How much swelling and bruising disappears after otoplasty. Otoplasty and its types. More about the main thing: pain, swelling and bruising

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Revision otoplasty

Lop-earedness, deformity of the cartilage and lobe, congenital pathologies of the shell - all this is corrected. However, sometimes one operation is not enough. The result of the procedure may be unexpected, and then you will need a second otoplasty. Who really needs it, and what are its consequences? Consider all aspects of re-otoplasty in more detail.

Reasons for the operation

The main reason for the repeated procedure is unsuccessful. The operation, especially when it is done on only one ear, may not satisfy you with the result immediately or over time due to:

  • Decreasing effect over time.
  • Weak correction during the operation.
  • Ear asymmetries.
  • Development of purulent complications.
  • Formation of a keloid scar.

The most common reasons for repeated otoplasty are insufficient effect. This can manifest itself immediately if the correction was weak, or after some time. To prevent such a result, you must strictly follow the advice of your doctor. First of all, every day, at night, for a month, wear an elastic bandage.

Result of a successful otoplasty

Ear asymmetry often occurs in those who have had surgery on only one ear. Complete symmetry is difficult to achieve, even if otoplasty is performed on two ears. Note! In this case, repeated otoplasty will have to be carried out on both ears at once!

Have you been examined before surgery and told your doctor all about your chronic diseases? Do you have immune disorders? Then this reason should have bypassed you. This reason for reoperation is rare, but it does occur. The infectious process that occurs in the sink in the postoperative period gives rise to purulent complications.

A rare complication that requires a second procedure is a keloid scar. It is a soft tissue of a pink hue, located at the site of the postoperative suture. Many attribute the appearance of a keloid scar to the unprofessionalism of the doctor who performed the procedure. However, this is not the case, and the cause of this complication is a violation of the process of proper scar formation in your body. A scar for correction does not require a full-scale operation: it is enough to excise it and re-suture it.

When to perform the operation?

The answer to the question depends on the reason for the initial procedure. For example, you are not satisfied with the result. Formally, repeated otoplasty in this case is performed after 6 months. You can try to talk your doctor into having surgery in 2-2.5 months if:

Ear asymmetry
  • there is a strong asymmetry;
  • the end result is not very aesthetic;
  • the rehabilitation period is going well;
  • You don't get sick.

If the cause is severe suppuration, then you will first have to cure it and find out the cause of such a reaction. So, if immunity is reduced due to a chronic disease, such as diabetes, then otoplasty will be contraindicated for you. Other reasons are not an absolute contraindication, so you can have otoplasty when you are completely cured.

If you are concerned about a keloid scar, then a second operation can be performed on the recommendation of a doctor, usually immediately.

It is best to carry out a second operation in the cold season. The fact is that in the summer, wearing a bandage is perceived hard, and can also lead to various kinds of complications due to sweating of the head and lack of proper hygiene.

The result of otoplasty

As practice shows, approximately every 7–8 is dissatisfied with the result of the primary operation, and every 3–4 if the latter was performed on only one ear. less frequent than in adults.

It is objectively difficult to say how many people need a second procedure, since the doctor's experience and skills play an important role in the result. Repeated otoplasty, provided that the first operation was well tolerated, is successful in more than 98% of cases.

If the procedure went well and you are completely satisfied with the result, then you will no longer have to undergo another operation.

Consequences of otoplasty

The negative consequences of otoplasty are manifested only in the aggregate of adverse factors. For example, if you did not pass the examination and fell ill, you chose an incompetent doctor. The main consequences are:

  • Cartilage infection.
  • Allergy to drugs.
  • Hematoma. It usually resolves on its own, but can also be removed in the hospital with a needle.

What should I do if my ears recede after otoplasty? You need to consult a surgeon. It is normal for the ears to droop slightly after surgery as the tissue heals. The surgeon will examine your ears and tell you if the discharge is normal and what can be done about it. This process could be influenced by the material with which the form was fixed, or non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations.

Many patients worry about scarring after otoplasty. Firstly, the excision of the tissue is done along the old seams, which means that you definitely won’t add new scars. Secondly, if you are worried about the formation of keloid scars, then you can be calm, provided that:

  • well tolerated the first operation;
  • do not have a predisposition to the appearance of an ailment;
  • underwent a complete examination before the procedure;

Operation cost

The price of revision otoplasty depends on several factors:

Photo of the ear after otoplasty
  • reasons for holding;
  • how many ears will be operated on;
  • your localization;
  • reputation and location of the clinic;

If you decide on the procedure due to insufficient results, then it will cost the same or slightly less than the first one. When performing surgery on one ear, due to symmetry, you will pay from 30 to 40 thousand rubles.

If you are worried about suppuration/change in the shape of ear cancers due to complications of the first procedure, as well as keloid scars, the amount increases dramatically. Depending on the clinic, it can range from 50-80 thousand rubles.

Naturally, operations in St. Petersburg and Moscow are more expensive than in other cities. Here for one ear you will give 25-35 thousand. For both - 50-80 depending on the reputation of the hospital. In other cities, repeated otoplasty will be somewhat cheaper: 17-25 thousand for one ear, 40-60 for two.

No less important after the operation called "otoplasty" is the postoperative period. The patient at this time should be especially careful and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Otherwise, undesirable complications may develop.

Pain, swelling, hematoma formation is what often complicates otoplasty. The postoperative period for each patient is different and depends not only on the care of the wound, but also on the regenerative forces of the body, the state of the immune system.

In this article, we will consider the features of the recovery period after otoplasty, tell you how long the ears usually heal, the development of what consequences, except for edema, is possible.

Recovery after otoplasty

Recovery after otoplasty varies from patient to patient. On average, it takes about 30 days for cartilage to fully heal. Fast and effective recovery after otoplasty is possible only with strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations.

In the postoperative period, the patient is advised to avoid excessive physical activity, stress on the ears, in the first weeks should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. For two or three days after the operation, you also can not wash your hair.

Especially important in the postoperative period is the bandage. It should be worn for 5-7 days. Every 2-3 days the doctor makes a dressing. After removing the bandage, the patient is recommended to wear a special compression bandage at night (for 30 days), which will help fix the result of the operation and protect the ears from damage during sleep. How long to remove the sutures can only be determined by the attending physician, judging by the reviews, on about 7-14 days, the sutures are removed from most patients.

Antibiotics, which are prescribed for 5-7 days, will help speed up recovery after otoplasty and prevent infection. It is also advisable to use local agents (gels, ointments) with regenerating properties. It will provide quick recovery and healthy, good sleep, rest, rational, fortified nutrition.

How long does it take for ears to heal after otoplasty?

The most worrying question for patients is how long does it take for the ears to heal after otoplasty? The healing process is different for everyone - for everyone, how much: for some, healing is faster, for some, the process of recovery and elimination of consequences takes longer. It takes 7 to 14 weeks for a wound to heal at the incision site, and complete cartilage repair can take even a month or more. The final result of otoplasty is noticeable only after six months.

You can find out approximately how long the ears heal after otoplasty by reading the reviews of patients, or by the doctor who performed the operation and monitors the course of the postoperative period.

Possible consequences of otoplasty

Is otoplasty dangerous? Consequences, as with any other surgical intervention, are not excluded. The most common consequences of otoplasty, based on patient feedback, are pain, swelling, hematomas, and infection.

With the normal course of the postoperative period and proper wound care, these consequences of otoplasty (pain, swelling) disappear within two weeks. However, another outcome is also possible. Often, if the patient does not follow the recommendations of the doctor, an infection gets into the wound. This can lead to the development of perichondritis and purulent chondritis.

Hematoma is also a serious consequence of an operation called "otoplasty". The consequences can sometimes be dire. Hematoma, pressing on the tissues, leads to their atrophy, and then necrosis. Necrotic tissue is not viable and can be surgically removed.

Otoplasty: swelling and other complications

Complications are something that both patients and surgeons fear after any operation, and otoplasty is no exception. Complications after it are divided into early and late.

Otoplasty, complications in the early postoperative period

So, the most common early complications of such an operation as otoplasty:

  1. Swelling - often decreases a few days after surgery. It can last from two weeks to one and a half months after otoplasty has been performed. Edema is the body's physiological response to tissue injury and should not be cause for concern unless it increases.
  2. Decreased sensitivity - can be observed up to two months after surgery.
  3. Pain - associated with tissue injury, often the most asked question is: "How long will it hurt." An unpleasant complication is observed no longer than three days and is stopped by painkillers.
  4. Hematoma is a dangerous complication of otoplasty, as it can lead to tissue necrosis. In case of formation of a hematoma, it is opened, after which the wound is washed, the bandage is re-applied and a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
  5. Attachment of infection - accompanied by pain, redness, purulent discharge from the wound. Eliminated with antibiotic therapy.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Maceration of the epithelium - occurs due to too tight bandage.

Otoplasty, complications in the late postoperative period

Late consequences include eruption of sutures, ear distortion, keloid scarring, and asymmetry of the ears.

So, the possible and most common complications can be after otoplasty surgery: swelling, pain and bruising. But the development of complications, how long the recovery and healing period lasts depends directly on the state of health and adherence to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

People who are satisfied with their own appearance in absolutely everything can be called lucky. But in most cases, we still want to change something, correct something. And then we turn to a plastic surgeon for help.

Otoplasty (ear surgery), or surgery to correct the shape and size of the ears, does not take long, on average, about an hour, and is usually performed under local anesthesia. But the operation itself is not enough for a good result.

After the otoplasty is completed, the patient is transferred to a room where he will spend some time and then go home. If desired, the patient can stay one night in the hospital. This is necessary to observe the patient and give him further recommendations.

Immediately after the plastic surgery of the ears, the plastic surgeon applies a special bandage to the patient: it presses the new lugs and at the same time protects them from mechanical damage. In addition, this dressing adheres to mineral oil-soaked cotton wool, which helps to avoid post-operative swelling.

Usually, after otoplasty, various medicines, accelerating the healing process, over the seams ears are sealed with a special plaster which prevents the ingress of dirt. And in order to protect new ears from various injuries and mechanical damage, a tennis band or scarf is put on the head.

During the first three days after otoplasty, you may be disturbed by discomfort in the ears, analgesics will help reduce them, but antibiotics prescribed by a doctor will need to be taken for at least five to seven days without fail.

First dressing after plastic surgery of the ears, it is performed the next day after the operation. Second dressing appointed on the 3-4th day after surgery. A week after the otoplasty, you need to come to the clinic for removal of sutures.

As after any plastic surgery, after otoplasty there will be bruises and postoperative edema. The bruises are not very visible and will take one week to disappear, usually they disappear by the time the stitches are removed. The duration of the retention of edema depends on individual characteristics. To reduce this period, you need to limit yourself to salty and spicy foods and hot drinks - all this provokes swelling.

The result of otoplasty You will be able to evaluate immediately after the end of the operation. The final result of otoplasty is evaluated after two months subject to the obligatory observance of a number of necessary conditions.

  • Depending on the degree of complexity of the operation, the bandage that protects the ears from possible accidental injuries can be removed after three days, but the most optimal period for wearing the bandage is a week.
  • Until the moment of healing of the seams, it is necessary to refuse washing the head.
  • Due to pain and the danger of damaging the seams, you need to sleep on your back at first.
  • During the first month, it is necessary to wear a special bandage at night, it can be a tennis bandage, or buy a special bandage after otoplasty, so as not to cause damage by awkward movements of the head or hands in a dream.
  • Compared to other plastic surgeries, otoplasty is considered easy during the rehabilitation period, however, one should separate oneself from physical exertion and other activities that can lead to an increase in blood pressure, and also protect the ears from injury for two months.
  • Points are also set aside for a month and a half.

After plastic surgery for the correction of the auricles, all the same physiotherapeutic procedures are used as rehabilitation as with other plastic surgery. This can be hardware cosmetology and other manipulations aimed at ensuring that healing takes place faster and without complications.

Photos before and after otoplasty

There are a number of minor issues that you may experience after an otoplasty.. For example, the skin of your new ears may become less sensitive. Be prepared for the fact that the return of sensitivity may be accompanied by "strange sensations" like "goosebumps". Soon everything will be restored and the sensitivity will be as before.

Before plastic surgery of the ears, each plastic surgeon explains to his patient that plastic surgery on the ears does not affect hearing in any way. Unpleasant sensations in the postoperative period are absolutely natural. But you need to be patient, and soon you will appreciate the result of otoplasty and will be happy with your perfect ears, on which there will be no trace of the operation performed.

Otoplasty is a correction of the shape of the auricles and their reconstruction, in order to correct congenital defects or defects obtained after a mechanical injury. Recovery after otoplasty involves care after surgery prescribed by the doctor: a bandage, refusal to wash your hair, the use of special ointments for the ears, and so on.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty

The result of otoplasty depends not only on the skills and professionalism of the surgeon performing the operation, but also on your following his instructions in the postoperative rehabilitation period, which is divided into two stages: early rehabilitation period and late.

Early rehabilitation period

In the early period (lasts 5-10 days), it is especially important to unquestioningly follow the doctor's recommendations, since it is especially important for the successful result of the operation, during this period the following should be done:

Late rehabilitation period

The late rehabilitation period can last up to 1-2 months, during this period you will have to follow the following instructions:

  • follow a diet that includes a large amount of vitamins and protein (chicken and rabbit meat, vegetables, fruits);
  • it is advisable to abandon the use of alcohol and nicotine for the entire period of rehabilitation, as these bad habits increase the risk of keloid scars;
  • limitation of physical activity - you will have to give up sports and household household activities, as as a result you risk displacement of tissues at the site of surgery or divergence of postoperative scars;
  • saving the body from hypothermia or overheating - low temperatures can cause inflammation, and high temperatures can cause scarring. So long walks along the winter streets will have to be abandoned, as well as visits to the sauna;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight at the operation site, since the ultraviolet spectrum of the light wave leads to protein denaturation, which worsens the regenerative functions of tissues;
  • when washing your hair, avoid getting soap, shampoos, gels and other cleaning products on the operation site, in order to avoid chemical irritation.

Many are interested in how long the result of otoplasty lasts? If you follow all the instructions correctly, then the result will remain with you for life.


If you decide to have an operation such as otoplasty, the postoperative period should not come as a surprise to you, it is very important to have an idea of ​​what awaits you even before the operation: pain, refusal to shower in the first days, the need for dressings, and so on.

The postoperative dressing is the most important part of the early postoperative period, it is a cotton-gauze swab at the site of the operation, secured with a bandage or bandage, which can be bought at any pharmacy. In no case should the bandage be moved or attempted to be changed independently. If for some reason the bandage has changed position, you should urgently go to the hospital, where you will have it replaced. The bandage protects the postoperative scar from mechanical influences and infection. It should be changed periodically, making dressings in the hospital or inviting a nurse to the house.


If you do not fully follow the doctor's recommendations and prohibitions, you run the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon as complications after otoplasty. The main ones are:

  • maceration is the soaking of the ear tissues with liquids, which occurs due to too tight dressing. It is treated by changing the bandage and applying medications, and disappears within a week;
  • hematoma - formed due to the accumulation of blood leaking from a vessel. Symptoms can be a sharp pain syndrome and frequent bleeding, a hematoma is treated by opening a wound and treating it with antibiotics;
  • hypertrophied scar - usually appears due to the predisposition of the body to the appearance of keloid scars, but it may also be the result of a medical error.

How to choose a clinic and surgeon

Before deciding where to do ear plastic surgery, find reviews about the surgeon, analyze them. Compare the number of operated patients and the number of positive reviews, and only then decide on an operation with a particular doctor.

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