How to get a person out of depression: recommendations from a psychologist. How to support a girl in severe depression

Depression can hit all of us sooner or later. How painful it is to see when a person you love dwells on an unresolved problem and slowly sinks into an apathetic state. How can he? How to get a person out of depression on his own? There are several solutions here. Some of them are quite simple and do not require much time. Others are more complex. What do you choose? It's up to you after reading this article.

How to get a person out of depression in three days

You can get anyone out of depression in just three days. But for this you have to work hard. We will spend the first day on finding out the circumstances that caused him depression.

This is the most difficult stage. Not every person in a depressed state is ready to speak frankly on topics that are painful for him. You can talk to him with leading questions or open confrontation. By the way, it is a good quarrel that can be the beginning of a way out of depression. At a moment of great emotional shock, a depressed person may begin to talk about what is bothering him in the depths of his soul. After he speaks the problem, you should treat it with maximum attention. At this moment, you can convey to him that all problems are solvable. And don't dwell on them.

The next two days should be dedicated to showing the depressed person how their drama can be used to the benefit of themselves and those around them.

How can you get a person out of depression by solving his problems

A joint solution to the problems facing a person is also a way to effectively get out of depression. With the help of strangers, it is much easier to look at the situation from a different perspective. And the very first steps towards their solution will become a real road from the sleepy kingdom of depression,

When implementing this method, you should be very careful. It is only important to show a person suffering from depression that all problems can be solved. But he must change his life for the better only on his own. Otherwise, a psychological block may form in him that he cannot do anything on his own. The most important thing in all this is not to leave a person alone with life's difficulties that have arisen in his path. This path is quite difficult and requires a lot of time. But after all, for a loved one, nothing is a pity?

The easiest way to get a person out of depression is to give him a dog

Depressive states in modern man are often associated with his separation from wildlife. This is always accompanied by monstrous violations of the regime of work and rest. The feeling that no one really needs you and that you are not doing anything useful in this world helps to finally fall into depression.

Only a living being, which will have to be taken care of, can kill all these prerequisites with one shot. The birth of a child is great for men. On a subconscious level, they begin to realize that now they should take care of someone. This helps to psychologically cope with any stressful situations. When a person knows why he overcomes all difficulties, it is much easier to go through life. It is for this reason that lonely people are rarely happy. In most cases, they are in a deep-seated state of chronic depression.

Why is it recommended to get a dog for depression? Everything is very simple. Cats are animals that prefer to walk on their own. Dogs, especially in puppyhood, are in desperate need of human care and affection. This is a true friend who is ready to lend his psychological shoulder at any moment. Dogs are very sensitive to the psychological mood of a person. If you are sad or lonely, then the dog will immediately be there and ask you to play with it. After five minutes, you will forget about the problems that bother you. And with a fresh mind, it is much easier to solve them.

The second advantage of the dog lies in its ability to create a common biofield with the owner. Thus, it protects him from the negative psychological impact of the world around him. The dog simply takes on most of the negative energy. On the other hand, a dog is like a living battery. She generates such a huge amount of positive energy that it is enough for her and her owner.

A more realistic explanation is that the content of the dog involves its constant walking on the street. For this, parks and forests are selected. Walks in the fresh air and pleasant impressions of communicating with a dog will quickly do their job. Depression will be gone forever. Indeed, most often depression is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of positive impressions.

Each person may have their own way of getting out of depression. But you should not resort to such means as alcohol and drugs. This will not help solve the existing problem. But it is quite capable of adding new ones.

If among your acquaintances there is a person suffering from depression, it is quite difficult to solve this problem, and such a situation can overshadow not only him, but also your feelings. You are obliged to help a loved one, but be careful, because your oversight can aggravate the situation. Even if it seems to you that a person is not listening to you, he will still try to cope with the situation in one way or another. If you don't know how to help a person suffering from depression, the following tips are just for you.


Talk to a loved one about depression

    Seek help immediately if your friend wants to commit suicide. If your loved one wants to commit suicide, call 911 or take them to the nearest first aid station.

    • In the US, you can also call the national suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433).
    • In Russia, call your city's trust number.
  1. Watch for symptoms. If you suspect that your loved one has depression, observe their behavior and you will know how seriously ill they are. Make a list of obvious symptoms.

    • Frequent, prolonged, and seemingly unexplained bouts of sadness
    • Loss of interest in everything you used to enjoy
    • Significant loss of appetite and/or weight
    • Overeating and/or weight gain
    • Sleep disturbances (cannot sleep or sleeps too much)
    • Fatigue and/or loss of vitality
    • Hyperexcitability or apparent slowness of movement
    • Feelings of worthlessness and/or increased guilt
    • Concentration problems or indecision
    • Recurrent suicidal thoughts, attempting or planning suicide
    • These symptoms can last from 2 weeks or more. They may stop and reappear after a while. This is called "recurrent seizures". In this case, such symptoms should not be taken as the consequences of a “bad day”. Depression is expressed in a sharp change in mood that negatively affects a person's daily life.
    • If your friend has experienced the death of a relative or other traumatic event, they may develop symptoms of depression, but this is not a clinical case.
  2. Talk to your loved one about their depression. Once you are sure that your loved one is suffering from depression, you should be honest and open with him about it.

    • If your loved one does not consider his condition a serious problem, it will be much more difficult for him to cope with this ailment.
  3. Explain to your loved one that depression is a clinical disorder. Depression is a disease diagnosed by a doctor. She is treatable. Try to convince your loved one that his depression is not fiction.

    Be persistent. Let your loved one know that you care about them. If this is your friend, do not underestimate the situation and say that she just had a “bad month”. If she tries to change the subject, stand your ground and return to the conversation about her emotional state.

    Don't be aggressive. Do not forget that your loved one has an emotional problem and is very vulnerable at the moment. While it's important to be firm in your arguments, don't be too pushy at first.

    • Don't start the conversation with, "You're depressed. How can we solve this problem?” Instead, say something like this: “I noticed that you have been in a bad mood lately. What do you think is happening to you?"
    • Be patient. Sometimes it takes time for a person to open up to you, so wait as long as necessary. Don't let him lose his temper and end the conversation.
  4. Remember that you cannot cure depression. You probably want to help your friend as much as possible. But there are no easy ways to solve this problem. Explain to your friend that she needs professional help and be there for her during this difficult time. But only she can make the final decision.

    Discuss the following questions. Once your loved one realizes they have depression, talk about ways to deal with the problem. Does he want to talk to a psychologist? Does he want to see a doctor for medication? Did something happen in his life that led to this state? Is he dissatisfied with his life or lifestyle?

    Go to the first consultation together. You can accompany your loved one to the doctor so that he does not feel discomfort.

    • If you talk to a psychologist in person, you will have the opportunity to briefly tell him about your friend's symptoms. But remember that the psychologist will most likely want to talk to your friend in private.
  5. Find a good specialist for your friend. If the first consultation with a psychologist was not successful, try to find another specialist. The negative experience of counseling with a psychologist sometimes spoils the whole idea. Remember that there are no similar specialists in this field. If your loved one did not like the psychologist, help him find another.

    Advise different types of therapy. There are three main types of therapy that provide the greatest benefit. It is cognitive behavioral, interpersonal and psychoanalytic therapy. Your loved one may benefit from a variety of therapies, depending on the situation.

    Suggest medical treatment. Antidepressants combined with psychotherapy help people suffering from depression feel better. Antidepressants act on neurotransmitters in the brain and help improve their performance. There are several types of antidepressants, each of which affects different types of neurotransmitters in the brain.

    Use medication in combination with psychotherapy. For maximum improvement, the patient should continue to attend regular psychotherapy sessions along with medication.

    Be patient. Both of you must be patient. The effect of psychotherapy and medications will not be noticeable immediately. A tangible effect is achieved only after a few months of regular visits to a psychologist. Don't lose hope ahead of time.

    • By and large, it will take at least three months to achieve a long-term effect from antidepressants.
  6. Find out if you need permission to consult a doctor about treatment. Depending on your relationship with the person, you may need permission to discuss your progress with your doctor. As a rule, the medical history is confidential. There are specific restrictions on providing personal information about a patient when it comes to mental health.

    • You must get written permission from your loved one to see a doctor.
    • If the patient is a minor (i.e. does not have the right to consent), permission must be given by the patient's parents or guardians.
  7. Make a list of medications and treatments. Make a list of the medications your loved one is taking, including the dosage. Specify other methods of treatment. This will help you keep track of your treatment requirements and take your medications on time.

    Talk to other people in the patient's social circle. You don't have to be the only one trying to help your loved one. Talk to family, friends, and clerics. If the depressed person is an adult, ask them to let you seek help from other people. Talking to other people will help to find out more information and determine what awaits him in the future. In addition, it will help you not to feel lonely in the current situation.

    • Be careful about telling other people about your loved one's illness. There is a possibility that others will condemn his behavior or not fully understand the situation. Don't tell unreliable people about this.

Talk to a loved one

  1. Be a good listener. The best thing you can do is listen carefully to your loved one about their depression. Be ready to listen to everything he has to say. Try not to look shocked, even if he says something scary, otherwise he will stop talking. Be open and caring by listening to him without judgment.

    • If your loved one refuses to talk, try asking them some carefully thought out questions. This will help him open up. For example, ask how he spent his weekend.
    • If your loved one says something that upsets you, cheer them up by saying “it must be hard for you to talk about this” or “thank you for trusting me.”
  2. Listen to the patient with all your attention. Put down the phone, look him straight in the eyes, and show that you are completely absorbed in the conversation with him.

    Choose the right words. What a depressed person really needs is empathy and understanding. It is necessary not only to listen carefully to him, but also to show sympathy in the conversation. Here are some helpful phrases for talking to a loved one about depression:

    • You're not alone. I am always with you.
    • Now I understand that you are seriously ill, and this is what causes you to have such thoughts and feelings.
    • You may not believe it now, but everything will definitely work out.
    • I may not fully understand how you feel, but I care about you and want to help.
    • You mean a lot to me and I care about your life.
  3. Do not advise a loved one to "pull themselves together." Not the best solution to a problem is to advise a depressed person to "pull himself together" or "cheer up." Show empathy. Imagine that it seems to you that the whole world has taken up arms against you and your whole life is going to dust. What would you like to hear? Do not forget that depression is a truly painful and unpleasant condition. Do not use the following phrases:

    • Everything is in your head.
    • We all go through hard times sometimes.
    • You'll be all right. Do not worry.
    • Look at things more optimistically.
    • There are so many things in your life that are worth living for; why do you want to die?
    • Stop pretending to be crazy.
    • What's wrong with you?
    • You should be relieved by now!
  4. Do not argue with a loved one about his condition. Don't try to get a depressed person out of their condition. The feelings of such people are sometimes inexplicable, but you will not be able to help your loved one if you prove that he is wrong or argue with him. Instead, you can say something like, “I'm sorry you don't feel well. What can I do for you?"

    • Do not forget that your friend may not express his true feelings. Many people with depression are ashamed of their condition and lie about their illness. If you ask if everything is okay, he will say yes, so rephrase your questions if you want to know how your friend really feels.
  5. Help your friend see things from a different perspective. In a conversation with a loved one, be as optimistic as possible. Don't be overconfident, but try to show your friend that there are good things in life.

Be ready to support the patient

    Keep in touch. Call your loved one, write an encouraging card or letter, or visit them. This will show that you are always ready to help him, no matter what happens. In addition, there are many other ways to keep in touch with a loved one.

    • Make a decision to visit the patient as often as possible, but do not be too intrusive.
    • If you are at work, keep in touch via email.
    • If you can't call him every day, text him as often as possible.
  1. Take the patient for a walk. If you take a walk with a loved one down the street, he will certainly feel better, even if only for a short time. It is very difficult for a person suffering from depression to force himself to leave the house. Invite him to take his mind off his thoughts in the fresh air.

    • You don't have to run a marathon. Twenty minutes in the open air will be enough. Your friend will definitely feel better thanks to the walk.
  2. Go to nature. According to some studies, spending time in nature can help reduce stress levels and improve your mood. Scientists have proven that a walk in the fresh air helps to organize thoughts, promote relaxation and improve mood.

    Enjoy the sun together. Being in the sun contributes to the saturation of the body with vitamin D, which significantly improves mood.

Quite often today you have to meet such a request on the Internet: how to get someone out of depression? People are already prone to depression, and hard times only exacerbate them. If nothing is done, the situation can reach emotional upheavals and serious neuroses.

Finally, we should not forget that a person who is depressed may have suicidal thoughts. It is very important to prevent the development of the situation in a negative direction in a timely manner so that no misfortune occurs.

A person cannot be constantly depressed: you need to get out of this state

To understand how to get a person out of depression, you need to understand what such a condition is.

Depression is an affective disorder that causes a person to feel only negative emotions. From this:

  • the motivational sphere suffers;
  • cognitive representations change for the worse;
  • behavior becomes passive.

Heavy emotions, a feeling of depression and even despair cannot but affect the general well-being. Everything that interested a person before, suddenly ceases to be interesting to him. The future is seen without prospects, a person is engaged in "self-flagellation". It seems to him that he does not have enough strength to overcome life's difficulties.

Sometimes the process takes on a pathological form and, accordingly, requires treatment as a psychiatric syndrome. The support of close people alone, of course, is not enough in such cases. Psychotherapeutic help (and sometimes even drug therapy) is needed.

The reasons

How to help a person get out of depression? To do this, you should know the list of the main possible causes leading to this condition:

  • serious illness;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • dismissal and problems at work;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • misunderstanding on the part of the surrounding (especially close) people.

That is, a traumatic situation gives an impetus to the development of a depressive neurosis.

A funnel of negative emotions draws a person in like a swamp. But it is important to distinguish a depressive state from a short-term (albeit strong) experience. The following signs help to make the correct diagnosis:

  • Anhedonia- loss of ability to notice the good, the absence of any positive emotions.
  • pathological thinking- the perception of all life situations through the prism of a negative, pessimistic attitude.
  • Inhibited actions, prolonged gloomy mood.

On the other hand, depressive manifestations can be individual: for example, someone tends to withdraw into himself, someone continues to maintain social contacts, but shows aggression, and so on. Lack of timely assistance only leads to further deterioration of the chronic condition.

But - attention! - when helping a person suffering from a depressive neurosis, try not to undergo a similar condition yourself. But such a risk exists if not a professional psychotherapist, but an unprepared person takes up the matter.

The causes of depression are different.

Would you like to understand how to get a person out of depression? Don't expect this job to be easy. Actually, it's very hard. Here are some tips for those who decide to help their loved one achieve overcoming depression:

  • No need to regret. As soon as a person suffering from the described neurosis feels sorry for himself, all remnants of self-control will be lost, the last internal forces will weaken.
  • Depression won't go away on its own.. You should not think that "time heals", as this is not some kind of cold. Especially if the cause was a serious psychotraumatic situation.
  • No need to justify this, otherwise you risk bringing it to a chronic form. However, compassion is welcome.

It is necessary to make it clear to a person that there are no hopeless situations, and it will also be possible to cope with this trouble. Whether you want to know how to get a girl out of depression or how to help a guy get out of it, all of the above tips are important and they work.

Fighting pessimism

How to get a man or woman out of depression? Here's how you can set even the most inveterate pessimist to fight sadness and change your attitude:

  • Learn to relax with massage treatments, meditation, contrast showers and aromatherapy. To do this, you should never use alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances.
  • Get rid of unpleasant memories and painful experiences, look to the future with optimism.
  • Try to love life and the world around you.

No one says that helping a person cope with such neuroses is easy. But if you try, and will act correctly, everything should work out.


On various forums, you can find a lot of women complaining about the depression of their husbands and asking:

  • how to get them out of this state?
  • how to help?
  • what does a wife need to do?

Here are some tips developed by psychologist John Baer to help them:

  • You should not be angry with your spouse because of his depressive state. This should be treated as a disease that needs to be healed together. It is desirable that he feels your support, spend more time together (especially if you decide to visit a psychotherapist).
  • In no case should you reproach your husband for such a situation, make claims to him and behave aggressively towards him.
  • If suddenly a man begins to make too emotional and even inadequate decisions (for example, he is going to get a divorce), you should not condemn him, but try to calmly talk to him, convince him to leave such important questions until recovery.
  • Be patient, because achieving positive results will take a lot of time. Not always everything goes smoothly and without problems: crises and breakdowns are possible. But the persistent desire for success will certainly bear fruit.
  • If there are children, undoubtedly, the father's depression will affect the attitude towards them. Children should be explained that “daddy is sick” and therefore “you need to be patient a little until he recovers.”

Wife's love and support will help her husband get out of depression

The atmosphere in the house largely depends on the woman. It goes without saying that only a positive attitude and a favorable attitude guarantee an improvement in the situation, help to “push” sadness into the background at least a little.

Of course, if a man’s depression is mild, it will be possible to cope with it quickly. In a severe form, psychotherapeutic help is indispensable.

Now you know how to help a man if he has depression. In fact, these tips are equally useful for similar conditions in females.


By the way, young girls also tend to fall into the described state. And, sometimes, it would seem, the cause is a mere trifle.

Can you help in this case? Of course yes. Not just "possible", but necessary.

Here are some criteria by which it will be possible to determine such a state:

  • Resentment for no reason, lack of desire to communicate.
  • Constant unimportant mood. A smile, if it appears, lingers on the face for a short time.
  • There are statements about the unwillingness to live, about the hopelessness and lack of meaning or boredom of life.

If the daughter has such problems, parents should pay attention to them and not ignore them. Yes, troubles can be associated with age-related changes, disturbed hormonal levels and the maturation period. But don't think it will go away on its own. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometimes you can not do without the help of a qualified psychotherapist.

Help from each close person is important - not only from relatives, but also from friends. Therefore, a lot also depends on the friends of a girl suffering from depressive neurosis.

The following situations most often provoke the development of the described problems:

  • hormonal changes (which occur not only during maturation, but also during pregnancy);
  • some disease and poor health (from colds to "female" diseases);
  • work-related problems;
  • separation from a loved one (guys, on the contrary, often fall into despair after breaking up with a girl);
  • the death of someone close;
  • emotional stress;
  • overload and difficult life circumstances;
  • impossibility to realize oneself in life.

What can continuous longing lead to? To various problems associated with the health of various organs and systems of life. No wonder they say that "all human diseases begin because of the nerves."

Whoever your loved ones suffer from depressive neurosis - your mother or father, son or daughter, husband or wife - hurry to help them, without delaying time, so that no complications occur.

Depression in girls can begin after parting with a loved one

What role does the zodiac sign play?

Finally, one cannot help but recall the habit of some people to associate depression with the signs of the zodiac and the horoscope: they say that a man is a lion according to the zodiac and therefore is initially prone to depressive states, or she is a scorpion, and therefore in the coming week you will have to go through emotional stress and so on.

Of course, your full right is to believe or not to all these horoscopes. But let it not depend on how to communicate with a person in depression. It would be much more reasonable to follow the above recommendations, and even better - to seek help from a qualified psychologist.

Medical treatment

How to help a person with depression? If we are talking about a pathological condition, it is quite possible that the doctor will prescribe medication.

The most commonly used antidepressants are:

  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

In the case of bipolar disorder, medications that have a stabilizing effect (improving mood) are needed. Speaking of such drugs, we can think of lithium.

Antipsychotics with antipsychotics help to cope with delusional states (which are also accompanied by depressive mood).

Finally, in the case of manic states, anxiolytics are usually prescribed. And dysthymia is treated with tricyclic antidepressants or bupropion.


The action of these funds is directed to mediators, which are chemical mediators that transmit signals in brain tissues and regulate emotions.

According to many doctors, a person's condition becomes depressive if these mediators are not enough or in excess. Taking special medications allows you to control the normal level of mediators, due to which emotional reactions normalize, mood improves.

There is no addiction to these drugs, the withdrawal syndrome does not develop.

Tricyclic antidepressants

How to help a man get out of depression? For this, tricyclic antidepressants can be used. Their effective action is provided by the reuptake of norepinephrine.

True, these drugs can have side effects, such as:

  • lethargy;
  • sensations of dryness in the oral cavity;
  • constipation;
  • visual impairment;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • palpitations;
  • skin rashes;
  • tremor;
  • increased sweating;
  • sexual problems.

One way or another, only a qualified doctor can prescribe such drugs. They should not be taken on their own.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

But when prescribing monoamine oxidase inhibitors, certain rules should be observed. For example, do not eat certain foods, and avoid certain medications. If the rules are not followed, blood pressure may increase.

In particular, you should refrain from aged cheeses, sausages, fish products, soy sauce, fish caviar, sauerkraut, yeast and beans, avocados, alcoholic beverages, caffeine.

In the medical treatment of depression, the use of coffee is not recommended.

Together with these medicines, you should not take medicines aimed at combating asthma, cough syndrome, allergies. Certain anesthetics and painkillers are also prohibited.

Depression is a common condition. She can attack not only you, but also your family and friends. In this case, the question arises, what to do? How to get a person out of depression? Useful advice in such a situation should be given by a qualified specialist.

To begin with, learn that everyone in a state of depression will show aggression, both in your direction and in their own (which is paradoxical). Some people are generally difficult to approach when depressed. People are prone to negativity, they don’t like anything, nothing suits them, the whole world seems vile and crazy to them.

But if you are eager to help and have an idea of ​​how to get a person out of depression, then I suggest you read a few interesting tips.

How to get a person out of depression: useful tips

Never leave someone alone. This can drastically aggravate the situation. Spend time talking with him, try to entertain him, find a topic that will be interesting and enjoyable for him.

To get a person out of depression, the trend of “healing” with music has been popular lately. This method is focused specifically on the impact on the thoughts and feelings of the patient. The melody has the functions of restoring the body, the main thing here is to choose the right composition so that it is not aggressive, but relaxing, but by no means sad.

The way to the heart of any person with depression lies through the stomach, and to the psychological state too, so prepare for this person something that he really adores. This will help him not only to be distracted, but also to rejoice.

Speak as many flattering words as possible to a depressed patient, increase his self-esteem. Let him understand that you and others need him, that everyone sees and appreciates his talents and merits, that he is upset for nothing.

Psychologists offer a cardinal method to get a person out of depression - to bring a person to a state of aggression, in other words, to annoy him a little. People's feelings are unstable, so it will not be difficult to replace the state of depression with a state of anger, which means that you will quickly achieve the final result.

Tip number 5 works in almost 95% of cases of depression, so think about it, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will have to deal with a completely different disease - more severe in manifestation!

If nothing helps your depressed patient at all, then things are bad. In such a situation, I advise you to seek support from a professional psychologist who will help identify the specific causes of depression, and, accordingly, eliminate them.

If a person realizes that he has fallen into depression, at the same time he understands that this will not lead him to anything good and he wants to get out of depression - this is wonderful. But unfortunately, not all people suffering from depression can boast of such consciousness (for self-elimination of depression, use the recommendations). In addition, the degree of immersion in a depressive state can be different. For example, if a person has experienced severe stress, then often he cannot do without outside help.

But what if a person who has been gripped by depression is not going to get out of it, if he doesn’t care? But at the same time, you do not care what happens to a person close to you. What to do if your friend or girlfriend is depressed, how to help them? For this, this article was written.

First you need to understand what you can’t do if a person close to you has depression:

1. You can’t feel sorry for a person: “Poor little, unfortunate…”! You can love, you can't regret! Pity - deprives a person of strength, makes him weak even deeper, driving a person into a negative state. Pity makes a person powerless, and the more a person feels sorry for himself, the more difficult it will be for him to get out of the emotional hole he has fallen into.

2. You can’t wait until it passes by itself. depression is not a runny nose. It may never go away if a person had severe stress, and the psyche is weak. Sometimes schizophrenia begins precisely with depression, with which they did not fight, which they went on about.

3. You can’t justify a person’s depression, saying: “Well, you can understand him, such a situation is difficult…”. On the contrary, there should be an unambiguous principled position: “He is strong, he must cope, in life you need to be ready for everything and learn to adequately pass any trials, any blows of fate - be able to withstand ...”. As the legendary Rocky said: “It doesn’t matter at all how you hit, but it’s important what kind of blow you can take, because no one hits as hard as life…”.

What to do to get a loved one out of depression

Of course, the methods can be different, they can be very gentle, or they can be extreme. Often, in order to get a person out of the effects of stress, he needs to arrange another stress, but this must be very carefully experimented so as not to aggravate the situation.

What attitude to such a situation should be formed in yourself and what mood should you try to convey to your friend (or girlfriend)?

The right attitude to depression and not only– Problems need to be solved as quickly and easily as possible! To overcome all the difficulties of life with dignity! This must be set as a goal if a person dreams of happiness and success. So that all recessions, difficult periods pass as quickly as possible, literally fly over them, and not sit in a hole for half a life.

So, what tasks need to be solved here and what methods should be used? Moreover, this does not depend on the causes of depression, but they can be different: loss of loved ones (death, etc.), divorce, betrayal, betrayal, physical injuries (illness, injury), business troubles, scammers, bankruptcy, loss of interest in everything, others

1. Abrupt, unexpected change! Taking the situation into your own hands, you organize, for example, a person’s departure somewhere, and task number 1 is for him to leave the usual 4 walls in which he was going to suffer until the end of his days. It is best to take a person to a place where he can disconnect from his minor problems compared to the whole world and feel the greatness of this world, see its beauty: to the mountains, to the ocean, where he can feel a strong but positive emotional shock. After all, the task is to bring a person back to life, to pull him out of his little world, in which he has huddled and suffers.

2. Intermediate procedures! Here, even a cold shower can help to at least bring a person to his senses and so that he wakes up from his trance. This will help bring him back to life, if he stopped reacting to anything at all and disconnected from the outside world.

3. Other examples of the most difficult situations that strong people went through with dignity! Remember - there are no unique problems! The problem that you or your loved one got into has already been solved a million times by others, and there are those who coped with it very worthily, those who can be an example in this. In addition, there are also those who are in an even more difficult life situation and compared to their problems, your problem or your friend's problem is nothing! Show him a video (films, interviews, programs, etc.) or read about such people, introduce them to their life stories. In order for a person to have an example before his eyes - how can and should worthily pass such lessons of fate! It is even better to make a person ashamed of his whining and weakness, after he realized that there are physically weaker and more unfortunate people who survived the tragedies that fell on their heads more worthy than him.

Show examples of worthy passage of such situations! So that a person wakes up respect for such people. Such examples awaken a high spirit, and give a clear understanding that getting into such trouble does not mean the end of life, on the contrary, often it is the beginning of a new, higher and happier destiny!

Essentially, you need to get the person to make a choice.– break down and suffer or become stronger, solve the problem and rise even higher. Guess what a person will be grateful to you for the rest of his life - if you let him drown or help him rise and become a winner?

4. Talk to a person - help him draw the right conclusions from the situation! But speak only after the person has come out of obvious negativity or apathy, when he can reason sensibly. If possible, help the person to see the advantages, the benefits of the position in which he is. Draw him the best perspective of his possible future - what will happen if he adequately passes the test given to him by fate, if he does not break, if he becomes stronger, etc. Let these pictures be drawn before his eyes, let him remember them, let him like them. This will encourage him to make the right choice. In Gain- help him decide on new life goals, sort out the possible options for what he would like and could achieve.

5. Help him in the first steps, all positive decisions and new worthy undertakings - encourage! In such a situation, a person must see and feel that you believe in him and do not even doubt that he will succeed (when his faith in himself is undermined).

6. Be yourself an example of a strong worthy mood be next to your friend only in a positive state, smile, joke (only without busting). So that he reaches out to your psycho-emotional state.

7. Make an appointment with a good specialist for your injured friend. In fact, this is the first thing to do if a person reacts normally to this. A good specialist - a coach, a healer, a psychologist will be able to help get out of a negative state, out of a life hole as quickly as possible. Another thing is that it is not always easy to find such a specialist, there are a lot of charlatans divorced. If you need such a specialist, I can recommend you really high-class professionals. Write to me in the comments under the article or in.

Good luck to you, with respect Vasily Vasilenko

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