Complete compatibility. Compatibility by date of birth

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the zodiac is divided into several types of compatibility in friendship, love, sex, marriage and much more. In general, such a description of compatibility allows you to answer the main question that worries many people: are these or those signs of the zodiac suitable for each other or not? Are, for example, a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman compatible? With the help of such a compatibility horoscope, you can find out whether two people can live in a happy marriage or not? Will they have common goals, ideas, and will their union be successful as a whole?

Our horoscope signs compatibility table allows you to analyze the negative and positive aspects of unions between each of the zodiac signs. As a science, astrology has a long history, and professional astrologers know that a horoscope, compiled in a competent way, indicates the compatibility of people by more than 90%. It is for this reason that when choosing a partner for a long-term relationship, such a horoscope of compatibility is increasingly being used. However, it is often also used to improve the quality of relationships.

relationship compatibility

Many people, having just met, do not know how their relationship will develop in the future, whether they will be long and happy, or they are obviously doomed to failure. On our site you can check the compatibility of zodiac signs in love, sex and marriage, after making such calculations, you can understand whether this or that partner is suitable for you or not. What is the reason for its popularity? It is generally accepted that a correctly compiled horoscope of compatibility will be able to predict the possible processes that in most cases will take place in the life of a couple. Today, the description of the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac has become more accessible than ever, and there is nothing strange in this, since the compatibility really “works”.

friendship compatibility

Another view is the compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship. Such a horoscope allows you to calculate the likelihood of friendly relations with a particular person. With the help of such a compatibility horoscope, you can determine how strong the friendship with the chosen person or business partner will be. The calculations carried out by means of such a compatibility horoscope are quite correct, the probability of their coincidence is 90%.

However, the same question still arises - is it possible to believe the compatibility horoscope unconditionally, not paying attention to certain personal qualities of a person? After all, most likely many have such examples when people live in perfect harmony, while such horoscopes show their incompatibility. In this case, it is necessary to understand that the horoscope is not a panacea for problems and not a sentence about the impossibility of building with this or that person, but only advice. There is an exception to each of the rules, and if such a compatibility horoscope does not promise you a long-term, interesting and vibrant relationship, then this does not mean that people cannot be together. In this case, we recommend listening to your heart, because it is it that is the most accurate horoscope of compatibility.

However, if you are interested in knowing whether it is possible to build a relationship with this or that person, then choose the signs of the zodiac and read what the stars predict for you. It is extremely important to find your happiness, while the compatibility horoscope can help you make sure that the choice you make is the right one. Our compatibility horoscope is a special kind of prediction of the future, with which you can make sure that partners in love or friendship are compatible.

The result will be presented along with brief characteristics for each. Compare them, in order of criteria. The auspiciousness or tension of relations will be determined by the nature of the sign of the Zodiac and the planets of the same name.

Date of birth must be supplemented by a geographical location and daily time. If it is known, and you want to know in more detail the compatibility by date in the field of romantic relationships, use the "He and She" service.

The usual analysis of horoscopes for compatibility by date of birth

Knowledge is knowledge of the first causes, without this our understanding of something cannot even be called knowledge, it is rather delusion and ignorance.

The horoscope contains a lot of useful information that can be used practically. For example, to understand the nature of conflicts in the family, surrounded by friends or colleagues. It has the potential to interact with others who also have it. Under their influence, it will change, causing feelings of sympathy or antipathy.

Many people believe that in astrology, compatibility is determined by the zodiac signs of the Sun. Such an opinion is promoted by many media and popular books. This is naive and wrong. Comparison of partners in solar signs is only part of the reliability. How should it really be?

Consider a specific example of a couple: She is born on 03/24/1985 at 00 o'clock. 55 minutes, He is born on 01/28/1980 at 17:00. 30 min., both were born in Moscow. Their compatibility is analyzed on the basis of the combination of two horoscopes. In simple astrology, a day and a month are enough, a year is not needed at all. Almost everyone is aware of their date of birth. We get the couple's horoscope, shown in the figure. one.

There is a sequence of signs from Aries to Pisces. The sun of each of the partners is depicted in the corresponding date (but not time of day) degrees of the sign. Her Sun is inside the circle, His Sun is outside. The sun symbolizes self-affirmation. The manner or character of this affirmation is determined by the sign of the zodiac in which the Sun is located. In this case, we can say that the Sun (the principle of self-affirmation, the fullness of being) in Aries and the Sun in Aquarius do not contradict, they complement each other. Using the indirect method of symbolic houses and adding a little worldly experience, you can write compatibility texts for all signs for all occasions. They are not contradictory, easy to read, excite the imagination, hold attention, preparing the reader for the perception of the main material of the publication (advertising), in fact, for this they are made.

What more reveals compatibility? All the remaining planets of the solar system, their relative position at the moment of birth (daily time), as seen from the Earth. Given the daily time of birth of each, the horoscope of our couple will look like in the figure.

Here is the usual set of planets of classical astrology - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Lunar nodes. The list can be expanded to include asteroids, fictitious planets, various points. The planets reveal the fullness of the existence of the Sun, so the information content is much higher and more reasonable than the assumptions of simple astrology.
The place factor brings in the last necessary element of the horoscope - houses. If the signs of the zodiac and the calculation of the positions of the planets according to them refer to the ecliptic (the orbit of the Earth around the Sun), that is, to the heavens, space, then the houses are analogues of the same signs related to a specific point on the Earth, since from different geographical locations the positions of the sections of the sky are seen from differently. It is houses that fill the cosmic view of the sky with earthly content. The couple's horoscope takes on its final form.

Compatibility by date, time and place of birth

This geometric picture is actually compatibility horoscope. Here are signs, planets, aspects - angular distances (colored lines in the inner circle) between the planets, indicating their positive or tense relationship, houses - sectors indicated by numbers from 1 to 12. An astrologer analyzes this picture, compiling an explanation, interpretation or interpretation horoscope, translation from the symbolic-geometric language into ordinary.
Agree that this is completely individual and has very little in common with the horoscope of simple astrology.
It is interesting to note that the compatibility of partners by date of birth cannot be limited to comparing a couple. The people around them, with whom they are constantly in contact, also make an involuntary contribution to their relationship. Everyone is familiar with situations where a young couple lives with their parents, a child communicates with classmates and friends, a person works in a group of employees or a team, and so on. The influence of the environment can be significant. Combining more than two cards in one drawing becomes very difficult to read, so we never see a simultaneous comparison of the characteristics of more than two partners. "Astropartner" offers a way to circumvent this limitation and expand the look at the compatibility issue by date of birth in the section "

Sometimes, even a man and a woman who love each other passionately cannot get along together. In the end, these people understand that they are simply polar opposites - they like and dislike completely different things, one likes noisy companies, the other prefers a home evening to partying, even watching one TV for two can provoke a scandal and a serious battle for possession of the remote control remote control.

This situation can be explained by the banal non-coincidence of two lovers according to the signs of the Zodiac. After all, it is the influence of certain planets and elements that largely forms the character of a person already at the moment of his birth.

It depends on the sign of the zodiac how he first relates to parents, peers and friends, and then to colleagues and soulmate. What a particular person can achieve in his life and the model of his behavior in various situations is also, as a rule, predetermined by his zodiac affiliation, which forms the main features of his character. That is why it is useful to understand at least a little the diversity of the signs of the Zodiac and look from time to time into their compatibility horoscope.

To understand the compatibility and incompatibility of two specific people, you can use the help of a professional who will draw up a detailed horoscope of future relationships and calculate the ways of their possible development. However, not everyone will be satisfied with the cost of such services, and it will be quite a shame if the chosen astrologer turns out to be a charlatan or an amateur.

But there is another way to learn about the warnings of stars and planets about compatibility or lack of it. The necessary information is quite easy to find on the Internet, and most of it is provided to site visitors for free. This option is much simpler and accessible to everyone who is not indifferent to his fate and the fate of only nascent relationships.

Astrology is a little-studied science, and it is perceived by many with skepticism, but the fact has already been verified that knowledge of the detailed characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac is useful in all areas of people's lives. A correctly drawn up horoscope will take into account all aspects of a person's life - love relationships and friendship, his abilities and inclinations in certain types of activities, propensities for certain actions, the reasons for the formation of certain habits, and much more.

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but you should not deceive yourself here - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. An insignificant number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any scorpio or calf by date of birth has its own unique code. Just one sign of the Zodiac is a whole variety of characters that are different from each other. When compiling an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - by belonging to specific signs of the Zodiac, by year of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to compile a compatibility horoscope on your own, the result is unable to cover all variations in the relationship between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most characteristic features of characters and help to avoid pitfalls when building relationships.

Compatibility in human relationships

When someone's paths cross, not many people can say in advance how only the nascent relationship will develop. What does the future hold for two people who have just met? Perhaps they will fall in love with each other and soon want to connect their lives. Will their marriage be happy and long lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing partners for a serious relationship is not only useful, it is often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in the process of improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the compatibility horoscope includes several types:

  • Compatibility in love. Horoscopes for future couples are very popular. What is it connected with? By checking the compatibility of your sign and the sign of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes, get around difficult situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving room only for love and joint happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed How many people have so many temperaments. One gravitates towards experiments and experiences in sexual relations, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of a partner, even before the first intimacy is completed.
  • Marriage compatibility. Not always a beautiful couple in love becomes a congenial couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same and the directions of the compatibility horoscope.
  • Compatibility in friendship. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a particular person.
  • Compatibility in work and business. Another of the most popular aspects of compiling a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries, smart bosses, not wanting to get into trouble, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help in compiling a horoscope for each of the employees.

Of course, taking the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and relying solely on his advice when building relationships is not worth it. He is not a panacea for solving problems and not a final verdict on the impossibility of a relationship with a certain person. Applying compatibility horoscopes in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.

In all horoscopes, a mandatory item is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only special cases using examples of pairs of signs, losing sight of the general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And their understanding will help you figure out once and for all who, with whom, and, most importantly, how compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles guide the calculation of In-contri compatibility in the corresponding section, the signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict 2 main rules:

  • signs belong to the same parity
  • signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first paragraph it follows that the signs belong to the same element or different, but complementary. As you know, there are only 4 elements - they are Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That. within each element, the signs are compatible with each other and pairs are compatible, representing a positive combination of the elements Fire-Air and Earth-Water. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible characters

Let's take the signs with their elements in order and consider clearly:

We see that the signs of the elements of Fire and Air are odd, and the signs of Earth and Water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements, both among themselves and inside, is very natural: Air helps Fire flare up more strongly, and Water fills the Earth, making it fertile.

Compatible signs of Fire and Air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Compatible Earth and Water Signs:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parity - these are pairs of elements Water-Fire, Water-Air, Earth-Fire, Earth-Air - a positive union is not observed. Moreover, even from the nature of the elements it is clear that some of these pairs are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

This is how the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac works in general terms at the level of compatible / incompatible. But there are a number of other characteristic features that depend on the relative position of a pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a pair can be found by the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiac circle. Moreover, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Only depending on the direction of the account, the role of your sign in the pair will change. Let's analyze how it works, using the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from your
Pair type: "Best friend and best enemy" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Taurus (2), Aries (1) - Pisces (12)
Description: The most popular pair of characters among all the rest. They quickly make friends, but the conflict of the elements interferes with a serious relationship. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference of interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 signs from your
Pair type: "Big brother and little brother" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Gemini(3), Aries(1) - Aquarius(11)
Description: a pair of signs of positively combined elements. It is important for each partner to understand their roles. The "older brother" is usually superior to the "younger" in age, experience, or character.

Location: +3 and -3 characters from your
Pair type: "Patron and adviser" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Cancer (4), Aries (1) - Capricorn (10)
Description: A pair of signs of elements in conflict, but able to find common ground if desired. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. For them, it is better to choose a common business than a house.

Location: +4 and -4 signs from your
Pair type: «Child and parent | Student and teacher "- compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Leo(5), Aries(1) - Sagittarius(9)
Description: A beautiful pair of signs of the same element. The "parent" must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on him here. It is enough for a “child” to be not too capricious and capricious.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from your
Pair type: "Boa constrictor and rabbit" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Virgo (6), Aries (1) - Scorpio (8)
Description: A couple about whom romance novels are written. No happy ending. First, a storm of feelings and emotions. At the end - the boredom and fatigue of the "boa constrictor", the broken heart of the "rabbit". We advise you to avoid, especially if "rabbit" is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from your
Pair type: "Opposites attract" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Libra(7)
Description: like the poles of a magnet, these signs are so different, but their attraction is just as strong. This relationship is highly recommended only for experienced and wise partners. Young people make many mistakes in such a couple and are rarely able to reveal their full potential.

Location: same sign
Pair type: "Me and my mirror" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Aries(1)
Description: A common pairing among young partners. There is nothing easier than to start a relationship with someone just like you. But then there is nothing more dull and annoying than to see your own shortcomings nearby.

The zodiac sign does not play a decisive role in matters of compatibility, but each sign has its own characteristics and marriage is not equally important for all signs.

Typical Aries, strong Gemini, self-sufficient Virgo, developed Capricorn and independent Aquarius, suffer from loneliness less than others. They can avoid marriage for a long time.

Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are signs that get along well with their own sign and live in a happy marriage, such as a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman.

But Lions and Taurus hardly get along with representatives of their signs, in the first case, selfishness is to blame, in the second - stubbornness.

Marriages between representatives of the signs of the same element can also be short-lived, for example, unions Aries-Sagittarius, Gemini woman - Libra man, Cancer woman - Pisces man often break up. Relations between neighboring signs rarely lead to a harmonious marriage, especially if the male sign comes after the female.

Sign compatibility cardinal cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are looking for an independent partner, someone who will help realize their goals and dreams, and also take on a significant or equal part of family responsibilities. If the marriage is successful, then these signs will provide a reliable rear and prosperity for the whole family. Negative qualities in marriage are intransigence and high demands, intransigence.

Sign compatibility fixed cross: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius in matters of marriage and partnership show more constancy, because they do not like change. They choose a suitable partner for a long time and are in no hurry to divorce him. If the marriage is successful, then these signs guarantee a wealth of sensory experiences for many years of marriage. Negative qualities of character for partnership are stubbornness and selfishness, immoderation.

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