Treat the prostate with folk remedies quickly. Squats are the best exercises for prostatitis. Recipe from honey with celandine

Men don't like going to the doctor. Why - who knows! Either they are too busy to sit in line in front of the doctor's office, or they are simply afraid of people in white coats. Be that as it may, even with such a serious disease as prostatitis, the stronger sex often prefers to be treated on its own. This article is addressed primarily to such lovers of home self-healing, and it will focus on such an issue as the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies.

What is prostatitis?

The prostate gland is commonly called the second heart of a man - it is a small organ located between the pubic joint and the rectum. Inflammation of the prostate is a disease called prostatitis. Unfortunately, the disease is not so rare.

Various medical sources claim that in Russia the number of men with prostatitis is from 35 to 70% of the population. Regions give different statistics. About two-thirds of those suffering from this disease turn to doctors, the rest, apparently, are trying to find out as much as possible what the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is, and try to cope with the disease on their own.

First symptoms

As you know, it is best to start treating any disease at the very beginning, without waiting until it becomes chronic. If a man is concerned about episodic discomfort in the groin, in the head of the penis and testicles, perhaps these are the first signs of prostatitis. Also, the representatives of the stronger sex should alert the so-called "last drop syndrome". This is the involuntary, uncontrolled release of a drop of urine after urination has been completed, during sitting down.

Sometimes prostatitis manifests itself immediately in an acute form, and here its signs cannot be overlooked. The patient experiences:

  • sharp, sharp pain in the groin, in the perineum, testicles and above the pubis;
  • frequent, very painful and difficult urination;
  • feeling of pain during defecation;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38-39 ° C;
  • weakening of erection;
  • weakness, sweating, general malaise.

If you consult a doctor, he will be able to diagnose prostatitis. Symptoms, treatment and subsequent preventive measures so that the disease does not return again are all in direct relationship with each other.

The symptoms of the chronic form of the disease are very similar to the acute form, but in addition, a noticeable weakening and deterioration of sexual sensations and the appearance of discharge from the urethra during defecation can still be added. Treatment of chronic prostatitis, as well as acute, is best left to a urologist or andrologist.

Possible causes of the disease

Inflammation of the prostate can occur for many reasons. First, the pathology can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi; secondly, the cause of the disease is often the stagnation of the secretion of the prostate and blood in the veins in this small organ, which can be facilitated by an irregular sex life.

Also, stagnation can be triggered by a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, wearing too tight underwear and the abuse of strong alcoholic beverages. In addition, hormonal disorders, malfunctions in the immune system, the presence of infectious foci in the body, from where microbes can enter the prostate gland - all this can cause prostatitis. Symptoms (treatment with folk remedies can bring some relief, but will not eradicate the problem) are unpleasant, but timely access to specialist help increases the chances of recovery. Why is self-healing often ineffective? The fact is that without tests and professional diagnostics it can be difficult to establish the true cause of the disease. And this means that even after a successful cure, it can return. For those who, due to certain circumstances, do not want to resort to the help of doctors, below are recipes for traditional medicine that give the best results for prostatitis.

Treatment with propolis suppositories

As you know, propolis has very powerful antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. That is why traditional medicine successfully uses this remedy for inflammation of the prostate. Treatment of prostatitis in men with propolis is the use of tinctures, ointments and suppositories prepared on its basis.

Suppositories (with due skill) can be easily made at home. To do this, you need to take a pure extract of propolis in the amount of 0.1 g and 2 g of cocoa butter, mix both ingredients and manually form small candles. However, this is not the only recipe.

Here is another tip for making suppositories on your own: melt 200 g of any fat base, add 40-60 g of well-ground propolis there, mix thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add wax to it, stir, let the mixture stand, then drain the liquid formed on top, cool, cut the mass into pieces of 5 g and form candles from them.

Suppositories should be inserted into the anus every night before going to bed. The duration of treatment is a month. Then there is a break of 4-6 weeks, after which monthly treatment follows again. In total, you will need to complete 3 courses. It is recommended to combine such therapy with the ingestion of a healing mixture consisting of 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey. You need to take this composition in a teaspoon (three times a day) for a month.

Ointment and tincture based on propolis

The alternative treatment of prostatitis with propolis tincture and ointment has proven itself well. To prepare the latter, you need to mix 30 g of propolis well with olive or sunflower oil. This is best done in a water bath. The resulting composition should be lubricated in the perineal area for 14 days.

It is also easy to prepare a tincture: dissolve propolis in 96% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 2 and put it in a cool and dark place for 2 weeks. From time to time, the tincture needs to be shaken. At the end of the specified period, the infusion must be filtered. Now you can carry out a course of treatment. 30-40 drops of tincture are dissolved in milk or water and taken about half an hour before a meal. The whole course takes a month. The cake that remains after filtering does not need to be thrown away - it is perfect for suppositories.

Tinctures, ointments and suppositories based on propolis relieve pain, reduce the size of the inflamed prostate, normalize its working functions and urine outflow, and improve the general well-being of a sick person.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs and plants

Traditional medicine uses the healing power of various herbs in the treatment of many diseases, and prostatitis is no exception. There are many plants from which decoctions and infusions can be made, which help well in the presence of this pathology. Here is their list:

  • parsley;
  • chestnuts;
  • hazel;
  • wintergreen and winter love;
  • calendula;
  • nettle;
  • fennel;
  • yarrow;
  • field steel worker;
  • bearberry;
  • cyanosis;
  • Adonis;
  • pumpkin.

Juice is prepared from parsley, which must be taken half an hour before meals, a tablespoon 3 times a day. A decoction of the seeds of this plant is also good. Parsley quickly relieves inflammation and restores sexual function.

In the treatment of chestnuts, not the kernels themselves are used, but their shells with needles. They just need to be brewed and drunk instead of tea. This drink has a very beneficial effect on the prostate gland.

Pumpkin seeds can make home treatment for prostatitis very effective! After all, this is one of the most effective means that all healers and traditional healers have used since ancient times. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc, a chemical element that every man needs. They can be eaten whole, crushed before meals, or mixed with honey.

Using decoctions of leaves and bark of hazel to treat prostatitis is also a good option! These ingredients are best brewed and drunk alternately in a quarter cup 3-4 times a day. Relief should come within a week.

From the juice of elderberries, parsley juice, chestnut peel, decoction of bearberry, primrose and burdock root, you can prepare an excellent healing infusion. It is necessary to take the drug within two to three weeks, after this period the symptoms of the disease begin to recede. Sinyukha can be brewed and a decoction can be drunk from it, both in chronic and acute prostatitis, but, for example, adonis is indicated only in the chronic course of the disease. Both plants are best brewed fresh, i.e. straight from the garden.


It would be good to supplement the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies with hydrotherapy. To do this, you can do warm (not higher than 43 degrees) sitz baths or warming microclysters (up to 38 degrees). Milk-oil mixtures and decoctions of string, chamomile and sage can and should be added to the water. Important: in the acute stage of the disease, warm baths can be harmful, before doing them, you need to consult a doctor.

A good soothing and relaxing effect is produced by common baths, the temperature of which does not exceed body temperature (36 degrees). You need to take them no more than 10-20 minutes. Hot (41-43 degrees) baths are also acceptable - they are able to relieve pain during muscle contraction and act relaxing when overexcited. Be sure to ensure that the heart area is not covered with water! After the procedure, you need to take a cool shower at a comfortable temperature.

Juice treatment

Juice therapy can also complement the treatment of prostatitis. Reviews speak of this method as very effective, but with some side effects. The fact is that the juice mixture, the recipe of which will be given below, actively contributes to the dissolution of stones and sand in the kidneys and gallbladder and their subsequent removal from the body, and this can be accompanied by severe bouts of pain.

Now let's go directly to the recipe: you need to prepare a mixture of beetroot, cucumber and carrot juices and drink this multivitamin fresh half a cup 3-4 times a day. The course is several weeks. It is very important: you cannot drink freshly squeezed beetroot juice, you need to let it settle for several hours.

clay therapy

Treatment of prostatitis in men is possible with the help of clay therapy. The main thing is to find raw materials suitable for the procedure. Clay must be sought in quarries, near cliffs, since a deep product has a greater biological activity than a surface one. The necessary remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is best to use blue deep clay. It must be soaked in a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs to the consistency of very thick sour cream, then form a cake 2-3 cm thick and, after applying it to the area of ​​the prostate gland, fix it with bandages. It is recommended to put a woolen cloth on top, wrap yourself warmly in a blanket and lie down for 2 hours.

During such a procedure, the patient may be disturbed by quite severe pain, you need to endure it. The presence of pain means that the clay is working, and cleansing is in full swing. After two hours, such a cake may acquire an unpleasant odor, which indicates a large amount of toxins that it was able to draw out of the body. Used clay must be thrown away, or even better - buried in the ground. Note: after the procedure, you can not go outside, it is better to stay warm for a while.

Daily gymnastics

Effective treatment of prostatitis is unlikely to be possible without daily recreational physical education. It should be remembered that often just a sedentary lifestyle leads to inflammation of the prostate gland. After the acute stage of the disease has passed, you can and should do morning exercises, go swimming, walk in the fresh air or lightly jog. There are exercises specifically designed for such situations. They significantly improve blood flow in the pelvic area. Below is a set of such exercises:

  • Half squats and subsequent breeding of the knees to the sides.
  • Alternately lifting the legs bent at the knees.
  • Rolling lying on the ball, placed under the stomach, with an emphasis on the hands.
  • From a prone position, lifting the pelvis up.
  • Breeding legs bent at the knees in the supine position.

All exercises are repeated 10 times. And most importantly - do not forget about the regularity of classes!

How to eat with prostatitis?

Do I need any special diet in the treatment of prostatitis? Symptoms (the treatment of this disease cannot be called a quick one) can be greatly alleviated by eating right and eliminating a number of harmful foods from the diet. With inflammation of the prostate, smoked and spicy dishes should be abandoned, no matter how tasty they are! Various pickles, canned food, including homemade preparations, also need to be deleted from the menu. In addition, the ban applies to alcohol, radishes, radishes, hot spices, pastries, sweets, strong coffee, and tea. As for garlic and onions, they can be eaten, but only in small quantities.

Patients with prostatitis are shown a varied diet, including dairy products, cheese, nuts, seeds (especially pumpkin seeds), lean meat and fish, various cereals, vegetables, fruits. It is especially important to eat foods that contain zinc: legumes, chicken liver, sea fish, various seafood, grapefruits, apples, berries (raspberries, currants), honey, celery, beets, tomatoes, baked potatoes, etc. As you can see, food can be very varied and tasty.

There are a variety of treatments for prostatitis. Some of them have been discussed in this article. In addition to them, I would like to give a number of useful tips that will help with inflammation of the prostate.

  • Hypothermia must be avoided, not only outdoors, but also indoors.
  • When sitting on a chair, you need to squeeze your buttocks. If there is such an opportunity, it is better not to sit down, but to stand.
  • Massage is useful for the prostate, because it is not sufficiently supplied with blood. It would be useful to do it once a week or more often. To do this, a finger is inserted into the anus. The best way to do this is to squat down.
  • After the toilet, you can use a small syringe to inject chamomile into the rectum - it relieves inflammation very well.

Which is better: folk methods of treatment or the help of professional doctors?

It should be understood that the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies cannot be taken as a basis. These are rather auxiliary measures that complement the therapy prescribed by the urologist or andrologist. This remark is especially true for the acute stage of the disease. If you do not receive qualified medical assistance in time, then the disease can go according to a very dramatic scenario and result in focal purulent inflammation - an abscess of the prostate gland.

Chronic prostatitis can come in waves, with periodic improvements, and this state of affairs sometimes lasts for years. The period of remission can be falsely perceived by a man as a complete cure, and at this time the inflammatory process can imperceptibly spread further through the urinary system. As you yourself understand, this cannot lead to anything good. So at the first suspicion of inflammation of the prostate, it is best to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Such words are not at all an attempt to intimidate, but a desire to help cure such a difficult disease as prostatitis. Be healthy!

Those people who are "tired" of the disease and want to know how to cure chronic prostatitis in men with folk remedies should be prepared for long-term therapy. If the condition worsens, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor; the risk of developing serious complications while taking healing infusions is not excluded.

An inflammatory process localized in the prostate gland is called. The main symptom of the disease - a violation of the process of urination - is due to squeezing of the urethra, around which the prostate is located.

In most cases, the disease develops due to:

  • penetration into the tissues of the glands of gram-positive, gram-negative or urogenital infections;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, leading to congestion of blood in the veins;
  • violations of drainage of prostate follicles (stagnation of the secret).

Men at risk include:

  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight, bad habits;
  • who prefer to interrupt sexual intercourse rather than use other methods of contraception;
  • rarely enter into an intimate relationship.

Very often, the inflammatory process can develop against the background of urethritis, acute cystitis, urolithiasis and mechanical damage. Even diseases such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, caries can contribute to the development of prostatitis.

Among the causes of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis can also be called:

  • hypothermia;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • overwork;
  • constant neuro-emotional stress;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • eating junk food.

How does prostatitis become chronic?

Allocate acute and chronic prostatitis. The first form of the disease occurs in 3 stages:

  • catarrh;
  • follicular;
  • parenchymal.

The inflammatory process begins with changes in the mucous tissues of the prostate ( 1 stage).

If treatment is started at this stage, recovery will occur within a week.

As a result of stagnation caused by swelling of the walls of the ducts, individual lobules of the gland may fester ( 2 stage).

In the absence of treatment, pathological changes occur in the parenchymal and interstitial tissues.

The third stage of acute prostatitis can end:

  • an abscess, if there is a merger of individual abscesses;
  • recovery;
  • development .

Thus, if acute prostatitis is not treated according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, it will definitely turn into a chronic form.

How effective is traditional medicine

The effectiveness of the treatment of chronic prostatitis with alternative methods depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, which can only be established after a medical examination. Diagnostics allows you to find out:

  • causes of prostatitis;
  • the presence of irreversible changes or their absence;
  • whether there are concomitant diseases and complications;
  • the duration of the flow.

If symptoms characteristic of prostatitis appear, you should not self-medicate, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor. Based on the results of the examination, the following treatment methods can be determined:

A certain type of medication, as well as all auxiliary procedures, are prescribed only by a doctor if there are appropriate indications.

Not always folk remedies for chronic prostatitis help to improve the patient's condition. There may be the following reasons for this:

  • individual characteristics of a person;
  • the presence of secondary infections;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in neighboring organs.

Therefore, the question of whether chronic prostatitis can be cured with folk remedies cannot be answered unambiguously. If the patient's condition allows the use of home remedies, their use will help to significantly improve the patient's well-being. In combination with course medication, there is even a chance for a full recovery.

Treatment using only herbs is possible only for chronic prostatitis of a non-infectious nature.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

You can treat prostatitis at home, using candles, decoctions and infusions of herbs for internal use. Folk remedies help to prolong the stage of remission, and during exacerbation they help to improve the patient's condition.

The most effective remedies for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men include:

  • propolis;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • parsley;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • aspen bark.

bee product- the best folk remedy for chronic prostatitis. One way to use it is to make candles. They are made from wax, propolis and pork fat, the proportions of the components are 1:1:4.

First, add propolis to the fat melted in a water bath, and after it dissolves, add wax. After thoroughly stirring everything, the mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps, and refrigerate. Candle dimensions: 3 cm long and 1 cm in diameter.

Pumpkin seeds It is useful to use both during remission and during exacerbations. In the first case, it is enough to eat them raw, 100-150 g daily. In the second - pumpkin seeds are best consumed with honey.

For convenience, “tablets” can be made from the components: mix 500 g of dried crushed seeds with 200 g of honey, let the mixture thicken and divide into small parts, and then give each the shape of balls with a diameter of 2-3 cm. “Pills” should be eaten every day 1 piece for 2-3 weeks. They should be consumed in the morning before meals: do not chew, do not swallow, just keep in your mouth until completely dissolved.

After the symptoms of the disease disappear, the balls can be eaten further. They have a beneficial effect on the state of all body systems. In addition, with their long-term use, a man can completely recover from this disease.

Besides that parsley it is useful to use it fresh, it can be used to prepare infusions to eliminate the symptoms of chronic prostatitis in the acute stage. 1 st. l. Pour the seeds of the plant into a glass of boiling water and strain after 10 minutes. Take every 4 hours, 70 ml. Parsley can be juiced. It should be drunk before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

pharmacy chamomile helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain in prostatitis. With exacerbations, enemas from a warm decoction help well. For one procedure, 1 glass of solution will be enough. To prepare it, in the indicated volume of boiling water, brew 1 tbsp. l. herbs. You need to do them 1 - 2 times a day.

When the symptoms disappear, chamomile treatment can be continued. An infusion prepared according to the same recipe should be drunk half a glass twice a day.

Prepare remedy from aspen bark preferably in a thermos. It will take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials (you can buy at a pharmacy or prepare yourself) and 0.25 liters of boiling water. It is better to brew a drink before going to bed: as a result of prolonged infusion, there will be more benefits. Waking up in the morning, you need to drink everything at once.


In the absence of irreversible changes in the prostate gland and neurodystrophy, there is a possibility of a complete cure for chronic prostatitis, while folk remedies can speed up the healing process.

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a fairly common disease that many middle-aged and older men face. there can be quite a lot: from congestion in the pelvic region to the presence of infections in the body. Prostatitis is a very insidious disease that can lead to various negative consequences. Therefore, his treatment is necessary. This can be done by traditional methods using . But no less effective is the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies. How to do it right?

The risk group for the likelihood of prostatitis includes overweight men who lead an inactive lifestyle. Along with this, the factors that contribute to the fact that the prostate becomes inflamed include:

  • The presence of various diseases of the genitourinary system, including venereal.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Sexual abstinence.

Prostatitis develops when blood circulation in this area is disturbed. In this case, harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate here, causing an inflammatory process.

May differ for each patient. At the same time, you can suspect its development in yourself by the following signs:

  1. In the area of ​​the perineum and lower back, pulling pain sensations appear.
  2. The patient notes rapid fatigue and excessive irritability.
  3. There is a burning sensation in the urethra.
  1. Sperm becomes liquid and cloudy.
  2. The process of urination is painful, the urine stream becomes thin.
  3. White threads can be noted in the urine.
  4. Decreased potency and soreness during ejaculation.

The chief urologist of the Euromedica clinic I. A. Izmakin will tell you more about the signs of the disease:

Having noticed such signs in himself, a man should contact a urologist who, having assessed the situation, will be able to prescribe the necessary therapy. For this, both medical and folk methods of treating prostatitis are used.


For more than one century, people have been trying to cure prostatitis using the methods of traditional medicine, which are based on the use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. During all this time, numerous recipes have accumulated that are still used today. The most common and effective folk remedies for prostatitis:

  • Pumpkin seeds. They contain a lot of zinc - an element indispensable for men's health. Those who have noticed the first signs of prostatitis in themselves are recommended to eat about 30 of these seeds daily. They are advised to use them not only for prostatitis and impotence, but also for those who have.
  • Pumpkin with honey. To prepare such a remedy, you need 500 g of pumpkin seeds - it is important that they are raw. Grind them with a meat grinder or food processor and mix with 200 g of natural honey. From the resulting mixture, you need to roll balls, a little larger than hazelnuts. The product should be stored in the refrigerator. Several times a day (always before meals), you need to dissolve 1 ball. From this number of products, the number of balls for the entire course of treatment is obtained.

  • Aspen bark. It must be collected in early spring, before the first leaves begin to appear on the tree. The thickness of the bark should not exceed 3-5 mm. The collected raw materials are dried in the oven and crushed. The bark is folded into a liter jar so that the container is 1/3 full. Fill the jar to the top with water and leave for 2 weeks. The place for this should be chosen dark and not hot. After that, strain the infusion and drink before meals (1 tablespoon each). This remedy is not suitable for patients who have experienced intolerance to any of its components, those who suffer from constipation, dysbacteriosis and various chronic ailments.
  • Hazel. Reviews say that one of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis is prepared from this plant and guarantees an effect after a week of use. For its preparation, hazel leaves and bark are used (it is important that all raw materials are fresh). All ingredients are crushed. 1 tablespoon of pre-prepared raw materials is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water and infused for about 30 minutes. For this, it is convenient to use a thermos. After that, the medicine is filtered, divided into 4 equal parts and drunk during the day.
  • Chestnut shell. This decoction is used for prostatitis and adenoma. The shell is crushed, brewed with boiling water and drunk instead of tea. The decoction increases appetite, so periodically it is recommended to do a cleansing enema.

In the photo, a decoction of seeds and chopped parsley roots

  • Parsley is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. This plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. There are several ways to treat. One is to use fresh juice from the root of the plant before every meal. In addition, parsley seeds can be used, which are ground to a powder and made into a decoction. To prepare such a medicine, 4 teaspoons of the powder, which is prepared from the seeds of the plant using a coffee grinder, is poured with boiling water (about 200-250 ml) and boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. Next, the container with the broth is set aside until it cools completely. After cooling, strain the broth and drink 1 spoon at regular intervals up to 6 times a day. Patient reviews prove that using parsley seeds or root is very effective.
  • Pear. Wild varieties of this tree will help cure prostatitis. To do this, it is enough to drink compote daily, cooked from pears (can be dry). Already on the 3-5th day of taking it, the prostate will bother the man less.
  • Garlic. can be done with garlic. To prepare a remedy, you need to cut 5 cloves of garlic into small pieces and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused overnight. In the morning, the agent is filtered and drunk 50 ml 2 times on an empty stomach.
  • natural juices. Even chronic prostatitis can be treated if you drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice from asparagus, cucumber, carrots and beets, taken in equal amounts daily.

More recipes can be found in the video:

Herbal treatment

The use of folk remedies for prostatitis in men will be more effective if combined with prostate massage. In folk medicine, prostatitis is suggested to be used:

  1. Radiolu pink. For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, the root of the plant is used, which is pre-crushed. 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes over very low heat. After the broth has cooled, it must be filtered. Take the medicine 2 times a day, 100 ml.
  2. Celandine. Juice is squeezed out of the plant, which is mixed with alcohol in equal proportions. You need to drink such a remedy on an empty stomach, diluting it in 50 ml of water. It is necessary to start treatment with 1 drop, adding drop by drop daily, and so on until the daily dose is 30 drops. After that, it is necessary to reduce the dosage daily by 1 drop per day. The course of treatment in this way will be 2 months. After a break of 2 weeks, you need to repeat the course of treatment.
  3. Kalanchoe. The recipe with its use is as follows: crushed leaves of the plant (1 cup) are poured into 500 ml of vodka and left for 5 days in a dark and cool place so that the drug is infused. Ready tincture is taken 1 teaspoon per day. After the signs of prostatitis disappear, you will need to take 1 teaspoon of tincture per week as a preventive measure.

Preparation of settings from Kalanchoe on vodka

  1. Another recipe with Kalanchoe: 100 g of fresh leaves of the plant are ground in a meat grinder and poured with 1 glass of medical alcohol. You need to insist the drug for 20 days in a dark place. After that, it is filtered and drunk 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Reviews indicate that such treatment with folk remedies reduces pain and other symptoms of prostatitis.
  2. Grass wheatgrass. Phytotherapists know the anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of this plant. To make a medicine out of it, you will need the roots of the plant, which are crushed and poured with cold water so that it completely covers the raw materials. The agent settles in a dark place for 10-12 hours. In the morning the roots will swell. Now they need to be poured with boiling water (1.5 liters), wrapped and left for 1 hour. The medicine is taken 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Use of bee products

Folk remedies for prostatitis not only treat the disease, but also help to normalize the functioning of the body as a whole.

For example, honey and propolis are used as a prophylactic for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They also lead to the rejuvenation of the body, saturate it with useful substances, and have an antibacterial effect.

Alternative treatment of prostatitis can also be carried out using various bee products:

  • Honey. In the morning after waking up, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
  • Pollen. For the treatment of prostatitis, it is consumed every time before meals, 1 dessert spoon.
  • Podmor. For treatment, 2 tablespoons of dead bees, which can always be purchased from beekeepers, are poured into 500 ml of water (room temperature) and brought to a boil. After 2 hours, strain the medicine and drink 1 tablespoon of decoction mixed with a little honey. You need to take the drug 3 times a day. The decoction should be stored in the refrigerator.

A very unusual way to treat inflammation of the prostate gland is bee stinging. Alexander Forgotten tells more about the method:

  • Propolis. Its tincture can be bought at every pharmacy. Mix 40 drops of tincture with 100 ml of water and drink half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.
  • Another effective remedy based on propolis is an enema. To prepare it, 40 g of propolis is mixed with 1 glass of medical alcohol and 2 g of cocoa butter. 2 g of the resulting mixture is dissolved in 100 ml of water, which are used for an enema, which must be done daily for 2 months. After 1 month, the course of treatment is repeated.
  • Candles with honey have a good effect. To prepare them, you need to mix 1 medium-sized egg, 1 teaspoon of quality honey (preferably not yet sugared) and 3 tablespoons of rye flour. The result should be a tight dough, from which you need to roll candles that are stored in the freezer. Every morning and evening, you need to put a candle.

The main condition for the use of propolis is high-quality raw materials. Good propolis has a light aroma and a light shade. It is better to buy it from trusted sellers.

hot baths

Folk remedies can be supplemented with baths. But they should be done only with the permission of the attending physician.

  1. Make a decoction of chamomile, linden, sage and thyme, mixed in equal amounts. 5 tablespoons of the collection is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and allowed to brew for at least 1 hour. Such a folk remedy is poured into the basin. You need to sit in the broth for at least 25 minutes. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.
  2. After such a bath, the patient needs to douche.


Phytotherapy is used not only for treatment, but also for. For preventive purposes, you can use the following tools:

  • Ivan-tea herb (2 teaspoons of dried raw materials) is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with the medicine and leave to cool completely. Only then can the infusion be filtered. Take it before meals in the morning and evening.
  • Men who want to always be healthy are recommended to eat honey and propolis daily, which is crushed and mixed with food.
  • 1 kg of peeled walnut kernels and the same amount of sunflower seeds are passed through a meat grinder. Every morning on an empty stomach, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of this remedy with 1 onion grated on a fine grater.

106 videos! 106 videos, dear readers, on the treatment and prevention of prostatitis using traditional medicine. Choose what you like (to see the list, click on the playlist icon):

The benefits of folk remedies

Starting to treat prostatitis with folk remedies, each patient must remember that this is a rather lengthy process and requires an integrated approach. Treatment is based on medication. Folk remedies and the normalization of lifestyle (HLS), which means rational nutrition and sports, are capable of giving them effectiveness.

The advantages of using folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis, as well as in the case of other diseases, include:

  1. Good tolerance.
  2. No various side effects.
  3. Strengthening the body's defenses.
  4. Relief from comorbidities.
  5. Possibility to combine various capable folk treatments.

Whatever folk remedy is chosen for the treatment or prevention of prostatitis, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Analyze how much you work and rest, how you eat and sleep.

To enhance the effect of folk remedies, it is important to perform certain physical exercises that will be aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles. One such exercise is the squat. But do not forget about a regular sexual life, as abstinence often leads to congestion in the pelvic region, which in most cases becomes the root cause of prostatitis.

All folk remedies used in the treatment of prostatitis should be combined with massage.

Starting treatment with the use of medicinal herbs and other folk methods, the main thing is to set yourself up for a long course of therapy (at least 30 days, although there are situations when treatment lasts at least 3-6 months). During this period, it is important to take medications regularly and on time. This is the only way to completely defeat prostatitis and protect yourself from its reappearance.

  • Chief Urologist "The danger of prostatitis is that in a year it will turn into prostate cancer ..." To avoid impotence and cancer, use before bed..
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Prostatitis is a disease that occurs during inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, which is also called the second heart of a man. The most important thing is not to confuse prostatitis and adenoma, in the second case, the disease is an increase in the size of the prostate. The cause of this disease is a disturbed hormonal metabolism.

Among the main symptoms of prostatitis are the following:

  • frequent urination;
  • going to the toilet at night;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • marked decrease in sex drive.

There are many reasons for such manifestations and the first signs of the disease. Especially often men who lead a sedentary or inactive lifestyle complain of prostatitis, as a result of which blood begins to stagnate in the genitals and blood flow worsens. Also, various old, not completely cured sexually transmitted diseases, constant hypothermia, bad habits, prolonged sexual abstinence, constipation also negatively affect the health of a man.

2 Traditional medicine for diseases of the prostate gland

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis have long proven themselves in cases of acute, chronic or just beginning disease. In this case, it is traditional medicine that can achieve great results in eliminating the problem. Almost all folk methods of treatment, medicinal herbs are well tolerated by patients, fight against any inflammatory processes of the prostate and restore men's health.

Traditional medicine and prostatitis are perfectly combined. Most often, the main medicines are a variety of herbal tinctures, herbal teas, ingestion of freshly squeezed juices from plants, or direct injection of the drug into the urethra. Of course, in advanced cases, prostatitis must be treated with additional hip stimulation procedures. Your doctor may prescribe a course of electrophoresis or magnetophoresis.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies shows good results. But, before choosing herbs and preparing them at home, you need to understand their properties and methods of application. For the treatment of chronic prostatitis with the help of tinctures, it is the ground part of the plant that is most often used, and the roots are usually used for decoctions. Further, depending on the appearance of the plant, you decide how to properly prepare it for use. All thin stems, roots, leaves or flowers must be crushed so that the fineness of the resulting particles is about 5 mm. If the selected plant has thick stems and rhizomes, then grind them to a size of 3 mm. And all the necessary collected seeds or buds must be carefully ground to a homogeneous powder.

3 Methods of treatment

Traditional medicine in any matter is extremely diverse. Therefore, you can choose your own treatment method, which will be more convenient and effective with the existing diagnosis.

So, the most popular cure for prostatitis are such affordable pumpkin seeds. They contain a lot of zinc, which is necessary for all men at any age. To replenish the daily norm, it is enough to eat about 30 pumpkin seeds every day before meals. At the same time, you can eat them whole or crushed, and eating seeds in crushed form mixed with honey will also be a good remedy for the disease.

The second most effective drug for prostatitis is propolis. Its tincture or flowers can be found in any pharmacy. This natural preparation is a combination of a huge number of useful elements. With any type of prostatitis, you need to remove the inflammatory process, with which propolis does an excellent job, in addition, it has an antispasmodic effect, which will also help to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in a short time. You can take propolis orally or in the form of suppositories.

To overcome any prostatitis, traditional medicine advises taking baths in addition to treatment with popular remedies. Sitting in a warm bath improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The water temperature should not be higher than 43 degrees. An alternative to this method is a warming microclyster, which is made from a mixture of herbal decoction and milk-oil liquid. You can take string, chamomile, sage for these purposes.

If you prefer to be treated with brewed teas, then chestnut is considered an excellent medicine for prostatitis. You will need exactly his shell with needles. It must be brewed and drunk like regular tea. This method will help to cure prostatitis and adenomas, but the downside is an increase in appetite after taking the decoction. It is for this reason that most often brewed tea from chestnut shells is used in the form of microclysters, which can be done no more than 2 times a week.

Almost every housewife, when preparing a mass of dishes, likes to add parsley. This is of particular importance in cases where a man needs help with prostatitis. The thing is that parsley contains a huge amount of vitamins A and C, exceeding almost four times their content in lemon. These substances have a great effect on the flora of the whole organism, including the prostate. Therefore, take parsley juice daily. It is enough for you to drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals to improve your well-being and get rid of the symptoms of the disease. You can also use parsley as a source of seeds, from which a decoction is made and taken orally, like the juice of a plant.

For lovers of herbal decoctions, it is possible to suggest taking St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine and linden in the treatment of prostatitis, and prepare an infusion in a water bath. In this case, it is necessary to observe the proportion of the listed herbs 2: 2: 1: 1. You can take the resulting medicine instead of tea 2 times a day after meals.

An infusion of honey and medicinal herbs is very popular in the treatment of prostatitis.

This remedy will relieve you of the inflammation and pain that is caused as a result. To prepare this medicine, you need to take bitter licorice root, parsley, juniper berries, fennel and chamomile flowers. All these ingredients are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused for 3 hours.

For those who are interested in foods that contain the necessary substances for men's health, the following list will do. It is believed that onions or green onions are rich in components that are very similar to male sex hormones. Therefore, traditional medicine recipes recommend eating this product every day for dinner. The most valuable is considered to be green onions, which contain the most zinc and iron. Garlic has similar properties. It should be consumed as much as possible (in the absence of any contraindications). It contains a large amount of vitamin C, iodine, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, in addition, garlic has a wide spectrum of action on the body of a man and, in addition to prostatitis, will treat other inflammations and strengthen the immune system.

The whole point of treatment with folk remedies is that you can defeat prostatitis in any way you like, without harming other organs.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact an endocrinologist at your medical institution!

Chronic prostatitis requires a long and correct treatment - this is the only way to completely get rid of the disease and not be afraid of possible relapses. The use of traditional medicine will be most effective if it is used in combination with the prescribed drug therapy. How to treat chronic prostatitis with folk remedies?

Treatment of chronic prostatitis at home with folk remedies can occur only after a person has been examined by a doctor and passed the necessary tests, self-medication is not worth it. Such therapy can supplement medication and speed up the process of normalization of the condition.

Not completely cured acute prostatitis becomes chronic. The patient is tormented by painful urination and other unpleasant symptoms.


Folk recipes for chronic prostatitis include natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on receptors, relax the prostate gland.

On a note. Such therapy contributes to the process of facilitating urination, and all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease also disappear quite quickly. Based on herbs, you can prepare simple but effective medicines.

At home, many formulations are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. Most often it is:

  • tansy;
  • rosemary;
  • bearberry.

The combination of herbs acts inside the body as a natural antiseptic. To prepare a drink, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. each component, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist in a closed thermos for 2-3 hours. It is advisable to strain the remedy before use, you need to take it on an empty stomach in a few sips.

Tansy in combination with other herbs helps to effectively get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

There is a simple and affordable way for everyone to treat chronic prostatitis with folk remedies, using pharmacy chamomile for this. The plant quickly relieves the inflammatory process. It is most effective to add chamomile to echinacea and St. John's wort. Components should be taken in 1 tbsp. l., pour 350 ml of hot water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, then insist under a closed lid. The remedy should be consumed every morning, replacing tea with it, you can add 1 tsp. honey.

Effective treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies will be provided if you drink an infusion made from sweet clover, nettle and licorice daily 2-4 times a day. The combination of components quickly thins the blood in the pelvic area. Dry ingredients must be mixed (1 tbsp each), pour boiling water (500 ml) and insist 2-3 hours. Consume like tea.

Note! Regular consumption of a warm drink will quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and will contribute to the normalization of the condition.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis in men with folk remedies simply cannot do without parsley. This fresh herb must be added to salads, snacks, cereals and other dishes. Daily consumption of greens, which is combined with the intake of herbal decoctions and drug treatment, will allow you to forget about the disease.

Regular consumption of parsley in food can be not only a treatment, but also a prevention of prostatitis.

Use of aspen bark

Treatment of symptoms of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies can be carried out using aspen bark. Only the bark of young trees with a thin trunk is suitable for the recipe. With neat circular cuts, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the bark, grind it and dry it in the sun. There are several ways to use such a component.

One of them involves the preparation of a healing infusion. Have to take:

  • 1 st. l. crushed bark;
  • 250 ml of boiling water.

It is better to fill the bark in a thermos, fill it with water and leave for 9 hours. The drink should be drunk in the morning instead of tea (necessarily in a warm form).

Aspen bark can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy ready-made

Note! A decoction of aspen bark can be both therapeutic and prophylactic for prostatitis.

There is another simple way to use the bark of this tree for medicinal purposes - you just need to chew it. It tastes bitter and rather unpleasant, but has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Experts advise using such a remedy during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

The use of honey for medicinal purposes

One of the most effective folk remedies in the treatment of chronic prostatitis is deservedly considered honey. The product is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. in an herbal decoction made from chamomile and yarrow. Regular use of a warm remedy in a short time will remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition.

There is another medicine that uses honey. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of warm low-fat milk with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. honey. The drink is suitable for daily use if there are no side effects from the body.

Useful properties of honey accelerate the process of getting rid of prostatitis and heal the body

Useful properties of pumpkin

Often, the treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies is carried out using pumpkin. This product has a lot of useful substances that help restore health and get rid of the disease. Urologists advise drinking 1 glass of fresh pumpkin juice daily, adding 1 tbsp. l. honey. The course of treatment with this drug lasts from 2 to 3 weeks (without interruptions).

Not only juice, but also pumpkin seeds are suitable for treatment and prevention. They need to be slightly dried, but in no case should they be fried. 100-150 g of seeds should be consumed daily. To achieve the desired effect, they need to be eaten for a month every day.

Healing properties of celandine

There is a simple way to get rid of the disease with the help of celandine.

Important! This plant has a lot of advantages, but you need to use it carefully, without violating the recipe, otherwise you can harm the body.

From celandine, you can prepare a healing infusion, for this you need:

  • 1 st. l chopped dry grass;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Dry grass should be poured with boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for 2 hours. Strain before use. The infusion is taken half an hour before a meal, 1 tbsp. l. The course of therapy lasts a month.

Celandine is an effective folk remedy for chronic prostatitis, which allows you to quickly get rid of not only this disease, but also many others.

Note! If after using a medicine based on celandine, the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Many people ask whether chronic prostatitis can be cured with folk remedies. Experts say that such a process should be approached comprehensively. Timely diagnosis of the disease, effective drug therapy and the use of healing decoctions and infusions will speed up the process of recovery and recovery. Self-medication does not always provide the desired effect, and the disease returns again.

Turning to non-traditional methods of treatment, patients with chronic prostatitis are interested in: is it possible to cure the disease with folk remedies? Since chronic inflammation of the prostate gland is characterized by a weak manifestation of symptoms, and the disease does not threaten the life of the patient, treatment with folk remedies becomes not only possible, but also desirable.

Principles of treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

The development of chronic prostatitis can last for years, causing constant discomfort in the perineum. In this case, the disease often recurs. The chronic form is characterized by constant transitions from exacerbation to the weakening of the main symptoms. Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating the symptoms:

  • pain in the groin, perineum and scrotum, rectum;
  • problems with urination;
  • sexual dysfunction: premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia.

To choose an effective remedy for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to rely on the results of a medical examination. According to the results of the analysis of urine, blood, microscopic and bacteriological studies of the prostate secretion, it is possible to identify the causes of the disease. Depending on the pathogen, chronic prostatitis is divided into bacterial and non-bacterial.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is often accompanied by diseases: pyelonephritis, urethritis or cystitis. The cause of the development of the disease may be hypothermia, stagnation in the prostate with prolonged abstinence or a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, gonococci, vaginal Trichomonas. Treatment of this form of the disease with folk remedies is possible only during or after a course of antibiotic therapy, the duration of which is from 4 to 8 weeks. The incidence of chronic bacterial prostatitis is 5 out of 100 cases.

In 95% of cases of chronic prostatitis, a non-bacterial form of the disease is diagnosed. If its causative agent is an infection, there is a need to take antibiotics. In other cases, treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies is allowed.

  • to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment;
  • adhere to the rules for the use of infusions, tinctures and decoctions, strictly follow the recipes for their preparation;
  • prepare decoctions and infusions in a water bath for maximum preservation of beneficial properties;
  • when self-harvesting herbs, collect them in environmentally friendly places;
  • refuse treatment if there is an allergic reaction to any component of the recommended remedy or a deterioration in health.

Among the positive aspects of the treatment of chronic prostatitis by means of traditional medicine, there is a mild effect on the body, the minimum number of contraindications, fortification of the whole organism and strengthening of the immune system.

Folk remedies for chronic prostatitis

The most effective methods of getting rid of the symptoms of the disease are based on the use of the following remedies.

Red root for prostatitis

In order to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect and a stimulating effect on the reproductive system, a red root is used to treat chronic prostatitis.

The composition of the red root contains:

  • catechins - antioxidant compounds that strengthen blood vessels, remove heavy metals from the body;
  • saponins contained in the plant contribute to the extinction of the inflammatory process, have diuretic properties;
  • vitamin C - accelerates the process of metabolism in prostate cells, enhances blood microcirculation, has immunomodulatory properties.

And the people call the plant a bear root, a forgotten penny, a blood root, and is especially valued for its high selenium content, which prevents the risk of prostate cancer. Men who were treated with a bear root, got rid of pain in the perineal region, felt an increase in sexual desire.

Recipes for the preparation of medicines from the red root:

  • Tincture: fill a 500 ml container with alcohol (), add 50 g of chopped root. Infuse the mixture for 21 days, stirring regularly. Take 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • Infusion: mix in a thermos 1 liter of boiling water with 2 tbsp. crushed root. Leave the mixture for 12 hours. The resulting infusion is divided into 3 parts, taken throughout the day at regular intervals.
  • Red root tea can be drunk with honey and milk. To prepare it, you need 25 g of root and 1 liter of boiling water.

Folk remedies for chronic prostatitis based on kopeck should not be used for high blood pressure, risk of heart attack, diseases of the nervous system. Tea from the root is useful for everyone, except for women during pregnancy and lactation and children under 12 years old.

Treatment with pumpkin

In folk medicine, recipes for the treatment of prostatitis using pumpkin seeds are popular. They contain a large amount of zinc (in 100 g of the product 115% of the daily requirement of the mineral), which contributes to the production of testosterone. Entering the body in the composition of citrate and gluconate salts, in combination with methionine, zinc is easily absorbed.

Value for the male body are omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. 100g of the product covers the body's need for omega-3 acid by 15.1%, and omega-6 by 208%. This composition increases the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of the product. Thanks to the phosphorus in the composition of the seeds, the quality of sperm improves.

Preparation of medicines for prostatitis:

  • Sweets from seeds with honey: grind 500 g of peeled raw pumpkin seeds, mix with 200 g of honey, put in the cold until thickened. Then form sweets from the mixture (the volume of 1 candy is 1 tsp); eat 1 pc. in the morning until they run out. Candy should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Dry 50 pumpkin seeds and grind with a coffee grinder. Every morning, consume 2 tbsp. powder before meals, washed down with water at room temperature with honey.

With increased consumption of pumpkin seeds, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and impaired joint mobility may develop.

Aspen bark for prostatitis

The use of aspen bark in the treatment of prostatitis is due to its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, antimicrobial properties. Aspen bark contains zinc, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum, salicin, carotene and ascorbic acid. Preparations such as aspirin, sodium salicylate contain active ingredients that are derivatives of aspen components. A remedy prepared on the basis of aspen bark eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves pain, and normalizes the process of urination.

The most effective remedies from aspen bark for chronic prostatitis:

  • Tincture: 200 g of bark must be poured with 0.5 liters of alcohol () and insisted for at least 14 days. The tincture is taken three times a day before meals, the therapeutic effect is observed after 3 months of admission. You can pre-dilute 20 drops of tincture with 50 ml of water.
  • Decoction: pour 100 g of bark with a liter of boiling water, put the mixture on a steam bath and simmer for about 25 minutes. Daily it is necessary to use 200 ml of broth.

Diet and lifestyle

To normalize the functioning of the prostate gland and prevent relapses of the disease, you should eat foods daily:

  • onions - contains a lot of zinc, copper, iron, necessary for prostate health;
  • seafood;
  • foods and drinks rich in zinc: parsley, parsnip, celery, ginger, sage, lemon balm, pumpkin pulp juice;
  • nuts - thanks to the content of vitamin E, they restore prostate cells;
  • honey - reduces inflammation, stimulates the immune system.

To reduce the likelihood of developing congestive prostatitis, it is recommended to take time to exercise. If it is not possible to regularly visit the gym, you need to walk more and, whenever possible, perform alternate squeezing-unclenching of the gluteal muscles as a simple and effective massage.

Regular consumption of foods that promote prostate health and maintaining a proper lifestyle will help to permanently get rid of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis is considered the most common disease among other types of prostatitis. Of course, after such a diagnosis, immediate treatment is required. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy.

However, the treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies is in no way inferior to modern medicine and can significantly improve the patient's condition. Do not neglect this. For example, prostate massage and physiotherapy procedures that improve vascular tone help a lot.

It is worth noting that some men delay the visit to the urologist, as they will have to spend a large amount on the purchase of medicines (and some are simply shy), so they are wondering how to cure chronic prostatitis with folk remedies at home.

In such a situation, the first steps to recovery will be as follows.

12 proven ways

Good relaxation

Medical luminaries believe that muscle relaxation is the key to successful treatment of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. And stressful situations become the main cause of such a disease. Therefore, a person must learn to use different methods and exercises in the fight against stress every day.

Plants such as skullcap, cinchona bark or valerian will come in handy. Also, do not neglect the Eastern methods of healing the soul and body, such as yoga or qigong.

Water is life!

Drink plenty of plain, clean water and forget about cold beer. It contains a lot of phytoestrogens, and these are analogues of female sex hormones, whose negative impact on the course of prostatitis has already been proven.

Eat right

The best option would be to use boiled vegetables, a large number of fresh fruits and various soups. It is this food that contains many nutrients and vitamins that are perfectly absorbed by the body and have a beneficial effect on the treatment process.

Plants' seeds

Traditional medicine advises using the seeds of some plants as auxiliary elements. Pumpkin seeds will be the most useful, as they will enrich your body with linoleic acid and zinc. If you decide to end prostatitis, eat poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds.


Alternately apply hot and cold bandages to the prostate area. Keep cold for no more than 1-2 minutes, hot - 4-8 minutes. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.


In the fight against prostatitis, pear fruits have an effect. You can feel the healing properties in a few days. If you drink pear compote for a long time, then a positive effect is guaranteed. Men over 50 are advised to dry the leaves and fruits of wild pear for the winter in order to drink aromatic tea at any time. Such alternative treatment will help both treat and prevent chronic prostatitis.


Known since ancient times as a sperm stimulant and stimulant of sexual desire, and when steamed on potato steam, it helps with impotence. D

To prepare the remedy, take onion seeds and grind into powder. The resulting mixture is mixed with the same amount of honey and consumed one teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month.

It is considered the best folk remedy in the treatment of prostatitis caused by sexually transmitted diseases.

bee pollen

Used as a product to improve immunity. The prophylactic dose is 10 g / day, the shock dose is 30 g / day, taken for a month, then take a break for the same period. There are 2-4 courses per year.


Such folk remedies for chronic prostatitis as a variety of herbal decoctions have proven themselves well. For them, both freshly picked herbs and plants, and dried ones are suitable. You can prepare raw materials yourself, pick them up from herbalists, or simply buy a ready-made collection at a pharmacy.

Recipes for decoctions and infusions are very diverse, ranging from the simplest to complex multi-component ones. Their effect has long been proven and depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the accuracy of following the instructions. Therefore, when choosing a treatment, seek the help of an herbalist.

Health food

Men with intractable or chronic prostatitis are advised to pay close attention to their diet.

First of all, include more fresh berries in your diet: strawberries, cherries, blueberries, currants, blackberries, cherries. The useful substances and vitamins contained in them will not only increase immunity and improve health, but also have an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antioxidant effect on the genitourinary system.

Recommended daily consumption of salads from fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs seasoned with vegetable oil. As ingredients, use dioica nettle, horsetail, plantain, dandelion, any kind of cabbage, marigold flowers, apples, tops and beet roots.

Salad of fresh medicinal herbs will increase immunity, normalize bowel function, have a hemostatic, disinfectant, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the male body. The result of treatment with daily intake of freshly squeezed juices from these plants will surprise you.


Frankly, not the most pleasant way, but quite effective. At the initial stage of the disease, when the enlarged prostate compresses the ureter, it is recommended to take 250 ml of your own urine in the morning. Then, as usual, take breakfast, but reducing the portion. Continue this treatment for at least a month.


If you have obesity and an enlarged prostate, we recommend fasting a little, which will provide only temporary relief if your lifestyle does not change. A short fast will not be enough to significantly reduce the prostate. With a new diet, urination will be easier and unpleasant sensations will go away. Drink as much water as possible. The most important thing is to go to bed hungry.

And, of course, the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies requires the consultation of your urologist.

Who said that curing prostatitis is difficult?

Any doctor will offer you a number of ways to treat prostatitis, from trivial and ineffective to radical

  • you can regularly take a course of therapy with pills and rectal massage, returning every six months;
  • you can trust folk remedies and believe in a miracle;
  • go for surgery and forget about sex life...

Prostatitis is the most common disease of the male genital area, every second man over 60 suffers from inflammation of the prostate. Very often we hear about folk remedies for prostatitis.

Treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies can be carried out only after consultation with an andrologist, and in complex therapy, otherwise serious ones are possible.

Treatment of inflammation of the prostate with folk remedies should be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. A man needs to eat right, do exercises to improve blood circulation in the tissues.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! 80% of prostate diseases are asymptomatic, and this rapidly leads to dire consequences. If you need powerful protection against prostatitis, experts recommend...

Treatment of acute prostatitis with folk remedies

If the patient has signs of acute prostatitis, for example, sharp in the lower abdomen, severe burning during urination and high fever, weak urine stream, then you should consult a doctor. Prostatitis can be infectious or non-infectious. With bacterial inflammation, antibiotics must be taken.

If you do not drink and do not use a medical course of treatment, but treat a bacterial infection with folk remedies, there is a risk of provoking severe suppuration, which can result in sepsis. It is especially dangerous to warm up the prostate during infectious inflammation, since bacteria multiply much faster in heat.

If the patient has a relapse of character prostatitis, then traditional medicine recipes can be used in complex therapy. But not all prescriptions are allowed to be used together with drugs. In acute prostatitis, the following remedies are effective:

  • To strengthen the immune system and speedy recovery, it is useful to use freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
  • To relieve inflammation, microclysters are made with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Quite safe and effective candles with propolis and cocoa butter.
  • Pear compote without added sugar is effective against prostatitis.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with folk remedies

Chronic inflammation of the prostate is a neglected form of the disease, which is difficult to treat. For more effective therapy, the use of folk remedies is recommended, but the recommendations of the attending physician should not be neglected.

The most effective folk recipes for the treatment of chronic prostatitis:

  • Therapeutic baths. To prepare baths, you can use needles, chamomile, sage, calendula and other herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects. It is necessary to brew the grass and strain, pour the broth into a basin with warm water and sit in it. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Baths are carried out 2-3 times a week.
  • Celandine tincture, which is sold in a pharmacy, helps with prostatitis. In addition, celandine is an excellent antioxidant, it reduces the risk of adenoma and prostate cancer. Take tincture for 2 months, starting with one drop, increasing every day by 1 drop.
  • Honey is a well-known anti-inflammatory agent, they are made with it. To make candles, honey, flour and an egg are mixed to form candles. The resulting suppositories must be injected into the rectum in the morning and evening for a month.
  • When very effective. You need to eat 30 seeds daily.
  • Chestnuts have long been used for adenoma and prostatitis. To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take the peel of ripe chestnuts. The finished product is drunk during the day instead of tea, and is also used as microclysters.
  • To relieve the symptoms of prostatitis, you can prepare a folk remedy with, it relieves spasms and inflammation well. To prepare candles, take 0.1 grams of propolis and 2 grams of cocoa butter. You need to be treated within 30 days.

Before using folk remedies, you need to make sure that they are not allergic.

Prostatitis is a very unpleasant disease, so it is best to prevent it so that inflammation does not occur again. The following methods will help prevent pathology:

  • It is necessary to eat more fresh herbs and vegetables, and do not forget about pumpkin seeds.
  • To reduce the risk of inflammation of the prostate, you need to drink courses 3 times a year.
  • It is very useful for male strength and the prevention of prostatitis to have a mixture of dried apricots and honey.
  • For prevention, it is recommended to drink a decoction of oats with the addition of parsley juice. To do this, oatmeal is boiled until it becomes soft, then filtered. Parsley juice is added to the liquid in a ratio of 1:10. You need to drink a decoction of 100 grams three times a day.

An important condition for successful prevention is a proper sex life. Alternative medicine specialists, together with doctors, recommend having sex regularly, preferably with a permanent partner. It is better to refuse promiscuous sexual relations because of the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

It also implies a regular visit to the andrologist, the rejection of fatty and junk food, alcohol. If the patient wants to prevent the development of prostatitis at home, it is necessary to do gymnastics, paying special attention to the pelvic area.


Folk remedies for prostatitis have been used by people for many centuries, but unfortunately, they are not as effective as necessary for this disease. Therefore, you should not get hung up on alternative treatment and neglect going to the doctor, such a choice will not lead to anything good.

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