emergence and reproduction at the level of the child’s microenvironment of all kinds of non-adaptive, destructive forms of relations both between him and adults, and simply adults with each other, family infantilism and selfishness, the desire to “throw off” social structures all responsibility for upbringing and education of their own children. In the family, not only the socially significant qualities of the individual are formed, but also the evaluation criteria inherent in it; the influence of the family on the teenager is stronger than the influence of the school and society as a whole. For example, the barbaric principle “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” seems natural and fair to a teenager who grew up in an asocial family (Ermakov V.D., 1987). Analyzing the works of V. Potashov, it can be noted that consumerism, which is formed precisely in the family, has a dangerous effect on minors, as they try to achieve what they want in any way.

Research by I.I. Shurygina (1999) proved that in families whose mothers have a higher education, there was not a single case when 14-15-year-old schoolchildren showed a tendency to deviations. Among the poor children of poorly educated mothers, there were both theft and suicide. The transition from a traditional patriarchal family to a modern one, based on the equality of spouses, led to a decrease in the authority of the father, the loss of consistency in the educational influences of parents. Families with one or two children have become widespread, for which child-centrism is characteristic, and hence the egocentrism of children. Parental authority is no longer absolute, now the prohibition and coercion are replaced by persuasion. Moral authority is much more difficult to maintain than power based on force, especially when the range of sources of information and choice of circle of communication expands. Fourthly, these are defects associated with the economic disproportion that has developed in society, the division of citizens into poor and rich, the growth of unemployment cultivated by a certain part of society by the “psychology of profit”, disregard for honest daily work, the demonstrative cult of “coolness”, “easy money” and "rapid", unjustified "careers", which clearly show the younger generation the real "truth of life", in which there is no place for either a high level of education, or intelligence, or solid moral imperatives.

As it turned out, a factor in increasing the authority of parents for children is their employment in commercial activities. Children more readily rely on their advice, rightly considering their parents more adapted to the new conditions of life, soberly assessing the real life situation (Shurygina I.I., 1999). Fifthly, these are defects associated with the established practice of the existence and work of public and youth organizations. Most of them, declaring high ideals and moral values ​​in words, conducting a lot of all kinds of educational activities, in fact they are carried out only “for show”, they create the so-called fictitious demonstrative product that they need to receive various resources, both from local authorities, as well as other structures and organizations. Here it should be noted the activity of all kinds of pro-Western organizations of the sectarian type, informal associations of teenagers actively, on a commercial or gratuitous basis, recruit schoolchildren into their ranks and impose their own system of values ​​on them, which sometimes contradicts not only traditional values ​​for society, but also the very foundations of a normal healthy life. child. Sixthly, these are defects associated with the circulation of all kinds of information flows in society, the key agent of which is the media.

Such phenomena of society cannot but be noticed by the younger generation and do damage to their spiritual and moral health. As a result, depression may occur, which manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as:

Apathy is a state of indifference, indifference, complete indifference to what is happening, others, one's position, past life, prospects for the future. This is a persistent or transient total loss of both higher social feelings and innate emotional programs;

Hypothymia (low mood) - affective depression in the form of sadness, melancholy with the experience of loss, hopelessness, disappointment, doom, weakening attachment to life. At the same time, positive emotions are superficial, exhaustible, and may be completely absent;

Dysphoria - gloominess, anger, hostility, gloomy mood with grouchiness, grumbling, discontent, hostile attitude towards others, outbursts of irritation, anger, rage with aggression and destructive actions;

Confusion - an acute feeling of inability, helplessness, misunderstanding of the simplest situations and changes in one's mental state. Typical: hypervariability, instability of attention, inquiring facial expression, postures and gestures of a puzzled and extremely insecure person;

Anxiety is a vague, incomprehensible feeling of growing danger, a premonition of a catastrophe, a tense expectation of a tragic outcome. Emotional energy acts so powerfully that there are peculiar physical sensations. Anxiety is accompanied by motor excitement, anxious exclamations, shades of intonation, exaggerated expressive acts;

Fear is a diffuse state, transferred to all circumstances and projected onto everything in the environment. Fear can also be associated with certain situations, objects, persons and is expressed by the experience of danger, an immediate threat to life, health, well-being, prestige. It may be accompanied by peculiar physical sensations, indicating an internal concentration of energies.

The anxiety of parents and teachers is growing, on the one hand, ascertaining the absence of many desirable properties in modern children: a sense of responsibility, self-esteem, empathy, vitality, acceptable rules of behavior, positive emotional contact with others; on the other hand, the loss of a sense of control over the situation developing around children, their powerlessness to oppose something to the unfavorable trends that are emerging in this matter.

The percentage of socially maladjusted children, children with socialization disorders, with somatic diseases of neurogenic and psychogenic origin, with mental disorders and previously completely unknown forms of painful mental dependence (for example, the so-called visitors and fans of computer clubs and games, slot machines, etc.) .).

The number of purely nominal teenage and youth public organizations is growing, living on the principle of the so-called "double morality" and demonstrating fictitious activity and a false civic position, perfectly understanding who and why uses them in their own big game.

The quality of training of school graduates is declining, who realize that the only true condition for obtaining a “prestigious” education is the presence in their parents’ wallets of the “nth” amount necessary to pay for education.

All of the above are symptoms of a certain crisis in working with children, which has a social nature and a long history of its development. There are several types of reactions of adults to the problems of socialization of children:

A) Avoidance reaction: the fact of existence and (or) the extent of the problem is not recognized. This type of reaction is especially typical for the local administration and a large number of public organizations and lies in the fact that the factors of alarm (but not the problems themselves) are accepted, they are spoken about, discussed, certain ritual actions are performed, but real, and even more effective measures, even if delayed in time, they are rarely used, as an exception to the rule. Problematic issues tend not to be resolved, but simply passed around, from one group of administrators to others.

B) The reaction of the external accusation. It is most of all, along with the reaction of avoidance, characteristic of professional groups existing in society (doctors, teachers, cultural workers, sports school coaches, representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs). In one case, some professional groups blame other professional groups, in the other they do not admit that there are any problems in their department at all. In the third, they simply accuse the surrounding social structures of selfishness and unwillingness to understand the essence and causes of the problems facing departments.

C) The reaction of egoism. It is typical for most groups of society that are not directly related to areas related to working with children. Along with the avoidance reaction, these outwardly quite prosperous social groups of residents (managers and specialists of industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs) demonstrate complete disregard for the problems of the sphere and sincerely believe that “this does not concern them” and “this is not their problem”, and “they It's their own fault for living like this."

Thus, in modern Russian society, the socialization of the younger generation, on the one hand, is manageable and purposeful, and for the most part, spontaneous, unconscious and therefore unmanageable or poorly managed and is not provided with the resources necessary for its successful flow and completion: financial, material, personnel , technological, etc.

2. The concept of personality maladaptation

The process of socialization is the inclusion of the child in society. This is a complex, multi-factorial and multi-vector process, which is poorly predictable in the final result. Moreover, the process of socialization can continue throughout a person's life, intertwined with historical, ideological, economic, cultural and other processes. Domestic psychology, without denying the influence of the innate characteristics of the organism on personality traits, stands on the position that a person becomes a personality as he is included in the life around him. Personality is formed with the participation and under the influence of other people who pass on their accumulated knowledge and experience. This happens not through a simple assimilation of social relations, but as a result of a complex interaction of external (social) and internal (psychophysical) inclinations of development, it is a unity of individually significant and socially typical features and qualities (Bozhovich L.I., 1966; Bratus B. .S., 1988; and others). Consequently, the personality and its anomalies are considered socially conditioned, developing life activity, in the change of the child's relationship to the surrounding reality. It must be emphasized that the development of personal qualities and certain characteristics of an individual's behavior is due to innate prerequisites, social conditions (peculiarities of relationships with parents, surrounding adults and peers, the content of the activity); the internal position of the individual himself (Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N.).

Thus, the degree of socialization of an individual is determined by many components, which together make up the general structure of the impact of society on an individual. The presence of defects in each of these influencing components leads to the appearance in the personality of socio-psychological characteristics that can lead it in a certain situation to conflict with society. Under the influence of socio-psychological factors of the external environment, in the presence of internal conditions, the child develops disadaptation, which manifests itself in the form of deviant (delinquent, addictive, etc.) behavior.

Disadaptation occurs when there are violations of socialization, it is characterized by a deformation of the value and reference orientations of the student, a decrease in the referential significance and alienation of the maladaptive teenager, primarily from the “socializing” influence of the school teacher. At the same time, depending on the degree of alienation and the depth of deformation of reference and value orientations, two stages of social maladaptation are put forward. The first stage - pedagogical neglect - is characterized by the loss of referential significance and alienation from the school as an institution of socialization, while maintaining a high reference of the family. The second (and more dangerous) stage of maladaptation - social neglect - is characterized by the fact that, along with school, a teenager is alienated from his family and, losing touch with the main institutions of socialization, becomes, as it were, social Mowgli, assimilating distorted value-normative ideas and criminal experience in deviant teenage and youth companies and groups. The consequence of this is not only academic delays, poor progress, but also the ever-increasing psychological discomfort experienced by students at school, which in adolescence pushes them to search for a different, out-of-school communication environment, a different reference group of peers, which begins to play a decisive role in the socialization of a teenager.

Factors of maladjustment are the displacement of the child from the situation of personal growth, development and neglect of his desire for self-affirmation and self-realization, in a socially welcome way. The consequence of disadaptation is psychological isolation in the sphere of communication with the loss of a sense of belonging to its inherent culture and the transition to microenvironmental values ​​and attitudes.

Increased social activity - as a result of unsatisfied needs - can manifest itself either in social creativity (positive deviation), or in antisocial activity, or, not finding realization either there or there, end in the "leaving" of its subjects in alcohol, drugs, or even suicidal act. According to the works of D.I. Feldstein, the following factors influencing the formation of deviant behavior can be distinguished:

1. An individual factor acting at the level of psycho-biological prerequisites for antisocial behavior, which impede the social adaptation of an individual;

2. A psychological factor that reveals the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the school community;

3. The personal factor, which manifests itself primarily in the socially active selective attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, to the norms and values ​​of his social environment, to the pedagogical opportunities of the family, school, community, etc., as well as personal value orientations and personal ability and willingness to self-regulate their behavior;

4. Social factor, determined by the socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions of the existence of society;

5. Socio-pedagogical factor, manifested in the defects of school and family education. Therefore, if a person has absorbed values ​​that do not correspond to the norms of morality and law, then here we are talking not about the process of socialization, but about deviation. T. Parsons also spoke about this, noting that deviants are “people with inadequate socialization. These are those who have not sufficiently assimilated the values ​​and norms of society.

6. The classification of types and forms of deviant behavior can be based on various grounds. Depending on the subject (that is, who violates the norm), deviant behavior can be individual or group. From the point of view of the object, deviant behavior falls into the following categories:

Abnormal behavior deviating from mental health norms and implying the presence of overt or covert psychopathology;

Asocial or antisocial behavior that violates any social and cultural norms, especially legal ones.

Students with unsatisfactory adaptation in the interactive education system are characterized by:

1. Accentuations of the nature of astheno-neurotic, sensitive, schizoid, epileptoid, and steroid types;

2. The conflict nature of relations in the interactive system


3. High level of anxiety;

4. Deviant style of interaction with the teacher;

5. Aggressive compensation for unsuccessful adaptation in the interactive education system.

These characteristics testify to the fact of the lack of personal potential of the student's socio-psychological adaptation. The concept of a student's personal socio-psychological potential deficit includes the following deficits:

1) lack of social identity of the student's personality;

2) lack of social intelligence of the student's personality;

3) lack of social competence of the student's personality;

4) lack of self-confidence of the student.

I. Lack of social identity of the student's personality.

The category of "social identity" is borrowed from sociology and social psychology. In the characterization of social identity, which is given by V.A. Poisons, it is clearly indicated that it is "awareness, the experience of one's belonging to various social communities" . Based on the work of V.S. Ageeva and V.S. Tasmasova, representing the theory of social identity, the following provisions can be characterized:

1) Social identity is made up of those aspects of the image of "I" that follow from a person's perception of himself as a member of certain social groups;

2) People strive to maintain or improve their self-esteem, that is, they strive for a positive image of themselves.

Social Identity Deficiency:

In the reflective dimension, indicators of social desirability and the absence of one's own identity are clearly fixed;

In the axiological dimension, dissatisfaction with oneself, one's capabilities, a high level of tension, lack of confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, depreciation of one's self were revealed;

In the adaptive dimension - the lack of a holistic view of one's social identity and a weak level of development of personal internality;

In the interpersonal dimension - distrust of people whose assessments and opinions do not reflect their own attitude towards themselves, an increase in the tendency of egocentricity with simultaneous social self-isolation;

In the existential dimension - underestimation of the meaning of acquiring a social identity, lack of interest in identifying oneself with socially acceptable groups, craving for identification with asocial groups;

In the introject dimension - internal maladaptation, low level of self-acceptance, refusal to interact with social introjects, exclusion from socializing communication at school;

In the personified dimension - a rigid self-concept, unwillingness to change against the general background of a positive attitude towards oneself, attachment to an inadequate image of the self, active use of primitive forms of psychological defense to maintain intrapsychic balance;

In the dynamic dimension, the strengthening of the adaptive conflict, the dynamic development of anxiety, emotional and psychological discomfort, the denial of one's own responsibility for failures and failures in one's social functioning, the formation of a trend of non-adaptive subjective relations;

In the conflict dimension - inducing internal conflicts in oneself and "getting stuck" on the problems generated by the adaptive conflict and its consequences and its intensification, which leads to transformation into a conflict generator - the instigator of conflicts.

Phenomenological characteristics of the deficit of social identity:

1) refusal to take on social obligations and social responsibility even for the fact of their own social functioning;

2) a high level of social anxiety, giving rise to social immaturity and uncertainty of social status;

3) striving for conformal forms of one's social functioning;

4) egocentricity and social self-isolation.

II. Lack of social intelligence of the student's personality.

In most cases, the conditions of life and activity change not so noticeably for the individual. However, in some cases, these changes occur so abruptly that they also require a sharp change in the mental qualities of the individual. In such cases, the need arises for the socio-psychological adaptation (adaptation) of the individual. There may be various defects in socio-psychological adaptation, which lead to very serious changes in the structure of the personality. The concept of "social intelligence" was first used by E. Thorndike in 1920 as a characteristic of a person's predictive and operational-communicative ability, which manifests itself in his interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon is seen as a special ability to predict and provide adequate adjustment in interpersonal relationships. Mastering a social role means not only acquiring skills to perform the sum of certain functions, but is always associated with the assimilation of the features of consciousness inherent in a given social group.

Between the mental properties of the individual and social roles there is a mutual conditionality. Defects in mental properties can lead to defects in the performance of social roles. Moreover, defects in mental properties can be even more intensified if they are constantly manifested in these social roles. Defects in the fulfillment of a social role, in turn, can give rise to the appearance of such negative mental properties of a person that she did not have before. Various defects in the fulfillment of a social role, if repeated, inevitably lead to the development of negative mental properties of the individual. The social role acts as a catalyst that enhances the action and development of negative mental properties of the personality in the event that there is a negative attitude towards the fulfillment of this role.

So, social intelligence is a global ability that arises on the basis of a complex of intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features, including the level of energy supply of self-regulation processes; these features determine the prediction of the development of interpersonal situations, the interpretation of behavioral information, readiness for social interaction and decision-making. The deficit of intellectual development is characterized by deficits in the basic processes of human social thinking: problematization, reflection, interpretation, representation, categorization. The formation of a deficit in the intellectual development of a student's personality is determined by the nature and goals of the functioning of the interactive structure of the family. Namely, that socio-pedagogical setting, from the position of which the attitude towards the developing personality is determined in the family and the actions and deeds of this personality are interpreted. The socio-pedagogical effectiveness of the functioning of the interactive family system is determined by the level of development of the adaptive abilities of a developing personality.

The lack of social intelligence significantly affects the formation of the subjective qualities of the personality of students (primarily responsibility). As E.A. Alekseev, responsibility is a fairly broad concept. It includes both the formal aspect (responsibility before the law) and the personal one, in which at least two sides can also be distinguished:

1) responsibility in the sense of normativity, obedience, social duty;

2) responsibility as participation in the event, as responsibility, first of all, to oneself.

In the first case, responsibility reflects the accountability of the subject in terms of the implementation of the requirements of society, followed by the application of sanctions depending on the degree of guilt or merit. Consequently, responsibility acts here as a means of external control and external regulation of the activity of a person who does his due contrary to his will (E.A. Alekseeva calls it external responsibility). In the second case, responsibility reflects the attitude towards the subject himself, his predisposition, acceptance, readiness to do what is due, here responsibility serves as a means of internal control (self-control) and internal regulation (self-regulation) of the activity of a person who does what is due at his own discretion, consciously and voluntarily (according to E.A. Alekseeva, this is an internal responsibility).

The concept of conformity is closely connected with the concept of external responsibility (social normativity). At the same time, social norms act rather than as direct regulators of actions, but as subsequent justifications for a person of his line of behavior and choice of options for action in a given situation. But then it is rather a formal report to others than a real responsibility for what is happening in me, with me, with my participation. Flight into the "crowd" is always a way to throw off the burden of one's own responsibility. To take responsibility for oneself means to realize one's involvement and readiness to act, regardless of the circumstances, often even in spite of them, to change something in oneself or the surrounding reality. Such responsibility is the main condition for constructive activity, the activity of the subject, and, consequently, its continuous development. And, on the contrary, any defensive actions (withdrawal, denial of problems, aggression) are most often associated with attempts to relieve oneself of personal responsibility for what is happening.

III. Lack of social competence of students' personality.

Among the personality characteristics that ensure successful socialization are the ability to change one's value orientations; the ability to find a balance between one's values ​​and the requirements of a role with a selective attitude towards social roles; orientation not to specific requirements, but to an understanding of universal moral human values.

Social competence - the ability to socially distinguish norms, values, rules, flexibility in understanding the context of action, possession of a wide repertoire of behavioral reactions. In the work of E.I. Krukovich, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of this concept, a three-component hierarchical model of social competence is presented.

1) Social fitness is a characteristic of the degree to which the student's personality achieves socially determined and important goals for it.

2) Social performance is the degree of appropriateness of the reaction of the individual in a particular social situation.

3) Social skills (skills) are behavioral and cognitive skills, on the basis of which a person achieves the appropriateness of his behavior in specific social situations of his functioning.

The lack of social competence appears in the unity of three dimensions: intra-subject - socio-psychological adaptability of the student's personality; intersubjective - socio-communicative competence of the student's personality; as well as subjective-personal - personal socio-psychological potential of the student.

The criteria for social and communicative competence were first formulated by T. Gordon. He defined it as the ability to get out of any situation without losing inner freedom, and at the same time, not allowing her communication partner to lose it. Thus, the main criterion of competence is the partner's position in communication "on an equal footing" (as opposed to "an extension from above" or "an extension from below").

In the works of Yu.I. Emelyanov, L. A. Petrovskaya and others, communicative competence is understood as “the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with people”. The composition of competence includes a certain set of knowledge and skills that ensure the effective flow of the communicative process. In the work of L.D. Stolyarenko is offered a similar characteristic: “Communicative competence is the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. Effective communication is characterized by: achieving mutual understanding of partners, a better understanding of the situation and the subject of communication. Communicative competence is considered as a system of internal resources necessary to build effective communication in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction. Based on the concept of "social competence" used by R. Ulrich de Mink, we can name the following characteristics of a socially competent person:

Makes decisions about himself and strives to understand his own feelings;

Forgets blocking unpleasant feelings and own insecurities;

Represents how to achieve the goal in the most effective way;

Correctly understands the desires, expectations and requirements of other people, weighs and takes into account their rights;

Analyzes the area defined by social structures and institutions, the role of their representatives and incorporates this knowledge into their own behavior;

Represents how, taking into account specific circumstances and time, to behave, taking into account other people, the limitations of social structures and one's own requirements;

Realizes that social competence has nothing to do with aggressiveness and implies respect for the rights and obligations of other people.

Phenomenological characteristics of the deficit of social competence of the student's personality, which was formed under the influence of a deficit interactive education system, in the intrasubject aspect include (according to E.V. Rudensky):

1) intrasubjective maladjustment of the personality;

2) a tendency to intensify the adaptation conflict;

3) intersubjective conformism;

4) socio-psychological deformation.

The phenomenological characteristics of the deficit of social competence of a developing personality in the interactive education system are represented by the following components:

1) socio-psychological autism;

2) socio-psychological conformism;

3) low level of claims.

The lack of social competence gives rise to personal anomie, which is characterized by the disintegration of the student's system of value orientations and puts him in the position of a socially non-adaptive personality. For the first time a sociological explanation of deviance was proposed in the theory of anomie, developed by Emile Durkheim (1897) in a classic study of the essence of suicide. He considered one of its causes a phenomenon called anomie (literally "disregulation"). Explaining this phenomenon, he emphasized that social rules play an important role in regulating people's lives, norms govern their behavior. Therefore, people usually know what to expect from others and what is expected of them. However, during crises or radical social changes, life experience ceases to correspond to the ideals embodied in social norms. As a result, people experience a state of confusion and disorientation, leading to a rise in suicide rates. Thus, "violation of the collective order" contributes to deviant behavior. Anomia is also characteristic of modern Russian society: a significant part of the population, not accustomed to competition, pluralism, perceives the events taking place in society as growing chaos and anarchy.

IV. Lack of confidence in the student's personality.

The lack of self-confidence of the individual is the result of an imbalance either in the direction of strengthening the formation of a socially adapted personality in the process of socialization, or in the direction of the formation of a socially autonomous personality. The development of a socially adapted personality often leads to the formation of personality conformism. The degree of a person's manifestation of the desire for self-actualization characterizes intra-subject indicators of a deficit (or lack thereof) of self-confidence.

An intersubject indicator of a lack of self-confidence is a student's positive cognitive-emotional attitude to his social skills, which brings the understanding of self-confidence closer to the concept of self-efficacy of a person, which was introduced by A. Bandura. The phenomenological analysis of self-confidence deficit is characterized by the following features:

1) the average level of mental adaptation and mental maladaptation;

2) a decrease in the energy potential of the individual, which determines the appearance of social apathy, frustration of sociogenic needs, emotional instability, low self-control, poor organization of communication difficulties;

3) emotional instability leading to the spontaneous emergence of conflicts in the socio-educational process and outside it;

4) decrease in activity and narrowing of the circle of communication, the trend of development of social phobia;

5) rejection of any forms of dominance in social functioning and a decrease in expressiveness in relationships with other people;

6) disconnection from social group relations, disintegration of value orientations, leading to the formation of personal anomie.

The lack of self-confidence determines the emergence of difficulties in self-realization of the student's personality and gives rise to socio-pedagogical problems, defined as communicative destruction of the personality and discommunication syndrome.

Communicative destruction of a personality is a state of being excluded from the system of vital and functionally necessary relationships, which gives rise to social alienation of a personality. As a result of this state, the spectrum of social interaction of the individual narrows and the syndrome of psychosocial alienation develops. Discommunication syndrome can be represented in four main variants:

1) loneliness in a circle of people - the desire for contact is faced with the inability to find an interlocutor;

2) communicative helplessness - an active desire for contact is not realized due to the inability to tie and establish it even if there are suitable interlocutors;

3) conflict communication - the desire for contact to defuse the accumulated aggression;

4) extinction of the desire for contacts - fatigue from communication, intolerance of communication, withdrawal into oneself.

The lack of self-confidence as a morphological component of the maladjustment of a developing personality is phenomenologically characterized as a genetic source of the formation of a social defectiveness of the personality in relation to mastering the mechanisms of coping behavior. The lack of social intelligence and the lack of social competence act as factors that determine the formation of a lack of self-confidence in the student's personality. However, the main factor determining the formation of a lack of confidence is the state of self-awareness of the student's personality. Self-consciousness is seen as a three-level structure:

Cognitive component (represented in the process of self-knowledge);

Affective component (represented in the process of self-relationship);

Behavioral component (characterized by the process of self-regulation).

One of the components of the deficit of the interactive education system is the presence of a shortage of professional and pedagogical potentials of the teacher as an agent of socialization. The scarcity of the interactive education system as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism of the social and educational process of the school is determined by:

1. lack of subjective qualities necessary for the student to interact with the teacher as an agent of socialization;

2. lack of subjective and professional-pedagogical qualities of the teacher's personality;

3. role deficiency of the teacher as an agent of socialization;

4. deficiency of the systemic mechanism of socialization, which is formed as a result of the use by the agent of socialization of pedagogical technologies of coercion, leading to blocking the development of problematic thinking and reflection;

5. lack of the main condition for the constructive socialization of the personality - attraction, which determines the loss of the teacher's status as a significant person for the developing personality of the student.

These five basic deficits determine the deficit of the interactive education system as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism of the social and educational process of the school. Thus, the maladjustment of the student's personality is one of the socio-psychological characteristics of the quality of education, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is an indicator of the problematic state of the educational process of the school itself. This gives us reason to put forward the maladjustment of the student's personality in the educational process of the school as a problem of social psychology for the following reasons:

Disadaptation of the student's personality is determined by the "costs" of the educational activities of the modern school;

Disadaptation of the student's personality arises as a result of the discrepancy between the concepts of education and upbringing of the personality in the modern Russian school and the real sociodynamics of Russian society;

Disadaptation of the student's personality is formed as a result of the discrepancy between the socio-psychological technologies implemented in the practice of educational activities of schools for managing the mechanism of personality development;

Disadaptation of the student's personality develops as a result of the inadequate current situation of the state of the educational system in Russia, the training of teaching staff;

Disadaptation of the student's personality arises due to the dysfunction of the modern family, which is losing its socializing functions, and the school is not yet ready to compensate for these losses.

3. Causes of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality

The degree of socialization of the individual is determined by the attitude of the individual to all the basic elements that determine the essence of a given social system. In the process of socialization of the individual, which is predicted, directed, carried out, controlled by society, there may be various defects. So, for a number of reasons, a person can perceive social experience distortedly, is isolated from the targeted impact of positive social influence, is influenced by various anti-social attitudes, aspirations, and needs. The social conditions of life determine the development of the psyche of a particular person - his experience, knowledge, relationships, aspirations, interests, needs. The social is necessarily refracted through the psyche - the psychology of the individual is always socially conditioned. In accordance with this, the maladaptation of a personality is also determined by defects in the psychological structure of a given personality. Among the conditions influencing the process of socialization of the individual, along with intersubjective ones, are socio-psychological ones. According to G. Sullivan, interpersonal relationships act as a mechanism that forms a personality. This means that the main psychological condition for the development of a personality is the quality of its inclusion in the interactive systems of culture, family and school.

Sullivan defines an interactive system of development as an interpersonal situation of development. Interaction is understood as the interaction caused by the mutual interpretation of actions by their participants. Interaction is based, first of all, on a cognitive psychological mechanism that ensures the interaction of individuals as the basis of social functioning. This means that the interactive development of the individual is associated with the formation of social intelligence and social competence with the simultaneous development of psycho-cultural maturity and social-role readiness. All this together characterizes the subjectivity of the individual as an integral indicator of the state of his social capacity. A positive result of the interaction of a growing personality with the environment at various levels is its successful socialization. Otherwise, maladjustment occurs. Within the framework of this work, it seems important to consider the socio-psychological conditions under which socialization becomes defective. One of them is the conversion of culture and subculture, and at the institutional level. What until recently was the culture of society (good literature, music, theater, deep cinema, etc.), is actually becoming a narrowly elitist area, the lot of a small part of the population that retains a sense of taste and proportion and is not afraid to burden itself with mental operations in process of artistic perception. The same thing that was called subculture (slang, “blatnyak”, drug and crime morphology, etc.) becomes the lot of the vast majority of Russians, which means it turns into the real culture of this society. It is logical that the main objects of this transformation are young people, the most receptive part of society to innovations, to replicated cultural and value patterns.

The teacher as an agent of socialization of the developing personality of the student is an intermediary between him and society. As an intermediary in the implementation of the socio-pedagogical tasks of managing the socialization of the student's personality, the teacher is called upon to possess the necessary personal and professional potentials. The main problem for the pedagogy of the transformation period is the violation of the mental health of the participants in the educational process, which is associated with crises in relations and too rapid a change in social guidelines, social regulators and social institutions and an extremely slow restructuring of the system of higher professional pedagogical education, when the knowledge gained often conflicts with the realities of the pedagogical and social life of the teacher. The transformation of society has given rise to a trend towards individualized forms of existence, which force a person to put himself at the center of his own life plans in order to survive materially. This trend is typical for teachers as well. There is a conflict between socio-centered and ego-centered socio-cultural systems. It becomes a source of psycho-traumatic impact on the teacher's personality, intensifies deformation processes and destroys the integrity of the teacher's personal functioning as an agent of socialization of the student's developing personality. After all, the majority of teachers are persons who have experienced the influence of the dominant socio-centered system of education that deforms the character of a person. The socio-centered system of education, which had the goal of the functioning of education - the formation of a sociotype, and not a personality - led to the suppression of personogenic needs, which resulted in a pathological syndrome in the form of fear, dissatisfaction with oneself and repressed aggressiveness. The deformation of the teacher's character as an agent, which is a pathogenic factor in the formation of a socialization deficit, manifests itself in the form of:

Complex: lack of self-regulation, worship of authorities, feelings of inferiority, social phobia;

Obsessive actions: pedantry, exaggerated desire for order and discipline, accuracy, excessive zeal.

The next factor is socio-economic. According to sociological studies conducted by O.V. Karpukhin, 4.3% of young people include banditry and racketeering in the list of the most prestigious professions. This is due to the idealization of the market; the desire for well-being, by all means - a kind of socio-psychological phenomenon of youth consciousness, based on enrichment and success in life, achieved at any cost. According to the study, 18.1% of the young people surveyed consider it possible for them to participate in criminal groups; 9.1% believe that today this is a normal way to "earn" money. As the results of surveys by S. Paramonova show, quite recently, in the minds of young people, creative activity was a priority, and payment according to work was considered the highest justice. Today, activity about exchange and consumption is becoming more and more prestigious. Most of the respondents (76.6%) would prefer to realize their activity in non-political organizations. The main form of such organizations is the so-called “hanging out”, formed on the basis of common interests: sports, music, etc. Hangouts become a form of youth association, an instrument of its socialization, being outside the sphere of influence (educational, cultural, educational) of the state and society. As part of the criminal acts of minors, crimes against property (theft, fraud, robbery, robbery, theft of a vehicle, deliberate destruction or damage to property) predominate (up to 85%). The predominance of these types of crimes reflects, on the one hand, the increased financial and property stratification in society, and, on the other hand, the growth of social intolerance and aggressiveness.


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Social maladaptation- this is a complete or partial loss by the subject of the ability to adapt to the conditions of society. That is, this is a violation of the relationship of a person with the environment, which is characterized by the impracticability of his positive social role in certain social conditions, corresponding to his potential.

Social maladaptation is characterized by several levels that reflect its depth: latent manifestation of maladaptation phenomena, maladaptive “perturbations”, destruction of previously formed adaptive mechanisms and connections, fixed maladaptation.

Socio-psychological maladaptation

Adaptation literally means adaptation. This is one of the most significant concepts in biology. It is widely used in concepts that treat the relationship of individuals with their environment as processes of homeostatic balancing. It is considered from the point of view of its two directions: adaptation of the individual to the external new environment and adaptation as the formation of new personality traits on this basis.

There are two degrees of adaptation of the subject: disadaptation or deep adaptation.

Socio-psychological adaptation consists in the interaction of the social environment and the individual, leading to an ideal balance of values ​​and goals of the group in general and the individual in particular. In the course of such adaptation, the needs and aspirations, the interests of the individual are realized, its individuality is discovered and formed, the individual enters a socially new environment. The result of such adaptation is the formation of professional and social qualities of communications, activities and behavioral reactions accepted in a particular society.

If we consider the adaptive processes of the subject from the standpoint of the socio-psychological process of involvement in activities, then the main points of activity should be the fixation of interest in it, establishing contacts with individuals who surround, satisfaction with such relationships, inclusion in social life.

The concept of social maladjustment of a personality means a disruption in the processes of interaction between the subject and the environment, which are aimed at maintaining a balance within the body, between the body and the environment. This term appeared relatively recently in psychology and psychiatry. The application of the concept of "disadaptation" is rather contradictory and ambiguous, which can be traced mainly in the assessment of the place and role of disadaptation states in relation to such categories as "norm" or "pathology", since the parameters of "norm" and "pathology" in psychology are still little developed.

Social maladaptation of a personality is a rather versatile phenomenon, which is based on certain factors of social maladaptation that impede the social adaptation of an individual.

Factors of social maladaptation:

  • relative cultural and social deprivation (deprivation of necessary goods or vital needs);
  • psychological and pedagogical neglect;
  • hyperstimulation with new (in terms of content) social incentives;
  • insufficient preparedness for self-regulation processes;
  • loss of already formed forms of mentoring;
  • loss of the usual team;
  • low degree of psychological readiness to master the profession;
  • breaking dynamic stereotypes;
  • cognitive dissonance, which was caused due to a discrepancy between judgments about life and the situation in reality;
  • character accentuations;
  • psychopathic personality formation.

Thus, speaking about the problems of socio-psychological maladaptation, it implies a change in the internal and external circumstances of socialization. Those. social disadaptation of a personality is a relatively short-term situational state, which is a consequence of the influence of new, unusual irritating factors of a changed environment and signals an imbalance between the requirements of the environment and mental activity. It can be defined as a difficulty complicated by some adaptive factors to transforming conditions, which is expressed in inadequate reactions and behavior of the subject. It is the most important process of socialization of the individual.

Causes of social maladaptation

Social maladaptation of the individual is not an innate process and never occurs spontaneously or unexpectedly. Its formation is preceded by a whole phased complex of negative personality neoplasms. There are also 5 significant causes that affect the occurrence of a maladjustment disorder. These reasons include: social, biological, psychological, age, socio-economic.

Today, most scientists consider social causes to be the primary source of deviations in behavior. As a result of improper family upbringing, violations of interpersonal communication, the so-called deformation of the processes of accumulating social experience occurs. This deformation often occurs in adolescence and childhood due to erroneous upbringing, poor relationships with parents, lack of mutual understanding, mental trauma in childhood.

Biological causes include congenital pathology or brain injury, which affects the emotional-volitional sphere of children. Children with pathology or trauma are characterized by increased fatigue, difficulty in communication processes, irritability, inability to long-term and regular loads, inability to show strong-willed efforts. If such a child grows up in a dysfunctional family, then this only strengthens the tendencies towards deviant behavior.

The psychological causes of occurrence are determined by the peculiarity of the nervous system, character accentuations, which, under adverse circumstances of upbringing, form abnormal character traits and pathologies in behavior (impulsivity, high excitability, imbalance, unrestraint, excessive activity, etc.)

Age-related causes are lability and excitability characteristic of the age of a teenager, accelerating the formation of phenomena of hedonism, the desire for idleness and carelessness.

Socio-economic reasons include excessive commercialization of society, low family income, criminalization of society.

Social exclusion of children

The significance of the problems of social maladjustment of children is determined by the current situation in society. The current situation that has developed in society should be regarded as critical. Recent studies show a sharp increase among children in such negative manifestations as pedagogical neglect, lack of desire to learn, mental retardation, fatigue, bad mood, exhaustion, excessive activity and mobility, lack of focus in mental activity, problems with concentration, early drug addiction and alcoholization.

It is obvious that the formation of these manifestations is directly affected by biological and social circumstances, which are closely interconnected and conditioned, first of all, by the transforming living conditions of children and adults.

The problems of society are directly reflected in the family in general and children in particular. Based on the studies conducted, we can conclude that today 10% of children are characterized by various developmental disabilities. Most children from infancy to adolescence have some kind of illness.

The social adaptation of an adult young person is influenced by the conditions of his formation in childhood and adolescence, his socialization in a social children's environment. Therefore, there is a significant problem of social and school maladjustment of the child. Its main task is prevention - prevention, and correction, i.e. corrective methods.

A maladjusted child is a child who differs from his peers due to problems with adaptation in the living environment that have affected his development, socialization processes, and the ability to find solutions to problems that are natural for his age.

In principle, most children quite quickly and easily, without any special difficulties, overcome the states of maladaptation that they encounter in the process of life.

The main causes of violations in the social adaptation of children, their conflict may be personality or psyche characteristics, such as:

  • lack of basic communication skills;
  • inadequacy in evaluating oneself in the processes of communication;
  • excessive demands on the people who surround them. This is especially acute in cases where the child is intellectually developed and is characterized by mental development above the average in the group;
  • emotional instability;
  • the predominance of attitudes that hinder communication processes. For example, the humiliation of the interlocutor, the manifestation of one's superiority, which turns communication into a competitive process;
  • fear of communication and anxiety;
  • isolation.

Depending on the reasons for the occurrence of violations in social maladjustment, the child can either passively submit to being pushed out of his circle by his peers, or he himself leaves embittered and with a desire to take revenge on the team.

Lack of communication skills is quite a significant barrier to interpersonal communication of children. Skills can be developed through behavioral training.

Social maladjustment can often manifest itself in the child's aggression. Signs of social maladaptation: low self-esteem along with high demands on peers and adults, lack of desire to communicate and fear of communication, imbalance, manifested in a sharp change in mood, demonstration of emotions “in public”, isolation.

Disadaptation is quite dangerous for children, as it can lead to the following negative consequences: personal deformations, delayed physical and mental development, possible brain dysfunctions, typical disorders of the nervous system (depression, lethargy or excitability, aggressiveness), loneliness or self-alienation, relationship problems with peers and other people, to the suppression of the instinct of self-preservation, .

Social exclusion of adolescents

The process of socialization is the introduction of a child into society. This process is characterized by complexity, multifactoriality, multidirectionality and poor forecasting in the end. The process of socialization can last a lifetime. It is also not necessary to deny the impact of the innate qualities of the body on personal properties. After all, the formation of personality occurs only as the person is included in the surrounding society.

One of the prerequisites for the formation of personality is interaction with other subjects that transfer accumulated knowledge and life experience. This is accomplished not through a simple mastery of social relations, but as a result of a complex interaction of social (external) and psychophysical (internal) inclinations of development. And it represents the cohesion of socially typical features and individually significant qualities. From this it follows that the personality is socially conditioned, develops only in the process of life, in changing the child's attitude to the surrounding reality. From this we can conclude that the degree of socialization of an individual is determined by a variety of components that, in combination, add up the general structure of the influence of society on a single individual. And the presence of certain defects in each of these components leads to the formation of social and psychological qualities in the individual, which can lead the individual in specific circumstances to conflict situations with society.

Under the influence of socio-psychological conditions of the external environment and in the presence of internal factors, the child develops disadaptation, which manifests itself in the form of abnormal - deviant behavior. Social maladjustment of adolescents arises from violations of normal socialization and is characterized by a deformation of the reference and value orientations of adolescents, a decrease in the significance of the referent character and alienation, first of all, from the influence of teachers at school.

Depending on the degree of alienation and the depth of the resulting deformations of value and reference orientations, two phases of social maladaptation are distinguished. The first phase consists in pedagogical neglect and is characterized by alienation from the school and the loss of referential significance in the school, while maintaining a sufficiently high reference in the family. The second phase is more dangerous and is characterized by alienation from both school and family. Communication with the main institutions of socialization is lost. There is an assimilation of distorted value-normative ideas and the first criminal experience appears in youthful groups. The result of this will not only be a backlog in school, poor academic performance, but also an increasing psychological discomfort experienced by adolescents in school. This pushes adolescents to search for a new, non-school environment of communication, another reference group of peers, which subsequently begins to play a leading role in the process of adolescent socialization.

Factors of social maladaptation of adolescents: displacement from the situation of personal growth and development, neglect of the personal desire for self-realization, self-assertion in a socially acceptable way. The consequence of disadaptation will be psychological isolation in the communicative sphere with the loss of a sense of belonging to its own culture, the transition to attitudes and values ​​that dominate the microenvironment.

Unmet needs can lead to increased social activity. And it, in turn, can result in social creativity and this will be a positive deviation, or it will manifest itself in antisocial activity. If she does not find a way out, she may rush in search of a way out in addiction to alcohol or drugs. In the most unfavorable development - a suicidal attempt.

The current social and economic instability, the critical state of health and education systems not only does not contribute to a comfortable socialization of the individual, but also exacerbates the processes of maladaptation of adolescents associated with problems in family education, which lead to even greater anomalies in the behavioral reactions of adolescents. Therefore, the process of socialization of adolescents is becoming increasingly negative. The situation is aggravated by the spiritual pressure of the criminal world and their values, and not civil institutions. The destruction of the main institutions of socialization leads to an increase in juvenile delinquency.

Also, the sharp increase in the number of maladjusted adolescents is influenced by the following social contradictions: indifference to smoking in high school, the lack of an effective method of combating absenteeism, which today have practically become the norm of school behavior, along with the continuing reduction in educational and preventive work in state organizations and institutions that engage in leisure and upbringing of children; replenishment of juvenile gangs of criminals at the expense of adolescents who dropped out of school and are lagging behind in their studies, along with a decrease in the social relationships of the family with teachers. This facilitates the establishment of contacts between adolescents and criminal gangs of minors, where illegal and is freely developed and welcomed; crisis phenomena in society, which contribute to the growth of anomalies in the socialization of adolescents, along with the weakening of the educational influence on adolescents of public groups that should carry out education and public control over the actions of minors.

Consequently, the growth of maladaptation, deviant behavior, and juvenile delinquency is the result of the global social alienation of children and youth from society. And this is a consequence of the violation of the direct processes of socialization, which began to be uncontrollable, spontaneous in nature.

Signs of social maladjustment of adolescents associated with such an institution of socialization as school:

The first sign is poor progress in the school curriculum, which includes: chronic poor progress, repetition, insufficiency and fragmentation of the acquired general educational information, i.e. lack of a system of knowledge and skills in education.

The next sign is systematic violations of an emotionally colored personal attitude to learning in general and some subjects in particular, to teachers, life prospects associated with learning. Behavior can be indifferent-indifferent, passive-negative, demonstratively dismissive, etc.

The third sign is regularly repeated anomalies of behavior in the process of schooling and in the school environment. For example, passive-refusal behavior, non-contact, complete rejection of school, stable behavior with a violation of discipline, characterized by oppositional defiant actions and including active and demonstrative opposition of one's personality to other students, teachers, disregard for the rules adopted at school, vandalism at school .

Correction of social maladaptation

In childhood, the main directions of correction of social maladaptation of the personality should be: the development of communication skills, the harmonization of interpersonal communication in the family and in groups of peers, the correction of some personality traits that impede communication or the transformation of manifestations of properties in such a way that in the future they could not negatively affect communication sphere, adjusting children's self-esteem to bring it closer to normal.

Currently, trainings are especially popular in the correction of social maladjustment: psychotechnical games aimed at developing various functions of the psyche, which are associated with transformations in consciousness, and role-playing socio-psychological training.

This training is aimed at resolving the subject's internal contradictions in the conditions of developing certain skills to perform specific social functions (forming and consolidating the necessary social and cultural norms). The training takes place in the form of a game.

The main functions of the training:

  • training, which consists in the development of skills and abilities necessary for learning, such as: attention, memory, reproduction of information received, foreign speech skills;
  • entertaining, serves to create a more favorable atmosphere at the training, which transforms learning into an exciting and entertaining adventure;
  • communicative, which consists in establishing emotional contacts;
  • relaxation - aimed at relieving emotional stress;
  • psychotechnical, characterized by the formation of skills for preparing one's own physiological state in order to obtain more information;
  • preventive, aimed at preventing unwanted behavior;
  • developing, characterized by the development of personality from different angles, the development of character traits through playing all sorts of possible situations.

Socio-psychological training consists in a specific psychological impact, which is based on active methods of working in groups. It is characterized by the intensity of preparing the individual for a more fulfilling and active life. The essence of the training is a specially organized training for the purpose of self-improvement of the personality of the individual. It is aimed at solving such problems as: the development of socio-pedagogical knowledge, the formation of the ability to know oneself and others, the multiplication of ideas about one's significance, the formation of various abilities, skills and abilities.

Training is a whole complex of consecutive sessions with one group. Tasks and exercises are selected for each group individually.

Prevention of social exclusion

Prevention is a whole system of socially, economically, and hygienically directed measures that are carried out at the state level, by individuals and public organizations to ensure a higher degree of public health and prevent diseases.

Prevention of social maladjustment is scientifically based and timely actions that are aimed at preventing potential physical, socio-cultural, psychological clashes in individual subjects belonging to a risk group, maintaining and protecting people's health, support in achieving goals, and unlocking internal potential.

The concept of prevention is to avoid certain problems. To solve this problem, it is necessary to eliminate the existing causes of risk and increase protective mechanisms. There are two approaches to prevention: one is aimed at the individual, the other - at the structure. In order for these two approaches to be as effective as possible, they should be used in combination. All preventive measures should be directed to the population as a whole, to certain groups and to individuals at risk.

There are primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Primary - characterized by a focus on preventing the occurrence of problem situations, on the elimination of negative factors and adverse conditions that cause certain phenomena, as well as on increasing the individual's resistance to the effects of such factors. Secondary - is designed to recognize the early manifestations of maladaptive behavior of individuals (there are certain criteria for social maladaptation that contribute to early detection), its symptoms and reduce their actions. Such preventive measures are taken in relation to children from risk groups right before the appearance of problems. Tertiary - is to carry out activities at the stage of an already emerging disease. Those. These measures are taken to eliminate the problem that has already arisen, but along with this, they are also aimed at preventing the emergence of new ones.

Depending on what causes maladjustment, the following types of preventive measures are distinguished: neutralizing and compensatory, measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of situations that contribute to the emergence of maladaptation; elimination of such situations, control of ongoing preventive measures and their results.

The effectiveness of preventive work with maladjusted subjects in most cases depends on the availability of a developed and comprehensive infrastructure, which includes the following elements: qualified specialists, financial and organizational support from regulatory and government authorities, interconnection with scientific departments, a specially created social space for the purpose solving maladaptive problems, which should develop their own traditions, ways of working with maladjusted people.

The main goal of social preventive work should be psychological adaptation and its final outcome - successful entry into the social team, the emergence of a sense of confidence in relationships with members of the collective group and satisfaction with one's own position in such a system of relations. Thus, any preventive activity should be purposeful on the individual as a subject of social adaptation and consist in increasing his adaptive potential, on the environment and on the conditions for the best interaction.

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