What to do to remove swelling from the eyes. How to quickly remove swelling from the eyes after tears: an ambulance at home. How to get rid of puffy eyes in the morning

Tears can sometimes appear unexpectedly from surging sadness or nostalgic memories. Not to mention the sad events. For girls, this is not as embarrassing as their consequences - swelling of the eyes. After all, swelling under the eyes and redness of the mucosa is not at all as easy as we would like. Yes, and there are often cases, obaglaza believes, that you need to hide the consequences as soon as possible, while no one has seen you. To get out of this situation, let's talk about various effective methods of dealing with the consequences of crying.

The methods collected in this article will not easily remove swelling, but will also help hide the inflammatory and unhealthy appearance of the mucosa (redness) of the protein.

To understand how to remove swelling without harming your health and eyes, you need to understand the reasons for such unpleasant consequences.

Puffiness occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the eyelids. And this happens for a simple reason, according to ObaGlazaRu: when the lacrimal glands contract more than usual, the outflow of interstitial fluid is disturbed, and the content of salts in tears, according to many, additionally retains fluid. Therefore, the eyes after tears and look swollen, inflamed and bags appear.

For some, swelling is well removed by massaging the eyelids and their immediate area with the help of fingertips, as well as doing exercises for the muscles of the eyes. We have already written about such exercises in our articles. It is worth noting only that pressing on the eyes should be light so as not to create a worse state of friction and excessive pressure.


Given the fact that swelling of the eyelids is accompanied by an increase in blood vessels, it is necessary to remove their increased tone. Cold is suitable for this, for example, ice. You can wrap it in a cloth so as not to freeze the epidermis and apply it to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes every 30 minutes, giving the eyes some time to rest from the cold, restore blood flow.

Contrast shower and wash

If we take into account the previous method, which hides tearful eyes, then you can replace the ice with a similar method - using a morning contrast shower or washing with cold water. It also tones the blood vessels. To do this, you can simply wash your face with cold water or take a cool shower. And leaving it, try to lightly wipe your face with a towel, do not press. It is best to simply blot your face with a towel, ObaGlazaRu believes.


If the swelling appeared after tears and it is strong, then you can use a diuretic. For these purposes, you can drink a decoction of chamomile, a decoction of lingonberry leaf or coffee. There are also medications, for example, Eufillin, Amiloride and Triamteren. But ObaGlazaRu pays special attention to the fact that the use of this method can be hazardous to health, so you must first consult with your doctor.

Folk recipes to help

Other popular methods for dealing with tearful eyes can be combined into one section under folk "medicine".

A popular method to bring puffy eyes from tears back to normal. It is enough to take two tea bags, place them in hot water for 5 minutes. It is necessary that they soak and steam out. Then place them on closed eyelids for 5-10 minutes. It is important that tea bags contain caffeine, which promotes vasoconstriction, leading them to tone. Also, make sure that their temperature is not too high.


Cucumber is also good at removing puffiness from inflamed eyes. They contain minerals and moisture, and are relatively cold, which contributes to the restoration of eyelid vessels.

Slice two circles of cucumber and place one on each eye. Keep them for 10-15 minutes, then remove. And so repeat 2-3 times.

This method, according to ObaGlazaPy, can be used both in the evening before bedtime and in the morning.

Separate the proteins from the yolks, and beat into a homogeneous airy mass. The resulting composition is applied to closed swollen eyelids. Proteins dry out the skin, tightening it. After drying, the protein mass is washed off.


Potato contains a special enzyme that reduces puffiness, brightens the skin and removes dark circles under the eyes. By the way, if you have dark bruises, then it will be useful to get acquainted with the causes of dark circles.

To quickly remove swelling with potatoes, you need to make a special compress. To do this, take one medium-sized tuber, peel and grate. The resulting slurry is wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyes or the entire face. The swelling will go down faster than usual.

A cotton swab is soaked in sour milk and applied to swollen eyes. Hold the compress for 10-30 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.

Video with methods of dealing with tearful eyes


If you nevertheless decided for sure that you want to cry, for example, to relieve internal tension, then take the necessary measures to minimize the unpleasant consequences of tears. In this case, the swelling of the eyelids will be much less than usual. Such measures include the following:

  • Try to rub your eyes as little as possible;
  • Lie down to sleep on a raised pillow;
  • Make a contrast wash in the morning (in the evening before going to bed);
  • Reduce your salt intake.

Well, if all of you weren’t able to take preliminary measures to minimize the consequences, what to do with red eyes, you already know the listed methods, ObaGlaza.Ru believes, is quite enough.

Swelling of the eyes does not at all add beauty and charm to a person - on the contrary, it can significantly worsen the appearance. This symptom can manifest itself for a number of very different reasons, among which are ordinary night parties and lack of sleep, as well as diseases of the organs of vision. And if you want to look good, it is important to know how to remove swelling from the eyes quickly. This can not always be done instantly, but in some cases it turns out to at least slightly reduce it.

Causes of tumors in the eyes

Edema, swelling of the eyelids appears due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. As a rule, water collects inside a row of cells and is excreted rather slowly for some reason. Most often, edema can provoke the following aspects that are not associated with diseases:

  • drinking large amounts of fluid at night;
  • a plentiful dinner and taking a large amount of alcohol;
  • eating salty food for dinner.

It is the use of highly salty or spicy foods, as well as smoked meats, that is the main cause of edema. Salt can retain water in the body. Of course, it is necessary to use it in moderation in any case to maintain the correct water-alkaline balance, but the abuse of such products can disrupt it.

Also, the appearance of edema can be triggered by a number of changes that occur inside the body for one reason or another. For example, edema occurs in women during pregnancy, it can also appear after crying or due to severe stress, hormonal disruptions.

Attention! are a common symptom of allergies. They can also appear in case of problems with some internal organs - the heart or kidneys.

As a rule, in some cases, both eyes swell at once. But if swelling appears only on one, this may signal problems, which are described in the table below.

Table. A number of reasons for which only one eye swells.


In this case, the tumor is usually accompanied by other symptoms - itching, tearfulness, photophobia, purulent discharge. Conjunctivitis is a disease that develops due to viruses and bacteria entering the eyes.

The disease is accompanied by severe pain, the tumor will be quite extensive. It quickly affects not only the eyelid, but the eye itself and requires immediate treatment.

In this case, the swelling of the eyelids begins with a small inflammation localized in the region of the bulbs of the eyelashes. It develops due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into this place. First, a small bump is formed, which develops into a rather large abscess. As a rule, the disease passes by itself and quickly.

A mosquito, midge, wasp or other insect can bite a person on the eyelid. Usually, in addition to the tumor, there is such a symptom as severe itching.

Allergies can be caused by a variety of substances. For example, often an allergic reaction accompanied by edema is noted upon contact with irritating substances (animal hair, plant pollen), and also due to the use of low-quality cosmetics.

How to deal with swelling? Basic ways

It is not always possible to determine the cause of the appearance of a tumor on the eyelid. Sometimes only a doctor can do this. But, as a rule, an ophthalmologist is contacted only if no obvious causes of swelling have been found, or the swelling does not subside for a long time.

The main methods that are used to eliminate the tumor from the eyes are:

  • massage is the easiest option. It is easy enough to massage the eyelids with your fingers and slightly increase the friction in the area of ​​the bags under the eyes. The movements are circular and measured. To enhance the effect, it is advised to use oils and creams. You can also use ice cubes for massage;

  • compresses - a very effective way and quite often used. As compresses, you can use just a cold towel, as well as various means - slices of cucumbers, potatoes, tea bags. It is enough to apply the selected remedy to the eyes for 20 minutes, and the swelling will go away;
  • diuretics - remove water from the body well. But you need to use them with caution - there are side effects. Also, due to diuretics, not only water leaves the body, but also useful substances and trace elements are washed out;

  • other medicines- usually their action is aimed at combating a disease, but during treatment, edema is also eliminated;
  • cosmetic products- are used in the offices of cosmetologists and specialized clinics. Often are anti-aging agents;

  • masks- also have a place to be in the arsenal to combat edema. But, as a rule, they are used regularly and are more prophylactic than used in emergency situations. These can be masks made from cottage cheese, potatoes, berries, herbs, etc.

How to calm eyes after tears

Unfortunately, no one is immune from sad situations in life. And often they are accompanied by tears and tantrums, and not just depression of mood. Moreover, not only women and children can cry, but also men. And any person after tears looks wrinkled, tired, gets red and swollen eyes as a reward. However, removing the swelling in this case is quite simple:

  • need to wash with cool water. Low temperatures will narrow the vessels in the eye area and the redness will come down;
  • You can also massage the area around the eyes with a piece of ice from the refrigerator. In general, absolutely any chilled product can be used;

Attention! Pure ice should not be applied to the eyes for a long time - for a maximum of 2-3 seconds. But a piece of ice wrapped in a cloth can be held in front of your eyes for 1 minute.

  • well in this case, tea bags or cotton pads dipped in cold tea help. It is recommended to put such compresses on the eyes for 20-30 minutes;

  • do not forget about the rings of cucumbers - this is also a great way to remove swelling and redness from the eyes.

After injury or shock

Sometimes it appears due to a strong blow. It all looks very ugly. And to reduce the risk of developing severe swelling immediately after receiving such an injury, you need to put something cold on the eye and hold it for at least 5 minutes. This will prevent blood from leaking out of damaged vessels and getting into the tissues, which means it will reduce the risk of bluish area and swelling.

After such a kind of first aid is provided, you can engage in further treatment. It is best to take grated potatoes and apply to the eyelids or to the area where the blow fell.

Attention! If there are wounds at the site of impact, then the use of any ointments or gels is contraindicated.

If bitten by flies

If the swelling appeared after an insect bite, this is an allergic reaction to the saliva of a small pest or wasp sting. If it was a stinging insect that bit, then before removing the swelling, you need to make sure that there is no sting left in the skin. If there is one, it must first be removed and then treatment should begin. As for the midge, when bitten, it kind of gnaws out part of the upper layer of the skin and leaves a red dot on it. In both cases, the bite is accompanied by itching, swelling, and even bruising may appear.

After that, you need to rinse the bite site with clean water (cold) and treat it with potassium permanganate. To reduce the risk of swelling, you need to apply cold.

After copious libations

A fun party and a copious amount of alcohol drunk do not add beauty to anyone. And in the morning a person wakes up, as a rule, with swollen eyes. Sleepless nights do not help to improve the situation. However, in this case, it is enough to apply a cold compress to the eyes or make a cucumber mask. Usually this is enough to put the face in order.

This is perhaps the only disease that you can try to cope with on your own without visiting a doctor. It is necessary to remove the general symptoms and use a number of remedies such as chloramphenicol drops to destroy pathogens in the eye area. Before instillation, it is worth cleaning the eyes with cotton swabs dipped in chamomile decoction or in water. After that, you can enter the drops at the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Important! Not always conjunctivitis has a bacterial form. It can be and, and allergic. Treatment will be different in all cases. If you have any doubts about the use of any drug, it is important to consult a doctor.

How to reduce swelling of the eyes: instructions

Step 1. For starters, you can try using regular cucumbers. From a fresh cucumber taken out of the refrigerator, you need to cut off two circles.

Step 3 Keep cucumbers in front of your eyes for 15 minutes. A separate circle is used for each eye.

Step 4 You can try to cool two tablespoons. To do this, they are placed in a jar of ice or in a freezer.

Step 6 The next option is tea bags. It is required to brew a couple in a cup.

Step 7 After that, they are packed in a bag and put in the freezer for quick cooling.

Step 8 Then it is enough to apply the bags to closed eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Step 10 Some drinks such as tea and coffee are recommended to be replaced with clean water.

Step 11 It is required to go to bed on time and it is advisable to sleep on the back, and not face down on the pillow.

Video - How to remove swelling

To cope with edema, if they are not caused by any diseases, is quite simple. If the swelling began to appear constantly and does not go away even after using preventive masks, then you need to see a doctor. It may very well be that they are a symptom of the development of diseases of the internal organs.

With swelling of the eyelids, each of us periodically has to deal with. These may be the consequences of a hard work week, stress and grief, or, conversely, a fun party with alcohol that has dragged on until the morning. You can remove the swelling of the eyelids at home with the help of simple improvised means. If the cause of swelling is in any disease, malfunction of the internal organs, then it is better not to experiment, but to consult a doctor and use professional means.

What is the tactics of action

Before removing the edema, it is necessary to establish exactly where and why it arose. By itself, the skin on the eyelids is very thin and sensitive, almost without fat cells and sebaceous glands. Therefore, if the upper or lower eyelid is swollen, the cause is a local accumulation of fluid or an inflammatory process that has led to an increase in the permeability of the capillary walls.

Most often, swelling of the eyelids is provoked by such factors:

  • lack of sleep, chronic overwork;
  • eating salty the day before, alcohol or just a large amount of liquid;
  • after tears;
  • the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • allergic reactions;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs - swollen eyes are often a symptom of a malfunction in the functioning of the kidneys, thyroid gland, etc .;
  • ophthalmic diseases - blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, eyelid abscess, etc.;
  • low levels of proteins in the blood;
  • infectious diseases not related to the organs of vision - influenza, tonsillitis, SARS;
  • high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • taking certain medications - antibiotics, sulfonamides, salicylates).

The causes of swelling of the eyelids can be both banal fatigue and an infectious disease.

Also, the cause of ugly swelling on the face can be some cosmetic procedures - for example, tattooing. In most cases, this phenomenon, although unpleasant, is temporary. But if swelling on the eyelids and bags under the eyes began to disturb regularly and standard remedies no longer remove them, it is recommended to consult a doctor and be examined. Cosmetic recipes will not help you, you will need to approach the solution of the problem in a comprehensive manner. First of all, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist and a family doctor. And then go through the following procedures:

  • donate blood and urine;
  • measure arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • perform an ultrasound examination of internal organs (as an alternative - computed tomography).

Since most often the reason is the difficulty in removing fluid from the body, the doctor will first examine the organs associated with this process. It is also necessary to pay attention to whether swelling appears on other parts of the body, after what actions, at what time of the day. All this will help to correctly establish the cause and choose ways to solve it.

Note: in women, the face, in particular the eyelids, often swell during hormonal changes - before menstruation, during pregnancy or the onset of menopause. If the eyelids of a child are swollen in the summer, the reason may lie in excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, allergies, insect bites.

What methods are used

First of all, a patient who turns to a doctor with a similar problem should understand that it is not enough to remove swelling from the upper eyelids, this is just a symptom of some kind of disorder, allergy or injury. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, that is, to carry out a full-fledged treatment, which the doctor will select after making an accurate diagnosis.

  • In case of allergies, it is necessary to identify the allergen-irritant and limit contact with it. Additionally, antihistamines of local and systemic action can be prescribed.
  • In infectious ophthalmic diseases, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ointments are used. The drug Floxal has proven itself well. It is applied with barley, blepharitis on swelling three times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely, usually for at least five days. Floksal not only removes swelling and redness, but also neutralizes the pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the disease. With conjunctivitis, keratitis, traditionally antibacterial and anti-inflammatory eye drops are used. In the acute stage of the disease, drops are administered every two hours, on the second or third day - from two to four times a day.
  • For injuries with a hematoma (bruises, bruises), cold compresses are used on the first day, then ointments that stimulate blood circulation and relieve inflammation.
  • For internal diseases associated with a violation of the excretion of fluid from the body, diuretics are used - diuretic drugs. Other medications are selected depending on the underlying disease. As soon as it is cured, the swelling will also go away.

In any case, for the duration of treatment, it will not be superfluous to follow a sparing diet and lead a healthy lifestyle as possible. This means that you should not eat salty foods, alcohol, liquids before bedtime, correctly distribute the time of sleep and rest, and avoid stress.

There are other methods that allow you to quickly and effectively deal with swelling of the eyelids above or below the eyes. These include:

  • mesotherapy - subcutaneous injection of drugs that stimulate the outflow of excess fluid;
  • physiotherapy - microcurrent therapy, manual or vacuum-roller massage;
  • blepharoplasty - lifting the skin of the eyelids, eliminating congenital defects, cosmetic defects after trauma or surgery;
  • cosmetics - creams, lotions, serums, masks.

The main objectives of the treatment are to stop the inflammatory process, stimulate the removal of fluid from the body, metabolic processes, and tighten the skin of the eyelids. Not all physiotherapy and cosmetic procedures are allowed for certain pathologies, so a doctor's consultation and professional treatment control are necessary. Naturally, along with cosmetic and medicinal, folk remedies are used.

Folk remedies to eliminate swelling of the eyes

Folk recipes against puffiness of the eyelids offer various masks, lotions for local use based on medicinal herbs, vegetables and fruits, or decoctions and infusions of them for internal use.

Cucumber slices, chamomile infusion or tea bags - traditional medicine offers many remedies to combat swelling.

You can quickly remove the swelling in the eyes that appeared after the feast, for example, with the help of simple parsley. It is useful to use any parts of a garden plant - leaves, stems, roots. Greens have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, traditional medicine recommends brewing the roots and seeds of the plant for ingestion, making external masks from the gruel of parsley leaves. It is a proven, safe and affordable remedy.

What else from improvised means can be used:

  • Cold. An ice cube, a compress soaked in ice water, a chilled tablespoon will help remove puffiness in the eyes in the morning.
  • Carrot. With a tendency to edema, it is useful to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice, and make masks from the grated root crop. But masks will require caution, as carrots have a coloring effect.
  • Flax seeds. A spoonful of seeds is steamed in a thermos with a glass of boiling water and left overnight, the resulting broth is filtered and taken in a third of a glass throughout the day, or eye lotions are made with it. This is an old folk remedy for any swelling and inflammation.
  • Tea with peppermint or linden. These drugs also have anti-inflammatory, decongestant and diuretic effects. You can brew calendula, chamomile, sage, fireweed, thyme.
  • Chilled milk. Cotton sponges are moistened in milk and applied for a quarter of an hour to swollen eyes.
  • Black or green tea bags. After drinking tea, you should not pour out the tea leaves or throw away the bags - this is an excellent, quick and effective remedy for bags under the eyes, swelling, dark circles.
  • Potato. Use gruel from grated raw root crops or warm boiled potatoes as eye masks, which should be peeled and mashed. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the mixture.
  • Egg white. The protein has an astringent and smoothing effect, brightens the skin, smoothes it and tightens it. The protein is whipped a little with a fork and applied with a brush under the eyes. After ten minutes, the mask is gently washed off with warm water.

It is not so difficult to remove swelling from the upper or lower eyelid. It is important to understand that they do not just occur, and to prevent the re-formation of an unpleasant symptom.

Salty foods, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and soda - that's what you need to forget if circles and bags under the eyes interfere

Prevention measures

Preventing swelling is not so difficult if you follow these simple rules:

  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • healthy eating, adherence to sleep and rest;
  • sports, hardening;
  • restriction of salt intake;
  • the use of high-quality cosmetics, compliance with hygiene rules;
  • the use of protective equipment for the eyes in hazardous industries, at sea, in the sunny season;
  • caution when playing and playing sports to avoid eye injury;
  • timely treatment of any infectious diseases.

Conclusion. Puffiness of the eyelids is not such an innocent phenomenon, as many believe, and not just an ugly cosmetic defect. Often this is a symptom of a serious internal disease that must be treated. Ignoring eye edema can cause eyeball edema, elephantiasis, glaucoma, and even blindness. Therefore, you should remember first of all about a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures. And if an unpleasant symptom nevertheless manifested itself, then promptly seek help from a doctor.

Many women ask the question: how to remove swelling from the eyes? It can appear after drinking alcohol, from lack of sleep, and for many other reasons. Sometimes puffiness can appear due to hidden diseases. To hide bruises or bags, many cosmetic and medical products have been invented. Next, we will analyze the causes of edema and how to deal with them.

In fact, edema is the accumulation of fluid and a small proportion of fat in the wrong place. In the case of medical treatment, diuretics are prescribed to help get rid of excess water in the body.

Causes of occurrence, methods for eliminating edema

Swelling under the eyes can occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle or bad habits. Here are specific examples:

  • discomfort during sleep;
  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of sleep at night;
  • sleep on a high pillow;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • wrong diet;
  • constant stress;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • overwork;
  • fear, anxiety;
  • smoking;
  • low-quality cosmetics or their improper use;
  • late dinner before bed, plenty of fluids.

The following diseases can also affect the appearance of edema:

  • sensitivity or allergy to cosmetic components;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • kidney disease;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • stomach diseases;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

If any of the above diseases has been found, then edema should be treated last after the main symptoms. For diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

Egg white masks are very effective and popular. In addition to the "anti-edematous" effect, they also tighten the skin, improve its condition. Masks made from natural products, such as strawberries, help well, which produces a lifting effect, smoothes and refreshes the skin. Before applying, you need to cut the berries into small thin slices, then put everything under the eyes on the swelling.

Whatever they say, parsley is in all healing folk remedies. How to remove a tumor from the eyes with its help? You need to chop it finely and you can leave it in the refrigerator. If during storage it has dried out a little, then before application, moisten it a little with water. For a more soothing effect, sour cream can be added to the mask.

In the evening, after a hard day's work, buckwheat cakes will be useful. To prepare them, you need to lightly fry buckwheat, grind it in a coffee grinder and dilute it with water. The mask should have the consistency of dough. For treatment, you need to form small circles and apply them to the eye area. You can reduce swelling with grated apple gruel.

No matter how effective folk remedies are, but among women there are adherents of cosmetics from the store. Especially for this, gel masks were invented. The mask needs to be slightly cooled (literally for 15 minutes) then applied to the face.

If you do not trust yourself, then a professional salon can help get rid of the bags. There is a varied assortment of special creams, gels, masks. But such procedures have a big disadvantage: they cost a lot of money. You can achieve the same effect at home with natural masks.

Folk remedies

There are several ways to quickly relieve swelling and get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • cold potatoes, sliced;
  • cotton pad soaked in cold milk or kefir;
  • cucumber slices are applied for 10-15 minutes, and there were no tumors;
  • application of cold metal spoons.

So there are many different ways. Now we know how to remove the tumor in the eye area. You can choose, taking into account the individual characteristics of each: the condition of the skin of the face, the presence of diseases, the budget, the love for natural or pharmaceutical products.

To prevent such a not very pleasant phenomenon as swelling under the eyes, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor nutrition, follow the daily routine, the level of salt and fluid in the body. The main thing is not to drink a lot of water at night. For easy morning awakening and no bags at night, you need to sleep in a comfortable position. And allergy sufferers should avoid substances that provoke hypersensitivity.

People cry from time to time. There is nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, it is even useful for the nervous system, because tears relieve stress and help throw out accumulated emotions. However, they also have an unpleasant feature, they leave behind swelling on the face. In this post, we'll talk about how to remove swelling from the eyes after tears using home remedies, pharmaceutical preparations and gymnastics.

Quick relief from swelling after tears

To get started, try the easiest method for removing puffiness from the eyes. It is simple for the reason that it does not require much effort and is easily applied with the help of improvised means. Apply something cold to the swelling. Perfect fit ice, but if it is not at hand, take the usual tablespoons and put them in the freezer for a couple of minutes, then remove and apply to the puffiness.

The method of "cold" can be called first aid for edema. It gives a result, but it is desirable to use it in conjunction with other methods.

The following method has proven itself well - brew tea leaves, wrap in gauze and put on the eyes for a few minutes. They will remove puffiness from the eyes and return the face to a fresh look. Chamomile tea works well, but if you don't have one, use another green or even black tea. If you don’t have time to brew tea yourself, make it easier: take ordinary tea bags, brew them, and then apply them to your eyes in the same way. .png" alt="(!LANG:Tea bags for puffiness" width="288" height="197"> !}

Good for removing puffiness a bowl of parsley. To do this, it must be finely chopped, put on a cotton pad moistened with water and applied to the eyes. Keep this mixture for 20 minutes, then apply a moisturizer on the eyelids.

An excellent remedy for swollen eyelids is cucumber. Rub it on a grater and put this mixture on your eyes, hold for a few minutes and rinse.

Compresses for edema

A more effective way to treat puffy eyes are compresses. They will take more time, but the effect will certainly please.

Baked potato compress dilates blood vessels, gives blood flow and relaxes muscles, and this, in turn, relieves swelling. You need to bake potatoes in the oven or microwave, cool to a slightly warm state and apply to the eyelids.

Doing the job well cold compresses. It can be chilled ordinary or mineral water, in the second case the result will appear faster, as well as a heavily chilled decoction of chamomile or other herbs. Cold compresses for swelling are more effective than using ice.

Apple and cucumber compress not only reduce swelling, but also deeply moisturize the skin. You need to grate one apple and one medium-sized cucumber, mix well and apply to the area under the eyes.

Another effective tool is a quick milk compress. Soak a cotton pad in milk, apply to the eyelid and hold for 10 minutes. After this procedure, the eyes will immediately look much fresher. .png" alt="(!LANG:Milk compresses for edema" width="450" height="220" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/img-2017-06-04-22-18-47-450x220..png 643w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Great for fighting swelling decoction of mint. It perfectly relieves swelling and soothes the skin. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of chopped mint and 250 ml of water, all this is mixed and heated over low heat, after which a cotton pad is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the eyelids.

Pharmaceutical remedies for puffiness around the eyes

If you urgently need to put yourself in order, but there is no time for compresses and lotions, use a pharmacy decongestant. For example, eye cream "Caffeine" quickly relieve swelling from the eyes. The substances contained in it normalize blood circulation, which quickly relieves swelling.

Another excellent remedy for swelling under the eyes is vitamin E capsules. They remove puffiness, smooth wrinkles and generally have a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

Very emergency methods include constricting blood vessels. They bring the skin around the eyes to their original state in the shortest possible time, remove swelling and bruising under the eyes and return the face to a fresh look, but they often cannot be used. Over time, they can adversely affect the skin and even harm vision.

currently popular chinese patches from edema, they can be purchased at some pharmacies and in the cosmetic departments of stores, as well as ordered on Aliexpress. They are impregnated with a special gel that not only relieves puffiness, but also eliminates wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Unlike vasoconstrictor ointments, patches do not harm the skin, because they consist of natural ingredients. .png" alt="(!LANG:Eye patches" width="450" height="186" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/img-2017-06-05-20-31-18-450x186..png 577w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

When sticking to the skin, a greenhouse effect occurs and all substances from the patch freely enter the skin. Thus, the effect comes quickly and does not bear any negative consequences.

Massage and gymnastics for the eyes

In addition to the remedies already described above, eyelid massage and eye exercises will help soothe swollen eyes.

Massage It is easy to do and does not require the use of any complex equipment. With your fingertips, gently run from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer. Under the eyes, move in the opposite direction: from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Do not push too hard, do everything gently and carefully. Repeat these steps several times with short breaks.

Concerning gymnastics for the eyes, then everything is also very simple. Do the following:

  • first rotate your eyes clockwise, then against it;
  • blink rapidly for 15 seconds;
  • close your eyelids tightly for a few seconds, and then open your eyes.

Do all these actions 4-5 times, giving your eyes a little time to rest. Such gymnastics stimulates blood circulation and relieves swelling.

In order to keep the muscles around the eyes in good shape, there is a special simple gymnastics. It can be used as a prevention of the appearance of edema and bags under the eyes, and as a means of dealing with existing troubles in the eye area. For a detailed description of the exercises, see the video:

Of course, when a person cries, it is difficult for him to think about something else. However, even when you cry, try to follow a few simple rules that will save your appearance and save you from unpleasant consequences.

Primarily: never rub your eyes. By doing this, you increase the redness and swelling of the eyes and, in addition, increase the risk of infection. Besides, don't put your face down while crying: it exacerbates the swelling. Try to keep a handkerchief ready and immediately blot the flowing tears otherwise they may cause skin irritation.

As soon as the flow of tears stopped, immediately wash with cold water. Then try contrast wash hot and cold water. After that, you can use the above methods.

Choose for yourself the option that is more convenient and easier for you, but remember that the best results are given A complex approach. For example, swelling will disappear more likely if you not only do a compress, but also do eye exercises or massage.


Always try to hold back tears, because no means will give a 100% effect and a slight swelling in the eye area will remain even after applying all the means described above. If you still cry, immediately proceed to eliminate the consequences, if possible using an integrated approach.

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