Moll's cyst: symptoms, causes, traditional and surgical treatment, consultations of doctors. Eyelid cyst: features of the treatment of the disease

A dermoid cyst, or dermoid, is a neoplasm in the form of a cyst with a wall of connective tissue. The surface of this type of neoplasm is rough on the inside and smooth on the outside. Its inner layer has a similar structure to the skin and includes the cuticle, stratified epithelium, sweat and sebaceous glands, fatty inclusions and hair.

The dermoid cyst can be located on, on the temporal region, the upper or inner edge, the scalp, the bottom of the mouth, the lower part of the neck, and also in the area of ​​​​the sternum handle.

A dermoid cyst on the eyelid of a child begins to form even during fetal development, and it is not always noticeable at birth. A dermoid cyst is an organoid teratoma, a fibroepithelial formation that consists of connective tissue. From the outside, it is surrounded by an oval capsule. The size of the dermoid can vary from a large pea to a walnut. Inside it there is a single or multi-chamber cavity, which is filled with a sebaceous mass with an admixture of keratinized particles of skin and hair. Dermoid cysts are divided into soft and dense depending on their content.

Symptoms of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid

Clinical manifestations of the dermoid, as in the case of other benign neoplasms, may not manifest themselves for a long time. In the neonatal period, a dermoid cyst can be seen as a slightly elongated or rounded "ball" located under the skin. Symptoms of a dermoid can manifest itself during its increase, inflammation, suppuration, or with pressure on nearby organs.

Dermoid cyst in children has the following characteristics:

  • in most cases it is rounded;
  • has a dense and elastic structure;
  • not soldered to the skin;
  • not painful on palpation;
  • the skin over the cyst is unchanged (the usual shade, there is no rash, ulceration, etc.);
  • when localized on the skull, it may have a depressed appearance;
  • The size of the cyst usually does not increase for a long time.

The severity of the symptoms of a dermoid cyst on the eyelid depends on its size, location and age of the child. The manifestation of symptoms usually occurs when suppuration or inflammation occurs. With the dermoid of the eyeball or eyelid, the clarity of vision may be impaired.

Small dermoids do not affect the general health of the child and do not provoke violations of the internal organs. This is a common cosmetic defect that interferes with the child and his parents. Despite the good quality of the neoplasm, it must be removed, since in 1-2% of cases there is a risk of its degeneration.


Dermoids are detected during a general examination of the child. In this case, in addition to the physical examination, diagnostic procedures are carried out to determine the presence of a connection between the cyst and other tissues.

Computed tomography is prescribed, which visualizes in detail the image of any components of the body: muscles, organs, adipose tissues, bones, etc. Magnetic resonance imaging is used to obtain a detailed image of organs and structures.


Treatment of dermoid cysts is carried out only with the help of surgical intervention. In this case, the cyst shell is completely removed. In children under the age of 7 years, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in older children, using local anesthesia.

In most cases, the removal is carried out through a small puncture. The operation lasts no more than 15 minutes, after it there are no traces and scars. After a few hours, the child will be able to go home, and after a couple of days he will completely forget about the operation.

Moscow clinics

Below we give ophthalmological clinics in Moscow, where a dermoid cyst of the eyelid is treated.

On the eye, a neoplasm that occurs as a result of a malfunction of the sebaceous glands or ducts is a cyst. A tight knot appears on the eyelid. It is completely painless and usually does not affect vision.

A cyst on the eyelid can disappear without outside intervention in about 2-3 weeks. Sometimes this does not happen, and the active growth of the formation continues, often reaching the size of a pea. In this case, the person needs competent treatment. Conservative drug therapy can be used, if necessary, surgery is performed.

The reasons

Considering the causes of the disease, it is necessary first of all to highlight the hereditary factor. The formation of education can begin even in the period of intrauterine development. Education often begins during adolescence. It can be provoked by:

Women should be aware that the use of low-quality, expired decorative cosmetics leads to inflammation and disrupts the outflow of fluid. The pores are clogged due to the large amount of oils contained in such products.

Another reason for the possible occurrence of pathology is hypothermia. At the same time, significant reddening of the eyelid is noticeable. The formation easily moves under the skin as soon as pressure is applied to it. Such formations have different parameters - from a few millimeters to a centimeter.


The tumor that appears can be localized on the upper or lower eyelid. This is individual. Often, hollow formations simultaneously affect both centuries. On palpation, a dense knot is heard under the fingers. Externally, the eyelid protrudes a little, it depends on the size of the formation.

The disease is classified according to the causes of occurrence:

  • Congenital. It can be diagnosed in infants. There is a stratification of the iris.
  • Traumatic - occurs after surgery, injury, eye injury.
  • The consequence of glaucoma is the formation of an exudative cyst. The reason can also be the use of medications that contribute to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the eye.
  • Dermoid. Occurs when the development of epithelial cells is impaired. Inside the hollow formation, after opening, hairs, small particles of the skin can be found. A cyst for a long time may not bother a person, not cause pain. With its active growth, a decrease in vision is observed. There is a risk of malignancy formation.
  • Moll's cyst on the eyelid provokes the development of lacrimation, photophobia. There is swelling. Inside the eyelid, the formation of a rash begins, they are transparent and bubbly. Several bubbles merge with each other, this increases the size of the formation. The cyst may begin to fester. In this case, a person feels a general weakening of the body, the body temperature may rise. In this area, sensitivity to stimuli of any nature increases.
  • Another type of pathology is a spontaneous cyst. It can occur on the upper eyelid or on the lower eyelid, affecting both. The size reaches a small bead. It is impossible to find out the cause of its occurrence. Such formations include pearl, serous cysts.

In most cases, the diagnosis of formation occurs in the later stages. Previously, it does not manifest itself, does not cause discomfort and pain. With the help of an ophthalmic lens and a mirror, the doctor examines the patient, and then makes the final diagnosis.


The early stages of the development of pathology pass without visible symptoms. The only thing that can disturb a person is the feeling of a small knot under the fingers during an examination of the eyelid. In many cases, the formation resolves on its own after 2-3 weeks, without affecting the state of health.

When self-resorption does not occur, the formation begins to actively grow. We are already talking about the fact that the cyst becomes similar in size to a pea, it is easy to visualize it. During this period, the first unpleasant symptoms appear:

  1. Vision is reduced. At first it is difficult for a person, and then it is impossible to focus on one object, a point.
  2. The horizon becomes limited.
  3. Black dots, flies fly before the eyes.
  4. Increased tearing.
  5. There is discomfort, pain during blinking and even at rest.
  6. There is a sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

The cyst can already be seen well. It acquires a red brown, white, blue hue. It can be completely transparent.

The appearance of alarming symptoms should be the reason for contacting an ophthalmologist. Timely detection of cysts is the key to successful, quick therapy, maintaining the health of the eye.


To make a final diagnosis, after the patient has contacted an ophthalmologist, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Collection of anamnesis.
  • Visual examination of the skin of the eyes, eyelids.
  • Measurement of visual acuity - visiometry.
  • Determination of corneal sensitivity.
  • Examination of the eye fundus using the necessary tools. The doctor assesses the condition of the vessels and retina.

After that, he makes a final diagnosis and selects the necessary methods of treatment.

Treatment Methods

  • Conservative treatment. The appointment of medications is advisable if the formation occurred after infection of the body. A good effect is shown by anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that lower the temperature. You should drink funds that strengthen the immune system. The cyst in most cases completely resolves itself. Self-selection of drugs and changing the dosage is strictly prohibited.
  • In frequent cases, an eyelid cyst is removed. The operation guarantees complete elimination of the problem. It is indicated with the active growth of education, the appearance of severe discomfort, pain. The procedure takes an average of half an hour, is carried out in a hospital, after which the patient goes home.
  • Laser cyst removal is actively used by specialists. The beam has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. The growth is completely removed. Subject to the rules of procedure, recurrence is excluded. Removal is carried out under local anesthesia.

Treatment with folk remedies, to which many are inclined, is carried out only after consultation with a specialist. Common are lotions from chamomile infusion. A tea bag of chamomile should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and strained. After that, moisten cotton pads in a warm infusion, making lotions on the eyes.

You can treat the pathology in this way after agreement with the doctor, because some folk remedies provoke an aggravation of the situation. This should be taken into account.


If a cyst appeared on the lower or upper eyelid, and it was removed on time or a course of drug therapy was prescribed, then the main concern to be wary of is a relapse. Another risk associated with the appearance of education is its malignancy. The percentage of malignancy is quite high, only timely diagnosis and properly selected treatment will help to avoid this.

In a neglected state, a benign formation often causes visual impairment. Not always, even after the removal of the cyst, vision can be fully restored. This once again indicates the need for timely diagnosis and therapy.


  • before going to bed, make-up should be carefully removed;
  • observe hand hygiene;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics for the eyes during the treatment of the cyst, rehabilitation after its removal;
  • do not use someone else's face towels;
  • do not wear contact lenses;
  • you need to wash with warm water;
  • modern treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • fill the diet with foods rich in omega-3 acids;
  • instill hygiene in children from an early age.

If a cyst is found, it is forbidden to open, comb or scratch it yourself. It's so easy to get an infection, aggravating the condition. To alleviate the condition, a light eyelid massage should be done.

The formation of a cyst on the eyelid is a common phenomenon that can be easily treated with timely access to a doctor. If there is discomfort in the eyes, pain, you should not try to eliminate everything on your own. Consultation with an ophthalmologist will allow you to quickly solve the problem without the appearance of complications.

Moll's cyst is a change in the functional activity of the sweat gland of the organs of vision. Iron is characterized by the presence of two bubbles with transparent contents. After a certain period of time, the disease disappears. But then everything returns with the same force. The cyst is painless, but despite this, it gives a person a lot of inconvenience.

Factors in the development of a cyst

Bubbles formed on the eyelids are not harmful to health, but at the same time they bring a lot of trouble. They provoke the development of itching and irritation. There is a feeling of the presence of foreign objects in the organs of vision. What causes bubbles to form?

The main reason is a malfunction of the sweat gland of the eyelid. A cyst can be provoked by:

  • herpes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • papillomavirus;
  • inappropriate cosmetics.

Herpes is in the blood of a person and, under favorable conditions, comes out in the form of rashes. Infection with a virus threatens with the impossibility of its complete cure. It simply will not work to bring it out, and no treatment will help in this. The moments of the acute course of herpetic disease are characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes with the appearance of vesicular neoplasms.

The papilloma virus is capable of provoking bubbles on the eyelids. It is a neoplasm that looks like small growths. They can occur not only on the eyelids, but also in the area of ​​the lips, armpits and groin. It is extremely rare for bubbles to appear due to the use of poor-quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Neoplasms are temporary and look like an ordinary allergic reaction. Changing the usual cosmetics should solve the problem.

For clarification, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist. He will examine you and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of constant lacrimation and photophobia. The manifestation of hyperemia and edema of the skin of the eyelids is not excluded. Against the background of these problems, blistering rashes appear with a clear liquid inside. In some cases, they can merge and take on a purulent character with the formation of crusts.

Symptoms depend on the form of the disease. At the initial stage, minor spots may appear on the eyelids, which disappear on their own. In an exacerbated state, bubbles are formed that merge with each other. The severe stage is characterized by the appearance of scabs and scars. This can lead to the formation of eversion and inversion of the eyelids.

Over time, a person's well-being can deteriorate. General malaise, changes in body temperature and neurological pain are not excluded. There may be hyperesthesia or paresthesia at the site of the lesion. If bacteria are included in the pathological process, rashes may appear in the corners of the eyes. With the development of bubbles, you should not wait for their self-elimination. This will certainly happen, but the rash will appear again and will manifest itself until the person finally copes with the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a number of related procedures:

  • examination of the skin of the face and eyelids for the presence of rashes;
  • visiometry - the procedure allows you to evaluate vision, many diseases contribute to its decrease;
  • perimetry;
  • analgemetry - the method evaluates the sensitivity of the cornea;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • examination of the eyes to determine the transparency of their environments;
  • ophthalmoscopy.

The moth cyst is not characterized by specific manifestations, therefore, it is impossible to do without laboratory analysis. The main diagnostic method is the determination of antibodies to the virus. This is done by scraping the affected skin and examining them. You will have to pass a general blood test, changes in the level of leukocytes and lymphocytes indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. If a primary infection is suspected, intradermal tests are used. Studies of the immune status allow you to choose the right immunomodulatory agent. Smears-prints from the cornea make it possible to identify the DNA of the virus.

The most effective diagnostic method is virology. This procedure is reliable, but expensive. It is often used for scientific purposes.

Often determine the antibodies to the virus in the blood. The level of IgG indicates an infection that was present in the body before. If an IgM indicator is detected, then the disease develops and becomes acute. Antibodies can appear in the blood on the 7th day after the onset of the disease; it makes no sense to take tests before this time.

Eyelid cyst treatment

Elimination of the disease should take place under the supervision of the attending ophthalmologist. If the skin on the eyelid is affected, it is necessary to lubricate them with Acyclovir ointment.

The dosage is prescribed depending on the condition of the patient. Dyes are used to dry the bubbles, these include iodine, brilliant green and fucoricin.

Oftan-IDU is instilled into the conjunctival sac. This will prevent the spread of infection in the body. If the process is accompanied by severe pain, novocaine blockades are used. Widely used and antiherpetic drugs, they are taken orally. For these purposes, Acyclovir and Valaciclovir are suitable.

For a speedy recovery, physiotherapy procedures may be prescribed. With severe damage to the eyelids, a whole list of effective drugs is used. It will not be possible to do without antiseptic ointments, they effectively put the eyes in order. Anti-inflammatory drops relieve excessive swelling.

Antibacterial drugs fight bacteria and eliminate the reasons why a cyst develops.

Treatment is usually long, you will have to follow the doctor's recommendations for at least a month.

After that, appropriate tests are given to determine the presence or absence of the virus in the body.

A cyst on the eyelid of the eye is a benign formation that occurs when exposed to many factors, for example, mechanical damage to the organ of vision, the development of infection or congenital malformations.

When choosing a method for treating a Moll cyst on the eyelid (the disease is also called), the doctor must take into account the severity of the symptoms, the course and the form of the disease.

Features of therapy for a cyst

When diagnosing a cyst, doctors, as a rule, are in no hurry to prescribe a special course of therapy, preferring to wait. But if the neoplasm does not resolve on its own within 2-3 weeks, then the patient is prescribed a complex of treatment.

It will depend on the prescription of the development of the pathology, the size of the formation, as well as on the presence of concomitant pathological processes.

Ignoring the symptoms of the disease can lead to serious complications, including: deformation of the lens of the eye, decreased visual acuity, and deterioration in the quality of life of the patient.

For the treatment of cysts, various methods can be used, ranging from the use of medications to surgical treatment. For maximum therapeutic effect, an integrated approach can be used.

Treatment Methods

After the doctor determines the origin of the cyst and evaluates its further development, he will be able to prescribe the appropriate therapeutic course.


If the size of the formation is small, and the disease itself is not accompanied by inflammatory or infectious processes, then it is enough for the patient to carry out local treatment using ointments.

Often, with a cyst of the upper or lower eyelid, the following drugs are used:

  • "Levomitsetin";
  • "Gentamicin";
  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Tetracycline";
  • "Dexamethasone";
  • "Hydrocortisone" and other ointments.

All of the above funds should be carefully applied to the resulting cyst several times a day. After application, fix the affected eyelid with a band-aid.


For the treatment of cysts on the eye, drugs are also prescribed in the form of drops. Such groups of drugs as glucocorticoids, antimicrobial and antiviral drugs, as well as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used.

The most effective eye drops include:

  • "Vitabakt";
  • "Albucid";
  • "Ophthalmeron";
  • "Broxinac";
  • "Diclofenac", etc.

These drugs are able to cope with the infectious process and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the pathology. The exact dosage can only be determined by the attending physician. The duration of the therapeutic course with eye drops is 10-14 days.


To enhance the effect of drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures, such as electrophoresis, heating the affected area, massage procedures and UHF.

If the diagnosis confirmed the presence of an inflammatory reaction, then physiotherapy is prohibited. Otherwise, the cyst may rupture, resulting in an abscess in the entire area of ​​the diseased eye. Antibiotics will help to cope with the inflammatory process.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of cysts on the eye can be used in different forms, but the most effective are the means in the form of eye ointments and drops. Their regular use will eliminate the bacterial infection.

Among all drugs for antibiotic therapy, it is worth highlighting:

  • "Levomitsetin";
  • "Syntomycin";
  • "Tsipromed";
  • "Tobradex";
  • "Sofradex" and others.

These are potent drugs, so they can only be used when prescribed by doctors. Otherwise, adverse reactions may occur, which will complicate the therapy process.

Surgical removal

With the ineffectiveness of medical treatment, doctors are forced to resort to surgical removal of the cyst. Also, an operation is prescribed if the formation develops very quickly. The treatment is carried out by an ophthalmologist surgeon, and the operation itself takes place under local anesthesia.

After removal of the cyst, the patient is prescribed subsequent drug treatment, which will speed up the recovery process.

There are certain contraindications to surgical removal, for example, the development of acute infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus, or pregnancy.

laser removal

An effective method for removing small cysts, which differs from the previous one in its gentle nature. During laser treatment, neighboring tissues are not affected, and there are practically no traces left on the patient's body. In addition, the duration of the rehabilitation period after removal of the cyst is short.

When removing the formation, laser beams have a bactericidal effect on the tissues, which makes this method safer and more effective.

The appearance of a cyst on the eyelid is a serious reason to contact a specialist for a diagnostic examination. The doctor must determine the type of formation and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The use of modern methods allows you to quickly remove the cyst, thereby reducing the risk of recurrence to almost zero.

Postponing a visit to the doctor, the patient can provoke the active development of education, which will lead to serious complications and the inability to cure the disease with conservative methods.

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