Good day!
The help of the psychotherapist is very necessary.
I am the mother of a 10 year old daughter. Have husband. We live together. The daughter was born restless. She cried a lot, confused day with night, having matured a little, tantrums only increased. In a year or two, she, if she didn’t succeed in a sandbox or anything else, she arched and fell headfirst, while screaming and crying loudly. I have always been there to prevent these falls. At the age of 5 she developed logoneurosis. Were treated for 1.5 years (Psychotherapist, neurologist, speech therapist). When my daughter was 7 years old, we moved from "one" to "three". She got her own room. The daughter herself chose the colors and furnishings. From the second grade, since January, problems with sleep began. In the evening she could not fall asleep, she came to our bedroom 15 times. This went on until midnight. At first, I reacted calmly. She explained that if you can’t fall asleep, then read a book, draw, and if you want to sleep, turn off the light and lie down. She doesn’t want to, she says I don’t want to, I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep and I won’t read. My husband has to get up early for work, he doesn't get enough sleep, and neither do I. Even though I wasn't working at the time. Did you go to a neurologist, did the doctor write out a whole list of medicines, which I regularly gave her? Zero sense.
When the school year ended, everything was gone. My daughter began to sleep better.
When my daughter was in the third grade, everything resumed. From January to June everything was the same as when she was 8 years old.
My daughter is now in 4th grade. We've had the same problem since January. It's just so unbearable! I asked her what she was afraid of? Darkness? Maybe something or someone else? He says he's not afraid of anything. I'm afraid he says he won't be able to sleep. Why? She says she doesn't understand why. Twice I went to live with my mother for a week, because I just wanted to sleep. And my mother came to live in our house instead of me. If I'm not at home, my daughter falls asleep faster. He does not scream at the whole house, does not hysteria and does not wake up dad and grandmother. It doesn't happen to me. Until I yell at her (around one o'clock in the morning my patience bursts and my nerves can't stand it), my daughter leaves and falls asleep. But this year, things are much worse.
Compulsive states were added to the tantrums. When we go to bed, the daughter should wish me good night 15 times, and I should calmly answer 15 times. She must ask me certain questions, also the same from day to day, and I must answer them as many times. She straightens the rug by the pastel several times, the glasses are on the table, the briefcase. Although everything is exactly and it is not required to correct it. I ask her why you do this so many times, she says, I don’t understand myself. I'm just scared. What with her? Is she seriously mentally ill? what happens to her?
Help us please! No more strength!