Where to give an intramuscular injection to a person. How to make an intramuscular injection to yourself. How to give injections

When someone close to us or we ourselves fall ill and doctors prescribe a course of injections, involuntarily we have to retrain as a home nurse and urgently learn how to give injections correctly. It is really better to entrust the introduction of intravenous injections to people with a medical education, but everyone can handle intramuscular injections, however, this does not mean at all that this procedure should be treated negligently.

The main thing is to follow all the rules, not to be afraid, to act calmly, carefully and accurately, and everything will go well for you and for your “patient”. For greater self-confidence, you can practice on a pillow, as medical students do.

Video course for beginner nurses

Where is the best place to do injections at home

There are several types of injections: intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous, intradermal. The most common type of injection is intramuscular, they are used when you need to inject small amounts of the drug. Everyone can make an injection into the muscle correctly. Intramuscularly, drugs are administered mainly to those parts of the body in which the muscle tissue has the maximum thickness, and there are no large vessels and nerve trunks nearby.

Most often, intramuscular injections are given in the buttock, arm (deltoid muscle), or anterior thigh. It is safest and easiest for a non-professional to inject into the gluteal muscle - there is less likelihood of negative consequences (muscle mass in the arm may not be enough, and after an injection in the thigh it can “pull” the leg).

How to give intramuscular injections

First, prepare everything you need to perform the injection:

the drug prescribed for administration in ampoules or as a dry powder in a vial;
a three-component syringe with a volume of 2.5 ml to 11 ml, depending on the volume of the drug prescribed for administration;
cotton balls;
alcohol 96%;
solvent (if the injection needs to be prepared from a dry powder).
Before starting the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly. Then we take an ampoule with medicine, carefully examine it, read the name, amount of medicine and its expiration date. Shake the ampoule lightly and tap the tip of the ampoule with your fingernail so that all the medicine goes down. We wipe the tip of the ampoule with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol and, at the point of transition from the narrow to the wide part, file it with a special nail file, which should be in the box along with the ampoules. With a nail file, you need to draw several times with pressure along the base of the tip, and then break it off in the direction away from you. To protect yourself from accidental cuts, the ampoule can be wrapped with a paper towel.

We open the package with syringes and, without removing the cap, put a needle on the syringe. We remove the cap from the needle, lower the syringe with the needle into the ampoule, pull the piston towards ourselves and collect the medicine. After collecting the medicine, we turn the syringe vertically up and tap it with our fingernail so that air bubbles rise up. By gradually pressing the plunger of the syringe, we “push out” the air through the needle until a drop of the drug comes out at the tip of the needle. We close the needle with a cap.

If the prescribed medicine turned out to be not an ampoule, but a dry powder in a vial, you will need a solvent (“water for injection”, novocaine, lidocaine, etc.). To choose the right solvent, carefully read the instructions for the drug or check the name of the suitable solvent with the doctor who prescribed the drug. According to the scheme described above, we collect the solvent from the ampoule into the syringe. We open the metal cap of the bottle, wipe the rubber cap with alcohol and, piercing it with a needle, inject the solvent. We shake the bottle so that the powder is completely dissolved, turn it upside down and draw the finished solution into the syringe. After that, you should change the needle. It is not worth injecting with the same needle that you used to pierce the rubber cap, as the sterility of the needle is violated and, moreover, it becomes blunt, which makes the injection more painful.

We give injections at home

Before giving an injection in the buttock so that the muscles relax, the patient should be laid on the stomach or on the side. The intended injection site must be palpated beforehand to exclude the possibility of the needle getting into seals or knots.

If you will be injecting yourself, it is extremely important to choose the most comfortable position for the injection. It is advisable to practice in front of the mirror in which position it will be most convenient for you to inject - lying on your side (the surface should be hard enough so that the injection process is more controlled) or standing half a turn to the mirror.

Mentally divide the buttock into four squares. The injection should be made in the upper outer square.

We take a cotton swab moistened with alcohol and carefully wipe the injection site. If the injection site is not disinfected, this can lead to the formation of infiltrates - painful seals, and to more serious consequences.

After removing the cap from the needle and releasing air from the syringe, hold the syringe with your right hand, while with your left, stretch the skin at the injection site. If you are giving an injection to a child, the skin, on the contrary, needs to be pulled into a fold.

We take the hand with the syringe away and sharply at a right angle stick it into the muscle by 3/4 of the needle, but do not insert it until the very end. Many beginners, when making an injection for the first time, are afraid to stick the needle sharply and introduce it gradually. By "stretching" the injection, you are causing unnecessary pain to the patient. The sharper and clearer you stick the needle into the muscle, the less painful the injection will be.

With the thumb of the right hand, pressing on the piston, slowly inject the medicine. The slower the drug is administered, the less likely it is to form a lump. With a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, we press the injection site and with a sharp movement remove the needle. We lightly massage the injured muscle with a cotton swab so that the drug is absorbed faster, and the alcohol disinfects the wound well.

Important points of intramuscular injections

Whether an injection for your “patient” will be traumatic and painful depends not only on your skill, but also on the design of the syringe. It is advisable to use not the old two-component syringes, which cause unnecessary pain to the patient by the intermittent movement of the piston, but modern three-component syringes with a rubber seal on the piston.

If an oily solution is used as an intramuscular injection, the ampoule should be slightly warmed in warm water before the procedure. The ingress of an oil solution into the blood can cause an embolism, therefore, after inserting the needle, the syringe plunger must be pulled slightly towards you. If at the same time blood begins to flow into the syringe, then you are in a blood vessel. In this case, without removing the needle, you should change the direction and depth of immersion or replace the needle and try to inject in another place. If blood does not enter the syringe, you can safely inject the solution.

The most important thing is hygiene: for each injection, even to yourself, you should use a new syringe and needle. Never reuse disposable syringes and needles! Before you draw the medicine into the syringe and make an injection, be sure to make sure that the packaging of the syringe and needle are intact. If the seal is broken, the syringe should be discarded.

That's all! As you can see - nothing complicated

You need to be able to help loved ones and yourself, including giving an injection. About the rules for injections into the buttocks for adults, children, yourself, read the article.

An intramuscular injection (in the buttock) is a medical manipulation that has to be resorted to quite often. Of course, the most correct option would be to entrust it to a professional nurse.

But there are times when the injection needs to be done urgently, or there is no way to go to the clinic or call a nurse. It would be nice to master the skill of giving injections in the ass, including a child or yourself.

How to give an injection in the ass: execution technique?

The skill of giving injections intramuscularly in the buttock is useful to help yourself, your child, relatives and even a work colleague. Buying it is easy. You just need to be attentive, careful, discard nervousness so that your hand does not tremble.

You need to know the following:

  1. Injections into the muscle are done so that the medicine is better absorbed by the body, it works faster. Muscle tissue is rich in blood vessels, so the drug quickly enters the bloodstream and is transported to where it should be.
  2. In addition to the buttock, intramuscular injections are made in the thigh or arm. But! A person without a medical education should not undertake their implementation. When making an injection in the “loin”, there is less risk of damaging nerves or bones

Staging an injection in the ass requires the preparation of a certain "equipment". On hand should be:

  • medical alcohol
  • cotton wool sterile
  • disposable syringe of appropriate volume
  • drug ampoule
  • special file for ampoule

IMPORTANT: A great idea is a small cosmetic bag with everything you need for an injection. You can put several files in it (they tend to get lost right before the injection) and a small piece of oilcloth that will spread on the table before the tools necessary for the injection are laid out on it

  • For an injection in the ass, you need to use a special syringe, the length of the needle of which will be 4-6 cm
  • Usually, their volume is from 2.5 to 20 ml. It is believed that imported Spitz is better, since their needles are sharper and thinner, which makes the injection easier and less painful.
  • It is also recommended to ask the pharmacy for three-component syringes that have a rubber seal on the piston. They are easier to handle and safer

The preparatory stage for an intramuscular injection includes opening an ampoule with a medicine and taking the medicine into a syringe. It goes like this:

  1. The person who will inject should wash their hands thoroughly. For even greater sterility, he is recommended to wear rubber medical gloves.
  2. Cotton pads, they are prepared 4 pcs., Wetted in alcohol
  3. The first disk wipes the ampoule for injection
  4. Before sawing off the tip of the ampoule, using a special file, it must be shaken well so that air bubbles rise up.
  5. The ampoule is opened very carefully. The tip is clamped with a second cotton pad. There is no need for sudden movements and excessive application of force so as not to cut yourself and prevent splinters from falling into the injection solution
  6. The syringe slowly fills with medicine. After it should be raised with the needle up, tap on it with your finger, again, to expel the air. Then you can begin to slowly move the plunger of the syringe up so that the medicine rises up the syringe and into the needle. When the air bubble is completely out of the syringe, a drop of the drug for injection will appear on the tip of the needle

During the injection itself, you need to ask the person to whom it is given to lie down. Many people prefer to receive injections while standing, but this is not entirely correct: if the muscle is not completely relaxed, there is a risk of breaking the needle and hurting the person.
Actually setting an injection in the ass is done in this way:

  1. When a person is already lying, his buttock must be divided into quarters, drawing an imaginary cross. The injection is done in the quarter that is above and outside. It is farthest from the sciatic nerve and is considered the safest.
  2. With a cotton pad, the third in a row, the skin area on the pope is wiped, where the needle will enter
  3. The syringe is held in the right hand
  4. The skin at the site of the future injection in an adult is slightly stretched with the left hand
  5. The syringe needle is inserted with a firm hand at an angle of 90 degrees to three-fourths of its length.
  6. The drug for injection is injected into the muscle by slowly pressing the plunger of the syringe. Such manipulation is carried out with one hand or two depends on the design of the syringe and the skills of the person who makes the injection.
  7. The injection site is again treated with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, the needle is sharply removed from the muscle at the same angle at which it was inserted.
  8. The injection site is massaged

IMPORTANT: If we are not talking about a one-time injection, for example, from temperature or to lower pressure, but about a course of injections, you need to do them in the left and right buttocks alternately

VIDEO: How to make injections yourself?

How to make an injection in the buttock to yourself?

Sometimes there is no one around to give an injection. You have to put it on yourself.
The biggest difficulties in doing so are:

  • it is difficult to determine the upper outer quarter of the buttocks
  • it is difficult to insert the syringe needle at the required angle
  • it is difficult to smoothly press on the syringe plunger

  1. The preparatory stage before an intramuscular injection is the same as in the case of administering it to another person: wash your hands, disinfect and open the ampoule, draw the drug into the syringe, expel the air, determine the injection site and disinfect it
  2. The injection itself is done with a comfortable hand (usually the right one), sharply. The syringe is held with the left hand when the right hand, pressing on the plunger, injects the medicine
  3. Further, the injection site on the buttock is disinfected again, the syringe is removed, self-massage is performed

VIDEO: How to inject yourself?

How to make an injection in the buttock of a child?

When giving an injection, a child must follow the same rules as for adults. Another thing is that giving an injection to a baby is morally more difficult. Here's something that might help:

  1. For an injection, a child needs to choose a 4 cm needle
  2. Before inserting the needle into the child's muscle, it must be thoroughly massaged.
  3. No need to draw medicine into a syringe, expel air from it, etc., in front of the child
  4. You can not show the baby your own fear, insecurity
  5. If the baby is afraid of injections, you need to talk to him, but in no case laugh with him and do not condemn his fear
  6. No need to lie to the child that the injection is not painful at all. The child should know that there will be discomfort, but not for long, and this is a necessary measure so that the disease recedes as soon as possible.
  7. For the courageous behavior of the baby, be sure to praise

IMPORTANT: It happens that a child literally beats in hysterics before an injection - twitches, wriggles, tries to escape. In this case, the one who will give the injection will definitely need an assistant. The baby will need to be held so that the injection procedure is not complicated

How to make an oil injection in the buttock?

  • The oil solution for injection has a denser consistency, so it is administered intramuscularly with a larger diameter needle.
  • Before putting the oil medicine into the syringe, the ampoule with it must be heated to body temperature, holding it in your hand for several minutes.
  • The preparatory stage for the introduction of the oil preparation is the same as described above. In the process of expelling air from the syringe, you need to make sure that a drop of oil comes out of the needle. It will play the role of a kind of lubricant that facilitates the entry of the game into the muscle.

IMPORTANT: There is another trick that nurses use to make the syringe needle sharper. If the vial has a foil cap that needs to be pierced in order to collect the medicine, it is typed with one needle, and a new, not blunt one is used for the actual injection

During the injection of the oil preparation, care must be taken that the needle does not enter the blood vessel. You can check this if, immediately after the needle enters the muscle, slightly pull the syringe plunger towards you. If blood is not sucked into it, the vessels are not damaged.

If the oil solution gets into the vessel, it can clog it, causing a drug embolism. The nutrition of the tissues surrounding the injection site deteriorates or stops. They may die. In the worst case, if oil enters a vein, a pulmonary embolism occurs. Such consequences are treated only by doctors.

Incorrect injection in the buttock, consequences

Serious complications after an injection in the ass arise in the event of an incorrectly performed manipulation, during which the following errors were made:

  • when performing the injection, the rules of septic and antiseptic conditions were not observed, therefore, an infection got into the injection site
  • the injection was carried out at the wrong angle, or the syringe needle was not inserted deep enough, due to which the medicine did not get into the muscle, but under the skin or adipose tissue
  • the sciatic nerve was injured
  • an allergic reaction to the administered drug

Bruises are the least dangerous consequence of injections in the ass.

Complications from an unprofessional injection into the muscles on the buttocks can be as follows:

  1. A hematoma forms on the buttock. Bleeding under the skin can occur in two cases. The first - the vessel is pierced by the needle itself during the injection. The second - the syringe plunger is pressed sharply or quickly, the injection drug enters the muscle too quickly and, without having time to dissolve, the pressure damages the blood vessels. Bruises from injections on the pope hurt, but perhaps this is the only negative consequence of them. After a week, hematomas resolve without a trace, even in the absence of any treatment.
  2. The drug does not dissolve, an infiltrate is formed. The bumps on the pope are visible to the naked eye. They create a lot of discomfort. If you do not help the infiltrate to resolve, it can break, and this is already a much more difficult problem.
  3. Due to infection of the injection site, an abscess forms on the buttock. Due to the purulent process, a cavity filled with pathological contents forms in the soft tissues. Outwardly, the abscess looks like a reddened, swollen, hyperemic place on the buttock. He is very painful. An abscess must be shown to a doctor: only a specialist can determine whether there is a chance to cure it with conservative methods (ointments, compresses, etc.), or whether it needs to be opened surgically
  4. There was an allergic reaction. It can be local, in the form of skin redness and itching, or more serious, such as a runny nose or anaphylaxis. In any case, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

IMPORTANT: Improperly performed, non-sterile injections can have long-term negative consequences, such as infection with HIV, viral hepatitis and some sexually transmitted diseases. You need to make injections only with disposable syringes from the whole package. After use, syringes with closed needles are disposed of.

What to do if you were given an injection in the buttock, but hit the nerve?

If the injection site was chosen incorrectly, the needle hit the sciatic nerve close, at the very moment of the procedure, the person feels intense pain:

  • the nerve is damaged by the needle itself
  • the nerve is damaged by the medicine, which, before it has time to dissolve, puts pressure on it

Injury to the sciatic nerve from an injection in the butt is rare, but it does happen. The consequences are treated by a neurologist.

After the injection site becomes numb. There are also more severe cases when, due to nerve damage, it paralyzes the limbs.
With a similar negative consequence of the injection, you need to contact a neurologist. He will assign:

  1. Vitamin preparations (containing B vitamins), such as Compligam B
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Kenalog or Nimesulide
  3. Electrophoresis and dry heat at the injection site
  4. If necessary, means for the speedy resorption of the infiltrate

What to do if you made an injection with air in the buttock?

If, when giving an injection in the ass, a person who is not a professional physician does not release air from the syringe, he naturally begins to worry. Usually, such experiences are groundless.

Even if a few air bubbles get into the muscle, the one who is given the injection will not even feel it: his body will quietly and independently cope with the problem. To put it simply, the air will safely dissipate.
If, after an injection with air, a bump appears on the buttock, it is treated in the same way as with the infiltrate.

Bruises on the pope from injections: how to get rid of?

You can read about how to get rid of hematomas from injections on the priest in the article:

VIDEO: Injection in the buttock and thigh

Intramuscular injections? is the second most popular way of administering drugs after the use of tablets. This is due to the simplicity of the injection technique and the high efficiency of the drug, which enters immediately into the blood. Injections have practically no side effects, do not cause intestinal irritation and do not lead to inhibition of the reproduction of beneficial microflora, which cannot be said about tablets and antibiotics. Consider how to properly inject intramuscularly? and what is required for this.

Intramuscular injections - what is it and why do they?

Injections are divided into two types - intravenous and intramuscular. The first should be trusted exclusively to professionals. The latter can be practiced even by people remote from medical practice. An intramuscular injection is done with the aim of penetrating the needle under the subcutaneous fat layer and injecting a therapeutic drug.

For an injection, it is recommended to choose places with the maximum amount of muscle mass, in which there are no large vessels and nerve endings:

  • buttocks;
  • outer thigh;
  • shoulder area.

In order to put an injection, you need to choose a comfortable position. The best options are lying down or standing in half a turn. If you plan to inject into the gluteal muscle, it is recommended to slap it before the injection. This will relieve muscle tension, so that pain will be reduced to a minimum.

If the injection will be performed in the reed zone, then it is first necessary to collect the fat layer into a fold. This will prevent the needle from entering the periosteum. Intramuscular injection is the main alternative to taking pills. The action of the injection is more effective and faster. This is especially true for those people who experience severe pain and need to be promptly eliminated.

Do the following:

It is important:carefully read the instructions for the medicine, some medicines (for example, oil preparations) must first be heated, and powder analogues must be diluted with novocaine.

How to prepare for the procedure and what is needed for this?

For intramuscular injection you will need:

  1. ampoule with medical solution;
  2. dry matter and solvent ampoules;
  3. cotton wool;
  4. alcohol;
  5. syringe.

To prepare for the procedure, you should choose a place for medical attributes in advance. Next, wash your hands with soap and dry them well with a towel. Review medication ampoules, make sure they have the correct expiration date. Take the ampoule, turn it over so that all the contents are at the bottom of the vial. To do this, you can tap your fingernail on the top of the ampoule.

Soak a cotton swab in the alcohol solution and wipe the top of the vial. Next, you should file the ampoule a little to break off the tip freely. Take a disposable syringe, reuse the instrument, even if you inject only yourself, is strictly prohibited.

Draw the contents of the vial into the syringe and turn it up. Slowly press down on the syringe handle to expel excess air. Stop when drops of medical solution appear on the tip of the instrument.

Choose an injection site, divide the area into four parts, wipe the upper area with cotton wool soaked in alcohol and disinfect several times. After that, you can put an injection.

Tip: choose the volume of the syringe depending on the type of medicine and the location of the procedure. For example, for injection into the thigh, syringes from 2 ml are best suited. To inject the solution into the buttock, you should choose an instrument with a volume of 5 ml. Syringes larger than 10 ml should not be used, as this can lead to the formation of hard-to-resorb tumors and seals.

Keeping safety in mind

We got acquainted with how to properly inject intramuscularly. However, before, during and at the end of the procedure, there are mandatory rules:

  1. syringe, ampoules, cotton wool and gloves (if you used them) must be thrown away. You can not use a disposable syringe twice, even for the same patient. You should not save on cotton wool and moisten an already used swab in alcohol. There are traces of blood on it that can lead to infection of another person;
  2. if you need to give several injections at one time, then you should distribute them in several places. It is not necessary to inject only into the gluteal zone, as this can lead to the formation of bumps and seals;
  3. during the procedure, be sure to make sure that the instruments are sterile;
  4. if there are no special conditions for the injection, then it is recommended to choose 2-cubic types of syringes. They provide a more rapid distribution of the drug in the bloodstream, as well as minimize the risk of seal formation;
  5. if during the injection, blood begins to flow into the syringe, then you have entered a blood vessel. To correct the situation, slightly change the direction of insertion of the needle and reduce the depth of penetration.

It is necessary to make injections on your own only after consulting a doctor who will indicate the drugs you need, their dosage and frequency of use. It is important to remember that in addition to medicinal properties, most drugs have a list of contraindications.

The execution technique for kids is practically the same as the procedure for adults. Choose smaller syringes than for an adult, choose 4 cm needles. Before injecting, you need to massage the baby's muscles well. Preparation for the procedure should be done away from the eyes of the child, do not frighten him in advance.

However, it is not worth convincing the baby that it will not hurt. He should know that during the injection, a feeling of discomfort is possible. However, this is not for long and the pain will quickly pass. Reassure the child that this measure is necessary to fight the disease. At the end of the procedure, be sure to reward him with a sweet encouragement.

The consequences of an incorrect injection

  1. hematoma formation - occurs if a vessel is pierced or if you press the syringe plunger too sharply and inject. There are painful sensations that can last about a week;
  2. an infiltrate is formed - occurs if the medicine does not completely dissolve, voluminous bumps are formed that are visible to the naked eye;
  3. abscess - occurs in case of infection at the injection site, is formed due to purulent processes in soft tissues. It looks like a swollen bump with purulent contents. Abscesses must be shown to a specialist. It can be removed with ointments, in extreme cases, the method of surgical intervention is used;
  4. a needle hitting a nerve - there is a feeling of numbness of the limbs, paralysis may even occur. Anti-inflammatory and vitamin preparations are used for treatment;
  5. allergic reaction - can manifest itself in the form of redness, bouts of runny nose and cough.

The reason for these consequences is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene of the procedure and the introduction of the drug at the wrong angle. Follow the above recommendations, and such troubles will not affect you.

How to make an intramuscular injection to yourself? Today we will learn how to give an intramuscular injection to ourselves - in the buttock or thigh.

Life will simply force us to learn how to give an intramuscular injection to ourselves. Or you have to go to the clinic and stand in line in the treatment room, or pay money to the nurse so that she comes to the house to give injections.

Making an injection yourself is not difficult. You just need to learn how to do them right!

You need to overcome a slight fear and insecurity, carefully read the instructions, practice, for example, on a soft pillow, and get down to business.

What do we need for injections?

  • Disposable syringe;
  • ampoule with medicine;
  • medical alcohol;
  • clean cotton wool or sterile alcoholized gauze wipes from a pharmacy;
  • rubber disposable medical gloves. Basically, if you wash your hands with soap, that will be enough.
  • a clean place on the table and a clean tray where the tools will be.

Instructions for setting up an intramuscular injection

First you need to decide the question - where on the body is best to inject: in the buttock or thigh muscles. Everyone has their own preferences. It is easier for someone to get an injection in the buttock. And someone adapted to put an injection in the thigh muscle.

How to choose the right injection point in the buttock? You need to mentally divide it into 4 equal parts. The needle should be inserted in the middle of the outer upper quadrant. Then the needle is guaranteed not to hit the bone, nerve or large vessel.

To make an injection in the femoral region, also mentally divide the anterior-outer surface of the thigh into the upper, middle and lower parts, starting from the inguinal fold to the knee. Make an injection in the middle third of the thigh.

How to prepare an injection syringe

Take a disposable syringe, remove the plastic wrap and place it on a clean tray for now. Choose a larger syringe volume than the amount of medication. For example, in an ampoule 2 ml of solution. Take a syringe for 3 or 5 ml.

Open the medicine vial. A nail file is included with each package. Carefully make an inscription on the glass, stepping back from the narrow tip of the ampoule by about 1 cm. On modern ampoules, the place of the inscription is now marked with a white or red dot. After filing with a piece of cotton, wrap the end of the ampoule and break it off.

Carefully place the opened ampoule on the table. Now remove the cap from the needle on the syringe. Lower it to the bottom into the ampoule and pull the plunger so that the medicine completely passes into the syringe. After that, hold the syringe vertically with the needle up. You will see that air has accumulated above the medicinal liquid. By pressing the plunger, release all the air and a few drops of medicine. It is absolutely impossible to inject with a syringe in which air remains.

Put the prepared syringe on the table so that the needle does not touch any objects! Better put a cap on it.


Stand in front of a mirror, turn sideways so that you can see your buttocks. Bare the area you want. Transfer the support of the body to the left leg if you intend to put an injection on the right. The right side of the body needs to be relaxed.

With a cotton swab with alcohol, wipe the middle of the upper outer quadrant of the right buttock. Take the syringe in your right hand, bring it to the buttock. Hold the point of the needle vertical to the buttock at a slight distance from the surface of the skin. Successfully you make an injection or you will be hurt and unpleasant depends only on your determination. Calmly and quickly pierce the thickness of the muscle with a needle and insert the needle so that a needle section of about 1 cm remains above the skin. This will protect you - the hand may twitch and the needle break, so there should be a tip above the skin surface for which you pull the needle.

I can reassure you that I have never encountered such a problem in my life, although I have been working as a doctor for many years. I'm sure you'll do your best. Now press the plunger all the way down and slowly inject the medicine. With a quick movement, remove the needle and press a cotton swab with alcohol to the injection site. Hold until the bleeding stops. In order for the medicine to dissolve well and seals do not form, not only press, but also rotate, crush, move your finger from side to side.

Watch this video of a young man trying to inject himself into his buttocks. He does everything right, except for one thing - a little cowardly! Usually, over time, the fear subsides and confidence emerges. But I specifically took a non-pro for the show, so that you can see that the procedure is available to everyone. And who else noticed the little flaws in the actions of the guy? Write in the comments


Indeed, some people prefer to inject themselves in the thigh, and not in the buttock. Please choose what you like best. Sit on a chair, expose your thigh, select the desired area and the approximate point where you will insert the needle. Next, proceed in exactly the same way as when injecting into the buttock.

If you have been prescribed 10 injections and you do them daily, alternate the right and left sides. This is how intramuscular injections should be done. There is nothing difficult in this. Learn and act. Although, it is better not to bring your health to the need for treatment. Prevention is always cheaper and more painless for a person. All in your hands.

Treatment of various diseases is often carried out by administering drugs by injection. Not many people know the rules for injecting. If treatment with injections in the buttock is prescribed at home, you need to know how to properly inject yourself or your loved ones, and possibly even acquaintances.

Before the injection, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and form of the drug. It may need to be diluted if it is dry. It is also possible that it should be administered on the basis of another medication, for a faster action.

Gloves, syringes, needles - everything should be disposable and sterile.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a place for the procedure, a tray and all the tools. It is worthwhile to study in advance the question of the place for the injection and the correct administration of the drug.

After taking the liquid into the syringe, be sure to release excess air from it.

Where to put an injection for women, girls, men

To choose the right place and make an injection, you need to know the following rule: you can draw a large cross on the buttock over its entire area. They prick according to the rules in the upper right or left square of the buttocks.

Preparation for the injection - what is needed

To carry out a quality procedure, it is necessary to prepare a workplace, collect all the necessary tools:

  • Soap.
  • Towel- rag clean or disposable paper.
  • In out-of-hospital conditions, instead of a tray for instruments, you can use a plate - not very flat, so that the ampoules do not roll down and break. In medical institutions, special metal trays are used.
  • Clean sterile gloves. They are rarely used at home, which violates the rules for administering an injection. Gloves warn against infection for both the patient and the performer of the procedure. Rubber gloves can be bought in pairs at any pharmacy.
  • Needles. You can correctly put an injection in the buttock with at least 2 needles. The needle, which is packaged with the syringe, is designed to suck the drug into the syringe. After that, the needle is thrown away and a new one, packed separately, is taken, which is used for injection. The needle changes because after opening and drawing the drug into the syringe, it is sterilized, provoking the risk of infection.
  • antiseptic liquids. For this purpose, special antiseptics or ordinary alcohol are suitable. They are used to process instruments and injection sites.
  • Sterile cotton. Cotton balls soaked in alcohol are treated with a work surface, gloves, tools, and an injection site. A new ball is used for each remedy.
  • Place for garbage. Waste material: needles, syringe, cotton wool, empty ampoules should be thrown away separately from household waste. It is necessary to put everything in a separate bag or box and only then throw it away.

Injection site disinfection

The injection site must be treated as follows. With one cotton ball soaked in disinfectant, treat a wide area of ​​​​the right or left upper square. Throw away the wadding. Then take the second same ball and process the injection site itself.

Injection process

To know how to properly inject into the buttock, you need to familiarize yourself with the following algorithm:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and treat them with alcohol.
  2. Wash the tray with water and wipe with an antiseptic rag.
  3. Prepare cotton balls. For one injection you need 5 pieces. Moisten each with an antiseptic and place on a tray.
  4. Prepare an ampoule with medicine, gloves, a disposable syringe. Don't open anything yet.
  5. Wash your hands again and treat them with an antiseptic.
  6. Put on gloves and sterilize them.
  7. Wipe the ampoule with an antiseptic and open.
  8. Open the sealed syringe, connect with the needle. Draw liquid from the ampoule. Release the air, close the needle, remove and discard.
  9. Put a new needle on the syringe.
  10. Process the buttock. Take a syringe, position the needle perpendicular to the skin.
  11. In one motion, insert the needle into the buttock, not completely, so as not to break it. About 1 cm should remain outside.
  12. Enter the drug.
  13. Apply cotton wool moistened with an antiseptic near the injection site and remove the needle. Press the wound with cotton.
  14. Collect waste material and discard. Also throw away the gloves.
  15. Wash your hands and treat with an antiseptic.

How to give injections in the ass to children - step by step instructions. Video

Unfortunately, not all parents know how to properly inject a child. This is quite difficult, since you cannot explain to the baby that you need to lie still and be patient a little. Children are very sensitive to such procedures, they need a special approach. Before the procedure, the child must be distracted and reassured. The main thing is that he does not twitch at the time of injection, and the needle does not break.

Almost every mother has to give injections to her baby on her own. To do this, you need to know how to inject an injection in the ass of a child in order to prevent any complications.

Workplace preparation includes the following items:

  • Ampoules with the drug prescribed by the attending physician in the recommended dosage.
  • Antiseptic solution or alcohol.
  • Sterile cotton.
  • Syringes.
  • Disposable needles.

Syringes for children are selected individually depending on the age and physiology of the baby. The needle should be small and not thick, but suitable for the injection of the drug. For babies from 1 to 5 years old, a 0.5x25 mm needle is recommended, for children from 6-9 years old - 0.6x30 mm.

Before an injection, it is imperative to check the expiration date and integrity of the ampoule, and if the ampoule is damaged, the drug is considered unsuitable for use.

Procedure algorithm:

  1. Before the injection, massage the baby's buttocks to disperse the blood.
  2. The child needs to be distracted and calmed down. It's good to have someone else who can do this.
  3. Wash your hands and wipe them with an antiseptic.
  4. Prepare a tray with tools. Wipe tools with antiseptic.
  5. Wash your hands and wipe them with an antiseptic again.
  6. Put on gloves and handle them.
  7. Wipe the ampoule with sterile cotton.
  8. Unpack the syringe, put on the needle, take medicine into it, close the needle, remove it and throw it away. Put a new needle on the syringe.
  9. Determine the injection site. To do this, you need to conditionally divide the baby's buttock into 4 parts and prick in the upper right square.
  10. Wipe a wide area with one ball moistened with alcohol, then treat the injection site with another moistened ball.
  11. Hold the syringe perpendicularly, evenly, without tilt. Insert the needle, but not completely, so that 0.5 cm of the needle remains outside.
  12. Don't rush to administer the medicine. Place the moistened cotton wool at the injection site, remove the needle.
  13. Collect waste material and discard. After him, throw away the gloves.
  14. Wash the hands. Treat them with alcohol.

How to inject yourself in the buttock. Video

To know how to properly inject yourself in the buttock, you need to know the algorithm for conducting and have the necessary tools. It is quite difficult to put an injection on yourself.

First of all, not every person will be able to muster up the courage to inject themselves voluntarily. Secondly, it is quite difficult to give yourself an injection without consequences and correctly. However, there are situations when it is urgent to give an injection, and there is no one nearby.

Tools needed for manipulation:

  • Ampoule with medicine;
  • Gloves;
  • Syringe;
  • Disposable needle;
  • Antiseptic or alcohol;
  • Cotton wool is sterile;
  • Tray for tools.

Many neglect gloves, thinking that if you inject yourself, then it is impossible to bring the infection. But this is a delusion, the infection can be brought to oneself by accident, for example, by not treating the hands well enough.

Action algorithm:

  1. Prepare all the necessary tools. Choose a place with good lighting, if necessary - put a mirror opposite.
  2. Wash your hands and wipe with an antiseptic.
  3. Process the tool tray and place everything you need on it.
  4. Wipe the ampoule with the medicine with alcohol and open it.
  5. Unpack the syringe, put on the needle, draw up the medicine, remove and discard the needle. Put on a new one.
  6. Wash your hands and treat them with alcohol.
  7. Put on gloves and repeat the treatment.
  8. Divide the buttock into four squares. An injection is made in the upper right square. The injection site is widely treated with cotton wool.
  9. Position the syringe needle perpendicular to the buttock, evenly, without tilting. A mirror will help you see it. Insert the needle into the muscle.
  10. Inject the medicine, apply a cotton swab with an antiseptic, remove the needle. Apply cotton wool and hold for a while.
  11. Waste material and after him gloves to collect and discard.
  12. Wash and sanitize hands.

Important points - what injections you can not do on your own

There are injections that are best done in medical institutions under the supervision of specialists, as they can incur serious consequences.

How to properly fold the skin to make an injection

During the course of treatment, in order to avoid pain in the buttock, it is recommended to inject into the buttocks in turn. Ideally, it is better to seek help from health workers so as not to mix incompatible drugs in the body.

When conducting some injection courses, you need to take breaks between injections. Thus, the body will be able to avoid overloading the body in the fight against the disease.

If the drug in the ampoule is dry, it must first be dissolved in injection water. To do this, injection water is injected into the ampoule with a syringe, the drug is shaken until completely dissolved, then sucked into the syringe again. The needle must then be replaced with a new one.

You should not give injections with an antibiotic yourself, especially with a wide and strong spectrum of action, since the introduction of such drugs is very painful even for a professional, not to mention self-injection.

Antipsychotic drugs should be administered under the supervision of a healthcare professional to monitor the patient's response.

Drugs with a narcotic effect are administered to patients only in hospitals because of the increased danger. The reaction of the body can be very different. Ampoules after injections surrender.

The buttock hurts after an injection - reasons, what to do, how to treat

If performed incorrectly, some complications may occur. Seals, bruises, bumps, inflammation, abscesses may appear at the injection sites. An injection in the buttock must be placed correctly, as written in the algorithm.

Bumps and seals from injections

Appear due to incomplete divergence of the drug in the tissues. There may also be subcutaneous accumulations of blood and lymph. They are formed after the introduction of a needle that damages the vessels.

You can treat them with the help of kefir compresses, applying cabbage leaves, massage, iodine mesh.

Bruises from injections

They appear when the subcutaneous vessels are damaged, due to which blood enters under the skin, and bruises form.

Dissolve on their own within 2-3 weeks. Applying heat will help speed up the process, and iodine mesh, warming and heparin ointments are also treated.

Inflammation after injections

Occur due to infection at the injection site. It is characterized by soreness, redness, induration at the injection site. They treat it with iodine mesh, applying a cabbage leaf.

Abscess after injections

An abscess is a large inflammatory focus. It can only be treated surgically.

In order to successfully treat diseases on their own and avoid possible complications, everyone should know how to properly inject into the buttock. Do not neglect the use of gloves and antiseptic liquids, as well as the sterility of the material used.

Video clips: how to give injections

How to do injections in the buttock. Master Class:

How to properly inject yourself and others:

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