Local oral hygiene in children. Selection of oral hygiene products for children of different ages. Why is it important for children to brush their teeth?

Parents often ask dentists the same questions: when should a child start brushing their teeth, why, and, of course, with what? These are not all questions, but it is this list of questions that arises in the first place.

Why brush your child's teeth?

No matter how absurd it may sound, but there is a category of parents who are sure that the child does not need to brush their teeth at all, or start brushing from a certain age, more often from three years old. In justification of parents there is a universal expression - " milk teeth will still fall out!» But, milk teeth can hurt, and tooth decay occurs much faster compared to adult teeth.

Proper and timely started oral hygiene is the best prevention of caries, which gives good results. The main reason for the development of caries is plaque on the teeth, which contains microorganisms that cause caries. When brushing your teeth, this plaque is removed, therefore, the main cause is also removed.

Parents should remember that a carious tooth is a constant source of pathogens in the oral cavity, which can spread throughout the body. Especially often formed inflammatory diseases of the throat - tonsillitis. A destroyed tooth can no longer participate in the act of chewing food, which can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Cleaning milk teeth is necessary not only to maintain healthy teeth, but also to prevent inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, such as stomatitis. If a child is accustomed to brushing his teeth in time, this will only have a positive effect on the formation of the general hygiene skills of the child.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth?

There are two answers to this question, the opinions of dentists are divided on this issue. One group of dentists argues that a child needs to brush their teeth from the first erupted tooth, the second group of dentists argues that it is necessary to start brushing your teeth before eruption, about a couple of months. What point of view to adhere to, the parents themselves should decide, each of the opinions has the right to exist.

According to the opinion about brushing your teeth before eruption, this technique has its advantages. Firstly, the baby will get used to such procedures, and by the time teething, there will be no problems with cleaning. Secondly, such a manipulation at the time of teething performs two functions, directly cleaning and massaging the inflamed gums. But there are also disadvantages, not all babies like touching the gum mucosa during teething, when inflammation and itching in the gums begin directly. Such manipulations can cause unpleasant sensations, and even pain.

According to this technique, it is necessary to start brushing your teeth a couple of months before teething. As a rule, teething begins by six months of a baby's life. Therefore, it is necessary to start cleaning from about 3 to 4 months.

According to the second opinion, which is followed by most dentists, it is necessary to start brushing a child’s teeth from the first erupted tooth. It is worth recalling that a tooth is considered erupted if it erupted from under the gums with at least one tubercle, or edge. Parents may face some challenges at this point. After all, the child's gums are inflamed, and any careless touch can cause pain.

There is no significant difference according to which recommendation to start cleaning, it is important to start it no later than the first erupted tooth. In addition to general inflammation of the gums, local immunity suffers in the oral cavity, and the mucous membrane becomes vulnerable to microbial and viral agents. This circumstance can explain the frequent inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane - stomatitis and gingivitis.

How to brush a child's teeth?

Oral hygiene items include toothbrushes, but for small babies there are their own, special toothbrushes - fingertips or dental wipes can be used.

When using dental wipes, there are no difficulties for parents, they are easy to use. Dental wipes can be of two types, simple wipes, or wipes made in the form of a fingertip.

Almost all dental wipes are impregnated with a special substance - xylitol. This substance is absolutely safe for the baby and is necessary for antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.

Xylitol- This is a polyhydric alcohol that has a pleasant taste, it is quite often used as a sweetener. In addition, wipes can be of various flavors, which makes the process of brushing your teeth attractive. The only disadvantage of such napkins is the high cost, since such napkins can only be used once. But such wipes are very convenient to use on trips, when it is simply not possible to carry out oral hygiene.

It is necessary to brush the teeth and mucous membrane of the child's oral cavity twice a day, in the morning, after the baby eats, especially if the child receives artificial nutrition. And at night, after dinner. It is worth observing an important rule, after eating, you must wait at least half an hour, and only after you start cleaning, otherwise the child can be provoked by regurgitation or vomiting.

Before brushing, parents should wash their hands thoroughly. While brushing your teeth, the child should be in a reclining position and be calm; it is not recommended to brush the teeth of a baby who is tired or just overexcited. Parents should put a napkin on their finger and gently wipe the child's mouth with rubbing movements. If it was decided to start brushing your teeth before teething, then special emphasis should be given to the baby's cheeks.

The second possible option is fingertip toothbrushes. Such toothbrushes are made mainly of silicone, and the working surface can be different - ribbed, or consist of villi. The toothbrush is very soft, and can not harm either the delicate enamel of the erupting tooth or the inflamed gums of the child.

There is no particular fundamental difference which surface to choose, the selection criterion should be the choice of the child, how exactly the baby will react to the new hygiene item. Some kids like ribbed brushes, others with bristles. The method of brushing your teeth is similar to the method of brushing your teeth with dental wipes. Also, these toothbrushes can be used as a massager.

Care for such a toothbrush should be appropriate, microorganisms can remain in the villi or on the ribbed surface of the brush and multiply safely. The situation is especially dangerous when, after inflammatory or infectious diseases, the fingertip toothbrush has not been replaced with a new one. Before and after each brushing of the teeth, the fingertip toothbrush should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. It is necessary to change this hygiene item approximately every 2 to 3 months.

In the event that it is not possible to use a fingertip toothbrush, you can resort to using the old, proven "grandfather" methods, namely a gauze swab. It is necessary to forget about cotton swabs, and in no case should they be used when treating the oral cavity. Firstly, cotton wool does not have a natural roughness, and secondly, cotton wool fibers can remain in the child's mouth. The ideal and only possible option is a gauze swab. There is no need to make a complex design of bandage or gauze. It is enough just to wrap several layers of bandage around the parent's finger. Before processing, the gauze swab must be pre-moistened for better glide.

The child refuses to brush his teeth, what to do?

Not always brushing your teeth goes “like clockwork”, quite often parents are faced with a categorical refusal of the baby to brush their teeth. But this is not a reason to refuse brushing your teeth, and put off its beginning indefinitely. In the nature of the baby, instincts are already pre-established, so if you start brushing your teeth before teething, the so-called push reflex works in the baby. With the tongue, the baby pushes out anything that doesn't taste like formula or breast milk. The reflex fades away during the introduction of complementary foods, by six months.

The second reason for the refusal of the baby to brush his teeth is the fear of discomfort or pain. This picture is typical for those little oneswho in the past experienced pain from brushing their teeth. Usually, parents say that they used to brush their baby's teeth without problems, and then there were problems. The solution to this problem is difficult, but still possible. You should not wait a certain period of time until the baby forgets - he will not forget! It is necessary to show the little one that it does not hurt. Brushing intervals should be short, initially it can be just stroking a small area of ​​​​the gum. Gradually, these intervals increase.

From a certain age, from about 10 to 11 months, babies begin to imitate their parents, to realize how their life is going on, this is especially noticeable when the baby is one year old. At this time, the kids just repeat everything after their parents. This age is considered the most favorable for teaching a child hygiene skills. You need to show the baby by your own example that you need to brush your teeth, and how exactly to do it. If your child wants to try brushing their own teeth - do not limit it!

In addition, it is worth remembering that children best perceive everything in the form of a game, including brushing their teeth. Parents need to come up with their own game, and beat brushing their teeth. For example, come up with a fairy tale, or a counting rhyme. And repeat it every time you brush your teeth.

Toothpaste, do you need it?

This is perhaps the most pressing question, is toothpaste needed for a child under one year old? Some manufacturers produce kits: a special toothbrush and the first toothpaste. These toothpastes fit the bill and are safe for a child to swallow.

Pastes from 0 - 3 months are gel toothpastes that do not have abrasiveness (roughness), but perfectly clean the child's mouth and teeth due to surfactants. The composition of such pastes also includes some lactic ferments, lysozyme, a natural antiseptic found in saliva, and so on. Children's toothpastes have a pleasant milky or fruity taste, which does not provoke a child's refusal to brush their teeth. Dentists recommend using milk-flavored pastes in babies up to six months old, or in those little ones who have not yet introduced complementary foods. In babies after six months, toothpastes with fruit flavors can be used.

The dentist together with the parents should decide whether the child needs the paste. To successfully resolve the issue, it is necessary to take into account the desire of the child to brush his teeth, of course, his age, the degree of plaque formation and the type of feeding.

So, if a child has a plaque rather quickly, then the paste simply needs to be used. But if the baby is breastfed and there is practically no plaque, then just a brush pre-dipped in water will be enough to clean. Parents must follow a certain rule regarding pastes. At the time of the first use of the paste, the toothbrush fingertip should simply be smeared with toothpaste, in a thin layer. And to track the reaction of the child, quite often, kids react violently to a new taste and refuse to clean - this is not an indicator. Only after several attempts, and, accordingly, a categorical refusal, the toothpaste should be changed to a different taste. In the event that the child accepts such cleaning, then the amount of toothpaste should be increased gradually, and this amount should not exceed a small pea - this is quite enough for effective brushing.

... prevention of early infection of the baby's oral cavity with cariogenic microflora should be the earliest concern of his family in connection with the prevention of dental caries.

One of the reasons for the widespread caries(and gingivitis) is insufficient oral hygiene in children of the first and second year of life. The lack of regular dental care in children during teething and the formation of the chewing apparatus leads to the accumulation of microbial plaque, which interferes with the process of enamel maturation. The bacteria involved in the occurrence of caries are transmitted from person to person - from parents to children), infection usually occurs at an early age, often found in the child's mouth even before the first teeth erupt. Studies show that in 90% of cases, a child's teeth are colonized with streptococci, genetically identical to those that are isolated from the mouth of a mother, grandmother or nanny - everyone who cares for the child. As a rule, the microflora enters the child’s mouth with the saliva of the mother kissing the child’s hand, or trying to see if the porridge is hot in a spoon, with a dropped pacifier, which the grandmother licks “for the purpose of disinfection”. Streptococci are able to organize plaque immediately, as soon as the cutting edge of the first incisor appears above the gum. It is hardly possible to be free from cariogenic microflora throughout life, but it is important to delay colonization for at least a year or two. During this time, temporary teeth have time to strengthen in the process of secondary maturation; there are real opportunities for rationalizing the diet and choosing products for effective hygienic care of the child's teeth - caries in preschoolers can be reduced by 2-3 times.

!!! Although milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth over time, it is important to keep them healthy: baby tooth caries can adversely affect the permanent tooth germ. Ideally, parents should be trained ways to care for the child's oral cavity in advance: during a pregnant woman's visit to an obstetrician and dentist, when visiting a pediatrician and his health visitor immediately after the birth of a child, in extreme cases - during the first visit of family members to a dentist.

The physiological development of the jaws and teeth in a child of the first year of life is characterized by the following features:

    after birth, the mouth is toothless (dental ridges are pronounced), the alveolar processes of the jaws have a semicircular shape (sometimes children are born with an already erupted tooth; there is a case when a child with six teeth was born in Germany in 1961); the lower jaw, as it were, is somewhat displaced posteriorly (up to 1.5 cm);
    the tongue at rest is freely located behind the jaw ridges; in a healthy, timely born child, the sucking reflex is formed immediately after birth; swallowing is free, breathing is not difficult (sleeps with the mouth closed);
    at 4 - 6 months, 2 lower central incisors erupt, the tip of the tongue is located behind them;
    at 6-8 months, the lower and upper central incisors erupt, the sucking function fades; the child eats well from a spoon, begins to drink from a cup; chewing function begins to form;
    at 10-12 months, four incisors erupt on the upper and lower jaws; the teeth are white, their surface is smooth and shiny, the shape is spatulate; in the lateral parts of the alveolar processes, ridge-like thickenings increase due to the formation and movement of chewing teeth, i.e. milk molars; by the end of the first year of life, the sucking function practically fades away;
    by the end of the first year of life, a healthy baby should have 8 teeth; but even if there are 6 or 10 of them, this is also normal and is not a cause for concern.
It is necessary to start taking care of the condition of children's teeth already at the stage of carrying a pregnancy. The quality of the tissues from which the teeth are formed, and hence the health and appearance of the teeth, directly depend on how fully the mother supplied her baby with vitamins, minerals (fluorine, phosphorus, calcium), proteins and other essential substances during his intrauterine development. Rational nutrition during pregnancy eliminates up to 50% of all possible dental problems that a child may experience in the first years of life. Therefore, the diet of the expectant mother should be enriched with the substances necessary for the baby at the expense of fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products. An additional benefit comes from taking special multivitamins for pregnant women.

Another important factor affecting the condition of the baby's dental tissues is the intake of medications by a pregnant woman: some drugs have a direct damaging effect on the rudiments of the teeth, and therefore one should refrain from taking these drugs during pregnancy. Doctors are aware of which drugs give such a side effect and do not prescribe them to pregnant women. Therefore, before you start taking any medication, a pregnant woman should always consult with her doctor.

In order to reduce the likelihood of early colonization of the child's teeth, it is necessary to cure carious teeth, ensure a high level of oral hygiene of the expectant mother during pregnancy, using antiseptic preparations along with standard means. These measures have been proven to reduce child dental caries.

After the birth of a child, oral care becomes even more specific. It is necessary to start cleaning the child's oral cavity from the moment the first tooth erupts. The first method used to clean teeth is rubbing. From 3-4 months until the eruption of the first 7-8 milk teeth (usually a one-year-old baby has such a number of teeth), dental hygiene procedures should consist in regular (1-2 times a day) cleaning of the gums, tongue and teeth from the resulting raid (!!! even one tooth needs to be cleaned; irregular care is practically ineffective, since plaque has time to soak with salts and is not removed with a brush, the harmful effect of food residues and microbes persists). This can be done with a piece of gauze soaked in boiled water and wound around the mother’s finger, or with a special fingertip toothbrush - a silicone product with soft protrusions that safely cleans the oral cavity (using toothpaste at this age is unnecessary, since it will simply eaten by a child, which can be dangerous; until recently there were no toothpastes for children of such an early age, today such pastes are beginning to appear, for example, R.O.C.S. fluorine, fragrances, dyes, sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens). The adult who performs this procedure must perform it quickly, efficiently and safely, for which it is necessary to position the child so that he can clearly see the teeth being cleaned and be able to restrain the child's movements. The incisors are wiped with wet gauze, directing movements from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth. As the child gets used to the procedures, they begin to use a brush, preferably with a small head, soft bristles. Moisturize the brush. The incisors are cleaned with short vertical strokes from the gum to the incisal edge. There are also special children's brushes of the Pierrot brand, which can be used by babies from 6 months old - the "Children's" toothbrush. Its extra-soft bristles with rounded ends gently and gently clean baby's milk teeth, and the ergonomic handle fits perfectly in the child's hand.

The nature of nutrition has a significant impact on the condition of the teeth in a child under 1 year old. Food is the main source of building materials for developing teeth. The need of the child's body for vitamins and minerals in the first 6 months is perfectly covered by breast milk - the optimal food product for children of this age. Babies who breastfeed for the first six months have fewer dental problems for the rest of their lives. After 6 months, it is necessary to pay special attention to the process of introducing complementary foods, controlling the nature, quality and quantity of food, the degree of its usefulness for the baby's body. Adults need to learn to restrain impulses to treat the child to something sweet and tasty - sweets and confectionery products are completely devoid of substances necessary for a child of this age and, moreover, have a direct damaging effect on the enamel of milk teeth.

The pediatrician, teaching the mother rational feeding of the child, should pay attention to the need to monitor the introduction of sweet food. Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates in the child's body creates the conditions for the occurrence of caries. At the same time, the immature insular apparatus is overloaded, which leads to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body and a decrease in the resistance to caries of the child's tooth tissues. After teething, food rich in refined carbohydrates is fermented in the mouth to lactic acid, which acts directly on immature tooth tissues, increasing their permeability. Such a combined effect of carbohydrates on the developing tissues of milk teeth contributes to the early onset and progressive development of caries with rapid tooth decay.

general information

It is essential to take proper care of your child's milk teeth. They will eventually fall out, but until then, baby teeth play an important role in the process of biting and chewing food, as well as in the formation of clear speech. Milk teeth form a place for the growth of permanent teeth, contributing to their correct position.

Even before the appearance of the first tooth in a child, it is necessary to wipe his gums with a special children's gum massager, clean, damp gauze or a napkin. After the teeth erupt, they should be brushed twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and water.

Under a row of baby teeth, the rudiments of permanent teeth and space for their growth are formed.

The results of the study showed that children who have developed caries in milk teeth are more likely to develop caries in permanent teeth, so it is necessary to regularly take the child for preventive examinations to the dentist. It is necessary to keep the milk teeth clean, but when permanent teeth erupt, cleaning should be a priority. These teeth will stay with your child for life.

Of course, even though these are just milk teeth, they are subject to the same risk factors and damage that affect molars. If your child is at high risk of developing cavities, you should minimize your intake of starchy foods, such as crackers and chips, and limit your intake of sugary drinks. Remember that giving your baby a bottle of sweetened liquid several times a day, or letting him fall asleep with a bottle during his naps or at night, can harm his teeth.

Many of the same treatments and diagnostics that apply to adults are also available to children. These methods include X-rays, application of dental sealants, orthodontic treatment, etc.

Basic information

Brushing teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss
Start using toothpaste to brush your children's teeth after they are 2 years old. Squeeze out only a small amount of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice). Young children are more likely to swallow toothpaste while brushing their teeth than to spit it out. Give your child fluoride toothpaste only when they are old enough to stop swallowing it. The area where two teeth meet should be cleaned with dental floss once a day. You can use standard dental floss or special plastic floss holders.

At some point, the child himself will want to brush his teeth. We need to give him that opportunity. However, after this, it is necessary to brush the child's teeth a second time. Most children are not able to properly brush their own teeth before they are 8 years old.

While your child's dental health depends on what he eats, it's also important to keep an eye on how many times a day he eats. Frequent snacking can increase the risk of dental caries.

Tooth decay can develop if sugary foods remain in the mouth for a long time. Bacteria that live on the surface of the tooth digest these food debris. These bacteria produce acid that eats away tooth enamel. Between meals or snacks, saliva flushes out the acid. If your child eats too often, saliva may not have enough time to flush out the acid.

Most people associate sugar with the white sugar found in sweets and baked goods. However, any food containing carbohydrates eventually breaks down into sugars.

Visit to the dentist
New parents often ask, “When should I take my child to the dentist for the first time?” Your child must see a dentist before their first birthday.

The idea of ​​visiting the dentist so early still surprises many new parents. However, the results of studies conducted at the national level have shown that preschool children have a higher percentage of development of caries.

Loss of milk teeth
On average, milk teeth begin to fall out in children at the age of 6-7 years. It's okay if your child's teeth fell out before or after this period. Most children's teeth fall out in the same order in which they erupted. For example, the central teeth of the lower jaw fall out first.

Orthodontic therapy at an early age
Children are now getting braces at a much earlier age than in previous years. Some patients with special diseases are prescribed orthodontic treatment as early as 6 years of age. Around this time, permanent teeth begin to appear, and this is the period when orthodontic diseases also begin to appear. As the jawbone continues to develop, this period is ideal for assessing a child's condition.


Permanent teeth need to be brushed and flossed regularly, and dentists recommend doing this after every meal. If you have started caring for your child's permanent teeth, they should be brushed and flossed before he or she gets a little older. Use toothpaste and brushes that have been specially formulated for children. Children's toothbrushes have softer bristles to avoid damage to teeth and gums. Try to use floss with a handle (holder) that you can use to demonstrate to your child how to brush their teeth.

Around the age of 6, children begin to lose their teeth. Let your child rock the tooth until it falls out. This will reduce the severity of pain and the level of bleeding during prolapse.

Another problem that requires a lot of attention is related to caries. What your child eats and how often they eat has a significant impact on oral health. Here are some tips for snacking and eating:

    Give your child healthy snacks, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and cheeses.

    Buy products that do not contain explicit or implicit sugar.

    Offer your child sugary or starchy foods as part of a full meal, not as a separate snack. Most children drink liquids with meals. This will wash away a large amount of food residue from the surface of the teeth. Let children drink water with and after meals to flush out sugar residue.

    Reduce the number of snacks throughout the day.

    After a snack, you need to brush your child's teeth. If this is not possible, let the child rinse his mouth with water several times.

    Choose chewing gum that uses xylitol as a sweetener or sugar-free gum.

Why do you need professional dental hygiene for children?

According to our internal statistics, more than 90% of patients do not know how to brush their teeth. Therefore, adults, most often, cannot teach their children how to brush their teeth correctly.

But for a child, doing it qualitatively is even more important than for an adult - the probability of developing caries with poor hygiene in milk teeth approaches 100%. The health of the permanent teeth depends on the health of the first teeth.

Therefore, it is so important that parents pay close attention to caring for the child's teeth - and not only at home, but also in the office, professional.

Ask if children are really undergoing a dental professional hygiene procedure, i.e. professional teeth cleaning? Of course! The procedure for children's regular professional hygiene is the main method for preventing caries in children and gum disease.

Do children develop tartar?

Nothing less than adults. With insufficient hygiene of milk teeth, and she, most likely, in any case wants the best, soft plaque accumulates, thickens and gradually turns into tartar, which not only begins to mechanically put pressure on the gums, but also becomes a source of bacterial infection. As a result, the gums become inflamed and begin to bleed at the slightest touch.

The child avoids cleaning this area, and the problem only gets worse.

In some cases, if the child has gastrointestinal diseases or dysbacteriosis, the plaque begins to absorb the pigment and becomes black, similar to a smoker's plaque.

It is impossible to get rid of such a raid at home.

A reminder for parents: how to keep your child's teeth healthy.

  1. The child should brush his teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, with a special children's brush and toothpaste suitable for his age.
  2. Teach your child how to use dental floss to remove food debris between teeth.
  3. To prevent the development of "bottle caries" reduce the number of snacks, especially sweet ones, to a minimum.
  4. Even if there are no problems, you need to visit a pediatric dentist regularly every six months, starting from the age of one. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a professional hygiene procedure for your child, this is also a great way to teach your child not to be afraid of the dentist.

What is the difference between the procedure for children's occupational hygiene and "adult"?

The enamel of milk teeth, as well as permanent teeth that have just erupted in a removable bite, is very fragile and delicate, therefore, in children's hygiene, the doctor performs the procedure manually, without using the AirFlow apparatus, as carefully as possible, does not use abrasive powders and pastes.

How is children's professional oral hygiene carried out?

  1. 1. At the beginning of the appointment, the doctor gets to know the child and establishes contact with him - after all, we will play "Mission: Cleanliness".
  2. 2. The doctor applies a special solution to the teeth to indicate plaque.
  3. 3. With a special circular brush and polishing paste, the doctor completely cleans the teeth from dental deposits. During the procedure, plaque is effectively removed from hard-to-reach places - the gingival sulcus and the cervical region.
  4. 4. In some cases, in the presence of hard plaque, the doctor uses hand instruments or an ultrasonic scaler to remove it.
  5. 5. After cleaning, the teeth are covered with a remineralizing varnish containing fluorine, which strengthens children's tooth enamel and reduces its sensitivity. Such a procedure will help to cope even with caries in the initial stage of the "white spot".
  6. 6. According to the indications, the doctor can offer a procedure for sealing fissures - this is sealing with a special probing material with fluoride, the “dimples” of the tooth that are very vulnerable to caries.
  7. 7. At the end of the procedure, the doctor will teach the child how to properly brush their teeth at home and select the right brush and paste.

How often does a child need to undergo a professional hygiene procedure?

This procedure is recommended for a child every six months starting from 2.5-3 years. But we should not forget that there are individual characteristics, and, above all, it is the quality of daily hygiene and the absence of concomitant diseases that provoke an increased formation of plaque. It will be enough for one child to carry out hygiene once a year, and for another - even once a month will not be enough.

In orthodontic treatment, if the teeth are crowded, professional hygiene is carried out more often - an individual schedule should be established by your attending physician.

Professional hygiene for children



As long as there are no permanent teeth, professional hygiene is not necessary.

If you do not worry and do not take care of milk teeth, then you can not wait for healthy permanent ones. Then it will be too late to correct the situation. Alas, there are many such examples in our practice, when the patient's teeth no longer just have to be cleaned, but thoroughly treated.

As we have already said, the enamel of milk teeth is much softer than that of permanent teeth, so hygiene comes first among all preventive procedures. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent a disease than to try to get rid of it later. And the more well-groomed and healthier the milk teeth are, the more likely it is that strong and healthy permanent teeth will grow in their place. And here it is very important NOT TO MISS THE MOMENT!

A child's teeth deteriorate if he eats sweets, so the best prevention is to simply avoid sweets.

Of course, sweets are not good for teeth, and at any age, but you should not go to extremes.

First, by completely eliminating sweets from your child's diet, you run the risk of ruining his metabolism. Sugar, mainly in the form of lactose and fructose, is a simple carbohydrate involved in the synthesis of glycogen, which, in turn, is necessary for the heart, liver, muscle tissue and brain function. Everything is good in moderation, for a child under 2 years old, the daily intake of sugar should not exceed 40 g, and for 2-6 years old - 60 g per day.

Secondly, even a complete absence of sugar in the diet will not help to maintain healthy teeth if there are other unfavorable factors for the development of children's dental diseases. Some of them may be hereditary or hidden in the prenatal period, it is quite difficult to influence their consequences. Therefore, the success of the prevention of diseases of children's teeth lies in an integrated approach, which takes into account the nutrition factor, the hygiene factor, and the factor of timely medical intervention in order to stop the unfavorable process at the very beginning of its development. You don't have to neglect it!

Bad teeth are hereditary, so it makes no sense to engage in prevention.

About what factors can contribute to the development of children's dental diseases, we mentioned in the previous myth. Yes, the hereditary factor affects the dental health of the child, but it is far from the only one. And, if you put your “bad” heredity on one side of the scale, and all other unfavorable factors on the other, then the totality of these other factors will outweigh. Therefore, if we eliminate most of the causes of children's dental diseases, then heredity will weaken its influence against this background. Think about it, if a child does not have hereditary mathematical abilities, then there is no need for him to go to mathematics at school - he won’t know anyway, so it turns out? So let's agree - we do everything that is necessary from the possible, and, as a result, we get a very good result, otherwise, it will be completely disastrous. We are serious.

About what procedures are necessary for the prevention and protection against diseases of the oral cavity, as well as how to effectively deal with such diseases as caries, stomatitis, etc., tells the dentist-therapist of the Denta-El clinic.

It is common knowledge that poor oral care is the root cause of all problems. However, not everyone understands why hygiene is so important. Without constant care, accumulations of plaque (at first soft) form in the mouth, which becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

They digest plaque and release acids that can damage your teeth. The layers of calcium are washed out and the enamel dissolves, becoming brittle. As a result, the so-called enamel demineralization is observed, which, in the end, leads to the formation of caries.

In childhood, this often appears as white (sometimes yellow) spots on the front of the teeth. The next step after that is .

Black plaque in children

In some cases, the plaque is so compacted that it begins to absorb the pigment, causing the teeth to become distinctly black. Usually such a plaque is the result of diseases of the stomach or intestines and requires professional treatment. Also, children in these cases are advised to turn to those who will not only help with the problem of plaque, but also eliminate its cause.


Dental stone is soft plaque, which has been in the mouth for so long that it has condensed to such an extent that, as it were, “ stuck” to the tooth. At the same time, in addition to difficulties with, the stone can cause inflammation of the marginal gums - swelling and bleeding, causing constant discomfort. Eventually children try to avoid inflamed areas while brushing your teeth.

The result of this process is gingivitis and stomatitis, and in advanced cases, atrophy of the gums occurs along with the exposure of the tooth necks. Tooth sensitivity to temperature and other influences increases significantly.

How is plaque removed

Removing soft and hard plaque from the teeth seems to be an elementary procedure, but, nevertheless, requires from a specialist, in addition to attention, also some experience of similar operations. Soft plaque is removed with special rubber bands (or a brush). As a rule, children do not mind this - they do not experience discomfort or pain as a result of the procedure. But the importance of such a procedure can hardly be overestimated - with seeming simplicity, it can become an important preparation for subsequent treatment, accustoming a child to manipulations in the oral cavity.

In the case of tartar, special devices– ultrasonic or manual.

Professional hygiene includes:

  • removal all kinds raid;
  • teeth polishing(prevents the occurrence of plaque again);
  • remineralization- a procedure that restores the composition of the enamel, strengthens it and reduces sensitivity;
  • child education individual oral hygiene.

Frequency and frequency of occupational hygiene

Of course, the frequency of professional cleaning for each child, and depends mainly on the quality of dental care - some children brush their teeth so well that they can only be taken to a specialist every year, well, others

When carrying out, the presence of crowding of teeth or poor hygiene, prevention and professional cleaning should be done as often as possible.

Do not underestimate the importance of professional cleaning - after all, during it, the doctor not only teach child to take proper care of their teeth, but also select individual resources or drugs - this is especially important for various diseases or defects in the oral cavity. For example, with crowding, a regular toothbrush is not very effective; in this case, the child needs a special brush.

Features of professional oral hygiene

Oral hygiene in children of three to five years

  • removal of plaque and plaques with rotary brushes
  • polishing flosses;
  • remineralization therapy(local, with the use of gels and jellies).

Oral hygiene in children of six to ten years

  • definition of the quality of care ( markers dental plaque);
  • routine tooth brushing under control specialist;
  • hygiene index- the quality of brushing the child's teeth, his mistakes;
  • education proper cleaning;
  • repeated cleaning under the supervision of a specialist, taking into account her recommendations;
  • removal of plaque and plaques from using rotary brushes(using low-abrasive pastes);
  • polishing rubber heads with paste; stripes (strips);
  • (office or at home);
  • local fluorization using gels, jellies or varnishes.

Oral hygiene in adolescents eleven to sixteen years old

  • removal of dental plaque and plaques with rotary brushes(with the use of low-abrasive pastes and air-abrasive devices). With mineralized deposits - cleaning with ultrasonic tips;
  • periodontal indices soft tissues. If symptoms of inflammation are detected, anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out;
  • remineralization therapy(at the dentist or at home).

The main mistakes of individual hygiene

  • procedure in progress too fast;
  • cleaning going on before meals;
  • no intermediate hygiene during the day (after meals);
  • wrong technique cleaning. It is necessary to clean the teeth from all sides;
  • insufficient care for hard-to-reach places - need to use the full range of methods of care behind the oral cavity - threads, single-beam brushes, brushes, irrigators;
  • bad choice hygiene products. They also need to be constantly replaced with new ones;
  • abuse of bleaching pastes based on peroxide compounds (usually with increased abrasive properties). It leads to the spread of pathogens.

All of these errors are often lack of awareness among children and the parents themselves about proper oral hygiene. To avoid this, regular consultations with an orthodontist are necessary.

Gum care in the first months of life

The first six months of life is the period when microbes colonize a child's mouth, which means that with there is an increased risk of disease- caries, stomatitis, baby thrush, etc. Parents and other relatives are often the cause such diseases, passing germs to the baby through kisses, nipples, dishes and neglecting to wash objects with boiled water. To minimize the risk to the child you need to clean your gums special napkins or nozzles on the finger every time after eating.

Milk teeth cleaning

Baby teeth should be brushed special brush for the little ones. At the beginning, the cleaning time should be 15-20 seconds, then the duration is necessary gradually increase. The most difficult thing at this moment, of course, is to arouse interest in the baby in this boring, from his point of view, occupation.

There are two methods as old as the world that have not lost their effectiveness:

  • turn hygiene education into a game What kid doesn't love a flying spaceship brush or a superhero protecting their teeth? If the child is interested he will voluntarily brush his teeth and will wait until the procedure is completed. Maybe even be patient.
  • teach a child to do like mom or dad Children love to imitate their parents. This feature can be easily used and in teaching children how to brush their teeth. Doing this every day with your child, you will find that your child already requires the continuation of the ritual. The most important, to taste the pasta.

It happens that there is simply no paste and brush nearby, then dentists advise sugar-free chewing gum or a more traditional and healthy option - chew on an apple.

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