Which hospital can be tested. Surveys. Comprehensive MRI examination of the joints

Whole body MRI is the primary diagnosis of organs and tissues in order to identify and localize tumors, the presence of serious pathological changes in internal organs and tissues. An MRI examination of the body is used when it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease, if a closed injury is diagnosed, and also for certain indications. Whole-body tomography (MRI) is performed using a screening technique in several planes. You can make a complete examination of the whole body by MRI for a child at any age. This type of diagnosis has practically no age restrictions, however, due to the need to remain immobile for a sufficiently long period of time, small children are examined under anesthesia or with the use of sedatives.

Complete body diagnostics


Indications for a comprehensive examination of the whole body using MRI are: systemic, widespread damage to organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes, etc.; search for metastases and tumors in case of suspected oncological diseases; complex diagnostic cases in which it is difficult to draw conclusions about the localization of the pathological process in the body and its nature; combined injuries; preventive examination to detect possible diseases.


Full body diagnostics by MRI is highly accurate and safe, without radiation exposure. There is no special preparation required for the study. Among the contraindications for conducting are metal elements in the body (pacemakers, vascular clips, implants, etc.), the initial period of pregnancy, and allergy to contrast. In case of intolerance to a closed space, it is possible to do a tomography under anesthesia.



The cost of an MRI of the whole body in Moscow ranges from 14,800 to 72,000 rubles. The average price is 28890 rubles.

Where to get an MRI of the whole body?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can do an MRI of the whole body in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.

    identification of individual risk factors,

    early diagnosis of diseases before clinical manifestations,

The Men's Annual Preventive Health Screening Program provides the following services:

    blood tests (strictly on an empty stomach): a clinical blood test with a count of the leukocyte formula; sedimentation rate of erythrocytes; glucose; total cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; triglycerides; total protein; creatinine; urea; ASAT; AlAT; GGT; alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; bilirubin direct fraction; PSA total; PSA free; uric acid; electrolytes; TSH; T4 free; vitamin D; glycated hemoglobin; HIV antibodies ½ + p24 antigen; surface antigen to hepatitis B virus (HBsAg); antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), total; treponemal antigen microprecipitation reaction (RPR);

    ECG at rest;

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

    consultation of a urologist with ultrasound of the pelvic organs and retroperitoneal space and uroflowmetry;

    consultation with an ophthalmologist;

    consultation with a cardiologist;

    ECG with exercise;

    consultation with a neurologist;

    consultation of a psychotherapist;

A written conclusion on the results of the examination is issued after the doctor-curator receives all the results of the examination. The date of issuance of the conclusion is discussed at the consultation of the curator doctor based on the results of the examination.

You can undergo a full medical examination at EMC clinics at the following addresses: Orlovsky lane, 7 and st. Shchepkina, 35.

For women under 35

Comprehensive diagnostic programs are an effective and convenient solution for taking care of your health. The program includes an optimal amount of research and consultations in accordance with international recommendations.

After completing the comprehensive program, you get:

    a comprehensive assessment of the state of the body,

for women up to 35 years the following services are provided:

    blood tests (strictly on an empty stomach): a clinical blood test with a count of the leukocyte formula; sedimentation rate of erythrocytes; glucose; total cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; triglycerides; total protein; creatinine; urea; ASAT; AlAT; GGT; alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; bilirubin direct fraction; uric acid; electrolytes; calcium; magnesium; inorganic phosphorus; TSH; T4 free; vitamin D; HIV antibodies ½ + p24 antigen; surface antigen to hepatitis B virus (HBsAg); antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), total; treponemal antigen microprecipitation reaction (RPR);

    clinical analysis of urine with sediment microscopy;

    ECG at rest;

    Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (strictly on an empty stomach);

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

    extended consultation of a general practitioner (supervisor);

    consultation with an ophthalmologist;

    screening low-dose CT of the lungs;

    2 departments of MSCT or MRI as prescribed by the curator;

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands

    mammologist consultation;

    consultation with a cardiologist;

    transthoracic echocardiography;

    ECG with exercise;

    fibrogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy under medical sleep (during gastroscopy / colonoscopy, a biopsy can be taken, polyps removed, histological examination of the biopsy);

    consultation with a dermatologist;

    consultation of a psychotherapist;

    consultation of the doctor-curator on the results of the examination;

    stay in a single room for 1.5 days.

The cost of this examination is presented at the bottom of the page.

For women over 35

Comprehensive diagnostic programs are an effective and convenient solution for taking care of your health. The program includes an optimal amount of research and consultations in accordance with international recommendations.

After completing the comprehensive program, you get:

    a comprehensive assessment of the state of the body,

    identification of individual risk factors,

    early diagnosis of diseases before clinical manifestations,

As part of the Annual Preventive Health Diagnostics Program for women over 35 years old the following services are provided:

    blood tests (strictly on an empty stomach): a clinical blood test with a count of the leukocyte formula; sedimentation rate of erythrocytes; glucose; total cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; triglycerides; total protein; creatinine; urea; ASAT; AlAT; GGT; alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; bilirubin direct fraction; uric acid; electrolytes; calcium; magnesium; inorganic phosphorus; TSH; T4 free; vitamin D; HIV antibodies ½ + p24 antigen; surface antigen to hepatitis B virus (HBsAg); antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), total; treponemal antigen microprecipitation reaction (RPR); glycated hemoglobin);

    vaginal scraping for bacteriology;

    cytological examination of the scraping of the cervix by the method of liquid cytology (PAP Smear);

    clinical analysis of urine with sediment microscopy;

    ECG at rest;

    Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (strictly on an empty stomach);

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

    extended consultation of a general practitioner (supervisor);

    consultation of a gynecologist with ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs;

    consultation with an ophthalmologist;

    screening low-dose CT of the lungs;

    MSCT densitometry of the lumbar spine and femoral neck;

    2 departments of MSCT or MRI as prescribed by the curator;

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands (performed only from the 6th to the 12th day of the cycle);

    Mammography (performed only from the 6th to the 12th day of the cycle);

    mammologist consultation;

    consultation with a cardiologist;

    transthoracic echocardiography;

    ECG with exercise;

    fibrogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy under medical sleep (during gastroscopy / colonoscopy, a biopsy can be taken, polyps removed, histological examination of the biopsy);

    consultation with a dermatologist;

    consultation of a psychotherapist;

    consultation of the doctor-curator on the results of the examination;

    stay in a single room for 1.5 days.

A written conclusion on the results of the examination is issued upon receipt by the curator of all the results of the examination. The date of issuance of the conclusion is discussed at the consultation of the curator doctor based on the results of the examination.

The cost of this examination is presented at the bottom of the page.

Health and time are one of the main factors influencing our lives. In the outpatient department of the Road Clinical Hospital. K. A. Semashko you can take care of your health with minimal time.

They say that the medical examination of railway workers is carried out on the same level with astronauts, because the lives of hundreds and thousands of people depend on the health of the driver. Specially high demands have always been made on the qualifications of doctors serving railway workers.

December 14 marks the 82nd anniversary of the opening of the Road Clinical Hospital. N. A. Semashko. During this time we have earned a reputation as reliable professionals. Having modern equipment is good. But it is even more important that the institution has qualified and experienced specialists who can correctly “read” the information received and make a diagnosis. Otherwise, you will only get a picture; which will help little - in treatment.

All doctors working in the polyclinic reconfirm their qualifications every five years and undergo certification. Today, our clinic provides a full range of medical services that are required for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In our polyclinic, doctors work in two shifts, so the patient can get advice from the necessary specialist almost at any time. All doctors providing paid services have the highest category.

In our polyclinic, you can also get medical books, driver's certificates, certificates for carrying weapons. We quickly and efficiently carry out a medical examination of persons entering the workforce. At a very high level, we have a commission for people working in hazardous industries. Moreover, our prices are among the lowest in Moscow.

Three months ago, a clinical diagnostic center with a day hospital was opened on the basis of the polyclinic. His postcard allowed us to expand the range of services and provide additional opportunities for our patients. Now they have the opportunity to undergo a complete examination of the body in one day, including the delivery of the necessary laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics. For some examinations to the patient; required to go through a series of procedures. The presence of a day hospital allows you to make them qualitatively under the supervision of a doctor. Here, patients are given the opportunity to undergo medical procedures. For example, there is no longer a need to carry out intravenous drip injections of drugs at home.

What services does the Clinical Diagnostic Center offer?

Doctors of all specialties work for us: endocrinologist, surgeon, therapist, urologist, allergist-immunologist, rheumatologist, dermato-venereologist, hematologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, chiropractor, plastic surgeon…

The Center has state-of-the-art equipment that allows diagnosing diseases at an early stage. These services include, in particular, computed tomography, ECG Holter monitoring, ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray diagnostics, videoscopic research methods, PCR diagnostics. We are pleased to offer our clients modern and traditional methods of treatment, diagnostics, attentiveness and individual approach. We combine professionalism with responsiveness and care, and high quality with affordable prices.

LDC "Kutuzovsky" specializes in a comprehensive examination of the body. Our center has developed a large number of Check-Up programs. The Optimum program is suitable for both women and men. Check-Up program "Optimum" is a comprehensive diagnostics of the main body systems in one day.

Comprehensive diagnostics means an in-depth medical examination, which includes:

  • expert advice;
  • hardware-instrumental research;
  • laboratory diagnostics (including basic screening for oncology);
  • functional testing.

Based on the procedures performed, the patient receives a detailed conclusion about the state of health. The doctor gives recommendations for prevention and treatment.

In the medical center "Kutuzovsky" there is an individual approach to each patient, therefore, as part of the "Optimum" Check-Up program, you can do an MRI study of any one zone (MRI of the head, MRI of the neck, MRI of the spine, etc.) of your choice.

If you need to conduct a more detailed diagnosis, we recommend choosing one of the following programs:

  • For women: Health diagnostics “OPTIMUM+” (women), Health diagnostics “PREMIUM” (women), Program “Maximum” (women) .
  • For men: Diagnostics of men's health "OPTIMUM+" (men) , Diagnostics of health "PREMIUM" (men) , Program "Maximum" (men) .
  • For future parents: I want to be a mom, I want to be a dad.

For the convenience of our patients, the passage of the program is controlled by a personal manager, whose task is to provide an opportunity to pass the Check-Up examination "Optimum" in just one day. The personal manager will coordinate with the patient the time of registration for all studies included in the program. This allows you to save the time of patients as much as possible when undergoing programs of a complete examination of the body.

The price for a complete examination of the body in Moscow

The price for a full examination of the body is formed based on the number and complexity of hardware and laboratory procedures that are included in the Check-Up program.

A large number of programs from inexpensive to premium ones have been developed at the Kutuzovsky LDC. More information about the prices for Check-Up programs can be found on the page of the "Comprehensive examination" section on our website. Our center regularly hosts promotions for various Check-Up programs. Information about discounts is available in the "Promotions" section.

Complex of medical services under the Check-Up program "Optimum"

Expert advice: therapist, dentist (prophylactic examination), repeated consultation of the therapist.

During a visit to the Kutuzovsky Medical Center, a consultation with a therapist, a preventive examination by a dentist and all diagnostic tests are carried out (the tests included in the program are described in more detail below).

Based on the results of passing all laboratory and instrumental studies, the patient can re-visit a therapist (this is included in the cost of the program and is recommended by us) or receive the results of all studies, recommendations and appointments by e-mail.

Instrumental Research: Ultrasound diagnostics: organs of the abdominal cavity (liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, spleen, pancreas); kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal space; thyroid gland with Doppler study; Rg-graphy of the chest organs (2 projections); MRI examination of any area of ​​your choice;

Functional diagnostics: ECG in 12 leads.

Advantages of complex diagnostics

Timely full diagnostics of the body helps to avoid the development of diseases that pose a serious threat to life. Moscow and other megacities suffer from poor environmental conditions, and this is a clear risk factor for people living here. Today, most pathologies, including strokes and heart attacks, have rejuvenated. In a large city, people aged 25-30 already feel manifestations of destructive processes in the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular problems.

Check-up programs for comprehensive examinations at the Kutuzovsky Medical Center have the following advantages:

  • the ability to be examined on an outpatient basis without being admitted to a hospital and undergo all examinations as soon as possible;
  • availability of modern equipment and high-precision express laboratory;
  • obtaining detailed information about your body, recommendations and prescriptions from a doctor;
  • early identification of risk factors;
  • individual approach: the Check-Up program "Optimum" includes one MRI examination at the patient's choice.

The body examination programs developed in our center comply with the protocols of the World Health Organization.

The price for the Check-Up program "Optimum" is 32,090 rubles.

Health and time are one of the main factors influencing our lives. In the outpatient department of the Road Clinical Hospital. K. A. Semashko you can take care of your health with minimal time.

They say that the medical examination of railway workers is carried out on the same level with astronauts, because the lives of hundreds and thousands of people depend on the health of the driver. Specially high demands have always been made on the qualifications of doctors serving railway workers.

December 14 marks the 82nd anniversary of the opening of the Road Clinical Hospital. N. A. Semashko. During this time we have earned a reputation as reliable professionals. Having modern equipment is good. But it is even more important that the institution has qualified and experienced specialists who can correctly “read” the information received and make a diagnosis. Otherwise, you will only get a picture; which will help little - in treatment.

All doctors working in the polyclinic reconfirm their qualifications every five years and undergo certification. Today, our clinic provides a full range of medical services that are required for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In our polyclinic, doctors work in two shifts, so the patient can get advice from the necessary specialist almost at any time. All doctors providing paid services have the highest category.

In our polyclinic, you can also get medical books, driver's certificates, certificates for carrying weapons. We quickly and efficiently carry out a medical examination of persons entering the workforce. At a very high level, we have a commission for people working in hazardous industries. Moreover, our prices are among the lowest in Moscow.

Three months ago, a clinical diagnostic center with a day hospital was opened on the basis of the polyclinic. His postcard allowed us to expand the range of services and provide additional opportunities for our patients. Now they have the opportunity to undergo a complete examination of the body in one day, including the delivery of the necessary laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics. For some examinations to the patient; required to go through a series of procedures. The presence of a day hospital allows you to make them qualitatively under the supervision of a doctor. Here, patients are given the opportunity to undergo medical procedures. For example, there is no longer a need to carry out intravenous drip injections of drugs at home.

What services does the Clinical Diagnostic Center offer?

Doctors of all specialties work for us: endocrinologist, surgeon, therapist, urologist, allergist-immunologist, rheumatologist, dermato-venereologist, hematologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, chiropractor, plastic surgeon…

The Center has state-of-the-art equipment that allows diagnosing diseases at an early stage. These services include, in particular, computed tomography, ECG Holter monitoring, ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray diagnostics, videoscopic research methods, PCR diagnostics. We are pleased to offer our clients modern and traditional methods of treatment, diagnostics, attentiveness and individual approach. We combine professionalism with responsiveness and care, and high quality with affordable prices.

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