Itching in the vagina is a fairly common and ambiguous symptom. Treatment and prevention of itching in the vagina. Itching in skin diseases. Treatment of itching folk remedies

This is a very personal and delicate topic that men try not to talk about at all. There can be many reasons for discomfort in the anus, ranging from ignoring the rules of personal hygiene to serious diseases of the rectum. As a rule, if itching appears in the anus and perineum, discomfort, anxiety and other symptoms, men are reluctant to go to a specialist, thereby aggravating their situation.

If you find unpleasant symptoms in delicate places, you should promptly seek help from specialists. In this review, we will talk about the causes, how to get rid of unpleasant itching and burning in the anus, which doctor to contact.

Causes of itching in the anus and perineum

Experts identify several of the most common causes of itching and discomfort in the perineum and anus in men.

Fungus in the perineum in men

The most common fungus that affects the perineum and anus are fungi of the genus Candid, popularly called the disease. The fungus begins to actively multiply when the body is weakened (diseases, decreased immunity). As a rule, candidiasis affects:

  • The mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach, liver;
  • The skin of the genital organs of men and women;
  • Skin of inguinal folds;
  • Urethra.

The symptoms of the fungus are:

  • Itching in the groin, anus and perineum;
  • and around the anus;
  • Spots of different diameters and shapes;
  • flaky skin;
  • In advanced form, purulent discharge.

Treatment of the fungus in the perineum consists in the use of antifungal creams Clotrimazole, Terbinox, Triderm, Chlorhexidine solution.

For the treatment of fungus in the anus, Heparin and Troxevasin ointment, rectal (anal) suppositories are prescribed. All medications are prescribed only by a specialist, do not self-medicate.


Another disease that causes discomfort and itching in the anus. This is an ailment caused by a violation of the outflow of blood in the tissues of the rectum. In addition to burning and itching, symptoms of hemorrhoids can be:

  • Mucous discharge with blood;
  • Burning in the anal region;
  • Puffiness, inflammation;
  • Admixture of blood during defecation.

Treatment of the disease and symptoms of hemorrhoids should be handled by a specialist. Practice shows that self-treatment at home rarely leads to a positive result and complete recovery, exacerbating the situation.

Therapy of hemorrhoids consists in taking anti-hemorrhoid suppositories and ointments. In advanced cases, the patient is prescribed surgery or removal of formations with a laser or nitrogen.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a common cause of burning and itching in the anus

Frequent constipation, loose stools, gastrointestinal diseases can lead to itching in the anus and perineum. The cause of dysbacteriosis can be a fungus in the intestines, decreased immunity, infection, poor-quality food, bad habits, etc.

Dysbacteriosis is treated with:

  • Normalization of nutrition and diet;
  • Taking antibiotics (to eliminate harmful bacteria);
  • Taking drugs that restore the intestinal microflora (Hilak-Forte, Lineks, etc.).

Candida urethritis

Itching in the anus in men, irritation in the perineum and on the penis - all these symptoms can signal a fungal disease -. This is due to the weakening of the urethral mucosal barrier, the cause of candidal urethritis can be:

  • Obesity;
  • Neurosis, stress;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergy, psoriasis;
  • Active use of strong antibiotics;
  • Decreased immunity.

As a rule, the fungus affects the walls of the urethra, but it is not uncommon for it to “settle” on the skin of the inguinal folds and the tissue of the anus. It may also present as a pale white discharge from the urethra, red-brown spots on the penis, groin and perineum. The spots can be of different colors and sizes with peeling of the skin.

Drug treatment is prescribed using antifungal drugs (Fluconazole tablets, Ketoconazole cream and).


These two problems are closely related to each other. Excess weight provokes active sweating, which in turn can lead to skin irritation, diaper rash and dermatitis, which cause itching in the perineum in men. There is no specific treatment for this problem; it is necessary to normalize your weight by following a diet. At this time, the inguinal folds, the anus and perineum can be periodically disinfected with a solution.


Burning, unpleasant itching, pain in the anus and genitals may indicate diabetes. Here you will need to consult an endocrinologist.

Itching in the anus in a child

Helminth - he is a worm

You can get rid of the symptoms and their causes at home by resorting to traditional medicine methods, but we advise you to contact your pediatrician first.

Which doctor should I contact for itching in the anus?

If the anus itches, you feel a burning sensation in the perineum and inguinal region, then first of all you need to go to the doctor for an examination. To provide all possible assistance to the patient will be able to:

  • Proctologist;
  • Dermatologist;
  • Gynecologist;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Gastroenterologist.

The specialist will listen to the patient's complaints, conduct an examination and prescribe the following tests:

Based on the results of these tests, the characteristics of the patient's body, treatment is prescribed, the effectiveness of which will depend on the correct observance.

Itching anus folk remedies

Healing decoction. Chamomile flowers, burdock root and walnut bark are dried and mixed in equal proportions. Then two tablespoons are poured into 150 ml of filtered water and boiled for half an hour. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered through gauze and drunk 50 ml three times a day.

Sitz baths. Oak bark (500 grams) is dried, placed in a saucepan, poured with water (5-7 liters) and boiled for 30 minutes. In the broth, you can add flowers of calendula, succession, chamomile. Then this broth is cooled to a temperature of 35-40 ° C and poured into a regular bowl. The patient needs to sit in this basin for half an hour until it cools completely.

Celandine. We take celandine, St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile flowers in equal proportions and dry. Two or three st. l. dilute with a glass of boiling water, wait until it brews for 1.5 hours. You can add 15 drops. Drink a decoction three times a day for half a cup an hour before meals.

Enema treatment. Dried flowers of chamomile, calendula, mix in equal proportions. Two or three st. l. boiled in 150 ml of water for 20 minutes, then infused for 30 minutes. Ten drops of sea buckthorn oil are added to the decoction and used as an enema before going to bed.

Ointments for burning and itching. Vaseline mixed with cranberry juice and sea buckthorn oil is suitable for treatment. Smear the anus area no more than four times a day.

Itching around the anus or in the anus can be caused by various reasons, some of them are not directly related to the disease. For an accurate diagnosis, an examination of the irritated area is required, as well as tests.

What symptoms may accompany itching around the anus:

  • redness;
  • rash;
  • skin inflammation;
  • putrid smell;
  • the formation of abscesses;
  • swelling of the veins and the appearance of cones;
  • skin irritation;
  • pain;
  • bleeding.

An accurate description of the symptoms associated with anal itching will help to establish the cause of the disease. Often itching causes perianal dermatitis - an inflammatory process in the anus. The disease can appear at any age. There are many reasons for the appearance of perianal dermatitis, so treatment includes the removal of symptoms and the elimination of the factors that caused the disease.

Factors provoking perianal dermatitis

One or more factors can cause itching, swelling and severe redness near the anus.

  1. Lack of hygiene. Infrequent washing of the body, lack of cleansing of the area between the buttocks after defecation can cause irritation in the area near the anus and severe itching. Gradually, the skin becomes inflamed, which leads to severe damage and manifestation of tissues, the appearance of purulent processes.

Important! In children, perianal dermatitis is caused by infrequent diaper changes, poor washing of the area between the buttocks, and lack of air baths.

  1. Wearing tight underwear. Underpants that are too tight can chafe between the buttocks, causing skin injury and a burning or itching sensation. It is especially dangerous to wear thongs and tight-fitting shorts that dig into the body. Synthetic underwear can also cause discomfort in the perianal region in an adult.
  2. Haemorrhoids. The initial stage of hemorrhoids can disturb the appearance of itching, swelling of the veins, protrusion of the skin around the anus. Also with hemorrhoids observed:
  • bleeding;
  • constipation;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • burning sensation;
  • false urge to defecate.

Perianal dermatitis occurs with hemorrhoids when skin microcracks form, into which sweat can enter, causing a burning sensation.

  1. Gastritis, dysbiosis. If digestion is disturbed, pieces of food may remain in the intestines, which irritate the intestines and anus, causing it to itch and itch. Because of this, redness appears, but there is no swelling. In this case, it is necessary to take a laxative to remove the remnants of undigested food from the body.
  2. Inflammations, fistulas, fissures, polyps. Inflammatory processes or neoplasms in the intestines can cause perianal dermatitis, as well as a feeling of heaviness and incomplete emptying of the intestines. A consultation with a proctologist is required, especially if the itching appeared against the background of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, surgeries.

Note! With perianal dermatitis caused by gastrointestinal disorders, a mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist is required!

Important! If perianal dermatitis is hormonal disorders, then you need to contact an endocrinologist and a proctologist!

  1. Diseases of the reproductive system. Many STDs and diseases of the genitourinary system can be accompanied by itching in the anus and genitals. In particular, these sensations are caused by candidiasis, prostatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, urethritis and others. In this case, there is reddening of the perineum, the appearance of secretions, an unpleasant odor.

Important! If you suspect a disease of the reproductive system, you should contact a urologist, as well as a venereologist. Women should visit a gynecologist.

  1. Allergy. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may affect only the anus, although the reaction usually affects the entire body and especially the face. Allergies can be to foods, cosmetics, medicines and chemicals.
  2. Ingrown hair. With prolonged sitting or depilation, the area around the anus begins to change the direction of hair growth. This causes severe skin irritation and itching.
  3. Fungal or bacterial diseases. In some cases, it is possible for the anus to become infected with a fungal infection, due to which the skin is very itchy. Perhaps the appearance of bubbles, rash, discharge or pustules, the appearance of plaque.
  4. Jeep disease. The disease is characterized by the appearance of multiple vesicles filled with pus. The blisters open on their own after aging, after which ulcers remain on the skin that do not heal for a long time. The pus from the blisters causes further spread of the infection. The disease can provoke the appearance of fistulas that require surgical treatment.

Important! Any of the factors that caused itching of the anus requires confirmation by a specialist. Only after establishing the causes, you can begin the treatment of perianal dermatitis in adults.

Diagnosis and treatment

When making a diagnosis and identifying the causes of the disease, the doctor examines the damaged area, asks the patient about the lifestyle. After that, it is required to pass tests: blood, scraping, feces.

Also, the patient is sent for research:

  • colonoscopy;
  • coprogram;
  • x-ray;
  • rectogram.

Important! Preparations and local remedies are prescribed only to establish the nature of the disease. Self-medication and self-selection of remedies can aggravate the disease!

To relieve symptoms and speed up recovery, physiotherapy can be prescribed: laser or ultrasound treatment, magnetotherapy. You can also treat the disease by taking sitz baths with herbal decoctions or medicines.

To relieve symptoms before the doctor prescribes the full course of treatment, you can use general remedies that relieve itching and swelling. The group of effective external agents includes:

  • Aurobin is a rectal ointment that relieves inflammation, burning and itching. Promotes healing.
  • Olestezin - suppositories that relieve the symptoms of the disease, including itching and pain.
  • Doloproct - a cream that suppresses the inflammatory-allergic reaction, eliminates pain and swelling, itching.

You can also use solutions to relieve pain and swelling to wash the inflamed tissue around the anus. For washing, you can use a soda solution, Chlorhexidine, dissolved Furacelin. You can also use infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs: oak bark, nettle, mint, chamomile, succession.

Note! When treating dermatitis in the anus, you can not use homemade suppositories from fat, potatoes, cucumbers, butter! This contributes to the aggravation of the disease.

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Questions and answers for: itching near the anus

2010-02-20 13:27:11

Igor asks:

Responsible Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Good afternoon, Igor, it is incorrect to prescribe you anthelmintic therapy without confirming the laboratory diagnosis, you need to take a fecal test for helminths three times with a break of 3-4 days, secondly, the examination should be supplemented with FEGDS and a blood test for Helicobacter Pylori, since you can select from the complaints you mentioned gastroenterological symptoms. After this examination, it will be possible to determine the diagnosis or at least decide on the further direction of the diagnostic search.

2014-05-30 09:14:45

VV asks:

Good afternoon! IM 33 years old. Six months ago I had a burning sensation in the perineum. In the inguinal folds on both sides there is a soft redness and itching, the same is observed near the anus. There was nothing on the penis and there is none. There had been (protected) questionable intercourse 3 months before. In addition, I regularly run, ride a bike and use a public shower.
I took tests for STDs (HIV, chlamydia, treponema) and a smear for a fungus - nothing was found. 10 days used clotrimazole - did not help.
After the last visit to the doctor, he received bipanten and a recommendation to wash more often. There are fears that it could be herpes, but doctors say that herpes is always accompanied by rashes and is not localized in both inguinal folds.
What could it be? I don't know if I should go back to the doctor.

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Clotrimazole is useless if candidiasis (fungus) is not detected. You most likely bathe regularly, so these recommendations are also somewhat vague. Bepanthen won't hurt, but it's hard to say how much it will help. I would advise you to contact a dermatovenereologist, because. it's hard to talk virtually. Herpes is really usually accompanied by rashes, but not always. Have you donated blood by ELISA for herpes? Are there secretions?

2013-08-30 03:52:59

Eta asks:

Hello!!! I am 20 years old. I have "skin processes" near the anus - I call them that, because I don't know what they are. Itching sometimes happens, but not often. I live in Kazakhstan, in villages, there are no doctors. I don’t know how it could be infected and what it is all about. There were 3 partners, they were protected during intercourse, the "skin processes" increase in size, but not quickly. I'm worried about what will happen next, how can I remove them!? There is no money for expensive funds, I don’t know what to do!? I have a new partner, I'm afraid of infecting him, and will these "outgrowths" continue to grow!?

Responsible Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Etta. The formations you describe can either be enlarged, hypertrophied anal fimbriae or genital warts. To make a correct diagnosis, an internal examination by a qualified proctologist is necessary. Be sure to visit the indicated specialist, since in the virtual consultation mode it is still impossible to make an accurate diagnosis in YOUR case, which means that it is impossible to give any correct recommendations for treatment.

2013-03-18 11:55:21

Galina asks:

Good afternoon! I am 29 weeks pregnant. Two nodules appeared near the anus (like two peas under the skin) do not hurt, there is a little itching. There is no pain in the stool. There is no blood. Is it hemorrhoids?? What to do?? There are very few proctologists in the city who look at pregnant women.

2012-12-16 15:58:35

Evgen asks:

I had problems with the stomach in childhood (weak intestines, immediately after birth they were treated in an infectious disease, staphylococci) I have had bowel disorders, diarrhea, or just hurt somewhere for a long time. Then it passes. Sometimes there is pain before defecation. Then they are gone for a long time. small red pimples appeared on the body, stomach, legs, they do not hurt, they do not chalice. but they seem to break. There are circles under the eyes and weight loss. In the summer I was 63 kg. In early autumn, after stress (death of a relative and illness of other relatives), I became 60 kg. now 58 kg. bad breath. Lost appetite, or rather, it is there but not pronounced (it used to be better and sharper or something.) There was tachycardia on a nervous basis .. Periodically there are pains on the right and left near the ribs, sometimes it gives back, as it were. stomach swells, gases, after eating belching with air. Has addressed to the doctor. passed tests: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (nothing bad was found), analysis of feces, urine (everything is normal). blood test (also normal), analysis for dezbacteriosis is also normal. (I can’t post the results from the local doctor.) Sometimes there is an itch in the anus near the anus, there is no vomiting blood, no nausea. The doctor prescribed Subalin and Laktovit, Subolin finished drinking Laktovit, I still drink. What could it be, how can it be treated? could it be something dangerous?

Responsible Ventskovskaya Elena Vladimirovna:

Given the above data, the cause may be the so-called. irritable bowel syndrome. But, in any case, you need a second examination of the gastroenterologist.

2012-05-21 19:00:24

Zoya asks:

Is it possible to make a diagnosis of UC based on only one examination of rectosigmoscopy without a biopsy???
I don’t have blood in my stool, I don’t have frequent urges for deification either. However, during the examination, such a diagnosis was made and sulfasalazine was prescribed 2 tablets 4 times a day and a salofalk suppository at night. Presigmoscopy revealed in the rectum and sigmoid colon erosive formations from precise to 0.5 cm, all of different shapes. Hypermia and inflamed mucosa. The venous pattern was pronounced. And some raid. Conducted a survey to the descending colon.
After taking sulfasalosin, my hands began to shake. Heartburn is strong. And after salofalk there was a terrible itch in the anus. Everything was hot. I took priporat for 10 days, after I felt a terrible weakness, I saw the remnants of a candle on the feces and the feces became somehow greenish, I stopped taking everything. Also, the temperature jumps constantly, but does not rise above 37.2. Now all over the intestines I feel colic with needles. Everything is baking inside. Air shifts. When I press on the intestine near the groin, it hurts, gives in the back.
Previously, there were stools up to 20 times a day. Watery. After the adoption of smecta, it stopped. After two months, I ate a cake and I felt sick, then I threw up all day, and after taking it. After that there was nausea, but after taking motilak, the nausea stopped, diarrhea began up to 20 times a day. Watery with foam even. I flew to Egypt (there were already vouchers) and there I drank entererofuril for two days, then chloramphenicol twice a day, after the diarrhea stopped, but a wild thrush began, which stopped after taking locally produced suppositories.
When I got home I went to the gastroenterologist. He prescribed enterol. I started drinking it. And a couple of times I had recurrences of loose stools. Then everything seemed to get better, but I passed a bunch of tests. FGDS (everything is fine), ultrasound too (except for the gallbladder, they said that there is sediment in it). The doctor found Yersinia in very small quantities. They immediately did a second analysis, but the doctor prescribed to drink norbactin, I drank it for 10 days. Then my back started to hurt. Thought it was kidneys. I drank two days 5-nok. After fasting I had a spasm again. Terribly sick lower abdomen and diarrhea began. It went on 2-3 times. I drank smecta and everything went away. I went to the doctor for a consultation - she said that all the tests were normal. there is no yersinia.
Now I don't know what to do. Should I continue to drink sulfasalazine, which is bad. Put candles, from which there is also pain or nothing to drink. And then for a total of 2 months I have been swallowing all sorts of different medicines. Help

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that causes a person to scratch the affected area of ​​the skin. If the skin itches slightly, this is normal and occurs often, but sometimes this sensation is strong and causes a lot of problems. Constant and intense itching is usually a symptom of some disease of the skin, body organs or nervous system.

Sometimes itching is accompanied by a rash, but it can also occur on apparently unchanged skin. Distinguish according to the degree of distribution general (generalized) itching- when the whole body itches and local (local) itching, capturing only a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

With frequent scratching, the skin becomes thinner, injured and inflamed, which can make it painful and itch even more. Regardless of the cause of itching, there are several ways to reduce its intensity and alleviate the condition:

  • rub the affected area of ​​​​skin with your fingertips or press on it with your palm;
  • moisturize itchy skin with emollients, then you will damage it less when scratching;
  • make cold compresses, for example, from a damp cloth, take cool baths;
  • use topical antipruritics in the form of lotions, ointments, etc., such as calamine lotion, antihistamine and steroid creams;
  • buy perfume-free cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • Avoid clothes that irritate the skin: synthetic fabrics, coarse wool, etc.

Nails should be kept clean and short, especially when itchy in children. The ends of the nails should be filed, not cut. The cut ends of the nails are sharp and uneven, they damage the skin more.

Causes of itching

In most cases, the sensation of itching occurs when sensitive nerve endings in the skin and mucous membranes - receptors - are excited. Receptor irritants can be: mechanical, thermal effects, the influence of chemicals, light, etc. One of the main chemical irritants is a biologically active substance - histamine, which is produced in the body during allergies or inflammation.

There is also an itch of central origin, that is, it develops without the participation of the nerve endings of the skin. The source of central itching is the focus of excitation of nerve cells in the brain, which happens with some neurological diseases.

Finally, it is known that there are factors that can increase the sensitivity of the skin to itching. For example, when exposed to heat in hot weather or when the body temperature rises, the skin itches more, and the cold, on the contrary, relieves itching. Most of all, people suffer from itching in the evening and at night, which is associated with daily fluctuations in the diameter of blood vessels and, consequently, skin temperature.

The immediate causes of pruritus can be various diseases of the skin, internal organs, nervous system, blood, and even malignant tumors. Itching in a child is a common symptom of chickenpox (chickenpox) - a childhood infection, the main manifestation of which is a characteristic rash on the skin.

Itching in skin diseases

Skin diseases, in addition to itching, are accompanied by the appearance of a rash: blisters, spots, nodules, blisters, peeling and other elements on the skin. The following skin conditions can cause itching:

In addition, the skin can itch after insect bites: mosquitoes, bedbugs, lice (with pediculosis), fleas, stinging arthropods (wasps, bees, etc.). As a rule, a small nodule forms at the site of the bite against the background of reddened and hot skin. Sometimes in the center of the nodule, you can see the immediate site of the bite in the form of a dark dot. Insect bites are especially difficult for people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies.

Itchy skin is often caused by various chemicals that affect the skin, such as:

  • cosmetics;
  • paints or coatings of fabrics;
  • some metals, such as nickel;
  • juices of some plants (nettle, hogweed).

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun, it is easy to get a sunburn, after which itching appears, the skin turns red, and sometimes becomes covered with watery blisters. Another cause of itching can be excessive dryness of the skin. If you experience any of the above conditions, contact your dermatologist.

Itching of the skin in diseases of the internal organs

A symptom of some diseases of the internal organs is generalized (general) itching. In most cases, the skin remains unchanged: normal color, without rash, peeling. These diseases include:

  • Diabetes . Severe itching of the skin and thirst are sometimes the first symptoms of diabetes. Especially severe itching usually occurs in the genital area and anus.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland is sometimes accompanied by complaints that the skin itches. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism and an increase in temperature. With reduced thyroid function, general itching associated with dry skin is also possible.
  • Kidney failure can cause itching. This is due to damage to the nerve fibers of the skin and a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of nerve endings. That is, weaker stimuli begin to cause an itching sensation.
  • Polycythemia is a blood disease associated with excessive production of blood cells, causing the blood to thicken, increasing the risk of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. With polycythemia, itching is a common problem, especially after showering or any other contact with water. Polycythemia is treated by a hematologist.
  • Iron deficiency anemia is a blood disease associated with a violation of the production of hemoglobin. Taking iron supplements usually relieves itching quickly.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma) is a malignant blood disease that begins with an increase in lymph nodes, often in the neck. Sometimes the first symptom of lymphogranulomatosis is skin itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. The skin is more often itchy in the area of ​​the affected lymph node.
  • Some types of cancer, such as breast, lung or prostate cancer, are also accompanied by itchy skin.

Somewhat less often, itching is accompanied by a change in skin tone, which, for example, occurs with subhepatic jaundiceassociated with a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder. The skin begins to itch due to the accumulation of bile acids in it. This can be with cholelithiasis, some types of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatic cancer, etc.

Sometimes itching occurs as a result of neurological or psychiatric disorders or diseases. For example, after a stroke, with postherpetic neuralgia, stress and depression.

Itching during pregnancy and menopause

Itching often occurs in pregnant women and disappears after childbirth. A number of itchy skin conditions can develop during pregnancy, including the following:

  • pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (dermatitis polymorpha gravidarum) - a skin disease that occurs during pregnancy, in which an itchy red raised rash appears on the thighs and abdomen;
  • prurigo pregnant - red, itchy skin rash, most often appearing on the arms, legs and torso;
  • itching of pregnancy - itching, without a rash on the skin, resulting from overload of the liver during pregnancy.

All these conditions usually appear in late pregnancy and disappear after childbirth. They are treated jointly by a therapist and an obstetrician-gynecologist. If you experience itching or an unusual skin rash during pregnancy, see your doctor.

Itching is also a common symptom in menopause. Itching is thought to be caused by a decrease in estrogen production and an imbalance of other hormones.

Itching in the anus

The causes of itching in the anus or anal itching can be a number of diseases, for example, the following:

Itching in the intimate area (itching in the vagina, perineum, itching of the penis and scrotum) is one of the painful and delicate problems. The main causes of itching in this area are usually infection:

  • thrush (vaginal candidiasis and thrush in men) - a fungal infection of the genital organs, sometimes it can spread to the rectal area, causing itching in the anus;
  • sexual infections - sexually transmitted diseases;
  • bacterial vaginosis can cause intimate itching in women;
  • pubic pediculosis - defeat by pubic lice;
  • allergies, including condom latex, intimate hygiene products, sperm, etc.

Why do legs itch?

In addition to common causes, local itching of the legs can be associated with:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities - accompanied by swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs in the evening;
  • fungal infection of the nails and skin in the interdigital spaces on the legs, in addition to itching, peeling of the skin, changes in the shape and color of the nails may occur.

Itching treatment

Depending on why the skin itches, treatment recommendations will differ, but there are a few general rules that can be followed to help relieve itching. Particular attention should be paid to the rules of personal hygiene. While taking a bath or shower, do the following:

  • Use cool or lukewarm water (not hot).
  • Refrain from using soap, shower gel, or perfumed deodorant. Fragrance-free lotions or water-based creams can be purchased at pharmacies.
  • Apply a fragrance-free moisturizing lotion or cream after bathing or showering to prevent skin from drying out.

With regard to clothing and bedding, adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not wear clothes that irritate your skin, such as those made from wool or synthetic fabrics.
  • Buy cotton clothing whenever possible.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing.
  • Use mild detergents that do not irritate the skin.
  • Sleep in light and loose clothing.

Medicines for itching

With regard to medicines, adhere to the following rules:

  • apply a rich moisturizer to dry or flaky skin;
  • as prescribed by a doctor, you can use steroid (hormonal) creams for several days, applying them to inflamed itchy areas of the skin;
  • take antihistamines (antiallergic drugs) to stop itching - consult your doctor before use.

Antihistamine tablets can also cause severe drowsiness, so after taking them, you should not drive, use power tools, or perform complex work that requires concentration.

Itching can be relieved by some antidepressants, such as paroxetine or sertraline (if your doctor prescribes them, it does not mean that you have depression).

If you have itchy areas covered with hair, such as your scalp, your doctor may prescribe a special lotion instead of sticky creams.

Which doctor should I contact if the skin itches?

With the service NaPopravku you can quickly find doctors who are usually involved in the diagnosis and treatment of itchy skin. It:

  • dermatologist - if itching is associated with a skin disease;
  • allergist - if you are prone to allergies;
  • therapist / pediatrician - if the cause of itching is not clear and primary diagnosis is required.

If you are not sure which doctor to contact, use the section of the site "Who treats it" . There, based on your symptoms, you can more accurately determine the choice of a doctor.

The skin can itch for various reasons - allergies, rashes, fungal disease, and in order to understand how to get rid of itching, you need to determine its source and use the right remedy. If you constantly scratch any part of your body, you should consult a doctor, but first you can try to get rid of the itching yourself.

What to do with severe itching

It is sometimes difficult to understand the possible causes of an unpleasant overthrow on the body and list the main ways to get rid of itching at home. What can cause skin to itch? An insect bite, allergies, in intimate areas, diabetes, hormonal disorders - there are many reasons. First you need to figure out how painful your condition is, whether there are extraneous symptoms, suspicious formations and skin rashes. If yes, consultation with a dermatologist, gynecologist, trichologist is necessary, depending on the localization of the signs.

If the problem is minor, you can try to find an effective remedy for itchy skin at home, because it causes not only physical discomfort, but constant mental irritation. The main thing to remember is to resist the temptation to comb the problem area too much, because itching is easier to deal with than wounds and inflamed skin lesions.

In the intimate area of ​​women

The cause of itching, itching and discomfort in the perineum in both women and men is thrush. This is a purely female problem - a man can get it from his partner during intercourse. Burning, itching, problems with urination, reddened and inflamed skin are all symptoms of thrush. It is caused by bacteria that constantly live in the vagina, becoming more active under adverse conditions, diseases, hormonal disruptions. Means to eliminate itching with thrush will help:

  • will help to get rid of itching. Very concentrated, you need to dilute 5 drops in a glass of water, use it as a lotion, lotion.
  • Salt and soda solution. For a liter of water, a tablespoon of soda and salt, dissolve. Use for washing.
  • Medical solutions, creams and gels, relieving itching and burning:, Miramistin,.
  • For quick relief from itching give up any dairy products during the treatment period.

If the skin itches in the anus, this is a consequence of many reasons, including obesity, diabetes, vegetative neurosis, diseases of the rectum and stomach. Anogenital irritation is an unpleasant but treatable problem. How to get rid of severe itching: rectal suppositories with propolis will help well, with neurosis - sedatives, with helminthic invasion - antihistamines. You can use special ointments and creams for the anus, herbal solutions for washing, microclysters.

How to relieve itchy skin at home

Itching all over the body (pictured) can be the cause of nervous, endocrine disorders, hormonal diseases, in women - a symptom of pregnancy. It can occur due to wearing synthetics, the use of chemicals in everyday life, lack of hygiene. In general, itching on the skin brings a lot of moral, physical discomfort. How can it be eliminated:

  • a cool bath with essential oils (chamomile, calendula, lavender, mint) or soda;
  • applying a moisturizing lotion after bathing with soap;
  • soda solution for rinsing;
  • cold lotions;
  • folk remedies: honey, oatmeal, herbal decoctions.

For diabetes in women

Itching in diabetes is a natural consequence of the formation of sugar crystals in the vessels. Because of this, the skin becomes rough, dry, and begins to itch. It is important not to scratch itchy places, because with diabetes, any wounds, scratches and cuts heal for a very long time, they can fester. It is best to prevent scabies in the form of a low-carbohydrate diet, taking medications that lower blood sugar levels. Local creams with antibiotics, corticosteroids (Flucinar, Fusiderm, Dermozolon), antifungal agents are prescribed.

in the nose

An allergic reaction always provokes swelling, redness of the skin on the face, sneezing, mucous discharge, itching in the nose. These symptoms can manifest themselves with a cold, ingestion of a large amount of dust, plant pollen, long-term use of vasoconstrictors. What medicines can cure the nose at home:

  • soda solution for washing: 1 tsp. in a glass of water, it helps with infections;
  • for allergies, antihistamines, antiallergic drugs, saline solution (1 tsp sea salt per glass of water) are effective;
  • with a runny nose, a cold from itching in the nose, it is better to use natural-based oil medicines, ointments for the nasal cavity.


The so-called senile itching of the body is a common problem of the elderly. The skin ages, atrophies, losing the ability to retain enough moisture. This leads to the fact that the driest parts of the body, and often these are the elbows, knees, feet, begin to itch, sometimes for no apparent reason like a rash and redness. It is important to consider that the treatment of itching in the elderly can cause certain difficulties.

Most drugs intended for oral administration are prohibited due to their side effects on the liver and kidneys. Local therapy is hampered by cognitive impairments. To avoid dryness, use softening, moisturizing creams. To cool itchy skin - products with menthol, salicylic acid. Self-treatment of senile itching is contraindicated, it is recommended to consult a doctor.



It is easy to relieve itching from allergies at home. You can use apple or potato juice: just wipe the skin with a cut fruit, and a solution of soda or activated charcoal tablets will also help. Cosmetics can be the cause of allergies - then you need to change the company and take a course of antiallergic drugs. If the cause is an insect bite, it is most effective to use special soothing ointments.

How to relieve itching at home

There are many folk and medical methods that will tell you how to remove itching quickly and without a trace. Some of them you will always find in your kitchen, while others are worth having in the medicine cabinet just in case. You need to figure out for which cases certain remedies are suitable, and not be zealous with self-medication if the condition worsens. Below are the main ways to help soothe burning sensations in different parts of the body.


A solution of soda from itching has been used for a long time: this natural remedy is best for insect bites, allergic rashes. You can use it as a bath filler (1 cup per bath with cool or warm water), as an additive in hand or foot baths. Soda is suitable as a compress: you need to apply a solution of soda on a cold cloth or towel and apply it to problem areas for 30 minutes.

Medicinal herbs

Herbs for itching are used in the form of decoctions for rinsing, lotions, ingestion: they are good at helping to soothe irritation and relieve inflammation from itchy areas. When fresh, aloe stems are effective - they need to be cut lengthwise and lubricate the sore spot with gel-like juice. A decoction of peppermint tones and softens the skin well, and a tincture of calendula, chamomile and sage will help remove burning sensation and cool the skin.

How to treat itching


Antihistamine tablets for itching are prescribed in case of allergies, dermatosis, infections. They suppress the action of histamine in the body, which causes burning, swelling, irritation. These are drugs such as Suprastin, Fenkarol, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine. More expensive coated tablets - Claridol, Lomilan, Claritin - are suitable for long-term use. All of them can have side effects in the form of drowsiness, indigestion, nausea, so they need to be taken in doses, no more than necessary.

Antipruritics for the skin

Local medicines for itching of the skin of the body have a quick calming effect, soften and cool the skin, help with pregnancy and increased dryness of the skin. These include ointments, creams and gels containing menthol, de-panthenol, carbolic acid. This is Oxolinic ointment for mucous membranes, Nystatin from fungi, Sulfur ointment against scabies and infectious infections. Beloderm, Mesoderm, Fusiderm, Sinaf, Psilo-balm ointments are effective.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicines that help alleviate the manifestations of painful overthrow with insect bites, allergies, and fungal diseases. What folk remedies for itching can be used at home:

  • An oatmeal compress will help with itching. Ordinary oatmeal can well relieve itching, reduce inflammation, swelling. The flakes need to be brewed, let them brew, cool, then apply a dense layer on the sore spot, covering with gauze on top. Keep this compress for 20 minutes.
  • Decoction with chamomile. A baby cream with chamomile or glycerin, glycerin in its pure form, may come up.
  • Oil: menthol, mint and tea tree. Good for intimate areas.
  • If the skin is constantly itchy, you can make a compress from the leaves of starburst or take a bath with the leaves of this plant.
  • A decoction of a series. Used for washing the genitals, rinsing other parts of the body.
  • Aloe is a recognized remedy for itching for both an adult and a child. You can wipe the sore spots with a cut leaf, make lotions for the night: apply half of the leaf with the wet side to the body, wrap it with a bandage. You can use natural aloe juice, which is sold in a pharmacy, if you do not have this plant on hand.
  • Apple cider vinegar can help treat small areas of scabies. To do this, from itching, wipe the places with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.
  • From itching with a nettle burn, an infusion of nettle leaves will help. It needs to be cooled, wipe itchy places with it after a shower.
  • To relieve itching, propolis in the form of an ointment or tincture helps well. It is necessary to lubricate the sore spots with a chilled agent. It has antibacterial properties and at the same time softens the skin well.


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