Mucaltin tablets are an effective and affordable cough remedy. How to take it correctly? Mucaltin for cough: how to take tablets correctly

Doctors prescribe Mucaltin tablets to patients of any age. The drug has an effective expectorant effect, natural composition, and low cost. What kind of cough does the remedy help with, how to take Mucaltin for coughing in adults, possible side effects and contraindications are discussed in the information in this article.

How to take Mucaltin tablets for adults?

The main component of the drug is Althea syrup. The medicinal plant is used to make various remedies for the treatment of kidneys, stomach, poisoning, but most often for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases due to acute respiratory viral infections. Althea root is rich in a large number of elements that help moisturize sputum and expectoration:

  1. plant mucilage;
  2. carotene;
  3. betaine;
  4. oils and resins;
  5. sodium bicarbonate;
  6. mineral salts;
  7. a large amount of starch;
  8. tartaric acid.

The medicine is available in gray-brown tablets. The taste of Mukaltin is a little sour, without a pronounced odor. The tablets can be packaged in polymer bottles or in blister packs of 10 - 50 or 100 pieces.

You need to understand that this remedy is taken to relieve dry cough and reduce secretions, but not to eliminate the disease completely.

Depending on the manufacturer, the medication may contain 50 or 100 mg marshmallow root extract. Thus, a single dose for an adult patient is 1 or 2 tablets. Doctors recommend taking the drug 3 – 4 times a day, since adults can drink Mucaltin tablets no more than 8 pieces per day.

The duration of treatment depends on the intensity of the cough and the degree of the disease. The duration of therapy may last from 7 to 4 weeks. The medication continues to be taken until the desired result is achieved. If during treatment the secretion becomes too liquid, this can lead to breathing complications, so you should stop taking the pills.

Do you drink Mucaltin before meals or after meals?

Since the marshmallow-based remedy is of natural origin, for high-quality action the tablets need to penetrate into the stomach, which is free of gastric juices and pieces of food. Most of the active elements of Mucaltin disintegrate in an acidic environment, so and drink Mucaltin for half an hour before meals, or after eating, but only an hour later. 1 – 2 tablets should be swallowed and washed down with plenty of water.

Some patients may find it difficult to swallow the tablet and drink it with water. The reasons for this may be: acute pain in the throat, physiological characteristics of the structure of the larynx, or intolerance to the taste of the drug. In this case, doctors recommend dissolving the daily dose of the medicine in a large amount of water and taking it in equal portions 4 to 6 times over 24 hours.

Is it better to swallow or dissolve Mucaltin tablets?

The method of taking the drug has always caused a lot of controversy. How should you take cough tablets: dissolve in water, swallow or dissolve? Traditionally, the pills are supposed to be dissolved in the mouth until dissolved. Doctors insist on this method of use in cases of severe cough. When absorbed, the drug begins to act faster.

Swallowing a tablet and washing it down with water is not a mistake, since adults can drink Mukaltin when coughing in various ways. It’s just that in this case the product will take longer to dissolve in the stomach, and the effect will come later.

Today, Mucaltin manufacturers offer the drug for any method of use. So, the drug is available in different forms:

  • granules;
  • pills;
  • chewing plates;
  • powder for preparing a solution.

Patients who drink medicinal tablets should definitely pay attention to the interaction of Mucaltin with certain drinks. Some chemical elements included in the drug can interact with drinks. As a result, compounds are formed that can harm human health. Therefore, it is not recommended to take Mucaltin tablets with the following drinks:

  • coffee;
  • compotes and juices containing fruit acid;
  • milk;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is best to take the medicine with plenty of clean, still water.

How should pregnant women take Mucaltin for a cough?

The prescription for the use of the drug states that Pregnant women are allowed to take Mucaltin. Experts in the field of gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics share the same opinion. It is believed that a remedy based on Althea root does not harm the fetus or mother. The only rule that needs to be taken into account is a strict limitation on the duration of pregnancy.

The internal organs, as well as the tissue structure of the embryo, are formed in the first 10 weeks of development. To avoid unwanted outcomes and not interfere with important processes, in the first trimester of an “interesting situation” it is advisable to refuse medication.

Limit from taking grey-brown tablets are also recommended pregnant women for whom doctors have threatened miscarriage. The fact is that the effect of the drug on the walls and tone of the uterus has not been studied by doctors. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better to avoid using Mucaltin with such a diagnosis.

As for the method of taking this remedy for expectant mothers, doctors advise dissolve the tablets in water and take orally according to the dosage. Only a doctor can recommend how to take Mucaltin for a cough for pregnant women, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the physiological characteristics of the patient.

How to take Mucaltin for a cough while breastfeeding?

Numerous studies have shown that marshmallow root syrup does not does not affect the quality of mother's milk. Mucaltin, compared to other cough medicines, is recommended primarily for nursing mothers. Doctors recommend this particular drug for two reasons: the natural composition and the homeopathic nature of the remedy.

It is advisable to take tablets during lactation by dissolving them, but other methods of reception are quite acceptable.

Every young mother should remember that before drinking Mucaltin for a cough while breastfeeding, you should definitely consult your doctor. The fact is that during treatment with this drug during lactation, a woman may feel nausea or discomfort in the abdominal area. Such symptoms may appear due to individual intolerance or allergy to the components of the drug.

Contraindications for taking Mucaltin

Despite the fact that marshmallow-based tablets are a fairly safe remedy, you need to know about some of the features of the drug. In rare cases, Mucaltin can cause allergic reactions, namely:

  • stomach upset;
  • skin rashes;
  • redness;
  • irritation.

If these symptoms occur, you should stop using the medication and inform your doctor.

More than 30 years ago, experts established contraindications for taking Mucaltin. Treatment with the drug is strictly prohibited in the following cases (if there are diseases):

  1. age up to one year;
  2. congenital fructose intolerance;
  3. stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  4. severe renal pathologies;
  5. individual intolerance to the drug;
  6. thrombosis;
  7. diabetes;
  8. thrombophlebitis;

You need to know a few more significant nuances, since adults cannot always drink Mucaltin when they have a cough. This drug should not be taken simultaneously with medications that suppress cough. These are products containing ethylmorphine and codeine. You cannot drink Mucaltin with Oxeladin, Glaucine, etc. The result of incompatibility may be excessive accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. The result is a complication of the disease and the development of a secondary infection.

Mucaltin is a well-known, effective and inexpensive drug for the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases. The medicine is non-toxic, easily tolerated by the body and is a pharmaceutical medicine of natural origin. Many experts claim that marshmallow-based tablets often have a more effective effect compared to expensive imported drugs.

Using the instructions for use, as well as the information in this article, everyone will be able to figure out what symptoms to start treatment for, how to take Mucaltin for coughing in adults, and what to watch out for. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Mucaltin is a well-known plant-based mucolytic drug that helps to liquefy viscous sputum, which is very difficult to separate, and accelerates its release from the respiratory tract.

According to the instructions for use, in addition to a pronounced expectorant effect, this drug also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from irritation. Mucaltin quickly softens a dry, exhausting cough, activates the secretion of mucus and reduces its viscosity.

Properties and action of Mucaltin

Mukaltin for cough is usually produced in the form of tablets and is a herbal remedy with an expectorant effect.

The drug consists of from a mixture of polysaccharides, extracted from marshmallow. Marshmallow root contains a large amount of plant mucilage, as well as starch, betaine, asparagine and pectin.

Marshmallow polysaccharides have pronounced expectorant effect, affecting the functioning of the bronchial glands and promoting the active production of secretions. At the same time, the ciliated epithelium of the bronchial lining is activated and the reflex peristalsis of the respiratory tract is accelerated.

This leads to the dilution of viscous sputum and its easier removal. Plant mucus begins to envelop the respiratory tract, protecting it from irritating factors and reducing the inflammatory process.

The main advantage of Mucaltin is that it is not addictive and has a very few side effects. When taking it, you should not count on a quick effect. The accumulation of therapeutic effects occurs gradually, and the effectiveness of the drug depends on the regular use of the prescribed dosages.

You should know that Mucaltin does not treat cough, but only relieves its symptoms. The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease that provokes the cough reflex. On average, the course of therapy is two weeks, during which time a dry cough is transformed into a wet one. Sputum begins to be actively eliminated, allowing you to avoid inflammation in the respiratory tract.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the elements that are included in its composition. The main component is marshmallow, which is added to various remedies for diseases of the tonsils, soft palate, oropharynx, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, Mucaltin also contains other substances that help dissolve and absorb medications in the body. Typically, such tablets contain the following components:

  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • calcium stearate;
  • tartaric acid.

Mucaltin is used for respiratory diseases accompanied by a wet cough with difficult to separate sputum. The product will be much more effective if the tablet is crushed and diluted with water before use.

Mucaltin must be taken following the instructions for use. You should pay attention to the compatibility of the drug with other drugs to avoid negative consequences. The tablets make dry coughs much more productive, and wet coughs take on a softer form.

Mucaltin is effective for the following diseases:

  • Bronchiectasis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Asthma.
  • Tracheobronchitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis is obstructive.
  • Pneumoconiosis.
  • Emphysema.


Mucaltin for cough has a small number of contraindications and is well suited for almost all patients. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

Cough tablets are not prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, but before taking them you should be sure to consult a doctor. People with diabetes mellitus and polysaccharide malabsorption syndrome should take it with caution.

Mucaltin: instructions for use

Mucaltin for adults is taken 30 minutes or an hour before meals. You can take no more than two tablets at a time, and per day - no more than 8 pieces. The same dosage is recommended for a child over 12 years of age.

You need to take the tablet as follows: placed in the sublingual area and hold until it completely dissolves. You can also dilute it in warm boiled water or juice, with the addition of jam or honey.

In addition, you can dissolve the daily dose of the drug in 0.5 liters of boiled water and take this liquid throughout the day before meals. Course of therapy is 1–2 weeks. During treatment you must drink plenty of fluids.

How to take Mucaltin for children

If a child has a cough, then Mucaltin will be most effective at the first attacks. You need to give a pill one hour before meals three times a day. You can add a few drops of sweet syrup or a small amount of liquid honey to the preparation.

This helps rid the medicine of its peculiar aftertaste. As a result, its reception will be very pleasant for the child. If the child is less than a year old, then taking Mucaltin is possible after consultation with a pediatrician.

As indicated in the instructions for use, Mucaltin is indicated for children from one to three years old for severe dry cough. The drug should be given to a small child three times a day, half a tablet. Each dose is best taken an hour before meals, with half the tablet dissolved in a small amount of water.

Children from three to twelve years old need to drink Mucaltin one whole tablet at a time. The child should also take only three tablets per day. Adolescents over 12 years of age are allowed an adult dose - 1 or 2 tablets three times daily.

Side effects

Mucaltin is a relatively safe drug, well tolerated by both adults and children. Only sometimes side effects may develop during the use of tablets. But even at the same time, such undesirable reactions are expressed weakly and manifest themselves as follows:

  • nausea, heaviness and discomfort, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions.

Such side effects dangerous for very young children.

Use of Mucaltin during pregnancy

When carrying a child, a woman’s body is subject to serious stress, due to which the immune system begins to weaken. This leads to frequent colds.

In this case, doctors prescribe Mucaltin, which consists of natural ingredients, which is not capable of having a negative effect on the health of the pregnant woman and the unborn child. But you should still refrain from taking pills in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It has not yet been fully clarified whether the drug can affect the fetus, but the first months of pregnancy are an important period when the formation and formation of all the internal organs of the child occurs.

The plant components of Mucaltin can provoke development of allergic reactions, which is very dangerous in the early stages. Therefore, doctors recommend completely abandoning any medications during this period and treating coughs with plenty of hot drinks.

Thus, Mukaltin - very effective drug, which quickly transforms a dry cough into a wet one and promotes better sputum discharge. When used correctly, a positive result from taking it is felt in the first day. For young children, the tablet can be dissolved in sweet tea to make it pleasant for them to drink.

Everyone knows such an ailment as cough. And only a few know that you can get rid of it quite quickly using very inexpensive drugs. In this article we will try to consider the question: “Mukaltin” or “Cough tablets” - which is better? How to take these drugs to achieve the best effect?


Cough is a rather complex reflex phenomenon that occurs in the lungs as a consequence of a protective reaction formed when foreign elements or microbes or bacteria enter the lungs.

Often, a cough can be caused by infiltrated germs, dust, or sand. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. And in most cases, it does not require treatment; it will be enough to use only expectorants.

Sometimes the causative agents of cough are different:

1. Allergic.
2. Viral.
3. Bacterial.

Cough can be of the following types:

1. Wet is a cough accompanied by sputum. The reason for this is, as a rule, inflammatory processes occurring in the lungs and respiratory tract.
2. Dry. In this case, the sputum does not come out. The patient has a constant need to get rid of something extra in the throat.

In order to prescribe adequate treatment for cough, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist. But if it is not possible to visit a doctor, then you can try to cure the cough that has arisen by taking cheap “cough tablets”. Further in the article we will talk about drugs that will help provide emergency assistance in such a case. And also how to take “Mukaltin” in tablets.


When purchasing this product, the question often arises: “Mukaltin” for what cough?

This medicine has been known to us since childhood. It has an expectorant effect and is used to relieve cough in respiratory diseases.

The shape of these tablets is biconvex and their color is gray-brown. As a rule, they are packed in paper contour cells from 10 to 30 pieces. There are also canned packages in dosages from 10 to 100 pieces each. "Mukaltin" has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to remember that it does not eliminate the disease, but only facilitates its course. That is, a rough cough becomes softer, and a sharp, dry cough becomes moisturized.

Thus, we can unequivocally answer the question posed, “Mukaltin” for any cough.

Used for the following diseases:

1. Acute bronchitis.
2. Pneumonia.
3. Bronchial asthma.
4. Tuberculosis with symptoms of bronchitis.
5. Acute respiratory diseases, accompanied by a severe cough.

Indications and contraindications

Sufficient research has not been conducted to the required extent to give a clear answer as to whether Mukaltin is suitable for children or not. Therefore, leading pediatricians in Russia recommend giving children such a good one only after the child reaches the age of two years. However, it is possible to give Mukaltin to pregnant women. The only limitation is the marshmallow extract included in the composition. Its use in the first trimester of pregnancy is not recommended. However, to be sure that the benefits of taking the pills will be significantly higher than the threat to the child, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

At the same time, taking Mucaltin for pregnant women is significantly different: it is enough to take 1-2 tablets several times a day strictly after meals.

The method of use for pregnant women is similar to the usual one, but to achieve the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to crush the tablets and take them, diluting them in a small amount of water.

How to take "Mukaltin" tablets

"Mukaltin" is recommended to be taken before meals, or rather, 30-60 minutes before. It is recommended for an adult to take 1-2 tablets at a time. In this case, the daily norm can be divided into 3-4 times. Children over the age of 12 years are prescribed the same dosage regimen as for adults. Children from 3 to 12 years old are recommended to take the drug according to the following regimen: 1 tablet 3 times a day. That is, every 4 hours.

For children under the age of 1 to 3 years, the dosage regimen is as follows: ½-1 tablet.
Babies up to one year old can take the drug ½ tablet. But it is still better not to give this medicine to children under 2 years of age.

"Mukaltin" is recommended to be dissolved in the mouth. However, people who cannot tolerate the taste of tablets, as well as children, can dissolve the tablets in warm liquid. To do this, you can use water or juice in an amount of 150 ml per dose of the drug.

How to take "Mukaltin" tablets to achieve a quick therapeutic effect? The time required to take the medicine to achieve a positive effect is from 7 to 14 days. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

Cheap "Cough Tablets"

The modern pharmacy market is so rich that those presented are divided into different price categories. In the pharmacy you can find the following cough tablets, the names of which are familiar to many:

1. With an expectorant effect - “Stoptussin”, “Tussin”.
2. Cough tablets with an anti-inflammatory effect - "Bronholitin".
3. Tablets with a mucolytic effect - “Ascoril”, “Ambroxol”, “Gedelix”.

There is also a drug that is called “Cough Tablets”. It simply does not have any other (international) name. The color of this drug is gray or greenish-gray. Refers to medicines that have an expectorant effect and is also used to treat colds. There is only one indication for the use of this drug - chronic bronchitis. The release form for “cough tablets” is usually paper packaging of 10-20 pieces. The main component of these tablets is dry thermopsis extract, which has an expectorant effect.

Indications and contraindications

It is possible to choose only on the basis of recommendations from the attending physician. He will first conduct a study and determine the cause of the disease. It should be taken into account that “Cough Tablets” contain extracts of medicinal plants. Therefore, the child may develop allergies. To avoid such a complication, along with medications, the child is prescribed antiallergic drugs.

Pregnant women should also be careful when choosing different cough tablets. They may contain substances that are prohibited for use in an interesting situation.

Moreover, it states that children under two years of age cannot take them. They contain codeine, which also penetrates the placenta to the fetus.

Accordingly, the use of “Cough Tablets” during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prohibited.

When choosing a medicine for children and pregnant women, “Mukaltin” or “Cough Tablets” - which is better to buy? The conclusion is obvious.

Use of "Cough Tablets"

Medicines should be taken strictly as recommended by a doctor. You should not self-prescribe this medicine. It is contraindicated in some situations, and also has severe overdose symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting. Adults take “cough tablets” 2-3 times a day, in an amount of 1 to 2 tablets, with the required amount of water. The course of treatment lasts no more than 5 days.

Children over 12 years of age can take this medicine in a dosage of ½ tablet no more than 3 times a day. In this case, the duration of the course of treatment will be only 3 days. And the maximum permissible course of treatment for a child will be no more than 5 days.

However, you should be careful that when using this medicine, you must be careful when driving a vehicle, as well as engaging in other activities that require concentration and attention. Also, patients with impaired liver function should increase the interval between tablets.

"Mukaltin" is a herbal preparation, created on the basis of an extract from marshmallow, aimed at mitigating dry, frequent coughs, as well as diluting and separating mucus from the lungs. The manufacturer indicates that “Mukaltin” allows you to reduce the intensity of cough, alleviating the patient’s condition, without causing adverse reactions. Due to its natural composition, it should have a mild effect and can even be used in pediatric therapy. How to take Mucaltin tablets correctly?

Contraindications for taking Mucaltin

Despite the fact that the drug is herbal, it cannot be called a safe tablet used in any dosage and with any frequency. Therefore, before deciding how much Mucaltin to drink to get rid of a cough, it is important to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications.

  • The use of "Mukaltin" is prohibited in the presence of gastric ulcers, as well as inflammatory processes of the duodenum.
  • The simultaneous use of the drug with codeine-based products is prohibited: such a tandem leads to blockage of the passages through which sputum is separated. With any cough reliever, Mukaltin can be used in complex therapy.
  • The drug does not produce side effects, however, mild dyspeptic disorders associated with the individual reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to the components of the drug and skin manifestations of allergies are possible.
  • If a spastic cough appears before taking Mucaltin, it is necessary to undergo therapy with antispasmodics.

How to take Mukaltin for adults?

The dosage of the drug in adults in most cases depends on the severity of the condition and the sensitivity of the body. The frequency of administration and duration of treatment are also calculated based on these factors.

  • The official instructions for “Mukaltin” allow adults to use up to 2 tablets per dose, and up to 4 doses of the drug can be taken per day. Those. In total, no more than 8 tablets are allowed per day, and the maximum dosage for severe conditions is 10 tablets.
  • The main schedule is 1 tablet 4 times a day.
  • It is undesirable for an organism with hypersensitivity to take more than 1 tablet at a time, but the frequency of administration is 3 times a day.
  • Mucaltina tablets are intended for sublingual administration: they are placed under the tongue, after which they are slowly dissolved over 30-40 minutes. do not take liquid or food into their mouth.

There are also frequent cases of taking Mucaltin in adults, but it is worth immediately emphasizing that they are not intended for long-term therapy.

  • For acute bronchitis, doctors recommend using 4 tablets of the drug up to 5 times a day, 1-1.5 hours after meals.
  • Chronic lung diseases require the use of 4 tablets diluted in 100 ml of warm water. The liquid is drunk 1 hour before meals, 2-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment with Mukaltin in adults ranges from 14 to 45 days.

What dosage of Mucaltin is indicated for children?

When using the drug in children, the most difficulties usually arise: firstly, the calculation of the dosage, which is not always optimal for an adult, and in pediatric therapy there should be an even higher level of caution; secondly, if syrup can be poured in and the baby can be forced to swallow it, then with a tablet everything is not so easy. What features of treatment with Mukaltin in children should be remembered and observed? And at what age is it allowed to give medicine to children?

  • The official instructions allow the use of Mucaltin in children under 12 years of age, but no other threshold values ​​are specified, as a result of which there is no clear delineation of dosage for younger ages. The use of the drug in pregnant and lactating women is not prohibited, as a result of which therapy can be carried out even in newborns, but extreme caution must be taken with them.

Most often, doctors differentiate the dosage of Mucaltin for children as follows:

  • Children from 1 year to 3 years. They are prescribed no more than 1 tablet, at intervals up to 3 times a day.
  • Children over 3 years old but under 12 years old are allowed to take the same 1 tablet, but with a frequency of up to 4 times a day.

What to do with younger children? With newborns and babies up to one year old? This question was repeatedly asked to doctors, as a result of which it was also possible to deduce the peculiarities of dosage in infants.

  • For children under one year of age, Mukaltin is prescribed in a dosage of 1/2 tablet or less. The frequency depends on the baby’s condition: acute stages (1-2 days of severe cough) require taking up to 3 times a day, after which it is advisable to switch to 1-2 times a day.
  • The dosage of "Mukaltin" for infants should be calculated according to the child's weight: insufficient body weight allows you to use only 1/4 of the tablet; for normal and overweight, take 1/2 of the tablet.
  • The individual dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.
  • It is advisable to take the initial dose in children under 1 year of age at a reduced dose in order to check the drug’s compatibility with the body. If there are no adverse reactions within 8-10 hours after administration, you can repeat the procedure.

How to take Mukaltin for children?

Taking into account the fact that it is almost impossible to give a baby a pill, experts remind that Mukaltin should be converted into liquid form.

  • For children under one year old, the tablet is broken in half or into 4 parts, after which the required amount is dipped in 60 ml of warm boiled water and stirred until the drug is completely dissolved.
  • For children over one year old, the same broken tablet is dissolved in 30 ml of warm boiled water.
  • If a child refuses to take the medicine (Mukaltin has a slight bitterness, which not every child will like), you can add a little honey (1/4-1/2 tsp) to the water.
  • To ensure that the medicine is completely dissolved in water, the tablet can be crushed into powder. But it is prohibited to increase the temperature of the water for the same purpose, since this will kill the bulk of the beneficial substances of the drug.

What should be the schedule for taking Mucaltin? It is no different from what is recommended for adults.

  • The tablet should be taken before meals, 45-60 minutes before. If taken after a meal, then after 1.5-2 hours, when the stomach is not clogged.
  • It is better not to use Mukaltin at night, as it increases sputum production, which contributes to the urge to cough up mucus. This will disrupt sleep for an adult, and a baby who does not yet fully understand his feelings may experience difficulty breathing.

As for the duration of treatment with Mucaltin in children, it varies depending on the disease.

  • Classic dry cough, as well as pulmonary inflammation and emphysema require 7-10 days of direct administration, after which you can give Mucaltin to the child once a day for another 3-4 days to eliminate residual effects.
  • Tracheitis and tracheobronchitis may require 14-20 days of treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis and determination of the dosage of the drug. In addition, primary results are often observed only on days 2-3: Mukaltin is not a means of immediate response, which is explained by its composition. As a result, to understand whether it works, you need to take a short course of 5-7 days.

Mucaltinum are cough tablets that appeared in the 19th century and have since been in great demand for various respiratory diseases. In addition to the undeniable effectiveness of the drug, its advantages are its low price and minimal list of adverse reactions. Let's look at the instructions for use of the medicine and its best analogues.

Composition and effect of the cough medicine

The main advantage of the drug is the plant raw materials from which it is made - marshmallow and potassium bicarbonate. The first has anti-inflammatory, enveloping and expectorant properties, and the second provides the antitussive and secretolytic effect of Mucaltin. The drug also contains tartaric acid, which thins mucus.

The drug is available in tablet form. They are packaged in blisters of 30 pieces or in jars of 100 pieces. Bottles of 30 and 50 tablets are also produced. One tablet weighs 50 grams and contains 10 mg of marshmallow extract. In addition, the drug contains other substances: 14.5 mg of sodium bicarbonate, 16.7 mg of tartaric acid and 0.5 mg of calcium stearate.

Marshmallow root has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchioles and accelerates the movement of epithelial cilia in the respiratory tract (we recommend reading:). As a result, sputum from the bronchi enters the throat, and the cough becomes productive. Mucaltin works as follows:

  • has a moderate antitussive effect;
  • thins mucus in dry coughs;
  • reduces the number and duration of coughing attacks;
  • accelerates the removal of mucus;
  • has a softening, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates coughing with wet cough;
  • normalizes the secretion of the bronchi and lungs.

This is what one Mucaltin tablet looks like

Indications for taking Mucaltin

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This drug belongs to a number of mucolytics, that is, drugs that promote expectoration of sputum. It should be remembered that Mucaltin only relieves cough, but does not eliminate it. Dry under its influence becomes productive, and wet - softer. The drug is recommended for a number of diseases:

  • inflammation of the bronchial and tracheal mucosa;
  • pharyngitis;
  • obstructive and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonokyosis;
  • bronchiecstasy;
  • tuberculosis with concomitant bronchitis, etc.

The drug is used for unproductive coughs to activate the process of sputum discharge

What is the negative effect of pills on a child’s body?

The effectiveness of Mucaltin is based on its expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects, however, according to many pediatricians, mucolytics should not be given to children under two years of age. In practice, the product is often used not only for one-year-old babies, but even younger ones. Side effects of this use may be an allergic reaction and a gag reflex due to the fact that the baby cannot cough up phlegm (more details in the article:). As a result, the child loses appetite and becomes weak.

Experiments with self-medication and the use of even such harmless tablets as Mucaltin are unacceptable. The appointment should only be made by a pediatrician. In addition, the combination of the drug with other drugs is important.

Medication dosages and dosage regimens for different ages

The mucolytic is taken strictly according to the instructions. Violation of the manufacturer's recommendations may result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, heaviness, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.

The drug is administered orally according to the treatment regimen. Mucaltin is prescribed to children in accordance with the dosage specified in the instructions depending on the age of the patient.

Can it be given to infants up to one year old?

At what age can children use this medication? According to the instructions of some manufacturers, only from the age of 12, while other pharmaceutical companies producing the medicine do not indicate age restrictions in the annotation. According to doctor's indications, Mukaltin is used to treat cough even in infants. Although, according to most pediatricians, it is still not worth giving the drug to infants, if for some reason there are no alternatives, the prescription and monitoring occurs under the supervision of the attending physician.

The drug must be taken strictly according to the instructions

Why do experts choose Mucaltin? They are guided by high efficiency with a minimum of contraindications and complications. However, there is still a risk. First of all, it is due to the fact that a child under one year of age is not able to cough up phlegm. The slightest violation of the dosage can provoke vomiting due to a large amount of mucus, as well as weakness and loss of appetite.

In addition, the main thing is to treat not the cough itself, but the disease that provoked it. Cough, in fact, is not the main problem and even, on the contrary, helps clear the baby’s airways of mucus.

How to combine Mucaltin with other medications?

Mucaltin is a herbal preparation and has a small number of contraindications. The main ones are combination with other medications. Features of the interaction between Mucaltin and other drugs:

  1. Mucaltin can be taken simultaneously with Bromhexidine. The latter helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and reduces bronchial irritation.
  2. The use of tablets for bronchospasm is unacceptable. The only exception is if the patient takes antispasmodic drugs (Eufillin, No-shpu or Berodual) together with it (we recommend reading:).
  3. Simultaneous use of Mucaltin and a synthetic expectorant is possible. However, more than one such drug should not be used and must be prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Mucaltin is incompatible with cough medications that contain codeine. This combination threatens complications and the inability to cough up sputum.

For a quick recovery, Mucaltin is often combined with Bromhexidine (see also:)

What are the side effects and what to do in case of overdose?

The adverse reaction to the use of Mucaltin tablets is mild and most often manifests itself in the form of nausea, stomach discomfort or skin rash. Children are most susceptible to allergies. If urticaria, itching or swelling appears, stop taking the drug immediately.

Parents should be especially careful with Mucaltin if their child is allergic to pollen or plant extracts. Also in the case when a child suffers from diabetes, since the drug contains refined sugar. Systematic use of the drug affects kidney function. Mucaltin for gastrointestinal diseases, especially stomach ulcers, can cause complications and even bleeding.

Little is known about cases of overdose with this drug, but too long-term use of Mucaltin often provokes nausea. An increased dosage causes intoxication of the body. At the first signs of poisoning, you should stop taking the tablets; gastric lavage and the use of activated charcoal will not be superfluous.

Means of similar action

There are many drugs with a similar therapeutic effect as Mucaltin. First of all, it is worth noting marshmallow syrup, as well as Linkas, Bronchostop and Imupret (we recommend reading:). Inhalations with a nebulizer can also be an alternative.

If the patient is sensitive to marshmallow, Mucaltin is replaced with:

  • Doctor Mom. Available in the form of syrup (from 3 years) and ointment (from 2 years). Ingredients of the drug: licorice, elecampane, turmeric, aloe, ginger, adhatoda, menthol, etc.
  • Bronchipret. Tablets and syrup containing thyme and ivy. Suitable even for a three month old baby.
  • Gedelix and Gelisal (see also:
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