Should I panic if the doctor has diagnosed chronic endometriosis? All about chronic endometriosis and its treatment. Possible consequences of the disease

The appearance of tissue from the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) outside the uterus, in places such as the ovaries or the surface of the fallopian tubes, on the outer back wall of the uterus, or in the pelvic cavity between the uterus and the rectum is a symptom of chronic endometriosis.

The endometrium is a thin, pinkish, velvety mucous membrane that lines the uterus. It consists of several layers: surface epithelium; glands that secrete an alkaline fluid that maintains moisture in the uterine cavity; blood vessels; tissue spaces.

The thickness of the endometrium changes during each menstrual cycle from 0.5 to 3-5 millimeters, gradually accumulating in preparation for pregnancy, and then, in the absence of fertilization, is largely washed away with blood in the menstrual flow.

Approximately three quarters of cases of chronic endometriosis appear in the age range of 25 to 45 years, especially in the fourth decade.

The main signs of the chronic form of the disease are menstrual disorders, most often extremely painful menstruation, which can progress into constant pain.

Some women also experience pain, sometimes severe, during vaginal intercourse. However, there is no true correlation between pain intensity and disease prevalence. In addition, about a third of patients have no symptoms other than infertility. In the early stages, this disorder is often more painful than in the later stages, possibly because increased prostaglandin production causes spasms.

Causes of endometriosis

Why endometrial tissue comes out of the uterus is unknown. According to one theory, part of this tissue during menstruation, instead of being washed out through the vagina, enters the fallopian tubes, implants in the abdominal region and begins to grow.

According to another version, the immune system hormone, interleukin-1, is secreted by white blood cells, reacting to cells from the uterus that enter the abdominal region, causing the immune system to overreact to them. Or because the immune system overreacts even to a normal number of such cells.

Recent studies indicate that chronic endometriosis may well be a disorder of the immune system itself, although other researchers suspect that environmental toxins, especially organic chlorine compounds, are playing a role.

Development of the disease

The course of the disease is known better than its causes. During menstruation, when the uterine lining that has accumulated for pregnancy is removed, the endometrial tissue outside the uterus reacts to the hormones in exactly the same way - by breaking down and bleeding. Blood stagnates and over time, a blood-filled cyst can form - endometrial or chocolate. So named because it's filled with old, dark, chocolate-colored blood.

At first, pain in the pelvic region is felt only during menstruation in the form of strong spasms. Over time, chronic inflammation of the tissue leads to the formation of adhesions and scars that surround the sensitive reproductive organs. As endometrial tissue builds up and presses on them, pain can precede a period up to two weeks before it starts.

In turn, the adhesions can be large enough to block the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. The eggs cannot break through the thick layer of scar tissue, resulting in infertility. As the disease progresses, old endometrial cells die off, leaving behind scar tissue.

Diagnosis of chronic endometriosis

Chronic endometriosis - symptoms are similar to those of pelvic inflammatory disease. The most common diagnostic methods are:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs with a vaginal probe. Examining the patient with the help of ultrasound, the specialist always finds out the anamnesis, finds out the presence of complaints, since endometriosis is similar to other diseases. It is important to perform an ultrasound examination on a high-quality apparatus with high resolution, which allows you to see even small foci of endometriosis. Ultrasound as a method is auxiliary, which, together with a clinical examination by a gynecologist, helps a specialist - diagnostician to make an accurate diagnosis of endometriosis in order to adopt the correct tactics for treating the disease;
  • magnetic resonance imaging is not indicated for every patient. But if a woman is planning, then it is very important to determine the degree of the disease more accurately and as early as possible;

  • hysterosalpingography helps to identify the patency of the fallopian tubes and the degree of damage to internal organs by endometrial tissue;
  • laparoscopy is considered the gold standard for diagnosing endometriosis, in which the external forms of the disease are determined. Laparoscopy is a method of examination without an incision in the abdominal cavity by puncture laparoscopic tubes are inserted and endometriosis lesions are removed. Thus, this type of research often moves from diagnosis to treatment.

The volume of various types of research is determined by the gynecologist when referring to the patient, focusing on his complaints.

Treatment of chronic endometriosis

Treatment of endometriosis is always complex. Over the past five years, the tactics of doctors and the view on the strategy of treatment has changed. Previously, doctors believed that, having laparoscopy in their arsenal, they could use it every two years and everything would be in order.

But modern medicine has become convinced that repeated laparoscopic treatment leads to a gradual thinning of healthy tissue (truncation or cauterization of the tissue occurs), thereby losing the ovarian reserve, i.e. supply of tissue for subsequent pregnancy. Today, the most important task of treatment is to prove the disease, to conduct long-term drug therapy in order to exclude surgical intervention.

Treatment varies, but is usually aimed at reducing pain and interrupting the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the disease can be controlled using oral contraceptives (combining estrogen and). Treatment usually lasts three to nine months, depending on the severity of the disease. After treatment, relapses of the disease are possible.

Pregnancy can lead to a temporary cessation of symptoms of chronic endometriosis. However, half of women with such a disease cannot conceive, even with normal periods, regular ovulation and unblocked fallopian tubes. This disease, even in its mildest form, prevents fertilization or implantation.

Some experts are of the opinion that against the displaced endometrial tissue, the body produces antibodies that also attack the uterine tissue itself, thereby causing an increased risk of miscarriage three times more than in a normal situation. Chronic endometriosis also causes an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy - 16% versus 1% under normal conditions.

For women who would like to have children, surgery may be recommended. Conservative surgery using laparoscopy consists of removing sections of endometrial tissue by cauterization (burning), curettage (scraping), or laser surgery. It restores fertility in about one third or half of patients.

During the operation, the surgeon may also perform uterine suspension, which involves shortening or repositioning the uterine ligaments to hold the uterus up and out of the pouch of Douglas, which prevents adhesions from forming. Sometimes the surgeon also cuts large nerve plexuses that transmit pain sensations to the brain, which provides pain relief. Most, if not all, of these operations can be performed by laparoscopy, which replaces the major abdominal surgery previously required for these purposes.

If the adhesions are thick enough and the tubes are damaged, but the woman still wants to get pregnant, a major surgical operation, a laparotomy, can be performed. If there are chocolate cysts in the ovaries, then the treatment occurs by opening with a laser. The purpose of this method is to cleanse and restore normal ovarian function.

Many women after taking after completing the treatment of chronic endometriosis note weight gain, the appearance of acne. This occurs as a result of a violation of the hormonal background of patients. In search of alternative methods of treating the disease, they direct their attention to herbal medicine or homeopathic remedies. But you should not rely solely on these methods and expect a miracle. It is wiser to approach this issue more comprehensively, paying attention to the state of immunity, on which the dynamics of the development of the disease depends.

However, phytotherapists note a positive effect from the collection of herbs from chamomile, corn stigmas and marsh chistitsa grass, taken in equal parts and filled with boiling water. Take 150 grams 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Menopause in chronic endometriosis

Hormonal imbalance is the main reason for irregular periods during menopause. Irregularity itself can be normal, but some symptoms may signal the possibility of a serious illness. Exceptionally heavy bleeding (more rapid and profuse flow than with any heavy menstruation, often with clots), bleeding at intervals of less than 21 days, prolonged bleeding outside of menstruation (for three to four weeks) - all this requires an urgent gynecological examination.

Sometimes the cause of heavy and prolonged bleeding is a thickening of the endometrium - endometrial hyperplasia.

After menopause, endometriosis almost always disappears. However, women diagnosed with chronic endometriosis who can and want children are strongly advised to do so as soon as possible, as the disease continues to progress (gradually worsen) until the menopause itself and recur even after conservative surgery.

An effective solution to your problems determines the timely appeal to a gynecologist - which every woman should remember. Be healthy!


  1. Clinical guide to contraception. /Translated from English/ Edited by Professor V.N. Prilepskaya - 2009, M.: BINOM Publishing House.
  2. Arterial hypertension in pregnant women. Is it just gestosis? Guide for doctors. Makarov O.V. 2006 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  3. Emergency care for extragenital pathology in pregnant women. 2008, 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, Moscow, Triada-X.
  4. Gestosis: theory and practice. Ailamazyan E.K., Mozgovaya E.V. 2008 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.
  5. Arterial hypertension in pregnant women Preeclampsia (preeclampsia). Makarov O.V., Volkova E.V. RASPM; Moscow; TsKMS GOU VPO RGMU.-31 p.- 2010.

Chronic endometriosis is a disease of the uterine mucosa, in which the tissue of the inner mucous layer of the organ extends to the genital or abdominal organs. The disease almost always causes infertility. Early diagnosis and effective treatment help preserve a woman's ability to have children.

It's important to know! A universal remedy has been found with which you can treat any gynecological disease - cervical erosion, fibroids, ovarian tumor or cyst, vaginal dysbacteriosis, persistent menstrual irregularities. (recommended by our followers!)

What it is

Chronic endometriosis is a common disease of the female genital organs. It is characterized by the fact that endometriosis cells are found outside the uterus. Since the endometrial tissue has receptors that are sensitive to hormones, the same changes occur in it as in a healthy one. These changes are manifested in regular bleeding.

Due to bleeding, inflammatory foci occur. They are responsible for the appearance of pain, enlargement of the uterus and infertility. The occurrence of inflammation around the foci of pathology leads to the development of adhesions. They disrupt the functioning of internal organs and cause pain.

The reasons

Chronic uterine endometriosis of the uterus occurs for such reasons.

  1. Retrograde menstruation (when blood enters the abdominal cavity through the fallopian tubes).
  2. Transformation of abdominal cells into endometrioid cells.
  3. The degeneration of embryocytes into endometrial cells under the influence of estrogen.
  4. Surgical interventions - caesarean section or hysterectomy.
  5. Transfer of endometrial cells through the blood or lymph to other organs.
  6. Disorders of the immune system.

Risk factors for the disease are:

  • lack of labor activity;
  • early onset of menstruation;
  • the onset of menopause in the elderly;
  • increased production of estrogen;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • uterine diseases.

Types of endometriosis

There are internal and external endometriosis. With internal endometriosis, only the cells of the uterus are affected. But with the external, the mucous membranes of the vagina, fallopian tubes, and sex glands are affected. Endometrial cells are also found in the intestines, urinary, lymph nodes.

Note! With external endometriosis, the altered tissue causes nodules, adhesions, and tumors.

There are also:

  • focal form with damage to certain parts of the uterus;
  • disseminated endometriosis with damage to the entire wall of the organ;
  • nodular endometriosis with the formation of nodes in the layer of smooth muscles, inside of which there is blood.

Complications of the disease

The main complication of the disease is infertility. Almost half of the patients experience certain difficulties with the onset of pregnancy. This is because endometriosis can prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Sometimes the disease can damage the gonads.

Read also: Reviews on how to treat uterine endometriosis - personal experience

Another, more dangerous complication is ovarian cancer. According to medical research, the disease can cause endometriosis-associated adenocarcinoma.

Other complications of the disease include:

  • anemia due to prolonged blood loss;
  • peritonitis;
  • nerve tissue damage.

Degrees of the disease

There are such degrees of pathology.

  1. I degree is characterized by the development of one or more pathological foci.
  2. At the II degree, a deep focus is determined.
  3. At the III degree, many deeply located foci, small cysts on the gonads are found. Adhesions of the peritoneum are found.
  4. IV degree is characterized by numerous deep foci, the presence of large ovarian cysts, organ fusions.

Stage 1

At this stage of the pathology, only single manifestations appear. They rarely hurt. With the help of ultrasound or a colposcope, it is almost impossible to diagnose the disease. To detect it, you need to do a Pap test and histological analysis.

Stage 2

At this stage, there are clear clinical signs of endometrial damage. The disease spreads deep into the tissues. With lightning-fast development, this stage can pass very quickly.

Stage 3

Endometriosis affects not only the uterine membrane, but also spreads to the ovaries, forms adhesions in the fallopian tubes. At this stage, the peritoneum begins to be affected. The secretions that spread through her cavity can cause fatal blood poisoning. To prevent this from happening, adhesions are formed that isolate the peritoneum from this fluid.

Stage 4

There is a total defeat of the reproductive system, small pelvis. The excretory system also suffers significantly. Pathological processes lead to a breakdown in the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Treatment of chronic endometriosis of the uterus

The main methods of treating chronic endometriosis include medication, surgery, and physiotherapy. Therapy should be comprehensive and include non-traditional methods.

Surgical methods

The most effective treatment for chronic endometriosis is with surgery. Until recently, doctors used a radical removal of the uterus and diseased organs. Today, with the help of laparoscopic intervention, it is possible to remove endometriosis lesions with a laser or coagulation.

The genital organs located in the abdominal cavity during laparoscopy are completely preserved. This operation allows a woman to become pregnant in the future.

Important! Hysterectomy is indicated only in severe cases of chronic inflammation. After a radical operation, a woman will no longer be able to have children.

hormone therapy

Hormonal medications do not allow the further development of endometrioid lesions. In composition, they are closest to hormonal contraceptive medications. Sometimes steroids are used. The most commonly used medications for endometriosis are:

  1. Medroxyprogesterone acetate inhibits the activity of the pituitary and hypothalamus. This treatment can sometimes lead to weight gain or depression.
  2. Danazol has an antigonadotropic effect.
  3. Gestrinone is used in courses up to 6 months.
  4. Triptorelin is a GTRH antagonist. After injection, it slowly penetrates into the bloodstream, which ensures a prolonged action.

Read also: Homeopathy for endometriosis - drugs, treatment features

Important! Treatment with hormonal drugs has a significant number of undesirable effects. Therefore, in the treatment of endometriosis, various effective methods are used in combination.


Therapy for the symptoms of chronic endometriosis includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most commonly used are Ibuprofen or Naproxen. Antispasmodics are used to relieve spasms.

Physiotherapy methods

In this chronic disease, such procedures are used.

  1. Treatment with low-frequency currents using electrophoresis. The method is not used in the presence of renal and bile calculi.
  2. Magnetotherapy.
  3. Taking radon, bromine and iodine baths.
  4. Ultraviolet and laser therapy.
  5. Treatment with bischofite and coniferous baths.

Folk ways

They complement getting rid of chronic endometriosis. These are often used.

Herbal preparations

They fight the bacterial process and inflammation, restore the normal structure of the mucosa. For decoction, the following herbs are used (in equal proportions):

  • buckthorn bark;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • birch leaves;
  • heather;
  • mint (leaves);
  • yarrow;
  • valerian root.

To obtain a decoction for 200 ml of boiling water, take a tablespoon of dried plants, boil for 10 minutes, keep under the lid for 20 minutes. It is drunk 2 times a day, 200 ml.


With chronic pathology of the endometrium, healing wine is prepared. To obtain it, 50 g of shepherd's purse, yasnitka and Chernobyl are poured into 1 liter of white wine. The wine must be infused in the refrigerator for 10 days. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day. Continue taking until the inflammation subsides.

Ivy leaf infusion

To prepare it, take 1 tbsp for 200 ml of boiling water. raw materials. The leaves are poured with boiling water, insisted for half a day, then brought to a boil and cooled. Use 100 ml 3 times a day.

Medical tampons

For the treatment of endometriosis, tampons with sea buckthorn oil are administered. They speed up the healing process of the mucosa. This tool is absolutely safe.

To combat chronic inflammation of the endometrium, garlic swabs should be used. They need to be put at night for 10 days. Tampons relieve inflammation and pain.

Chronic endometriosis is a poorly understood and highly insidious disease of the female genital area. This is one of the most common ailments, from which every 7th woman in the world suffers. Mostly women aged 30-40 suffer from endometriosis, however, young girls are not immune from this scourge. The insidiousness of endometriosis is that it is often combined with infertility, and therefore every woman should know how to identify the disease in time, and whether it is possible to get rid of it.

What is endometriosis

It must be understood that endometriosis is a benign process in which endometrial cells grow beyond the limits of the reproductive organ (uterus). Often, such tissues reach the fallopian tubes, ovary, bladder, and even the rectum. Moreover, being endometrial tissues, these growths experience all the changes that occur in the walls of the uterus during menstruation. That is why the exacerbation of endometriosis occurs during menstruation.

Causes of the disease

Doctors have not yet been able to establish the exact causes of this disease. It is associated with a violation of hormonal processes in the body, with a caesarean section and frequent abortions. As for the chronic form of the disease, it is the result of undertreated endometriosis, which means because of the negligent attitude to the treatment of doctors and the patient herself.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Typical manifestations of endometriosis include painful menstruation, pelvic pain, and spotting from the vagina before and after menstruation. In some cases, pain may occur during intercourse or defecation. In the event that endometrial tissues grow into neighboring organs, that is, into the bladder or rectum, constipation, hematuria, or frequent urination may occur.

However, the chronic form of endometriosis is much easier to tolerate. A woman with such an ailment occasionally has premenstrual bleeding and rare pains. Most often, such endometriosis is detected at a doctor's appointment after undergoing an ultrasound diagnosis.

Complications of endometriosis

The fair sex may not even be aware of a chronic disease, while endometriosis slowly but surely worsens the patient's condition. Frequent bleeding can lead to anemia, fatigue and constant weakness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, pale skin and headaches. Moreover, while a woman is unaware of the processes occurring in the body, endometriosis contributes to the development of functional infertility, forming adhesions, epithelial plugs and cysts. But the most dangerous complication of this disease is the degeneration of endometrial tissues into a malignant tumor.

Treatment of endometriosis

We must say right away that the treatment of the chronic form of this disease is a complicated matter, and a complete cure is extremely rare. Endometriosis can be treated with both medications and surgery. It all depends on the severity of the disease, the severity of the symptoms, the age of the woman, as well as her plans for pregnancy.

Drug therapy is used to combat concomitant diseases, and therefore most often doctors prescribe antibiotics, vitamins, sedatives and desensitizing drugs. Do not forget about physiotherapy, which plays an important role in the fight against this disease. Doctors recommend sanatorium treatment, including various baths, herbal medicine, douching and irrigation of the uterus. This treatment can work wonders.

Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives (COCs) is recommended for those women who are going to give birth in the future. These drugs reduce the activity of endometrial cells, which means that later a woman will have a chance to become pregnant. However, if treatment with these drugs does not help endometriosis and prevents pregnancy, doctors may perform surgery to remove adhesions and cysts.

By the way, pregnancy perfectly treats endometriosis, since during the bearing of a child, the necessary hormonal background is maintained in the body, as in the treatment of pills, which means that you believe in the best and take care of yourself!

Chronic endometriosis is a dangerous disease in which endometrial cells grow outside the uterine cavity. They migrate to the bladder, rectum, fallopian tubes, egg and other internal organs. The disease is an inflammatory process of the endometrium - the layer lining the inner cavity of the uterus. It is caused by a violation of the sterility of the organ cavity during the development of pathogenic microflora in it, taking certain types of medicines.

Often, the pathology is complicated by adhesions (formations from the connective tissue), and can also develop simultaneously with uterine myoma.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The exact cause of endometriosis has not been established. Several reasons for the growth of endometrial cells outside their proper location are considered. The sterility of the uterine mucosa is violated when:

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing endometriosis include structural features of the fallopian tubes, gene mutations, abnormalities in the functions of cellular enzymes, and hormone receptor responses.

Characteristic features

Signs of endometriosis may not appear for a long time. A woman learns about the pathology only during a planned gynecological examination. They depend on the type of pathogenic bacteria and the cause of the inflammatory process.

If you suspect chronic endometriosis, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

Exacerbation of endometriosis always occurs before the onset of menstruation, as well as during it.

With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Specialists distinguish the following forms of pathology:

  1. diffuse. It is characterized by a uniform proliferation of cells in the myometrium.
  2. nodal. The foci grow in the form of nodes.
  3. Focal. Separate areas are affected.

Diagnostic methods

Survey methods are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • main;
  • auxiliary.

The main diagnostic methods include the collection and analysis of anamnesis. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, pays attention to the symptoms of the pathology. Finds out whether there were abortions, medical-diagnostic curettage, operations.

The doctor conducts a manual gynecological examination, prescribes laboratory and instrumental research methods:

Treatment of chronic endometriosis

The goal of treatment is not only the elimination of active manifestations of the pathology, but also its consequences:

Depending on the severity of the disease and its nature, conservative, surgical and combined methods are used.

The disease cannot be cured quickly. Medical treatment is always long-term. It reduces the activity of the ovaries, stops the cyclic processes in the cells of the endometrium. The following groups of drugs are included in the treatment regimen:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hormonal;
  • sedatives;
  • desensitizing;
  • symptomatic drugs (painkillers).

You can get a positive result with the use of drugs only at an early stage of the development of endometriosis and in the absence of symptoms of endometrial growth.

Surgical treatment of endometriosis is indicated for:

  • infertility;
  • prolonged pain syndrome;
  • bulk endometrioid foci;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • the appearance of foci of endometriosis in the abdominal cavity.

Surgery is part of complex therapy.

A common method of surgical treatment is laparoscopy. It is a minimally invasive and less traumatic technique. It is performed both under general and local anesthesia.

Removal of the uterus and appendages is performed when the appendages and pelvic organs are affected. This happens more often during menopause.


Chronic endometriosis in the absence of timely treatment can lead to serious consequences:

  • the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • loss of working capacity due to pain syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • neurological disorders;
  • the formation of other pathologies;
  • the formation of pathological processes (cysts).

Don't ignore endometriosis. The disease will not go away on its own. When the first symptoms appear, indicating a pathology, it is urgent to visit a gynecologist.

When the uterus, ovaries, appendages are removed, the hormonal balance will be disturbed. This will lead to accelerated aging of the woman's body and weakened health.


  • sexual abstinence during menstruation;
  • weight loss;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • the choice of optimal methods of contraception and the rejection of intrauterine devices;
  • exclusion of abortion;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • enhanced health monitoring after surgery on the pelvic organs.

If endometriosis is at the initial stage of development and does not interfere with conception, then pregnancy can permanently get rid of the disease. Often after childbirth there is a complete recovery of the woman.

Many anomalies of the reproductive system often do not have symptoms in the mild stages, and are difficult to diagnose on examination by a gynecologist. Among these diseases, doctors distinguish chronic endometriosis. We will try to talk about what this pathology is, what are its causes and symptoms, how dangerous endometriosis is for conception.

Endometriosis is a pathology of the development of the endometrium, in which cells of the uterine tissue grow in nearby cavities, preventing the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Researchers have not figured out the cause, but according to numerous theories, the appearance of endometriosis is associated with an increase in hormones and monthly discharge. There are several types of pathology:

  1. Endometriosis genital - the uterine tissue grows into the myometrium, the size of the organ increases. This type includes pathology of the ovaries and pelvic peritoneum. In the genital form, uterine myoma is often diagnosed, since these types of pathology have a similar development mechanism.
  2. External endometriosis, or as it is also called extragenital, is an overgrowth of uterine tissue in the pelvic area, usually in the navel and intestines.

According to the type of growth are divided:

  1. Diffuse endometriosis is characterized by the absence of growth centers, the cells spread evenly.
  2. Nodular endometriosis, on the contrary, is characterized by the presence of many nodes consisting of epithelial cells.

Treatment of endometriosis

In order to be able to become pregnant, the doctor must conduct an examination of the condition of the tissues, collect blood for hormones and prescribe subsequent treatment. If you notice the signs of the disease in time, you can avoid surgical intervention. After treatment, a recurrence of the disease often occurs.

It should be remembered that the first sign of the return of the disease is the presence of local pain during menstruation, the appearance of bleeding, the impossibility of conception. If you observe these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy, as a rule, is based on hormonal drugs, since tissue growth is directly dependent on hormones. This pathology usually occurs with a short-term or long-term increase in hormone levels. Commonly prescribed medications include:

  1. Utrozhestan. The drug contains a plant analogue of progesterone, in combination with excipients, it is able to restore the elasticity of the uterine tissue, improve the condition of nerve fibers and their regeneration, and helps to improve the metabolic processes of cells. With endometriosis, the drug promotes attachment and further development of the fetal egg, prevents tissue growth.
  2. Longidaza. The drug is prescribed for adults as part of complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of diseases accompanied by connective tissue hyperplasia, adhesions in the pelvis, with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, incl. tubal-peritoneal infertility, intrauterine synechia, chronic endometriosis.
  3. Terzhinan. It is used to eliminate the inflammatory process in the uterus. The medicine has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antifungal effect; ensures the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and the constancy of pH.

The treatment of inflamed tissue is carried out in a complex manner, and in addition to hormone therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, enzyme and sedative drugs, as well as various vitamins (group B, ascorbic acid) are used. Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.


In more advanced cases, it is often necessary to resort to surgical methods. Surgery is aimed at removing endometrial cells from other organs. To eliminate the foci of the disease, the following methods are used:

  1. Laparoscopy. The method of operative diagnostics and subsequent correction of the studied cavity is often carried out after drug treatment. This is the most effective and least traumatic way to remove the affected parts of the organs. After laparoscopy, prophylactic drugs are also prescribed.
  2. Laparotomy. A similar type of removal of endometriosis, but instead of 4 punctures of the abdominal wall, a complete incision of the abdominal wall occurs.
  3. The operation for endometriosis is performed intravaginally, in the case of the genital form of the disease, in the absence of foci in the ovaries.

The operation to remove endometriosis should be carried out after a complete diagnosis by an experienced doctor.

Complementary Therapies

Sometimes, in preparation for the operation, the doctor prescribes not only drugs but also physiotherapy. As part of the treatment, the doctor may prescribe ultraviolet and laser radiation, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, baths with iodine, bromine and radon. To quickly restore the endometrium, the doctor may advise you to play sports, yoga, and avoid thermal baths.

Living with endometriosis

Existence with an existing pathology, if it does not progress, is not dangerous for the body if the woman does not plan a child. For example, endometriosis and sex are quite compatible if the disease is extragenital in nature, in other cases, if there are lesions in the cervix, discomfort may appear after intercourse.

Sports and endometriosis can also coexist, if you do not put strong pressure on the pelvic organs, the press. Exercise in endometriosis plays a role in alleviating the symptoms of the disease, improves metabolic processes in cells. Yoga for endometriosis will help improve the general condition of the body, reduce pressure on the endometrium, but you should not choose positions that increase blood circulation in the pelvis.

Visiting the bathhouse and other thermal procedures for endometriosis is unfortunately prohibited. This is due to the fact that heat affects the acceleration of endometrial cell division. Hypothermia of the pelvic organs is also unacceptable.

If necessary, you can go for a massage, but during the procedure it is forbidden to exert a strong mechanical effect on the pelvic organs.


Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial cells grow in other organs, it is present in 1-5% of women with endometrial pathologies. The degrees, forms of growth, types of disease and symptoms of manifestation are quite diverse. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes medication, physiotherapy or surgical treatment. One of the main drugs for the treatment of endometriosis is Utrozhestan, but self-medication in case of elevated hormone levels can worsen the situation.

Living with endometriosis is possible, however, for conception, even at the initial stage of growth, it is recommended to be treated by an experienced doctor. Be healthy!

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