Aloe nose drops: the best recipes and rules for use. We treat a runny nose with aloe vera: folk recipes and pharmacy drops

Aloe is a succulent whose leaves contain a lot of viscous juice. This solution is used in cosmetology and surgery. It has a powerful wound healing effect. However, traditional healers advise using the plant for instillation into the nose. How to prepare such preparations at home? Let's talk about this in our article.

Chemical composition

Aloe is a plant rich in biologically active components, it contains substances that reduce the permeability of the vascular wall - bioflavonoids. These compounds are used to treat varicose veins and vascular pathologies. But with a cold, their use is also justified. After all, a viral infection affects the capillary wall, making it vulnerable and permeable. Due to this effect, the liquid part of the blood leaves the vessel, increasing the mucous discharge from the nose. Plant bioflavonoids reduce fluid diapedesis and strengthen the capillary wall.

The vitamin-mineral complex that is part of Aloe acts in a similar way. What does this juice include:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • zinc;
  • carotenoids.

These components not only nourish the cells of the mucosa, but also suppress inflammatory activity in the tissues. In addition, vitamins and minerals are essential for normal mucosal regeneration. This is especially true after the destructive action of viruses.

We must not forget about the antimicrobial properties of this succulent. Aloe (drops or juice) contains essential oils that inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses. This property is very useful for the treatment of purulent rhinitis and other bacterial complications of the common cold.

We cook ourselves

Aloe juice is easy to make yourself. At home, you need a plant and a refrigerator for this. However, the choice of flower must be approached with great care. A plant from 3 years old with dense fleshy leaves is suitable. Young succulents do not contain the required amount of nutrients and may not have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Aloe leaves should be cut and washed in warm water. The plant should be free of dirt and earth. After that, the workpiece is wrapped in a newspaper and placed in the refrigerator for a day.

Why do leaves need cold. It is difficult to get a good concentrate at home. Under the influence of low temperature, the liquid in the plant thickens and becomes viscous. Nutrients pass into the water, which turns into a dense gel. This composition is convenient to use. In addition, the concentration of useful elements in it is much higher than in a warm solution.

We dilute the solution

The juice is highly concentrated. And only a diluted solution should be injected into the nose. Otherwise, Aloe may cause irritation. For adults, 1 - 2 drops are injected into the nose, diluted 1: 1 with warm water. If discomfort persists, the dilution can be increased to 1:2. For children, nasal solution can be diluted with chlorhexidine. Proportion 1:3. In this case, the drug causes an additional disinfecting effect.

If you dilute plant sap with chlorhexidine, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to this medicine.

The dose of the drug is also selected individually depending on the age of the patient. Adults are advised to inject 3-4 drops into the nose three times a day. Active treatment is continued for 5-7 days. Usually the symptoms of runny nose decrease after 2-3 days of use. In children, 1 - 2 drops are injected into the nose three times a day. Such therapy lasts the first week of illness. If there is no effect from the treatment, you should consult an ENT doctor.

Aloe juice is not recommended for long storage. Drops prepared immediately after cutting the plant and heat treatment are considered the most useful. However, the solution can be used within one week if stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Other recipes

The juice can be combined with other active substances to enhance the healing activity. You can make a nasal solution with Aloe and peach oil. Such a drug is well used in the treatment of long-term chronic rhinitis, accompanied by atrophic changes in the mucous membrane. At home, it will not be possible to store such a mixture for a long time, so you need to prepare the solution before use. Take 1 ml of viscous gel (vegetable juice) and add 4 drops of oil to it. Be sure to rinse your nose with saline before and after consuming the drops.

An excellent addition to flower juice is liquid. The drug is allowed to enter into the nose. The juice of the plant and Miramistin must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 (for children 1: 3). The biological components of the solution will strengthen the vessels and relieve inflammation, and the antiseptic will inhibit the reproduction of pathological flora. It is recommended to instill the drug for chronic rhinitis, bacterial sinusitis and other complicated forms of the common cold.

Young children tend to be much more likely to get colds than adults. This is primarily due to the fact that in babies the protective system is still at the stage of formation, and, therefore, cannot withstand external influences. Typically, a cold includes a cough, sore throat and nose, and a runny nose. Obstruction of the air in the nose can provoke the appearance of many other unpleasant consequences. For this reason, most mothers and fathers strive to eliminate shortness of breath in a child as soon as possible in order to save him from real torment.

Aloe properties

Aloe is one of the effective means of alternative medicine. The second name of this plant is agave. It is worth noting that aloe has long been used for medicinal purposes. In addition, today it is used even in cosmetology. To date, more than three hundred types of aloe have been discovered. Various types of this plant are successfully used in the treatment of nasal congestion in both the older generation and children.

Aloe has a unique composition. It contains:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • resins;
  • beneficial enzymes and minerals.

The main advantage of the agave in comparison with other plants used in medicine is the presence of vitamin B12, which is necessary for the human body. Aloe juice is incredibly useful because it is able to eliminate inflammation in the body, heal various wounds and damage, and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, aloe promotes the regeneration of lost and damaged tissues and cells, and also helps to cleanse itself of toxic substances.

With clogged nasal passages, agave effectively helps due to its ability to relieve swelling. After aloe penetrates into the patient's blood, its components begin to purify the blood from the consequences of the activity of harmful microorganisms. Such an impact significantly helps the immune system to overcome the pathology, and do it as quickly as possible. The positive effect of the action of aloe is not only in the release of the respiratory tract and the restoration of breathing through the nose, but also in the elimination of factors for the development of the disease.

Can agave be used in pediatric therapy?

Before proceeding with medical procedures with the addition of agave juice, you need to know the following data:

  1. Agave juice in children can be used somewhat less frequently than in adults.
  2. Agave juice is far from always able to really help get rid of congestion in children.
  3. There are significantly fewer recipes with the addition of agave that can be used in pediatric therapy than recipes for adults.
  4. Treatment of colds with the addition of agave juice in children can be somewhat dangerous for a child, since aloe can cause allergic manifestations or even burns of the mucous membrane and the appearance of ulcers on it.
  5. It is forbidden to use agave juice along with oil in the treatment of colds. Oil in such situations is used solely to soften and remove the crusts that form on the mucosa. If there are such crusts in the nose, aloe juice should be discarded for the time being, as it will not be able to penetrate the dried mucus. But the oil will perfectly help soften the crusts and free the nasal passages. If there are no crusts in the nose, you can use aloe juice. But in this case, it is better to refuse oil, since it can cause congestion.
  6. You can not use aloe juice with honey. Some recipes on the Internet contain honey, however, it is worth remembering that this product is a real food for pathogenic bacteria. If agave juice is dripped along with honey, there will be no effect from the medicine, since honey promotes faster bacterial growth. After using such a mixture, other colds may appear, for example, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis and other ailments.

Before starting children's therapy with agave juice, it is best to visit a specialist. The pediatrician will be able to assess whether there is a need to use agave juice, and what harm the medicine can cause to the child.

It should be borne in mind that in newborns, the nasal mucosa is especially sensitive. Therefore, a baby can be burned if even diluted plant juice is used. On the Internet, you can find recipes that recommend a harmless dosage of aloe juice. For example, many folk recipes recommend using no more than three drops of juice diluted with one tablespoon of water. Such a mixture will not harm the baby, however, and will not bring any benefit. For this reason, it is better for babies not to bury aloe.

The use of agave will be especially valuable when there is thick mucus in the nose, possibly even with inclusions of pus. These signs are characteristic of bacterial infections, which are effectively combated by enzymes that are part of the agave.

If the baby's mucus is not thick, but rather like water, it is better not to treat the nose with agave juice. It is worth noting that only a small part of the pathologies is combined with rhinitis, so it is not always possible to use aloe.

It is important to strictly follow all the recommendations in agave therapy. Before the first procedure, you should check for allergic manifestations in the child. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance to the skin under the nose and leave for about half an hour. If the baby has red spots, you can not use aloe. In addition, the use of the agave should be discontinued in the case when side effects appear after the use of the remedy.

How to properly bury the agave?

Before preparing agave juice or a medicine based on it, you need to choose the right plant and squeeze juice out of it, following some rules:

  1. The first step is to choose the plant itself. The effective impact of the agave can only be obtained if the plant is at least three years old. It is at this age that the plant accumulates useful properties. In general, such a plant can be very useful, since today it is actively used in cosmetology.
  2. To squeeze the juice, it is best to select the most fleshy leaves. Such parts are usually located closer to the bottom of the plant. It is necessary to select such leaves, and then cut them right under the root.
  3. Before squeezing the juice, it is necessary to hold the leaves of the plant at a low temperature during the night or day. For greater convenience, you can cut them in the evening and leave them in the cold overnight.
  4. Chilled leaves should be carefully cut lengthwise, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Or you can do it differently: finely chop the leaves, then place the pieces in gauze and squeeze the juice out of them. You can use a blender for these purposes, which will be more convenient.
  5. The resulting juice should be stored for no more than a day. It is best to place it in a clean glass container, preferably dark in color.

Small children a little older than a year need to bury the agave diluted with water. At the same time, you need to add twice as much water as juice. The resulting mixture can be used up to 5 drops. After instillation of the medicine, massage the wings of the nostrils with your fingertips. This massage should be repeated until the mucus is completely gone.

According to the expert, it is worth using non-traditional methods in the treatment of nasal congestion in children only in cases where traditional medicines do not bring the desired effect. However, before using aloe, Dr. Komarovsky advises visiting a pediatrician. In addition, the most famous doctor in the country recommends combining aloe juice therapy with the following actions:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room in which the child is constantly located.
  2. Preparing the room in which the baby sleeps. It must be dry and clean.
  3. Irrigation of passages in the nose with saline.
  4. Giving plenty of fluids to the baby.
  5. Preliminary cleansing of the nose with saline or an aspirator.

It must also be remembered that aloe juice tends not only to relieve inflammation, but also to slightly dry the mucous membrane.

Video: how to cure a runny nose with aloe?

Many people are increasingly resorting to folk remedies. Everyone knows the miraculous properties of aloe. When all methods have been tried, and relief does not come, this plant will come to the rescue. By dripping aloe juice into the nose, you can relieve swelling, stop the reproduction of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. When the mucosa swells, its cilia become poorly mobile, therefore, the flow of air decreases, the microbes feel at ease here. In this state, a runny nose will not be able to go away on its own. In addition to discomfort in breathing, a person begins to feel a lack of oxygen, which adversely affects the work of all organs. The heart, digestive system suffers, headaches appear, turning into migraines. With a neglected disease, inflammatory processes reach the maxillary sinuses, bronchi, and hearing aid.

Therefore, if aloe juice is dripped into the nose, you can get rid of puffiness, improve breathing, and increase the flow of oxygen into the blood. Useful substances are quickly absorbed into the blood vessels of the mucosa and enter the blood, then neutralize harmful toxins, fight infection. Small doses of antibiotics help neutralize viruses and bacteria. Aloe is able to deal with influenza and herpes, restore protective functions and improve overall well-being.

How to get juice

Not all aloe plants have medicinal properties. Only by the third year, the agave begins to gain its strength, useful substances accumulate in the leaves. That is why, if you want to drip aloe juice into your nose, preparing the medicine, you need to cut off the lowest dense, fleshy leaves. Carefully separate them at the very base, rinse with cold running water, wrap in a napkin or cloth and refrigerate for 12 hours. This is done in order to increase the concentration of plant nutrients several times. But if suddenly the juice is needed urgently, you can neglect the cooling.

After the aloe leaf is prepared, it is necessary to clean the thorns from it, remove the upper thin film and cut into pieces 2 cm long. Then wrap each piece in gauze and, pressing hard with your fingers, squeeze the juice out of the plant. The container must be sterile, hands must be washed beforehand. Some recommend scrolling the leaves in a meat grinder before squeezing, but in this case, sterility is lost.

Possible contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties, as well as the fact that aloe juice is very effective for a cold, it should be borne in mind that there are a number of contraindications that you need to know:

  • It is not recommended to use aloe for the treatment of children under the age of one year. This is allowed only in cases where the pediatrician gives permission for this and his recommendations. If any side effects appear, it is necessary to immediately interrupt the instillation.
  • Aloe juice is contraindicated in people with hypertension or heart failure, as its substances increase blood flow in the vessels.
  • If there are allergic reactions to the components of the agave, then the use of the medicine should be excluded, even if you bought aloe juice in a pharmacy. Such drops can cause itching, burning of the mucous membrane, swelling, skin rash and nausea in allergy sufferers.
  • It is forbidden to use aloe for instillation by pregnant women. The active substances of the agave stimulate the muscles of the uterus to contract. This is dangerous and can cause early labor, miscarriage.

Take precautions when using aloe-based medicines, and you will be able to prevent unwanted consequences.

action on the mucosa

Aloe juice with a runny nose really helps, and this has long been proven. It is included in the composition of medicines in medicine, and also used independently at home. Active substances instantly affect the mucous membrane, eliminate congestion, as a result, the outflow of mucus improves. So, in the fight against a runny nose, agave:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • heals damage and wounds on the nasal mucosa;
  • participates in strengthening the immune system, restores the protective reactions of the body.

The question arises: how to bury aloe in the nose, so as not to harm? It is strictly forbidden to use pure juice, it can leave burns on the mucous membrane. Aloe juice before use should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1/2, for babies 1/3 or more. This method of preparing drops is the easiest and fastest. The remedy should be used several times a day until the symptoms of the disease begin to disappear.

Aloe juice in the nose of a child

In the treatment of the common cold, aloe juice is used not only for adults, but also for children older than a year. It depends on the age of the baby what proportions are taken for treatment. For children under 12 years of age, the juice must be diluted in a ratio of 1/3. Bury aloe in the child's nose three times a day, three drops in each nostril. It is necessary to carry out treatment for at least five days, and preferably until complete recovery. After three days, a pronounced positive effect will be noticeable. For the destruction of bacteria in the juice must be the optimal concentration of nutrients. Children over 12 years old, as well as adults, need to dilute the juice in a ratio of 1/2.

If the pediatrician allows, then you can use freshly prepared juice for babies, in this case you need to dilute it 1/4 or 1/5. Drip two drops a day three times. If any side effects appear, immediately stop instillation.

Aloe during pregnancy

Sometimes a runny nose becomes a big problem for pregnant women. It is very difficult to find medicines, especially in the first trimester, when the likelihood of harming the baby is quite high. Many resort to folk remedies without thinking about the consequences. As mentioned above, aloe juice in such cases can be simply dangerous. Any doctor, when asked whether it is possible to drip aloe into the nose, will give a categorically negative answer. The main property of this plant is to accelerate blood flow. With significant tides to the uterus, there is a possibility of muscle contraction, as a result - the possibility of a miscarriage.

As for the lactation period, there are no contraindications. Aloe juice does not affect the taste of breast milk. Treatment has no restrictions in such cases.

Aloe and honey

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, agave juice is diluted not only with water. You can use other useful ingredients. Honey is widely used:

  • To prepare the medicinal composition, prepared 300 grams of aloe leaves are passed through a meat grinder, three tablespoons of honey and the same amount of medical alcohol are added. This mixture is taken orally for colds, half a spoon three times a day. The composition allows the penetration of beneficial substances into the body, while increasing immunity, fighting inflammatory processes, pathogenic microorganisms.
  • For the preparation of honey drops in the nose, components are taken in proportions of 1: 1: 1. This includes lemon juice, honey, aloe juice. The resulting liquid is used for instillation into the nasal passages for colds and runny nose. This tool helps to cope even with a runny nose, when the possibility of normal breathing completely disappears. Honey envelops and does not burn the mucous membrane, the absorption of nutrients occurs faster.
  • Aloe helps with sinusitis. For the medicinal composition, the following components are taken: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, half a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil, half a tablespoon of honey, ground pitted rose hips - half a tablespoon. Gauze swabs should be soaked in this composition and inserted into the nasal passages for 5 minutes.

If there is no such unique plant in the house, then you can always buy ready-made aloe juice in a pharmacy. All of the above compositions can be prepared on its basis.

Other folk recipes

In addition to honey, you can use other useful components:

  • Aloe juice will help with sinusitis and runny nose in combination with olive oil. To prepare the drops, one part of the oil and three parts of the agave juice are taken. This emulsion is used three drops three times a day.
  • To wash the nose, use the following tincture: chop seven cloves of garlic and pour them with a liter of hot water, cover with a lid. Allow liquid to cool completely. Add aloe juice, in a ratio of 2/1. It is recommended to wash the nasal passages with this composition several times a day. Also, tincture can be used for instillation into the nose, only make the ratio 1/1.
  • Also, washing can be done with the following tincture: take one teaspoon of eucalyptus and chamomile, pour it all with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Strain the composition, add aloe juice one tablespoon. Rinse your nose with this infusion at least three times.
  • For the prevention of colds in the cold period, you can take this tincture: pour one part of the crushed agave leaves with three parts of vodka, insist in a cool place for 10 days. Take tincture inside 20 drops a day for a cold and 10 drops for prevention.

How to store aloe drops?

When instilling aloe juice into the nose, it is important to remember that a positive effect occurs only if sterility is observed. Even if the medicine is prepared correctly, much depends on its further storage. When a runny nose is treated, preference should be given to freshly prepared drops. But since the product is used several times a day, you can prepare the solution in advance and store it in the refrigerator. The storage period should not exceed three days. At room temperature, aloe juice quickly deteriorates.

Aloe juice: reviews

Some doctors, and even patients, have a negative attitude towards some traditional medicine recipes. However, it has long been proven that instillation of aloe juice into the nose gives a tangible result. This fact is confirmed by numerous reviews. What do people who use the agave emphasize?

  • Aloe is an effective remedy for the common cold, repeatedly tested.
  • Such drops are available to everyone, you can grow aloe on any windowsill.
  • Agave juice is not addictive, it is possible to bury it for a long time.
  • Already at the first symptoms, treatment can begin. In advanced cases, aloe also comes to the rescue.
  • Contraindications to use are quite rare. The medicine is suitable for many.
  • Aloe really treats the disease, and not just temporarily removes the symptoms.


Instillation of aloe juice into the nose is certainly effective, but not always a remedy can replace pharmacological drugs. If parents doubt whether to use aloe, it is better to consult a pediatrician. If the juice is used incorrectly, you can get irritation and burns of the mucous membrane, a reaction in the form of any rashes.

In the absence of contraindications, subject to all the required rules for preparing the medicine and instilling it, aloe juice will undoubtedly help you. With it, you can even cure a chronic runny nose without resorting to pharmaceuticals, while not getting dependent on vasoconstrictor drugs.

Often develop against the background of colds. To treat these pathologies, you can use non-traditional methods of treatment. Aloe juice is successfully used for various types of rhinitis. The juice of this plant helps to eliminate the symptoms of a cold and improve the patient's condition.

When can you use aloe nose drops?

During a cold, one of the first symptoms to appear is a runny nose. Mucous discharge from the nose causes great discomfort to the patient.

Since a runny nose is a symptom, the underlying disease needs to be treated. However, to reduce the manifestation of this symptom, aloe or agave juice is actively used.

Aloe juice nose drops can be used to treat:

  • Sphenoiditis

All of these diseases are pathologies of the ENT organs. Aloe is used to treat colds and acute respiratory diseases.

Sinusitis is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. This disease has several forms. With sinusitis, the maxillary paranasal sinus becomes inflamed, with frontal sinusitis - the frontal paranasal sinus, with ethmoiditis - cells of the ethmoid bone, with sphenoiditis - the sphenoid sinus of the nose.

A common cause of sinusitis and its varieties is a viral cold. This pathology can occur in three forms: edematous-catarrhal, purulent or mucopurulent. Discharge from the nose with a runny nose is usually mucous or serous, with the addition of a bacterial infection, it becomes purulent.

To reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and copious discharge, nasal drops based on aloe juice are used.

Also, freshly squeezed aloe juice can be used for treatment. The plant with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil reduces swelling, prevents the growth of bacteria on the surface and improves blood circulation.

The effect of aloe on the nasal mucosa

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is covered with special cilia that perform a protective function. They prevent the penetration of pathogens.

Aloe juice has long been used for medicinal purposes. With a runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis, this plant helps to reduce swelling of the mucosa, restore breathing. With inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the healing juice is absorbed into the dilated blood vessels and causes them to constrict.

It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating, cleansing effects. The juice of this plant can be used even with allergic rhinitis.

Aloe leaves contain a large amount of phytoncides that suppress bacterial infection.

In addition, contains flavonoids, tannins, catechins, vitamins, minerals. Thanks to all the incoming substances, the plant is a strong immunostimulant, which allows the immune system to fight various infections.

Some of the aloe juice enters the general circulation, eliminates the inflammatory process, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

How to prepare aloe nose drops

To prepare nose drops from aloe, you need to get the juice of the plant:

  • A young plant is not suitable for this purpose. Aloe must be over 3 years of age. Reaching this age, the plant is medicinal.
  • Cut off a few lower leaves of the plant, wash well and remove the skin from them. Then cut into pieces and squeeze the juice using a garlic press, blender, meat grinder.
  • The resulting juice retains its properties at room temperature for a day. Can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  • If the leaves are put in the refrigerator for several hours before use, then the beneficial substances will become more concentrated and saturated.
  • Nose drops with aloe juice are recommended to be prepared immediately after pressing.

The easiest way to prepare nose drops is to dilute the juice with water. There are various recipes for drops based on aloe with the addition of other components: garlic water, rosehip decoction, eucalyptus, chamomile and other medicinal plants.

You can learn more about how to cure a runny nose with aloe juice from the video:

Popular recipes for solutions for the treatment of the common cold:

  1. Aloe garlic water. Take a few cloves of garlic, pour water and leave for 4 hours. Then add a few drops of aloe and use for instillation of the nose.
  2. Rosehip decoction with aloe. Dilute 100 g of rosehip broth with a glass of water and add the juice of one aloe leaf. Mix everything well.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Pour a tablespoon of aloe juice into a container and add 5 tablespoons of alcohol there. Mix the ingredients and put in a dark place for 10 days. This remedy effectively helps with frequent rhinitis. Before use, be sure to dilute with water in equal proportions.
  4. Aloe with oil. This is the simplest and most effective recipe for a cold. Aloe juice should be mixed with any natural oil: sea buckthorn, vaseline, olive, eucalyptus, etc. 3-4 drops of aloe juice are enough for a teaspoon of oil. This prepared solution should be instilled into the nose when the mucosa is completely dry. If liquid snot is observed, then such a solution cannot be used for instillation.
  5. Aloe juice can be used together with carrot and onion juice. Such tools can be used for.

When treating a runny nose with folk methods using aloe juice in combination with other plants, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Application rules

When using aloe juice in drops, severe irritation can occur, causing sneezing. To avoid this, it is recommended to dilute the juice with water or milk. For adults, nasal drops are diluted in equal proportions, and for children in a ratio of 1:3. With the prepared solution, instill 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.

Before instilling the nose, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the nasal cavity with salt water and blow your nose. With swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictors, and only then proceed to the procedure.

Burying the nose should be in the supine position or on the back, and slightly tilting the head to the side. The procedure can also be performed while sitting with your head thrown back.When drops enter the nasal cavity, you should hold your breath. This is done so that the drops do not enter the stomach.

You can make turundas, soak them in a solution and insert them into your nose. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.

Burying the nose with aloe juice should be done until the patient's condition improves completely or after the mucous secretions stop. The procedure should be performed no more than 5 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Aloe is very popular in the treatment of many diseases, but you should be careful when using aloe juice for medicinal purposes:

  • The use of aloe drops during pregnancy is contraindicated. This plant promotes contraction of the uterus and as a result can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Solutions based on healing aloe juice are not used in case of intolerance and in case of an allergic reaction to the plant.
  • Burying the nose of infants should be after the test for the tolerance of this plant. To do this, you need to grease the inside of the baby's elbow with juice and wait for the reaction in half an hour. If nothing is observed, then it can be used to treat a runny nose in babies.
  • If there is a history of kidney disease, pathology of the heart, liver, then it is not recommended to use the plant for a long period of time.

In the case of prolonged use of aloe juice or exceeding the permissible dose when instilled, adverse reactions may occur in the form of a rash, irritation. Then you need to cancel the procedure and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Aloe is a medicinal plant that is used in the treatment of almost all inflammatory and catarrhal diseases. Even in ancient times, it was used as lotions, compresses, consumed inside, and also used its individual components.

Aloe from a cold can save not only an adult, but also a child of any age. An interesting feature of this medicine is the possibility of its use in diseases of infants.

The composition of aloe and the effect of each element on the human body

Aloe from a cold, or rather its juice, acts instantly, as it is able to provide blood detoxification. To achieve the desired goal, it is important to know how to properly prepare this medicine at home.

Preparation of aloe juice for the treatment of the common cold

Many believe that aloe drops for a runny nose are prepared by squeezing juice from an aloe leaf and instilling it into the nasal passages of a child. If you do the above manipulations, then the nasal mucosa may become inflamed, since the juice contains a huge amount of active substances that will create an aggressive environment.

Cooking rules are simple:

It is very important that the resulting drops do not cause discomfort, and have an effective effect on the disease.

Honey drops for colds

To prepare honey drops, it is enough to heat the honey to a liquid state and mix it with boiled water in equal amounts. After the honey dissolves in water, add the same amount of freshly squeezed aloe juice to the resulting liquid. Bury nose 3 times a day, 2 drops.

Emulsion from the common cold

Boiled cooled olive oil must be combined with aloe juice in a ratio of three to one. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath until the liquid acquires a warm state, and instilled into each nasal passage 3 drops 3 times a day.

Side effects

Do not forget that aloe is a treasure trove of biologically active components, so its uncontrolled use in large quantities can be harmful to the patient's health.

The drug should be used with extreme caution in infants, since their body has not yet developed a defense system against the effects of biologically strong substances.

The most common side reactions of the body to the action of aloe juice can be:

  • Allergic reactions that manifest as tearing, as well as a burning sensation in the nose.
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • General deterioration.

Before using aloe juice, you should consult a doctor.


  1. Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, it should not be used by pregnant women, since aloe juice is absorbed into the bloodstream and causes contraction of the uterine muscles.
  2. Increased blood pressure.
  3. Allergic reactions.

Before using aloe juice, an allergy test should be done in advance. To do this, lubricate the back of the wrist with a small amount of juice and observe the behavior of the skin for 12 hours. If no allergic manifestations appear, then the medicine can be used.

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