Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor spray, drops and gel for the treatment of nasal diseases .... Instructions for use vibrocil, contraindications

Vibrocil is a drug that has vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic properties. It is used locally in the diagnosis of diseases of the ENT organs in a patient. The composition includes phenylephrine and dimethindene. The first component constricts blood vessels in the nasal cavity, and also helps to reduce swelling of the mucosa and in the paranasal sinuses. The action of the second component is an anti-allergic effect on the human body. The drug is used at the preparatory stages before surgery or other manipulations in the nasal cavity.

1. Pharmacological action

Drug group:
Vasoconstrictor drug for topical use.

Therapeutic effects of Vibrocil:

  • Narrowing of the venous plexus of the nasal cavity;
  • Narrowing of the venous plexus of the paranasal sinuses;
  • Decreased pathological exudation;
  • Improving the functioning of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal cavities;
  • Antiallergic action.
The effectiveness of Vibrocil does not depend on its concentration in the blood.

2. indications for use

  • various respiratory viral diseases;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor runny nose;
  • preparation for surgical operations in the nasal cavities;
  • postoperative removal of swelling of the nasal cavities;
  • runny nose of an acute course;
  • runny nose of a chronic course;
  • acute course;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • acute polysinusitis;
  • chronic polysinusitis;
  • preparation for diagnostic manipulations in the nasal cavities;
  • preparation for medical manipulations in the nasal cavities.

3. How to use

Vibrocil in the form of drops:
  • for children under one year of age: one drop of the drug in each nostril up to three times a day;
  • for children aged 1-6 years: up to two drops of the drug in each nostril up to four times a day;
  • for children over six years of age and adult patients: up to four drops of the drug in each nostril up to four times a day.
Vibrocil in the form of a gel:
  • Recommended dosage for children over six years of age and adult patients: inject a small amount of the drug deep into each nostril up to four times a day.
Vibrocil in the form of a spray:
  • The recommended dosage for children over six years of age and adult patients is one to two injections of the drug in each nostril up to four times a day.
Application Features:
  • The recommended duration of use is no more than one week;
  • Vibrocil in the form of a spray should be used with the head upright;
  • Prolonged use of the drug may be addictive;
  • Prolonged use of the drug can cause drug rhinitis;
  • The application does not affect the possibility of perception and can be used by persons whose activities are related to management
  • vehicles or complex machinery.

4. Side effects

  • Respiratory system: burning in the nose, dryness in the nose.
The described symptoms occur in rare cases.

5. Contraindications

  • Simultaneous use with drugs from the group of monoamine oxidase blockers;
  • The presence of atrophic rhinitis;
  • Hypersensitivity to Vibrocil or its components;
  • The use of the drug in pregnant women;
  • The use of the drug in patients under six years of age (in the form of a gel and spray);
  • Individual intolerance to Vibrocil or its components;
  • The use of the drug in nursing mothers.
Apply with caution:
  • Simultaneous use of Vibrocil with drugs from the group of tricyclic antidepressants;
  • Simultaneous use with drugs to reduce total blood pressure from the group of beta-receptor blockers of adrenaline;
  • The presence of increased intraocular pressure;
  • The presence of an increased level of total blood pressure;
  • The presence of any pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • The presence of any cardiovascular disease.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women should use Vibrocil categorically contraindicated.

Nursing mothers use Vibrocil is categorically contraindicated.

7. Interaction with other drugs

Clinically significant interactions of Vibrocil with drugs from other groups have not been described.

8. Overdose

All of the above symptoms were detected in isolated cases.
  • Central and peripheral nervous system: increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, increased nervous excitement;
  • Cardiovascular system: pallor of the skin, increased total blood pressure, pallor of the mucous membranes, palpitations;
  • Digestive system: Cardiovascular system: abdominal pain.
Specific antidote: does not exist.

Overdose treatment:

  • Stopping the use of Vibrocil;
  • Taking sorbent drugs;
  • Taking laxatives;
  • Plentiful drink;
  • symptomatic treatment.
Hemodialysis: not applicable.

9. Release form

Gel for local use, 2.5 mg + 0.25 mg / 1 g - tube 12 g.
Drops, 2.5 mg + 0.25 mg / 1 ml - vial. 15 ml.
Spray, 2.5 mg + 0.25 mg / 1 ml - vial. 10 ml.

10. Storage conditions

  • The complete absence of any light source;
  • Lack of heating devices in the storage area;
  • Impossibility of access by children and strangers.
Recommended storage temperature- does not exceed 30 degrees.

11. Composition

1 ml in the form of drops:

  • phenylephrine - 2.5 mg;
  • dimethindene maleate - 0.25 mg;
  • Excipients: benzalkonium chloride 50% solution (in terms of benzalkonium chloride), citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sorbitol, lavender oil, water.

1 ml spray:

  • phenylephrine - 2.5 mg;
  • dimethindene maleate - 0.25 mg;
  • Excipients: sodium hydrogen phosphate, citric acid monohydrate, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride solution 50% (benzalkonium chloride), lavender oil, purified water.

1 g gel:

  • phenylephrine - 2.5 mg;
  • dimethindene maleate - 0.25 mg;
  • Excipients: anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate, citric acid monohydrate, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride 50% solution (in terms of dry matter), lavender oil, hypromellose, purified water.

12. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is released without a prescription.

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* Instructions for medical use for the drug Vibrocil published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, IT IS NECESSARY TO CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Part drug in the form of drops active ingredients include: phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate . The drug also contains additional components: 50% benzalkonium chloride solution, citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, lavender oil, water.

Spray Vibrocil contains phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate as active substances, as well as additional components: citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sorbitol, lavender oil, a solution of 50% benzalkonium chloride, water.

Gel Vibrocil contains active ingredients phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate , as well as additional substances: anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate, sorbitol, citric acid monohydrate, a solution of 50% benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose, lavender oil, water.

Release form

The manufacturer offers the following forms of release of the drug:

  • Nasal drops- a clear solution that may have a slight yellow color or be completely colorless. Drops have a faint lavender scent. Contained in dark glass bottles of 15 ml. A pipette lid is also included in the cardboard box.
  • nasal spray- a clear solution that has no color or has a slight yellow tint. It has a faint lavender scent. The agent is contained in 10 ml polyethylene bottles, a bottle with a spray is put into a cardboard box.
  • nasal gel- has a homogeneous consistency, may be colorless or have a slight yellow tint. Does not contain mechanical impurities. It has a faint lavender scent. It is contained in aluminum tubes, 12 g each, which are put into packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

The agent has an anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive effect, it is used for local therapy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Substance phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic, when applied locally, a vasoconstrictive effect is noted (due to stimulation of α1-adrenergic receptors, which are located in the venous vessels of the nasal mucosa). The substance ensures the elimination of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

Substance dimethindene is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors. Provides antiallergic effect. Under its influence, the activity of the ciliated nasal mucosa does not decrease.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Since the agent is applied exclusively topically, the activity of its action does not depend on the concentration of active components in the plasma.

Indications for use

Vibrocil nose drops, as well as spray and gel are used for such diseases and conditions:

  • acute, including manifested by a cold;
  • , including manifested in hay fever;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis acute and chronic;
  • spicy (used as an aid);
  • the period of preparation for surgical interventions in the nose;
  • the period after operations - in order to eliminate edema.


Vibrocil is not used in such cases:

  • with atrophic (also with rhinitis with fetid discharge);
  • with high sensitivity to any of the components of drugs;
  • with simultaneous treatment with MAO inhibitors, also for 14 days after discontinuation of such drugs.

Caution Vibrocil is used by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thyroid diseases, insulin dependent, benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Also, the drug is carefully prescribed to people who have marked reactions to sympathomimetics, in particular the manifestation , .

Side effects

As side effects when taking the drug, patients may develop a burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa, usually mild.

Instructions for use Vibrocil (Method and dosage)

Vibrocil drops, instructions for use

It is necessary to instill drops in each nasal passage, doing this 3-4 times a day. Children who are not yet 1 year old should drip 1 drop of the product into each nasal passage. Children aged 2 to 6 years need to instill 1-2 drops. Patients over 6 years of age, as well as adults, should drip 3-4 drops. It is necessary to clean the nasal cavity very carefully before using this remedy. You need to bury the medicine with your head thrown back. After the introduction of the drug, this position must be maintained for some time. Babies are instilled with a remedy before feeding.

Instructions for spray Vibrocil

This form of medication is prescribed to patients after 6 years. It is shown to carry out 1-2 injections in each nasal passage. This procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day. While spraying, hold the sprayer vertically, tip up. In the process of injection, it is advisable to inhale a little through the nose.

Instructions for using the gel

Nasal ointment for children after 6 years and adults should be injected into each nasal passage, making it as deep as possible. This procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day. If the remedy is used before bedtime, this will contribute to the absence of nasal congestion throughout the night.

Instructions for use Vibrocil for children

Children's Vibrocil is used according to the doctor's prescription and taking into account the instructions. You should take into account contraindications and adhere to the prescribed regimen.


If an excessive dose of the drug has been administered to infants or young children, serious side effects do not develop. In some cases, patients with an overdose noted stomach pain, a feeling of fatigue, arterial hypertension, , skin pallor.

In this case, you need to take, as well as laxatives. Gastric lavage is not recommended. Children over 6 years of age and adults should drink plenty of fluids. There is no specific one.


Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used in people who are receiving MAO inhibitors . It is not allowed to take vasoconstrictors for two weeks after the abolition of MAO inhibitors.

Vibrocil should not be taken concomitantly with beta-blockers , tricyclic antidepressants .

Terms of sale

You can buy Vibrocil without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store Vibrocil in a dark place out of the reach of children. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees for drops and gel, 25 degrees for spray.

Best before date

You can store drops and gel for 3 years, spray - 2 years.

special instructions

Do not use the product for newborns and infants without a doctor's prescription. Do not use the remedy for longer than 1 week without consulting a doctor. With prolonged use of the drug (longer than 2 weeks), the patient may develop tachyphylaxis and so signs of the so-called medicamentous rhinitis. Systemic vasoconstriction may also be noted.

Do not exceed the indicated doses to avoid the development of systemic symptoms.

The use of the agent does not affect the reaction rate.

A runny nose is a common problem in childhood, so the question of choosing an effective drug to combat this symptom is relevant for most mothers. One of the drugs often prescribed by pediatricians for rhinitis is Vibrocil. When it is used in children, how does this medication work and how to dose it correctly?

Release form

The drug is produced in glass bottles, which have a pipette cap. Inside each vial is 15 ml of a clear solution that smells slightly of lavender. It can be both colorless and with an unexpressed yellow tint. In addition to this form, the medicine is also available in spray and gel form.


Vibrocil includes two active components at once:

  • Phenylephrine. In 1 ml of drops it contains 2.5 mg.
  • Dimetinden. Its content per 1 milliliter of the drug is 0.25 mg.

These ingredients are supplemented with excipients such as water, benzalkonium chloride and sodium hydrogen phosphate. The drops also contain sorbitol and citric acid, and the pleasant smell of the drug is provided by lavender oil.

Operating principle

Vibrocil is in demand in ENT practice as a local remedy, due to the action of its components:

  1. Phenylephrine stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which these vessels contract, and the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases.
  2. Dimetindene affects H1 histamine receptors, so this substance has an anti-allergic effect. At the same time, it does not interfere with the work of the ciliated epithelium.


Doctors prescribe Vibrocil:

  • With a cold, one of the symptoms of which is acute rhinitis.
  • With allergic rhinitis.
  • With a chronic form of the common cold.
  • With vasomotor rhinitis.
  • For sinusitis.
  • With nasopharyngitis.
  • As an additional treatment for otitis media.
  • To reduce swelling in the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses after surgery in the nasal area or before surgical treatment.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Vibrocil drops are contraindicated for children under one year old. For this reason, such drops should not be instilled into the nose of a 6-month-old baby or an 11-month-old baby. If the baby is already 1 year old, the medication can be used under the supervision of an adult after consulting a doctor. Forms of the drug, such as gel or spray, are allowed only from the age of 6 years.


It is impossible to instill Vibrocil in the nose of a child:

  • With atrophic rhinitis.
  • With angle-closure glaucoma.
  • At the lake.
  • With intolerance to dimethindene, phenylephrine or another component of the solution.

Increased attention from the doctor requires the appointment of drops for children with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, high blood pressure or arrhythmia.

Side effects

Occasionally, the child's body reacts to the use of Vibrocil drops with such negative symptoms:

  • The appearance of burning in the nasal passages after their treatment.
  • A feeling of discomfort in the nose.
  • Drying of the nasal mucosa.
  • The occurrence of nosebleeds.

If you use the medication for a very long time, it can lead to addiction - after the withdrawal, the child will have a drug-induced runny nose.

Instructions for use for children

  • Before instilling Vibrocil in a child, you need to clean the nasal passages.
  • To administer the medicine, the baby's head is thrown back, and after instillation, you need to maintain this position for several minutes.
  • The drug is instilled three times a day, but sometimes the doctor prescribes four times the application.
  • A single dosage for children 1-6 years old is 1-2 drops of the drug, and over the age of 6 years - 3 or 4 drops.
  • The duration of continuous use of the drug should not exceed 1 week. If treatment within 7 days does not help, you need to see a doctor.


Exceeding the dose of Vibrocil threatens with the occurrence of systemic effects from taking such a drug. A child with an overdose develops tachycardia, headache in the occipital region, trembling of the extremities, a feeling of fatigue, nausea. The skin of a small patient turns pale, blood pressure rises, and the nervous system responds to too high a dose of medication with emotional arousal and insomnia.

To eliminate such symptoms, the child is prescribed laxatives and sorbents, and if his age is more than 6 years, then they give him a lot of water. With high blood pressure, adrenoblockers are used.

Interaction with other drugs

  • The drug should not be used together with MAO inhibitor drugs, as well as within 2 weeks after the end of taking such medications.
  • Treatment with Vibrocil is not combined with the use of beta-blockers or tricyclic antidepressants.
  • The medicine can be used together with antibiotics, antiseptics or glucocorticoids. Combinations of such drugs are used to prepare complex drops with Vibrocil.

Terms of sale

Vibrocil drops are an over-the-counter medicine, so you can freely buy them in pharmacies throughout the country. The average price of one bottle of the drug is 270-280 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The bottle with drops should be kept at home in a place where the drug will be inaccessible to babies. Storage temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. The shelf life of this form of Vibrocil is 3 years.


In most cases, parents respond positively to treatment with Vibrocil drops. According to them, the medicine quickly eliminates a runny nose in a child, is convenient to use and smells good. Moms like that the drug can be used in allergy sufferers and the medication is allowed from 1 year old, and children tolerate such a remedy mostly well. Among the shortcomings of the remedy, parents mention the high cost of drops, the short duration of the effect and the limited period of use.


If you want to replace Vibrocil in drops, the doctor may prescribe Nazol Baby, since this medicine also contains phenylephrine. These nasal drops can be used at any age. Nazol Kids is also produced with the same composition, but this is a medication with a higher dosage, so it is prescribed for children over 4 years old.

Vibrocil can also be replaced by combined medicines containing phenylephrine, for example, Adrianol nasal drops, in which this substance is supplemented with tramazolin. Such a medicine with a dosage for children is used from the age of three. Another analogue is the drug Rinopront, produced in syrup. This medication, which includes carbinoxamine in addition to phenylephrine, can be given to children older than a year.

Vibrocil- a drug with a vasoconstrictor and anti-allergic effect for topical use in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic, when applied topically it has a moderate vasoconstrictive effect (due to stimulation of α1-adrenergic receptors of the venous vessels of the nasal mucosa), eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

Dimetindene is a histamine H1 receptor blocker. It has an anti-allergic effect. Does not reduce the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa.

Vibrocil intended for topical use, and its activity does not depend on the concentration of active substances in the blood plasma.

Mode of application

Before using the drug, the nasal cavity should be thoroughly cleaned.

Nasal drops Vibrocil instilled into each nasal passage 3-4 times / day. For children under the age of 1 year, a single dose is 1 drop. For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops. For children over the age of 6 years and adults, a single dose is 3-4 drops. Before using the drug, the nasal cavity should be thoroughly cleaned. Nasal drops are instilled into the nose with the head thrown back. This head position is maintained for several minutes. Babies are instilled into the nose before feeding.

Nasal spray Vibrocil children over the age of 6 years and adults are prescribed 1-2 injections in each nasal passage 3-4 times / day. The sprayer should be held vertically with the tip up. Keeping the head straight, insert the tip into the nostril, squeeze the sprayer with a short sharp movement 1 time and, removing the tip from the nose, unclench it. During injection, it is recommended to inhale slightly through the nose.

Nasal gel Vibrocil children over the age of 6 years and adults are injected into each nasal passage as deeply as possible 3-4 times / day. The use of the nasal gel just before bedtime ensures that there is no nasal congestion throughout the night.


Symptoms. When taken randomly Vibrocil ingested by young children, no serious side effects were noted.

In most cases, there were no overdose symptoms, but sometimes symptoms such as fatigue, pain in the stomach, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, agitation, insomnia, pallor of the skin (more often in children with accidental ingestion) were reported.

Treatment: the use of activated charcoal and possibly a laxative (gastric lavage is not required); adults and children over the age of 6 years are shown the introduction of a large amount of liquid. There is no specific antidote.

drug interaction
Phenylephrine (like other vasoconstrictors) is contraindicated in patients receiving MAO inhibitors at this time or who have received them within the previous two weeks.

Do not prescribe the drug simultaneously with tricyclic antidepressants or antihypertensive drugs, for example, beta-blockers.

Pregnancy and lactation
Considering the possible systemic vasoconstrictor effect, Vibrocil not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

Local reactions: rarely - mild and transient burning sensation and dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Terms and conditions of storage
The drug in the form of nasal drops and nasal spray should be stored in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, the drug in the form of a nasal gel should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

- acute rhinitis (including with colds);
- allergic rhinitis (including with hay fever);
- vasomotor rhinitis;
- chronic rhinitis;
- acute and chronic sinusitis;
- acute otitis media (as an aid);
- preparation for surgical interventions in the nasal area and elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses after surgical intervention in this area.


- atrophic rhinitis (including with fetid discharge - ozena);
- simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors and a period of up to 14 days after their cancellation;
- children's age up to 6 years (for nasal spray);
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug should be used with caution in cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, generalized atherosclerosis), thyroid diseases, angle-closure glaucoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Caution should be given Vibrocil patients with severe reactions to sympathomimetics, such as insomnia and dizziness.

special instructions
Vibrocil gel nasal is preferable in case of dryness of the nasal mucosa, in the presence of crusts in the nasal cavity, with the consequences of a nasal injury, and also to prevent nasal congestion at night.

Vibrocil should not be used for more than 1 week without consulting a doctor. Prolonged (more than 2 weeks) or excessive use of the drug can cause tachyphylaxis and the effect of "rebound" (drug rhinitis), lead to the development of a systemic vasoconstrictor effect.

Pediatric use
In children under 6 years old, only nasal drops are used.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Vibrocil does not have a sedative effect (does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions).

main parameters

ATX code: R01AB01 -

Vibrocil is often prescribed by doctors in case of a runny nose caused by colds, and in case of allergic rhinitis. It has a complex effect on the nasal mucosa - it effectively constricts blood vessels and has an anti-allergic effect.

Dosage form

The manufacturer produces the drug in three dosage forms - nasal drops, spray and gel. Drops are one of the most convenient forms for topical use in young children.

The drug is available in 15 ml bottles with a pipette cap. Drops are completely colorless or have a slightly saturated yellowish tint. The medicine has an unobtrusive lavender smell.


The composition of the drug includes two main active ingredients - phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate. There are also additional components such as lavender oil.

Pharmacological group and pharmacokinetics

The drug belongs to a group of drugs that have a vasoconstrictive, antiallergic, anticongestive effect.

The medicine acts locally - in the nasal mucosa. Its activity and effectiveness does not depend on the concentration of active substances in the patient's blood.

Indications for use

Vibrocil is prescribed by pediatricians, therapists and otolaryngologists in the following cases:

  1. Rhinitis in acute and chronic form, including colds.
  2. Allergic variety of rhinitis, including hay fever.
  3. Vasomotor rhinitis.
  4. Sinusitis and polysinusitis in acute or chronic form.
  5. Otitis media in acute form - as a drug of the auxiliary group in complex therapy.
  6. Sinusitis - as a drug of the auxiliary group, simultaneously with treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  7. To reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  8. During preparation for surgery in the nasal cavity, as well as for any medical manipulations in this area, after operations.
  9. SARS.
  10. Runny nose in acute or chronic form.

The drug has a high safety profile. However, whatever the symptoms, it should not be prescribed to yourself without consulting a doctor.

Contraindications and restrictions

Vibrocil in the form of nasal drops, as well as in other forms, is contraindicated for use in cases of:

  1. Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug - the main or auxiliary.
  2. Allergy to the composition of the drug.
  3. Atorphic rhinitis.
  4. Angle-closure glaucoma.
  5. In the case of therapy with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, Vibrocil should not be used during treatment and for another 2 weeks after the end of therapy.

In order to make sure that treatment with Vibrocil is allowed in each specific case of the disease, you need to consult with your doctor about contraindications.

special instructions

The drug should be used with extreme caution and only under medical supervision in patients with such diseases:

  1. Arrhythmia.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Atherosclerosis.
  4. Increased intraocular pressure.
  5. Other severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Pathologies and diseases of the thyroid gland.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Hyperthyroidism.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. Prostate adenoma.
  11. Blockage of the neck of the bladder.

If the following symptoms occur during therapy, treatment should also be carried out with caution and under the supervision of a specialist:

  1. Sleep disorders.
  2. Vertigo.
  3. Tremor of the limbs.
  4. Increased pressure, arrhythmia.

Treatment with Vibrocil for a long time is not recommended, as well as exceeding the daily dose of the drug. It is desirable to limit the duration of therapy to 1 week. If the runny nose does not go away during this time, you need to consult a doctor and choose a drug of a similar effect.

Given the pronounced vasoconstrictive effect that the drug has, and which can spread to other vessels in the body, the use of Vibrocil is highly undesirable during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration

For children, Vibrocil should be prescribed by a doctor, starting from the clinical picture and taking into account contraindications, instructions for the drug, and the treatment regimen recommended by the manufacturer.

Before using the drops, you need to clear the nasal passages of mucus as much as possible. Then you need to tilt your head back and drip into each nostril the number of drops corresponding to the age of the patient.

After that, hold your head in a tilted position for another 15 seconds.

The drug begins to act almost immediately, breathing becomes easier, the mucosal edema subsides, and the amount of secretion formed decreases.

Dosage of drops depending on age:

  1. Newborns and infants under the age of 1 year - 1 drop in each nostril no more than 3-4 times a day.
  2. Babies aged 1 to 6 years - 1-2 drops in each nostril no more than 3-4 times a day.
  3. Children over the age of 6 years, adolescents, adults - 3-4 drops in each nostril no more than 3-4 times a day.

The course of treatment - depending on the dynamics of the patient's complaints, but not longer than 7 days in a row.

It is advisable for babies to bury their nose immediately before feeding, so that the child can breathe calmly through the nose while sucking.

Side effects

The use of the drug does not cause any side effects, except for minor discomfort for the patient reactions from the mucous membrane.

There may be a burning sensation or dryness in the nose. There may also be slight nosebleeds.

If side effects cause tangible discomfort, Vibrocil therapy should be discontinued and an adequate analogue should be selected.

Interaction with other drugs, influence on the reaction rate

  • MAO inhibitors.
  • Beta-blockers.
  • Tetracyclic and tricyclic antidepressants.

Vibrocil is not a sedative and does not affect the patient's ability to drive machinery / vehicles in any way.


If treatment with Vibrocil lasts more than 7 days, the development of physiological addiction to the drug, tachyphylaxis, drug-induced rhinitis is possible. It is possible to spread the vasoconstrictor effect of the drug beyond the nasal region.

Overdose may cause the following symptoms:

  • From the peripheral and central nervous system:
    • Tremor of the limbs.
    • Strong fatigue.
    • Insomnia and other sleep disorders.
    • Increased excitability.
  • From the side of the cardiovascular system:
    • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.
    • Increase in blood pressure.
    • Feeling of increased heartbeat.
    • Vertigo.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract - pain in the abdomen.

If an overdose of the drug occurs, stop treatment and consult a doctor.

You may need first aid:

  1. The patient should be given sorbent and laxative drugs.
  2. The patient needs to provide an optimal drinking regime - plenty of fluids.
  3. symptomatic treatment.

Storage and sale conditions

The acquisition of Vibrocil does not require a doctor's prescription.

It is necessary to store the drug for no longer than 3 years from the date of manufacture, at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

Protect from direct sunlight, keep out of the reach of children and animals.


Vibrocil has no analogues in composition. However, you can choose drugs with a similar principle of action or the same therapeutic effect.

The most popular analogues:

  1. Adrianol. The effectiveness of symptomatic treatment of the common cold is the same as that of Vibrocil. The drug is approved for the treatment of newborns.
  2. Nazol Baby. Approved for the treatment of infants from 2 months. Efficiency at the level of Vibrocil.
  3. Evkazolin. Contains eucalyptus oil, therapeutic effect lasts up to 10 hours. Prohibited for use by children under 7 years of age.
  4. Nazol. It has an antiseptic effect, relieves the common cold in 3-6 days. The therapeutic effect lasts for 12 hours after taking the drug. Assign to children over the age of 6 years.

The price of the drug

The cost of Vibrocil averages 264 rubles (from 233 to 311 rubles).


Drops "Vibrocil" for children: instructions for use

A runny nose is a common problem in childhood, so the question of choosing an effective drug to combat this symptom is relevant for most mothers. One of the drugs often prescribed by pediatricians for rhinitis is Vibrocil. When it is used in children, how does this medication work and how to dose it correctly?

The drug is produced in glass bottles, which have a pipette cap.

Inside each vial is 15 ml of a clear solution that smells slightly of lavender.

It can be both colorless and with an unexpressed yellow tint. In addition to this form, the medicine is also available in spray and gel form.

Vibrocil includes two active components at once:

  • Phenylephrine. In 1 ml of drops it contains 2.5 mg.
  • Dimetinden. Its content per 1 milliliter of the drug is 0.25 mg.

These ingredients are supplemented with excipients such as water, benzalkonium chloride and sodium hydrogen phosphate. The drops also contain sorbitol and citric acid, and the pleasant smell of the drug is provided by lavender oil.

Vibrocil is in demand in ENT practice as a local remedy, due to the action of its components:

  1. Phenylephrine stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which these vessels contract, and the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases.
  2. Dimetindene affects H1 histamine receptors, so this substance has an anti-allergic effect. At the same time, it does not interfere with the work of the ciliated epithelium.

Doctors prescribe Vibrocil:

  • With a cold, one of the symptoms of which is acute rhinitis.
  • With allergic rhinitis.
  • With a chronic form of the common cold.
  • With vasomotor rhinitis.
  • For sinusitis.
  • With nasopharyngitis.
  • As an additional treatment for otitis media.
  • To reduce swelling in the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses after surgery in the nasal area or before surgical treatment.

Vibrocil drops are contraindicated for children under one year old. For this reason, such drops should not be instilled into the nose of a 6-month-old baby or an 11-month-old baby.

If the baby is already 1 year old, the medication can be used under the supervision of an adult after consulting a doctor.

Forms of the drug, such as gel or spray, are allowed only from the age of 6 years.

It is impossible to instill Vibrocil in the nose of a child:

  • With atrophic rhinitis.
  • With angle-closure glaucoma.
  • At the lake.
  • With intolerance to dimethindene, phenylephrine or another component of the solution.

Increased attention from the doctor requires the appointment of drops for children with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, high blood pressure or arrhythmia.

Occasionally, the child's body reacts to the use of Vibrocil drops with such negative symptoms:

  • The appearance of burning in the nasal passages after their treatment.
  • A feeling of discomfort in the nose.
  • Drying of the nasal mucosa.
  • The occurrence of nosebleeds.

If you use the medication for a very long time, it can lead to addiction - after the withdrawal, the child will have a drug-induced runny nose.

  • Before instilling Vibrocil in a child, you need to clean the nasal passages.
  • To administer the medicine, the baby's head is thrown back, and after instillation, you need to maintain this position for several minutes.
  • The drug is instilled three times a day, but sometimes the doctor prescribes four times the application.
  • A single dosage for children 1-6 years old is 1-2 drops of the drug, and over the age of 6 years - 3 or 4 drops.
  • The duration of continuous use of the drug should not exceed 1 week. If treatment within 7 days does not help, you need to see a doctor.

Exceeding the dose of Vibrocil threatens with the occurrence of systemic effects from taking such a drug.

A child with an overdose develops tachycardia, headache in the occipital region, trembling of the extremities, a feeling of fatigue, nausea.

The skin of a small patient turns pale, blood pressure rises, and the nervous system responds to too high a dose of medication with emotional arousal and insomnia.

To eliminate such symptoms, the child is prescribed laxatives and sorbents, and if his age is more than 6 years, then they give him a lot of water. With high blood pressure, adrenoblockers are used.

  • The drug should not be used together with MAO inhibitor drugs, as well as within 2 weeks after the end of taking such medications.
  • Treatment with Vibrocil is not combined with the use of beta-blockers or tricyclic antidepressants.
  • The medicine can be used together with antibiotics, antiseptics or glucocorticoids. Combinations of such drugs are used to prepare complex drops with Vibrocil.

Vibrocil drops are an over-the-counter medicine, so you can freely buy them in pharmacies throughout the country. The average price of one bottle of the drug is 270-280 rubles.

The bottle with drops should be kept at home in a place where the drug will be inaccessible to babies. Storage temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. The shelf life of this form of Vibrocil is 3 years.

In most cases, parents respond positively to treatment with Vibrocil drops. According to them, the medicine quickly eliminates a runny nose in a child, is convenient to use and smells good.

Moms like that the drug can be used in allergy sufferers and the medication is allowed from 1 year old, and children tolerate such a remedy mostly well.

Among the shortcomings of the remedy, parents mention the high cost of drops, the short duration of the effect and the limited period of use.

If you need to replace Vibrocil in drops, the doctor may prescribe Nazol Baby, since this medicine also contains phenylephrine.

These nasal drops can be used at any age.

Nazol Kids is also produced with the same composition, but this is a medication with a higher dosage, so it is prescribed for children over 4 years old.

Vibrocil can also be replaced by combined medicines containing phenylephrine, for example, Adrianol nasal drops, in which this substance is supplemented with tramazolin.

Such a medicine with a dosage for children is used from the age of three. Another analogue is the drug Rinopront, produced in syrup.

This medication, which includes carbinoxamine in addition to phenylephrine, can be given to children older than a year.

Instead of Vibrocil drops, pediatricians and ENT doctors also often prescribe other adrenomimetics (Otrivin, Nazivin, Sanorin, etc.).

), preparations based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Marimer, etc.) and other medicines.

At the same time, it is not recommended to choose an analogue for a child on your own, because each of these drugs has its own restrictions on taking and contraindications.

You can learn more about vasoconstrictor drugs and how to use them from the following video. The popular pediatrician Komarovsky comments.


Vibrocil nose drops for children: instructions for use, price

Vibrocil drops for children are used in pediatrics to combat acute or chronic rhinitis associated with respiratory diseases.

Young children are especially vulnerable to any infection, because the immune system is not yet fully formed and the body cannot fully resist the onslaught of pathogenic microorganisms.

Prolonged runny nose, which occurs against the background of colds or allergic reactions, is accompanied by profuse discharge, nasal congestion, and deterioration in the general condition.

The child becomes irritable and whiny, cannot breathe normally, often wakes up at night.

It is necessary to start treatment of rhinitis at the first symptoms, since advanced forms of the disease lead to the development of undesirable complications (sinusitis, adenoiditis).

Vibrocil drops for children - description

Vibrocil is a combined topical drug used in the treatment of ENT diseases in adults and children. It is based on the vasoconstrictor component - phenylephrine and the substance dimethindene, which provides an antiallergic effect.

Phenylephrine, when applied topically, acts as a sympathomimetic, constricts blood vessels, effectively eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane and paranasal sinuses.

Dimetindene acts as a blocker of histamine receptors, eliminates allergic manifestations, but does not affect the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the mucosa.

Due to the complex action of the main substances, the drug can be used both for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and for the elimination of rhinitis symptoms in viral infections and respiratory diseases.

Composition, release forms

The drug Vibrocil is available in several dosage forms:

  • Nasal drops. Clear, colorless or slightly yellowish solution, with a slight lavender odor. This form of the drug is intended for children from one year old. Drops are available in dark glass bottles of 15 ml, equipped with a screw cap pipette, which facilitates dosage.
  • Sleep nasal. A clear yellowish solution with a lavender scent. It is intended for use in children from 6 years of age and adult patients. Produced in polyethylene bottles with a sprayer, 10 ml.
  • Gel Vibrocil (nasal). It is a homogeneous, homogeneous mass of light yellow color, with a pleasant lavender aroma. In pediatrics, the drug is used from 6 years. The gel is available in aluminum tubes with a volume of 12, with a tip and a plastic cap.

active substances are identical, regardless of the form of release. 1 ml of drops, spray or 1 gel contains 2.5 mg of phenylephrine and 0.25 mg of dimethindene maleate. The difference is only in the content of auxiliary auxiliary components.

When is Vibrocil prescribed?

In pediatrics, Vibrocil is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis (acute and chronic);
  • swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion with colds.

As an aid, Vibrocil is used in the treatment of acute otitis media, as well as in preparing a small patient for surgery in the nasopharynx. The postoperative period is no exception, since in the process of recovery the drug helps to relieve swelling of the mucosa in the sinuses.

Vibrocil for children from one year old is used in the form of drops, starting from 6 years old, other dosage forms of the drug can be included in the treatment regimen - spray and gel.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of Vibrocil drops for children recommends using the drug only after preliminary cleansing of the nasal passages. To administer the medicine, the baby's head is thrown back, the required dose is instilled with a pipette and the head is held in this position for another 1-2 minutes.

The standard dose of the drug for one application in children from 1 to 6 years old is 1-2 drops. For older children - 3-4 drops in each nostril. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day.

The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

If after the specified period of improvement is not observed, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor and consult about further treatment.

Many parents are wondering if it is possible to use Vibrocil drops for children under one year old? Pediatricians answer that drops can also be instilled in newborn babies, but only according to indications and with strict adherence to the dosage recommended by the doctor. Even a slight swelling of the nasal mucosa in an infant leads to difficulty breathing.

At this age, the baby cannot yet breathe through the mouth to compensate for nasal congestion with a runny nose. As a result, he becomes restless, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat.

Vibrocil nose drops for children quickly facilitate nasal breathing and allow the baby to breathe freely.

In children under one year old, the drug is instilled 1 drop into each nostril before the next feeding.

Spray Vibrocil is prescribed for children over 6 years of age. At this age, the child can already be explained that during the injection of the medicine, you need to take a shallow breath through the nose.

Shake the spray bottle before use, holding it in an upright position, insert the spray tip into the nostril and press the cap.

The standard dosage is 1-2 sprays in each nasal passage.

To do this, you can use a cotton swab with a gel applied to it. The frequency of application is the same as for drops and spray - 3-4 times a day.

The last procedure is best done before bedtime to eliminate nasal congestion throughout the night.

Benefits of Vibrocil

The main advantage of the drug, parents consider the speed of action. Within a few minutes after application, breathing becomes free, nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes disappear.

Other advantages of Vibrocil include the effectiveness of therapeutic action. Due to anti-allergic, vasoconstrictive and decongestant properties, the medication eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose and facilitates nasal breathing.

An equally important advantage is the safety of the drug. Vibrocil does not contain steroid hormones and other potent components that can dry out the mucous membrane or provoke addiction to the medication.


Like any drug, Vibrocil has a number of contraindications that limit its use. The drug can not be prescribed in the following conditions:

  • if a child develops atrophic rhinitis, including accompanied by discharge with a fetid odor (ozena);
  • with individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug;
  • age restrictions - spray and gel can not be used in children under 6 years of age.

Vibrocil is not prescribed simultaneously with the intake of MAO inhibitors and within 2 weeks after their cancellation.

With extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor, a cold remedy should be used if the child suffers from cardiovascular pathologies, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism), epilepsy.

Adverse reactions

In general, the drug is well tolerated by small patients and only in some cases can cause a mild burning sensation in the nasal cavity.

Sometimes there is dryness of the mucosa, but this condition is transient and quickly disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

Even rarer are reactions accompanied by nosebleeds.

In case of an overdose, systemic side effects may be noted - insomnia, excessive arousal, increased blood pressure, pallor, headache, heart palpitations. Overdose symptoms are eliminated by taking activated charcoal and drinking plenty of water, since there is no specific antidote.

If a child over 6 years of age has rhinitis accompanied by overdrying of the mucous membrane and the appearance of dry crusts in the nasal cavity, it is preferable to use Vibrocil in the form of a gel. To ensure restful sleep and eliminate nasal congestion at night, the last treatment is recommended in the evening.

Any form of Vibrocil should not be used for longer than 7 days, otherwise the risk of developing drug-induced rhinitis and systemic adverse reactions increases. The drug can be used simultaneously with antiseptics, antibiotics or corticosteroids.


Vibrocil has no structural analogues containing the same set of active substances. If necessary, this remedy can be replaced with other drugs that provide a similar therapeutic effect. Among them are the following analogues of Vibrocil for children:

  • Adrianol;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Nazol Baby;
  • Sanorin;
  • Xymelin;
  • Rinofluimucil;

Parents are often interested in what is better for children - Vibrocil or Nazivin? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since each drug has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Nazivin contains another active ingredient - oxymetazoline, is considered a more effective drug, but side reactions from its use are more pronounced. The use of Nazivin causes dry mucous membranes, a burning sensation in the nose, shortness of breath, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Vibrocil acts much softer and in this respect is better suited for the treatment of young children.

Vibrocil contains a combination of two active substances that not only eliminate nasal congestion, but also provide an antihistamine effect, stopping the manifestations of allergic rhinitis.

As part of Nazivin there is no such component, which means that with manifestations of hay fever and allergic reactions, this drug is useless.

Vibrocil has a minimal number of side effects, is not addictive and is much better tolerated by children.

From the point of view of Dr. Komarovsky, it is Vibrocil that is optimally used for small patients.

It becomes the drug of choice in cases where a runny nose develops against the background of a cold with a high temperature or nasal congestion is associated with allergic manifestations.

According to a popular pediatrician, Vibrocil can be used during the heating season, when the mucous membranes dry up due to lack of humidity in the room.

The cost of the drug

  1. The price of Vibrocil in the pharmacy chain is:
  2. Vibrocil drops (15ml) - from 260 rubles;
  3. Spray Vibrocil (10 ml) - from 280 rubles;
  4. Gel Vibrocil (12 g) - from 240 rubles.

Feedback on the application

Many parents respond positively to the results of treatment with Vibrocil. The drug is easy to use, safe, has a pleasant lavender aroma, can be used in infants, as well as to eliminate allergic rhinitis.

Of the minuses indicate the high price of the drug and the short duration of the effect. Vibrocil quickly eliminates nasal congestion and swelling, but its effect does not last long, so you need to apply it several times a day.

Review #1

Maria, Moscow

Review #2

Svetlana, Yekaterinburg

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Vibrocil for children, instructions for use and price

Every parent knows what an unpleasant phenomenon it is - a runny nose in a child. Indeed, due to the inability to breathe through the nose, the child becomes whiny, sleeps poorly at night, loses appetite, etc.

A lot of drugs have been created to combat it. But unfortunately, not all of them are safe, and besides, many of them are symptomatic.

That is, they eliminate the symptoms, not the cause of the disease.

But there are other remedies, for example, Vibrocil, which really treat the disease itself. Vibrocil is a complex drug that has two actions.

It constricts blood vessels and has anti-allergic properties. It is very often prescribed by doctors both for the treatment of the common cold in adults and in children.

Including it can be used even for infants, for the treatment of a runny nose in which it is very difficult to find an effective remedy.

Vibrocil, composition and form of release

It should be said that this drug has three forms - these are drops, spray and gel. Of all these dosage forms, only drops can be used for children from birth.

Gel and spray are approved for use by children from 6 years of age. This is due to the fact that, using these forms of release, the drug is difficult to accurately dose, which is very important for the youngest children.

And the composition of all forms is almost the same. The active substances of Vibrocil are phenylephrine and demitindene maleate. Also available in all forms the same excipients:

  • sodium hydrogen phosphate,
  • citric acid monohydrate,
  • 50% benzalkonium chloride solution,
  • lavender oil,
  • purified water.

The composition of drops and spray also includes sorbitol. And as part of the gel, instead of it, hypromellose is used, and anhydrous sodium hydrophosphate is used.

Vibrocil drops are usually packaged in dark glass bottles with pipette cap. The volume of the bottle is 15 ml.

Vibrocil spray is packaged in 10 ml polyethylene bottles. The package also contains another spray bottle.

Vibrocil gel is packaged in 12 g aluminum tubes.

What effect does the drug have

The principle of action of any drug is determined by the active substances that make up its composition.

As already mentioned here, there are two of them in this preparation. Therefore, the two main actions of Vibrocil.

As written in the instructions for use, it has a vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic effect.

Phenylephrine is responsible for the vasoconstriction.

It stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors located in the venous vessels of the nasal mucosa and this helps to relieve swelling from the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

And dimethindene provides an anti-allergic effect. It blocks histamine H1 receptors. The ciliated activity of the epithelium does not decrease.

The drug is used only locally and its effectiveness does not depend on the content of active substances in the blood plasma.

Indications for use Vibrocil

As stated in the instructions for the use of this medicinal product are:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis, including from various acute respiratory infections and SARS,
  • allergic rhinitis, including hay fever rhinitis,
  • vasomotor rhinitis,
  • chronic and acute sinusitis,
  • acute otitis media (use as an adjuvant),
  • preoperative and postoperative periods for surgical intervention in the area of ​​the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Vibrocil is also prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis, but only in conjunction with antibacterial drugs. All these diseases can be treated with Vibrocil for both adults and children. The main condition is that this should be done only as directed by a doctor.

How to apply the remedy

Now let's talk about the dosage of the drug, which is recommended by the instructions for use. Drops are applied in this way.

If the child is not yet one year old, 1 drop is instilled into the nostril three times a day. Child from one to six years old 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

Older children can use the adult dosage of the drug, that is, 3-4 drops 3-4 times a day.

As already mentioned here, children under six years of age should not use Vibrocil Spray. And for a child older than this age and adult patients, this dosage is recommended - 1-2 sprays in each nostril 3-4 times a day. While spraying, inhale through the nose.

Now about the dosage of Vibrocil gel. The instructions for use also recommend it for the treatment of a cold in a child over six years of age and adult patients.

A small amount of gel is placed in the nasal passages as deep as possible into the nasal passages.

The use of Vibrocil gel for children just before bedtime will help them sleep through the night without snot.

As for the course of treatment with this drug, it is usually used for no more than seven days. If the effect is not achieved, then you should consult a doctor with a request to replace the remedy with another one.

Vibrocil, contraindications and side effects

When using Vibrocil, be sure to see contraindications which are indicated in the instructions for use. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to the active and excipients of the drug,
  • atrophic rhinitis, including ozena (offensive rhinitis),
  • closed-angle glaucoma,
  • taking MAO inhibitors and two weeks after taking them,
  • age up to six years for spray and gel,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

With caution, the remedy is used in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy, obstruction of the bladder neck, prostate adenoma. Side effects from the use of the drug are rare and mostly they are local in nature. These include:

  • nosebleed,
  • dryness in the nose
  • discomfort in the nose,
  • burning.

Pre drug overdose sympathomimetic side effects may appear, such as:

  • headache and dizziness,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • high blood pressure,
  • stomach ache,
  • nausea.

If side effects occur, you should seek medical help. And in case of an overdose, it is also recommended to take activated charcoal and a large amount of liquid.

And in order to minimize the possibility of side effects, you just need to follow the recommendations of the instructions for use and do not take the remedy without a doctor's prescription.

The price of Vibrocil and its analogues

Often in the reviews, among the many positive points, its high price is noted as a disadvantage. Which, however, is not surprising because the spray, gel and drops Vibrocil are produced by the Swiss manufacturer - the pharmaceutical company Novartis.

The average price in Russia is 230-270 rubles. Therefore, many are forced to look for analogues of this remedy. But it’s worth saying right away that there is no absolute analogue, or a synonym - a drug with the same composition.

But there is means similar in principle of action. These include:

  • Nazol baby,
  • Polydex,
  • Adrianol,
  • Halozalin,
  • Nazivin,
  • Sanorin and others.

All these drugs are produced by different companies, in different forms - drops, spray, gels, ointment, with different active ingredients, and are allowed to be taken at different ages. Also, all these drugs have different contraindications. Therefore, before replacing the prescribed drug with an analogue, be sure to consult with your doctor.

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